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welcome to sidemen European road trip Harry you get to push the button now in five okay four three two one oh no no she's coming oh it's going she's opening we'll edit this together yeah no no no we'll keep this rolling [Music] oh he's coming oh wow this week we're in Europe for another side member road trip where one team will travel in style but the other team might just take a while and I've given the boys a little bit of money and a little bit more freedom today let's see if I regret that decision it's only just hit Sally and now that oh wow oh wow that looks really cool I dribbled these dribbles that doesn't look really cool [Music] we're missing JJ and Vic today okay all right guys together it's gonna be Ethan yeah yeah and Simon passenger princesses let's go to your cars I need my bag I have a bad tracker because I'm afraid Harry of what I'm definitely not a good team man I've been okay you think I'm seriously good at driving on Simon videos I know I know I'm sure yes no notorious nuisance on the road is what I am yeah but dude we're [ __ ] doomed we got Joe's in our team he said hey TP he might not be lying but he's just toying with you I know he does Harry so what if I refuse to drive well then we're not moving uh should we where should we sit it might help your baby [Music] he gave me a real hug mine was way more his was a video mine was a nice mine was a sweetheart oh yeah oh I stayed long huh oh Harry doesn't win the heart ah [ __ ] you Harry Potter I got such a tiny bladder yet there's a women's toilet there when would they ever just make a woman's toilet Ethan I'm just using it there's some men's over here you in the car with us come ah for now I am yes hmm good question for now for now one guess who's your finger guest is I don't know how to say on camera we are on camera I don't think we have a guess with us I think we just have a Supercar with me and you sat in it big Ferrari we're going for a nice little road trip me and you oh we're in a dinner we're not just a Supercar a Bugatti Veyron Bugatti Vey Bugatti Veyron well that's a formula well there's only one of us will fit in it so yeah it comes I guess you got Subs no scraping the Barrel in this car has more substance you forget he's a big time YouTuber sometimes I mean I reckon Our Guest is Christopher MD I'm more intrigued of the guest than the car yeah I've been gonna talk about the road trip [Music] he's gonna spend the next like however many hours there's some people that I wouldn't want to spend six hours you you know what I feel safe driving a motorbike around a town but I wouldn't find a social driving a car I'll confirm them up like crash I reckon like this speed I defend the Bender yeah I confirm that maybe not not a flying one but like I could go over the one of the cards you crash the back of a car and you just like the front door you've seen you land your flips before well I think we're in a stinker yeah I think we are just judging from the fact that you're here um I reckon we're in some bust down early Avalanche oh this is my first time rapping it it's time I go with huh he said oh what if one of you like we're in an electric one alarm will be upset oh why would you be that upset no because I've got sperm in my testicle Simon and I like cars that go I don't like cars to go where's your talk listen you're talking too much see that James that school's around so watch out oh it's not looking good at Harry it's a prison that looks cool like that there's a car button my car in there that's good the business there's no cars here that's a Range Rover that's a ranging that's not bad is it rigged oh I see a very nice guy [Music] oh [ __ ] I want to drive that car it just got real what's that thing and that thing is this Range Rover rigs up to the first human beings it is we're in the rain wait I don't try to trust him though look there's a GoPro there there's an SBR as well I don't know what that means but it sounds good it's a big TIG it's massive we're the good team right I think so yeah I think so I thought he's gonna make a Supercar but I'll take this it's spacious red leather C but it's also hard to draw because it's massive how are we feed him boys I want to drive that car step out step out I want to drive that car yeah my hips yeah stop the team will not be arriving here go away from me I don't want to be here I would reverse fingers to being in the same character because we can arrange giving him that power I'm gonna drive it oh my God there's someone in the boot is there I don't know who it is in there they're in a cyber jumper hello is it [Music] welcome to Switzerland I've been in there for 45 minutes absolutely okay so I'm definitely driving yeah you have to be like 25 plus to drive you don't you're like four years old mate don't open it yet oh say the last king I want to have another envelope oh because you are not on the same team [Laughter] you know what the worst part is no yours is a red envelope you don't think I think about it exactly you stand there stand next to the school I would make love to life it is abuse oh [ __ ] I'm so confused you hold that yeah right now it's got fresh tires though no Style four door how many miles does it see how many miles it's got on the clock is that 108 yeah 108 000. 108 000.50 ain't making it anywhere look fresh tires though I winter tires no it might end up in the Alps in here still they've made it so it's Rosemary so you can drive it and this car shouldn't be on the road but you know what they're for okay tired they're the only thing brand new on the whole club and you've got speakers on the back shelf it's got a cassette tape though start button this car doesn't have to operate no you gotta put your foot down on the thing yeah he's loving it oh we gotta win wow you ready for some pops [ __ ] hell yes oh you naughty pig we're in a residential area I can't oh you know what tell you what car's [ __ ] massive though oh yeah it's gonna get a boat to drive around I'll drive it but you can't diamond all right so the teams are so wait there are three teams yeah yeah top places [Music] you open your envelope first sorry Boys you've had a clanger today you're driving in this Banger although the vehicle isn't harsh you can still take it for a walk find a car wash and clean the car off camera off camera very read it it's off camera knew it open your envelope I knew it I knew it that's so [ __ ] you'll hear a war it's no Safari that noise is coming from this Ferrari so get some clothes to compete to complete the look and flex on the others in the picture for matching clothes and take GTA loading screen style pics in your car I'm not ready for this in there because you know it's [ __ ] as well he was he was telling me the whole time I want to go in that one I want to go in there oh my listeners why didn't you swap the freezer look at our key brother I don't [ __ ] you're not coming in a car either I don't want this guy in the car yeah I believe so we're in drive you pray the car behind us bro this car can't be trusted I don't like you just Midwest I can't believe this man I've been waiting here for one hour one hour We're Not boys don't do that what the [ __ ] is that please tell me it's automatic what the [ __ ] are these guys doing nothing they're having breakfast I've been in there for an hour and a half thinking we go for a car wash I'm silent today bro I thought it's [ __ ] manual you got brand new tires you know what you wear this we're going we're going all right we're off where we going boys [Music] [Music] [Laughter] yeah I mean I got my phone but my phone runs out after 20 minutes and we can't charge it in our cars to sing for you there's no Ox no nothing [Music] this car won't survive a car wash this is phenomenal your car has got brand new tires we got gas yeah brother who let you here but I would not like I'm wrong side of the car go on the right go on the other side of the road then you're