The women of Jannah II Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan II FNR

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a very powerful story a very great story it's a story that has in it it has lessons in it and great benefits it's the story of a woman named janna from the women of jannah the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he told us narrated by mentioning was one day sitting with his students and as he was sitting with his students he said to them shall i not show you guys a woman from the women of jannah said to i said bella of course i want to see who this woman is then abdullah ibn abbas i become unconscious i lose my consciousness okay and were in the attack and also when that happens to me i become unveiled and i become unveiled my our shows my private parts will show federal highly supplicate from your messenger of allah beg allah for me the prophet said to her if you want you can show patience and you're going to be from the people of jannah well i will show patience i will be patient then after that she said she said a messenger of allah my aura shows like it that one i want you to supplicate for me i want you to ask allah that my aura doesn't show as for me losing my consciousness i will choose jannah i'll let it remain for me but i'll choose jannah the prophet he made supplication for he begged allah and from that day onwards never showed brothers and sisters this story of this woman really shows a woman who has iman and the sith she had faith in allah she was truthful her heart was pure she had deen and hayat she had shyness and she had religion with this great calamity that befell her and this harm that has come her way it still didn't shake her religion it caused her pain it caused her physical harm but it didn't go towards her religion she came to the prophet ali islam asking the prophet sallallahu alaihi to supplicate for her so allah can remove this from her so allah can remove it from her this pain and this that she's having and the messenger he gave her an other another alternative he said to her what about patience and without hesitation she chose patience she chose she chose the best of endings she chose jamil she shows the beautiful ali may allah be pleased with her patience and that meant for the rest of her life until she lives on this earth this illness will remain with her and it won't go from her but with that her aura used to show before the prophet supplicated for her she said ya rasulallah i can be patient from my illness but i can never be patient from my aura showing that i need to offer that i want allah to remove from me man and her faith in allah did not in any way shape or form except for her aura to show keep in mind brothers and sisters that she's unconscious of her aura shows there's nothing upon her there's no harm upon her but she didn't want her order to show so that's what she said that's something i can't be patient with or messenger of allah i want allah to remove that from me the hadith mentioned the prophet made dua for her and from that day onwards wouldn't show let's think here brothers and sisters our sisters who consciously consciously choose to take off her or take off their hijab this woman wasn't conscious when her aura would show and our sisters shadeed they consciously consciously take off their hijab and they flaunt their beauty out in the open they plaster it over social media look at the difference between these two this is the this is the secret of why this woman had a place in jannah heart look how powerful it is oh sisters why would you consciously choose to bring out yourself in public brothers and sisters and those days if someone saw your aura and you covered yourself you're not you're seen after that but these pictures of yours my sister that you put on social media tomorrow you start to practice your deen hold on to your religion become become a mother of your children those pictures that you've taken and those videos that you did they won't go they won't go they will always there they will always be there i remember a situation of a sister who wanted to get married and her and the brother and everything between the family was good until a picture of her resurfaced it was seen on social media she deleted the account she deleted the pictures and everything but this picture was out there okay and it came up and not only did he destroy everything for her but he destroyed the way her family saw her and the way everything was brothers and sisters we need to really look at what we're putting online and the pictures that we're putting on the harm is going to be forever that's the truth all of us actually believe you can delete things online you can't it's always easy to be retrieved there's one way or another you can manipulate things visible it can be what you take on those cameras brothers and sisters it's there it just takes a smart person to bring it back out this woman brothers and sisters she never lost the conscious iman that she had these sisters who are doing this who are putting themselves on social media who are following their desires they are unconscious they do faint but it's not the consciousness of the mind and the brain but it's the consciousness of their desires their desires has made them faint taken all power over them and so they've become vulnerable the iman is so weak their religion is so weak shyness is gone has gone what you see taking place on social media our young sisters the things that they're up to breaks the heart it breaks the heart you're harming yourself my sister you're harming the legacy of your family and your father and your mother a lot of you guys your parents are good people they're righteous people your father's going out there making the bread yeah bringing provision for you your mother likewise is running around she's working for you trying to provide and take care of you they've brought everything for you in this world that you they you wanted they given you everything they raised you from the ground that you stand on that height and that strength that you have they put effin hard work into you and then what you did is you went