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- Ladies and gentlemen today, it is very simple. The Sidemen will be split into teams, and they have to buy items from the letter A all the way to the letter Z. The rules are no more than one item per shop, no food and drink, let's go. - Ladies and gentlemen your teams are Simon and JJ. - Thank you. - Be happy about that. - The next team is Ethan and Tobi, and then you three are together. - Powerful, powerful. - You got four hours to go and buy A to Z. Let's go. - All right, where we going. - What did I say aftershave? Easy. - Where? Boots? - Boots, yeah, yeah. - Here go easy. - Duh, duh, duh, duh, doo. - We got the creator himself here. - We do. - So we gotta win. - But I don't have a list. - But we deleted JJ so let's- - I did delete JJ's. Which way do you wanna go? - Bro I'll go into any store. - London Pavilion. What could be for a in here? - Anal beads. - Oh, we should get- - Oh, we should get anal beads. Oh my God, could we find a sex store? - A, A. - We've got an extra person to carry things. - Where would we find- - Anorak . - Anorak , apron, air purifier, air con unit. - We buy aircon unit, I'd be walking I around with it. - Jamie said apron. - Like, where is that? Is that content? - Do you know what though? I'm worried about the, the team of three. There's more brain power. - Do you actually need any? I don't wanna waste some money, so I'm kind of like, we might as well buy one that someone here uses. - Do you want one? - What do you use? - I don't know. I have bad taste, you pick. - Then Just the weirdest looking one. - Beep beep beep. - Anal bead-dar. This way. Yeah don't worry, the anal beads are beeping. I can hear 'em. - Sorry. Can we buy this, please? - I only can give you, if you take picture with me. - That sounds like blackmail. - You know why, you know why my son is crazy about you. - Oh, really? He said you very funny. - Oh, thank you. - It's a fireable offence. - Bible. - I'm... I'm reporting that to hr... Or that one. It's a lightning bolt. - Oh, that is pretty mad. It is bad boy. - It's called Bad Boy. - It's called Bad Boy. - John is a bad boy. - What is anorak, like just the definition. - It's just a rain coat. - A rain coat. - Like a waterproof light coat. - But anorak's such a, there must be an easy one than an anorak . Like what a random- - Well apron, but. - Apron, just rock around in apron. Obvious. - They might not have that in here. There's gonna be something A in here for sure, man. No question. - It's shut. - Shut. There's another door. Did we miss the main door? - What's your safe word? f*ck. - Also shut. That's embarrassing twice. - They're just not open at this time. - This door. - What if people want anal beads at 8 AM. - Eight in the morning, yeah. You stay here. - We'll be right back. - It's not... - What? - 11. - Is that all of them? - What you after? - Anal beads. - Everyone's buying it. - I was, yeah. - We're all buying a backpack. - Smart. - It's like if we get to S, you buy a suitcase. - Oh. - You know. Okay so we need to find a backpack. Neither of us know London well enough. - Yeah. - That way. It's just that way. - Let's just go, I, there's a feeling of going this way. - For B, we can buy a bull dog. - Apron. - Oh, apron, apron. - Oh, on this one? - Yeah. - Are you wearing it then? - I'll wear it, I'll wear it. - It's actually an apron. - That's an apron. Okay, right. - Should we get a bulldog as well? Oh wait. - It's one thing per shop. - Apron's good though. - Tricky. - I like that. - There's one down there. I've do- - Alleyway way. - Is there secret anal bead dealer down the alleyway? Is that open? Its open. Someone just shouted at me you're gonna be a dad. I know. - Hey. - f*cking hell. - Oh amazing. The anal baller. - Come on. - I should tie you up. - Do you reckon- - Tie me up- - In the sports store. - You can buy a basketball. - Do you want a backpack or not, bro? - Utilise the backpack. - Well then you can just say a carry bag. Carrier bag as the C like- - You look like you're a chef on your lunch break now. - Wow. - Hey losers. - You actually find them. f*cking nerds. - In here, do you reckon there's one? Can't spend too long. Found them. - Nice. That looks pretty weird. - Yeah. - Oh, wait- - It's the only one we can't reach. Steve? [both laughing] - For G, could you buy a gym membership? - Would that come under a subscription? - Hey, if you're paying, you're paying. - Oh, you buy a gym. - I would rate it so hard if you bought a gym. - I do want one day, Stone Island. We're about to spend some big money- - Some money- - To house our anal beads. - Open? - Yeah. - All right backpack as we can now carry things. - Nice. Okay, so I was thinking C car. I have wanted a car, and I'm thinking we could go to Mayfair and buy Ferrari 458. Thing is, if we get the car, technically we win. - Do we? - Well, I know we don't, but we do. - It's a very expensive backpack. - How much are we talking? - 370 pounds. - Do they have any bigger backpacks? But this one looks better than that one. - All right, okay. - I do want it, but maybe not now. Okay, fine alright. - Let's fact that, that's even like a- - Let's buy cards. - The fact that this is even a question it's like outrageous, run, run, run. Even just like a bag, like a sports bag. There's backpacks, little night camo. Like, camo that's on me. See? There you go. - Backpack. - I will say you've got a very nice backpack now. - Thank you. - I would keep that a hundred percent. - Who wants it? - No, you keep it. - You want it? - Oh yeah. - Oh yeah, yeah. - Oh yeah. - Oh yeah. - Oh yeah. - Okay. Ooh yeah, yeah. - All right. Let's get a move on. - Jeez look at him man. - I realise I've been finessed. I'm gonna be the pack mule for the day. - Oh, yeah yeah. - Because it matches my outfit. - Now you, now you got whole attire. See you let's go reading Street though. Reading street. - We could get a candle. - A candle in Tesco's. - Maybe. - I'm sure there's something here. - There's gotta be something here. - Cards. - What about a cup? - Yes. - A cat. Ooh. Oh, that's a mug. - What about a cap. - Well, I, they're definitely not gonna have my team here. - Should we go with Sam? - For Ethan? - Yeah. - And then should we get a man city one for Tobi? - All right. - Tesco Express, do us nicely please. C, C, C, C, C. - I don't think this is the one Harry. - You know, a camping chair. A camping chair, would you like a camping chair? We'll get a bright orange one. - Right Josh let's start thinking about D. You thinking about D? - Sorry. - I wonder if someone would let me buy a pub. Hello? Can I buy your pub? Just shake my own and say that I've bought your pub. Ah, I see Harold in apron and, and I see a backpack. - And Josh. - Josh with a backpack. Some kind of backpack. - Josh has got like a tent or a camp, like a sleeping bag. - Campsite. what the f*ck is that? I wanna rush him. - Road beef. - I wanna rush him. Hey pussy holes? - Not like this. - Brother, what's this? - A camping chair. - Busted, busted. [all laughing] - Hey, when did I say camping chair? - f*ck, okay, we're falling behind. We are falling behind. - What? 70 quid, what are we in recession or something? What, why is something so expensive? - Wait, but they both say 30 pounds on them. - No, no, no, you don't- - Added five pounds. - No, no, it's 60. - Less than 30 is 60. Now I'm starting to think this backpack wasn't for you. - f*cking hell. - Do any of the little kiosks have a dog? A dog? I think that's a dog. - Where? - A dog. - That is a dog. - Is there a dog? - That's a teddy bear. No, it's not a dog. - No dogs. No dogs. - Oh wait, there's me. - Where? I'm on that billboard over there. - Oh yeah. - Above the shop. - All right, what can we get for C? C, C, C, C. Carpet? - We can get a cap? But it's boring. - A cap. A nah, a cap, a cap. A cat? A cap, a cap, a cap, a cap, a cap. - Tommy Hilfiger. Hilfiger? - Cap gang, cap gang. - Man just added 10 quid like it's nothing. - For no reason. - Yeah. Yeah. Just why? Just. - Manchester City. - Yeah. [laughs] - And then even when we pointed out the prices, he just took five off. - Yeah yeah. - Like it's a favour. [JJ laughs] All right D. - Dick? - See, simple minds. - Do, do, do, do, ding? Do, ding? - Deez nuts. - We have the Hamley's coming up as well, don't forget. - Oh yes. - It is. - It's halfway down this road. - Dress socks. - A dress? - A dress? Shotgun not wearing it. - I'm not wearing a dress man. - Not gonna be dresses from the Sidemen channel. - There's a Hollister coming up. There's a fat letter also. - I've got a blue cap baby. I didn't really care for the colour that much, but now it that really does match the blue. - Get the biggest size for when you wear it at the end, Josh. - What's bigger size? - Whatever, a bit at the back? - Or get the blue one, the blue one's a bit nicer, you know? - This one? - Yeah. - We're wasting time boys. Josh is picking his favourite dress. - Let's cross. - What post up in front of the team. - Hey. - Who's that man still? What? That's crazy, bro, who's that? - Dress secured? - Geez. - All right we got the goods. We got the goods. All right, let's store it in our backpack. Did you get E while I was out? - We, well, no what we need to do is to get out of these clothes shops, man, 'cause we need to get to like the, those like trinket shops again. - We should look for an elephant. - How are we gonna find an elephant? - Hamley's will have an elephant. - What if I had my list. - It was cheating. It was cheating. He had a whole list. - Damn. Ding, ding, dying, did, disc? - Disc? - Disc, what- - The disc. - How do you buy a disc? - Who sells discs? - Light sabre? [Simon laughs] - No idea. - Diapers. - Look, we can buy diapers. - Diapers. - Diapers. - Diapers. - Did you like homeware stuff in here? They might have a egg cup, egg, egg, an egg, an egg holder. They'll do egg holders. - Egg holders. - Let me have a look. - How do he know they do egg holders. - In the- - Why does he know that? - Oh there are better dresses in here, man. - Yeah Josh could've got a nice one in here. - Honestly. - They must do egg cups. I swear I've seen egg cups here. One sec. - This guy is panicking about how we're not progressing well, and now he's searching. - I feel bad. My, I've lead on two wild goose chases now, one to exfoliating cream and one to try and get an egg cup. - All right, what? D now, yeah? - What'd it do? - Dick? We could get a dick. - We could get a dick. Well, you wanna go back to Soho? - No, no, no, no. I don't wanna, it's just, I'll- - Go back to Soho. - If we start unloading our bag in a park later, and there's a cock and anal beads. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, move's madness, madness, madness. - Is this an egg cup? What else are you gonna put in there? - That's an egg cup. - Egg cup, egg cup. Is this an egg cup? - Yes. - Yes. - Yes. - Thank you. - I wasn't going and saying, I knew they had something. - I doubted Harry, but he has actually clutched up here. - I have no idea where to look. - Household. - Oh, household probably here. - Nothing new. - Thank you. - Perfect. - Thank you very much. - Thank you for this this diaper, bro? - It's not- - It does say nappy pants. - It's North American. Yeah. - This is nappy pants. - Okay well now we're screwed. D? - Dick. - No. - Deodorant. - Get a dress. You could get a dress for the mission. - I'm not wearing a dress. - We don't have to wear it. - Drone. - Drone. - I'd buy a drone. - f*ck off, man. - Mate, look at the pace they're going up there. - They going Hamley's. Should we go to Hamley's now? - If we want to look for a fox or a ferret, we're here, right? - Yeah. - We're here. - I'm down. I'm down. I'm down, I'm down. - You can only use it once. - You have to have id, all right? ID or don't come in here. - Harry actually stopped. - No, no, no. - Come on. - We're allowed here. I know. I know we're allowed Here. - Come on in guys. - A fox. A fox. A fox, a fox. A fox, a fox, a fox. - A fox for sure. - A fat fox as well. - Running. - Run. - Oh bubbles, hell. There's too many bubbles. - Yeah, I'm in Hamley's. Look at these damn knees. - Bouncing. - Hamley's. Hamley's. - I might sell ounces. Oh, I don't 'cause I ain't a criminal, but my bars are subliminal. - Oh, he keeps that minimal. - I twerk on the stand, shout out Johnny Depp. - Surely we got double points. It's a fat fox as well. That's alliteration. - Alliteration. - That should be double points. - Double points. - Double points for the fat fox. - Isn't it funny that we literally hide and seeked in here? - Yep. - Ah hah. - We want a little one. Yeah, this one. Mini glow thunder drone. - I was gonna try hide behind that, but it was impossible to get off. - I wanted to as well, but I didn't wanna break anything. - Yeah, same. - That is Dishwash tablets. - Yeah like they can't just be like, oh no, that's just a tablet, because it's like, well, what a tablet of what? - Yeah I'm not putting this in my mouth. - Yeah. - Nothing but dishwashing expertise inside. - I'm gonna- - Well, you wanna buy this as well? - Yeah yeah. Just, just- - Okay we'll buy both, we'll say dishwasher tablets and detergents. - Yeah so imagine they're like, oh my God, what, that's just a tablet, then we'll be like, all right, well we've got this. - The issue is it's Ethan's video, right? So if they sh*t out something, he'll go, no, no, no that's fine. - No, it works for us, but not for you. - What did they get? - I can't tell you. - What did they get? - What you mean? You can't tell us why? - What did they get? - Do you know what they got? - Hey, you're a real friend. Tell us what they got. - Oh a Huggable. - A huggable, are they on H? - Think they might be ahead of you? - I think they are. I think they are. - See you later, see you soon. - See you. - Love you, man. Take care. - Bye. - E? - E, makeup, makeup, makeup. Eyeshadow? - Eyeshadow. - All right E. - Eggs. - Food. - Easter eggs. - Still food. - Ah. - There's gotta be something in the house of spells, like that egg, that's not food. - Ah yeah. How about, yeah- - That's not for sale. - Is there any eggs for sale? - All sold out. - Eyeliner purchased. - All right listen. 17 great British pounds for this. - We want our money back. Tax rebate. - F flags, flags, flip flops. - Flip. - Flip flops, football. - If we wanna go football, maybe Adidas might be a good shout. - Just one of them. - Yeah. - One of the eggs. - There's gotta be a price. - Just one. - It's not for sale. It's like decreasing. - Yeah, yeah exactly. - But everything's for sale for something. - How much? Hundred pounds? - 200 pounds, 300 pounds. - Just one, just one, you can do it, bro. - No. - I know, look, look just- - You can pocket it. - Is it? - Keep the money. - Prove it. Prove it that it's together. [both groaning] - Oh yeah. It's together, it's together. Is there anything beginning with E. - Like Excelsior? Isn't that a thing? - Yeah is there an Excelsior? - I hope they've got a football. - I don't think they'll have one you know? I think they're more like fancy Adidas. Like Adidas original, it's Adidas originals, isn't it? - You don't have a football, do you? - No. - It's on the LDM. - f*ck, f*ck. - f*ck. - Alright, thank you. - Flip flops. Did I have, do you have flip flops? - Yeah. - Ah say less. - Are they actually flip flops. - Do you call them flip flips? - Are they gonna call this a a slider or a flip flop. - Nah, bro flip flops are the one with a splitter. That's sh*t housing, we can't do that. You got anything beginning with F. - f*ck, f*ck. - Excuse my language. Sorry. - G. - Wait, G. - G. - That look super by the way. Fox secure man. - G I like golf club. I feel like no one's gonna, no one will ask for a photo if you got a golf club. Oh, H&M home will have stuff, but what's G though? - Yeah should we just walk around. - There'll be something in here that's G. A hundred percent they'll be something with G in it. - I've just realised that there's 20 left. There's 20 letters left, man that's... - A globe. - That's a- - If there's a globe here. I'll get a globe. - That's a shout. - A glass. - Yeah, you can buy a glass. - A glass? - Is it a cup? - A glass's made out of glass. - Is it a tumbler? - There's a glass bottle. - Yeah, that's a glass bottle, yeah. - Yeah? - Yeah. - Is that glass bottle glassware? - Not a cocktail. - A glass, a glass. No, it's a glass. - Okay, a glass. - Happy days. - Wow. You can make sure look after it though. - What an old- - Elder- - Elder wand. - Elder wand. - It's on display? - Yeah. - Which one? - I'll show you. - How much? - It's like 37.99. But we have it in stock right now. - Shall we buy this? - No. - It's for the display one. - How much. - Hundred pounds. - A hundred pounds. 200 pounds. - 200? - 200 pounds for that one. - I need to ask my- - Management. Yeah. - Can we ask them? - Yeah. - Okay. - We'll also buy earrings just to be sure. - Hats, hats, surely hats. - A hat, a hat, hat's easy. - Hat is the one we go for, he can wear it. - Let's get a lit hat. - That shop there does hats. - Let's get a sick hat. - All right. We're paying 200 pounds for this. - That's an elder wand. - Elder wand. - Can you spell Elder please? - There we go. That's good. - We just needed the E. - That's fantastic. - Look at that. Amazing. - And if they say it's a regular wand, it's fake. - Yeah. - It's an elder wand. It's different it's the most powerful wand of all. - This one does magic. - This is the most powerful wand of everything, right? - Yeah. - Yep. - Flip flops. Yes. - We'll get the leopard green ones. We're feeling ourselves. - I told Tobi that we've got them. - Flip flops. - Flip flops. - G. Gadget. - Gadget. Nah. - Gadget. - Gadget, G. Gle? - A gle ain't bad. Where would I get a GLE from right now? - North Face. - H, happy. I can't get a happy Meal. - You say Happy Meal? - I actually smiled as well. - All right. Tory Burch, this seems like a very Vik shop. I won't lie. - Take us to a Tory shop. - Oh, is it shut as well. - Take it in, can't win. - Hat, hat, hat. - Can I buy this? I don't, I don't want the shirt. But can I just unzip it and take the gle? - Gle. - I'm gonna be sweating again. - I'll wear it. - This way's gonna say like 200 pounds. I'll be like whoa. - Will be 190. - A hundred and- - Yeah, have a bucket hat here? - Want a fluffy bucket hat is that here? - Yeah I'll take a fluffy bucket hat. - That's a bit of you actually, hit it. Ah, lovely. - All right. Cool easy. - With that bucket hat. It looks like he's been cooking up something different. - Yeah. - It looks like a towel. - Yeah it's made me even more hot as well. I don't like, it's very- - You look great, man. You look good. - Yeah? - Yeah. - Aye Captain. - Are we on I already? Oh, already I'm like, I'm like an I. - Excelsior. Isn't that it abracadabra. Shipbada, loopada, scooptiy-doopity, scoopity-poo. - Avada Kedavra - It's ava, what? - Avada Kedavra - Avada Kedavra - Something like that, right? - Avada Kedavra - I, oh, I's hard man. - Important document. - Illness tablets. - Ibuprofen, that's fine? - Yeah 'cause that's the chemical. - Isocol? - Ibuprofen is chemical. - Ibuprofen yeah. - Yeah. - It's not like the brand. - Is there a Boots? - We really should have... Oh, there's a sex shop right there. - f*ck wait, we can buy something from a sex shop? - Yeah fleshlight. - Oh my God. - Oh, look at that car. - That car is sick. Oh my god. - That's sick. - Whoa. - I'm gassed, he heard us. I love it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's there like, yeah. - I said handbag. - Handbag. - It's like, it's just written isn't it? - It's written- - And we get really little one. These are cute. What the f*ck, can I just pick this one up and bring it over, yeah? - I'm just gonna grab you one. - Oh, thank you. - iPod, iPad, iPhone. No, that's a phone. Internet. - Alright, we'll be back. - I will see you a bit. - Hello? Could we buy a fleshlight please? - They're downstairs. - Awesome. - Thank you. - I'm pretending like I didn't know that. - Yep. [laughs] - Have boots down there. - There must be a boots. There's a McDonald's of River Island. TK Max does loads of stuff like incense, an incense stick. - Incense! - Incense sticks. Tk Maxx will have them. - TK Maxx. - Can we buy an infant? Huh? - Igloo. - Imagination. Can we buy imagination? - Insect repellent. - Ice cube tray. - Where would you get insect repellent? - Not on Carnaby Street. - Ibuprofen. - Oh, you could have just pulled a blinder. Oh, this is very difficult you know, I'm just thinking now we have so long left. - That's home next door, we better hope incense sticks. - Oh, they'll be incense, man. I'm telling you. TK Maxx is the home of this kind of stuff. - Could just ask someone. - Nah, you know me man. I hate that sh*t. - Bro. - Whoa, that is ridiculous. Why do you need it that big, Steve is that yours? [all laughing] - Candles. Lovely candles. - Okay. Interiors that's good. - There has to be incense burners. You're taking the piss. - Iguana. - Igu... If there's an iguana, we'll get an iguana mark by God. - Why are we looking at this station? - Glue, ink wait, there's gotta be ink. - Ink? - That's an ink pot or something surely, right? - We might have to grab an iron, you know? - An iron? - I'll carry it in this bag. - Wait, do they have medicine? - Will we get away with ibuprofen? - Yes. - Does that count as a food? - Absolutely no, it's not food. - I know it's medicine. - It's not a food. - I know, but you know what they're like. - Thank you, gee. - Done. Thank