Johnny Cash & Andy Griffith I FULL ENGLISH MOVIE I Murder in Coweta County (1983)

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[Music] in 1948 in rural Georgia there was a vast estate known as the kingdom ruled by one man his power was absolute and Beyond the law his family Legacy was one of exploitation corruption and ruthless violence this is the story of the man who ran the kingdom and the man who brought him down [Applause] [Music] same time again next [Music] week yeah [Music] [Applause] John Hardy howy Boys very good you boys better take the Carol and Road they the alcohols got their eyes on the nonon pass I'll see you boys later okay sh thank you I need a ride to Services well now John I got this [ __ ] out there in the car once been siing gas on the farm tanks told me when I caught him to bring him to you take him out of there out there boy take cuffs off off it put your thieving hands up against that door jam Mr Wallace I didn't do it put him up there please Onward Christian Maring as to war [Music] [Music] good morning everybody missed your voice in choir this morning my apologies Reverend but Ox is in the ditch however I heard that you'd be making an appeal for the new pews this morning and I I didn't want to neglect my Christian Duty so uh I'll send over some of my field hands to do the labor John not say there's more charitable man in all May well thank you re thank you service is good this morning I bet wasn't it regulations hands in the air [Laughter] Rob Le I swear you about half rabbit I am and you you about half crazy crazy oh yeah I'm crazy all right look at here see how crazy I am where'd you get that what in my shirely shine all 20 gallons Mr Waller said not to run no shine for a while Sheriff carer told him that the revenues was laying for us oh they was they was had that Highway all staked out I just did me a little heel and toe on the floorboard got my new truck to kicking dust had them laws fish tailing Every Which away Mr Wallace said not to run no shine Mr Wallace ain't got no sick baby and no pregnant wife neither wow see you made yourself a little money Wilson I heard you did some fancy driving yes sir I believe I did I guess so I seen that Revenue car this morning belly up in that drainage ditch wheel still [Laughter] spinning hand it over son M Mr Wallace that that was my share run no your share is sitting right there seemed like you took the wrong bottles that's what happens when you don't check with me first give it on up I need this money got bold boy you got greedy new truck store our clothes for your wife run to the doctor every time your baby gets a little bit sick you starting to act like you're somebody I don't need that around here I want you off my land well I I got crops in the field crops are in my field now [Music] [Applause] [Music] John Wallace owes me [Music] [Applause] well Mr Wallace prize gy just got stole I see you swallow that what are you going to do little pasture over in Carolton back in the woods keep her there to like find me a buyer Wilson I helped you cuz you're my sister's husband and you need the money messing like this with John Wallace I don't think I want to be around [Music] you easy there girl got a man's going to pay cash money for [Music] you you busted son Sheriff threadgill uh you you're not taking me back to Merryweather are you you're not handing me over to sheriff ker are you you're in my custody K and you ain't going nowhere but Carolton did yes sir Sheriff yes sir Turner get up you're being transferred to Merryweather what for cuz that's where you stole the C they got jurisdiction Sheriff call you brought the warant no Sheriff you count don't take me that's John Wallace C is one of his boys Wallace will kill me let pleas go I W take me W will kill me thank you Sheriff supper I don't want my supper I want my phone call I ain't had one since I've been arrested Sher says you don't get no phone call look my wife don't know I'm here nobody knows I'm here let me just send a note or something please you don't eat that supper it's going to sit right right there and be your [Music] breakfast hey hey lady my name is Wilson Turner I got relatives in Carolton uh Tommy Windam Miller rby tell them I'm here have them get my wife no wait they'll pay you tell them I said they'll pay you please pleas lady tell somebody about [Music] me what are you doing turning you loose how come something about lack of evidence Sheriff said to let you out at straight up 12 how come 12:00 where is the sheriff are you going or staying I got errands [Music] [Music] [Music] hey I got a full tank of gas in here y'all been joy riding or what h [Music] good afternoon Mr Wallace I guess Sheriff K told you been released no boy you're wrong again you ain't been [Music] released you escaping [Music] a [Music] stupid car you're supposed to empty that thing [Applause] [Music] [Music] too excited you can't hit nothing you don't catch him I'll shoot [Music] you we've been safe keep going [Music] we just enter Ka County keep going this is