Taurus G3 vs Sig Sauer P365 XL: Which Is Really The Best?

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[Applause] what's up guys this is the honest outlaw here and today we're gonna be doing a quick comparison video between the Sig Sauer p228 do that I mention my faceless purse thank you guys very much because you guys the channel is still here and I really appreciate all your support you keep the channel movement and because of that we do a monthly giveaway we also do patron exclusive content so if you want to see that stuff or be a part of the giveaway so I'm gonna do is go down a description click the link and become a supporter I also want to mention the Amazon and Olight links and a link to my local homeless shelter which I like not my local homeless shelter but a local homeless shelter that I like to support in Ames Iowa so click the link and donate I would really appreciate it now back to the review what you see here is two guns from totally different tiers of firearms really but I've had a lot of people wanting a comparison between these so we're gonna do it it's not that hard I'm gonna do wrath top of my head it's gonna be a good time now one thing I want to say before we start getting into the review is that the tourist does not have a rear sight and the reason behind that is because this is chaos gun guys gun I want to send it back to him super quick so I'm doing this review in a hurry and today while I was shooting my new aftermarket sights for the tourists g3 the damn thing flew off on video and I have yet to put it back on it was my fault for not well first of all not knowing the shoddy sight that I bought for $30 or whatever it was was gonna stay on there and so you're searching for sights in a haystack huh did you find it for real holy [ __ ] well they were good sites not so much anymore huh people get all wrapped around the axle about pistol sights I still got a front sight minute to get the elevation who needs both sides who needs them because that has nothing to do with tourists I took the old side off put the new sight on so it's not a reflection of their company overall although it probably could be but it's not and this is my fault so try to ignore the fact that this doesn't have a rear sight through the comparison let's get right into the Taurus g3 what is this gun well it is a striker fired polymer-framed pistol that holds 15 to 17 rounds by even ten rounds depending on what version you get comes with two mags and it comes in right around 250 to $300 making it a very budget pistol overall it has a four inch barrel and it is a striker fired trigger however it does have double strike capability which honestly is pretty cool it also comes with a manual safety a pretty good grip texture and a Picatinny rail so consider this kind of the size of a Glock 45 and 19 X sort of a 19 maybe as well the sig the P through 65 XL is the bigger brother of the P 365 it has a 12 or 15 round magazine capacity so a similar magazine capacity it is chambered in 9mm in or just like the Taurus it has a 3.7 inch barrel so kind of similar barrel length and it has a striker fire trigger however it doesn't have double strike capability it does have a better coating it has a Nitron coating and you can clearly see that in person I don't know if you can see that on the camera but the sig definitely looks like the slicker pistol it also comes with high definition sights that will fly off after 50 rounds that get not Tauruses fault my bad and it comes with a red dot amount for a Sig Romeo and a beveled mag well why am i comparing these guns other than the fact that they are similar caliber in similar barrel lengths well number one because you guys asked me number two because they actually flex into similar categories although do them slightly differently both of these would be great for a concealed carry and both of them would be good for home defense leaning more towards this one simply because it has a slightly bigger size this gun here is going to be a little bit better for carry because it is in fact smaller you can see overall the dimensions of the grip in the dimensions of the slide are smaller and the overall weight smaller in about 20 ounces versus 24 not a big weight difference believe it or not and that this one's definitely gonna have better capacity coming with that 17 round magazine right out of the box if you choose and you can use this as more of thinking more of a duty defense home defense style ken flex and a carry versus a definite carry pistol it can flex into home defense how's the reliability on these guns well I got about Styles and rounders for this right now with zero problems and the little brother the g2c also had 1,500 rounds through it with zero problem so I would say this is definitely the most reliable line of pistols Taurus has put out in really long time [Music] the cig p36 t5 XL has a thousand on the street with no failures whatsoever however the cig actually has a track record of making guns they can actually do that not not more than just one line of pistol but a series of guns in fact that have no reliability issues so overall I gotta give the