you. - Thank you. - That's not an iguana. - We're finished. - Is there an iguanas? - No. - But how do they not have incense here, man. - Have you asked? - No. - We can't really show you what it is. - We can on Sideplus though. - We can. So if you go to Sideplus, you'll see it there. - And it's not we, well it's a fleshlight but- - It's a gift for- - Says something, it's a bit different. - Who's it for? Vik, Harry? - Yeah. - Vik? - No. No, I think Harry would enjoy that. - Harry. We'll give it to Harry so he can experiment. - Harry would enjoy that. - Oh that's F. - G. - Gangster rap? - It's R. - Jump rope. - Jay. - What's that? - Skipping rope. - I call it a skipping rope in America. - Jeans. - Jeans. - We get some jeans. - Jeans. - There's so many clothes. - Jeans, jeans, I like it. - Regular-degular 32 pound jeans. Gimme them. Never wearing them in my life. - I've had a rotter here. I'm sorry. - No incense. - I've had a rotter. - No insects, no ink. [Harry] The worst thing is there's something right under our nose here, I can tell. - Key ring. - Key ring. There's a boss man outside. - We can get keying from the boss man. A west ham key ring. - It's huge. It's huge. - If you get a west ham keying, then where? Where is he? - Here he is. - Hey do you have like a key ring? No, no key rings? Rotten, what a boss man. - Where the key rings at, bro? - They'll be like one of 'em little hobby shops soon all right? What else begins with K? I dunno why this is so difficult right now. You were right that free man brain power is- - Man, I see a tourist shop on the left. - Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up. I know you don't do the speed limit boy. All right, start thinking of L. Can we buy a dedjey? - That's outrageous. - I'm sorry. - In so many ways that's mad. - That was out of pocket man. - Okay guitar. [upbeat music] - We're gonna have to carry this the whole time. - Boots, boots, boots. - Ibuprofen. - Boots. - He's gone. He's off. - All right, all right. - Mate. Get one that's the most clear one that that's ibuprofen and not anything else. - And look, look, it says, it says ingredients. Ibuprofen. - They can't, that's it. - It is ibuprofen. - It's not a food or a drink? - No. - I would've been sick if they had one beginning with K. - That's huge London. - London keyring. - London. It's huge it's big enough. - Yes, boss, can I grab a key ring please? - J. - J. - Geranium. - Joggers. Jumper. - Jumper's easy. I want something more than a jumper. Oh, what about this place, I love this. This kind of place will do it. - Its a booth. Oh, he's gone. This this guy is on, this guy is on I wanna win and go-karting. - Right? - L. - L. - L. - A light bulb. - I've never felt so special in a video my whole life. Urban Outfitters. - A light. - Play a tune Simon. [peaceful music] Yeah. [truck hissing] - Oh, that was. - No. - Handbag. - The handbag, that's a very good shout. - Is that a jelly fish? - That is a jelly. - Is that a jellyfish? Yeah. - Oh no. Someone might argue squid. It's legs are not exposed. Harry, why are we here I know you love this- - Fridge magnet. - Why are we here? - No, because they have so many different little, what's it...a ger... - Words first and then start. - If I, if that had a been a jellyfish, I'd pull out outta the bag boys, but unfortunately not. - LED light show bro. - It literally says- - LED light show. - LED Lights. - Yes say less, say less. - LED light show. - Well done. That's big for you. - Come on. Come on. - We're not up there, it looks interesting up there. - Bro, it's a random alleyway. - Oh, you never know what can be behind a alley. - What are you trying to find? - A J, he's gonna find a J. - Exactly. - We are getting our steps in. Did lots of lunges yesterday as well. My legs are uh oh. - You on this one? - Yeah. - That's the most Primark handbag ever. It's just so basic. - How much do you reckon? - 500 pounds. No, it's Primemark 20 quid. - 10 pounds. - A jukebox, they actually might had that as well. - Jukebox would be fire. That's an urban outfits type of vibe. - There's some nice stuff in here, man. I mean, I could just get a jumper, is that, is that- - We wanna be more fun, right? - It's not quite a juke box. - Can we just buy the joy step? - Oh no, it's starting to rain. We've got the handbag. We're on I, insects. - Oh, incense. Ooh, okay then, f*ck it. - Do we think they have it here? - Do you sell incense? - I think so. Nice. - Matte diamond incense. Let's do it, boss. - Yeah, we'll say that please. - I think we have to at this point. - Just get a jumper. - Yeah. - All right, fine. - Just get a jersey instead, bro. - Jorts. - Are you gonna wear 'em? - Jorts. - Jorts. - Jorts. - Jorts. - Jorts are better, man. I, these, these are- - They're gonna say they're shorts you know that right? - Okay just go for a jersey, go for a jersey. - Jumper. - Both get a London jumper? - Oh, would that count as a hoodie or no? - No, there's jumpers there. - All right. - Not gonna be a scam this time bro. - Looking to get one of the jumpers. - Harry's stealing a mannequin's jersey. Wow. - Let's take the whole one, whole body again. - Can we take the mannequin? - Everyone's just white mannequin. - Elbow drops him. - Imagine if we can buy a mannequin. - Thank you very much my friend. - You know I'll wack on the jersey to save the boy. 'Cause I'm already a layer down. - All right, man. - I'm layers down. - All right, man, go ahead. - The police. - Can we buy the police? Technically. f*ck, f*ck them man. Hey, they got Wonka bar, I quite want a Wonka bar. - We'll have a look later. Let's win this challenge, if we win the challenge, - I want a Wonka bar. - If we win this challenge, I will buy you as many Wonka bars as you want. - I want a Wonka bar. - We'll get one. We'll get one, don't worry, don't worry. Let's win the challenge. Listen, you can't be a big kid, you're having one. - TK Maxx? TK Maxx. - He's off again. We should have bought an anorak. It's raining now. I called it. - Bring me that kettle. I will win this challenge. I will win it, home, okay, cool. - We're on K now. - Knickers. - What? - I said knickers, not niggas. - That's why I didn't repeat you. [both laughing] - Unless we see something else we'll go for that. - So who's the other team, JJ and? - JJ Simon. - Simon. - Harry, Vik, and Josh. I reckon they're storming through. I reckon he remembered half the things on his list. - I can't believe he had a list. - That's crazy, he's the only one that came prepared when you weren't meant to come prepared. When you're KSI you can cheat the system. - I wish I was KSI. - I don't. - I actually don't you know. - I really don't. - Especially when you see- - It's rotten. I was gonna say mattress something. - A mattress, you wanna carry a mattress? - Not a, like a mattress cover or something. - You know what? - A mirror. Let's buy a mirror. - This is my life being a dad. - You're not even a dad yet. - I'm just roleplaying. Don't worry. - You practising ? - Yeah. - Done it boys. I found a kettle, I found a kettle. Fantastic. - Don't ever doubt me. - Right. - Kettle man. - Don't ever doubt me. - The kettle man. - A whistling kettle. - I was worried for a moment, there's no electronic ones. I was worried. - Can I have a- - Oh, you can indeed my friend, hello? Can you shout kettle to that camera, maybe? Yeah, all right. We'll do it on three. Three, two, one. - Kettle. - Nice one mate, alright thank you. - I'm a little bit stumped for K. - Yeah, they, they, they don't sell knickers in Zara. - What? - Where would they sell knickers? - What else starts with K? Knowledge? - It's you. - I mean. - We can buy a book, that's knowledge. Knit, kill, kidney. Can we buy a kidney? - We could steal someone's kidney. - Buy a kidney. Kid. Buy kids? - I do see some kids. - You wanna go ask them if we can buy them? - What Are we getting 'em from here? Massage gun. - Yeah I think, hopefully. - We did not come up five floors to not get a massage gun, so. - Yes. - Yes. - You see it? Oh yes there we go. - 275 pounds? - They are spendy. - They're 150 for the mini one. - Okay who do I speak to? Hello. This is the problem of coming to these shop. Oh my God that's amazing. - Harmony, we get lube. - Oh God okay. - Cool it's done, then we go somewhere else to get M. - I'm quite impressed that Josh knows where the nearest place to get lube is. - Yeah, but he know who straight away. But since the start of the day, he's been like, dildo, dildo, dildo, lube. - Josh is stocking up for the weekend. A bad weekend. - Hey, got two birds on stone, you know. - Ah, smart business expense. - Is this knickers? - I honestly think knickers is a like an outdated word for women's underwear. - Maybe. Do you sell knickers? - Alright, well how far this lube place, man? I'm, I'm walking two hours for lube, what's happening there? - Oh, there's a bong there. You could get a bong. - Yeah for B. - Kinda passed already, bro. - You know what I've got a second wind now we're on N, bro. And then we're, I feel like when you get to O you're in a really good spot in the alphabet. - We're literally on halfway right now, look at the pace. Hey, look at the pace. - Sprint walk. Sprint walk. - Yeah, yeah, get me some earrings. - Necklaces. - We can't, I feel like we can't film in here, but we'll try. - Have done. - Have you? - No. - Yeah. - No, no. - Josh shot a whole movie in there. - They gonna know him by name when he walks in, you know? Josh fancy seeing you again. Back so soon? - You used it already? - Okay. - Yeah they're just basic. - They just look like women's underwear. I feel like they'll just be like, that's women's underwear. - Yeah that's all. - And it's like you. - Yeah. - All right, let's buy a kettle. - Okay, okay. - Thanks. - So yeah, we sent Josh in on his own- - Because he knows his way about that place, man. Me, me and Josh if we all barrel at once, it feel like it'd be dodgey. - We have some interesting plans, he'd be like, that's what the Sidemen get up yeah. - We would love some lube, please. Can we all have some lube? Josh knows his way around the shop. He's a regular, they know him, so. - Yeah, but, so next up L, M, there's a shop called Flying Tiger right there, which is actually really good for like, random sh*t. - Monkey? - They'll probably do like a little toy monkey. I reckon they'll be some monkeys in there. - Fantastic. - Or speak of the devil. Here he is. - Remember what I said about lube, yeah? - Sheesh. - Oh my goodness, he's got the jumbo. - Natural feel, sensation magnified. - Would you like some lube? - Lube? - Yeah. - No, we have to keep it. I like that they've given you an unmarked bag right next. - Oh beautiful, this is a necklace, right? You called this a necklace. - Yeah. - Not a chain necklace. - It's a necklace. - Just making sure. - Necklace. - Is that a mannequin? A mannequin? - Yeah. - It's a mannequin. It's a mannequin.. - What's that? - A mannequin. - That's it. - That's a wooden mannequin. - We're killing the game you know. Mug if we want the mug. - Don't need a mug. We've got you mate. - Oh, there's no need for that, there's no need. - He's got a mug. - Yeah Tinder ones. - Oh no, no. - That was one. [all laughing] Absolutely funny. - Thank you very much. - Thank you man, the pleasure's all ours. - That's Harmony. - You wanna go to Harmony again? - Or check this out? 