lar po County keep [Music] [Applause] going help me help don't let him kill me stop it don't kill it stop it help what are you boys doing Escape criminal W for murder why don't you just handcuff why don't you mind your own damn [ __ ] what we going to do I'm going to call Sheriff P Irene you do make a world beaten cheeseburger glad you like it JH you want some of these hey J I've been noticing barryman Brown his Brites are getting tight and his pride is suffering I want you to buy him a new pair take them out to his mama don't tell her where they came from size 12 14 he's still grw more hey otwell we just got a call from the sunset tourist Camp they think they seen a killing where you going well we might have ourselves a murderer no no need you around the office tell on the phone might be something coming in and I'd like you to try to get those bridges for that boy today I'll [Applause] [Music] try he was just a little fellow share no more than 130 pound and the way they kept beating on him one of them had a fancy pearl handle gun I never saw nobody so mean and hateful in all my life and then the gun went off was he shot no he hit him on the head with a barel cracked him in the skir and then he fell and didn't move he was dead Sheriff he had to be dead it's all right Mr Wilson it's all over now would you see Mr Wilson i' be glad to I got half a license number on that tan four-door and description of the asants and the Witnesses are inside whenever you want to talk to them how about the truck well license frame said lrange Motor Company so I called him up and it's registered to a Wilson turner He's a tenant farmer over on John Wallace's place and Lamar the fell who did The Killing he sounds awful lot like John Wallace you got as far as he was going run those Chase car numbers through Atlanta cross check him against local registration send some of your boys by Turner's house ask around see if maybe he shows up somewhere he might still be alive more John Wallace he just about owns Merryweather County this ain't [Music] [Applause] Merryweather Amar them license numbers came back from Atlanta it belonged to Herring sevel wasn't he indied on murder a while back killed a man over a poker game shot him in the back five witnesses Wallace got him off in sign of Turner no but guess where he was right before Wallace got a hold of him where how about Sheriff Hardy caller's jail let's go Mark can I drive this time Wilson Turner was released at 12 noon yesterday you is see him didn't have enough evidence to hold him release paper right here the as salant said something about an escaped criminal well that's nonsense as you see right there accused of stealing one of Wallace's cows well we got the cow back it really was no harm done I'd like to talk to Wallace and SEL now John Wallace didn't have nothing to do with no killing we're not sure anybody's dead yet well whatever John was here with me yesterday eating lunch matter of fact we had my favorite ham steak and oy that right yes sir we talked about livestock price speed John must have stayed yeah radio said it was 2:30 I walked him out to his car got in it headed west went on home you know where Wallace might be right now yes sir he's out of town on business now let me make something clear to you CER I have jurisdiction on this case and I didn't come here out of law I came here out of manners now I want John Wallace and hering sevel brought to my office and I want you to bring them you want them bam won't you get them that's your job Sheriff now you got until 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning release papers my hind in Turner was set up well let's ask around maybe we can find somebody to saw what happened Miss Baker M Mrs Baker I'm Sheriff Lamar pot from over in Cay County this is my brother JH and we were wondering if maybe you saw anything unusual yesterday out there on the Square sometime around noon this about that Sunset killing possible killing yes ma'am I didn't see anything you didn't see John Wallace anywhere John Wallace is a fine man a Christian man he bought all new pews for Reverend Wayne Wright's Church gave with a Thompson a milk and cow when her old one died built a new barn for Jake Henley when his burnt down and I have to say I don't particularly appreciate Outsiders coming around here meddling in Mr John Wallace's Affairs yes ma'am thank you for your time [Music] seems that John Wallace is a real generous soul John Wallace didn't buy any pews or barns he bought people all right there we go pull on out K come on come on K take it up come on K come on here come on here K come on here pull it K pull it K he come on like a Missi you okay not a little you come up here come up here back off come up here come get on Hardy you looking a little PE here come up okay and then joh kicking back up on you again need talk John keep working with her boy keep working with her Sheriff par paid me a visit this morning yeah what do he want what he wants is a man who killed Wilson Turner is that's what got you to bother