behind their back and you posted yourself for other the other genders men and women to look at your aura this woman my brothers and sisters her desires was under control even though she lost consciousness she was conscious about her desires she didn't want to people to see her imam in his great kitab he talks about a the the type of asara that we see a lot of people who become unconscious and he talks about what is the reason for it and what brings about it he says he says many of the people who get afflicted with these illnesses these sparred souls is because of their weak religion ponder here a lot of the youths who are online are actually suffering from depression anxiety they are also suffering from yani jin possession why what's the reason it's because the religion is very weak the sister she puts herself online with our showing the corruption of their hearts in their tongue you see a young girl the way she talks about the vulgar words that come out of their mouths some of them are singing a song the lyrics in that song is so bad but they're saying with their tongues they're mimicking they're impersonating the wrap john the prophetic fortresses that would protect you from all of this they are far from all of that they are far from all of that so what happens is this evil spirit this evil soul comes to your way ah you have no weapon imagine someone attacks you and you have no weapon that's the situation of many of these youngsters in the youths online who are plastering their fair tourism that is the sister she's making herself look excessively beautiful how many people are looking at her face how many people are looking at her body how many people are jealous you know how many people are sick and i don't have that beauty how many how many people are looking for height and you have height for example how many people are looking for your your weight that don't have it how many people are looking at your complexion they don't have it how many people are looking for your age they don't have it all of that there are people who are lower than you in many things they don't have it you've put yourself out there the person who's sick who doesn't have anything he's lacking everything in life looks at you and he gives you evil eye and subhanallah a lot of us a lot of us are not just plastering our beauties online but what we're putting online is actually what we're really not so we're giving a false impression we're pretending like this is the car we drive we are pretending this is the clothing that we wear we're pretending that we really look like this every single day how many shots did that video take before you released it as a final version you took out all the mistakes right you took out all the angles where that picture showed and you already something that you didn't want us to see but you're giving a false impression to uh the youngsters in the the upcoming generation giving them if you wanna yani people to love you have to be perfect and so the young girl at the age of 12 and 13 she's depressed why because she's gained weight what's the western problem if she's gained weight that's jamal some honey varieties somebody else might love you for that she's made to feel no it's not good you've gained weight you're you're you're not looking good you have to look like so-and-so and your body has to be like so-and-so's body or your height has to be like so-and-so's height or your color your complexion has to be exactly like so-and-so or the length of your hair has to be like so and so yeah honey why why why can't my short hair be good why can't my height be good and why can't yani my complexion not be good why do allah create us in these different varieties because someone might like to marry a chinese someone might like to marry an african someone might like to marry an asian somebody might like to marry european some of them might like to all of these are just different varieties somebody might like yani having this wife from this particular area that doesn't mean the other area is bad no it's not but it's just another person likes it yeah i mean we've become yani this is the standard who are you who sets the standard for what's beauty and what is not and that's the sad part and the people who are setting the standard of what beauty is are a group of people who make money from you they get these cosmetics the makeup and everything they make it look like this is how you should look like our sisters are running packing their bags getting money from their husbands and their boyfriend haram relationships they're in or their parents and they run and they go and they get this makeup why because every single person is wearing it and if i don't wear it i'm going to look very bad subhanallah i have seen 14 year olds 13 year olds 12 year olds who when you ask them what is beauty their definition of beauty is set by yani a cartoon they've watched i remember one time i saw a family member their parent brought the daughter a doll and said to this is this is princess uh this is the princess and this is the dal where is your toy play with it the girl said the young girl said no i don't like this why her hair's too short about her hair is this color complex so the mother said why can't she be princess with this hair color no she can't a princess has to have this type of color yeah do you understand my point the point is from very young age the child is being taught what is it that he or she should look like this is a problem online it's a big problem and that's why a lot of these youngsters they can't keep up with this so they get depressed the girl is told you need to lose weight who said she has to lose weight so she's depressed okay she's what she's depressed she's told her color is a bit too dark it's problematic so she has to go and make herself light who said that's a problem why do you think it's a problem it's not a problem another one she's like my my skin is too pale so i have to tap my skin who said it's a problem why is it that's not a problem it's what allah gave you be pleased and happy with it so each person has been told to move from their position and then they're told this is