fine can you at least an extra 100 euros 100 thank you what's that from Ethan gave it to us Ethan no I like come on for what car wash just for being us yeah but you we have the same the price you paid for friendship baby Ethan why are you giving the money away what do you mean allow it oh we got oh you got a [ __ ] bang oh yeah wow I might be with this team man I got driver Josh I got Daniel in the back we hope they're in a banger they're in a shitty little car so you find out they're actually like driving [Music] a Ferrari or something well the back window goes down wow oh [ __ ] put me in my videos we've got an hour to go shopping oh that's sweet I'll get used to this uh this is uh Harry and Josh over can you hear us hello Harry and Josh this is Lucy fantastic Toby are we in a good team this is quite good I've got 100 battery how does that make sense all right so that's where we're going we're essentially driving to the Jewish what's Zurich we're gonna be in some Top Gear [ __ ] yeah I want to remember your streams is to drive a sports car through the Swiss Alps and I thought I'm gonna [ __ ] do that today this might be a sport I think the only thing James The only positive of today is the fact that they're 10 likely to crash drives that they even what Drive sensibly I I'm scared [ __ ] it man crash man I don't give a [ __ ] man the guy like geez off we go uh Eva's approach I was a runty little dog if I haven't seen it horrible Beast my window is open oh yes you shouted it in the language Your Shine is clap we've got free water bro this isn't sparkling this is a spotting uh no no it's not no get rid of that oh something else that's not water sparkling water there's no water thank you very much what should we if we're in the Banger what are we gonna call you Big Daddy Big Daddy all right over Big Daddy it's a gym we're going to oh [ __ ] yeah it looks like a [ __ ] as well okay it looks like [ __ ] Genova there we go there we are one hour 30. um okay there's no airplane no what I ain't getting a ranger over anytime soon say that much for free good because I wouldn't pay for that uh we're just doing Sat Nav where we are now good to go however there's a woman and a stroller so we might have to wait for it across first and then we'll go out like that look at them kids man watch out for the man now remember Josh other side of the road wait what side is the other side I don't know um already no this is coming down Josh you [ __ ] bastard at 1 30 is the latest it's one though there's gonna be a petrol station and they'll have a car wash there okay well I'd lose I think they can go when it goes green do you like the Swiss I could eat [ __ ] we have um crippling depression so we're just dealing with that right now we'll get back to you shortly over how freezy that is freezy yeah I know the other person as well the Fordham in a car oh we're not reveal okay okay or not reveal anything what do you what are you at let me just write let me just wrap clothes and see what comes out first I'm [ __ ] at this man bro what the [ __ ] do you do to buy clothes in a foreign country where'd you go I should ring skip yeah I know hey yo yo yo right easy so Toby has just text me and he said she's underage check the glove compartment oh my God oh my God you read that text out earlier sorry to get you boys from A to B you're driving in this SUV but while you take this scenic route yes pick up some matching clothes for a photo shoot see we've had to be doing stuff uh take GTA loading screen style picked in clothes that match your cars the next destination we texted you to be there at one latest uh-huh wow I think we wait until we're like we're out of the city a little bit and then we see it we pray for a shop yeah there'll be a little roadside like knitted clothing thing I think knitted clothing I don't know I want to get out of this city man this City's annoying man I wanted to know I haven't driven a manual in a long time just don't start that all right turn it on no clutch down when you start oh you missing turning this one they didn't miss this one now sorry my bad passenger princess you're not very good at being a passenger all right [Music] [Music] is it [ __ ] [Music] sorry I don't need to sorry bro I'm scared yeah oh my what [ __ ] yeah oh my God I'm blocking the entire Road I mean you can't go straight let's go right again well let's say this [ __ ] something means oh Jesus Christ yeah he was in the phone wake up we're [ __ ] Robbie workout right now big up Bizzle come on pump pump flipping [Applause] not gonna lie I don't know why you got a little display for yourself this ain't no car man this is this is no this is super car so you've done it you didn't know if you were good about it okay I still don't know I think I think we're good it's them that's them that's them that's them they're in a [ __ ] [ __ ] they're in a [ __ ] Range Rover what the [ __ ] are we doing in this you've taken the wrong turn by the way that's actually them yes we are they've taken the wrong exit oh is it that he's human oh my God it's a Dinger oh he's coming up boys outrageous that's hilarious I want to die wow they're in a Range Rover bro it looks so nice get me out of this city ASAP bro I just want to also point out by the way you put the two [ __ ] longest Donnies with my knees my knees which one straight there's two what do you mean [ __ ] boys your car looks shite they saw you we're now we're now we're now guys where like this candy no no no no no it's round brother straight on you're the worst yeah straight on and then when we get to water let's drive into it oh mate it's literally just a cookie Josh I'm actually driving oh I'll feed you it there you go buddy all good um it's like a hot cross bun yeah almost that kind of light I know it's not that's [ __ ] disgusting it's not great no oh my God the money money money come on I want to pick my nose when it's on camera and you guys know you guys are just a zoo manage [Music] surely yeah I've never heard of mate who's it by Michael Buble wow look at that we sent off that was like that was where we did our intro you're having me on no no I'm not and then I fev drone uh went over the water and fell and then uh Louis went out in a boat and got it catch the clip it's all good I'm not near the water [Music] man those connections yeah are you serious yeah that's right we've got the big drone look at the knees man I'm going to get cramped by the way in my left leg well because can you go any further back no yeah so who's the other guest ether told to me I can't tell you because I will you're gonna find out I'll take time I'll take Harry okay it's Danny Danny yes 80 80. you can't accelerate something go for it [Music] I really need to pick my nose still bro we're in the Banger already now I'm gonna let it build it up so I get a job 50 kilometers on this fifty five zero 100 we can go [Music] I meant more like [Music] the visibility is going crazy I can't [ __ ] see we need to find a place to park find someone to party Park Corner then down there cut up this bro I'll be in big trouble oh what's up did I hit the ball I put him before I hit the ball Brothers yeah let them know yeah after that hey stop I might drink tonight who's letting him cut oh my God [Music] I'm just joking James please oh [ __ ] please are we not 50 kilometers of this so much money and assignment in here you're not even [ __ ] crazy huh James is making more money from this video than I am yeah I'm sat between your crotch right now you are my [ __ ] and move I am I'll spare you there you go loosen that bit how do I how do you [ __ ] you hey I wonder what the other teams are upset Apple Bottom making wanna fight so who's in their car freezy and Danny knows is it someone we know yeah of course it is I reckon Josh is closer to them yeah maybe is it low on Alexis no no no no he said we're boys it's a male what I say okay it's a very cool feature it's very like jme what sorry I know this is on camera but I