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- Welcome to SideMen Meme Olympics. - Oh! - The boys will be split into three teams where they'll be racing to complete a series of stupid public challenges. The faster they complete the challenges, the more points they get. And the losing team will face an embarrassing punishment at the hands of the public themselves. Now, before we get straight into the carnage... - It is time to pick our teams for the challenges. Will, as a guest today, pick any Sidemen member here that you want to be on your team. - Simon. - You want Simon? - Oh, okay. [everyone laughing] - I'm not sure if he was happy or unhappy about that. - That's a tall team. Here we go, we're spinning the wheel. - Tobi. - Tobi. - You're our lucky winner. Pick whoever you want out of these remaining Sidemen and then the final two teams will be decided. - I want Josh. - Oh, okay. - Wow. - Whatever that means. - What a surprise. [cross talk] - Who'd have thought? - You're welcome. - Wow. - Alright. It's time for your first challenge. You need to get to the fifth floor of a building and take a selfie with a view of outside. - Go, go. - Go! - A view of outside, selfie. Fifth floor. Anywhere, fifth floor. - Go, Will! - How many floors is this? How many, there is definitely five floors here. - Go, Will, go! - Everyone is gonna need to be there. [guys giggling] - Go, Will. - Right. Okay, I'm off around Brighton. - I just sit here. I lay on the couch and chill. I've scammed a nice day today. Scammed it. - Where is the fifth floor? - What can have a fifth floor, Josh? I picked you 'cause you're Mr. Geography and also my longest friend. - Fifth floor, fifth floor. - There's a big building up there. - That's miles away. - WWE! - No! [guys giggling] - Get off him, man. You big lump of log. - Right, okay. - There's no way this is five floors. Where did Harry go? - He went upstairs. Where are you? - Oh, 'cause he stuck his picture- - I took a selfie on the fifth floor. - You've done it? - Yeah. - Huh? Wait, wait, wait, wait. - I hope this building isn't five floors. If this building's five floors, it doesn't count. - Whatchu mean? I'm telling, you didn't, you didn't specify. - This building doesn't count. - How does this building not count? - No, no. You said any building. - You never specified, you never specified that. - No! - You said any building! - I was gone and I've come back with what you asked. And now you've changed the rules. - Bro, it doesn't count. - Whatchu mean doesn't count? - It doesn't count. - You didn't say that. - You got to leave the building to do the first challenge. - That's a travesty. - Yeah, we've been robbed. - That's a f*cking travesty. - There's a building there, look. What's that? - That's big. - But how did we get, how did we get up there, though? - Oh, I can't run, bro. I did... Aw, f*ck. - How do we get up there? - I don't know. We have to convince someone to let us into their house. - Is it? - No, this is! But he's saying it don't count. - Wh-what? Stupid little f... Silly little hobbit. - Okay, we're gonna try that building. It looks like an apartment block. We just go in and pretending that we live there. - How about you go up? - No. How are you waiting behind me already? - I'll wait at the bottom and count the floors. - Come on, Tobi. - This man's got so much energy for an old man. - Uh, let's go that way, 'cause they've gone this way - This way, yeah? - Sorry lady, please move. [Simon laughs] - That there, look. See that? That's a building, isn't it? I would say that's quite high. - There's only one floor, bro- - No, no, no, that's loads of floors. - What the f*ck is this, by the way? Are your pants falling down? - No, your phone is very heavy. - This looks like a calm and welcoming building. I'm sure it's lovely in here. - I feel like I about to die in here. I mean, we are in Brighton. It is rough, mate, innit? Oh. - Oh. - Oh. - Oh. [car honks] - Hello, mate. I was gonna say, the next person, the next person to recognise, I'm gonna ask if they uh, if we can go there, but they look dodgy, so. - Yeah, yeah. - Five floor there? - What a stupid, bloody little challenge this is. - But how are we gonna get up five floors? - Yeah, we'll think about that later. - I'm not entirely sure it's open. - We need to convince someone to let us into their house, Josh. - We might have lost already, though. I think so. - I think there was probably an easier option. - See that? That would be great. - No one's gonna let you in. - No, they're not. - Oh wait, we just need like a rooftop bar. - Is a rooftop bar gonna be open at 11:00 AM? There's a flat block over there. That big green one that's lots of floors. - We can just get in a flat block, surely, right? We can bust in a flat block. - If they could do it to our Stratford tower, we can do it to that. - Are we going in? - Yes. - Oh, no. - Hiya, mate. I've got a meeting with the vice principal on the roof. Do you know how I get up there? - Vice? - Vice principal on the roof? Yinka Olatunji. - Nobody's allowed on the roof without a work permit. - Okay. - He might be on the floor below. - Are you staff? - Chancellors. - Well, do you have access to the building? That's what I'm asking if you're staff. - Well that depends, I suppose if you, if you let us have access to the building. - No, because I can't let anyone in. - No worries. - That's what I'm saying. - Have a good day. - Okay. - So, this is terrible. - Who is that? - Okay, yes. - We've got people. - Yes, yes. - Yeah. Is it a mark, is it a mark, is it a mark? Come on. - Fingers crossed, fingers crossed, fingers crossed. - You know what you should do? Just buzz every floor and someone will let you in. - Can we go in this way? - Harry? Harry? - Hello, hello. - Ethan! - Hello. - Can you let us into the fifth floor? - Yes, yes! - How did we get in? - Yes! - How the hell do we get five floors up? - Eh, one, two, three. - That one? It's gonna have a concierge again, innit? - Well, we should do one of them TikTok, where you're like, "Oh, can I have a tour of your apartment?" Kind of thing. - Yeah, but we walk in wearing a GoPro. - When was the last time you saw Yingher? - Uh, probably the last boxing. I don't think she hates me anymore. - Guys, guys, guys, what's good? - We need your help with something, okay? Can you take us to top floor? - Oh, no. That's them! - Do you wanna be in the Sidemen video, as well? - No. - Oh, sh*t. We can beat them, we can beat them. - Go! - f*ck. Go, go, go, go! - Be gone. Be gone, be gone. [keypad ringing] - Right. - There you go, it should let you in! - Thank you! - It's okay! - Hey guys. Hey everyone. - You might not be allowed to basically, 'cause we're suppose to have security guards here. - Okay. We spoke to, we said our friend's coming down, so we'll just see. We'll just see. - Are we able to... - No, you gotta wait. - All right, up we go. Yes! Good fun. Sorry boss. - Hello. - You need to find you a phone, you need a phone. - Don't want to get in trouble with his work, though, innit? - We're not trying to get him in trouble. We're not trying to get him in trouble. Come, come, come. - Look, free Sidemen Varsity merch, that honestly, they've got loads of it to get rid off. - I don't want to lose my job. - Would you like a Sidemen Halloween top? - We just gotta do it, man. We found, we found the building, we've gotta do it. - Number five. - Lovely building. - That's fifth. - Over here, look at, look at the view here. - There we go. Right, down we go. - Hang on. Could you hold, could you hold this for me, please? - Yeah, sure. [intense music plays] - Whoa. - Slowest robbery of your camera, though. - You gonna get him in trouble? - He can hold collateral. - Don't get him in trouble. Tobi, you gotta come. - Oh my God. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait back- Oh you, sorry, you can, you can, it's your phone. It's maximum capacity, sorry. - Very sorry. - Alright, now we can get back to the gaff. - Hello. - Hello, hello. [fans expressing excitement] - We're in a race. We gotta go. - Wait, why are you here? - Uh, we don't even know, to be honest. - We might have to go to like... - Three? two? - Three? - And then, yeah, walk up stairs. - Just walk out and be very quiet. - Yeah, this is three. - You should stay here. - Where are the stairs? [mysterious music plays] - Do I look stupid with a big camera in the office? - Thank you. - Thank you very much. [Simon chuckling] [Josh laughs] - We're just not gonna win. - Floor number five and the view! - View's here! - Will! - Wait, do I need to be there? - Will, I need you! - Oh, hang on, hang on. Sorry. I didn't realise we all needed to be there. - Oh, f*cking hell. [Simon chuckling] - Fifth floor. - Well, we're just not gonna win! - We're, let's be honest, we're all getting the same thing. - We could be second. We could be second. - How's it going? - Good. - All right, now. - Yeah. - Where has this location gone? - Well, have fun. - Thank you. - Good luck on your race! - Thank you very much. - Have a good day. - Thank you! - Bye! - Bye. What life savers. - Ah mate, I'd be happy with a silver here. - We're getting out. - Guys, you can't be in this building. - Yeah, We're going, we're going, we're going. Sorry. - Don't film, please. - We're going, we're going. - We're going, we're going. - They're fuming with us. I hope they don't get in trouble. - Oh, sorry. - You're not allowed. This is an access controlled building. - I need Josh to hurry his ass up. - I send apologies. - I don't have the legs to be running today. - Hello. Alright, please don't tell me there's someone up there. - Ooh! - Done! - Let me see it, let me see it. - Fifth floor of a flat block. - Yeah. One set was the view, one set uh... - Okay. I was worried that you didn't have the view there. - No, look at the view. - There you go. - Amazing. See, I didn't want you guys to win in here. So, here are your gold medals, boys. - Yes! - Come on. - There you go. Champion... oh that isn't big- - Yeah, we're built