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and welcome ladies and gentlemen to yet another simon video we're here with the boys let's get it boom all right yes nando's there's just going to be silence as we we've been sat here watching our food for five minutes there are seven questions prepared here by the way oh so everyone says you want to tell everyone your order oh yeah go on vic um double lemon and herb chicken wrap parry fries rainbow slaw water standard panic and dash hot butterfly and long stem breakfast oh geez double checking that medium of cheese or honey cheese perrie chips garlic bread cheese cheese there we go um thanks we've got ten wings medium oh and small pear chips easy what was it like sticks chicken thighs hot garlic bread perry chips awesome easy easy says halloumi sticks of dip chili jam medium chicken thighs cherry chips coleslaw oh wow um i got the great imitator wrap oh oh imitator today i quite like it i quite like it um creamy mash olives uh there was garlic bread was now eaten and a peroni perroni yeah i will ask though when i took it from your fridge there was a magnum in there who drinks the magnums in this household this guy because he's drinking moments he [ __ ] oh man you started drinking maggies magnums i don't know those are magnums but yeah i thought it would create content when you start drinking magnesium well i what i don't drink magnums who's writing this choice there's magnum he wants to try the magazine i've never tried i've never tried a maggot i've always wanted to try magnum oh i love it all right oh my god how he's going to get busy i'm more of a sweet cocktail type of guy i can't believe that he's never tried a magnum more of a more of a penis collider you are you drink magnums right ethan yes yeah do we get nuts regularly we got napkins i'm um you need a napkin use your tongue it smells like it's like pork it's like a dessert wine it's a tonic wine yeah that's what it is right yeah a little sip oh it's cake is he look at it oh it's nice yeah it feels like it's full of sugar but that's give me no no lovely this guy this guy [ __ ] i'll be keeping that all right you want the first question okay i've got little cards all sorts would you rather with all the sidemen for 15 years [ __ ] kill me now or from now or live with one forever oh one forever one forever probably really fifteen years fifteen years we're raising our kids there we're like also all seven times all seven like if we pull together we could get like like the building that is massive and they're all like they all live in the building we're kind of our complex yeah we can have a sidemen comment yeah i'll do that so i'll go with that i'm going to try it i've got a house in complex right what i mean we say live together what boundaries are on the house yeah it has to be a house oh yeah we just keep getting bigger you can't get like a you can't go like oh we got a neighborhood and that's where [ __ ] palace is there's a palace in our house you definitely could find like a we could we could if we what are you doing with that by the way turning it into a burger oh wow yeah so it's a garlic guys to be girls too yeah there's a lot of people though i think with one if you're one for life like it's like you get stuck being someone's stuck with something for life just come along you know but they're really married before you're married but but like literally you've been together for seven and a half years no oh my god no because we started cybermen january october sorry and then we moved in january yeah so january will be seven nice you're about to hit eight you're about twenty four two in the first house two in the second house not two and a half in both one yeah we haven't even stayed well it was january 2014 to now so that's seven yeah you're about to be you're coming up to eight years eight it's like 10 year anniversary like wood what's that woods like you know different animals give them that wood you hold this wooden yeah anniversaries it's like wedding anniversaries other [ __ ] you implied something else kind of just would dirty dirty boy mm-hmm yeah you raised you raised a good point for the 15 years so at least it was over yeah the complex would be so big we could actually build a go-kart tracking as well if you could change what falls from the sky instead of rain what would you choose and why chicken nuggets money money but only notes no point because everyone has it everyone would be [ __ ] rich oh wow that's a capitalist mindset like a t-shirt that costs like four grand yeah exactly inflation i quite like the rain i wouldn't want to switch it out snow okay snow i'll take snow instead okay can we have non-boring answers well what you would say but what like what like what you are no given non-boring answer i'm not my answer um what [ __ ] to fall from the sky clips yeah little tit someone tits jesus right you're every single bit of rain is a jesus you're proud holy boy hollywood yeah that's it yeah everyone's getting annoying think about coming in from the rain like all your clothes would just be sticky do you drink rain when it rains joints sometimes if you knew it was vodka it's not a bad one what about little vials which contain the cure for cancer hmm well done that's a good thought nice wouldn't that kill more people in the sky maybe yeah they have like parachutes little vials of parachutes yeah oh cute i mean how do we can go from there antibodies you want antibodies to walk in this guy yeah pick him up just our sweet oh superpowers everyone has them and you might get a [ __ ] one what's the [ __ ] superpower the one um yeah what was the misfits the girls girl in misfits who had the power when anyone touched her they just wanted to have sex with her that was good but like it was bad because obviously she literally couldn't do anything she would go past someone absolutely like accidentally bump into them they're like misfits was sad remember the [ __ ] curdling milk one oh that was oh the cuddling milk episode bro what would you prefer to uh never feel pain or to feel pleasure instead of pain so the physical pain still happens so as in like you know if you get cut open you are still cut open even if it feels good so