Top 5 Guns To Survive a Riot

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welcome back everybody this is eric here with iraq veteran 8888 today we've got another top five video for you all right and i've got a special guest here with me today mike mr guns and gear one of my favorite human beings on the planet thank you cannot have a better person to do this uh with me today we're gonna be talking about the top five guns to survive a riot yep this one's gonna ruffle some feathers yeah it's a timely piece though so uh we have a few options here laid out uh different types of guns categories that may help you survive a riot yeah absolutely now some of the examples that we have here have some you know maybe historical significant significance in the world of writing uh so maybe you'll notice a few uh you know additions here so all right let's just go down the line what you pick which one all right i think we'll start there which is something that a lot of folks are going to look at uh obviously a 12 gauge shotgun short has the brace on there you could fit that in some backpacks probably so you could have it when you need it and uh in terms of firepower it certainly uh will do the job that said how many rounds does this hold uh you can get three in the tube and one in the chamber now because this one is based on a model 1100 uh you can't ghost load it on the carrier like you can of benelli unfortunately so if this was more of a benelli pattern uh you'd be able to fit five in it which is pretty phenomenal but it does uh you know one in the chamber three in the tube and that's 12 gauge and this falls into that like firearm category um the way that this brace collapses you notice that it won't go all the way shut and that's because that would make the gun overall length less than 26 inches so the minimum collapsible length of the firearm must be 26 inches or greater and that's and that's also has to do with the way the length of the barrel as well you know you you could in theory make the barrel a little shorter but they have to stick with a certain barrel length and keep the uh brace assembly a certain size to get around that so it's a smooth bore firearm correct makes it a firearm um that said i mean it looks good barrels pretty close to flush there so i think they did a good job with it and uh you know with 12 gauge buckshot people aren't gonna really uh be charging your position let's say after the first time it's used so you pull that out and it's definitely going to open up some eyes and what i like too is when you shoot this thing you can feel the fire coming off of it it's just it's nuts okay all right so we're going to go on to number two in this lineup okay beretta 92. so why did i pick a 92 instead of any other type of gun you know this is kind of an older pistol design compared to some of the other plastic fantastics that are out there well you might recall the roof koreans during the la riots and you saw that gentleman in the vest with the bus cut out there popping shots off at rioters and he was using a 92. so we thought it'd be kind of a little uh a homage there to our uh to our roof korean friends and there's a lot of uh you know if you look up just google that riot you'll see a lot of uh kind of famous at this point photos and just check out the guns they were using they were using this they had one guy had a debut there was an ar-15 so um and they survived the riot so they did well but yeah semi-automatic pistol um definitely will get the job done you want something of course with good capacity and the beretta has it 15 or 17 round mags will fit in there flush so it's good to go it's also a very reliable gun very proven gun and that's definitely something you want absolutely one thing of note with the roof koreans during the la riots it is a term of endearment of course you know we love the roof koreans when you think about compulsory military service in south korea i mean a lot of those guys are military trained and that says a lot for what that can do for a society right you know when i'm not saying whether i'm for or against that but it it it is interesting that they came together and they knew what they needed to do and they were trained enough with handling firearms to be able to protect their business and they got their rice sandbags and they did what they needed to do and i think that's uh that's admirable and um the la riots inspired a lot of people to protect their businesses and and the roof koreans have become synonymous with americans protecting their property and their valuables and each other and being an integral part of their community so uh you know that that moment's going to go down in history as a moment where americans got together and protected themselves and uh you know definitely nothing wrong with that absolutely and on my facebook page and youtube comments it's uh they've been referenced a lot lately um as an inspirational story really yeah what we're going through currently so yeah it definitely resonates you know just as hard now as it did you know back when it happened so all right another uh you know type of gun that would be really handy to survive a riot because we've seen it happen uh you might be familiar uh with one instance