different. Come on! - Ah, yes. Good victory, man. - Come on. - We won twice. - Yeah. - They tried to stop us, man. They tried to stop us, but it wasn't happening. - Simon and his long-ass legs. f*ck you, Simon. - Ah my calves, Will's phone is too heavy! - Go, Simon - But it doesn't make a difference. [heavy breathing] - f*ck this challenge, bro, - Ooh! They're in. Yes! Gold medalists. Just kidding. [guys yelling] - Oh! [guys yelling again] - We can't beat Tobi. - Here you go, boys, silver medals, and, and bronze, unfortunately, guy. Challenge number two. They say, "It's never good to get in a stranger's car," but that's what you're gonna do. - Ooh! - You have to go a hundred metres. - Hundred metres? Easy, easy, easy. Oh, this lengthy f*cker won't fit. - Hey, I have an endearing face. - A hundred metres in a stranger's car. Go! - Ah, if only we gone in that crackhead's car before. In a stranger's car. - You've got two different routes now, everywhere you go. - Can we get a taxi, no? - Well, can you? - I dunno, is that, nah, that won't count. He'll say it won't count. - Yeah. - Don't try this at home or in public or anything. - Waterfront, Waterfront... - Waterfront is that way. - It's that way? - Huh? This way, nah? - Nah, that way. - That way? - Should we go this way? - Oh, we should get them to drop us off back here, as well. - Should we just go there? - All they have to do is find a fan. Find a fan with an automobile, how hard can it be? - We need to go onto the main road, wait for a fan to drive past and just get in. - Oh, there? - Down here, yeah, yeah. Just go down here. - Oh, the crackhead's car earlier. - That would have been brilliant. - It would have been perfect. - Has anyone got a car that can take us a hundred metres? - Anyone driving? No? No one's driving. - Hey, we're doing a challenge right now. Do you have a car? - How far? - In West Drive. - That's too far. Take the picture quick. - Quick, Tobi, quick. - Quick, quick, quick. We're doing a challenge. - So sorry. Thank you. - Have a nice day. - We'll see, one person might recognise us. - Can we offer them money? - Where are all the young people? - Your the face here. You get in the middle. - Yeah but, which side are you going? You look like you're trying cross. - Oh sh*t, there's Will. Right, we gotta get 'em earlier. - Hello, anyone? Oh, it's honestly you want, we don't need 'em. They're there. The people that found us before. - Tobi, come on. What happened to the cardio? Where are you? - This is so long. We should've just gone to the main road. If a car turns into this road, they literally drive us a hundred metres up that way. - But how, it needs to get recognised. If you're a normal person, you ain't letting two dons get in a car. - Ah, sh*t. - Why would you let anyone get in your car? - Have you got money on you? - No, I have no wallet. - What about a cab? That taxi? Taxi, taxi counts, does it- - I've left my phone, as well. We have no money. - You've got loads of money. - I have no money. I don't even have my phone. - Oh well, we'll figure that out later. - I'm not doing sexual favours again. - Oh, why can't we be recognise out here? - I know. On a bus, bus, bus. No, no, no, no. - We literally had people pull up beside us on the first challenge. - Yes, yes, yes, yes. - Yes, yes, yes. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. - Please, no! - Wait. [both laughing] - Why didn't he stop? - Should we just get Uber? - That's not a stranger. - It is a stranger. - Nah, that won't count. - It's literally a stranger. - I wouldn't count it. It's not a stranger. - The game's the game, bro. - What about if we swear at the police? - Excuse me, do you have a car? [car honking] - Help, please, wait. - No! - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Love you, bruv. - Mate, please. - Hey, can you give us a hundred metre lift? Could we jump in the van for a hundred metres? Simon! - Yes? - Ah no, we're losing. - Ah, sh*t. - We have to go all out. We have to full send it. - No? Please. - No. - Ah, they don't care. - Josh, no one likes us. - I have cash. - Yeah. - I have cash. We can pay someone with cash. - It doesn't help that there's two people doing this on the same road. - Should we head up more up there, do you reckon? Or like, I feel we try something else. - If you wanna take a risk, we can do it. - I think we take the risk. - Okay, let's go, hobble. [Simon softly screams] - Thank you to RB Decorating and Building Services. We're filming a challenge, so we've gotta go a hundred metres in someone else's car- - Just a hundred metres. - It's just round that and route right again. - Oh. - Yeah? How do we get in? Pull this one? Should we jump in the back or here? - No, no, no, no. - Both of you need to get in? - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on, we'll fit right in. - Ah, there's no one about, man. - No one wants to stop. - Offer this man in the van some cash to drive us to the end of the road. - Oh, I dunno. [Ethan laughs] - You're not gonna get anywhere without asking. - Boss, If we were to give you 40 quid, could you drive us a hundred metres down the road? - Just take you down the road? - Yeah. Yeah, thank you, mate. [Ethan laughs] - Yeah, no worries, mate. Thank you go, by the way, thank you very much. - Where'd you wanna go to, fellas? - Just, we need to travel a hundred metres, that's our thing. - Pretty much like just pass the traffic lights is fine. - There you go. - Perfect. What's your name? - I'm Sean. - Lovely to meet you, Sean. I'm Will. - I'm Ross. - Lovely to meet you, Ross. This is Simon. I'm Will. - You reckon that was hundred metres? - No, no, no, right, please. Right? It was right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's literally opposite the Starbucks. Thank you so much. - Yeah, thank you very much. - Watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out. - Yeah could you uh... I'm kind of- - Will! - I'm trying. - That's not the handle. - Thank you, kindly. Have a good one. - Have a great day - The van will do it. - One second, one second. - You all right, man? - Yeah, I don't have cash. - He said he doesn't have cash. I don't need your cash! I need a lift. [both laughing in disbelief] - I think, they think we're homeless. - Do I look that homeless? - Tell us we're first. Tell us we're first. - Surely, surely we are. - Tell us we're first. - How? - Yeah! - Yeah! - How? - Yes! - We found a man with a van. [Vik chuckles] - A man with a van. - Would you mind coronating us, please? - Wow. You know what? You deserve it. - We could see Harry, as well, just waiting on the side of the road. - Here we go. - We are the champions. - I'm only doing this for gold, you know? I'm only doing this for gold medalists. - That's fair enough. - I'm hiding this in case you don't want to be filmed. We're filming a YouTube video. We need to go a hundred metres in a stranger's car. Is there any chance you'd drop us at the end of the road? - Just at the end of the road. - Not insured, mate. - Not insured? - Work vehicle. - No worries. I appreciate that. Thank you for stopping. - Good luck. - Ah! - That was our closest one. - That's a hundred metres. - Yeah, here's perfect. - Perfect mate. Thank you, you hero. Have a great day. - Have a lovely day, my friend. - All right, thank you boys. - Thank you, mate. - All right, straight down the road, bog. - Cheers, thank you. - Do we just, can we forfeit? - I don't want to forfeit, Josh. We never give up. - I don't wanna say anything, right? - What? - We are the only team that isn't fully white. - Oh my gosh, Josh, stop. - But like genuinely... - I am not playing that card. - They didn't even stop. - I'm not playing that card. - How far is it? Oh, there's a lot of people, that don't look good. Talking, f*ck's sake. Ah, Ah. - sh*t! No, will take that, though. [Will laughs] - Who got you? - We paid a man. - You paid- [Will groans] - A tradesman in his van, he had to leave his job. [Will laughs] - This is sad. - I got a car. - Oh you got a car for us? - Wait, who's that friendly car? - Oh, legend. - You're a precious lift we just need to the end of the road, that's it. - Come on. - Ah lad, thank you very much. - Ah, legend, legend, legend. I'll jump in the back. Thank you. - That's prime, innit? We just need to go to the end of the road, and slightly left and that's it. - Well, we got in a car. - Anywhere here is perfect. Thank you. - Thank you so much. - Legend, thank you. - What's your name? - Maurizio. - Maurizio, shout out Maurizio. - Have a nice day, guys. - You too, man, take care. - You too, have a great day. Appreciate it so much, thank you! - Oh, they're coming. - Give us the bronze medal, guys. [guys laughing] That was a joke. - No one wanted to give you a ride? - Bro, Some dude thought I was homeless. He was like, "Yeah, you, sorry. I've got no money." - Sorry, I've got no money! - All right. Challenge number three. You are all within two points at the moment. - Wow. - So, it's still close. - Okay. - This challenge is that you have to find someone that is... Guys, guys, guys, guys, you go when I say you can go. Stop creeping towards the door. Stand still. Stand still or you lose points. - I'm standing still I'm- [Simon screams] - You have to find a ginger person that is not Ethan and you have to go and have a shot with them, an alcoholic shot. - Oh Lord have mercy. - Just one, just one. - Go, go, go, go. - Off you go. - A ginger man. - Take your f*cking time, Harry. Come on, come on. - A ginger man. Okay boys. - Find that ginger person. Have a shot, have a good time. Treat them. - Look at this guy holding us up, look at him! [guys laughing] - They can have two if they want. - Pub, pub. - Pub. Where's a pub? - There's a pub. - This is a pub. This is a pub, right? - Uh-huh, uh-huh. - This one's gonna be a tough one. I don't expect them to be back very quickly, 'cause they do have to persuade someone to go and have an alcoholic drink before midday, which is almost criminal. - There's a pub there, but they're gonna try and do it. - Okay, well let's go... - There's not one that way. - I think, yeah, here's our best shot. - Hello, are you open- - Oh, oh! What colour, what colour would you describe your hair? Would you say it's ginger tone? - Did they all find pubs in... Ginger man, ginger man, ginger man. - They all go that way every time. - Ginger man. - A ginger man. - A ginger man. - Where is a ginger man? - A ginger man. - What percentage of the population are ginger? - Not many. - Not many. - Ginger man? - Ginger man, no? - Anyone- - That guy on the right. - What a ginger man is down there, yeah? - He's down there, go left and then right. - Thank you. [Josh laughs] He gave us directions to nowhere. - What does he mean? - Maybe he's there. [Tobi laughs] - Am I getting instructions for ginger man? He's down there, turn left, turn right, he said. - Are you open right now? - We can open, but around midday. - You're not open? Okay. - Wait, wait, wait, wait. - Yeah we are. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What colour would you describe your hair as? - You tell me, ginger or- - Yes, yes. Would you mind doing a shot with us for a video? Yes! Yes, brother. What's your name? - Will. And your Will. [both laughing] - There's a bar ahead of us there. We need somewhere that serves alcohol, as well, that's the issue. - Let's just go around here, yeah, I like the look of this. - The thing is, no pubs are gonna be open, are they? - No, but there'll be places that serve alcohol. - Excuse me sir, would you describe yourself as ginger? - Of course I f*cking would. - Um, would you fancy having a shot with my mate? - Um, no- - I know you've got a little one. - Yeah, exactly, yeah. - That's why I covered the camera. All good. Thank you. - I'm so sorry. - Appreciate you. - I love you, Tobi. - Huh? - I love you. - I love you! Do you have any ginger friends in that house? - No. I don't. - Damn! - Excuse me, are there any ginger men employed here? - Ginger men? - Yes. - Yes. - Are they in now? - No. - Ah, sh*t, okay. No worries, thank you. There's a ginger man employed there, but he's not there now. f*ck. - We have 10 pounds cash, could we, could we buy three shots please or just- - Oh no, no, no, two, two, two. - Two shots, two shots. - We can give them to you. - No I feel wr- - Ah! Thank you very much. Please, yeah, please, thank you. - What you want Tuaca or? - The, the strongest, the worst one you have. - Is he ginger? No. - That's a woman. Yeah, it's this street is our shot, I reckon. Yeah wait for hot spots, I feel like, oh, that's a big... - There's a lot of children. [Ethan laughs] I'm not gonna do it to children. - "Hello child, would you like a shot of our finest Sambuca?" - Are any you guys ginger? - No way, no way! Bro! [both laughing] - Bro said, "Bro, [rolls tongue] - Right. For the Will. - For the Will. - All the best. - Thank you so much. - Thank you so much. Have a lovely afternoon. - Thank you, brother. - Yes, have a good one. - Bye. - Thank you. - We've got to have won that. We've got to have won that. We've got to have won that. - Yes! Surely. - That was a ginger man. He was a ginger man. - We don't even need to run, bro. - Have they even left yet? - We are the... champions. [Will laughs] - Viks not even here. - What? [Will laughs] - These challenges are easy. - I went to the toilet. I come back and- - Yes. It's our insane, personable skills. - Talk me through it. - There's a pub right there. - Found a ginger, a ginger guy. - He said to him we went, Will said, "Brother, what would you describe your hair as?" And he went, "What do you describe it as? Ginger?" And we went, "Yes!" - Ah. - And then Will did a shot with him. - Oh, no. I feel like this one, some people, some it's just luck if you run into one indoors. - Yeah. But they got, they got in the pub next door. - He was like, his family owned the pub or something. - They did not want us in there. - No, they didn't want us in there, but he just owned a pub and he happened to be ginger. - But then what, there would just be a ginger in there? I doubt it. - It's very, but just knowing our luck. - And his name was Will. It wasn't me in a wig. [everyone laughs] - If someone's found a ginger man this early, I'll be fuming. There's no way. - This one's one of the longer ones, I think. - You know what we also need to do? We need to find maybe like if someone recognising us, "Hey, do you know anyone ginger, take us to them now." - Can you get them here, yeah. - How you doing, man, are you all right? Do you class yourself as ginger? - Yeah, of course. - Do you wanna get a shot? - Fancy having a shot with Josh? - We gotta do a challenge to get a- - Harvester! - Oh wait, a shot? I don't drink. - Oh. But it's just a shot, it's a shot. - You, yeah, oh. - A shot of what. - You don't have to do it, but you have to, does the ginger person have to drink? - If I do the shot, it's fine. - Yeah, you do the shot. - What's your name? - Sam. - Love you, Sam. - Sam, okay. We're doing a shot with Sam. Hopefully. - Yeah, could we just get a couple of shots, please? One non-alcoholic, one alcoholic. - Can I just get a shot of Sambuca and then, let's do a shot of apple juice or something? - Yeah, whatever. - Well, um, that's a gold! - Did you give them our 10 pounds? - Yeah. We can go to a cash point. - But they said it was... - They gave us two shots and did it. - But we could use that for later in the round. - We'll take, we'll get more. - The King's Arms. Is anyone going to be in the King's Arms? Is there a ginger man? - There's no ginger man. - No, sh*t. - sh*t. - Aw, that was a lively pub, as well. - Yeah. - That was proper lively. - Oh, no. - Right, here's our shots. Ready? - All right, here's our shots. - We don't have time. Three, two, one. - Cheers. - Cheers. - Sam, you're a star. I love you. Just give him the thing. [cross talk] - Thank you very much, Sam. - Appreciate you. - I have a great day. - Can I get a selfie? - Sure, mate, sure. You don't know any ginger people, do you? - No. - All right. Sweet, sweet, no worries. Have a good one, mate. - Not a bronze again. - Oh. - Not a bronze again. - Ooh. - Oh-hoo. - Oh. - Not a bronze again. - Oh. - It's not a bronze. - Oh, it's a silver. Thank God. - It's a silver. - Yay! - Nice. - Keeping it interesting. - Not sacked. - I, you know what Ethan said, as well? He's like, "Ah, watch me get a bronze and then sack it off, afterwards." [guys chuckling] - Should we do a lap in Morrisons? - Yeah. - Ginger man. - Ginger man. I haven't seen one yet. - This is bad, you know, this is, this is a really hard one. - Oh no. - Yeah, I think we're done for. - Okay, we're done. - All that's done for. sh*t. - Oh, no. We're being followed by shop manager as well, I think. - Oh we are? Let's go. - Can we get a selfie? - Sure, no worries. No worries. - Is there any ginger men here that will do a shot with us? - We've been sent on a mission to find a ginger man. - Yeah, we need to find a ginger man to do a shot with us. - We can't find one anywhere. - Well, Steve on till, but... - Steve on till? Will he do a shot with us? - I don't know. - Well, okay. - Steve on a till. - Bro, Steve on the till. - That's Steve? Is that Steve? That's Steve on the till. That's Steve on the till. Right. Do you want me to try and find a drink? - Should we ask him? We should ask him first. - I'll, no the drink's here. - Okay. - A shot of what? - We should ask Steve what he wants. - Yeah? - Hello. Oh, we got a question, would you have a sip of this with us? - Okay? - That's all we're offering. - That's what we're after. - That's all we need. - Okay, thank you. - All we need is a sip of that and you've saved us. - Please. Like uh, yeah, just a shot. - Okay. - Yeah? Yeah. Steve on the till. - Yes, Steve. - Thank you, mate. - Perfect. - That's all we need. Thank you very much. Alright. - All right, sweet. All right, let's pay for it. - Don, you've saved us. Thank you so much. - Saved us, thank you. - Thank you very much. - All right, we got to go. - Steve on the tills, what a boy. - Steve on a till. - Shot a Kopparberg, what another day. It's what he does. - It's what he does, Steve on a till. - Oh no, it's all three of them. That's bad news. - Yeah. - Oh, it's not a good look. - Glad we finished. Oh no. [guys chuckling] - Silver medal! Well done. - No, it's bronze. It's bronze, we know it's bronze. How did you do that? - They've been back for six minutes, by the way. - Bro. - These guys have been here for 20 minutes. - I want to clarify that they were ginger. - Well, how, how did you approach it? - We were going down to the pier and then there was a guy we were just like, "Ah, would you identify as ginger?" And he was like, "Yeah." - Oh, so you lot are doing like dodgy gingers. - Whatchu mean? No, no, no, he was ginger. - Oh no, no, he was ginger. - He was ginger? Okay. [cross talk] - He was ginger. - I would like to see, what like- - In the sun, with the sun behind him, it was orange. - Um, ahh, I don't like this. I don't like this. I don't like this. - Have you, have you inspected their ginger? - Can we get VIR? - Well, he has described himself as ginger. - They've called for VIR. - Oh, he's struggling to find the footage of the orange man. - I'm just, relax yourself. - We have to go really far back. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Because we've been here 20 minutes. [Simon laughs] - Oh, we would be too if we found a brown haired man for a shot. - Hang on, hang on. You sit down! [Vik laughs] - This is what happens in football, right? The players come up and... [cross talk] - Why is the camera not pointing at him? - There's not a single shot of this ginger man, yet. - That's a ginger man! - It's the guy we saw that said, "Hello" when we ran past. - Is it? - Yeah! Outside, just now, as we got back in, he went, "You all right, lads?" And he was not orange. - He's not orange, he's ginger. - Nah, you lie. - Ginger man! - Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. - That's a ginger man. - I'm gonna allow it. - Yeah! - You're lucky, because it- - Because of the light through the top of his head! - It might be the light behind him, but- - We asked him what he is and he said ginger! - Nah, he's not ginger. - We're giving it. The next challenge is gonna involve a bit of tech. - Oh. - Oh, okay. - So, a football each. - I'm wearing Yeezys, brother. - So, this one's gonna be a two part challenge for the same points. So, the first thing you're gonna need to do is nutmeg an unsuspecting member of the public. - sh*t. - Okay. - They can't be staged. They can't be set up. They have to not know it's happening. Then, once you've done that, you need to find another member of the public and they have to complete 10 keepie uppies. - Can we do it in either order? - Any order? - Yeah, you can do it in either order. - All right, go, go, go, go, go. - Oh god. - Josh, we need to start standing at the end. - We're too polite. I told you, we're polite people. - Just boot the ball at someone- - Yeah, f*ck it. You know what? [Will screams] - What the f*ck? - No, no, no, Will, Will, Will, Will! - Hey! - No! Will! - Simon! Simon! [Will laughs manically] - I'm gonna kill you! - Get here, you little prick! Get him, you evil bastard, get him! [Josh laughs] - We got a little two parter here. So, they have to do something good and then they need to find someone that can do something good. And they have to, they have to gauge does someone on the streets have the football skills. - Okay. Nice, nice, nice. We need someone with long legs. Now this geezer up here is getting the nutmeg. Yeah go on, go on. Nice. Oh! So close. - Sorry. - Ah, almost got one. [Will laughing] - Shoot it backwards! - Oh, sh*t. - No! Sorry! You've lost that ball. It's down there. - Hold this, hold this, hold this. I don't trust myself. - That's someone's yard, though. - This is dangerous, man. I can't do this. - Oh, those guys across the road. Hundred percent they can do keepy-ups. - What the chefs? - Yeah. Hello. Can you do 10 keepy-ups? - Yeah, yeah. - Oh, here we go. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! - Yeah! - Love that, love that. Thank you very much! - Oh, God. - You're Tobi, you're fine. - This is so risky. - You're athletic, man You're a big, athletic man, you got this. - Whoo! - I don't have hands, but go on. [Ethan screams] - Oh no. - No, you got it! You got it, you got it! - Did it go through? - That went through his legs! - Did it go through? - Yes, it did! - No. - I watched it go through his legs! That's the ego, telling it didn't go. He went through! - That's Nick Jonas, innit? - What do you mean that's Nick Jonas? Who's Nick Jonas? - The guy walking towards us. - Like the bloke in the black T-shirt? - Yeah. - Whoever's editing this, leave that in, 'cause that is terrible. - It went through, bog. - I didn't go through. - It's on my GoPro! - It didn't go through. - It did! - Because I didn't figure that either. - It did! He tripped over. - All right, let's go find someone. - f*cking hell. - Can you keepie uppies? - Huh? - Can you keepie uppies? - No. - Oh, dear. - Thank you. Have a good day. - This guy, this guy. Coming here, behind you. [buzzer blares] - No! - Sorry, sir! - Should I send it to the sea? - No! - No, please, please, please. Sorry. - How many keepie uppies can you do? - Can you do 10 keepie uppies? - Not one of those? Ah, damn. Go on, then. - You got it? - What are you doing? - 10 keepie uppies. - 1, 1, 2, 3, 4. [buzzer blares] Oh, damn. - Aw. - Ethan, Ethan, I've got an idea. - Huh? - I got an idea. We get someone to do 10 keepy-ups, we go back and we just check the tape on that nutmeg. - Bro, I'm telling you now... - If you, if you say, if you say- - It went to his legs and he got it back out this side. - So it went through, you passed it to his right side. - He got it out of his left. - So we get 10 keepy-up and we're good then. - It went through his legs. - All right, if you say so. - 1, 2, 3. - Oh! 4, 5. [buzzer blares] Oh, sunglasses! [bell chimes] Yeah! - Yeah! - Did it capture, though? - Did you capture it? - I was filming here, it was behind the bin. - Oh! Bro, great! I swear on my life, okay. - This guy, coming here. - Oh, yeah, okay. [Simon chuckling] [man chuckling] - Ah! - No! - He knew! He knew! He knew! [both chuckling] - This sport, this man will do it. Can you do 10 keepy-ups? - No you can, you can. - Are you sure? - No, I can't. - Can you try? - I'm more upset that you have me on the spot. - We are in a challenge, lad. - Sorry, sorry, sorry. - You can't do 10 keepy-ups? - Of course you can, mate. - So, you definitely can't do 10 keepy-ups? - Nah, bro, I'm terrible. - Ah, no. - One more go, come on, you got this. - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Oh! [Josh laughing] [buzzer blares] - One more go, one more go. - This is the last go. - 1, 2, 3, 4. [buzzer blares] - Ah. - Ah. - Excuse me, can you do kick-ups, boss? - Kick-ups. - Keepy-ups, no? - Nah? sh*t. - Oh, no. - Oh wait, look, they're getting him to do it. - One sec, one sec, one sec, stop! - Oh, he's done it. - Stop the keepy-ups! - Okay, what- - He hasn't done 10, he hasn't done 10. - Don't do what you've done. - No, please we already lost our ball. We already lost our ball. - They lost their ball, so that means they're done then. - Can you keepie uppies? Can you do 10? Come on, you got 10 in you. - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. [buzzer blares] - Can you do kick-ups? Could you get 10? - Can you do Keepy-ups? - No. - You can't do 10? - You can do 10, can you? - You can do 10? - sh*t. What, no one in Brighton can do Keepy-ups, man? - Why? - These two, these two. - All right, all right. [bell chimes] - Yeah! - Yes! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Right, go, go, go on. - Yeah! - Come on! We need to go, we need to go. Did you just swear at them? - So, have they finished? - No, they're down at the beach front. [buzzer blares] Can, can he try it real quick? Let's see if he can try it. - Go on, go on, go on. I need 10. 2, 3, 4, 5. - Oh? [buzzer blares] - Aw. - Can you do kick-ups? - Yeah, yeah? - Can you do 10? - You got this, bruv, you got this. - Let's go. - All right, easy. - 1, 2, 3. - Nah, you can do it, boss, you can do it. - Yeah, you got this, you got this. - Quick, quick, quick, quick. We need him, we need him, we need him. Let him try. [Josh laughs] [buzzer blares] - Right, go on, 10. - I need 10, real quick. - You can do this. You got this. - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. - Oh my god. [buzzer blares] Oh my gosh! - No, no you got it, you got it. - 1, 2, 3. [buzzer blares] - Nah, you can do it. - Yeah, one more, one more. - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! - Yes, my son! Yes, my son! - Lovely. - Yes, my son! - Beautiful! - f*ck! - No, 6! 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Yes, Go! [dramatic music plays] - Ah, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Right, we're gonna have to check the tape. - Yeah. - Josh, I need you to film. Ope, sorry. I got one as well, I got one. Oh, f*ck, man. - Oh? They're back to their winning race. - Hello, hello. - Well, well. - You need me to review? - Yeah, on the GoPro. - Okay. - But, geezer's walking this way, Harry kicks it through his right leg. It goes through and it comes, he kicks it back at us. But it goes through his left. - While you're doing that, I'm gonna go and find, nutmeg someone else. - All right. - Ah, sh*t. This tastes like silver. - Ah, this tastes like bronze, bro. - I've got a feeling Tobi and Josh might be bronze. - Really? - I punt that ball so far. - Well, watch this. - I like this. I like this. - Did it went through, man? - Okay. - Hello boys. - How you doing? - Ah, f*ck it. We'll commit to it. - Have you done it already? - Well we have, but... - How do you mean, "Have, but"? - We have. - Was he ginger? - I'm not convinced by our nutmeg. - Yeah, I tried to get him. It's not, it's not far after here. Watch. Ah, bullocks! It goes through his legs, look! It goes through his leg, though. What more can we do? - It goes through his leg! I swear to God, it goes through his leg. I, I almost swear it goes- - It's not on camera. - Yes! - It's bad camera coverage. - You have to go again. - You know what? [Simon cheers] f*ck this, everyone! [buzzer blares] - Ope, sorry - Aw. [buzzer blares] - He just can't get it. - They've got two GoPros and a hand camera and they didn't film the nutmeg. I can't give it. - You know the GoPro doesn't have sh*t! The GoPro is set to f*cking narrow! It's set on narrow! - Why would you put a GoPro on narrow? - It wasn't me. - It's fine. It was clean, it was clean, it was clean. - It was very clean. - What's this? Where's the footage? - Okay, I need to, I need to- - Let's see the footage then! [cross talk] - See that? Thought you got hacked, didn't you? That's why we use Express VPN. With one tap, Express VPN funnels all your traffic through an encrypted server. So strangers can't steal your passwords at the airport or see what you're browsing for at the hotel. Or find out about your stag do pictures. But that's not all you can do with Express VPN, you could also change your location to wherever you want in the world! Why? So you can get loads of extra shows and movies, of course. Like all the Harry Potter's on Italian Netflix. - Sidemen have been using Express VPN for three years now. And as you know, we only promote products that we actually love and use. So that's why we've partnered up with them to give you guys an extra three months for free. So, make sure you use our link We'll keep the link in the description below. - Yeah, go on. [bell chimes] - Hey. - Go on, go on, go on. - Could you put a- - Thank you. [Josh chuckles] - Have you got the nutmeg on camera? - Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Because I, I've got one that wasn't on camera and I did it again. - f*cking GoPro's set on narrow! - Also, we need to talk, Vik. - Will and he, saboteur. - Will sabotaged, hard. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You... - Yeah? - I was assaulted as we left this room. - We had to, we had to break in somewhere to get our ball back. - Yeah, you nearly broke into me skull. - He punted our ball into someone else's property. So, I had to jump into someone else's property to get our ball. - It's a skill issue. - Is that it? Oh, wait, wait, wait. - So, he'd done it, but he's not on camera. f*cking GoPro's set on narrow. - So, Simon spotted the 16 year old girl as a male- - Shut up! - He said let's go over there. - Will said lets go for the babies instead. - Oh it's clean! - That's clean, that's clean. - Nearly a double. Nearly a double. - f*ck. - That counts, yeah? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's professional. This is how winners win. - Stay the f*ck away from me! [both laughing] - That guy has a long stride over there. I like that, I like that a lot. [bell chimes] Yes! Yes, yes! [Harry chuckles] - You got it, yet? - I got it on the Go, I was looking straight at it with the GoPro. - Can't get cleaner than that. - So, is that no medal then? That's no points? - No, they went out and did it. - One, they get one point. - That's disgraceful. - Yeah. - That's disgraceful! - That's vile. We've been done by a poor camera setup. - That's your fault. - No, it's their fault! - You have four cameras! - It's their fault! - You have four cameras. - f*ckity, f*ck, f*ck. - You don't have it? - No, I have everything apart from his feet! - His feet! - Everything. The guy was so bamboozled by what happened, he nearly fell over. - We even had an argument after he's like- - Yeah, he went, "No, I didn't." I was like, "His ego is telling him he didn't." It went through! - f*cking! [guys laughing] - All right, guys. The Sidemen love a hide and seek, but this time it's gonna be reverse hide and seek. I'm gonna head down to Brighton Pier and I'm gonna hide. First team to find me gets three points, second team to find me gets two, third team gets one. You'll be released in eight minutes. - It sounds still like hide and seek, I'll be honest. - It is hide and seek. - Well go, then. - Alright. I'll see you guys in a little bit. - Hey Vik, take this, take this pouch with you. - Vik it's got an AirTag in. - No. [guys laughing] - Are you gonna, are we gonna know when eight minutes is up? - We'll start a timer. - Someone's got a timer. - Which way's the pier? Is it down this way? - Pier is, yeah. - Yeah, okay. - Oh it's not even, f*ck, there's hyperview. We should be, why are we on f*cking wide? - Right, all right. I wanna clarify this here. Earlier I said the bit. - We know, John, no one's getting mad at you. - No. It's fine. - f*ck. - You robbed us of a gold medal, though. - I would like to clear up, I've never been here before, so I have no idea where to hide. It smells of fish and chips. This is amazing. - I'm putting my on hyperview, I don't care. [Ethan laughs] - It's gonna take him eight minutes to get to the pier. - All right, we've been told we can't film on the pier, we're just trying to have fun. So, I need to hide somewhere near. - Yeah. Um, Vik said he wants them kept on wide, as well - Can't see anything on wide. - Bro, it's not mine, I'm, I'm being- - Yeah, but what does Vik know about cameras? What does Vik know about cameras? - Yeah, but he gets to decide. - Under some chairs, a classic. [dramatic music plays] This is really not great, is it? I don't know how good or not good this is. - This is bad, Vik. - This is bad? - Yeah. - sh*t. Ah! What is that? Is that a life guarding booth? - Go be the lifeguard. - What does he know about a GoPro? He is not a GoPro man. - True. - He hasn't put it in the top corner of a couple goal ever. It's not, it's not his forte. [Ethan giggles] - He's missing shots, that's, I'm gonna super view it, I don't care. - Yeah? But you did it, not me. [dramatic music continues] - What is my life? I can, I can sneak in here. All right, don't make it obvious. Don't film them, just go and follow them and tell them I'm not on the pier. I'm near the pier. - "I'm within a hundred metres of Brighton Pier." What the f*ck is he talking about? [bell chimes] - Are we jetting it or like... - All right just so you all know, Vik has been stopped by security, so he is near the pair. You can go in 5, 4, - Ah! My leg! - What was that? - I dunno. - 3, 2, 1! - I can't. - My bad, f*ck. - I'm only here for two minutes. - You have to let go of me then. - For two minutes. - You gotta let go of me. - You hit my bad foot. - All right. I'm f*cking gone, I'm gone. - If I just stick with Ethan, I'm guaranteed at least a silver. - Open it. - No. - It doesn't open from the inside. - Whatcha mean it doesn't open from the- yes it does, ya idiot. - This man hit my bad foot into the wall and for that, he has to stay for 60 seconds. - So do you, though. - I know, but I trust my teammate. - Ah, I don't. - Is Simon there yet? - Yeah. - He's not there is he, Josh? - No. - Just go, Will! - Ethan sprinted off. - All right, trying to look for this man. I can see the cameramen. - That's a lovely looking popper on there. [Harry panicking] [Simon laughing] - Me gone, me gone. - Right, I'm not holding that. - "Oh I'm Harry, I'm injured, but I'm still running." - Hello boys. - Wait, Josh was there. - Yeah, he locked us out. - Who? - Has he gone already? - Wait, that way. Go, go, go. - Where'd Tobi go? - I don't know the way to Brighton Pier. - Oh this way? Yeah, because that's the Brighton Pier, that way. - Hello. Which way's the pier? - Oh, that way. - That, thank you. - Oh, I'm sick of all this sh*te running. - You sure it's this way? - Not a clue. - Harry went the other way. - We look like singular teams, Harry here and me, Simon and Will went the wrong way. - Excuse me sir, have you seen Vikkstar? No? - Uh, no. - This dude better have found a good hiding spot. - I can hear you flagging. - I am tired. Oh sh*t, the pier's that way. - Ugh. - We went the wrong way. - Ah, Jesus. - Harry's behind me. - Within a hundred metres of the pier. - He said, "Within a hundred metres." I see Ethan. - Where would Vik go? f*ck. - If you've been booted off the pier, where would you go? Would you go down? Okay. - I need to get down there. [Will groans] [Simon burps] Oh sh*t, I'm not even filming. He's gotta be somewhere secret, right? So maybe under the pier. - He's not gonna sit in a dingy spot, is he? - Nah. - Maybe he's hiding in plain sight. He'll be on the beach somewhere, surely. He'll be on the beach. - Do you got your phone, Josh? - Yeah. - Do you want to go that side and call me if you found him. I'll go this side. - Can do. - He won't be in the amusements, will he? - He might be in the amusements. - Have you seen Vik anywhere? - Yeah. - Where is he? - Out in that black box. That black box over there. - Yes. - Have a good day. - Oh my god, social skills help. - Are you cheating? - Yup. [Josh chuckles] Gotta be done. Sometimes in life, you have to just do what you ought do. When you're losing, the game is the game. - On here? [dramatic music plays] No. Oh no. - Gotta try the beach, no? - Those two kids over there, look like they've seen someone. - You all right, mate? - Good. - Hello. - You seen Vikkstar anywhere? Trying to find Vikkstar. - Yeah, we looked, he's hiding somewhere. We don't know where. sh*t. - Hang on. - There's Josh! - sh*t, sh*t. Simon this way, man. [upbeat music continues] - Oh hello, mate. [Vik chuckling] - Hey, you're gold! You're gold. - He did it? - They've seen us. They've seen us. They've ruined it by coming over. - All right. So, he's gone to the front of the pier and he's been turned away. - Yeah. - Is he gonna go more this way? I reckon so. - You reckon? - I reckon up and left, yeah. And he's not gonna hide- - Something's not right, I think someone's found him. I think someone's found him, 'cause the camera people are there. - My friend, oy! Have you seen Vikkstar? - Is he not here? - He kind of defeats the point, doesn't it? - Have you seen Vikkstar anywhere? - Oh, he's right there. Will. - He's not in there. Oh, he is in there! - How the mighty have fallen. - So what, what did we get? - Should we stand over there? - Vik, we're gonna move away. - Did we win? - No, second. - Come this way, come this way, come this way. - I literally saw Josh leave. - Can't you lose on purpose? - Uh, Sea Life entrance. - Oh this is hard, this is long. - Or Barring Kitchen. - You know what? I don't hate that. - Hey, smashed it. - You know how, uh you know how I found out? - Because the camera people went over. - No I just, I just asked the guys over there like, "Uh, you've seen Vik around?" [Tobi laughs] - Should we just sit in the stretcher or in these stretchers? - Yeah. - Go on and watch here. - All right, this is a vibe. - Piece of peace, this. - They found him. - We can't lose again, surely. - I think they found him. They're over there. - Is there a Vik? Vik's not there. - Vik's not there? - There's no Vikkstar. - Harry, held me for so long, bro - Yeah, I was waiting for you like and I said, "Where the f*ck are these guys? - We went the wrong way. - Well 'cause the door, like there's no handle inside to pull. [Will laughs] So you're saying, "It does open" and I can't pull anything. [guys chuckling] - Oh, we need to pay if we use this. - We have to pay? - Yeah. - Oh, what? - Five quid for a chair? - 20 quid to sit down. - Yeah. - That's crazy. - Should we sit on the, should we sit on the rocks? - I see Ethan and Harry. [Will laughs] - Look at their synchronised jogging. [Tobi laughs] - Is he there? - No, we didn't found him, but we're relaxing. - See, I just don't believe that. - This is our argument, okay. We're winning, so we're taking it easy. You guys have accepted you've lost, so your not bothering. - Yeah. - But hang on, but they've already lost so what- Oh, DNF! - Yes, DNF. - This is gonna help us get second place, basically. - I feel like he'll be up there now. Like behind here? - No. - sh*t. - sh*t, indeed. - They're not moving, bro. - He's there, isn't he? - He's there. He's hiding