'Cause this place has the weirdest stuff. Like you genuinely might find something here beginning with K. - Okay. - Okay. - I mean, this has got a K. Cat, Hess, hobby horse. - I don't know. Oh yeah. I probably wouldn't, but, anything. K, kitchen, kitchen play suitcase. No? - No. - A kneeboard, a mouse and net. - You're wasting time in here. - Yeah, I agree. - All right, all right, all right onwards, onwards. - Notepad, notebook. - There's Claire's, there's Ann Summers and Claire's. Nail polish, nails? - Claire's? - Should we get some nails? - Necklace? - Necklace yeah. - Or nails. - That is a cat. Like that is literally- - It is what it is. - That's perfect. We've done it. - With a kettle bells. - 1.5. - Is that you yeah. - Okay, let's get the f*cking three kilogramme, man. - You carrying it? - Nah, you are. - I'm not like that. - In the backpack. - This is me. Well we did K I'm actually very gassed about that. I told you this place is good, okay. - What, just doing a little workout. - Should we get you this loved one? - I think that's cute. - Josh. I think this is about you mate. - Really? - Yeah. You have to get it for me though. That was, that was all right I was, yeah, sure. - Wait, wait, wait. Can you get Harry this? - What's he done? - Ouija board. - Ouija board. - Where can we get a Ouija board? - That'd be quite an abstract one. - Yeah, that'd be good. - Omnibus. Omnibus. - Orchestra. An orphanage. - Organiser. - Why don't we buy an orphanage? - We can't buy an orphanage. - No. - No. - Are you sure? - What's the budget? - It's how much your card goes ding, ding, for man. - J. - J for Josh. - There you go. - Okay. - And then we got this one for you Harry. - What does it say? Cancer. - That's your, that's your, that's your star sign, right? - What the f*ck? - That's your star sign. - No, I'm a saggy tits, man. - You're a saggy tits? - f*cking cancer man. - I'm getting crowned. Wow that's- - That's a nice tie. - There we go. - That's lovely, yeah, it's so great. - Figures we- - Oven wear. We get a bacon tray? - We can get oven mitts? - Oven mitts. - But then P, what are we getting for pee? Gotta start thinking ahead. Are we gonna get a vape for V, we come back and get a vape? - Yeah, we get a vape. We get vape. - Yeah. - This one closed too? - No, no. - Where are we gonna get oven mitts? - Disney might have 'em. - Disney oven mitts. It's gotta be impossible for Disney to go out of business, isn't it really? - Yeah, they're nonsense. - They're come- - Allegedly- - Allegedly. - Mickey Mouse is 48 and Minnie is five. - Tell me that's not a nunce noise. [both laughing like Mickey Mouse] - Show me your minnie, Minnie. - Alright, we're gonna get oven mitts. - Yeah in the homeware section of the back's- - Oh, I'm, I'm liking the look of that- - Motorizer. - Oh, oh, oh oh. Origami? - Come on, L? - L, Ann Summers, easy-peasy. Lingerie. - What size? - You got like a... - Extra large. - Extra large probably. Should we go white so we have to see everything. - An old blonde. - This should be easier than, O, what starts with O? - Opium. - Opium. - What about an oboe? - But we need to save that for xylophone. 'Cause well, what else you buying? - Oil. - Oil. - Oil diffuser. - Oil. We saw it, where was it? - Anyone see Olaf? - Thank you. - Anyone see Olaf missing? Olaf. - Don't tell me Olaf is sold out. - No one likes Olaf that much really? - No. Do you have oven mitts? - Oven mitts, why do you want oven mitts? - For O. - The O. - Damn look at the size of these. - 36 Ff. - Yeah. - Oh my... - Oh, for you, if we buy that, will they say that's a bra? - Yeah. - It's a bra? - We can't use- - It's a bra. - No, no, but we have to buy something that is lingerie. - Oh so we want sexy. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I wanna make KS. I want knowledge, sexy, integrity. - Oh. - What about millennial shop? We have an orc in this shop, yeah, yeah. - Millennial I see if they got an orc, they got a gremlin. Gremlin is close. - An orc. Do you guys have any orcs? - Now they can't be the brand, has to be like an actual object that is the O. It's a really annoying challenge. - Do you wanna try it on? - Nah, you know what, for now, we'll save it for now. - Okay. - But yeah. - The fact you considered. - Is that... - Oh, do you have Obi-Wan Kenobi? - Oh, we can buy an Obi-Wan Kenobi, yeah. - Do you have an Obi-Wan Kenobi? - Not anymore. - Ah, close. That's a good effort. - Nah. - Ah lads it's time. We need to put up a missing poster for Olaf. - No lie propaganda. Have you found Olaf, please ring. Oh, one, two, one, do one. - Damn you Elsa, take care. Thank you. - f*ck you Elsa. [Ethan imitating Mickey Mouse] Show me your Minnie. - Oil diffuser. - Kids and home at the back. - Yeah. - Is an oil diffuser just a diffuser? - I think it's just that. I think it might be. - Is it? No. 'Cause you could have a, like a re-diffuser, an oil diffuser, or we can just get the oil. - It's not quite the selection I had in mind. - Oh no. - Oh, this is a pitiful home section. We failed on this one I think. - Yes. - All right, let's head down. - Everyone just bought the same thing. - I don't think they've bought this. - No. No, I don't think they've bought lingerie. - There's the queen. - That is. Yeah. Come back for that one. - Come back for Lizzie. - We're coming back for you Lizzy. - M and S might have oil. - Who'd have a non food oil. - Lush might do it. Lush might do oil. - Lingerie bought. M, JJ said microphone. - Hey, do you sell microphones? - Anything? - This is a cheap one. - Yeah f*ck it, that works. - It's got some really decent- - No, I would not care, bruv. Trust me. - Jojoba oil. - That is oil. - And it's for your, it's for skin and scalp, it's Jojoba oil. - Can we buy? Can we buy this? - Is that not for sale? - I think I think it's an ingredient. - Can we, can we buy it somehow? Can we? Everyone has a price, right? - How much for your jojoba oil? - I think we gotta go for it. - Ask her, is there a price we can pay for this? No price? - It's just display. - f*ck. - I've walked to the weight management section. Itchy dry skin. Surely this is ointment. - Medicated powder. - Show me ointment. - Buff oil. Nah, that's oil, oil. - All right, that's oil, that's oil. - It literally says oil. - So we've had an hour and a half and we are halfway through. So we have 13 letters left. We're at N. We could go to nappies. This is helpful. - Look there yeah. - It's just, we go this. We keep going this way. - Nunce. - Let's see if we can buy a nunce. - Necklace. - Necklace. - We could just buy a necklace here. All right, we're going for necklaces. - Let's do it. - A queef. - A quiz. - Are we? Yeah yeah, we could or we could pay someone to queef. Please queef. - We bought a queef. - Please stand there and queef. - Queen? - We can buy the queen. - How are we stuck on O? Oh wait, hang on. - Oh, it smells good bro. - This is we have oils. Smell oil. - This is oils, right. - Bro this smells amazing. - Essential oil. - Yeah essential. Yeah it's an oil. It's not an essential. It's an oil. Is there any non-essential oils? - Non essential oil? - Necklaces, bought. - Man's blinged out. - Yeah f*ck two chains, I'm four chains. That sounds like 4chan. I don't want that. - I'm 4chan. - 4chan. - That's n o. - Onomatopoeia. - We could not buy that. - I don't know what we could do for O. Oh my God. - Let's buy an, oh my God. - Paracetamol. - Are we cheating with a medicine lad? Paracetamol as well. - Paracetamol. Paintbrush. - Go back to Disney. There's gotta be an art set in there. - I dunno, I dunno, that Disney seemed fraud. - Cleansing Oil. Oil. - Oil cleansing. - It's oil. It starts with oil. - That's oil, man. - That's oil. - We have it. - Cool, cool, cool. - Oil. - It's oil. - Oil. - Wouldn't be boiling this now. - Lit that on fire, please now. - Generate words. Opera, obese, onion, food. - Yeah. - An orgy. Can we buy an orgy? - I dunno why we'd want to buy an orgy. - Or an organ. Oil. - Oil. Is that food. - Not if you don't buy oil foods. Like massage oil is oil. - I wish sweets were healthy. Imagine if sweets were healthy. If sweets were healthy, my life would be so much easier. - I'd be Ronaldo. - You'd literally be sui. You'd just sue on a regular basis, P, panties. - Phone case, plug. - Phone case. - A plug. - A perfume. Perfume's a good shot. - Perfume. You gonna get perfume? - Perfume. Perfume. - Yeah let's do it's. - Let's do perfume. Where we going? - P, pocket pussy. - Josh, you need to calm down. - Sports direct. - Sports will have P. A pat, a putter. - What you gonna go with - E promotion as well. - 30% off. - Happy E to you, man. - Could you recommend a perfume? Any perfume? - Oh, M mask. - Okay, we, you know we've done M. - Oh yeah. - And N. - Starting with O. - Yeah. - Nah, man. - Punching. Punching mitts. Punch mitts. - What are they or pads. - They're punch mitts or pads. - Pads. - All right shotgun, shotgun, not wearing these. - Is there anything better here? - A pull up bar, a pull up. A Pull up bar. - Do you want a pull up bar? - Not really. - They've got punch mitts there. - Can we get the second one? Yes please. - We've got some oil. - So literally no Os. - Yeah no, I'm not surprised. - I'm not even date Justin anymore. - Really? - That's it. Thank you. That is nuts. You know, I wonder what, what's happened? - Toys and gifts. - Just like we need to find something before we go too far. - I don't even know what we could buy here apart from oil. - Yeah. - Got Lush like candles. - Yeah, yeah. We have to make sure that the oil is not edible though, otherwise it technically counts as food. I think you play these two, two by the rules. - You definitely do. - I play them by the book. - They're going to sh*t house it and I'm going to be pissed. - Yeah. Ooh a putter, no, these aren't putters. These are- - Hey, don't got putter. - Putter, a putter. - Yes. - That's a putter. - I'll roll with a putter. - A putter. - You're gonna be smelling and looking good. This man f*cks like literally f*ck, who wants to f*ck him? - Don't do that. - Anyone? No? Maybe if we go back, go back down that road again. - No, let's go on the tube and do that thing you did. Put your hand up, would've hit