the standard everyone needs to work towards and money is going towards these people they're making money okay good good good good but guess what they make money from you you lose your soul your life your heart your mind your thought process you may lose everything right now so this is what happens and so this person's whole goal in life is not the remembrance of allah the adkar and the dhikr and this and that it's not it's not it's not so this person starts to become focused in that and a lot of us parents we fall guilty for this we compare our children for example we will say oh your sister's got longer hair in the hair than you two are your daughters for example or your hair is not as soft as fully on his hair or you don't have a lot of hairs full and a duck and so then the girl grows up feeling a certain way this is how allah created you allah's creation is perfection build give that your child millah parents give your child confidence in the way allah created them make them feel happy confident enough that when they grow up they don't care what people have to say it doesn't bother them and i used to always think brothers and sisters honestly i used to think what these topics i'm talking about now a few years back i would never have spoken about these topics i would always think this is unnecessary it's a group of people who are confused who but i'm seeing it's become rampant the depression level that youngsters are going through basically because of how they look just how they look and it's saddening them that young girl is so so beautiful allah has created her beautifully but now however much you talk to her it doesn't matter because social media has already got to her head it's told her the way that she has to be look i i i know all of us we see it we go to a uh a weighing machine the way machine will tell us this is how much your weight should be if you're this height irani this is just health reasons no problem but if it's beautiful beauty no it's not beauty is not determined by one or two or four or five or 100 people because again beauty is subjective it's not an objective thing there's someone you don't find attractive no problem that's to you but don't make that the standard don't say that because i'm not attracted to this person this is what beauty is not or this is what being ugly means it doesn't mean that it just means it's not yours look go where else this person is a princess to someone else online the list goes on allah he is mentioning that these people who get afflicted by are people who put themselves out there they put themselves out there and so when they put themselves out there the shaytan he utilizes this this opportunity the person doesn't remember allah she comes online she puts her out of there her legs her arms her face her yarny body part she puts it out in the open for people to see and people are looking the scrolling looking off at her pictures first of all it's muharram sani in the evil eye that she's accumulated from all of that sally said the lie that she has portrayed to us she's made it look like this is who she is that's not really necessarily the case it was a good day where you've got certain clothes you're probably sometimes borrowed sometimes rented for that certain day you give that perfect you go to a certain restaurant for that day may not even be your own dish that you're eating you take a picture of it and you put it online why are you fooling your young sisters why are you fooling your other sisters in making it look like this is your lifestyle but it's not really your lifestyle you live with your mom you don't pay rent but brother gives the oppression he's driving this wonderful car the brother's giving his false idea that he's a businessman running finances all of it but just lives in his mother's basement doesn't pay rent so these are things we need to really understand brothers and sisters what you're seeing online is uh it's a mirage it's a lie it's deception you're being deceived and you're falling for it every time and those people they don't live that life they they get paid to make you feel that that's the life they live okay their picture has been looked at checked verified if it has any deficiency and after that it's then put online for you there was so many retakes of that same picture that you saw that you think wow i want to be like that angles were checked part of everything was checked are you there that same sister by trying to fool the people for the people forever starts to live a depressed life you know why she can't come out anymore and sit with the society in the community you know why she can't do that because they they have a certain idea of her looks and the way she looks so when she comes out and she sits with people she knows that she's going to be judged because people having a high expectation of her looks so she's see she's she's she's been quarantining before covering 19 and even after cover 19 she'll be quarantining she lives alone she's biased depressed okay and because who can live that standard of perfection every day i can't sometimes you just want to wake up and not comb your hair and just walk out and sometimes you just want to get anywhere the most simple stuff for your clothings and but you know you can't see the situation he says that's the case for many of us the remembrance of allah and everything goes if allah wants good for your brothers and sisters allah wakes you up subhanahu ta'ala from all of that the world that we live in today brothers and sisters we have to be strangers literal strangers you have to be a person who the world what a set you question everything you can survive like that what's being set up for for the people you have to be like this you have to be act like this you have to be like this that social media has a prize portrayed you have to push that aside that standard should not be what's said for you be a person who allah and his messenger what they say is where you where you're working towards because when you're working towards what allah and his messenger say your heart will find thomas like in this one when you run after it stress depression anxiety everything