Sig P365

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welcome back to everybody this is Eric here with Iraq veteran 8088 today we've got a video it's going to be a lot of fun we're going to be shooting a Sig P 3 65 pistol today we're gonna shoot 500 rounds through it we're gonna see how well it holds up for the first 500 rounds guys there's been a lot of controversy and butthurt floating around about this particular pistol and uh look some of its merited right there's been some issues with some of the early Peet P 365 this is a later gun this is not one of the earlier guns that are having problems I know some people were having some issues with customer service and with getting their guns back in a timely manner we've heard all the horror stories I'm sure you saw Tim for military arms channel posting photos on Instagram of you know his magazines getting scratched up in the back we did identify that this particular pistol did have the leg of the spring that was poking out a pretty good ways and it was beginning to scratch some magazines we went ahead and we trimmed the spring down preemptively just because we knew it was going to be a problem but in terms of the serial number on this gun and what I've been told this is supposed to be a later 365 we're going to give it a fair shake and see how well the gun runs now this is not intended to be a meltdown but we do have additional magazines here we're gonna shoot six magazine strings and we're going to stop let the gun cool down load six more mags get a different shooter until we've gone through 500 rounds we're gonna run some Aguila 124 grain ammunition just ball ammunition and we're gonna see how well the gun fares all right so pros and cons what what's to like about the gun well for one its slim and compact it's got night sights right out of the box Ford cocking serrations it's got a nice slim profile it's a double stack holds 12 rounds with the big base plate on the bottom so what's not to like a 12 shot 9-millimeter that pit for Pat is about the same size if not smaller then the Smith & Wesson shield which is a single stack now this is my rhobar shield I really love this gun and this is my primary carry gun everyday is this shield right here and my wife wanted a 9-millimeter carry pistol that small light compact and we kind of got looking at the P 365 as being an option so before I give this to my wife to carry we want to make sure it's going to hold up well there's been some issues with firing pins I think breaking on them various broken parts not to mention the issue with the spring dragon on the back in the magazine so we want to give the gun a fair shake before I give it to my wife to carry I obviously want to make sure that this gun works 110 percent the last thing I want is for a firearm to fail when my wife needs it right so it's important that we test this gun so without further ado these are the first shots we have never fired this gun these are the first shots right out of the box all I did was take bore snake and we rotted out the barrel to get any oil or preservatives out of the barrel and we lubricated it otherwise these are that you're learning along with me these are the first shots that this pistol has ever taken in my possession without further ado we're going to go for it I did get some extra magazines which by the way we're like over 40 dollars apiece so the magazines are not inexpensive by any stretch it comes with a 10 shot with a little flush baseplate you've got a 10 shot with a pinky extension but it's still a 10 shot and then you've got a 12 shot factory mag that gives you much more real estate on the bottom of the gun to hold on to so depending on your particular arrangement depending on you know how concealable you want it to be you have options they're very cool I'm going to take my time and sort of go for a little bit of accuracy have a little fun and just see how it goes first we're gonna go with the tiny baseplate ooh it's it's it's tiny alright first shots out of the 365 I have not fired this gun you guys are learning along with me alright here we go [Music] got a casualty over there the little bit of jackets flash tell you what let's go ahead and put him out of his misery okay ten shot Magdalene I can tell you right now I like that a little bit better gives me a little bit more to hold on to so far accuracy is not terrible all right we're in it for the long haul boys and girls hold on it is a snappy little gun it's got some recoil and remember we're gonna let this gun cool down a bit in between strings the point is not to do a meltdown you know although that would be fun wouldn't it we're trying to give the gun a fair shake all right I'm just going to proceed to group the rest of these rounds on this plate over here [Music] not bad it is a little snappy but for a defensive unit triggers a little spongy the resets a little spongy but it's got a nice clean break on the trigger the sights are excellent on this pistol well not grouping terribly good but for my first time not terrible it is a snappy little gun you're probably gonna hear me say that about a bazillion times in this video all right [Music] [Music] you have to hold onto this gun okay I can certainly see you know for a person of smaller stature you know it is a small gun but you know the thing is if no such thing as a free lunch and physics guys okay you know it's small its handy its compact but you lose a little bit in terms of controllability and everything like that as a defensive unit I mean we are shooting 15 yards probably outside of an enclosed offensive situation I'm probably pulling a few of those shots but it's stacking the rounds right in there I would have no problem feeling adequately armed with this pistol okay now do you want me to go ahead and shoot more that you guys are loading or do you want me to just be the last mag I'm gonna keep shooting I'll keep shooting all right