real B turn was nothing but thie and wey white trash what kind of man is going to go breaking a sweat over the likes of him Lamar Parts my man was insulin stole from me I let him get away and never dirt farmer I got's going to want to start helping himself in my possession I had to kill Turner business pots all understand that don't see things that way John now if you don't walk right pots will come at you and he keeps coming hey you remember that field hand that killed his wife and chopped her legs off now pots tracked him all the way to Kansas and yanked him out of the wheat field that was a [ __ ] he don't make no difference to him John I don't believe you know who you're talking to this is the kingdom this is Merryweather nobody around you going to say a word against me except you didn't kill him in Merryweather you killed him across a line with they Ka the witnesses and a sheriff that won't quit now I'm telling you John if PS can find a [ __ ] in Kansas he can sure find white trash in a swamp now I don't know and I I don't want to know where you dumped the body but whever it is better be H good I ain't going no more [Applause] miss my haly who is it GW [Music] evening Mr M haly well you went ahead and killed him didn't you who told you that I have seen the wicked spreading himself like a Green Bay [Laughter] Tree even miss Sally i' like a reading what you see deep in the well deep in the woods a body is lost but not for good what else do you see a man who is strong a man who is true a man who is just as determined as you will he find the body steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord and the evil shall go down into the M will he find the body you encourage yourself in an evil thing you accomplish an evil thing God's Arrow shall bring you down answer me will he find the body you shall be brought to the bit of Destruction damn you you old witch and damn Miss be unto you John Wallace what' she say gibberish so what we're going to do now state of Georgia calls for a corpus deti ain't no body there ain't no murder Potts is a Tracker he just might find it he can't find a body if there ain't nobody get me out of here yes ma'am uh and when do you think he might be back uh-huh would you tell him we called thank you manam well call your's out housekeeper doesn't know where for how long it's already 11:30 he's ducking us some more have B will meet us here as soon as he can Jim Hillen too I want the G be in on this I'm going to see judge bin get a search warrant for Wallace's place we're through [Music] waiting that's Wallace's house I thought he'd have a big old mansion bis don't care about looking powerful just being powerful a good afternoon Mrs Wallace yes good afternoon Mrs Wallace I'm Sheriff Lamar pots this is JC otwell Georgia State Police my brother JH and Jim Hillen Georgia Bureau of Investigation gentlemen Mrs Wallace I apologize for any trusion but I'd like to speak with your husband oh I'm afraid he's not in Sheriff he hasn't been home since day before yesterday do you know where he is I have heard that he has another who suits him better do you like flower sherff yes ma'am my wife raised a son she'd envy your talent there I'm especially proud of my geranium they're such a brave flower don't you think yes ma'am Mrs Wallace I know it might be an inconvenience but I have a warrant to search your house search the house we'll be as careful as we can cool shff somewhere around here I remember the clearing remember the Grier bushes what is it we supposed to be looking for Mr Wallace old abandoned well what's in the well Mr Wallace package what kind of package there's no well over there come here yeah yeah that's it that's it get those boards off of there hold on hold hold on I don't see nothing down there drop that grappling hook on down there go ahead go ahead [Music] yeah all right fish around see if you can catch a hold of anything go ahead yeah all right give him my hand get him my hand pull it on out of that come on pull everybody pull pull pull [Music] come the skull is bust open caught a pole we're moving it Mr Wallace I don't think I want to do that somebody around here asked you what you want hey Shar yeah look here hey hold him up like this yeah so the bloodline runs from his shoulder down his back across his hip even down the leg evidently he carried Turner's body somewhere slung over his right shoulder well one thing's for certain no man's going to bleed that much and live we got ourselves a definite murder here we're all finished now Mrs race and I want to thank you for your cooperation I have freshly baked teacake Sheriff perhaps you and your men would care for some refreshments no thank you ma'am we'll just be on our way goodbye Sheriff goodbye miss Wallace EX [Music] [Music] [Music] abber abber why don't we just quit why don't we just lay it down go home Mr Wallace killed this white man over $50 in the cow you still want to lay your burden down oh who's that there this is Sheriff Lamar Potts from over in kaid I'm looking for Mrs Wilson Turner