reliability and track record category definitely the sig just because I've had like personally three or four Tauruses in the past that just simply have not worked more of a chance I should say that you'll get a lemon from tourists than you will from Singh as far as accuracy goes the Taurus the Taurus yeah well not not with only one sight but with both sights it actually is more accurate and easier to shoot so now we're at about 50 yards here and we'll just shoot it on the steel and we'll see if we can hit like that crooked ish front sight might give us problems we're not wow that is actually really impressive simply due to the superior trigger I know what Jax you but the Taurus actually has a pretty good trigger this g3 is a really good trigger right out of the box add to that that you can continually dry fire practice with this without having to rack the slide just all day a major light switch to get used to the trigger you can be proficient with this gun fairly quickly and I have to say this is one of the more accurate four-inch pistols that I've shot and it's amazing that it actually came from Taurus now the Sig P 32 5 is accurate and sown right however it's a little bit smaller so it's a little bit harder to use it has a little bit heavier trigger but it does have superior sights from the factory alright so now we'll pop a few off them a little bit further we're about 85 yards or so right here and we'll see if we can hit [Music] [Music] [Applause] well we're heading that big one let's see if we can hit those real small ones that's pretty good [Music] thank you fascinating lot doesn't always work out now as far as shoot ability again you would expect the torch to be the winner and you'd be right it's a little heavier it's a little grayer it has a little better texture from the factory and it just simply shoots Cadence's of fire quickly more quickly than need P 365 does so if you're looking for a gun and show off to your friends but still you can carry the tourist is gonna be a better option than 365 now as far as features from the factory this thing's gonna kick its ass this thing's got those high-def sights it's got the arm art cut it's got the better coating it's got just an overall better look and it's just a little bit more pleasing to the eye and easier to hold on to for most people however for me personally I like the Taurus a little bit better because it's got a more aggressive texture which my wife doesn't like and it's not a bigger grip which maybe a lot of you won't like either now we'll get into price man the Taurus what can I say $250 for this gun versus $600 for this gun you could buy two and a half of these for the same price as this would you I don't know the Stig is just gonna be significantly more expensive overall in the Taurus so if you're looking for an overall gun you can get four super cheap and spend the rest on ammunition the Taurus is a pretty good overall deal for that now some of the downsides to the Taurus you're gonna be that track record they're gonna be that the damn sight flies off no I just I just kiddin but honestly the dovetail on the sight even when I put the new one on was super flip and loose and the only thing holding it was that set screw so it really doesn't surprise me that under the extreme pressure of the slide going back and forth a thousand times the thing flew off so I'm gonna have to get a hold of the company and do something about that but the safety if you're into a safety the Taurus actually does come with one of those but personally me I don't use it at all I just ignore it but I do like having it on there a little bit because I can use it as a little bit of a ledge to use for recoil control it also comes with a little thumb spot here which I really like and the trigger undercut is pretty awesome so overall the the Taurus has advantages it's gonna have it's gonna shoot a little better it's gonna be cheaper it's gonna have that pick rail for home defense which is really a go-to if you want to put a light on it and it's just gonna come as an overall better package for the money then this thing is however the sig is gonna be easier to carry it's gonna come with a better track record of reliability it's gonna look a little bit cooler overall that's quick comparison I can do between these two guns I hope you enjoyed it if you like this video please like and subscribe please help out your local homeless shelters and remember to recycle I'll check you later [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Honest Outlaw
Views: 89,149
Rating: 4.9440689 out of 5
Keywords: sig p365, sig sauer, taurus g2c, p365 xl, sig p365 xl, concealed carry, glock 19, best carry pistol, glock 48, sig sauer p365, glock 43x, p365 xl vs, glock 43, p365 xl review, best pistol, best carry gun, best of 2019, best pistol 2019, sig p365xl, sig p365 sas, sig p365 review, best handgun 2019, sig sauer p320, taurus, g3, taurus g3, best budget pistol, best budget handgun, taurus g3 review, g3 review, cod, best 9mm, best 9mm pistol, best of 2020
Id: nsYi3fuWujM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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