get off camera what is it what'd you think oh [Laughter] yeah anyways no no I'm going mad all right you know what I have a horrible feeling though we're switching I think we're switching cars because there's no way there'd be like a meat oh there's a meeting halfway is there and that's true it's a gym they're gonna get some kind of Challenge and if you win the challenge mate we're Batman Cal freezing jme little skinny rats and freeze is also very sharp wait I can bench cow would you bench yeah like what do you bench yeah um I said yeah how much is cow 85. did you bring swimming shorts no right we got told to bring swimming shorts [ __ ] well that you may not need maybe it's like to throw us off maybe it was not to throw us off because I got the message from Tanya that you got told to bring swim shorts yeah oh okay yeah oh okay so you just forgot yeah well you know what we'll stop somewhere and buy them yeah and a swim cat and goggles sure I haven't been working out I ate Burger last night I was this close right God there's [ __ ] ponds what is in Burn it's quite an interesting thing that's in Byrne you have a clue uh you can have a clue um it's the Large Hadron Collider okay so the clue is you're gonna tell me exactly what it is I couldn't think of a clue what else you got in there I don't know what else we've got all right let's do a little box opening okay A little Pioneer Pioneer I'm thinking some headphones just like glasses glasses [Applause] not only is it nothing the [ __ ] no I think I'd probably be rather be in the Ferrari but I'd rather be in here than the Range Rover because it must feel like a waste of time there yeah whereas this at least I'm experiencing something it's not good things but I'm experiencing something you know what I agree with that I wonder how they're getting on yeah what are they up to imagine you were a swissman yeah and you were called Frank you would actually be a Swiss franc Swiss franc does give you some atrocity that happens halfway through this 100 and it could be you Danny it could be you wouldn't do that to me yeah that's jme that's a UK hero that's kind of freezy not really a UK hero but it's kind of crazy good friend of ours yeah oh you are Danny Aarons what's that supposed to mean we're a team yes now ladies and gentlemen we have found a shopping center we lost the follow car because we just got gas and drove away in the Ferrari but I have my outfit I'll be back in a sec [Applause] nuts yeah this is a loading screen popping off outside Mountain outside now look at me wow horses I hate horses those are cows they're not that's a cat it's pretty skinny cows there they do not like cows they've been milked should we see how fast we can get this thing up to before it explodes did you know that out here you can speed as much as you want you just have to pay the fines yeah it's not it's not like a point system but where's the where's it gonna go get it precisely I guess to the registered addresses we used to go down to them on every year of course you did you're honestly of course you do need to think what is the least story meet me and the family yeah so there's a bunch of like British Boys in that field exactly so it's [ __ ] Tori a bunch of British boys having anal sex in a field dream family holiday Ikea oh my God oh my God oh it's an outlet store oh this is brilliant we can go off peace can I win so he may say you get an outfit do this we can say no okay we've done this instead okay all right fair enough fair enough we go Ikea and get meatballs if you want dude closing like it we just follow the plants buy a little [ __ ] load of fake plants Outlet or one you know what wait that actually might pull in pull in pull in what's out little bun [Applause] it's all about the fun mate I [ __ ] hate this [ __ ] we got an extra 150 fat toys should we buy Ethan something [ __ ] Ethan you have to actually respect because Ethan could have been you're right do you think if Harry's yeah Ferrari he's still giving us you're right you're right actually out of all the side man he's the only one that would have given us 100 even JB questioned it yeah dude don't buy Jamie [ __ ] don't buy Jamie [ __ ] GTA loaded screen [Music] GTA loading screen you know I'm saying runs out here cause I'm saying yeah love can you dress like a big star because he's not here dress like next star or just wear big things that say Balenciaga on them why did you choose the beetle brand bro you said it not me those are cool I think you get them all right okay no swim caps this yeah hello my friend what's a guanine hello mate how are you enjoying your car oh it's excellente por favor you've stopped off are you buying some outfits yes so we saw an outlet or bond which has Puma eyed ass and all sorts we know to that we also found that Ikea and we think we might um buy plants for our car The Banger team are there I don't know if you figured out there's three teams what where ah interesting they're in the same Outlet we're actually nice yeah we're going to Ikea well we should write a lot of Kia bags one of the Ikea bags there's outfits our car's not blue [ __ ] it we'll figure it out he's wasting our time can you hear that just told me to [ __ ] off no glasses to that the triple X all gonna have a glasses yeah I feel like we should buy something from the erotic shop but I know I'm looking in there getting Toby a little present side plus content chf2 which is 2.2 francs so I'm pranks what country are you in again what's the H then well I don't even know yeah we're on the road again recently I forgot everything's treating me nicely no I don't complain now I just let life hit me in the face but you know you know what I'll do a bit oh I wonder how the other team feel I know hey I haven't even thought about them ready it matches the [ __ ] car I don't know Bible what are they why not should we just steal them that's theft oh they're two man things come on Happy Days I mean this is Magic just put it on and go with it let's put on come on though [Music] so this is in here you just cut it so you get it and cut it yourself Range Rover team have stopped Ikea they stopped out of here why have they stopped out of here just in the chat what can they be doing Ikea would you reckon they have it should we steal their car you've been out here before Danny nope what never all right I don't go outside mate yeah evidently all right she bought some fluffy toys yeah yeah we should um no [ __ ] the hell bro this is why you don't come back here mate Let Him Live let him live like he's crying because you punched the monkey hold on wait what is that whale yeah nice your mum Danny get that all right you need to hold on if I'm in the store you just slide to the elf how far do I can I can beat this uh pretty far oh [ __ ] hell oh no oh no take this guy out you got mazza's coming like far ahead though but look yeah that's the mountains seven eight nine half hymns good practice we've got our 24 hour go-kart race this weekend 24 hour yeah Lucy has just gone to the car with the keys okay let's do it then we've just been told we've got some inside Intel for the boys have just pulled up to Ikea to get a bit of munch so that means the mid team that means they've left their car unattended which means we might just get our car upgraded I don't think Toby will allow it that would be so let me let me face something can we just cross here yeah although that thing's oh wait wait that's the food bit they're gonna see us going over shits watch out boys well there it is oh my God it's there there it is there it is I think you've cut it yourself oh you caught it yourself the scissors right here I don't let [ __ ] Danny using it stop it please he's worse than you you know she's about to get in it what are you doing trust me no I know what I'm doing no no no no do it hold up let him cook there you go [Music] a lot of cholesterols and then I've got a little bandana as well so I'm chilling though yeah yeah you smashed it I've got a