comes to you and who are you really doing it for honey who are you doing it for are you really doing it for yourself or is it a peer pressure i'm not saying all of the women who do that are doing it for men and i'm not saying all the men that do it are necessarily doing it for women i'm not saying everyone is even though they're a high percentage are doing for the opposite gender that being said like what i'm saying is that even if you believe you're doing it for yourself are you not doing it because of peer pressure do you think other people have set for you the way you should be and not because of something you came up with and you feel confident with and happy think about it today how many things have you actually chosen for yourself and it wasn't chosen for you because of social media that's a very important question we should ask ourselves how many things are we doing today because of the fact that we saw on social media and it made us do it and we took it and we incorporated it from other people's lives if it's something good and religious and and of course we take from one another and if it is something that even worldly but it's beneficial in our world and it's not it's a beneficial worldly thing that no problem of course we can take that from one another but unnecessary stuff things that don't benefit us that we've taken from other people how many things a lot of things right is not civilization to look like that brothers and sisters it's not you're not actually going ahead in life and you're not progressing fear allah surrender yourself to him subhanallah and know that one day this body that you're you're shining and you're placing all of these you're only make up on it and you're smacking this onto it and this other layer and this other layer this other layer remember one day the earth is going to swallow it it's going to eat be eaten by the earth and your body is going to turn into dust and it's not going to remain forever for this short period of time that you stay in this world this short period of time that you're going to stay in this world don't disappoint he makes us fear him he makes us conscious of him subhanahu that he forgives us for our private and our public sins and i ask allah that he protects our women for us women are very powerful strong part of the community and if we lose our women our society will crumble we need you sisters to help us strengthen the community we need you you are the mother you are the mothers of the community you are the daughters of the community and anyone who knows the the value of their mother and also knows the value of a wife and the value of a daughter realized the importance of a woman your mother is the one who raised you and nurtured you how important she is in your life a wife the way she fulfills your needs in this world and takes care of you your daughter you've got sons and your daughter you always know the difference the daughters are the most most merciful caring i would never want to be in a society and i would never want to be in a place where there is no women playing a role in that society's progression and its way forward so sisters is not us against you or you against us this is not a battle between men and women it's not a gender war it's we need each other we are on the same team and in order to overcome the obstacles and the adversaries that we face on a day-to-day basis we need one another we should work together rather than working against one another we should support one another rather than critiquing and yani insulting and belittling one another anything which i have said that was wrong or incorrectness from me and shaytan and allah and his messenger are both free from it subhanallah so i think i'm going to have to take some of your questions inshallah any questions i would like to know is depression a sign of weak man not necessarily no not necessarily no but entertaining depression could be an effect of wiki man only a person he can be sad by an event that took place in his life he could be sad as allah mentioned to us about the prophet we know what they are saying to you is tightening your chest yeah and it's making you feel sad what they are saying to you so yes without a doubt what people say to us does affect us no one is going to lie and say what people say doesn't affect me it affects you of course it affects you especially if they are close family members close friends of course they affect you and they cause it causes you sadness and it can also cause you depression but that means peace that being said a lot of the times a lot of the times i can't say always but a lot of the times depression is connected to wiki man because the reason is because the person who is yeah he goes through hardship because of his strong faith in allah and his conviction of allah whatever hardship he goes through it he can always come out of it by remembering allah and it doesn't the pain just stays outside and what goes in doesn't necessarily become a lot for example if a boat is on a very strong wind in the ocean as long as that water doesn't go into the ship the ship won't sink that water goes into the sink into the ship or onto the ship then the ship will sink so as long as you try your best to keep your problems out and it doesn't get to your mind and heart then insha'allah and if you have allah in your life then depression isn't easy for it to happen to you it isn't easy okay if a woman does not have a maharan and she wants to seek knowledge what happens i'm sure the person can start seeking knowledge in her local area in her area she doesn't have to travel straight away she can seek knowledge in her locality right now okay so now manical rochester does a father have right to use his daughter's salary according to his own plans and not let her use any of it does the father have um does a father have rights to use his daughter's salary according to his own plans and not let her use any of it a tricky one in the sense where it's not a good thing without a doubt that the father takes away the wealth of his daughter it's not a good thing because what it does and i've seen it happen a lot of the times is