the gun is pretty hot right now but not overly hot I'm going to put a couple rounds on these short plates here that are up close we saw the poppers came down really well there's ly several rounds stacked into like silver dollar I mean one thing that I that I can definitely say out the gate that I do like about the gun definitely the sights are great the sights pick up really nice and these are night sights so the price of these particular guns is in line with what you expect to pay for standard Glock I think these are about five five fifty so definitely higher price for a compact unit but at least they give you some usable night sights and I do like the Ford cocking serrations okay so we are getting some of that primer swipe so is this something that Tim was reporting early on now what what would be the consequence their reliability being an issue or undue stress on the striker firing okay so is that what people are reporting of they're breaking strikers so we are getting the primer swipe that was being reported and we had the scratching on the magazine that was reported well we prevented that by trimming the spring correct okay but reliability wise so far it seems to be working all right flat base mag I'm gonna shoot these and I'm gonna turn it over to chat let him have it go on this I know uh he's mr. Glock 43 so we'll see what he thinks of this I am very pleased with the accuracy very pleased I think for a carry unit chata it doesn't really need to do any more than that so the accuracy is there you know I'm not like a I'm not some sort of expert pistol marksman or anything like that but thing is if my life depended on it and I had to pull this gun out and use it in that capacity at that range I would feel perfectly within my you know ability to be able to make the shot alright we're going to keep shooting here those sodas back there are lurking at me they're lurking around looking at me the English language is so odd isn't it alright see look at that thing well I'm shooting it I guess it's just going right through it well it's got soda in it okay yeah that's why it drained it okay all right I'm hitting those watermelons they're just not moving cuz this ball was just zipping right through it you know another observation the texture of the frame is nice it's not overly bearing the magazine release is in a comfortable spot it's slim so far appears to work that's a good thing alright let's stretch out a little bit more distance all right now this might be an exercise in futility but I'm gonna try to shoot some targets about 40 yards away with it okay tell you what just for fun we're testing reliability but let's uh let's try some shots out to seventy-five yards with this little devil just for fun I can't even hear it hitting am i connecting at all okay very cool all right last mag and then we're gonna turn it over to Chad for a couple of shots here she's getting warm I think we're gonna probably want to let her cool off but you know despite the amount of rounds that we're putting through this gun it's actually not not that hot quite like you would think it would be kind of surprised I have to figure it'd be too hot to hold by now but it really isn't [Music] not terrible we're gonna let it lie just like this let it cool down just a second get chat over here on the gun we're gonna keep shooting our five hundred round test so far so good we'll see alright guys I'm gonna take a few shots with the P 365 here and like Eric said there's been a lot of craziness going on the interwebs with this gun and we're seeing some of the problems that were mentioned early on this is technically a generation 3 gun with some of the improvements that they made from what we understand I'm just going to run 12 magazines through here and we're gonna you know get closer to getting 500 rounds down the pipe and really see what happens we did film a small or short slow-motion segment at 960 frames per second with the sony over here just see in the ejection process and everything trying to figure out why the brass is you know why the firing pin is dragging on the primer and then why the brass is also having these kind of streaks show up on it almost like you drug a file or a piece of sandpaper against it it's very odd it's not something I've ever seen on a on a semi-automatic handgun of any type these are the brass comes out looking quite clean on the backside I'm eating Glocks you know the striker indentation is literally just the primer flowing into that square pocket on the slide itself but very odd very odd not something that I really want to see just me personally it seems like over time you would run into that same firing pin a kind of work hardening issue and snapping that firing pin off over time just with that extra stress that's put on it I don't know if maybe they beefed up the firing pin design or whatever the case is and that's not a problem anymore it still just doesn't look good not in my opinion anyways and take that for what you will I think we're in agreeance there man I think so and guys - Eric forgot to mention it but if you want to support the channel directly and help us do stuff like this and pick up this ammunition if you go over to the website and pick up some of the t-shirts that we offer our good buddy Matt actually makes those for us locally here it's a great dude and the shirts are awesome and it's a very direct way to support us here on the channel in addition to purchasing man cans and also the patreon support if you guys want to if not that's ok too and Matt's here with us today he's gonna be sharing Matt's hanging out he's gonna shoot some rounds through this thing too and we're all gonna have a little piece of the pie the Sig pie boy all right never fired this gun before hey don't laugh though it is very comfortable to shoot I really look I'll be honest with you when we were at NRA earlier this year Tim Harmsen had one of these he had