mask as well yeah you've ever done textiles then yeah it's cool but I wasn't allowed to have any of like the machines or tools or anything yeah because I was a massive neck hole is it oh yeah I've got a big head but that's giant ask her it is a puncher all right sweet so we're literally wearing our own gowns and Jamie would appreciate that too looks like I'm in a music video it's a meter it looks like no face no case yeah hi Toby we're just wondering what your rules were about um stealing others cars cannot be crimes in Switzerland well it's not a crime if the side if it's under the side man name and I am part of that yeah how Define legally I'm saying don't wire the car oh no no we wouldn't do that all right thank you Toby we'll see you at the checkpoint they need a way to get this you have to swap the keys don't be horrible oh that would be so funny all right good luck Claire all right bye I want some meatballs now we've got we got we're gonna race Harry you were begging for the meatballs no we have the meatballs you was on your knees it's an Ikea experience you have to okay oh is the restaurant over here yeah yeah level two let's go oh this is weird this guy doesn't come outside but normally it's just that's like four four this is just one slope isn't it oh I don't like this see what happens when we hits the end I hope it tears into shreds take your ass off mate I don't trust you're a brave man yeah do you reckon this is level two is it is this not this is is this level two is this level one we've got to be quick we've got to be quick who uh Saddam Hussein is no he was the like Russian leader or something how was it Russian leader he was a bad man allegedly let's get a few of these are we talking now 40 quid for a fake plant one of these get that down a bit the big guy look at that two girl fees and a big one little C apparently little c yeah where that is oh wait here's c c c oh my God wait does the boys out are they there oh God are they there that's the camera crew are you sure yeah [Music] this this this set this set we got it too long it's a bit tired that might have taken a bit too far this time [Music] ladies and gentlemen this is struggling and enjoy the Rock welcome to the new sidecast let's go oh can we Simon can we just steal this they'll get it back in the next one are we actually just taking them away get in get in now oh my God this is luxury this should feel like you're getting this we gotta go now bro how do I drive this ah [ __ ] me Stanley bum bum oh my God this car is sick boys where am I going just go go go do it give me give me give me here how do I inter-drive at some parts squeeze as much as you can into that thing oh it's a big boy yeah yeah he's spanking when he goes in yeah God discipline him oh you abandon everything's gone right wait no hold on oh my God hold it down hold on this thing will eat yours oh it's hard only for [ __ ] sake oh it looks like Swiss Francs here we go might need where we need to go go go go go go lock all the doors I'm gonna have to reverse quick bring that into reverse guys this is get into driving yeah yeah let's go down down the road down the ramp God bro we have just performed a GTA no no no you're fine I'll tell you loads of space on the right loads of space on the right I'm taking the cash out for that one this is my money I mean we're out we can't we can't no because we're gonna have to go past Ikea if they run at this car they're getting it oh my God we have just nabbed you're good oh bro the adrenaline rush where am I going um right here we go here we go we don't have to get a car wash right Vlog let's see [ __ ] me let's see where's the meatballs yeah the keys to that car are with the um driver of that van so yeah yeah wait what oh my god I've got a Sat Nav here bro bro yeah so you're gonna do it like a UE and then over the roundabout bye one sec give me some meatballs I'm gonna find a toilet I need only yeah it's right right whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa it's fine where's the meatballs I can't wait to see their face when they see that we've never win left bro how much space is there here up there let's go get the gas on get the gas on [Applause] [Music] Mercy Mercy oh you didn't you didn't get me one huh 16 is what we've got two cups of Meatballs that's five each we [ __ ] rationing these things there's five meatballs we got a third one I want a pot of Meatballs hey look I asked them I will I will oh that is genuinely beautiful [Music] let's go can I have some meatballs pieces as well um Harry we don't have time we have to go I don't care bro you should have got meatballs yeah Toby literally called me now I know you are thank you all right there we go boy it wasn't hard was it I say a successful trip oh oh Danny what's he done oh no I'm gonna die FaceTime like Jamie don't FaceTime don't FaceTime Darcy why is Breezy FaceTiming me I'm all about answering hello [Music] yo so they left their car at Ikea until we jacked it oh no whoa no you did it come on yeah they still don't know they still don't know yo don't say anything because they're still in Ikea they ain't caught you [Music] oh my gosh no [ __ ] [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it yeah man yeah we'll see you then let me see show me the cards show me the car yeah yeah oh my God yeah yeah [Music] yeah we're going to the one the meet-up spot now so they're gonna have to drive they're in that yeah are you serious oh my God you ready yeah oh oh my God hey Jamie I know you're stressed I know you're stressed all right boys well we'll see you there we'll see you there all right see you there man laters love love love that is out of order I reckon Jamie's asshole's never been that time and I just point out that Josh won't be too too mad about it but Harry Harry's gonna lose his mind uh that's their case to get up there it was that on the left we took but that one does like it works right we have to plan our outfits too we can do that at the end when we arrive they're gonna be there I'm out of Meatballs Lads yeah shock imagine you need to share those ones oh I reckon they're just ahead of us you can't do that right oh my God man said he jacked their car it's funny because it's happening to me no no no no no imagine we come back to the car park if I saw that little gray thing I got the outfit I've got more clothes you have stolen the range and made off of it I feel like we might have just missed them but Ethan and Jamie are coming we're gonna try and catch them across this bridge [Music] [Applause] [Music] um I don't think the original Range Rover team know that they've been jacked yeah so you're putting these in the back seat with him yeah yeah cheers boys we should get dressed outside the car then put Danny and then put the plants in and then we'll go we're good to go all right sounds good lads where is the car where is the car our car oh have they taken our way but we've already got the plants for it where's our car it was um carjacked oh fantastic so where is it they've nabbed it oh for God's sake someone stops in that car so where's that car it's pretty far away by now I think wait which one is it we got a walk to pick it up oh we've got three [ __ ] plugs [ __ ] sake I can't drive it with his manual I hope it's not manual for facts and now our outfits don't match it that was stupid oh this is bollocks you don't have the keys we have to confirm oh [ __ ] off you should never have given it I'm at Germany cameras come on you knew the exactly this is good why are you getting the keys over my passport's in there at least we've still got a football now day we've just stolen a Range Rover xvr I can hear my own thoughts in here I'm not being good at Tori it's nice no you still are Tori we had to take this for you I left my chocolate bar in that car now they found out the car was here we've been settled by the crew oh one chance of being on a good team and they [ __ ] me over already well it's going to be more interesting