that when that child starts to make money if he doesn't see his money growing that child a lot of the times stops working he just stops working because he believes that what's the point of working i'm not going to keep my money anyways so it's it's it's not productive in doing that but there is a hadith of the proselytes where he said the prophet said to the man you and your wealth is owned by your father so the child has to understand that you wouldn't have been in this world if it wasn't for your parents and the prophet did say to that person that the sahabi that you and your wealth is owned by your father and i know i told i i personally understand that your parents the relationship a child has when he grows older can sometimes be tricky some parents are hard to understand the way that they are towards their children very complicated very complicated they just want to take the money and take it and take and take it and sometimes they have little empathy towards the but my my yani yani argument here is allah island for how long your parents are going to live in this world so just make them happy whilst they're in this world to just attain your place in jannah inshallah assalamu alaikum please what are the rights of a husband upon a wife that can and the woman jannah i didn't get that question assalamu alaikum can a woman travel alone to visit her family in the same country just different states as it is difficult for muhammad to come with so if it's different states would that be considered travelling like it like when it can be considered traveling yeah would it necessarily be considered travel if it's considered travelling then she can't travel without she should try to have her husband and her travel together for her family for that beautiful reminder sheikh those of us in the west are absolutely struggling to hold on to ourselves our iman and religion such a reminder was much needed alhamdulillah hey now what should a sister do when her father and aunt are pressuring her to marry her cousin but age doesn't see him to be a religious but she doesn't see him to be a religious man no woman has has to be forced into marriage and i always say this to the sisters if your parents force you to get married don't listen you know don't listen if your parents force you to get married you don't listen you don't have to listen take their suggestion take what they say on board but don't listen if you think this is not the right person for you the reason is because it becomes detrimental if you marry someone you don't like somebody you're proposed to it could harm you okay you could what it could harm you and your future so just kindly and gently tell your parents this is not something you want to pursue and you want to do ah if they want to marry don't marry that's your choice it's your rights that's you and the parents we should just present the idea to the daughter we have fulham even fulham ready do you want to get married or not but to force that onto the daughter is not and the same with the brothers boys sometimes get pressured into marriage as well and that's not also something he should have to do as well is there a time do you think where the ummah will become stronger especially looking at this day and age and is there even hope anymore yes well there is hope brothers and sisters i know when we sometimes talk about these topics sometimes it gives the impression that almost finished finished over and the prophet said in a hadith he said anyone who says that the people are destroyed all of them he's the most destroyed person anyone who says ummah is wretched he's the most wretched of individuals there's a lot of this there are a lot of sisters there are a lot of sisters that social media doesn't show you covered fully covered also covered from evil in their hearts not just outside inside they are different righteous women there are women like that there are women better than a thousand men out there who are righteous who are studying who are learning social media doesn't show those people because they don't go to social media they're not they are not they're present allah and it's present in this ummah there are women who memorize the quran they're islamic scholar female scholars who have attained a deep understanding of the deen i've encountered many of those sisters who are really righteous and noble and they amaze you in their righteousness so when we say when we when we speak about these stuff online that's just a a part of society that we're seeing it's not everybody it's not everybody if the woman already re repented from her past career as a model will allah subhanahu wa ta'ala still punish her for the pictures that was still on the internet no no allah will not punish you for it if you have repented if you were in the worst of industries and you repented accept your repentance any woman who did those things and she repented allah will accept repentance repentance is open for everybody allah um is that is it realistic for a sister to manage a career and household it is realistic here it is realistic but it's dependent on the environment that she's in in certain places no but in other places yes is the land the western countries or is it a muslim country remember brothers and sisters if the parents sometimes have to leave the house okay have to leave the house the mother has to do any work and make money but the children are in an islamic environment the environment helps nurture your children in the right direction you know but if you're in an environment that whenever you turn your eye away from your child that's it there's a there's vultures waiting for them these healers and predators waiting for your children to take them and infiltrate you and yeah and it caused problem in your house and and caused it then no you can't you cannot balance between a career and also being a household parent so it's all dependent on the environment that you're in usad would you recommend getting married from a younger age as the fitna is severe from living in the west yes i do i do encourage the youngsters and the youths to get married very very quickly i encourage sisters to get very