did you say Kaa yes sir that's Julia over there sh you weren't easy to find Mrs Turner Sheriff threadgill said you might be here at your uncle's place well Sheriff now we ain't hiding from the law we just feel something awful might have happened Wilson and and we're afraid whoever done it just might not be finished yet yes sir I realize that Wilson didn't mean to steal that cow Sheriff he tried to find honest work Mr Wallace put out the word nobody'd hire him Mrs Turner I'm not here to arrest anybody I ain't seen Wilson for 5 days now I'm scared Sheriff I'm real scared you ain't found him have you no ma'am but I'm trying this this Turner I wonder if I could have a piece of your husband's clothing what for our blood hounds [Music] [Music] Mar are you all right mhm I want him J Wallace he ain't walking away from this [Music] Lord have mercy on me all sherff Lamar B come get me now [Music] [Music] you boys do a good job scrape it clean right down to the dirt when you finish get back to the fields I got business TI yes sir Mr W yes sir [Applause] [Music] Mr you fellas are here kind of early this morning aren't you yeah didn't want to miss nothing Cher not to this one this case on hand me neither good morning thank you sh hey Luther don't you be cheating Woody than Amar Wallace's attorney just called for Merryweather they're bringing him in here they come you ain't going to believe this they drove over in the Chase car I wish you boys would lighten it up a little I've seen brighter faces at a train wreck look at old Hardy man's about to pop a VIN John do me a favor don't get brassy in there not with Sheriff po just relax counselor everything's under control Sheriff po this is a real pleasure I've been wanting to meet you for quite a while pleas your clothes that's right want to explain the blood stains on them sure I was out riding and I cut myself on a Brier see C well bring in Steve Smith Steve is this the man you saw beating Wilson Turner yes sir that one too he drove the car W you are under arrest for the kidnapping and murder of Wilson turn now just a minute murder what murder where's the body man do you realize who it is you handcuffing I realize who might be next are you hearing SEL yes sir is that your car yes sir same charur where's the body now John don't worry I'll see a judge rrange bail ain't going to be no bail that's not for you to say there ain't going to be no bail I'd well take them to C County Jail Sheriff you're going to be very embarrassed about this I'm impounding cel's car for evidence if you men would like a ride home I'll have one of my men take you back to Mayweather we can arrange our own transportation thank you if I might use your phone help you sir do the license numbers check out it's the one her R turn her down drove it right up under our noses blood all over you can see where they tried to wash it out not very hard I might add that's not all look got Wallace brought with him still traces of blood left on the cylinder we got enough blood already what we need is the body it came from without that Wallace goes free now I want you to organize a search posy and ask any citizens to help you will and ask them to do as a personal favor to me if that's not enough tell them there's a $500 reward Mar okay I got a broke down into teams location Captain for each Command Center in the field everyone of them's here cuz you asked for hello fellas there's a man who thinks he's Above the Law killed a fellow in our County thinks he's going to get away with it we're going to see that he don't all right let's do it told you how you doing LZ Hancock what's old Revenue like you doing out here today you want a foot race around the block fact is I called for Elie myself made a special request at the governor for him he ain't nothing but the best tracker in the state of Georgia hey Elie ain't you the one Gunn down Wallace his uncle old man Tri I aate for him by that 100 horse Steeler here you went down firing took a piece out of my elbow I see you got your raiding clothes on there you want to assignment n I got some ideas my own well boys we best H it on I know a thing or two about the kingdom those Ken of Wallace don't mind shoo and they don't care who they shoot you stay sharp out there yes sir you do likewise come on come on let's go come on let's go [Music] w [Music] that is some big territory out there any help from CER and his men no deputies are all busy coler's in bed heart problems meaning he ain't got the heart for it what El well there is this one thing it seems that there's this fortune teller over in herd County her name is May Haley Lancaster now rumor has it that Wallace sets a good deal of store in her pays her an occasional visit well at least we know he's superstitious yeah Jim I got a gang of Road workers here they were out here working last Tuesday almost got run over by the chase thing is they said they saw two cars in Pursuit and only one car coming back cil's tan fordor is the only one on the return any idea on the second car not much only that it