yeah so the physical yeah you don't want to because then you injure your whole body yeah but both of them are there there's two options though what was the first time i i think never felt it was never full pain ever or feel pleasurable so you could literally walk past something and like slice your arm off and you wouldn't even feel it yeah but so the second one definitely then because you have some indication no you like it though there's some damage to your body whatever you like yeah you like it never feel pain because you don't like you've just got to use your head and not yeah but i'm what if you're going to do it and you don't know that you're injured because you're not feeling pain and you like bleeding pleasure i think it's obvious which i'm picking yeah do you think what i think it's obviously i kind of agree with your logic yeah i know i i take my answer back now it's the pleasure yeah stop your toe and you're like oh yeah imagine a rabbit you wouldn't even know that it's painting like giving you pain though because it might actually just be pleasurable well imagine if like even the pleasure one you're like a slave and a slave owner is just constantly whipping you and you're still like my heart if i'm [ __ ] me up where'd that go that's your boy that's nice guys guys come on man like yeah it's just incredible where his brain goes it's amazing no but like it's obvious like yeah the pleasure is the best one with no pain it's just because no no pain is to say it's but they're the same thing except one you're experiencing nothing and the other you're experiencing at least a bit of pleasure yeah but it's not the first one isn't ever just taken away out of your normal pleasures like you're still able to have your normal pleasure yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm not saying but yeah so i might still go with never no never i'd go and never feel pain no i'm going with pleasure i can't laugh i mean boxing would be easier he's done so what type of pain like physical pain or psychological pain he's alright bugsy this is the first time he's ever put a lyric into this video physical psychological pain you could never be depressed because whenever you feel pain in your heart you shine me up you forget you feel pleasure i mean yes yes yeah but you'll do things let yourself feel sad and do things to hurt yourself all the time it's a paradox that's if you don't have self-control all right so when's the last wank what is that painful no no it's pleasurable the human brain desires pleasure will carry on game of pleasure it's hard to overcome the need for pleasure oh no like or you'd become so detailed everything would get bro you can't go a day so you're going to know that everything would get our argument everything gets you desensitized so like that wouldn't be enough anymore because because you could be watching by nearly now everything you you then can't you would do worse and worse you don't break yourself the simplest of things just wouldn't be enough for you anymore i guess true you'd go bust run me over because i want to feel it yeah like why would you bother doing stuff yeah gives you pleasure when you can just walk into the horse yeah yeah yeah it's it's fair points on both sides let us know what you'd rather do in the comments yeah you have to give up one of these forever wiping your butt or brushing your teeth no mouthwash you can't shower for the purpose of cleaning your bum ah that's just we can't get a middle easter egg where you get the shower head oh [ __ ] that's clean enough you can't lie yeah you're going to use malfunctions your buff your butt or your teeth i have to just i've been bothered because both are awful obviously one of which was good and one was bad it's not i don't know i'm sure i'm sure where i nappy with that i'm not going i've known someone who's had bad breath and it's long yeah i'd go i'd go i'm not gonna not this boy again him out against poor guys i'm kind of thinking i'd let my teeth go so that they can get a fake face it's got to be the shitty [ __ ] yeah yeah cause you even stop covering you still have friends right you're gonna stink and [ __ ] though like you stink of old [ __ ] but you could get like air tight [ __ ] celebrate salad salmon you know what you do you find out like what how how how do you make the the most solid what we mean it better your gluten and we basically make the poo as solid as possible so that it doesn't like a splatter is your worst nightmare you only have ghost poops yeah there must be a way of like there must be a diet trick to give yourself ghost poos yeah right that's the plan you'd have to you'd have to do that and then just pray just can you swim in the sea like eat me yeah yeah you can't do it for the purpose of cleaning your butt i'm not i'm doing it for the joy of swimming this is definitely not to clean my mouth i love it can you eat mint and [ __ ] mint yeah i think you could eat it could he yeah just go up to a mint plant and just start it just can't be like an actual tooth or does it like bananas you know what i just really don't like when you if i don't have furry your teeth are going to get like yellow and that like oh yeah because after you've really got fairy coats on your teeth very cool very coats yeah it'd be much easier to cover the smell of your shitty [ __ ] than your breath are you saying clean it up by eating your ass yeah peter easing sure bro oh well there we go you should just see your woman yeah isn't this a hamilton disqualifier from qualifying so he's back at the grid for the sprint or for the race for the sprint i think for the sprint yeah so he starts when he starts last in uh yeah he's still uh well depends where he makes well f1 fans wow uh would you rather all messages and photos are leaked publicly or never use a phone again oh all my messages leaked damn votes all your messages leaked all your messages your messages leaked yeah ever yeah well i'm open anyway so well is it is it from from this moment now or just everything in your past messages [Applause] and then i know from then on just to be super careful yeah like you can't yeah you couldn't need to anymore you've been out there yeah like imagine not using the phone bro