behind the f*cking thing, innit he? - Yeah, he's there. Yeah. - Should we go get ice cream? - Yeah, ice cream. - He's behind there, isn't he? - He's there, isn't he? - He's behind there. - We're gonna go get an ice cream. - He's behind here, isn't he. Great. - Ah, mint chocolate, yes. Could I get uh, mint chocolate ice cream, please? - Yeah, is that just one scoop? - Yeah, just one scoop, please. - Can I have one scoop of raspberry sorbet? - Can I get marshmallow please? - Marshmallow? - Are we being idiots? Is he just sat over there? - No. - My eyesight's too bad to spot him from afar. They haven't seen Vikkstar? All right, f*ck it man. - All right, we'll take no points. - Guys, do you want any ice cream? - f*ck off! - Have they not found him? - No. - Because we walked away. - Good job, Vikkstar. - Yeah, we'll concede. - Oh, that looks leng. Oh my geez. - Uh-huh. - Aw, I regret my decision. [guys chuckling] - We've conceded. We know you found him. - Yeah! - Should we go back and carry on with the video then? - Do you wanna get a pint first? - Yeah, no. - What? [Josh chuckles] - f*ck your challenge. - Really nice day. Too much of a nice day to be stressing out where Vikkstar is. - Yeah, I hope where he's hiding, I hope it's cramped. - Yeah. - I hope he stays there for a long time. Hope he gets back pain. You know what? The medals are getting too heavy, anyway. I don't need another one. [Ethan laughs] We're suffering from success, that's what we're doing. - I'm actually really angry I didn't wear shorts. - What's worse than heat? Like the... - Genocide. - Repres- [Ethan laughs] - None of you boys felt like helping them? - We found him, we found him. - Found him! - It's not worth it. On a nice day like this, there's no point running around. [Vik laughs] - You know what, you guys are in last place, so I'm not even gonna give you a dump. I'm gonna give you a bronze. - What? - Yes! Yes, f*cking come on! - Come on! [cross talk] - It's 'cause they had, you were bad people. - Yeah, bad karma. - And you deserved that. - Bad karma. - But you let Will sabotage us. - Vik, Vik you wanna know how serious Josh took it? He still didn't tell us in this room, where he was. - Are we three bronzes back to back now? - Yeah, triple, triple bronze. - How has it gotten this far away from us. [Ethan laughs] - How have we lost this bad. - Bro, we dropped three- - And he gifted you a free point, as well. - We dropped a hat trick of poo. [Ethan chuckles] Like poo. - Here you go, your first golds, boys. - I'm holding, you know what I'm holding out for? The little triple point, final round. - Silvers. - If we drop a bronze again next... - I think, nah, nah, we're going out the window. - I'll jump out the window. - We'll jump out the window. If we get another bronze, we get in the train and go home. Or you drive and I'm gonna jump off. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, a hundred percent. We go into a car park, and park and jump off it. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. - Can I have you car? - Currently leading the race with 12 points, we have Will and Simon. And then, next up we have Tobi and Josh on 10. - Come on. - They come from the depths. And you guys started off strong with a gold, then a silver, and now you've dropped three bronzes in a row. [guys laughing] - This sh*t is really hurting him. - I'm burning. [guys chuckling] - Yeah, omitting is a DNF, you know? - It should be a DNF, but I honestly feel so bad for you and I can tell the three bronze is getting to you. So we won't put you completely out of the race. Could be double points rounds. [Tobi laughing loudly] Could be triple points rounds. - Well, you should know if we lose this next round, we're gonna... [Ethan laughs] - It could be, it could be a quadruple points- - We nutmeg, we nutmegged him on the corner! - It's the GoPro. - We nutmegged him! - Simon's even more angry than me about this. - This next challenge, double points! [cross talk] It's getting interesting now. - I've stopped complaining and what's happened when I do it? - And it's an easy one. It's a nice one, it's a friendly one. You need to go out, and you need to find a grandma. - How's that work. - And you just have to compliment her. Just a nice compliment. I nearly died, there. [intense music plays] Just need to make someone's day. It's gotta be a good compliment! You gotta make her day. - Oh, there's more older. - Yeah, let's go. - Do I have to go, too? He could just compliment her, right? - He could, yeah. - He could just... - He could, he could. - Is he gone? [Vik wheezes] - Tobi! Grandma, grandma, grandma. - Little cafe or- Is that a grandma? Is that a grandma? Wait. Excuse me, do you have grandchildren? - No. - No, okay, no problem. - Hello there. Um, are you a grandmother, by any chance? - Yes. - You are? You're coat is beautiful. Can I just say that? Thank you. Have a lovely day. Thank you. - You're a lovely woman. - But he might be waiting for you now and that might cost you. - Is, is he? - Is anybody here a grandma? You look very, very nice today. - Oh sh*t, I'm about to get run over. - That was late knowledge. - He's running, I can see him. - Can you see him? Is he running? - Yeah, he's turned around. - Where's he going? - Will! I've done it. - Is that not a grandma there? - Where? - Right here, this woman here. - Does she look nice, that one? Go for it, go for it, yeah. - Are you a grandma? - Yeah. - Yes! - Do you mind being on camera? - What for? - For a YouTube video. - Go, go! - f*cking, yes! - You've already done it? - Yeah. - Jesus. - Back up! - We've done it. - What was the compliment? - Have a lovely day and I said you are a lovely woman. - I said, "You've got a beautiful, I love your coat." - Ah. - Come on. - Have you done it? - Yeah. - Ah! Wonderful. Ha-ha, I didn't have to leave the room. - Gold, silver. What are these lot doing? - I just need to give you a lovely compliment. I really like your hat and I don't think you look a day over 40. [grandma laughs] - You are funny. - I'm not being funny! I'm being serious. - Okay. - Thank you for humouring me. - Have a great day. - I appreciate you. - Go! - Sorry. - Thanks for the help. - No worries, I thought you had it good. - Did he just not leave? - Didn't leave the room. - He's got a pint? - You find it that hard to compliment someone, really? - We had a whole conversation with her, posed her saying, "Ah you look lovely." Didn't acknowledge him. - I spoke to the lady. - You shouted at her! She didn't look at him. - She's literally staring at me while I'm- - I went up to her I said like- - Yeah, she looks at me and say, "Hello. You're a lovely lady." He said compliment her not have a f*cking chitchat! - I told her she had, "A lovely hat and she doesn't look at day over 40." - Yeah. I said don't, I didn't say rizz 'em up. - He rizzed the grandma. - Just, just we made a lady's day. - Yeah, true. She was happy about it, at least. - Bro, I went into a hairdressers, this old lady, I went, "Have you got grandchildren?" She went, "Uh, no." - You didn't say like that, did you? [cross talk] - No, none of that. I was like, "Hello." [Tobi laughs] - You volleyed my hand, you prick. You jumped out of here and kicked my hand. - I'd say sorry, but I'm not. - Change in order with the double points round. We have Will and Simon still in the lead, 16 points. Ethan and Harry jumped into second place. - Our Make-A-Wish points came in. - Yes! - Come on, boys! - And we got 12 points for Josh and Tobi. - Josh does not look happy. - How did that maths work out? How did you went 8 to 14? Oh, you came first, you came first. I was like so confused. - Yeah, bro, chill. - He's really trying, bro. - Don't worry about it, stan. - I thought you came second. - It's okay. We've all been last, once. - It's all right, don't worry Josh. Double points was so fun, we're doing it again! [guys expressing excitement] We're doing it again. - What's the challenge, Vik? - The next challenge is that one of you has to climb a tree. - Oh, you're the size of one. - And they have to be, they have to climb to a height where their entire body is above the height of their teammate. - Good luck, Will. - Oh, easy! - Okay. Hang on, hang on. - Will, this one's on you, bro. - Find me a tree, I'll climb anything. - Yeah, there's, there's one behind this building. - No you gotta, I can't- [Will laughs in pain] - Bro really got me climbing trees. I can't believe this f*cking sh*t, bro. - I can't climb the height of you. You should climb the height of me! - Well, I did the last one, bro. You didn't even leave. - Boys, don't let Ethan and Harry win, come on. Go climb a tree. - Should I just do this one? - No, I want this tree. - Yeah, can you do that? - Fine, I'll do that. One sec, hold the camera, hold the camera. - Yeah, no worries. Right. Well. Go on, get your foot up. Yeah look, you've done it. You've done it. - Nice. - Josh, hurry up. - Are we doing the same tree? - Oh, that poor tree. How's he got up that? - Josh, take my phone. - How the f*ck did he get up there? - Is he gonna film it, himself? - I trust my teammate. - Simon's having, this is confidence from the front. I like it. I do like it - It's not confidence. It's sh*thousery from Vik! [Vik laughs] We are first. [intense music plays] - You're up, you're above me. You're phone dropped down, I got lucky it bounced off the thing, though. - You captured that, yeah? - Do you want to do it again? - Oh, f*cking hell! - Yeah, he might have been two Ethans above me. - Climbed on a bin, climbed on a tree. - You can see it from it. They're now all coping. [Vik cackling] Look, that tree right there. He just got in it. - f*cking hell. - Easily. I'm trying get the good angle, there you go. - Yeah? - Beautiful. - Oh, god. - So, it's guaranteed second, so you might as well. - I'll take a silver. [intense music continues] - Oh Will's, Ah I hope he falls out. - He's he going for it? - Hope the branch snaps gone. - That's Simon, that's Simon. We're counting that. We're owning it. - Oh, he