where a firearm very similar to this was used to uh you know definitely de-escalate a situation all right this is a delton sport um you know kind of a basic bare bones ar with a basic dot on it red dot hollis and red dot and you know this is not a super expensive ar you don't have to spend a lot of money on ar to get something decent now the gun in question that we're referring to is optics ready smith wesson sport which i don't have but this is delton's kind of take on that and um and chad and i actually did a video on this gun the other day i don't think it's it's gone live yet but it was shooting really good uh really nice accuracy um an ar does not have to be expensive to be good you know no no i actually have a video on a delton that's similar a little bit more i guess fancy but it ran well i had zero issues with it at all i also have a smith wesson m p two uh sport that has thousands of rounds through it that has never had a malfunction so ars are lightweight handy have good capacity change the mags real easy put any sort of accessory on there that you want yeah it's definitely one to look at oh the the gentleman in question also cleared a stoppage very quickly while under attack so it is a very easy firearm to manipulate in terms of uh you know manual of arms uh they are very familiar to lots of people and they're very simple overall to use and what i like about the ar15 as well is that it's a very easy gun for smaller stature people to shoot uh the recoil especially on on a di gun it's a very smooth recoil impulse real easy to shoot this is a great gun for smaller frame folks ladies younger folks it is just a fantastic gun that can fill a lot of different useful niches even beyond their surviving a riot dare i say you can survive just about any situation that is put before you uh it doesn't matter if you're going to go out and hunt coyotes or if you're going to go out and survive a riot that these guns are america's rifle that's what say there's a reason they're the number one rifle in america by far nothing else is even close absolutely so we've got our shotgun option our pistol option our rifle option you know oddly enough it seems that there's a general overall uh theme that reoccurs in these five guns videos we always go back to certain guns that's because they have such universal appeal and uh so let's let's move on to something that maybe some of you guys have never heard of let's go to a sub gun now okay mike yep so what we have here this is a hk ump i changed the stock out it comes with a different stock but we also have it suppressed here with a surefire can on there magazine 35 rounds this one's of course is a select fire you can fire in burst or fulato i mean super reliable very lightweight you can fold it up make it nice and compact put it in a backpack something like that of course without the suppressor on there it would be even shorter but it's got good firepower and uh this one it will be a little bit quieter as well oh yeah quiet and uh lots of you know decent capacity good rate of fire also worth mentioning uh we have always been big you know proponents for uh defensive firearms having a weapons light on them uh he does have a small weapons light on this one identifying your threat is very important you don't want to you know accidentally engage the wrong person absolutely i believe that people tend to undervalue how important that is uh the only thing i could add to our lineup here in terms of accessories would be i believe that every every firearm every defensive firearm needs a sling as well we don't have slings on these so we need to correct that especially if you're in a riot where there's people coming at you all around you yep the possibility of a weapons grab it was very real yeah and in fact there was that one situation where that marine corps veteran that was pulling security whatever uh i believe one of the rioters or looters like pulled up an ar or a gun out of like one of the police car or whatever he snatched it got it back from him so a sling allows you to keep control of your weapon as well your weapon is useless to you if someone takes it from you absolutely so the sling definitely makes that a lot harder for someone to take your weapon from you and people tend to not think you might need both hands as well so sometimes being able to sling the rifle real quick and grab somebody and help them or pick something up and carry something to free up your hands or grab a cell phone call for help whatever you might need it's just important to be able to have control of your of your firearm at all times and be able to have access to your hands if you need to okay so let's say that that um maybe you don't want to go down this rabbit hole in terms of force and you want maybe a slightly reduced uh type of force all right so we got a really special little gun right here this is a model 278 uh 37 millimeter gas gun okay and this is a riot uh gun and oddly enough i bought this particular gun came out of a property room in uh brunswick city of brunswick in savannah nice or you know near savannah there so this came from brunswick police department and this particular one's a 37 and it's a smoothie so it's not rifled um and you can shoot gas out of it you