just picked it up on the way down to Dallas and we were handling that stuff I'm like man I really really like this and then Tim's first video you know he shot quite a bit of ammunition through it and not last magazine it failed and then after that it was just issue after issue let's see if we can replicate man I really want to like this gun because it is it is a handful that's 12 rounds I mean that is awesome in such a small compact gun go for it man take some shots over here this is 18 or so yards away and we're gonna see oh that was definitely me definitely does have a little snap to it but it's very very manageable man all right all right so far so good that's the other 12 round mag so I'm starting with the comfortable mags and I'm gradually gonna move to the not so comfortable mag but more concealable but more concealable I don't know things pretty concealable as it sits I mean right now this compared to like my Glock 43 with a hive extension on there yeah and you get three more rounds three more rounds man alright so I'm hitting just slightly to the left I'm gonna aim up here for that bolt and try to take my time and stack them in and then we're just going to run through exceptional accuracy I mean just for kind of wrapping them out of there alright so that was keep those mags you load right there I wasn't keep up with him because you know we can't count here we okay me to remember those revolver videos yeah yeah yeah you're right Matt told me y'all didn't learn how to count past five in the military but we shoot the dang gun shut your piehole oh shoot alright in the YouTube police all right I'm gonna take out your leftover watermelon get out of here all right slightly less comfortable but slightly more concealable magazine and back to a 12 round mag I don't think you could ask for better than that in terms of a defensive unit I dig it I know I really sites are nice all right it's a pinky grip all right let go fear him in his voices never understood have to aim just off the left side of the gun is hitting slightly to the left for me yeah I think it was favoring to the left for me justice coach do the sights are pushed just a teensy bit further to the right than they really need to be they're not exactly a mechanical center I'm back here loading mags guys while Chad's thinking here I will note that that last round is a major bear to get into the magazine it is on the that 12th round I noticed that too very very difficult to get that sucker in there but once the stairs there yeah it ain't coming out let's shoot it all right let me try some longer range shots here it's not exactly a precision pistol I mean god the barrel on this thing's what three inches if that and there is no safety yeah and there's no magazine disconnect safety either guys so it will fire without the magazine all right little 6-inch popper he's about 30 yards away you got it and I missed him you got it I'll just ask for better than that man for a defensive unit Thanks shoots very very well it does very very nice all right I think these four and that's the rest of my year 12 max ring will be completed correct I mean so far I love the ergonomics of the grip it's very comfortable in the hand it's not tearing my hand up it's a little snappy but yeah I mean it's very very manageable I mean the muzzle flip isn't crazy it's got a nice kind of low bore axis compared to something like the shield and the shield does kind of sit a little bit high some of the sig offerings sit a little high and they've got much more muzzle flip and all I really do like it and I really hope to see this thing actually get through this without any problem so far so good but I'm just always to go get out here trying to take out this watermelons alright so those are Matt's mags correct okay try some little head shots up here up close just for fun I mean the trigger is you know dry-firing it the triggers a little bit it's kind of spongy feeling does have a nice clean break though the break is clean the over travel is non-existent I mean it it's really not bad it's it's a little springy feeling kind of like for those rugers the lc9s the early LC knives they had that kind of springy kind of spongy feel very similar the best way I can describe it alright so okay good to go one more mag guys I'm just wrapping these things out here to move this sucker along it's working it's working great see now I couldn't count that time well so far she is working just fine let's get the t-shirt man on the gun let's get the t-shirt man on the gun and see how Hey hey guys Matt here I'm gonna put a about 1 2 strings through the new p3 65 this is the gen 3 like you've seen before we're gonna test the functionality make sure that they worked out all the bugs but I won't test the accuracy I know these guys might then I hear having some fun so this is right in my wheelhouse I'm a micro or subcompact guy I carry a shield 2.0 you know I love the no safety feature so let's roll with it and see have fun man all right and I have the magazines here stacked from most least comfortable to the most comfortable I want to get the the short ones out of the way that's right all right wow that's uh not once me yeah let's do some ear Pro gonna get loud all right chef on dude all right here we go okay remember it was hitting a little low for us yep yeah it's transition here yeah that's pretty low all right so the slide didn't lock to the rear yeah that one didn't lock out so it's yep all right let's go nice triangulation there those last three shots tacked into about a probably two inch circle yeah let's see I got dialed in now so let's see what I can do yeah man good all right so this is not one to hold two for you but or you may be riding the the slide stop down without thinking about it maybe by mistake perhaps hopefully let's see if we'll just give it a try yeah I know that's why we get different shooters yeah I know that's an issue