can't do it. He's not... - He can't do it! - He hasn't gone high enough there! There's no way that's high enough. - That's not above Simon's height. - We'll allow that. I did see it. - Allow it? - I saw it in the car. Bro, you got a charity point. - Two charity points, right? - You couldn't tell if it's Simon's height out there or not. - They're literally so far ahead, it doesn't matter. - We're not. You're first, now. - Yeah. [guys chuckling] - You're 20 points. - We've held it strong. The party's organizer's going, to have a nice day. - Now you've won! - They got a point for coming back here. Leaving Vik in- - You better work smart not hard, then. - From what I say, he barely got up. [cross talk] - How tall you are? - Ah, we'll take a dump for this one. - He filmed him. - Josh is getting very serious. We'll take a dump. - Why am I being serious suddenly? - We'll take a dump. - We just film and stop and ruin someone's birthday and now they're just passing by- - I film and stop and I'm being serious suddenly. What's going on? - Oh and taking it seriously? - He's done this shot twice. [guys laughing] - See what I mean? They film and shot the whole video! - Bro, chill. Chill, man. [Ethan laughs] - Yes. - I'm trying to get my double points! - The bratty kids have done it. [guys laughing] - Don't be touching my medals. - All right, we're back in. Within two rounds of throwing a temper tantrum. Ethan and Harry are in the lead! [guys expressing excitement] With 20 points. - You're a great man. - We've got Josh and Tobi in the back with 16 points. - Ah, in the back. We like it. - Will and Simon have dropped down to second place for the first time in a while. Tree climbing wasn't too bad, but the next one is a challenging one, bit of luck involved. - Oh, a bit of luck involved? - The next challenge is to find a... [Vik laughs] Sit back down, sit back down. You can stand up when I say, "You can stand up." - My battery's bout to run. - Oh, now he's gotta- - Shut up. All right, your challenge is to find a seagull and take a selfie with it. You have to be within five metres of the seagull. If it flies away- - Do we get extra bonus points if we bring it back? - Yeah. If you bring it back, extra points. - Okay, okay! - Extra two points if you bring back the seagull. - Now, don't let someone murder a f*cking seagull. - Yeah. I'm gonna be one of those people on the tams that bags the one. - Yeah. I wonder if anyone will have the brain power to go and get some food, because then you get the seagulls to come to you. That, I really hope someone does that. I really, if they don't, they're idiots. - What, what? Go to the sea? - Yeah, the sea's probably a good idea, bro. Anyone got a pet seagull? - What about chips? They f*cking love chips. Come on, where's ya pace? Where's ya pace? - Uh, there's no point. There's no, you're gonna scare them away. Go away for this beast. - What if they've migrated? - Nah, they'll be here. - Wait, why we not running? - I honestly can't be bothered. - We might get lucky. - You know what we have to do? We have to buy some chips and just hold one in the air. Seagull, seagull, seagull. - Seagull! - Oh, we have to selfie. - Land, land, land. - f*ck. Let's get chips, get chips. - This is all a bit long, isn't it? - They'll be around the chip shops, I think. Oh, there's one up there! - Where? - Right there. - Harry's terrible with birds, so we should be fine. - Don't scare it away. - Oh my god. - No chance. - No way. - No chance. - So, what's the challenge? Seagull and what? - Get a selfie with a seagull. - Seagull, right. Sneak up on him. - Where is he? - Up there, up there. - Where? - Over here. - We need to go up there. - Hello. - Where is he? Seagull? Oh no, no, no. - Oh! Here. - Did he flew away? He flew away. - sh*t, sh*t. - He flew away. - I'm not holding a chip, though. - I'll do it. - I can't stand this things. - A seagull. A seagull, I've seen one, he's up there. One sec, look, up there. Is that within five metres? I don't know. - Where's the chips though? - There's a place behind here, bro. - Oh, there? - Down there. - Fish and chips here. - Hello, fella. - He's trying to get in the air, look. No, surely he's not. - Harry, come on. Do a better selfie than that. - Harry, better job than that, mate. - That's five metres! - No, do a better- Oh, sh*t! - That's five metres! - Oh, sh*t! - That's not really great, though, is it? - I didn't even see that, you know. - It's not great, though, is it? - Well, I'm taking it. - Both of your teammates in the photo. [dramatic music continues] - Plenty of them down there. Picture? - Don't move. Ethan, no! Ethan, no! [Will laughing] - Bro, you can't get them like that. - We both agree not to take that one? It's a bit stinky. - What? - Bit stinky, innit? - It's a bit stinky. I think don't take it. - Okay try and get another one then? - Yeah. If you go back and they thinks it's stinky, we agree on it. - Yeah. Alright, cool. - f*ck's sake. - I agree, I agree. It's like, it's just like chilling. - But it's a seagull, he said luck. - Jesus, Jesus. Right. Careful, careful, careful. Come around here, let me get next to you. Don't take another step. All right, I just want to meet ya. All right, in three, two, one, will go backwards. [slow, dramatic music plays] - Yup, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's good. - Yeah? - That tastes like gold medal, you know? - You got yours yet? - We got one, but it was like far away. - You both got to be in it, by the way. - Do we? - Yeah. - Where's my teammate? Who said we both got to be in it? - Vik! - Did he? We both got to be in it apparently. - You got to both be in it, Ethan. - He didn't say, he said get a selfie, he's lying. - I don't know if Vik actually said that. - I got one nesting. - Yeah? Cool. - Yeah. - He didn't say both of you. - I don't think he did either. If he does, I'm gonna pull him off on a technicality. That's lying. - VIR it. - Yeah. - I didn't, I wanted to do the chips thing, that was cool. - We can do it, still. We'll get bonus points if we do the chips thing. - Try. - Should we out sprint them? Should we beat them? We can out sprint them. - Oh, f*cking hell. - That's gonna be it. - That's so close and we're both in it. - Yeah. Yeah, yeah. - They're coming. [intense music plays] - Whoa! - Go, go, go. - It's like we're running in slow-mo. - Ethan's coming. You're slowing down, Will - No! - Go! - Oh, no. - Is that a Will and a Simon coming in first? Have you done it? - We hope so. - Is that gold? Did he say that's gold? - What do we have? What do we have? That is gold, what do we have? We have some evidencing? We have the selfie or some video or... - Offer. - This one, this one, look. - Okay, go on. Go on. - Come over. - They're coming, they're coming, they're coming. Stay there, stay there. [seagulls cawing] - Ah, I don't like it! I don't like it! [both laughing] - I don't even know if my pictures are good. - They're looking at me. [Tobi laughs] - That's terrifying. - I have a question, Vic, I have a question. - Oh no, go. - The picture of the seagull? - Yeah. - Do we both have to be in the picture? - Yes. - Or was it just, you didn't say that. - You don't both have to be- - So, we're on the beach, and they go, "That doesn't count, you both have to be in it." So we run back. So they- - The game's the game. - The games the game. - You should have just run back. - That's outrageous. - Ours is as close as his, so. - Ah, nice. - So, they lied to win is what they did. They lied to win. - Well, it's your fault for being thick. - You're saying that, he scared away our seagulls. - I ran, I did, I- [guys laughing] I'm not even joking, I chased about 30 away. - So... Okay, all right, if you want, if that's how you want to play the game, That's how you play the game. - Brother, you've already got double points! - I chased so many away. - What happened, boys? [guys laughing] - I, I fed a bunch. - Ooh. - Bro, we got the sickest photos. - I fed an army of them. - Oh wow, wow. - Just one, just one chip? - No, no, no, no. - You know what, boys? For that, two bonus points. - Yeah. - For what? - For what? - Look at that picture. - Oh, that is quite nice. - Yeah, that's a pretty nice picture, yeah. - All right, it's time for our final challenge. Two teams tied for the lead. Ethan and Harry, Will and Simon on 24 points! Josh and Tobi, you're in last place with 20 points. But, if you come first in this, you could tie for second place, though. It wouldn't all be lost. - Tied for second. - And there is a forfeit. - Oh. - There is a forfeit for the losers. - Ah, man. - Okay. - There is a forfeit. So, you could have four people doing the forfeit or it might just be you two. So, please try. The creator of Meme Olympics, LazarBeam, he did a nice little conga line on Fortnite. People loved it. He congaed for ages. So on your team, one of you is going to have to find three strangers and lead a conga line for 10 seconds with these strangers, while singing the song. One of you has to lead the train, the other person has to film it, expertly. - Okay, let's get it. - Go! - Final challenge, go! - Will you f*cking hurry up, man? I'll do a finger up your bum. - Go behind Josh. - Right. Do, do, do. Come on and do the conga. - Come on Josh, we have things to do. [Tobi panics] - We need to find where the fan territory is, pick up one or get the guy from the pub! - Huh? - Get the guy from the pub. - Hi. Would, would anyone be able to join the conga? Can one of you join a conga line with me? - Simon, Simon! - Don't go near him, he's a p*edophile. - What? - Ooh. [Tobi laughs] - Look, there's a lot of ways this last one can go. Oh my goodness, they're petitioning and they're fighting for conga line customers. - Excuse me, could you join our conga line please? - Conga line? - Yeah. - What you gotta do... - No, don't join it, they're p*edophiles. - And let's get Will from the pub, will from the pub. - Excuse me? Will you join a conga with us just for 10 seconds? Yeah, yeah, no? Ah sh*t. - So we need to find two more out here. - No, leave them, leave them, leave them. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Don't, don't listen to him. - He's a p*edophile. - Excuse me sir, would you be able to join our conga line? - Don't let him win, don't let him win. Oh? Unlucky. - That's okay. - Josh, let's find our people. - Conga? Do, do, do. - Yeah? - Yeah, we just gotta do it for 10 seconds. - We need one more person, as well. This man out here? - That's my friend from the pub. - No, go away. - No, no, no, no, no. - Will, we've bonded, Will. - No, no, no, no, no, no. - No, no, no, no, we've already secured him. - No, no, no. - Excuse me, sir, would you be able to join our conga line? Would you be able to join our conga line? We just need one more person, we need three. You can't know each other. - We should have grabbed one of them, them over there. - They can't know each other, though. - Yeah, I know, but we should have grabbed one of them. - We should go somewhere else. We do a forfeit? What's the forfeit gonna be? - I don't know, I say we veto the forfeit, though. - I mean it's Vik, he can't be a big forfeit. - Nah it's Vik, he's annoying. - Excuse me, would you be able to join our conga line? [lady laughs] For 10 seconds, we just have to do the conga. - It's just a 10 second conga, please. - Please, sir. - Him. - Would someone be able to join our conga line for 10 seconds, please. Will, do something! - Excuse me. Excuse me, would you mind joining our conga line for 10 seconds? - Excuse me, would you be able to join our conga line for 10 seconds? - sh*t, he's pouring pints, man. - Oh, no. sh*t, sh*t, sh*t. - Are you telling me? - Yes? - I'm good, man. How are you? Appreciate it, man. We're looking for people to join our conga line. I need three completely different people, three strangers. - Yeah? - Yeah. - Do what for 10 seconds? - A conga line. - All you have to do is this for 10 seconds. That's it, please, please. - Please, come with us. - Conga line? - Conga line, yeah. 10 seconds doing a conga and we need to find two more people after you, though. Yeah, cong. - Are you here to conga? Gonna conga? - Gonna join our conga line? - Yes! We've got two and need one more person. Just two seconds, please. Can anyone do the conga? Can you do the conga, sir? - One more person, one more person. - Ah, I've got to film it expertly, as well. Wait, I think they've already got all three. - Please, it's 10 seconds of your life. - We'll show you. Can you do it to me? - Wonderful, wonderful, okay. - And then you go, it's fine. - Oh, they've got one. - Can you do us a favour? Can you do us a favour? - What? - Can you do us a favour? - They're doing it. They're doing it. They're doing it. - Well, that's only one of them, though. It's fine. - All right, they've got three. - I'm filming. Do, do, do. - Come on and do the conga. Do, do, do, a train across the floor. - Keep going. - Do, do, do, come on and do the conga. Do, do, do, a train across the floor. - You know what? They deserve it. - Yeah! - Okay, we're done. We're done. Let's go! Thank you so much. - Did they already do the conga? - They've done it already. Josh, they've done it. - They've done it? - They've done it. f*ck. - We need you to do the conga with us. - Alright, let's get it. - What are you doing? - So, so just put your hands like that behind me and we got to, how do you do a conga? Like everyone... - Just do, do, do. Yes. Yeah, yeah. - Okay. Alright. So you hold me. - Who didn't do the conga? Who wants to join our conga? - Me. - You didn't do it? - Tobi, they've done it. - One of you? - Um, I, I... - Yes, no, maybe? - I did conga. - Tobi, quick! - I've got one! All right, come on, come, come. - Can on you jump on the end and we'll do the conga. - 10 seconds, yeah? - Yeah, yeah, like that. All right, ready? - Yeah. - Uh, three, two, one. - Do, do, do, come on and do the conga. Do, do, do, a train along the ground. Do, do, do, come on and do the conga. Do, do, do, a train across the ground. We've done it! - Yes! - Thank you, thank you. - Go, go, go! Thank you! - Yes, now. We haven't lost! [Will screaming] - So I'm happy to see them win. Oh my goodness. - Let's go! Yo! - I nearly died watching that, but... You guys, you guys are winners. - Am I, am I allowed to go take a photo with them? Have we, have we done? - Yeah, yeah, you're done. You've won. You are, you are the winners. - I feel bad. - You are the winners, congratulations. - I feel bad, I feel bad. - That is proper cringe compilation stuff like... - I didn't even do anything! [guys laughing] - It's awful, it's awful. - Nightmare, that's nightmare fuel. - Can you guys do a conga? - Join our conga line? - No. - You just gotta join it, please. - Josh, let's just start it. Someone go behind Josh. - You go behind me. Do, do, do. - Give me the ball, I'll hold the ball for you. All right, go on. - I'll do the song. How do you do the like legs? - Just, just do it, just go! - Huddle away, it's fine. - We haven't lost. We don't care, we haven't lost. - We haven't lost. - We haven't lost. - We haven't lost. - Do, do, do, come on and do the conga. Do, do, do, a train across the floor. - Again. - Do, do, do, come on and do the conga. Do, do, do, a train across the floor. Ay! - Thank you so much, I appreciate you lot. - Love you, thank you, appreciate it. - Thank you, thank you. - We didn't lose! Yes! - Happy days. - Well deserved, boys. [cross talk] - If we did win, it would've been a travesty. - Oh. - Ooh. - Oh, no. Did we lose? - That was beautiful congaing, bro. - Yeah, I tried. - So beautiful, so beautiful. - One of the girls was like, "I'll do it." And I was like, "You can't, you're friends with him." - She was like, "I hate you, b*tch." [guys laughing] - And for our winners of the 2023... [guys expressing excitement] Sidemen Meme Olympics. They've got engraved. - So, that's actually- - So now I'm disappointed, now I'm disappointed. - There we go. [guys expressing excitement] - I'd like a trophy. - There's no second place trophy? No? - No, no. - No. - Does it say, "Meme Olympics" on it? - Yeah. - That's cool. It was very deserved. - Worthy victors, well done, well done. - Now, unfortunately, we need a thumbnail and there is a forfeit for the losing team. - We're dressing up, let's go. - Wait, who loss? Who lost in the end? - Josh and Tobi. [guys expressing excitement] [Will laughs] - Are there any bonus points we can get? - You guys have to go into public and one of you has to be slapped by a man. And one of you has to be slapped by a woman. [guys laughing] That is the forfeit and that is the thumbnail. A good video, needs a good thumbnail, so. I hope they're merciful on you. Off you go, guys. - Let's go! - Okay, I gotta see this. - Our forfeit is to get assaulted? - I gotta see this. - Bro, I can't wait to host the next video. Just wait, bro. I'm not a vengeful person, but I do take things into consideration. - Who's taking the man? Who's taking the big man? - Josh, I do, I have it man. - I don't care. Do you wanna slap me? Anyone wanna slap me? You'll slap me, yeah? - Strong one or a normal one? - It's up to you, innit? - Whoa. [cross talk] - So for the video, it's best if you, you really hold on through. - No, not really hard, 'cause he heard him. Whatever he slaps me, I'll slap you. [Will laughs] Is that fair? - Whoa, whoa, whoa. [guys laughing] We're doing a thumbnail, doing a thumbnail first. - No, no, do the slap first. - Okay. [guys expressing shock and laughing] Okay. [guys expressing shock and laughing] - Thank you, brother. - Tobi, your turn. I've done my forfeit. [guys laughing] - Man, that was mad. - No, the first he did he was like- - All right, where's that woman. - Hi, do you want to slap me for a video? - Oh, she's got a child. She's not going to hit him with a child. - Um, no I'm all right. - You don't want to? - My son shouldn't see that. - He shouldn't, you're absolutely correct. - You want me to slap you? Hard one? [guys laughing] - No problem. - I've never seen someone say, "Yes" so quick. - He was ready for it. He's had the best day of life. He's just, "You want me to slap you?" - "For free?" [guys laughing] - But they look young, though. They look young. - Nah young's okay, you can do a young one- - What, what? - No. To take a, to take a- [cross talk] To take a hit off of, take a hit. - Will any of you slap him? - Anyone wanna slap my friend? He's been very mean and cheated on his girlfriend. - One of the ladies. A lady, a lady. - Hit him. - He's a misogynist. - Ethan's she's coming down. - Oh, okay. - Oh, we got one, we got one. - Here we go, here we go. - Uh, Tobi might have got off lightly. - All right, who's slapping me? Hi, nice to meet you. Is it you that's gonna slap me? - Yeah. - Okay. What side do you want? - You can commit to it. - Uh, this side. - Okay, but you gotta wig it. - Wig it! - Really hard? - Yeah, really hard. - Real friends, how many of us? - If you don't do it hard, you've gotta do it again, so. - She might do it. - Okay. - You can run into, as well, you can like really- [guys expressing disappointment] - Nah, you got to go for it! Follow through, like get your hips in it, as well. Like, "Pow." - Oh, sorry. [guys expressing shock and laughing] [cross talk] - Thank you. - She's caused him physical damage. - Thank you so much, appreciate you. - Thank you so much. - Thank you. - Take care. - Clobbered him on the nose. - Oh my god. [Will giggles] - And there you have it, that was Meme Olympics in real life. - Are they coming to get revenge? - If you enjoyed and want to see this in other countries, other cities- - Hey, can we slap you? - Let us know in the comment section down below. See you all next time. Peace out. [upbeat outro music plays]
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 8,604,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: _dq_i25LOfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 38sec (3938 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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