was an older dark model uh these boys were hitting the dirt when it flew by ask around see if you can find out who was driving it Jim I'll try folks around here ain't real easy to converse with we'll do the best you can odwell did you get directions on how to find that mayh Lancaster woman yeah JH you're in charge here keep it going as long as there's daylight right let's go there [Music] [Applause] he haly Lancaster who is it law who law God's law I'm Sheriff Lamar Potts Ka County Sergeant JC otwell I can't be too careful these days it's just too much Badness about I've been wrong 22 times dogs get this is my sister Sally Lancaster miss me Haley I understand John Wallace sometimes visits you he killed Wilson Turner did he tell you that well he didn't have to I am an oracle of the ages so was I born and so do I live yes ma'am well we're looking for Wilson Turner's Body and if there's any information that you could give us well it's a dollar and a dime a dollar and a dime what for well it's a dollar for me and then there a dime for my dogs yes ma'am okay all right over here right here right here [Applause] I see four men three alive one not let see them moving let Destruction come upon the evil one and into his own pit let him fall I see fire and water and Fire and Water I've told you all I can yes ma'am I appreciate it Sheriff blessed is the man who pies the poor the Lord will deliver him in his time of trouble how to go with myy oh nothing definite any word on that second car if anybody SE it they ain't talking what about the [ __ ] now we pulled two bicycles and the box spring mattress out of Greenville Lake yuger Simpson got bed reaching in a hollow log aside from that well get the men back out tomorrow as many as will go and tell yuger to watch where he's reaching Sheriff's Office Tom Strickland [Music] uh-oh we got the whole family that ain't no reunion picnic I don't want a blood bath now take off your guns and leave them in the car is he going crazy the first one to touches one of my deputies I'm going to kill him now I want Tom Strickland you can bring him out or I'll go in after him we're all strick if you want to take him you're going to have to take us well that's just fine with me all you got to do is stand in my way [Music] you ain't taking me you ain't taking me you ain't taking me any you ain't taking me to no jail I ain't going you in the Kingdom now Sheriff you know s Strickland I don't care about your kingdom he's taking me to no stop him stop him don't let him take me out of the Kingdom stop him John won't like this Jody stop him don't let him take it D stop him joh joh they're going to lock me up you you got to do something J don't tell him nothing just keep your mouth shut you hear me where are you taking me their CS back there no we got a special place for you I don't need no special place put me in with John what do you got to do to me k [Music] now we've only covered a third of the territory and that's if he hit it in the Kingdom we got to keep going I can't hold W Forever Without evidence well we got enough to prosecute kidnapping and assault he killed a man that's what he's going to pay for Sheriff that was County Tom strickman broke he wants to talk [Music] your cousin talk gave us all the details about him and Henry Mobley in that second car that right uhuh about how you waved him off at Sunset how you come back by with Turner's Body transferred it to mbl's car took the back road to your place stopped at your pastor Gap slung Wilson Turner over your shoulder and walked off in the woods you have to understand Sher Tom Strickland's kind of a family fool little press he's allow to say anything I wouldn't get to car away with it what did he say about me everything he didn't say I kill nobody did he I just done the driveing I didn't kill nobody shut up you stupid fool you remember that poker shooting you remember who got you off you owe me but I didn't kill Turner you did that I'm not going to hang for you shut up I said I don't know John looks like the kingdom is beginning to crumble it don't make no difference what they say you still don't have a body Sheriff Elsie just checked in he thinks he found something you remember Elie Hancock don't you John he's the one that got your uncle now there's two sets of Sho prints here dug in rather deep now you can even see the nail marks on the so trade marks on the heel now either they was two big men or or they was carrying something heavy it probably cared between them second set follows almost right on top of the first now look what happens when the second man does swing out brush between them snapped off about 4 ft from the ground whatever there can hanging on a pole two poachers falling out of deer would you bother to wrap a deer in a burlap blanket correct me if I'm wrong but uh that is burlap is it he's also a set of mule tracks up in the road running parallel at the stream somebody up there's watching out for where's it all lead Well Trail starts about a mile back and just a little ways ahead coming out