know tear gas smoke grenades i'm sure some people make like bird bombs and cluster bombs and things they do and there's a company that also makes 37 millimeter uh buckshot yeah that's a lot of lead going down range right there it certainly is and uh you notice that you know this is a smith and wesson product and notice this frame um i believe that's an end frame with the square butt or is that a k frame i don't remember i think it's a k i think it is a k frame but you notice that the stock assembly that is on this particular revolver frame is exactly the same it'll fit any standard k-frame revolver so this is one of the few stocks that will actually fit a smith and wesson k frame revolver yep and there's no paperwork needed for this as well that's one thing to point out um so anybody can own a 37 millimeter grenade launcher yeah that's very cool and there's actually a lot of them out there oh yeah lmt makes one that adapts to ar15s that civilians can purchase uh 40 millimeter versions are also out there as well absolutely it's also worth noting uh just for some of you tech nerds out there that like star wars and stuff boba fett's blaster is modeled after this gun so you guys might notice the lines are very familiar smith and wesson made a couple of different models of this one with a wooden stock and the other one had a very very uncommon like metal you know a little bit more of a tactical stock and the tactical stock version is the one that boba fett's blaster is modeled after in star wars just an interesting little movie history there for you all right so that's uh the top five all right but we've got a wild card always and i go and you guys have seen the smoke grenade sitting here the whole time too you know maybe you got a pop smoke who knows it's like the fellow and savannah just gotten some hot water over throwing a smoke grenade into a crowd yeah that was a sub-optimal decision definitely definitely i would say all right so what if we need to just release a pack of hornets on a mob now not a mob that's trying to kill you let's just say remember top five guns are satire we're not suggesting go out and do horrible things and and make poor decisions but if your life's in danger and you know it's in danger and you feel like your time is up and and the last resort is to protect yourself that is the meaning of this type of stuff firearms should be used as a as a last resort you know you you always want to use your verbal judo okay that's important so just keep that in mind but let's just say for whatever case all right this is our m16 lower we got it set up with the cmmg 22 upper and we got these 50 round drums and you can let loose walls of lead with this little guy and it's suppressed as well again very very quiet yep it's definitely something that uh would get someone's attention for sure obviously or not right it doesn't have quite the same lethality as some options here but sometimes that's a good thing you know there are nations that use 22s around the world for military service for certain roles every time we've gone to a random shoot or to hang out or we have friends over at at the farm or at the house and we break this thing out it always puts a smile on everyone's face because there's just something about shooting full auto 22 it just oh it's so much fun it's so gratifying especially with a short barrel like this suppressed i have a full auto 22 as well and yeah they're smile machines yeah absolutely and you know very inexpensive to shoot so so from a standpoint of just having a gun that is just awfully fun to shoot and you can actually afford to feed it even if you don't have a machine gun lower and you just want to run the cmmg 22 upper i highly recommend them you guys might be familiar with the meltdown video we did and i was absolutely shocked to see how long that upper took before it finally started to get really dirty and the 22s operate at such lower pressure you know they just really don't get that crazy hot enough i mean as long as they don't get too fouled out and dirty they generally just keep on running you know just a lot of fun so guys this has been top five guns we hope you enjoyed today's presentation it is always a pleasure to have mike on my channel and we're going to have other projects coming up i'm going to be visiting mike because he's been down to our neck of the woods several times to film but i've never been up to his place so expect some content hopefully sooner than later and i'll come up to your place absolutely do some stuff man thanks for having me on dude appreciate it guys have a good day we'll see you next time many more videos on the way [Music] you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 364,462
Rating: 4.8746305 out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, ar15, ar, ar-15, ar 15, 2a, freedom, liberty, gun rights, gun control, top 5 guns, top 5, meltdown, guns, gunsmithing, gun gripes, life liberty and the pursuit, top 5 guns to survive a riot, top 5 riot guns, riot guns, full auto, ump 9, ar-22, model 276, kenosha, blm, riots, beretta 92, black aces, black dog machine, mrgunsandgear, delton
Id: 6RBIhFwel6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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