me, one, two, three, four. - That was good you know, that was really good. I don't think I'll get any hands up anymore you know? - I think you would. - I've got a weathered face. Like these lines will not go. Imagine though if I just had like no emotion every day. Just like this [laughs woodenly] That's funny lads. [laughs woodenly] - Do you sell oil? - No. We've already had a group of people in here asking. - Really? - Yes. - sh*t. - Was it two or three guys? - Yeah. - Two or three? - That means they're ahead of us. - Well, how long ago was that? - 15, 20 minutes ago, better get a move on. - Oh no, we're f*cked. - sh*t. - Thank you. What the hell, how? - Here's D. - Oh. - If I hadn't put my phone out, I'd got it. - Oh hell. - Oh. - Go on, Josh. Like woods the last hole to win the masters, and he's flopped it, right? - Throw it back. - Throw it back? No get your own ball you bast*rd. - Yeah. - Come on, come on. - We need Q. - Q, Q, Q, Q. Quilt, quilt. - Quilt cover, quilt. - We have to go to- - Quilt cover. - Disney, Disney quilt cover. - A quilt cover. I can't catch, Tobi's so quick. Tobi has so much speed, nah, don't make me squat jog on you again. Sorry I have to run. - I missed the bus. - I missed the bus. - Time to go and buy the queen. - Do you wanna keep the weapon? - Yeah f*ck it. - Josh's arm, right? - We had the P secured, anyone tries to step, come on, get a pot around there. Anyone tries to chat sh*t to Lizzie. - We're back again Minnie. - Quilt covers. - Are you gonna tell me that I ain't got quilt covers? - If ain't got quilt covers, I'm gonna lose my sh- My head, can't swear in a Disney store. - I can't see any. - Ah, please. - There's no quilt covers. - There's no quilt covers. - There's no, there's no nothing. I'm dying out here. - Face oil, that one? - Yes. That's perfect. - Yeah, yeah we want that. - Is it definitely, it's definitely oil? - Yeah it's our famous new working oil and hybrid- - It does say oil. - Oh my god, it's famous. Yes I want it. - Oh, this is pretty big. - Come here. Got some as well. - So they got bigger. Do you want a big bobblehead one here or do you want a dancing queen? - Get the biggest one. - Big bobblehead. - Big bobblehead, big bobblehead. - Big bobblehead Lizzie. - All right. Cool. - T. - Tobi. Can I buy you? - Really? - No, no. Not like that obviously. - Really. - My friend. You're my friend, you're my friend. I wanna invest in you. - Oh, you can invest in me. You can invest in me, you can invest. - P, what do we have for P? - I mean, we can buy a pc, but that is f*cking long. - You buy a present? - Pen. - We could buy a pen. - Pen, very easy. Very easy to carry. - Should we just ask someone, can we buy your pen? - Yeah. - John. Come on. - Our queen. - Queen Lizzie. - Queen Lizzie man. - Come on. - Bobblehead. She's killing the game. - Sweet so R. - Radio? - A little model of the queen. - No. No. You think Caribana money exchange is gonna have a model of the queen. If you're right I'll literally let you eat my ass. My ass is a treat. I know. Oh, you might be right. - Hello? Do you have a pen? Can we buy the pen and just pay for them, for the person, can we buy your shoes for you, because we have to buy a pen, but we have to make a purchase. - Great. - Yeah, I know. - I know. - I know it's hella random, but we need this. - Wait remote controlled car. - Gotta be that, yeah. Get a car. - Yeah. - Can we buy that RC car in the window? - Yeah, we'll get Ferrari one. - Ah, that's fine. - This will be fine. - Yeah, that's a nice one. - We're gonna buy. What's the currency? Qatari real? Qatari real. - We're buy it because we're technically paying pounds, to get this back, so bang have that. - Let's get some of that. How much? - Tenner. - Never tell me I'm not making money moves boy. - Let me have a look at that. - Sure brother. - Great success, what are you paying? Oh sh*t. - It's a 135 pound pen, mate. - Gang. - Yes. - Gang sh*t, that's how we do. - 135 pounds. - Worth every penny. - A so a sock? - Night town will have socks. Definitely will have to have socks. - A slinky? - A slinky. - Slinky I like, I like a slinky. - Been to Hamley's already. - Sawed off shotgun. - Number one Chad, yo brother, where's my lunch money, bro? You don't wanna see me get crazy, bro. Check out Jack Joseph, he's funny man. - Quilt or- - Quilt? - Quilt. Quilt. - Where the hell do we get with a Q? - I don't know. - It's gonna have to be a quilt. - Queen? Bust? - I mean, we, we should just go in every single one and get a quilt. - Yeah okay. - Sunglasses. - Sunglasses. - I saw some lit sun- Aye, aye someone, someone lit sunglasses. - You'll get a pair, we'll get pair. - Okay, okay, okay. - Lit Sunglasses. - Green for me. Yellow for you? - Yeah. - I'll take a pink man. - Pink for you. - Yes. - Jeez aye. This is drip. - Yeah. - This is drip. - Yeah I'm liking it. I'm liking it. - Hello guys. If you say please. - Please. - Go on. Go on. - Yeah, bro. - I've got the same with the issue as well. - Love that brother. - Thank you very much appreciate it. Thank you. Lovely. - Have a lovely day. - Have a good day. - You too. I just f*cking, I just danced on them nerds. Hey, can I get a picture? - Someone that looks like they're working, everyone here looks like they're just buying stuff. Nothing worse than going to talk to someone, and being like, oh, do you work here? And they're like, do I look like I work here? - Do you, do you know, do you sell quilts? - You said no, no, we don't have quilts. - Oh, okay, don't worry. - Do you know what I'd love to see is a ticker for how much we've overpaid for stuff. 'cause we're just going from buying from the most overpriced places. - Doesn't matter. - No, but I- - How much is that? - I dunno. - 50 quid. - Yeah. - It ain't worth that. They got it for eight quid in China. - It's fine. - We're helping the economy. - Alibaba. - We're always helping the economy side man. - I just paid 30 quid for this. [all laughing] - What that what, did I just say 23? What was I just saying? - Hey bro, you need to understand, bro, we're the coolest in the school. - It's actually two jokes. - He's very funny. - Why not down this little street, man? I like the look of it. - Why's there still street workshops- - Let's go down this little side street. Trust me, this man, this little street's gonna have a little banger across- - There's nothing back there. - There will be- - There's restaurants and sh*t. - There's gonna be a T man. I'm telling you. - A T. - There's gonna be a T. - You see us walking down the alley, you're going the other way, golf club. It looks like we're ready to rob one store. We look like GTA characters. - Christ. Yeah. - We look like GTA characters. - There's nothing here. - I told you. - Oh wow. - Go that way now. - It's raining. - We need to get to U quick so we can get umbrella. I want, I want to give up. - No, no, no, no, no. We're nearly there. - Kilt. - Kilt? That's K. f*ck, on your left? - That's a very small shot. Do you not know what a quilt is? - I actually don't. - Yeah, it's like a duvet kind of thing, right? - You should go Argus, Argus, yeah. - I dunno why I don't like your pronunciation of that? - Remember by the way, we have to factor in travel time to get to the meeting point. - Where's the meeting point? - Golden square. - Where's that? - Literally Soho. But remember- - Every minute- - Every five minutes we are late- - And we have to be there when? - Two. - Every five minutes we're late we lose a letter. - Yep. - So we gotta move fast. - At Urban they'll have a little radio. - Let's have a look. - What about the teachings of the Lord? - Can we buy them? [person yelling indistinctly] Tell 'em man, hello mate. How are you? You all right, what's up? Nice to meet you, man. - I'm a big fan. - Thank you man, thank you, thank you. You're all right, that nice to meet you, man. - Why does small mouth make you look like a nunce? - Wait, what the pinch. Hello there. Hello? Oh, where's your mini? She said it was unfair, you know? - You've got quilts? - Third floor, wow. - Yeah, perfect. Thank you. Oh wow this floors a lot bigger than I thought. - Yeah, I thought it was a little corner. - Yeah. - The John Lewis there and there's like house- - Oh, John Lewis could work and John Lewis could work- - For what? - A table. - A table. - A table. - We'll just carry a table about. - Oh my. - Retro radio come one. Come on. Yes. - Oh, well done you- - Where's the base, where's the till? - I dunno around there, around the corner. - We need to get back on the grind here, lads. - Yeah, we've fallen off a bit. - T. - TV. - We could buy a TV, a small one. - Just a small TV. - Smaller TV. - Carryable TV. We'll get a TV. - 27 inch TV. - This is the biggest size though. We do have it in sizes. - Oh, what's the, oh, if you've got the smallest size? - Single. - Yes, please. - Is that definitely a quilt? - Yes. - There we go. Q, R, what's R. - Rona? - I just said Corona. - Rash. - Rash. - Ronaldo. - It's one break, isn't it? If you buy somewhere else, hey, you know it'll break in an airport, you know most of the people you know- - About 85. - Another shop huh? - 85. - Oh my. - You can help me. [upbeat music] You gotta haggle, mate, you gotta haggle. You know what, we'll do 90, 90 pounds. - Hey listen think smart. - Squash that, crush up. - Watch. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Don't watch that. - No we're alright. - One of these is gonna have to get carried, bro. - Yeah, yeah. We'll carry one, carry the perfume. - We're on R, slowly losing the will to live. - Rust. - Rat. - Ray. - Radio. - Rinaldo. Ratatouille. What? What can we, radio? - Radio. - I think a bigger one's cooler to carry around, like I'm carrying around. - If you wanna carry around- - You gotta carry around. - It's a 32, go for a 32. - This, this will be easy enough to carry about. - Yes, but it hasn't got a handle. - That's fine someone take the kettle, I'll carry the TV. - Okay, fine. - You want, you don't, don't wanna see these cheeks in Boo Avenue. I'm gonna wanna see this cake in Boo Avenue. - You don't wanna see it? I've seen it. You don't wanna see it. - Oh sh*t you actually have seen it. - I've seen it. - You ain't gonna want to see this. - I'm telling you, he's not lying. - I'm trying to seduce him Tobi, please. - Someone's dead you know. In there yeah? - Yeah, yeah. - Where the models at? - Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring. Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring. - It's your mommy on the phone. Show me that pussy. - What the f*ck. - I'm sorry. I got excited. - I was thinking the banana phone song. - A TV. - TV. - Yes. - Come on. T secured onto a U. - Umbrella man, it's gotta be. - Moss Pros have suits. They have like a big umbrella, you like carry up a suit umbrella. - This was a mistake. This is too hefty to carry. Oh, wonder I bought this TV. It's hurt my arms. - Yeah, that was a stinker. - Ah. - I'll leave. I'll leave you with this. - What thong do you think I'd look best in? - A g-string. - A g-string. What colour do you think would look best on my outfit today? I've got like some blue, blue, you know you got blue, blue G-string. - Hey yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Come on. Come on. - He's done it. - U. - He's done it. - Umbrella. - Come on open it. - Umbrella. - Bust it open man. Come on. Yeah. - That's how serious business that is, man. That's serious business. - V. - Boss House. - House of Frazier. Look at that man. Wait, is it closed? Oh, it's shut down did it? Did it not shut down, I swear it shut down, all right. - It looks like it shut down. - Yeah, yeah, it did man. - What size? - Oh, I'm a big one. - Yeah, he thick. - I, I'm packing some cake. That's looking good. Yeah, yeah. I think that'll fit nicely yeah. I'll try it on yeah. - Odds of you wearing that round for the rest of the video? - I will. That's, that's the plan. - Do you know her size? - It honestly doesn't matter. Yeah screw it. - Like that. - Yes I want it now. A hundred percent. Let's buy it. - Hi it's me, Angelica. - Oh wow she's vibrant. - He doesn't know me. I'm actually more famous than him. - Don't you- - Oh wow. - Oh my God, yeah. - Oh my God. - Angelica. - Oh my god. I'm such fan. - I know. - Oh my God. - I don't know what's happening, bro. - I'm so happy you got to participate. - It's Angelica, oh my god. ♪ Start spreading the news ♪ ♪ I'm leaving today ♪ ♪ I wanna be a part of it ♪ - No. - Come on with me. - What? - Just you. - It's just you, bro [all laughing] - I'm, I'll buy this one don't worry. - Yeah look. This is perfect. - Getting hooked on you two ways. - Look at that. - Are you gonna wear that like that for the rest of the day? - Yeah say less. How's that? - Brilliant. - Yeah. Can we buy it, please? - JJ? Can we get a duet. [Jay scatting] Oh, that was a- ♪ I'm doing more than gospel ♪ ♪ Hallelujah ♪ ♪ And new year ♪ - Yeah God's got my dick. What? Oh God. No. I honestly don't know what comes out my mouth. - Let me see that thing, bro. You know the word. There we go. There we go. - Seven pounds as well. f*cking bargain, that? - Oh my God. - All right, let's get that f*cking umbrella boy. - Umbrella. - I wonder how many people are gonna clock. - Probably quite a few Tobi, I'm wearing a lacey thong. - How you holding up Harold? - I'm all right. I'm all right. I'm hanging in there. - Thank you. Bye. See ya. - S, s, s, s. - That was very interesting. - A scarf? - Yes. - H&M's right there, and then we could just buy a t-shirt afterwards. - Thong. - Underwear, scarf t-shirt, underwear. - Oh wow. I guess we can go weekday for underwear. - Well, there's loads of clothes shops. - Yeah. That's not a bad shout, you know. - Jeez. - They'll do a vase. - These is a Josh kind of of shop. Look how- - Yeah. - Look how regal it is. - Lots of R right there man. - Honestly, let's get in and get out. These are all, oh, these, these are expensive bars. - I've got sweet- - No. - That one. - No, no, no. - How does that- - No. - How are we gonna carry that? - It's funny, mate. - My camping chair in there. - Ah, actually all of Josh's stuff will fit in it? That's quite clever. - I do you know what? Ever since I got really comfortable in a relationship, I'm very sussed, I did some sussy things. - Son you do you bro. - I'm happy man. - I'm glad you're happy. - Oh my God. Wait, are we on U? - Yeah. - Oh, by golly, there's an umbrella. - Amen, I'm a bradley coloured brother, look after my suitcase please. - You sell scarfs? - Perfect. That works. Yeah, we'll take it. - No, that's it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - We just needed a scarf. Thank you. - Thank you. - Scarf done now- - All saints. - All saints to go get- - A t-shirt. - A t-shirt. - You're smashed that one, just all straight in and we got it, all right, let's load it up your stuff. - Careful with that. I can see that smashing. - Vase secured. - Vase. - Drop test. - No, no drop test. - Can I feel it? - Yo, yo, yo. - Straight away, like- - 220 quid of smashed glass. - It wasn't 220, was it? - Yeah. - No. - Yeah. - It said 120 on the thing. - No, it didn't, those were for some flowers. - Oh, I'm sorry. - I was like, get a smaller one. - I'm on the way home from like, welcome the club all night with my suitcase after a wild night, cocaine, hookers, isn't it? f*ck look at me. We ain't even gone Salvage's yet. - No, exactly that's our secret weapon, because the xylophone's in there. The xylophones in there. - I hope so. I hope so. - And it'll probably be like 300 pounds but. - We'll do it bro. - TUV. - W. - A wig. - A wig. - A wig. - So I don't wear down. - Carnaby you'll find a wig. - Yeah. You'll find some wigs. - A yacht. - Oh, Tobi said you, Tobi's gonna get yachts. - I'm, I'm want that Vikkstar money. - I think Vikkstar should get a yacht for the boys really? - If he doesn't get a yacht, he loses the challenge. - Yeah. It should be for him. - But that's his default way. - We'll buy a medium just 'cause the XLs not gonna fit anyone. - An XLs not gonna fit anyone. - As in it's gonna be too big for everyone. But someone will be a medium. - Yeah, but some people like oversized stuff. Like I get extra large 'cause it looks cool. - Why don't you just buy a oversized fit? - Simon is fascist. - This is good. If we keep getting back this way, we get closer to our meet point. Vape shop. - Then watches here. - No, you don't want to there's no point. - I don't know nothing about watches. - No, there's no point. - What flavour do we want? - Quite like the idea of blue Razz lemonade. - War paint for men. - What's that Pokemon shop? - Could get a Wartortle? - A Wartortle. - Yeah Wartortle. - Is it a brand? No, I can't do it. - I'll go and look for a Wartortle- - And then Wartortle will get it, man. - Could be getting some Wartortle crap. - Do you want me to rip a fat one mate? - We'll do that in the park at the end. - Yeah. Yeah. - Vaping in the park. Nothing cooler than that. - It's a shoe, right? - No. - It's not a Wartortle crap. - That's, you know what it's very cool, but no, I don't really have it but I respect the effort, man. - Wartortle crap. - We have good news though. Well sort good news, they have weights here. Just other for sale or not, we don't know. - Surely you can buy a weight if you explain our predicament. - They might just sell them, you never know. - See this is ideal, but like, whether or not they, they're not for sale, I don't think? - Oh, Minecraft underwear? - I got, I got an email saying like, we wanna send you some, some of our Minecraft Lacoste collab. - Is this... Wow. Really? - Yeah. - Yeah sure, yeah wow. - That's that new stuff. - Yeah. - You got a watch- - Who get a watch? - Right there. - I wanna get, I do wanna get a wig. - I don't wanna get a wig. - Any specific watch or just any watch? - Just a cool watch man, get a cool- - What's a cool watch? - Vik. Do you not want one of the do you want one of the the big ones? - No. - Like a total number? - A watch. - We're gonna go get a watch. I really love the holoblox. - I'm not letting anyone buy one of those watches. - They said the cheapest watch was a bag five. - I saw one for 9.50 but it still, it looked like Bento watch. - Would you reckon tag have a cheat one. - If you tag cheat one. - We haven't been to Mark since Winters. We walked straight past it. - Did we? - Yeah. - We ain't going there. - Did we not get a massage gun in Marks as fast? - That was John Lewis. - Alright. f*ck man. - We're cutting it close. - Steve. - Vest. - Vest? - Should we go weekday? - Yeah. - That's working smart not hard. See look now you got. - Jeez. - Whatever you're doing. I hope you win. - Oh, thank you cheers. - You ever seen a dripped out ice out YouTuber? - Man we'll jump in the cab soon. There's no watches here. Do you wanna look on your phone if there's any music stores? 'Cause we might get watch a watch from Salvage's instead. - Salvage's is still Ps. No? - Telling me there's no like sh*tty toy watches. - Ah, we could buy an X Man. - Yeah. - The X-Men. - Am I gonna fit here? - Oh gonna be a tight squeeze. - Tobi's literally just used his brain right? I know it sounds nuts, but we could get a wallet. - Watch isn't the only thing that begins with W. - Yeah. - Does this count as a vest? - That's women's vest, the men's are downstairs. - We'll take you this. - Yeah, we'll take that. - W. - W now. - The Weekday. [laughs] - Alright, let's go. - Wallet. - That was easy, a wallet. - Jesus. Look at us go. - Where do we buy a wallet from? They must have one in like this random shop right? - You can do it walking past it. It's an easy wig. - Should we just get it? Shotgun no wig. I've got the watch. - I've got, I've got the watch. - Yeah aye Josh it fits with your outfit to be fair. You got the dress innit? - All right. - You might as well back on the wig. - Got a silver one? - Yeah? - Yeah. Yeah you look good like that man. - We got 50 minutes. - Yeah, but it's X and Z that I are gonna- - X and Z. - They're gonna be- - And Y. - You know what time it is? - What time? - Cue the epic race music. We're on the last four. [upbeat electronic music] For f*ck's sake. Literally walked all this way. f*ck's sake. I'm finished bro. My legs. Oh, I'm starving. - Do you see this in your future? - What you mean? This is me right now. - Throw it out, throw it out. - Yes now. - Wait. - Put that back, flick that back. - It's a Yeti. - Put it on him. - It's a Yeti. It's a Yeti. - I want you flick it back. - That's the back of the head man. - Bro come on. - Put the f*cking wig on, man. - Camera thing. - Yes. - That little camera thing. Is it even there? You can't see my money. - Do you know what though? I just remembered. We have to get one thing as a gift for the other team. I say we donate the anal beads to Simon and JJ. - Yes. - Yeah, that's the gift. - Great gift. - We'll find a wallet in here right now. Definitely have to have a wallet right? Oh my God. You know what I've just realised? - What? - We got to S and didn't buy a suitcase. - Oh we're actually stupid. - Hello can we buy a wallet, that one, that one please. Yes. - Right then flick it back. - Well done. - Like that. - No, that's the wrong way lad. If we lose 'cause he's been putting on a wig for 15 minutes. I'll be pissed. - But I can't see. - Flick flick. - There we go. - Wow, you're looking dashing. - Do you want us to keep out your eyes with this. - There you go, stunning. - Yeah. - Right. Come on, he looks like a crack head. - Oh, this is a superhero, if you've ever seen it. - Are you part of a