Sig Sauer P365 vs Smith & Wesson Shield 2.0 - If I Could Only Have One....

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[Music] [Applause] what's up YouTube KS gun guy here thanks for joining me today as always so I'm excited to bring another episode of the if I could only have one series and this one being between the Smith & Wesson shield 2.0 and the Sig Sauer p226 t5 so I really appreciate that I definitely try and read all of your comments and respond to him as best I can usually within a day or two now you guys also left some other comments as well and I definitely heard them you guys were saying that it's not fair to compare a gun like the Glock 43 versus the p3 65 because the 43 has a pretty long-standing reputation for being reliable and durable and to that I say I agree however for a video like this I have to take that off the shelf and the reason is oftentimes with these videos I'm comparing a pretty new gun to the market so it's not really fair to compare one that's got a good reputation or even a bad reputation versus one that's new to the market so again I I take that off the table but you know we all know what the reputations are or have some good ideas so we'll leave it at that now as a reminder for the if I could Alam one series of course we're gonna be taking a look at a few specs and some of the key features of the firearms this is not a deep dive like the original videos for any of these we'll be taking a look at shooting of course along the way and we'll take a look at the triggers and compare them there will be a caveat to that for this particular video and then I will announce a winner and of course both of these guns are fantastic I think if you're looking at either one you're interested or owned either or both of them you're doing great this is just an opportunity to take a step back and challenge myself and perhaps challenge you to say if you could only have one which one would it be and why so again that brings us to today and just for the sake of argument we'll make sure that both of these are unloaded every once in a while somebody leaves me a comment says don't do that don't treat us like children we know they're unloaded which I appreciate however just for the sake of argument I'm doing it anyway alright let's take a look at the specs here real quick from a length standpoint it's going to be six point one inches on the shield versus five point eight and the height is four point four inches versus four point three inches the barrel length is three point one inches versus three point one inches now we'll take a look at our width here give you a good look at both of those for the shield it's one point zero three inches versus just one inch on the P 365 and then the weight is 20 20 rather point 21 ounces on the shield versus 17 point eight ounces on the P 365 probably the biggest difference between the two being the weight all right capacity we are looking at seven rounds for the flat magazine for the shield and as a reminder of course the shields also come with an eight round magazine with a slightly extended base plate so it's actually pretty good capacity for a single stag firearm now when we get to the P 365 and you guys all know this by now it's got ten round magazines now it does come with a flat base plate magazine kind of like this one give you a good look at that and then an extended base plate like this however it doesn't add any rounds to it it's still a ten round magazine what they have come out with however now is a 12 round magazine that continues the the grit texture and all that kind of stuff I found an opportunity to test this just a little bit and I will say it's pretty awesome in fact I would say it's as awesome as the eight round magazine on the shield because it really fills out that grip nicely so both guns have some nice options to get just a few more rounds and a little bit more grip on there if that's something that's important to you now of course both of these guns are gonna be polymer striker-fired steel on top with various finishes whether it be Nitron or the armor ninth I think it's armored Knight finish on the Smith & Wesson so from that stand point there we go again I'm saying it again you guys like to give me trouble for saying standpoint can't help it I say it all the time but but again both of these guns are very similar so we'll take a look at a couple of key features of both of these again not a deep dive now being the shield 2.0 there are a couple of changes that they made to it probably most substantially is going to be the grip texture and hopefully you'll be able to get a pretty decent look at that I would classify this grip texture is somewhere between medium aggressive and recive it definitely has some bite to it you're able to keep your hand very well planted at the range while shooting this I haven't found a problem with that at all now this is basically a primary carry and I also carry the 2.0 compact but but the shield's been a carry and this texture has not bothered me one bit whether it be with a t-shirt or anything like that or even clothing tucked in the clothing hasn't been damaged at all or anything so this texture to me in my opinion is perfectly servable from a carry perspective now it does have a slight indention on the magazine right here so if you have to take out the magazine for any malfunctions or anything like that it's got a little bit of a lip there which is really nice however it