fitting this [ __ ] in now that's all your fault by the way well I thought we had a massive Range Rover I thought we'd be fine I didn't realize oh God oh God give it some bones beautiful this car we're gonna have to go up through the mountains to get to this spot you know the zigzag day oh no that in that rust bucket I'm not gonna lie though this car is massive so I low-key like in a smaller car might have liked it oh yeah well in the manual that doesn't have a first or third gear you would have been doing that where should we put the pandas [ __ ] the pandas oh [ __ ] [Music] fit the Batista bomb what no you're on the rest ding ding ding you know what Now's the Time for the nose pick oh yeah yeah there it is good baby super you gave up the keys of course you should never have given up the keys from now on you hold on to the keys at every possible time when you want to with the car you're gonna get absolutely hello um we've run into a big uh stumbling block and hurdle what's that freezie and Ethan have stolen our car freezing and even on a team so we don't have a car anymore I know this information and I know that you do have a car we bought a whole zoo because it won't fit in the car and I will put it in the car we'll make it work yeah is it we can't drive then why not stop being a [ __ ] with a manuals it's my lessons bro you can drive them 13 years ago [Music] nowhere bro he can't drive in this country he won't drive soon what you want us to do [Music] [Music] I'll see you guys in a bit bye boys boys okay what I've just had a message saying Lucy where are you they've bought loads of stuff hahaha you better be a good idea I've bought loads of Ikea [ __ ] [ __ ] in this car and it's looking a bit I'm panicking now oh there it is oh no oh no oh no oh no we just can't do it my last hundredth manual was the day I passed my test and it's on this side of the car yeah right yeah oh May that's horrible very badly yeah go nowhere we've got an hour drive still all right well let's get in the car I think I want to sit in with you guys and there is no you don't know look at the [ __ ] size of the car you're not sat in there with us no I'm gonna have to what were the plants and everything why are you gonna have to uh I think I'll just get a good coverage yeah it was quite a special plan now okay well have fun with the plant oh my God con squeeze into that car with bro three people with Harry I'm not gonna tell you who the guest is I guess and Josh I don't even know who the guest is I've checked their car this is the worst possible thing that could have happened here I thought you was my friend Jack it's your head wait till we get home you're in big trouble that's hurry there we go what else we got here a little vest oh should I upgrade my vest oh my God double it steal theirs well they don't oh yeah [ __ ] oh it's not like a car that's gonna break down yeah there's another plant missing still right yeah I'll get the plot on site oh we're [ __ ] we're actually [ __ ] on set what a heist man all that time you spent on GTA for that tell me to who yeah yeah we just jacked Tommy's tea himself yes you can oh yes I don't really have to drive a manual what do you mean there's a panda on my gear stick the issue we have is I can't actually see like that way at all what [ __ ] me we're gonna die aren't we yeah maybe good luck son you got one lad and broke off eh oh yeah put it in a second um Josh goodness outrageous me that's not that was that second oh oh this is a bad day last night we'll get there you have to bring in touch I'm breaking it as well yeah oh here we go we're gonna get a stall County when you stop it put it in first otherwise you won't be able to go again Josh we're gonna go on a Motorway after this I think we might be going up there yeah we are oh my God yeah so now you're glad you're in this thing yeah trust me you want to be in this one that Banger going up that mountain they're man I'm not meeting us up here yeah I reckon there's no way they're driving up here in that car yeah true but I've got new tires and they'll win the tires [Music] oh it just doesn't sound right ah watch out Children his father child and his dad child and his dad has it on your right thank you no worries well that fifth or first that's fast that's not a good question to ask look that's third man that's fast right I don't know there's a car coming we'll find out the hard way it's a race car I'm in a race car it's a DRS bro this car does not have DRS you are joking I love it [Music] it's a race here we go we're Embrace now wow this car is phenomenal wow I'm chilling I'm vibing I wonder what the other guys are up to [Music] we're going second down there good Lord I've mercy here we go good Lord have mercy on my soul do it send it uh Harry I can't see anything um wait do we know where we're going no go back up into [ __ ] fashion yeah give it beans oh my God oh my God oh gosh well I've just seen that what beans it can give I just don't feel safe we should never have gone Ikea you have to like basically Time Again by the way yeah okay drive [Music] successful house 45 in a nice car it's a long day man but you look you look like you're living comfy we said from the start we were like this is the best car we wish we were in here but I'd rather be in here and then the Range Rover you know what I agree with that we manifested this Ethan and Jamie are like right behind you oh really oh sick so if you see them give them a wave but they're they're our friends so we will we will yeah we like that Team all right I'll see you later in a bit but it's a roll-up window oh it just doesn't sound right oh it sounds funky like it's gonna die oh good gracious Mick are you all right in the back there boys I'm chilling mate pretty comfy oh it's not it's very much not no it's gonna put a micro SIM card in there we can literally watch back the footage of us stealing the car this is refrigerated in here oh my god wow I bet they have still water in it oh bro are we going up the hills mountainous if we're we won't be able to get up the hills in this thing we're gonna have to [Music] we'll run him over we'll hit him with the car yeah sorry I couldn't do a manual yeah I can stop I'll do anything there they are oh [ __ ] look there's a Ferrari oh my God behind us damn man they're living luxury I'll put my head out the window here all right let me hit the sign please he loves it we've caught up with the other team who have stolen and the altitude's gone they got a wide range svr but we are now off the motorways we are in the Hills these man stole a whip shall We Tell them to pull over they're gonna think they're gonna think now they're gonna Jack our car bro they're gonna are we at stopping they said GTA for us not for them boys I want to laugh yeah but it's out of order man I reckon he's not gonna pick up here because he don't he thinks we're gonna Jack their car no he didn't pick it up suck it and now they want to stop and take pictures of us we're not done no exactly we see what you're doing you know look I'm trading my way from a penny oh yeah yeah Toyota style at the Ferrari how funny would that be if we managed to Jack our cars and we've just made our own way yeah let's just have a little go in there just around the petrol station you can certainly not just get a little Rez around in the wood if I die and my parents have to be told that yeah he died in a fiery car crash with [ __ ] plants and Danny Aarons they're gonna be devastated so I'm not a part of the story now they don't mind that was an insult I don't mind dying with me if we just run out with those things in the first place we've been done within five we'd have been would have been sorted but no it's quite nice actually done anything actually we're gonna overtake [Music] all right fair enough oh no he's indicating now [ __ ] I've been done by a bus no trip please see us to let me just [ __ ] escape prison yo I see why thieves steal s yeah I've got respecter the bastards