music band? - Yeah, yeah, we just kind of, you know, play in the streets and stuff, but we get about. It's all right. - We go by the Sidemen. That's our music group. - Oh is it? - Yeah. - So I play guitar, he raps. - Keep moving, keep moving. - Where's the music? Where's the music shop at? - It's around. It's all right. - Maybe to the right maybe. - Yeah, over there. - Look at my face. - It's there, it's actually there. It's there actually down there. - Yeah, Splash Stone Protectors. - I was gonna say let's buy an Xbox, but we can't. - Yeah, it's a brand. - f*ck. - That's a console, wouldn't it? - Okay. - Sure. Yeah. - We can buy a Xylophone if we've, is there a music shop anywhere around it? - We're looking for a new instrument for our band. - Okay. No worries no worries. - Thank you though. Cheers. Oh, we are in big trouble. I would argue we're gonna be better off going to like a kid's toy store. - Yeah. - They don't stock them. Don't stock a xylophone. - Yeah. - If there's a little music store around here, we go to in. - There's an early music shop. - How far? - Early music sounds- - About 70 yards. - That's gas? - Let's get it man. - Early music sounds ideal 'cause it'll have like the little things. - Where's the toys? Toy shop? - This way? - No. - No. - Oh we can just buy that one. It's a xylophone. - They'll argue it. They'll argue it hard. - So the finish line is that way? - Yes. - They said there might be a music shop this way. - Music room naught but three miles. - Well, so straight and then left? - It's open. Actually, I dunno if it is. Doesn't look like it has actual yeah. - It's literally out there and right. - It that little thing with the glass or is it gone? - It might be gone. Maybe Easy Music didn't do too well. What a rubbish letter to get stuck on. - Cheers. - Do we just run it? - I think so. - Or do we got, do we sacrifice it and get a yo-yo instead? Let's just run it init? - Yeah, yeah. It is literally a xylophone, bro. It's on there. - It's gonna be a major L. - Hello? Do you have xylophones, even like a tiny one. - Just like a little toy one. - We got about 20 minutes to to get a yoga mat, and then Zed, what can we do for Zed? We need to bring up Zed now. - Zendaya poster. - A zinc supplement. - That's food. - Yeah, that one's more. - Zip ties. - Medicine we can get away. - Zip ties Ziploc bags. - Ah, we're finished. - We might just have to call it, we've got 25 minutes and it's about a 15 minute walk to the end. - Go to a porn store. - X-rated. - X-rated. - X-rated movie yeah. - We'll just walk back to Soho. We might as well get the walk in. - Sports Direct, where are you? - Adidas might have one, they gotta have a yoga mat, bro. This is actually like the sports bit. - If they Sports Direct's just a little bit up. - Xylophone. - Yes. - Nice. - All right. Where do we pay? - Oh my god. Oh my god. - Pay there. - We're back. - Something with O? - What about X? - X-men? - X? - You got X-men? - Or by an about X-wing, an X-Wing plane? - Oh you are a star, you are an absolute king. We'll take it. Stellar McCartney, come to me. - Thank you bro. - Thank you bro. Appreciate you so much man. - Yeah, we'll take an X-wing. How much for the X-wing? - That is 34.99. - We'll take the X-wing. - That works. - It's an X-wing bro. - Banging, X-wing. - A hundred percent that works it's an X-wing bro, hundred percent. - What else can it be? - Its not a brand. - X-wing. - It's a plane. - Our meeting point is 17 minutes away by cab, or 21 minutes walk, and we got 20 minutes, so I think it's time. I don't think we can get zed, bro. - We tried it's a valiant effort. - Or we could get to the park and zap something. - Let's get as close as we can and then figure it out. - Okay right cab? - Is it that way yeah? - We need to buy Y and then Z. Oh, that looks very, oh, there's a yoga ball. Would you have a yoga mat? - No. - Okay don't worry. Thank you. - Oh, sports shop. - Oh I like how you used my name. - Put little... [laughs] - An X-wing. - Yes. - Go to the toy store, they'll have yo-yos. Got the burners on boys. - All right. - We've done well to get an X-wing man. That's impressive. - Yarn. - Yarn. - Do they sell yarn? - Yes. - They might sell yarn. - A ball of yarn. - A ball of yarn. - You're a genius. Harry's a genius. - One behind. - Where we going? - Golden square. - Yeah Soho, golden square. Yeah thank you. - Thank you bro. - We literally got to Y. - So close. - We literally... do you know what though? Last time we did the A-Z, I think we all got to like rabbit or so, right? - Yeah we didn't do well. - So that's what I mean. We've actually got quite far considering I thought it was gonna be really hard. - Yoga mat at Lululemon they gotta have it, if they don't they're fraud shop. - Yoga mat. Yes. - No, that's perfect. I like how you did shout yoga mat. - What's zed? - What are we buying with zed? - What do we do with Zed. - Zuckerberg. - Cotton, it's big chunky yarn as well. - Yarn. - Yeah. - It's yarn, man. It's yarn, lovely. - Yes. - Zed. - We're nearly there. - Zebra, zebra, zebra. - We can finish this, we have 16 minutes. - Here. - Thank very much man. Have a good day man. Oh, right off. - Made it baby. - First ones I think. I'm gonna post up on a yoga mat. - I didn't realise like it would be this busy post lunch time isn't it. - And it's a really nice day. - Take natural street samples you know? Hear that siren. No, that sounds like a snare to me. Hear that. Sample it. - Bro, someone could be dying. - Then they died to the music. - Go left. Go left. - What? You wanna go back down Carnaby? - I wanna go down the road with a fancy dress, 'cause there's lots of weird shots down there. - Well to be fair, we can be there at 12:04 or 2:04. - We are going away from the finish line here. - Are we? - Yeah. - It's the opposite direction we need to go back down there. - Yeah, but it's, it's not far. - Are we gonna find something? - It's a six minute walk. - Yeah, but are we gonna risk? - We're going down here. - Okay. - And left. - Ah if you say so, man. - My legs are peppered, you know. I did so many lunges and squats yesterday. - And you were still lunge running today. - I was lunge running, I was going upstairs. - In a thong. - In a thong. - Oh sh*t, wait. Oh my God. We're not meeting in at the same spot. - It's not. - Oh my God. Wait, where are we meeting? Golden square. We've just realised it's not the right spot, we better hope that we are within nine minutes of it. I don't have a signal. - Ah, it's done, it's done. - Okay will someone load? Someone Load it while we walk? - There might be a zebra in there, man hang on a minute. Hang on a minute. - Yeah, but if we are late by a minute, we lose. - Nah, I think about four minutes. Go, go, go. - Zebra mask is the best they can do. I said nah. - I mean it could've, I would just said just, you should have copped it and just ran. - Yeah do we just cop it? - Do you wanna go get it? - Yeah cop it just so we have it and then we can debate. - Okay. I'll hold the TV. - Whether it's valid. - All right. - How far away is it? Three minutes. - Oh, okay. - Oh, okay. - That could've been such an L. - We're just standing there like, ha, everyone's late. - Why is everyone late? - Everyone's late. We've won. Oh my God. - Meanwhile we look like dickheads. - Yeah. - He's running or he's not. Come on. - That look, he looks good. Look at this man. He looks like a psychopath. - It'll do. It'll do. - It'll do. It'll do for sure. - But hey. You don't think they'll have anything to do with Z? - You can be like, ah. - You don't think they'll have anything to do with Z? - With that do you have Z? Z what, Z's nuts. I'm so tired. - Where's the entrance? - Come on, let's go. - Oh God. - Hang on. - Go. - I got a vase, it might smash. - Oh my God. - Oh my. - Oh my God. - Oh, they did. - Numbers. - They did concert. - Fair dues they got items. All right you know what? I hope they've got all of it. 'Cause that looks like they deserve to win. - Yeah. - Just for the win. - A wig for W. - Yeah. We were trying to spend, spend 1500 on a watch. - I got five minutes and we're out on the finish line. Be inside the square, right? - Yeah. Yeah. - You can set up my chair. - Oh, we need to run. I got the Z. Oh, I've paid 6.50 for it. - You know what? f*ck it. - It counts. - It works. - We need to go though now, right? They said, oh, we'll throw in some free antibacterial gel and to prove it it's on Sideplus. - Fair dues, you know? Fair dues. A vase, a putter, you got a putter? [laughs] - Welcome back. - Oh, we did it. - We won last year. - Well, I think we did it. Oh, nice chains by the way. - Necklaces, bro. - Drippy. - What'd you get, can I see? - They are wins. - You know what, I would say it's a necklace. - I said- - They're women's. - He's got a chain. - Let's get it going. A, what have we got? - Apron. - Apron. Oh wow. Do you know if we had to get a gift for another team? - Yeah. - Oh. - We're starting off with a gift. - Oh, okay. - Anal beads for you two. [all laughing] - I'll take them. - That catch. - The first place you went was for anal beads? I respect- [all laughing] - We bought some bad boy aftershave which is actually a present for John. - Oh, ah. - The bad boy. - Here you go John. - Is aftershave perfume? - It's in the shape of a lightning bolt. - Wait, well what? - No, no, no. - It's aftershave. - You're fine, you're fine. [all arguing] - Remember that? Remember that? [all laughing] - It wasn't even me, it was him. - Ethan, it was Ethan, it was. - All right, B. - B. - Backpack. - Yeah that's what we got. - So much money. - 70 pounds from a tourist shop. - 370 pounds. - That's brand. - 20 quid. - 20 quid. - Mad. - No, no, no. I'm saying it's- - You paid for a brand. - Maybe 30. - We paid from a tourist shop, bro. - C. - We, ours was a present. - What did we get for C? - Caps. - We got caps. - Caps. - Oh this is a present. - Me and Simon and clarified that. - We bought Ethan a- [Ethan cheering] We got Tobi a man city one. - Oh, why do I never get them? Bro, why do you always gotta do me dirty? - I'm sat. I'm sat in it. - Yeah. [all laughing] - I was like, where is that, where is Man City? - Man City, my favourite. - Why do you always do this? - D. - Deez nuts. - Dress, dress. - Dress hat. - I'd take that. - Wow. [all laughing] - Is that a gift or? - What did we have for D? - Drone. - Drone we got- - You got a drone? - This is a mini drone. - You lot were spending beans. - These two had a shopping spree. - Bro we spent so much money. - Oh. - Oh yes. - D we found very hard. - Where is it? There we go. [all laughing] - Not no. We bought dishwasher tablets and detergent. Just in case you- - All right, I like that. - Just in case you know you wanted to- - I like that though. - Is that you just washing