doesn't protrude from the grip so it doesn't stick out it's not like an extended mag well or flared magwell or anything like that the magazine release button is going to be it's a steel button but it's got a polymer cap on it it's got a little bit of texture right here and I've often said that the the Smith & Wesson M&P line in general I think they have fantastic mag releases not only are they very positive but they're also easy to get to I really like the placement and the feel of them they're bigger brothers for the 2.0 's they actually have a it's all steel there so in case you're wondering now it does not have any sort of a safety although you can actually get a thumb safety with with various models they also have lasers and that sort of thing this is kind of the plain-jane version now does have of course a slide lock or slide release it is not ambidextrous as you can see but it does function just fine as release it's got just a little bit of texture on it hopefully you can see that a little bit it's pretty faint but it is definitely there and it works just fine and takedown it's got the takedown lever and one unique thing about the shield and I don't generally take these down in these types of videos it just takes way too long but but there's actually a little kind of a yellow lever in here that you can flip down and then take your slide off and you don't have to pull the trigger so if that's something that's really important to you you don't want to pull the trigger before you take a gun down this does have that option which is pretty cool now I mention lasers and such before this does not actually have an accessory rail you have to actually buy the gun that has the laser already on it unless you go with some after mark company that might attach to part of the trigger-guard here but again no accessory rail for any chainsaws or lasers or anything like that so let's go ahead and take a look at the P 365 grip and I'll actually say grip frame or grip module for a reason now one of the things I mentioned in the original video this actually does have a modular trigger system so the trigger itself is this serialized part and you can remove it however from what I understand sig is basically saying don't do it at least for the time being but that means perhaps down the road there will be some some other modules grip frame modules that maybe are a little bit bigger or different colors or something that you might be able to go with so who knows we shall see what happens so the grip texture on this to me is very reminiscent of the x-series of firearms like the X carry or the v-tach or the x5 and I think it's outstanding it's very comfortable it's got a little bit of a bite I would definitely say this is more medium aggressive it's not terribly mild but it's a little bit more mild than the shield but I found that that shooting this gun it's perfectly fine it definitely doesn't get out of the hand and being such a small gun that's definitely a concern but this grip texture I think it's just perfectly fine and I think it looks really good too it makes it just a little bit darker and it calls it out a little bit so good on sig for their grip texture now it also does have a lip right here to clear any malfunctions just like the shield does so same accessory now you'll notice however that they've actually brought in the undercut like they did with the x-series here so it allows you just to get a little bit further up on the firearm which is fantastic I really like that feature it makes it just a little bit more comfortable and also makes it a little bit less blocky they've also tried to burrow this out well however you want to say the back of the grip frame as much as possible again to allow your hand to ride up on it as as high as you possibly can now the magazine release button it's just a standard kind of like a p320 magazine release button now unlike the shield this one actually is reversible it doesn't come ambidextrous out of the box but you can flip it around so good on sig for doing that that's about as far as the ambidextrous qualities go with this however its slide lock slide release and once again you can use it as both it is not ambidextrous out of the box and then takedown it does have a ever similar to the shield and it's actually very easy you do not have to pull the trigger on this which is really nice I did take it apart in my initial video so if you're curious about the takedown how to do that be sure to check out that first video I did on the P 365 but again really from a servicing standpoint for for both of these guns takedown cleaning maintenance that sort of think they're both very easy I can't give a leg up to one or the other for that now this one does have an accessory rail for lights lasers chainsaws grenade launchers whatever you want however it looks a little bit different than a lot of the other firearms out there and you are exactly right this is actually proprietary from what I understand sig is gonna be coming out with some different accessories to be able to hang off this rail but it's not something that would necessarily accept aftermarket accessories at least for the time being I imagine some company will probably get wind of that and give it a try so that's really it I guess there is one other thing there's a little bit of a thumb indention on both sides here again just to add to some of the the ergonomic qualities of this firearm but that's it from a grip