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what's up done family urban gun reviews and to down the channel I'll be doing a quick comparison of the six hour P 365 and the six our p3 65 egg so let's get into it [Music] now Before we jump into this comparison video I just want to give you a little bit of facts about both guns before you know we get into you know how to build and stuff like that and how do you feel to shoot all right so the sig sauer p227 'el and the excel that's the short names I'm gonna use the OG in Excel so the og cost me five hundred and twenty five dollars and the Excel mmm cost me five hundred seventy nine dollars and ninety nine cents of course that's plus text and these prices may vary depending on where you pick up your firearm but I always like to put how much I pay for it so you can compare prices compared to where you get yours from all right now the OG comes with two 10-round max like so one is the flat base plate and one has the pinky extension the pinky extension does not give you any extra rounds they are both 10-round magazines this one gives you a little less real estate this one gives you a little more me personally I do not like the 10 round magazine with the flush baseplate I prefer this one if I had to choose I definitely prefer the pinky extension the pinky extension even though I'm not really big on this one either but if I had to choose I would definitely choose this one now the Excel comes with two 12 round magazines both flush base plates now being that these are both flush base plates you don't need the pinky extension because you get enough real estate on both of these magazines I'll show you that a little later on in the video how it actually fits into my head but unlike the og with the 10-round magazines these are twelve round magazines and you get more real estate so they fit a lot better and you and to me there's no need for the pinkie extension because these magazines and the grip is actually long enough to really give you no issues now they both have the option of the 15-round magazine now when I bought these 15 round magazines that Excel wasn't out yet and these magazines came with this base plate right here you know I mean this was an extra base plate that came off came with both of them but this is the one that came actually on the magazine this one came in the package this one was actually fitted on both magazines like it is on this one now the reason this one is bigger the base plate on this is bigger is because the grip in the magwell on the og is smaller so you got to fit it up in there you need more magazine to go up in there compared to the Excel which Excel has a bigger grip which means you need less of a base plate to actually go into the mag well the same exact magazines though I can take this base plate off put the other one I have this one on and then a fit in the excel this is the one for Excel it will not fit into the LG because it's not it doesn't have that extra meat on the base plate so I won't actually seat in there and this one has too much meat to actually fit into the excel so you can't swap them out in this configuration but you can't remove the base plates and use both of these kind of base plates for the O gene or both of these kind of base plates for the excel I found that very convenient when it comes to magazines you know so I definitely want to get a couple more 15-round magazines but these are only tool that I have and I love having this option right here both the OG and the exhale are chambered and nine millimeter they are both semi-automatic pistols they're both striker-fired and they both have x-ray three night and day sights all right so we got the og on the left and we got the XL on the right both chambered in 9 millimeter these are all the magazines that I have for the og these are the magazines that I have for the XL the og has a three point one inch barrel and the HL has a 3.7 inch barrel the og is 4.3 inches in height and the XL is four point eight inches in height and you can see that when you stack them side-by-side you see that it is significantly shorter than the XL the X the og is five point eight inches in overall length and the XL is six point six inches in overall length and you can see that if you want them up you see the difference right there the og has the standard curve trigger and the safety check we're good standard curve trigger why the XL has the flat trigger good the og has the nitro finish while the XL has a stainless steel finish okay now this is the micro compact this is not a micro compact okay now we see with the og if I use the flat base plate this is a ten round the flat base plate see you really get not a lot of real estate on there you know I mean so you still get that meaty section of my my palm hanging out and if we go to the 10 round mag with the pinky extension you get a little bit more a little bit more but you still got a good portion of your palm that's hanging out now we go to the 12-round magazine you see a lot of that is is covered up you know I mean so you gain some room with that 12-round magazine you cover a lot of ground with that one same with this one okay so this is like I said the better of the two when it comes to concealment definitely go with the og when it came to concealment now when it comes to the XL XL look at that right there this is with no magazine in and it's already covering the majority of my palm now these are flat base plates on these mags so you're not going to really make up any extra room with those magazines in you see so you get a nice good feel a nice good grip with these mags these twelve round mags and these 12-hour mags come standard standard with the XL now let's try the 15 round mix and both of these and you see the 15 round mag and this one makes it kind of look more of an extension than it does with the og now you get definitely a lot more real estate a lot more to hold on to with the 15 round magazines but like I said this does it just doesn't look sexy you know I mean I don't look sexy at all this is a little bit more acceptable but like I said you got the longer frame before that magazine to go up into so you don't you're not having a