on the road traffic's wiped out the tracks from there that road leads straight back to Wallace territory now my guess is they brought the body here got rid of it went up on the road and walked back home got rid of it where there waited it down dumped it one of those deep holes that may Haley woman did say something about water you're not getting superstitious no just eager get some drag [Music] [Music] teams Mar we're coming up empty we might be cutting ourselves short here here suppose they didn't just dump it and go home suppose they crossed over and kept going well then we're in a mess of trouble ain't nothing over there but mud swamp suck a man up never give him back I think I'm going to take a little walk you best take some inter you no keep them on the stream drag it every foot of that trail [Music] [Music] is it true what you said about that $500 it's true I've been W to talk to you first time you've been out here by yourself I'm the one who called you and gave you strickman's name I appreciate that but the reward is for Turner's Body you know who I am but you wouldn't go tell nobody would you not if you didn't want no you understand I've seen anywhere near you I'll have somebody else deliver the money not to me not in Merryweather to my folks over there across the line you have my word well wace burned the body throw it in a liquor steel pit and DED it with shine and set it off had two colored field hands of helping him Albert Brooks and fell Nam Robert Lee Gates you could see them Flames for Miles Albert and Robert Lee he's back there in the fields working thank you now Sheriff I want you to understand right now I just put my life life in your [Music] hands come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you Robert Lee Gates yes sir you ready to talk about burning that body yes sir I am you stacked the wood three layers High another on top soaked it down with every drop we had then Mr wallers put the torch to it he had us come back next morning with sugar sacks and shovels said make sure and scrape it clean yeah you sure done that what'd you do with the ashes took him down to the stream spilled him in show me exactly where walk the same way you boys don't move don't disturb anything El right along here down by that tree right here build him in Fire and Water he beat us he's just going to up and walk away Lamar yeah bone chips would you men be willing to test testify that these are the final remains of the Buddy of Wilson Turner yes sir yes sir hey boys we got him [Applause] we got serious problems John those field hands of yours took share of pots on a grand tour the pasture the whale the liquor pit the entire trail of crime pot snatched up every piece of Lincoln evidence they even lured a man into the wh found a piece of brain you left behind together with those bone chips Pig bone cow brain they sent them to Atlanta the crime lab confirmed they're human what do you Albert and Robert Lee are got to testify was turnup in all of Georgia not one white man has ever gone to the chair on a nigger's word and they're going to testify against me how long you think they're going to be around to do that [Applause] just got confirmation from Columbus Albert and Robert Lee arrived safely at musi prison they're in protective custody registered under assumed names they won't be moved till you call for them you found homes for the families oh yeah a couple of farms and CA good people now to keep secret move them over there there as soon as they're loaded up and make sure you're not follow right we got one more trip ma'am tell Sheriff Coler I've come for him tell him yourself he's taken to his sick bed again [Music] don't even breathe odwell pull the blanket off of him real slow kind of a warm day to be all covered up ain't it sherff you ain't Hing me off like no dirt dog criminal I'm an elected official of this County I'm a sheriff you sold that badge the same badge I stand behind I to end that heart problem for you right here and now have a warrant for your arrest accessory to murder I can't leave I got to stay in bed I got to take p that's where you better stay you run and I promise you there ain't a place on God's green earth that I won't track you [Music] down I just check it your pleas all right go ahead in there sir can I just give you a real quick check here thank you thank you thank you sir can I just check you here real quick oh thank you very much how you doing man sir you have the deputy check you just real quick please sir can I just check you real quick miss m miss Sally I appreciate you coming to testify this morning well I just doing my duty Sheriff you know just jce must be sir m m i noticed you have a different head on today well the other one's from World War One belonged to my brother he got killed in action oh I'm sorry well that's all right we still talk m m I just bet $100 he's going to get all I got a $100 said W she get how's that going to go well I Ain saying I don't want to influence this tribe I tell them what's going Happ J let's get these ladies