standpoint I will say really the both of these guns ergonomically I think they're both great they do it a little bit differently but I think they both feel really good in the hands now with the P 365 one thing might be if you have really really big hands and my my hands are just flower I wear large gloves nothing special if you have huge mitts the P 365 might be slightly more of a challenge for you than the shield but but that's entirely up to you of course my I haven't had personal experience with that but just some of the feedback that I've received on it let's take a look at our slides for a moment or two and again being the 2.0 one thing that they did a little bit differently of course it's got rear serrations those fish-scale serrations I really like those I think they look good they are very positive they've got a lot of traction on them they carried that forward to the front here just a little bit now I would say this is more for aesthetics than anything else however in a pinch you could probably do a really short press check if that's something of interest to you otherwise it's basically the same shield contours as it as it has always been and I like to she'll I think the shield is a good-looking gun I think it's relatively plain in some and that's really what it needs to be I'm not quite as fond of this white printing on here that says it can be fired without a magazine which is unfortunate but but aside from that I mean I think they're just really solid looking guns so sites now you guys all know that I switch these out for some Amerigo i dot sites not too long ago I did a review on that it's somewhere in the video library so so I can't quite compare this fairly at least to the 365 more on that in a moment but but even out of the box shields come with reasonably decent quality steel white three dot sights they're not bad now one thing these do have the ledge on them the the out of the box sites do not so it's about the only major difference between the two but at least it does come with some steel sights that's something that I always knock Glocks on and I did in my g43 video versus the P 365 night a couple guys gave me trouble for that I just believe that to be true steel sights at least I think are mandatory especially for carry guns so take that for what it's worth that's basically it on the slide for the shield another three sixty five does a couple of things a little bit differently first you'll notice that the finish on this is much more matte than the shield it's less shiny so maybe not quite as many fingerprints that sort of thing the other thing that's really nice about this finish especially coupled with the front and rear serrations it makes for a really really grippy surface that's something that I really like and I think that's really important for firearms especially if you do any press checks or overhanded racks or anything like that if you don't perhaps it's not as big of a deal but but I really like that feature with the P 365 and like the shield it's it's pretty plain Jane there's not a lot of bling going on with these guns which I like on both of them quite frankly they're it's not terribly busy not a lot of logos screaming everywhere and the P 365 even more so than the shield I mean it really is just just pretty plain and that's really all it needs to be I like to look really of both of these guns very well so the sights on this now here this is a little bit different this actually comes out of the box with these sig x-ray sights and I'll give you a good look at that because these are high def sights out of the box they've got that green ring right there that really calls your I too and then of course it's got tritium inserts all the way around I love these sites they're the same type of sites that you can get with the the X carry and the Legion series as well so good on Sig for including this now that also begs a question and that's pretty much it for the specs by the way or the features let's come down to cost here for just a moment or two because the MSRP on the shield is 479 versus 599 on the cig and I know some of you guys have really given sig a little bit of trouble for that I totally get that I totally understand however people are generally finding the P 365 right around five hundred to five and a quarter there abouts depending on where you look now the shield you can sometimes walk into for around four hundred or even a couple of dollars less than that so there definitely is a difference between the two a lot of it comes down to what's more important to you whether its capacity or good quality sites or any of the different features that are going on here so the price is definitely gonna be a little bit more on the sig take that for what it's worth I'm not saying it's better or worse but I would have to say the shield kind of winds it a little bit in the price category my I give the nod to that so again that's it from a specs and a future standpoint let's go ahead and take a look at a little bit of shooting and see how these guys do [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] welcome back I hope you enjoyed that footage at the range from a shooting perspective both the shield and the P 365 are a ton of fun to shoot they're both very reliable they're very accurate far more accurate than I am as you can tell but they are just a ton of fun to shoot and they both accomplish the same job now these are basically up-close-and-personal guns I