lot of magazine have to make up and that to where you got a less frame for this to go into which means that your mag baseplate would have to be bigger now originally like I said these 15 round magazines Kenny were both at ease this was on this magazine but with this on there he sits at 15 with this on this it won't fit inside the XL so I had to swap this out for one of these and it fits on the XL now if I wanted to use this 15-round magazine again with the og I would have to take this off and put this one back on because usually you need that extra real estate to seat in that uh the mag well and in this one you don't need that real estate to see it into the mag well so I was definitely glad that I didn't have to go out and buy extra magazines for the XL because I had to 15-round magazine so if I ever decided to carry this on full-time I could convert this 15-round magazine to fit this and then just have to spare 15 round magazines for the XL but I plan on getting more magazines I'll probably end up getting maybe two or three maybe like five more 12s for this and maybe like three more 15 so they're not problem I have enough mags to do what I need to do with either one of these now if you want to know if these twelve round mags fit in the og now you see this is the twelve round mag for the og this is the 1200 mag for the XL this does not fit in it it won't see inside the egg so alright now if you want to see if this 12 round mag from the XL will fit into the og no it won't fit in it alright it won't see so those are not compatible because of the baseplate I didn't check to see if you can actually remove this and just buy more of these type of base place the flat base plates to put on there I don't know and even with these 10 round flat base plates they're not compatible because you see they have that lip on there so even if I was to take this off and try to put it on this 12-round magazine it wouldn't work because you see this 12 round a magazine for the XL doesn't have this lip right here which helps the magazine seeped into the og and you don't need that to see into the excel so they do not come across like that you can't use them like that and obviously the Tamra magazines would not work and the XL as well because they have that lip on there for one and they're not long enough to fit into the magwell and see properly into the excel now sometimes you I get these confused sometimes I gotta you know try this mag in here to make sure that it actually goes with it sometimes I actually one time or twice I actually grabbed the wrong spare magazine I grabbed just running because I usually keep them in my spare mag holder and I grabbed the wrong one when I took this out I had the wrong spare 15 round mag so definitely check that cuz you don't want to be out and about and thinking you gonna get this 15 round mag in there because you see there's no seat inside Excel and this 15-round magazine won't see inside the OG because there's nothing for it this is too long of a magazine to fit in there you see you don't have that big base plate which would have covered up that gap so but like I said you can swap all that out and fix everything up to make it a little bit better alright so if you were to ask me which gun do I like better the og or the XL I would say that it comes down to a few different factors for deep concealment obviously I like the og because you know you got the shorter the shorter slide which makes it easier to conceal but um you really have the same round capacity in both of these they both can carry 15 rounds both have 12-hour magazines both you know I mean just have basically the same features the only one is that the XS only thing is that the XL doesn't have a 10 round capacity it doesn't have a tenor I'll make I actually never carry my OG with the timbrel Meg's I only carry with the 12 round and I keep the 15 round as a spare mag so really as far as it comes to concealment I would have to give it to the og because I just feel it conceals better even though the XL is not hard to consume the slides are basically they're like the same width and everything is just the length that makes them different and this is the part that goes down into the concealment area so this will be the part that you have to conceal and being that both the grips are the same size then it's not that's not an issue I mean so you wouldn't say oh wow this one is smaller no they're the same size it's just the slide that makes the difference now when it comes to actually shooting I would give it to the XL now the og shoots very very well really low recoil not bad I love the way it shoots I love the trigger is a smooth shooter with some recoil you know I mean and this is a micro compact so it sits you're obviously gonna get recoil you know I mean you're obviously gonna get recoil with the Oh gene but like I said just manageable with the shorter slide it gives you less of real estate you know I mean but it's easy to it just like you can get you know I mean a nice grip on this firearm now with you see when you you get it like that you got all of this you know I mean all that meat now granted there was no magazine here but if I had the 10 round magazine it probably looked the same if I had a 12-round magazine it would look pretty similar as well the 15-round magazine seats very well gives you a lot more real estate to work with but like I said the 15 round I only use as a spare mag when it comes to the XL the XL has similar shooting capabilities but the slide being longer gives you more room to you know I mean once you you get it you know I mean you can get you your hands then right you know I mean your two thumbs for you can get that and it's comfortable for me my bigger hands so that is a lot comfortable more comfortable to me and you can see I got all my fingers on that grip you know I mean like every oh my my fingers are there and there's no magazine in there so imagine if there's a magazine in there I got even more real estate really comfortable in the in the frame really comfortable with the slide with the og like I say you can get the two thumbs forward yeah but look my thumb is like basically at the tip you know I mean it's right there