some proper SE this she said I'm right didn't you hear she didn't say nothing your ears binned on backage you boys here wace hired Al Henson to his defense team it's a slick dude out of Atlanta folks say he could get Sherman's march reduced to trespassing don't mean nothing it does mean something superior court of K County case number 446 the state versus John Wallace The Honorable Samuel J boyin presiding court is now in session Gentlemen of the jury what the state is about to contend is that the defendant John Wallace on April 20th 1948 did willfully feloniously and with malice of forethought kill and murder Wilson Turner now we will present to you 38 sworn Witnesses we will corroborate their testimony with 43 pieces of physical evidence we will detail every step of this most heinous and barbarous act I am certain you gentlemen will in all good conscience have no choice but to find John Wallace guilty is charged and sentence him to death they had a fallen out over 20 gallons of liquor Wilson said Mr Wallace threatened him Mr Wallace told Wilson to get off his land and if he ever seen him again he he'd kill him you say you saw a body in the well how' you see craw fish's eyes are in his tail mine are in my head you can tell what's going to happen in the future can't you well I'd like for you to tell what's going to happen to me now you look at here you might just get what Turner got oh a drug that fell out to the car door and tried to force him inside that's when Wallace brought it down against that Fell's head so hard that the gun went off the fell never h him no more well I'm afraid I must agree with the state prosecutor your Sheriff Lamar pots has amassed a remarkable almost incontrovertible chain of evidence yet one question remains means to be answered where exactly did Wilson Turner die we've heard testimony he was hit on the head in kaaa then driven to Merryweather which county did he actually die in if he died in Merryweather then I submit the cheriff pots had no jurisdiction that in fact he made an unlawful arrest and I will move that this trial be transferred to Merryweather or dismissed allog [Music] together who can answer the question of Turner's death only those men who drove him out of Kaa with their testimony I will prove that Turner died in Mayweather and I will move for dismission your honor as my first witness I call to the stand Mr Henry Mobley your honor my client refuses to test aile on the ground that it might tend to incriminate him that case your honor I call on Mr Herring SEL your honor my client refuses to testify on the grounds it might tend to increas remating him Mr Thomas Strickland your honor my client refuses to testify your honor at no time has the state absolutely proved that the blow administer at the sunset tourist Camp did indeed kill Turner they don't have to it's up to you to prove that it did not kill him now get on with this trial hey hey you can't believe it ain't nobody want to testify for Wallace Mr Wallace you have the right to make an unsworn statement on your own behalf neither the defense nor the prosecution May interrupt you you will not be placed under oath but your test testimony will be a matter of record do you wish to make such a statement there's no reason you go up there the less said about this incident the better i s you're wrong C you don't understand the power of my word these people will believe what I tell them to as your attorney I'm advising you to stay off that stand your honor I do wish to testify well it's going to take the stand he going to save my [Applause] $100 I believe I should begin with how I met Wilson Turner was in 1945 he came to me looking for work at first I was against it I don't believe in mixing white and colored Health promotes social equality and causes serious problems but he was a young man needing a start I hired him and the first few years he proved to be a good worker I was I was very happy with our association but then word came to me that Turner was making Liquor on my land well naturally I was distressed what if someone should think I was involved in this illegal trade I asked him to discontinue his liquor making to get back on the straight and narrow he ignored me made threats against my person finally with grave fear for my life and reputation I requested he leave my property he did but not before taking my prize gery cow with him now many of you men who work in Farmers such as myself and you know what a loss this can be well not long after that I received a call from my Sheriff Hardy Coler saying that Turner had been arrested and transferred legally and properly to the Merryweather jail I told him that I would come down and decide what should be done with Turner I drove in the next day today with My Kinsman Tom Strickland and Friends Henry Moy and Herring sevel who are under some obligation to me I wanted to talk to turn but not in jail somewhere else that's not the first time a man has been taken out of jail and talk to as we arrived I noticed Turner in his new truck heading