with the shield as well if you ride that slide down it's not gonna lock to the rear what happened there all right so we do have it's out of battery right where's the RAM like I just put it back in you did yep what did it do did not go all the way in the battery yeah no yeah I just didn't go into battery huh I'll be dang yeah and let's give it a try and that was with me actually just going over the top with it not riding it home okay interesting all right all right yeah do we get a try again well looks like the primer got struck on that yeah no shooting Matt he's back boys the slide did not like to the rear again yep all right can you the test look at that stop we're yet don't move don't move all right yeah was that a battery that's crazy the slide is just a scotch out of battery to see if it'll go off now the strangest thing there you go you're getting in there with it and the slide did not lock to the rear yeah that's the strangest thing I'll tell you well you passed those mags here I'll top them off for you well guys we're getting this dialed in now we're gonna get some rounds on target we're going over the top with it so let's see what we'll do Matt when your string is over we'll verify we'll shoot it also just to verify it maybe that might be something that's happening to you and maybe not us okay just to be safe so it didn't lock the slide to the rear every single time you shot it yeah that is strange but you know sometimes my shield does that as well really yeah Wow strange I think that's crazy yeah I'll do that this time my thumbs do tend to ride a little bit higher so I'll put my thumbs up so yeah I'll see what I can do no big deal this is the start of string number two so this will be the last last string getting down to the last of yeah there we go that's like that one that will walk through the rear so you just had to make a slight change to your grip yep so that's like my laptop agree yep all right so let's see here working do you like it it's it's a really really smooth gun as crisp I think the ergonomics of it is kind of messing with my my grip a little bit used to placing my thumb's a little bit higher yeah and I'm having to kind of smush my hands down so that I can get though it is it is a snappy little gun hold on too isn't it yep that slide did not like to the rear end you've got those last five mags to finish up there okay and then that'll be that will conclude your stream all right we'll have a few more rounds to burn up and what chad and i will do is we'll test it with the remaining rounds to make sure that the slide not lock into the rear is maybe just too isolated it might be users shooters yeah might be might be user error it does happen I'm not gonna say that I'm an expert shooter obviously I'm not hey look it's cool man do you think all right let's go there you go wow that's so wild yeah I mean I've usually the problem I run into is as I will accidentally ride a slide stop up and lock the slide to the rear in an unintended time that's usually more of the problem I have I've never really seen very many instances where the slide stop fails to hold up on the last shot that's that's very odd it's gonna be interesting to see how it reacts with you guys I didn't seem to be giving you guys any trouble so again it might be user error might be just where my hands are being placed on speed you know your hands versus ours exactly yep Wow I'll be like it's this little stubby one out of the way all right [Music] user error or maybe it just doesn't want to work right before then guys I know this is kind of a long video but I hope y'all see you were trying to be methodical here the ejection does look fairly consistent yeah I'm watching it eject Chad and it looks pretty good all right last mag so it looks like it might be user error on my part on that particular iteration I kept my thumbs much farther down than I normally did and the slide did lock back your probably ride in the slide stop down yeah okay that's all right let's try it again I'll make a deliberate I don't know if that's a deal-breaker for me because if I have to modify my natural the natural way that I plan on pointing and shooting then that might just not be something that is good for me just cut them off you don't need those thumbs no kidding the only thing that makes us humans great arm an opposable thumb that's right there you go there we go hang it now ain't you yeah so guys just to be clear user error modified my modified my grip slide works as intended I don't want you to put any undue hatred towards the firearm that doesn't deserve it it was on me but overall you know very very snappy as you guys would say some of those rounds felt like they are coming out extremely hot so it was a little kind of they come out of that Braille just screaming and you could feel it that very very small firearm this is pretty accurate for what it is being a very very small gun as long if you can shoot it and you have the capability to hit it it'll hit it we're gonna have Chad expend all the remaining rounds here awesome alright guys like Eric said this is kind of the reason why we have multiple shooters fire a firearm of in these videos is to get different perspectives and also you see that every one of us has a different grip you know on a subcompact or like a single stack you know real highly concealable handgun you can see those issues like matt was having i've had them before with like the glock 43 i had them with the shield early on and all it takes is just changing that grip just slightly to alleviate that problem and you know the the parts are the the slide release and and such it's not really overly obtrusive out of the side of the firearm itself it's very low profile but sometimes it's just an issue with your particular grip we did determine that that is probably what was going on I am going to fire these last mags here I've got a little bit of extra ammo here I'm going