married very young and i of course encourage brothers to get married very very young because as the prophet said the prophet said marry oh youngsters youths get married and whoever is not able to if you saw me be fast fasting so mary young the prophet he told us that he protects your private parts and you lower your gaze and your desires are filled and that's it can i advise a friend who wants to have children but her husband doesn't want to how can i advise a friend who wants to have children but her husband doesn't want to jani a wife should want a husband and a wife should want to have children they should want to have a children as the prophet salallahu marry the woman who's very loving there are women who are very loving this is a good trait by the way wait in this society that we live in we people make they look down at a woman who loves her husband a lot the prophet said to us marry a woman who's like that a woman who wants to she she works hard to make her husband love her and a woman who loves her husband she gives him a lot of attention she showers him with love we're in a society and a time where that's really looked down at and it's like insult we insult the woman for being like that that's not the second quality that the prophet mentioned here is the woman who wants to have a lot of children marry her so also that the prophet mentioned in the last portion of the hadith okay because i want to increase uh in the number of the umayyam so a husband as soon as he gets married to his wife should try to work to have children because we're alive brothers and sisters what brings you closer to this person and brings you closer to the individual is to have children so try to have children insha'allah and don't deprive your wife from it because her asking to have children with you is a sign that she loves you she what she's she wants to have children for you okay so don't take that away from her and say look i want to also have children for you i mean so i want i want to have children with you so bring that for her what is the correct hijab for a woman that's a very good question let me mention the short of a hijab it's a very good per yari conditions of hijab he mentions the conditions for a woman a hijab so these are the conditions if these conditions are met this is a hijab if it doesn't meet these conditions it's not a hijab the first one is it covers the whole entire body that's number one the second one is it has to be big that has to be something big it has to be big okay wide it can't stick to her body no no no she shows her bones and her thighs and uh no that's not a hijab the third condition is it also has to be thick it can't be soft where he sticks to her body a lot some hijabs are silky that's not good a hijab has to be a bit thick that it's if it presses on her body uh it doesn't show really what's underneath it it can't stick okay the fourth one is clothing that catches people's attention she's wearing a color where the people look at her and say oh what's that what's that no you're not allowed to have that she can't place perfume on it or something like that yet it can't be something beautiful that some sisters today they the hijabs that they wear is beautiful so attract people and the concept of hijab is to not attract people it's just to hide her from the people the next condition is allah you should be half he can't resemble the clothing of the disbelievers it can't be men's clothing so a woman can't wear a hijab made out of jeans for example it can't also have pictures of a soul on it okay those are the conditions of a hijab if a husband is trying to is lying to his wife to see his second wife as the first wife does not know the matter what would you advise please any man who goes and gets married to a second wife when he has a first wife is really not ready to go into polygamy any man who's hiding the second wife from the first wife shouldn't actually be going forward to get married because marrying more than one wife requires a person who is strong a man who is honest direct a man who is real about it who's not hiding anything if you're hiding something means you're scared and if you're scared it means that you're not up to the responsibility that is required from you so maybe you're not the right person to get married okay you're not the right person to get married and i wouldn't encourage personally for anyone to go for a polygamy at this current time that we're living in to look after your first family and your first wife and your children okay is more important brothers and sisters than to think about bringing someone else on board you have a child you have a wife you have children you try to take care of that before you try to bring someone else on board who will ya be a cause of maybe losing your children and what you currently have and it's it's like a person who sees gold and it's carrying gold so he sees a gold over there he drops what he has in order to go get what those gold when he goes there he could be stopped from having those gold so when he comes back he has no gold anymore so you may not get that no no no on or lose what you currently have now can a boy's mother okay force a riva muslima to involve her parents for marriage when she does not feel comfortable involving them for matrimony purposes she can if her sister is a revert and she doesn't want to inform her family she doesn't want to inform her family danny if her family father and mother are not muslims she doesn't have to involve them no because yani is her choice she wants to evolve if she can if she doesn't want to she it's not a master she gets forced into it we start in some of some other countries black color hijab attracts unwanted attention so can a woman wear another dark color like gray or brown no yeah the color changes from one place to another it doesn't have to be black by the way for example in indonesia countries like that wearing white for women is actually not a problem it's not attractive it's just a standard clothing so of course that's not a problem but if you wore that black it's with that color maybe in in the uh in the khaleej maybe they'll they'll catch