for kaay we took Pursuit I meant to catch him and bring him back to jail I never consented for Sheriff Kia to release him your honor I think it's obvious my client is under a good deal of stress and beginning to Tire if we might take a short recess seems energetic enough to me go on I'm I'm not going to lie to you gentlemen I had a gun in my hand when we caught Turner but not for the intention of hurting anyone I'm a churchgoing man I believe in my God as you believe in yours now these these Witnesses have testified that I struck Turner with that that gun and that is not what [Music] happened as I went to put him in that car he grabbed the doors and pushed back hitting his head on the gun causing it to go off it made a small cut on his right ear a little bleeding I put him in the car ordered him to set on the floor at that time he was as alive as you and me I know this because as we drove away he commented on the poor fitting of the door panels and how the dust blew in we drove him to the pasture where the cow was stolen I meant to get a confession out of him and as as we walked through the gate I heard a noise I turned to look and as I turned to look the gun went off when I when I looked back Turner was lying on the on the ground with with his Scout torn off it was it was horrible it was a horrible thing the death of Wilson Turner was an accident I uh I do not remember how he got in that well or what happened to him afterwards I've been under considerable strain and I just do not remember I've asked my God to guide me through this presentation and I ask you to commune with him let him guide you to your decision let me go home to my wife and family I thank you your honor I wonder if you could direct the defendant as to where the accident took place you know the rules on unsworn statements there is to be no suggestion from councel your honor may I continue you may the well and pasture where all this took place are in Merry weather County how to do John you just buried yourself Sheriff I understand you raised Fox house I'm a fancier of that read myself maybe when this whole thing's over you and me Miss Turner I'm glad I got a chance to see you I want you to know I don't hold a grudge against you for your husband's actions in fact you're more than welcome to pick out any place you want on my land and stay there as long as you like I I like to take care of my own uh is this little William was that really necessary the jury is in has the jury reached a decision we have y honor will the defendant please rise I caution this courtroom I will tolerate no expression of opinion on this decision be it favor or disfavor Mr Foreman what is your verdict we the jury find the defendant John Wallace guilty as charged John Wallace you have been duly tried and found guilty is charged would you please step forward [Applause] on the 30th day of July between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. you will be put to death by means of [Music] electrocution morning boys looks like we going to have another pretty day does it okay this one [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello John I'm about ready to leave thought to drop by and see if there's anything you might need you mean like a fancy last meat no I wouldn't want you to go hunting fried chicken strawberry pie today and then tomorrow I wind up eating supper at my own house it ain't going to happen they ain't going to kill me there'd be a phone call always has been you know Lamar we're a lot alike each running his own County having power over other men best feeling in the world make you do anything except give it up how powerful is a man who can't control himself you're still down on me for my murdering ways I've only killed four men in my whole life and each one of them had it coming those lives didn't mean anything to you I'm the head of the Kingdom I was raised for that my mama always told me do what you have to do never let your conscience get in your way I'm going to pray for you John goodbye Sheriff bye John Sheriff you got 20 minutes no I'm going back to Ka County you're not staying for the execution we saved your seat no thanks I don't think so [Applause] [Music] sir is this line still open yes sir good is there anything you'd like to say yes almighty God you alone know my heart stand by to receive me into your house [Music] all all [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Absolute Westerns
Views: 212,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 80s crime movies, Absolute Westerns, Best of Hollywood, Compelling narrative, Crime drama, Crime investigation, Gritty westerns, High-stakes drama, Intense drama, Intriguing plot, Justice prevails, Justice served, Lawman vs outlaw, Looming danger, Nostalgic films, Outlaw justice, Redemption tale, Rural settings, Southern charm, Underworld boss, Vintage TV movies
Id: 0zmHIR38N8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 35sec (5795 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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