you can't like you couldn't what you're gonna do message your girlfriend and like [ __ ] everyone's gonna see it or you message the [ __ ] landlord and then they're gonna and they'll see where you live like you've got like you'd have to be so careful i'm thinking i'm going for anything that's your phone what's the point like everything oh is it you're like oh hey boys uh is it to my place send me this this is my address boom is it all the time leak then yeah yeah i'm going to never use a phone i said sharon don't you it's here and vibes up he does his emails and then else doesn't have anything quite happy yeah you know he seems like yeah okay well imagine he didn't have a girlfriend well why does he yeah he couldn't find him without a phone though yeah find a girlfriend without a phone he's insurance you're gonna find girls without tinder worldwide before you know you just go out and speak to humans yeah i've never used it i'm going to meet you over the park at four o'clock no his childhood oh yeah yeah one person yeah oh you had pen pals on that didn't you you had a pimple he was like who was that nudge everyone chat screen very good i [ __ ] hated that hand well the hand is not doing that yeah i hated it harry's i'm looking at harry look at this conversation thing completely a little bit you never had msn no he did but i don't not not to the depths that you guys you weren't in the era like he was on the end back like at the end of it it was like windows live messenger was that was that after msn yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what it would have been my favorite thing is when people still have a hotmail email that always makes me laugh it's not going to go though you still sign up for a hotmail though i thought yeah as well when you make a new one you can have outlook you mean aol or yahoo that's what you mean no it isn't i mean no he means hotmail but you can still make a hot i could go and make hotmail now i only i i don't know when you do the thing you can there's a drop down it says outlook or hotmail i didn't know aol if reproduction was changed from sex what actor would you like it to change too you know i said fist bump oh god everyone's cuddling oh mate nah because they're never traveling cuddling no everything comes with someone yeah bro let's say you finger a girl's nose that's how you'd be i know how about you know the little aliens that you used to get when you were younger rub bags and put them in the fridge that's what we're doing so we'd brought back together a lot of me and you yeah well technically if you had yes it's still sex no but like it's not intercourse but it's still safe you wanted to be something swallows come that's all yeah so that's that was so how would how is that replacing sex it's a form of sex at least we're saying sex a different action i don't know i mean some people might not think then you'd have to use a condom every time you wanted to be something very out of the ordinary like you'll be really hard to do because then you could just have sex and not worry about you know having these protection ever it'll be actually amazing i think rubbish is different it's a good one no because you could accidentally rub someone's back you have to rub it properly a bit of friction going on like back to back bare skin go for it you have to do the fusion dance like john huh all of that and then or a tick tock dance okay yeah oh yeah you'll do this at the same time as them all the 12 year old kids are getting pregnant how do they do how do they reproduce an avatar they're [ __ ] tails yeah but that's weird now because that's weird because they put it into the animals as well yeah true and beastie when they want to like use with the dra flying dragon [ __ ] a long time sex with everyone i only watched it because it was 3d same here i think i've only seen it in cinema it's terrible it's just average i don't remember it is this me bad pocahontas i enjoyed it what is the the the sexiest and least sexiest name in the world oh sexiest name the ones that you have heard i don't know yeah but is it the word is it the least sexiest it's not like saying he was getting busy and and she was called karen throw you off no but imagine she was like i'm real sorry i don't know why i'm puked that wasn't that was that was actually bad anything that's like the people are bad anything that's like not our generation now like you know that oh just give me peak you know like the say agnes gone like agnes agnes dorothy's just sounds horrible like mildred our age it might be quite unique yeah yeah yeah it's like water on the grass they're moldy condensated oh zendaya's like a sexy name it's a sexy name that's a sexy name does that mean there was a time when mildred was a sexy name probably must have been if it was hundreds like a google article like sexiest name yeah there will be honesty the sexiest female name that's it means it'd be like oh jj that's pretty you for a girl i was do you know what when people read it out when vic read it out i was thinking it i was like i'm waiting for you to say all the g days like i think ksi is pretty sexy i've been waiting for it all right you want to hear the top 10 sexy female names from they're all flamboyant names like uh paulina paulina is this a nice what's that say let me see a nice which pretty spot on here you know number five mildred yeah yeah yeah yeah number four is ethel three agnes two is bertha joe like a sexy don yeah he's beautiful in his own way i can see very special boys i could see remy yeah who was the least sexy name out of ocelot simon yes they're not essentially vikram spice to an iphone yeah like ram the ram bars add some rick graham yeah i'm sorry to do this tobit wow wow you dropped the tee toby sexy i'll tell you this that's why he goes that's why he goes no yeah yeah so is is g-day a sexy name yeah that was a long setup all right well i think we're all finished so thank you guys for watching subscribe bye bye i'm in the kitchen [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 6,977,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: b191cr0B5X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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