attention when the wind blows on a sister wearing a the full hijab does it become a sin on her as it shows her finger no it's not if the hijab blows on to you unintentionally and it shows parts of your body that's what the ayah meant except that which becomes apparent all that the woman should try to do is try to force the wind not to show her body parts but no she's not going to be sinning because that's not what she's done intentionally usted what is the wisdom behind the prophet's many wives a lot of us men especially it's like the only thing that we've understood from the religion is the concept of polygamy we might not praise salah on time we might not even play salah in jamaica we may not even fulfill the other obligation act in our religion and the first thing that we jump on is the concept of polygamy that's it as soon as the brother starts practicing this is the first thing he would want to try out first you see people reverting to islam and sometimes saying yes one of the things that attracted me to islam is i can marry multiple wives this is something that's not yani it's not a true understanding of what islam is brothers and sisters it's not a true understanding of what the religion is yeah and you have to understand the responsibilities that come with it you're the things that you're going to be asked it's not a light situation honestly and a lot of people make it seem like it's a very easy thing to do it's a very hard yanni commitment to get yourself into marrying multiple wives my honest advice to any brother who comes to me and asks me for advice to marry i always tell him it's best not to just stick to your wife and fulfill yani the rights of your current wife and take care of your children because to step out of that and to go into another realm of marrying another wife it's really you pointing yourself out there for yadi questions why did you do this why did you say this why did he act in this way why did you not fulfill this rights yes this this this there's already so many shortcomings that we have and i have to answer to your multiyama adding on to your scale you already that you have to fulfill this woman's rights and you have to give her this and you have to yeah the rights of women brothers and sisters is not just financial so many of us men can't fulfill the first wife's uh that the attention that she wants from us the appreciation that she wants from us and the uh uh yani what was the three a's appreciation attention and affection we're struggling with the first one whatever she demands for time and quality time we're falling short on that and then the second wife comes and she starts asking for more time she wants she wants time and she wants the tension and affection and all of that yeah and it's part of what you need to do and then if you don't give that the woman it's like she dehydrates just like if you don't drink enough water she dehydrates and this causes her problems and then once it causes problems it causes you problems because they become to you like they're nagging you and once they start becoming like they're nagging you you're no longer able to stay in the relationship and then it crumbles down well and the problem goes on so this is a uh it's the advice i give yeah it's really hard it's rare situations i've seen where i personally would say to a brother yes go marry a second wife but that's very very rare and i know this might cause a controversial iani heat to so many people but a lot of people actually believe yani polygamy is sunnah they believe it's sunnah marry multiple wives is sunnah and that's not the case marry multiple wives is not sunnah not necessarily no it's not marrying multiple wives is not sunnah let alone it being wajib okay but what is warejip for sure is to take care of your current wife and your children and a lot of these brothers who go into polygamy their children they're not providing for them they're not taking the they're not taking care of their their current wife's financial needs they are not taking care of their children's needs they are not taking care of their wife's need okay and they're going for the second third and fourth so you have to question yourself what are you yeah and yo has to be very big in your heart okay your qiyamah has to be very big in your heart and what are you going to say to allah when this person drags you by the khala and says look he took the responsibility and he did all of this to me so we ask allah to forgive us for our shortcomings for sure we're falling short in many aspects in the religion and i'm given a sincere advice i'm not trying to yeah any please the sisters and i'm not in no way shape or form trying to please the brothers i'm just giving you a sincere answer that i know uh also i would not definitely advise someone in the west to do it because of the format and the reality over there because imagine you lose both families you lose your children and they go into the hands of the of the authorities and you know issues happen and my advice to you all is sincerely stick with taheed to hide every other thing it could be coming to hid in that one as well a river has a dog at home and it and it and is practicing islam in secret it's difficult to remain pure she stays all over the room if her saliva goes on the sofa and it is and it is on it later will i become impure now you shouldn't have the dog first of all in the house a person can have a dog but try not to bring the dog into the house keep the dog outside you're allowed to have a dog but keep the dog outside it doesn't have to be inside the house because the prophet salaam do not enter the house foreign is a dog or a picture in it the second thing is the saliva you have to be very careful with salamat is marrying more than one wife sunnah or something that was practiced among the people in the past where men were marrying many wives but islam came to limit it to four marrying multiple wives at the time of the prophet sallallahu alaihi he said the sahaba has practiced it no doubt there are many factors that we need to take into on board the environment that the sahabas lived in the type of people they were the type