think we all pretty much agree with that I will share with you I had a comment about the Glock 43 versus the P 365 video and somebody was saying that the Glock 43 can shoot at 50 yards and the P 365 can well I don't know if that's necessarily true or not but I also asked the question why are you shooting these guns at 50 yards that's just me just just my perspective on that take that for what it's worth but again they are a lot of fun to shoot now I attribute the the shooting success with both of these to the ergonomics now I said before it they both do it just a little bit differently the shield has that fantastic grip texture I think the shield just fits really well in the hand I mean it really does it feels good it sits well in the hand it's ergonomic I just I really enjoy shooting this gun it's a lot of fun and I have a lot of confidence in this gun whether I'm carrying it or just going to the range and having a really good time now the 365 again doing the ergonomics a little bit different I will say however the ergonomics are spot-on I mean it really feels fantastic especially considering how small of a firearm this is and it is basically all around a little bit smaller than the shield not by a lot but by a little it's it's outstandingly economic now one thing I've said in both of my other videos with this my grip does have to change a little bit now you'll notice that my thumb is basically resting on this foe accessory rail that's because when you typically grab a gun a lot of people want to grab it and they do one of these things or they shove both of their thumbs against it in fact I was watching a video and a guy was shooting to the P 365 and it was failing to failing to do a lot of things and his grip was basically this I will say if you're going to have a 365 and you're running your gun like this it isn't gonna work it's not gonna work very well it's not gonna be reliable it's not gonna be very much fun you do have to keep your hands off the slide now my natural grip is actually to have a floating thumb it's kind of like what Hickok does I probably picked that up from him many years ago I will admit but but it just it's become very comfortable for me but that means that this is not impeding this slide at all and then my other thumb riding against the accessory rail makes for basically a free-floating slide so that allows for a very reliable firearm I haven't had any issues with this or its body double across the room right now so again both of these guns a ton of fun to shoot now I said I was going to talk about the triggers but I also said that there was a caveat to that and there is you guys have probably already noticed and some of you have probably already left some comments and left the video by now thanks but this has the apex trigger in it with the full duty kid I did a review on that it's somewhere in the library if you're curious about it and I do recommend it for sure but but that means that the trigger comparisons going to be a little bit unusual because this is an aftermarket trigger and you guys are probably all gonna say that's not fair to compete with a stock trigger once again I totally agree so I have to harken back to the original shield video and recall that trigger that standard hinge trigger now one thing I said about that particular 2.0 trigger in this gun the stock one it was probably the best 2.0 trigger out of the box I've ever shot it was actually was a really good trigger it was say it was light it was crisp it didn't have any grit or anything like that which the M&P is often times are known for having I have to say whether you agree or not so the the trigger out of the box so at least for this particular gun was actually pretty good so I can't really do a like comparison between the two but but the shield definitely stands on its own for triggers now again I've got this apex trigger in here and it's fantastic if you're curious about it just do a couple of quick pulls with it very smooth it's really nice it does definitely have some take up on it but once you get to that wall it's a nice crisp break and then our reset is fantastic and it's got the duty spring kits in it now one thing about the spring kits the turn spring it's pretty bold so it definitely chucks your finger out there and so it's a good exercise for control but but if that's something that it's of concern to you you can always stick with the stock return spring and then change everything else out if you want but again one more time smooth pulls smooth take-up we've got our break and then our reset right there it's fantastic trigger but again out of the box the shield 2.0 trigger was actually very good and the 2.0 trigger came in somewhere around I think five and a half to six pounds if I remember correctly so and so again a perfectly serviceable trigger now the EPI 365 again not having any sort of a safety lever or anything like that one of the really cool things to take up on this is totally silent yeah I went silent there for a minute because it really it's it's very smooth and then you get to a nice defined wall and then you've got your break now it definitely has a little bit more travel to go through that break but again it's crisp it's light this one also coming in right around five and a half pounds and then our reset right there and it travels just a little bit further than the shield or at least it feels like it does because that spring on that shield is pretty crazy and