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welcome to sidemen try not to move [Music] today's this sidemen will be placing their hands on the table and will not be able to remove them otherwise they are out and I have curated a list of things that they are afraid of things that everyone hates and I will be trying to make them leave now for each round they managed to make it through five thousand dollars will be added to the prize pool so the sidemen must Place their hands within the hand molds and if they even move them slightly or Flinch they are out can everyone Place their hands where they want them [Music] [Laughter] right in the middle yeah yeah oh perfect thank you that was actually really helpful I've been now my armpit why does this happen can we bring in the first thing what is it it's hard is it the guy from Fantastic Four oh that was good he's funnier than me okay remember you're gonna die one day are you sure you're gonna be out of the table I'm getting older he's staring at me he's getting older oh don't tempt me where he is right now [Laughter] that's the first one done let's get around Applause testing you wait JJ's little finger nearly well Simon could you itch my like crotch can you actually do my armpit no it's my inner ear was the issue here this one no other one this one yeah you're permission to dig dig well if you keep it then straight I'll just I'll move okay the same thing not in your armpit not on the skin I didn't just no your t-shirt's gonna be wet with your foot oh yeah [Laughter] as I said we're starting off easy we're starting off easy for some [ __ ] okay oh no for those who didn't know Harry has phobia yes he is scared of buttons yeah I don't mind yeah scared of buttons really yeah so when I was a kid in school I couldn't wear the button-up shirts I'll Make It Rain oh yeah there's still quite a lot left the table oh my God oh my god oh that's horror oh that's horrible they're everywhere oh [ __ ] can you get my [ __ ] too can you get them out of my [ __ ] is it that bad yeah okay cancer you've all survived cancer we've all survived round two all right we move on swiftly to round three allow it oh welcome round three hello [Music] I literally do this yeah is that good yoga that's that's oh that sounds like a good yogurt that sounds like really good yoga Save A Lot for over there by the way yeah save some they love yogurt we need some lip slapping yeah really angry this is so fine that's what I hear when I eat a yogurt oh my God I'm not hungry right now [Music] get right get right in there right in there get some lips are you all repulsive check his arms [Music] go home we've all survived round three as well everyone no okay we've cleaned up we move on to round number four oh no everyone must be wrong [Music] [Music] yeah sorry okay I'm black I'm black that might be good for you right yeah what if I'm allergic to the dog okay yeah the blindfold's really throwing a spanner in the works here I don't I because I can't prepare for it now I'm [ __ ] myself that I am in Flow State I am one with the Universe I am one with nature I'm scared to do it JJ I've got a bug on my head this is your bug on my head right now I'm sweating man okay round four ladies and gentlemen as I said do not move this is easy man it can't be that bad if a snake goes what's up so you can paint a picture what's happening I don't want to know what's happening what's happening today I'm terrified keep your hands still no oh [Music] wait on me bro it went on me yes Ted Teddy come here yes is that a little dog yeah [Music] um maybe maybe a tiny bit oh really don't worry we needed for beer attention don't want it Teddy I got Sophie's delicate it's a boy it's even better oh is that tasty that was weird [Music] [Laughter] isn't that tasty [Music] you all survived round five that means we're on to round six please can we take these off man this is the last round with blindfolds I thank God man so it gets worse is it who wants to go first I'll go first all right second yeah all right round seven we're bringing round seven please as we've seen in previous videos JJ hates bugs go everyone I remember this right can we have some hands watching please what's up okay bro that was high oh that was there's no stars in that box yeah oh stay away oh he's on to it laughs oh bug that's right no it's getting ready because I knew if you put it was gonna jump onto me I knew it was going to jump on he wasn't jumping on to you man wait no wait it's still it's moving it's moving to Harry I confirm it he's my Geezer do I have permission to blow up oh boy even even [Music] people in my hand oh [ __ ] it's just it's just a bottom okay round eight for the four remaining contestants is it a cash prize but would Simon actually put cash in it do you reckon it's real cash can he take it in the corner oh yeah we can have a look can they take it you can see what it is yeah oh my God I'm not taking it there was nothing in that box Ethan no there was I mean I'm living in the universe my universe right now as I look at you yeah I know there's nothing in there if it comes back I'm grabbing it you change your mind changed my mind what the [ __ ] round number nine nope nope oh my God don't bring that neck because they bit me last time now you can see the flowers hello scary when you can see them you know I'll join I'll join in this round oh [Laughter] no no please anywhere near us don't jump let's jump next to him I don't see anyone's leaving this room I feel like I could be oh my God nuggets right should we remove them now everyone has survived oh yeah oh thank you very much JJ please JJ that was a big joke there oh I got a nugget if I was the moderator Josh is out but it's okay as well why don't you just take that into account Justin Toby's movements will be remembered round number ten double digits well done boys we're doing all right we're doing all right oh he's back the Grim Reaper is back what's very honest it has to be more to this right what's that is he getting on the table oh no watch out for the rap dude he's gonna move you're gonna get his [ __ ] out wait what's going on Haram oh wait oh no what's going on you know what's going on brother [ __ ] oh my God hey yo what oh keep it on there [Laughter] [Music] five minutes [Music] hey can we clean the ship please my other table survived I don't know that was a drop for anyone who didn't recognize um I recognize that man yeah you recognize that bulge from the hotel yeah oh my God hello that's literally a dinosaur but look at it oh look I look proud of it he's not playing ball he's like I hate these guys [Music] JJ please do anything matters now grab his body just lets out upset hello a distinguished gentleman how are you oh yeah he's very proud of being him no it's terrifying when it looks at you when you actually get like in and look at him yeah he plays his light neck a bit easier all