what's Canon by a whale do you mind do you want to die are you trying to kill yourself maybe anyways I celebrate [Music] Center [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] focus on a dead fly on the screen instead that's looking very nice Chuck that music back on yeah yeah yeah let me play that funky music white boy okay thank you this is what people can't do so they have to buy a Forza [Music] um [Music] you're gonna have to overtake him Ethan's gonna do it foreign can I tell you something about Switzerland yeah the scenery is not great but the flags are huge plus Ah that's quite funny yeah yeah do you like that one I chuck all of that yeah cheers boys let's just pull over you and me and get some photos anyways bro these are our Bibles oh my God wait uh James frame said can we get some sort of cleaning product at the location to try and sort this mess out my trousers are [ __ ] what's happened what someone's left an open pack of chocolate on the scene [Music] he shot himself he got so excited by the whole Heist he shot himself on the back and left it for me how many meatballs were in that pot do you reckon hey hey what's that like 360 calories yeah three yeah 350. I can't believe you you did you buy two as a prank give me a rep and this thing is sexy it's beautiful this is so beautiful get back on your [ __ ] this is such a bad video for James oh Tori that [ __ ] himself now I spy with my little eyes something beginning with L lamp no my visibility is restricted you see Leaf yeah Ah that's all I can't see yeah not gonna lie this vehicle hasn't much power so as soon as we get uphill yeah we can be cooked turkeys upload some weight by leaving it might be a good idea cheers fella see you later I'm gonna go and lay myself down boys what yeah fairies you can literally fake house on Tony Road Apartment really wants to like just drift out of the corner roll it around yeah [Music] oh so good oh my gosh oh my God hold up we've got Intruders is this Toby are they blocking us Bros [ __ ] on us so fun things [Music] no yeah and he started it so it's melted no but here's something better so you know how they went to IKEA yeah they obviously assumed they were getting back in this car yeah no they're stuck with plugs yeah they bought everything they put everything I've seen the pictures no was their task to stop at Ikea or was it coincidence we both stop directions we were going to do it we found a spot on the road and if you look just before we got there there was a car wash but then we've robbed this before we cut the car wash so no one washed the car no one wants to call it take some say they they can still wash the car well we already washed the car we already said the worst thing you can do oh guys [ __ ] bro bro bro the worst thing you can do is put us back in the car and we were already gonna do we were in the stinker oh boy he's walking off with his Toby face I'm actually living life now I've got lots of leg room well I say lots I've got to try and climb a mountain in this in this vehicle Josh I got you don't worry I wish Khan left earlier that's great all of them gray hairs you shoot it on me no no you focus on the driver do your job do your job [Music] hold on [Music] wow [ __ ] giving it a go now you can live on the Mountainside yep people are living life I'm just here existed yeah I might existed living on the mountain with the views this is Forza I'm on Forza now I'll just go over there I'm going up the mountain it sounds like horseshit around here as well dang that'll be the Poo from the horse probably all right [ __ ] kids your window open all right kicks I close the window that's too late [ __ ] me it stinks [ __ ] it out it's so bad kind of mass is not Danny too Fair huh huh it's not very nice oh we're here [Music] you got criminals you know criminals wait wait who put who up to it we're a team criminals so this is us we have made it to our first checkpoint we need to hold on to this money by the way because it's all that we've got hold on to that money and hold on to the car key what about we just crash in the back of the Range Rover yeah that's our arrival Ethan yeah you know since we're up we're not in the trenches [Music] well they took our [ __ ] car oh they'll be human we'll be filming we've got to go on smoke oh yeah we've got to let them know that they they've we've been finessed Danny Aaron's only has an automatic license but also Simon remember when Josh was 17. sure sure it's been an hour and a half late yeah yeah I think he's getting at 1 30. no no no this do you think the whole time I was saying one thing yeah no 2 30 to an hour and a half no it's not that you sure no it's not that it's I think it is that looked like what we looked at earlier yeah it is that yeah that's the entry oh Harry oh yeah I see the Ferrari oh there they are [ __ ] up Mr Bean what a [ __ ] box where's Daddy going give him a wave yeah let's give them away [ __ ] [ __ ] man look at him there [ __ ] [ __ ] man all right Josh is driving you're bastards I think they was laughing at me boys [ __ ] crash into a Ferrari where's our car where is our [ __ ] cup there's our car how about some neutral I don't know you can leave them first oh my door doesn't work I can't get the key out I'm surprised they're not itching to get out back they're probably dead like this around a plant ah my neck hurts I've been bent thrilled by a tree the last hour what are these not doing man get out the car don't put don't time us we've been fisted you spent an hour in Ikea how long it took you to realize your car got stolen it's been half an hour 20 minutes [Music] and we bought these massive [ __ ] trees because we had a Range Rover we got three trees did you rock up in that no no no oh the Rangers are nice you know the range is nice the range is nice maybe half an hour let's play some games I have brought you here to partake in a traditional Swiss activity of stone throwing oh okay I'll be going one team at a time each taking one attempt at throwing the stone as far as you can and we're gonna get have it demonstrated oh what's so Eden's in a good team again because he can launch oh yeah we're throwing stones I ain't been to the gym since before Josh but it's just a stone in it oh [ __ ] was it wait I can do a throw in Legends don't step over the line if me and Harry was to win yeah and we leave Danny just I want to go home by the way daddy's not coming in our car so he's your team hey I'm open to that yeah you know it's a nice place chocolate man Chuck it Harry I invite you to come here and feel that you've got it come on oh Lord you can chop that yeah the strap go where are you doing where it lands who's up next you want it on your chest no I [ __ ] don't yeah come on boy oh he's chanting at the floor it felt cool oh man I actually got a gym go on boy get it out go on Josh put his back out with lift with your knees launch that [ __ ] man you're the only hope we got launch it man give it memes [Music] well played well played ready that is money I [ __ ] gotta get it let's go I think so God cow you're done look Ethan's gonna absolutely smash any oh look at him mates the head might be this way it might be sharp might snap his neck on the way [Music] yeah oh yeah that's good it's good I think Simon's his father Simon I think he might have won you don't know what you're getting it might be a reverse it might reverse it might be so we're still in the [ __ ] dingo is that way you don't know if it happens in America all the activities you chose to do [Music] oh [Music] that was fun Toby go on yeah I think he's got Pace it's the same difference yeah I have seven scores here okay yeah two are tied oh is it the winner so I'm gonna need Ethan oh and Harry this is a big result you need to get this oh wait so wait okay we're in this thing today oh [ __ ] go again right Harry everything bro I'll try passion here he goes come on yeah send it Harry let him know wait I have a mission they didn't see no they didn't