which you know is its adjustable you'd have to practice with this gun and definitely get adjusted to how to grip it how to hold it as to where this one and any other handgun are found to use you obviously want to get acquainted with it but you see there's a lot more real estate for me to you know I mean have where my thumb is not up here close to the barrel mm-hmm you know I mean close to the tip so when it comes to shooting I like the trigger I don't think that the trigger difference is that major so I would say the XL trigger is better than the OG trigger I wouldn't say too you know I mean blunts for is a shooting experience the recoil was a lot less than this you got more gun to hold which makes the recoil a lot better and it's just to me a better gun to hold on to and shoot this is I have tons of fun shooting this you don't get me wrong tons of fun shooting this I put over 500 rounds in this I think I'll put maybe 300 or so so into this but I definitely love the way both of them shoot but if I had to pick one I would definitely go with the excel because to me it's just more gun to hold on to and to me it's it's more it's a better experience to shoot rather than the og so if I had to choose one of these guns knowing what I know about both of them I think I will go with the excel because I like the real estate that you get with the excel it doesn't have a 10-round variant turn around magazine so it comes with two twelves you can use the 15 with it and even with this I only use the 15 as a spare mag I don't carry the 15-round magazine inside it as I keep it as a spare mag um the 12 round mag seats in there with the flush fitted magazine and it sits perfectly with no issues so this is the 12-round magazine and that's how it seats you know I mean so you got a nice good purchase on that I got a little bit of meat on there but you know I mean it's good you know I mean that's that's good I'm satisfied with that you know I mean I'm good with that but like I said in knowing know what I know about both of these I will go with the XL because I like the way it shoots the shoes slightly better definitely less recoil in Excel than the OG I like the real estate that I get with this one Fars round count this matches it in the same round count so these are identical handguns and this one is optic ready so if I decided to put an optic on it I can use it this would be a perfect home defense firearm and this will be as well you know I mean but this one you can run an optic on this one you could put like the the light on the bottom the flashlight or a red dot you could do the same with this one and of course they are saying products only you can only use that the proprietary products that you could put on here but you can put the Romeo was the Romeo zero optical here which I plan on getting but I can't find one right now I'm not that I've been looking extremely hard either but they're about 200 bucks to get the optic in it when I first decided to get this gun I got I didn't want the optic I could have got the optic ready version I just couldn't got it from the store of the gun dealership that I got it from because this one was readily available and the other one was not I probably had to wait a little longer to get that one and I really wanted this so I went with this one but knowing what I know now I would have got the I would got the optic version because it's not that much more expensive solid I just ran with the optic ready version even though because I'm going to get the optics for this anyway I didn't think that I would want to but after shooting this and you know seeing it I'm like I would rather have the optic version and then if I'll get the optics version if I put the optic on there I wouldn't carry this you know I mean so I can continue to carry the og and this will be for home defense you know I'm gonna keep it at home you know about a bedside or whatever I had planned on keeping it so this one would be more on defense I don't think they in my opinion I don't like to put optics on something that I tried a deep concealed not saying it's not possible but I wouldn't want to try too deep cassellius with optic on it to me it kind of defeats the purpose in my opinion okay no bite my head off in my opinion that's why I wouldn't do it but either way to you would go both of these are good firearms you know I mean great firearms I had no problems with either one of these never had any issues with either one definitely gonna put more rounds and both of these they're really fun to shoot I have no issues with shooting either one of these let me probably with this one which you're not gonna be able to see now is that my nice sight one of my sights on the back actually went out I don't know I've dropped this a few times so that might be eight or mine just died out for some reason I don't know and I'm looking into getting that replaced or getting fixed or whatever but me the way you go you can you're not gonna lose with either one of these so definitely check them both out if you're interested like I said you can't lose with either one of these but it's urban gun reviews if this video helps you in any way let me know by clicking the thumbs up if you're not subscribed to the channel you can do that easily by clicking on Hera 15 in the bottom right hand corner on your screen if you're not following me on all my social media sites all that information is available in the description if you're not following me on gun streamer comm that link is also in the description and as always stay blessed stay strapped [Music] [Music]
Views: 3,033
Rating: 4.9759035 out of 5
Keywords: SIG, SAUER, sig sauer, concealed carry, everyday carry, sig p365 xl, glock 48, every day carry, sig p365 issues, sig p365, sig p365 review, p365 xl, p365 review, sig sauer p365, sig p365xl, gun review, sig p365 xl unboxing, sig xl, best carry pistol, everyday carry minimalist, sig sauer mcx .177 cal co2 powered air rifle (30 rounds) flat dark earth, torture test, sig sauer p365 xl, carry pistol, p365 xl review, best sig, everyday carry 2020, everyday carry gear
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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