then you get back out to the start once again we've got our take-up our break and then our reset right there trigger Omni P through C 365 is fantastic I would say out of the polymer P lineup with these six I think this is the best one out of the box call me crazy if you want but this one just feels fantastic and if the other p320 has had this trigger i think it would be just awesome and I just I think the other p320 triggers are good but not quite as good either way the triggers on both of these are fantastic again I've got that aftermarket apex in there which is also fantastic but out of the box the shield really definitely was serviceable so guys we're nearing towards the end of the video and once again I said there was going to be a winner at the end of this I've said multiple times and if I could only have one videos that some are extremely challenging to do because I love both the guns and this is one of those times these these guns are fantastic both of them are I'm proud have both of them and I I think anybody be lucky to have either one of them at any time but for the sake of argument we've got to talk a little bit about this now as a reminder both of these have a lot of really good features both of them are ergonomically both have good triggers both have good sights out of the box although I would give a nod to the x-ray sights on these sick but then from a cost standpoint the shield definitely wins it is it is less expensive and they are very plentiful you can find them just about everywhere the 365 is a little bit more challenging to find although I think that will eventually calm down so the 365 has been a ton of fun now it did go back to Sig I don't want anybody to forget that I mentioned that at the very beginning of the video but but again from a functionality standpoint it has been flawless it hasn't been a problem and I've got confidence that that that painting issue is going to stop of course I'll keep you guys updated on that but I don't really take into account that this had to go back to the mothership in the very beginning when doing these videos I just I just don't I mean I want to take a ticket on the merits of the gun itself and that's pretty much it if the thing didn't work it all would be a different deal but this function so I'm not too worried about that at all but again it's ergonomic it's got 10 rounds in the magazine which is fantastic you can do a 12 rounder that's really outstanding for this small of a gun and hopefully it will promote other manufacturers to do the same thing the sights on this are truly killer they are fantastic those x-ray sights are just awesome I absolutely love them there are a lot of really good things going on with the 365 and I think Sig is really throw in the kitchen sink at it as much as they possibly can all of that said the Smith & Wesson shield and I know you guys are probably already brighting comments or doing whatever you're doing right now because you know what's coming up ya know hang on just a second but the Smith & Wesson shield is a phenomenal firearm I think for a single stack firearm for a small firearm it perhaps for me is kind of the Goldilocks zone of size I loved that p 365 and it's a ton of fun to shoot but I have to change my grip a little bit with it I have to do things just slightly differently to compensate for the size as well as that low slide whereas on the shield I can just go to town I can go and it'll run and it's fine I don't really have to think about very much and from a carry perspective that's really important I don't have to I don't have to Kyrie train or rethink anything and the shield has just been awesome its design is is really very good the aggressive grip the fish-scale serrations I mean it's it's just fantastic so I understand that it doesn't have quite the capacity even though you can do mag guts and base plates and all that kind of thing you definitely can but even out of the box seven rounds and eight rounds plus one in the pipe to me hopefully would solve most any situation that this particular firearm might run across hopefully it'll never happen knock on wood but but if that were the case again hopefully fifteen rounds would solve the issue so at the end of the day guys both of these guns are fantastic but if I could only have one at least for the time being I would pick this Smith & Wesson shield now I'm very curious to know your comments on this whether you agree or disagree I'm always looking forward to what you guys have to say I have a feeling a few people are gonna disagree especially since I've really talked up the P 365 quite a bit and I still will it's a phenomenal firearm and can't wait to do more reviews with it but but again I'm looking forward to that so be sure to sound off down below guys thanks so much for joining me today and I will see you next time
Channel: KSGunGuy
Views: 710,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glock, Smith and Wesson, Sig Sauer, HK, Walther, Springfield Armory, CZ, Beretta, FN, P365, P320, 19x, M&P 2.0, Shield, P-10 C, VP9, VP9SK, P-07, P-01, APX, upgrade, custom, comparison, competition, vortex, Glock 19, Glock 19 Gen 5, Glock 17, FN 509, Sig Sauer P365, Glock 43x, Glock 48, CZ P-10 S, P10S, Arex Delta, CZ P10, Budget AR, Taurus G2C, XCarry, XCompact, Sig Sauer MPX, Glock 43X, X Carry, X Compact
Id: J-r1OVDh7Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 24 2018
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