of wives they had a lot of those factors if you take it out of that and you do it straight away yourself it's very detrimental they were in a society were righteous that would help them raise their children properly that's one they were fair men let's be honest abu bakr was a righteous fair man was the same with man and ali and all these men were very righteous people they were fair we lack that quality let's be honest we too their wives were also women who were jealous no doubt this is a this is something that's common it was jealousy of women is always there but they're different to the women that we're dealing with today yeah i need a woman at that time if they had her and her husband had a conflict islam would still govern it and et cetera this one when you guys have a conflict secret services involved authorities involved yani big problems explode from it often so i'm glad we have to take all of that into consideration if my own mum wants to travel to a haram place even though i wanted her even even though i want her against it but she still wants to travel should i accompany her or let her go on her own don't accompany her and advise her as much as you can not to go and if she goes that is upon her how do you advise muslim muslims from the west looking to migrate to a muslim country should we do so even if it means a lower lifestyle you are accustomed to yes going to a muslim country today there is many good muslim countries you can go to you can go to gambia very good gambia is very good martial allama barik there's hail going in gambia a lot of good is happening in gambia there's a maracas islami and there's a good tower going in zambia there's a nice tower happening in somaliland there is a nice dawah going in somalia there is a nice that were going happening in saudi arabia israel happening in saudi arabia and it has many places in the world it's traveling to muslim countries not just saudi arabia or this country this country no it's not there's many places you can travel to brothers and sisters malaysia indonesia turkey hadith so even if it means that your lifestyle you lower your lifestyle if you lower your lifestyle uh then you what you are yadi personally accustomed to no doubt for your religion of course and insha'allah allah will give you will be better i'm a revert i live with my family who are hindu sometimes when my mom knocks the door while praying will my prayer be invalid if i answer it between as i don't previously to repeat my prayer i am a rivet i live with my family who are hindu okay sometimes when my mom knocks the door while praying will my prayer be invalid if i answer it in between as i don't get previously not the prophet said used to respond to the door and he would open it allah says even if he was praying now you can um and please talk about inshallah one time we will talk about it allah first of all take us to jannah and then we can meet them being likely okay i think that's all the questions of people do they have to pray lord even if they have enough time to pray before imam comes if a person if a person praise jeromo do they have to pray dur i don't get that question if they prayed jummah why would they want to pray dohur for i don't know can a woman apply makeup and go outside no for a woman where he puts makeup and she can't go outside even those who believe that the face is not all right the woman can show her face the scholars would believe that okay they don't allow the woman to wear it they meant you're not allowed to beautify yourself and go out unless the woman's going to wear the cup so unless you're going to wear in the car and you cover your face no problem you can put makeup on then but if you're going to show your face then no you're not allowed to put makeup on i asked if a sister is allowed to send her video to her parents without hijab on she can you can send your videos to your parents without hijab instead if my parents do not want me to go overseas to seek knowledge can i go against their will they don't want me to do any studying even here really they think i am extreme number one if the knowledge that you're seeking is obligatory knowledge it's knowledge where i don't know how to pray so i need to learn how to pray and okay and there's no other way you can learn that knowledge unless you travel yeah and if that knowledge is in which is necessary knowledge then you can't you go and seek that knowledge even if they don't allow you but if it's just extra knowledge you want to learn hadith you want to deep into other sciences that are not necessarily a obligatory knowledge then no you have to listen to your parents okay ustad can a woman tuck her hijab in her shirt as a nurse especially she doesn't other wives in general the wives of the of the of this world yadi if you mean if a wife if a husband is married to wife and he makes it to jannah would she be his wife in jannah yes uh my family won't buy me a jibab nor will they let me wear it what should i do especially with my nika i think sisters should try to get your information and buy you a deal about where um insha'allah sisters should buy for you if a spouse is being mistreated is it okay for them to pray not to have the same partner in jannah [Music] um i don't know the answer to that question last art question insha'allah how should i encourage my sister how should i encourage my sister to observe the hijab when her partner her parents do not enforce it on her and the sister says things like you're not my mom so don't tell me what to wear and what not to wear just advise her advising is what you have you don't have to enforce it on her all you can do is just advise her but that carefully okay okay brothers and sisters i'm going to let you all go inshaallah ta'ala who come it was really really nice talking to you all uh giving the lecture i asked a lot about preserve you all and great journal you
Channel: KALEMAH
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Id: CO7mXXuHtio
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Length: 70min 20sec (4220 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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