to load the mags and I'm gonna show you just how difficult to this to load this twelve round mag it's definitely a bear but they do work and that's 12 rounds in your hand twelve rounds the remainder of our 500 rounds is right there in front yep so and after this we're gonna this videos get a little bit long inspect this gun in a future video pull it apart just check all the components for where and such as that we're going to run another 500 rounds through it this time with some defensive ammo mixed in various types just to see how it feeds various hollow points and such as that and then run some more ball through it and see what it does after a thousand rounds I mean at that point I'd say if everything looks good there doesn't appear to be any undue wear on the components I think we're solid I really really do like this gun I don't want that I want that out there I love the way this thing shoots and handles and everything about it I thought make a great defensive unit man man I like my Glock 43 now but I don't know all right I got to get my feel back now I feels these well Eric told me to wrap them out of here I don't know if I'll hit anything but [Laughter] Wow I can never do this TT like that that's a snappy little gun to pull off of several taps with it's impossible now that performance center Shield of Eric's you know if this gun was ported whoo that porting makes all the difference as far as controllability like that goes that green front sight is extremely easy to pick up I mean these are night sights right out of the factory I do like that that hive is green is is very very nice to pick up getting some unburnt powder out of the barrel I got your last ammo right here good hey don't load that 12-round I want to load that 12th round over here okay yeah all right let's see working you waiting on me I guess I am I'm loading as fast as I can all right so 11 rounds in here this is number 12 yeah it's a little bit of a bear that actually wasn't so bad as it was early I think they're getting broken in a little bit I grabbed 12 round is definitely a little bit of a bear to get in there all right I haven't shot 75 yards yet let's shoot 75 it was shooting about maybe a foot low for me okay there you go yep it's shooting like 10 inches low I'm aiming at the top of the plate yep where'd it go here we go oh now I'm going right over the top of it here we go little devil we'll get out of there I mean so far guys she's running she's running in that uh you know that striker dragging issue and all it is strange but you know if it doesn't cause any sort of problems then does it really matter I mean at this point if sig is going back and made the improvements you know that they talked about to this particular handgun and we're seeing no problems yet but like I said we'll run another 500 round string next time with some defensive ammo as I mentioned but man so far this little devil is is kicking it what do you think I I dig it I think it's a cool gun I think it's it's perfectly accurate enough for a defensive unit absolutely um I like it and I guess I'll say it like this guys I want to like it you know what I mean yep so the thing the thing is I want to like it but if I mean my wife's gonna be carrying this gun how do I know that round 501 is not gonna be a broken firing pin like Tim hat yep that's my issue all we can do is just uh you know strip it down and we'll we'll get some footage of that and everything and just inspect all the components report back in the next video and stay tuned we'll we'll keep running it and see what happens Matt did have that one strange incident where the slide did not go fully into battery and you know this thing is not a slouch I mean it's you got to hold on to it so the the common test of like any striker fire gun if you squeeze the trigger and then pull the slide to the rear and then gingerly release it if it does not go fully in the battery then your recoil spring assembly is too weak you need a stronger recoil spring assembly typically that's the case it could just be it could be an indicator that you might have some problems feeding certain types of ammunition such as that I mean this thing has plenty of power and as you saw earlier I mean no undo issues with feeding extraction the ejection is quite robust and consistent you know it's getting that brass out of there sometimes people don't like the wake the lock extract but they are very reliable guns but they literally just put that brass out of there I like a gun to get that brass out of here but stay tuned guys I mean we'll revisit this and you saw today what we saw we brought this gun out here pulled it out of the box Eric swapped it out with the ODIs kit here and we went to work and you know we can't we can't lie about it I mean this it is what it is you know so is what it is guys stay tuned guys and as I mentioned earlier if you guys want to support we're doing here on the channel go over to the t-shirt shop there pick up a t-shirt if you want to support us on patreon or pick up a man can that would be greatly appreciated you guys really do keep us going here on the channel and you know all the funds we put right back into the videos and the content that you guys watch for free so we definitely appreciate you guys very very much and stay tuned until next time more on the way [Music] you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 455,792
Rating: 4.8420081 out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, sig p365, sig sauer, sig sauer p365, sig p365 review, p365 review, sig p365 issues, sig sauer p365 problem, sig p365 reliability, sig sauer p365 review, concealed carry, sig p365 reliability test, sig sauer p365 reliability, p365, p365 review 2018, Sig P365
Id: dfarEhQEF_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 33sec (2913 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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