right now targeted two weeklings get it on these two next time just was ready to go time is ready I can see it in his eyes yeah Toby's ready yeah go on get my toes yeah I'm going to kill you can I get up just to punch him please I respect that though that was the top 10 cold moment they're making people this suits you you know dinosaur with a dinosaur you look like a man that collects stamps all right I think you've all survived he survived his moment though that was good oh he's clawed up very cold that was frozen you had a flow state that moment oh you would have [ __ ] screamed yeah [Laughter] okay interesting round 12. no here's what's happened I'll tell you what's happened now there's nothing in it now I will tell you this right now it hasn't been opened since there was nothing ever in it that's the battle you need to take it first because I don't want him to have it you win yeah yeah tell me please is is it worth me losing out like is it is it worth you losing this game for this thing I think you could win this game but I think both of you could is winning better than what's in here don't worry about the Box don't worry about it [Music] what the [ __ ] I wonder 12. this is 12 so and they're like five oh my god oh we have a new player would you rather go out for nothing or something you've got to do that maps in your head you [ __ ] idiot ICS [Laughter] [Music] round 13. and we have something a little bit different it's different oh my God what is this what is it happening hello hello how are you good thank you no no no no no I don't get it what what is this t-shirt [Music] no I'll hold this for you if you want your face this is a real thing this isn't this isn't real I'm so glad this is the thing that no are you gonna fart [Music] [Music] what's going on oh my God keep going [Music] I ain't no [ __ ] waiters I'm actually impressed just a minute why concentration okay focus been a long train journey so yeah you just need to pump yourself up you take your time [Music] bro this ain't real I can't believe this is the real thing Crips as well [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] how are your husband oh my God yeah usually you've got to be calm yourself though he is the chosen one laughs he's just rubbed his ass honestly I'm gas for you man did the fart smell that bad she tried to smell it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay okay you know what I'm gonna do here so you need to expose yourself to it oh yeah oh he's getting involved that's that rotten egg just leave man [Laughter] he's a shooter yeah oh that's cold oh wow oh yeah wow yeah no snakes overcome it yeah how is it yeah like do you know the neck massages that looks like the Gucci sneakers obviously yeah you're looking at Jiffy still oh it feels really nice so even good phones yeah I think you can yeah I think Ethan's always fine with snakes and anything what I've never had a snake around my neck so I'm kind of curious don't make a joke how's that look oh he's going down against your brand right now yeah Loop that man background yeah let him get tighter on it it's quite nice quite cold doesn't it they are cold-blooded can I play with it don't do anything that's stupid he's stupid oh yeah I would have been gone today's bro that out man what's going on you're meant to try and get these two though straight offset wait put it right in front of him though let him look it in the eyes and start talking about it it is always come back for second on that's all right I think they're filming this question by the way I actually squash a snake [ __ ] hell all right go sit down go sit down but I feel like the walk this is going to capture your guard all right I think we move on [Music] all right [Laughter] moments later [Music] only a few rounds left and there's only two of you can we please start the next round it's John what he's just it's just hanging out with him oh um oh that's disgusting you are a freak your lips each time [Music] oh yeah [Applause] [Music] not too comfortable I told you that's disgusting it's like this I'm finding it and then there's just been [ __ ] Oddball you've got everything we're at home see what I'm saying bro some of these things should have got people out you know what would have got me more if he just [ __ ] to speak into me too you should have gotten drunk and it made him waffles we have reached the penultimate round [Music] enter enter I'm not even playing and I'm just I'm just still baffled he's got a can oh that is [ __ ] ponging oh right on the nostril just ain't breathing bro Justice keep doing it for like 10 seconds can we get home yeah can we get Josh to take a breath please [Music] I'm breathing Chelsea's just on crackhead oh that's wrong describe the smell come back again those eggs it's Coke in there for sure what's wrong with it you know what Ethan's the weak link here can you breathe can we see your talent please your talent yeah I mean if you guys want to take a burp to the face [Music] every time no smell it here that's incredible I'm not moving he's cold ice cold foreign [Applause] how much money for you to leave now he's a bit preoccupied bro [Laughter] [Music] his head is not in the Box his head's in the game is it allowed on their head oh he's got more and enough room in your head Josh's I think our firm is more than a snake though you know I've literally like licked each other's ear holes and noses and now you've got this on you you're not reached a new level you're both dead inside maybe maybe don't be the case okay I think they've survived guys I think they've done it yeah I think they've done it yeah congrats you have both completed all the tasks oh so there is a tie breaker in which only the people who are out to join me over there okay I can join you over there are we still sticking to the rules no no no physically moving no physically moving how much do you want did you want it yeah as a friend as a friend deep in my a soul yeah I'm not moving I don't know how much this means this means I really would love to know I am gonna have to ask everyone behind the camera to please not look face away you're all gonna have to turn around please do we need to put the step no I'm good okay okay um go okay it's time for the tie breaker I'm I'm not gonna look oh it's covered [Music] oh my God [Music] [Laughter] um I mean this is the genuine probably both of you at the same time ready three now if you don't do it it's over at that time uh JJ follows our hands up together yeah the winners of the do not move challenge the whole thing is cool wow I'm not proud of what happened today I'll clean this
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 11,760,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: 7SUTGf4h6jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 5sec (2465 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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