see though no the phone lost over nah it was I think we just we judge come on give him Beans oh no he's flopped in last place oh god with a foul it's freezing I missed it everyone remembers last place no one remembers the middle second last Danny thank you Carl then we have Josh okay followed by Simon yeah have you done me man Ethan Harry and Jamie wow Jamie number one Jamie 2.85 [Applause] going from Worcester best Freezy Danny and not again Josh we'll be in the Banger I thought it was a team game Simon and Ethan are going to be in the SUV nice I'll tell you that wait me and Ethan third no he came first he won we were fine for second but I'm free I understand car the next two SUV top two Ferrari Supercar So Jamie and Harry in the supercars I'm sorry man go to your next activities with the stone throwing finally done each team now has one task to complete before they have to make their flag they're already [ __ ] late for it I don't know why I gave them freedom I don't know why I gave them time whether they make it is up to them and it's for you to find out what's the aim with your wrestling I don't really know what's going on shoot it naked honestly that's what the viewers want so is this what you do just like it's your full-time job oh okay right push [Music] assistant and then you always have to have one hand on the Assurance okay yeah we're riding the pony yeah yeah and what he aim is to take him to the ground yeah send it get on the floor who's that on the floor we've got to close angles in can you trip them up so can I do like this get him on his back oh double um [Music] McDonald's remember the loser gets nothing jeez that was brutal Carol I thought we were friends I'm happy for you because you've you've got done dirt yeah but I just want to say goodbye to her okay put your cookies see this is what I'm talking about like why is Ethan Ram in a Ferrari you've got a flight to catch we thank you very much thank you very much it's a peaceful Town John yeah it's really big it's obviously this uh this car is quite big yeah it's really big and cameraman's not coming with us because they're going in different cars yeah we could fit someone else I think I think we kidnapped Danny Aarons Oh Daddy what are you saying about coming back in the range it's a nice car in it I'm just kidding wait it smells like a kidnapping yeah you want to be in the Banger no no I want to be in this [ __ ] anyway that's decent it's not even nice now we're just set off here get away get Josh away have they managed to wait around long enough to kidnap Danny see this is this is why we can't have nice things I said that buying point oh yeah yeah Jesus Christ I've been in the Tennessee this is that that fast and furious yeah I do drift out the copper over there imagine he did listen this is a big enough space here if I can't do it here drifting in the car park but for what reason [Laughter] [Applause] um you want to go up again no I'm just [ __ ] right relax I don't care what [ __ ] gear I'm in I'll sit in first about so dripping I'm careful you know what we've got to keep the energy High we can't start attacking each other okay well you're attacking me are you just got it no that's my bad that's my bad look right let's play a game yeah I spy with my little well this [ __ ] game again something beginning with L loses us that would have been my second option I'll give it a close inside the car Leaf yes you know why that's long because that was Harry's answer last time all right okay well let's hope that makes a final edit them I'm glad you're driving not even I'd be fine yeah I'm telling you even it was just driving it like it's a truck driving like you stole it yeah how much open the car park it's never avoid I want you to run up to me and then slow down again sounds bad guys come on let's get some place [Music] [Music] it was all going so well you know I got flown over in business class I got put up in a five-star hotel and then ever since then you start my car I did steal your car that was that was a highlight and since that point right I'm in this let me get that [ __ ] music video energy square up [Music] what's that noise now I'm just making stuff man yeah woodworking welding and epoxy those three things and I blame YouTube like literally I was on YouTube I saw seen so many people making like epoxy tables and yeah great man thought that was [ __ ] great idea my throat's itchy oh James look at that what a playground stay away in this [ __ ] video I am a pedophile Tori who shot herself I hate this James don't look how many times has Jamie been in a [ __ ] assignment video not many exactly he's already made it into the first story I've never been on a good team but it's a draw ever but it's drawn out I've never been on a good team I've always love the bad team today was the first day I was on the middle team and you took it away from me have you set up a pension yeah I think so you've done it before me but my dad's a banker oh so he just does everything a banking wank that way they got a pension Ethan no you silly [ __ ] no no everybody looks at you when you like just yeah because they're from Switzerland it was average salary in Switzerland did you well London's like 26. oh my God it's 53k average salary yeah I precise food the average salary is 53k I bought some gifts boys oh wow brain liquor whoa brain liquor why is it called with tunnel what's cool about it the lights and the diameter the diameter you ready for this Boys Don't Fall please no okay I wonder what the other team's up to oh definitely [Music] Josh did you see that stop [ __ ] with the this thing all you need to do is leave it in five and we'll go it won't make up it will I promise you it will this thing it's got where it is in third gear pedal to the metal and it wasn't moving let's go to second to get some Force I did wonder why cotton had to leave the guard yeah literally that's why Danny's supposed to be in it we haven't even addressed that what the [ __ ] where is Danny because he's a guess it's fine but what about you yeah I'm a guest too well now I feel self-conscious it does make me think though like what do you reckon Jamie and Harry would talk about Jamie's so talkative though yeah yeah it doesn't matter who's there anything about saying random like that how you're really interested you get like two bits of wood at the table and you pour the epoxy down the middle yeah you can dye it like to that blue or green or like people put like glittery kind of yeah thing in there yeah like I did that a little Penny Step at my front on my door and then from there that was it I was watching world of videos I wanted Amazon I bought a world of practicing World in I had an idea to do a kitchen table that was it I went and got still welding the legs went someplace with the words cut that's it the table and stuff and that's it's addictive man James was about like artists playlist crashed and I was like yeah I love her plane crash yeah I think if I was ever stuck in a moment where I didn't know what to say to Harry I would just bring up a plane crash scenario so yeah I was bought every single Arabi tool circular saws jigsaws Sanders planer I want everything angle grinders it's all on the wall in my garage so if I need to do something I can do it yeah you know it's gonna cut to [ __ ] Jamie and Harry just with the wind blowing through their [ __ ] hair and his sunglasses on for a reason and we're here sniffling and sneezing and I want to itch the inside of my brain I need like a woodworking shot I need to I need space I'm doing it in my garage and it's like basically what a massive bucket that truck's got dot dot CH on it yeah what does CH mean Switzerland who knows where people know how where's the scene where's the haters in Switzerland very odd I saw the website I remember someone telling me in chat that dot CH or Switzerland and I didn't know why yeah they're not scared again I don't know what what it stands for oh it's some Confederation yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah right the first two letters of the United Kingdom would be you end yeah but that's taken so by who the UN yeah who's the UN the world leaders oh [Music] [Laughter] crunching the gearbox yeah I think it's gold you can't see it again because three isn't uploading but yeah oh [ __ ] yeah oh tunnel is this cool yeah it's cool thanks mate tunnel let me look into your heart using a funnel yeah let me tell you about the time at a prostate exam yeah I started screaming out for my mom I didn't actually by the way I just want to confirm that I've never had a prostate exam you cannot from a prostate exam can you yes shortly after like tactical bank before yeah I mean I wouldn't be going in there no not November yeah that's a dangerous one what would be even worse is if you just not before the prostate is happening with your pants or you just get it out and you can take your pants off it doesn't matter all right because obviously like you know it's fingering let me come on a glove all right Rolex Factory oh wow is that what they make them wow right next to decathlon nice job Rolex extensional Swatch store I need to buy more I can't wait this watch still to be [ __ ] all right third gear hold on that's not good Swatch store Swatch store a Swatch store really what's the point of buying a watch when you're already late I'm I'm done with this I'm done I'm done I'm finished all right so these here are our options of watches to purchase I like that revelry one now we do everything I'm not gonna stick up there you can get out and I have an easy to drive through you've got to do it all in the car otherwise I can't reach it bro just go around there's a there's a hole there and just like who the [ __ ] is jumped in our car who are you who the hell is this oh can we get one uh referee uh The Surreal pay and that so he's on the images and uh that's a real pay let's see right [Laughter] but we're nearly at the castle four minutes left we are about to blow some horns yes would Swiss people watch this and go wow you got to blow that horn I think they'd be quite jealous of us oh do I look fine this one is that just me is it normally it's essentially just a big like you know what Illusions it'll be safe I'm sure it's fine he'll be sick the 21st century drive through watch purchases Rolex take notes what oh there you go have your swatches what it actually comes in like a McDonald's takeaway bag as well this is mental damn dog out here busting I just realized I have a woman's watch [Applause] I'm not even like yours is actually really cold mine's tiny I've got small rest but it's just making me feel very feminine nice spacious lift in it extremely long isn't it well you don't have to do that do you it's not spacious for a skinny man you're quite comfortable sure oh wow [Music] foreign [Music] this feels like a prank or something oh it is activity I'm gonna do some serious breaking on this because I am quite heavy I don't want to crash how safe is this man my brake doesn't I'm slightly worried that my brake doesn't work [Music] jeez our beef is cooling Lads me when I see your mum nice [Music] do we pick we've got activities in abundance I'm down here I'm convinced my break doesn't really work the brake doesn't work well I'm gonna crash is that you with the brake on it yeah it breaks on oh my gosh oh sorry man it's all right sorry it's all right all right it's on the brakes not gonna work by the way watch out watch out the break's not gonna work it's not it's not gonna you can't you have to pull back to stop it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] the brake work the brakes work break works great work why this is nuts still oh my gosh oh oh my gosh oh this you got some serious Pace oh my God serious oh Jesus [Music] [Music] oh my gosh a one two three oh God you guys I even thought there was a sixth gear how Smoked by a [ __ ] smart car that's embarrassing this is humiliating I feel like a little cup not the first time sat next to what what the [ __ ] are you wearing that what are you wearing I'm wearing no bro I'm just wearing it I wasn't told I didn't need enough what was your task my task was to wash this car and you ended up with the car wash the car still bro I'm not washing this bag of [ __ ] we may have missed these Simon someone driving yeah me and James should take flight from this and and Danny I didn't do anything we thought that this was the way down but it turns out we're just on a footpath now there's a few trees that could happen is we tumble down that and yeah and we died Simon you've done really well though I mean you you could have not driven on the footpathy oh [ __ ] let's sing a song about how we want to die [Music] oh sweet death please be upon us oh death show you in a car with what what's my uh phobia oh is it actually dead yeah you know it is a fun fact my mom used to tell me I could kill you right now she used to say that to me while she was driving the car yeah it's true I'm not a power yeah I could kill you right now you should you could put an end to everything I know what I could actually kill you and not myself where are we going are we here this is some weird spot man all this fruit just avoids the [ __ ] town though this would be a nice little Scenic up here [Music] you're right James hello I spy yeah with my little eye yeah something beginning with Tori it's James no oh no yeah McDonald's all I wanted was a McDonald's and here we are I just went my hand in my cup hand in my car space docking anything else you want to give us a tour of this place um yeah we have a radio uh f r 65.5 oh my God he sold it he stored it in the middle of traffic oh my God Jesus Christ [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll beat you up to anybody wondering this is the gear stick that's what you want to see got it here in the sidemen do you think you beat up in a fight Simon for sure I'm sorry yeah Simon for sure I'll give Josh a good run for him I gotta kick you once I'd have you an MMA 100 I'll put you in a flying arm bar my friend and if I'm feeling it getting on a guillotine oh I reckon Toby gets just drop kicked by me respectfully but how you know Harry yeah you know Harry yeah of course I do yeah honestly he strikes me as someone you don't want to get on the other like the bad sideways because he's got that he's got a weird string yeah I wouldn't want to fight somebody yeah be it feel that's the lady you want to be in that's late I'm in third gear I've got anxiety though I can't [ __ ] foot off the clutch oh yeah we're in Third Gear Watch Out fourth gear let's go uh we're stuck in airport traffic and if I get stuck here I might terminate my life tendency that's him saying he's gonna kill himself I reckon you'd get on really well with Deidre you know yeah I [ __ ] love deji yeah got me blocked on Twitter what so I was probably about 13 called him a [ __ ] wankerous oh no didn't you call JJ the N word hey I think you do I think you did this is gas lighting here we made it we made it we're here in One Piece One Piece yeah when you're gonna be back anytime you get me up on these videos this is the quality I expect all right thank you very much hey guys thanks for being in this car with us today it's been an absolute pleasure man remember to like And subscribe and we'll see you next time yeah see I had a nice beautiful picturesque ending plan where we're all wholesome and by Lake Zurich Chillin we only have two teams here we're at the airport we have to I don't even know where Josh where the [ __ ] are Josh and freezing we're gonna miss our flight look at the traffic we're gonna [ __ ] miss our flight [Music] thank you
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 9,858,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: r0ubyzE-HX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 3sec (5823 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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