out that quid? [all laughing] - Yeah drone. - Drone. - Mini drone. That's cute. - Oh, okay. - Here you go, a present? - Seeing one of Ethan's, yeah. - You're carrying him so hard. - E. - E. - E. - E. - What was our E? - Oh, is the egg, egg. - Oh, egg. - Egg was E. - Oh, we, oh, okay. We got two E's. Just in case you didn't agree with it. - Eyeliner from Mac. - Yeah. Okay. - We want some wings. - Okay. - Josh, you should put some wings on. Josh, let's put some wings on. - Why didn't we think of eyeliner? - I don't know. - I thought we were on every letter like- - Because eyeliner's makeup. [all laughing] - f*ck off. You don't got your empowerment. - I like this. - This is good. - Yeah any issues you got- - Karen's got 'em. - Maybe it's- - Look at this. - I was seriously struggling. - We know what, we know what we bought. - Where's it, E? - Well, we bought two E's. - A egg holder. - Egg holder. - Cute. - This is Harry. Harry's like, go in there. - I was gassed. - You can get an egg holder. Like why'd you know this? - Harry's quite a resourceful man you know, he knows all sorts of stuff. - Anthropology, I think. Yeah. - Okay well the first E is an elder wand. - That's a wand. - That's a- - Nah, no, no, no. - Check it out. - We specified. - Karen, tell him. - On the checkout it comes up as elder- - It came out Elder wand. - That's a brand, isn't it? - No, no. - How dare you. - It's a brand of wand. - How dare you. - Tell him again. - Hey, I'll get the Google out. Elder wand. - No, no, no ask what is an elder wand? - It's the most powerful wand in Harry Potter. - It's a what? - A powerful what? - Watch it. [all laughing] - We have earrings somewhere. - Yeah, we have earrings. - You're fine. [all arguing] - We bought- - It was also his present. - Are you sure they're not in there? - Can you check? - They're not bruv. - I must clarify that an elder wand is two words, it's an elder wand. - Oh. - So that's not an elder, that's a wand. [all laughing] I have an elder. That is a wand. - Elder Karen. - Bro it's gotta be in that bag. - You guys believe it? - Nah, yeah we'll take- - We'll believe you. - Take your word. - We believe you. We'll let you off. [all laughing] - We'll believe you guys. - Come on. - Right, F, we got a fat fox. - That's a stuffed toy. - It's a fat fox. - That's a fox. - A stuffed toy. - A fat- - That's a fox. - A toy. - Every toy is a toy. - That's a fox. - That's like a, that's a plushy or a toy. - I don't think it's a fox. - What you mean? - I'm not accepting that. - I'm not accepting that. - I don't think it's- - Fine! They don't have to, it's our fat fox. - If it's a toy then every toy is a toy. Is an phone a toy- - No it can play music. - It's okay, it's okay. We appreciate all our fat fox. We like our fat fox. - Ours is present for Harry. - Yeah. - Oh, nice. - The fleshlight. [all laughing] It's a special one where it's asshole and balls. - Oh my God. - What? - My God. Oh God. - I was excited for a second. [Ethan laughing] I dunno if I can- - Just think. Just pretend it's a woman- - Look at the balls. I can't believe. [all laughing] Oh, that's a bit, that's a bit. Thank you very much. - No man. - I get it. - Nuts. - Yeah. - Has nuts. - We got flip flops. Leopard print ones. - I'll call those. - Sandals- - No, no, we saw sandals. No these have got the flip flop, bro. - The flip flip? - Yeah, these are- - Tell them Karen. - Yeah. I like this flip flops. - Do you want them Karen? - You can have them. - Yeah, I like foxes, man. [all laughing] Head fox on the f*cking minister all right? - What was next? - G? - Gle. - Gle. - What did we get for G? - We found it. - What the earrings. - The earrings. - Earrings. - Karen present. - They were present for Josh. - What's on them? - Earrings. - Stop. - Stop it. - Dobby's innocent. - I haven't pierced my ears though. - What was it? - Gle. - G. - What have we got for G? - G. - G? - I spent so long trying to- - What did you have? - G? - G, G. - Guitar right there. - Yes. - How nice. - In the bag. - Can you play it? - Please don't break her. - Let's see it Simon. - Don't break it yet, 'cause I can't say- [all laughing] [peaceful music] - He's got a pick in this hand. [JJ scatting] - Class. - Class. - Class. - Class. [JJ scatting] - That's going platinum. - Ed Sheeran, who? Never heard of him. - He actually got collabs. - Technically I have two things for G as well. - Nice. - Well we got a glass. - Nice. That's good that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You're a musician you know. - Yeah, I know. - Handbag. - Yes. - I forgot. - We will join you. - Hat. - Hat. - Hats. - Handbag. - Hat. Hat. - A handbag. - Okay. - Handbag. - A bucket hat. - No, we don't want it. - Bucket hat. - No, we don't want to. We don't want to. We don't want to. [all laughing] - H, I. - We pushed the boat out for this one. - Oh, oh, I know what we got, where is it? - We got incense. - Oh, that's really good. - We were looking for that actually. - Ibuprofen. - No, no, no. - We actually strayed away from this because it is something that you swallow and we stayed away from it. - Its not food though. - I dunno what you eating- - If you ingest it, it's food. - Well it's a calorie. - Is it? - Yeah. - Do you get calories from it? - Does it have calories? - Does it have calories? - No, no, no, no. - Is it edible? - It doesn't say it has- - Is it edible? - Can you eat it? - It is edible, but- - Can you eat it? - Is it edible? - You can eat a lot. - You can eat anything. - It is not edible. - Things that aren't food. [all arguing] - I could eat glass. - I'm just saying away from- - Eyeliner. - We stayed away from it. We played fair. - Right? - What's next? - J. - J. - H, I, J. - Jumper. - I like that. - We got this jumper. - Jumper, okay. - That's a crew neck sweater. - You got present for now. [all laughing] - f*ck off. - That's a crew. - I got jeans. - What you think? - We had jeans. - Would you have counted jorts? - Jorts? - Yeah we would've. - Harry wanted to get jorts. - Or would you have said no. [all arguing] - Because they're jean shorts. You can't separate 'em and say they're just shorts. - But nickname's jorts, you just called them that. - Even jean shorts. - I don't accept jean shorts. - I would've accepted jorts. - Nice jeans. - Jeans, man. - K. - K. - Kettle. - Kettle. - Kettle. - Bell? - Kettle bell. - Oh wow. - Kettle bell. - Kettle bell. - That's really good. - We got... A really big key ring. - What's it say? - London. - Nice. - L. - We got lingerie. - Ooh. - L. - We got LED Lights. - Yeah. - Just lights. - I was about to say no, it's lights, but I don't want to spend that. [all laughing] - No, that's lights. - L - Does anyone want this lingerie? - No thank you. - No. - You should take that home. - In the bag. In the bag. Big flat bag. - Oh yeah. Oh, oh yeah. Josh's little surprise. - In this one. - The Zurker's surprise. - Talk to me. - Oh yes I see it. - I've got my lubricant. - Litre of lube. - Karen goes crazy on the weekend. - Karen's getting piped down. - Karen gets lubricated. - No, no you got everything. - That present JJ, that was as well, that was your present but. - That was a present for JJ? - They can share it. They can share it, use it together. - L, M. - Massage gun. - You know what, I'll allow it. - What do you mean you'll allow it. - It literally says mini massager. - It says thera-gun. - That's the brand. - Oh, oh there we go. - M. What did we have for M? - A mannequin. - A mannequin. - Money. Music. - It says it on it. Don't do it on- - Yeah, it's a mannequin. - I'm nodding straight. - All right, all right. I'll let you up. - We got a microphone. - Oh. - Oh, that's pretty good. - Okay. - Nice. - Yeah, it's very good. - Take that to the Sidecast studio. [all laughing] - N. - N. - N. - Nappies. - Oh necklace right here. - Necklace. - Oh Josh is wearing it. - Necklace. - Harry got a necklace as well. Harry got one. - I did. He got me a necklace with cancer on it. I was like, fantastic boys thank you. - Oh my God. - I got, I got J. - Oh wow. - Well I had to. - With a Jesus piece. - A real one. - Hey man's one. I said, I said, can I have the Jesus piece? [crosstalk] - 150 quid. - That's a drippy Jesus piece. - It's a gift, save it for a special occasion. - He got a freestyle in a, in a shop, and she sings and then he just goes, God's in my dick. [all laughing] It stops and they all go- - No, no, no, no. God's got my dick. - What? - It's better. - O. - O. - O. - O. - O. - Oil. - Oil. - Oil. - Oil. - And which one of you went into lush? - No, not us. - We went in- - We tried to buy that- - 10, 15 minutes after, we don't you have any oil? And then they go, you're the second group to. - We tried to buy that jojoba- - Buy the display oil. - P. - Perfume. - We bought a putter. - A putter. - We got a putter. - Arabian perfume. - Oh, oh. - Spendy. - We bought a pen. - Ah, fair enough. Fair enough. - Did you buy it? - How exciting. - The way we bought it was through JD Sports. - We went in and we paid them 130 pounds for the pen, and they gave us a free pair of shoes for someone else. - Ah. - Oh, no way. Really? - I know we, we just gave it to this Canadian woman. - Do you have a receipt? - But does it say pen? - We're rich. - Was it gifted to you? - No, we made sure they sold it. - Q. - Quilt. - And we specified that this is a quilt. - No- - I don't wanna see no sh*t here, bro. - We tried. We tried. - Oh yeah we got something special for you lot. - Yeah? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Is it gonna be a quid? - We got our Qatari real. - Bro. - No. - Qatari real? - We got our Qatari real. We exchanged tender. We bought something. - We'll take it. - We'll take that. - No, no, no. - We bought it. This is a real. - You take the woman herself. The queen. - Queen Lizzy. - It says Queen Elizabeth on it. - Nah, that's a bobblehead. - So I'll put you a deal. I'll take your Qatari. - We got 40 Qatari real. - Your one is more acceptable 'cause that is a bobblehead. - It's real. - That's money. - It's real. - That's cash. - No, that's- - That's money. That's a bobblehead. - That's real. - Qatari. - We've got- - So you're saying that's not? - They back up- - No, no, no, no. You just said it's not. - That looks like the queen, to me. [all laughing] - There you go. - Another sh*t house. - We tried. - Another sh*thouse. - We tried guys, we tried. - Those necklaces are looking like chains now. [all laughing] - We tried guys. - sh*thouse. - Qatar money and the queen passes. - Yeah. [all laughing] - It's fine, it's fine. - We know, we know. - Thank you. - What's next? - Ah, they bought a f*cking toy. - They bought? - Yeah. Yeah. - We could have bought a f*cking toy for everything. - Yeah. - Retro radio. - Yeah. - Retro alliteration. - Yeah. - Double points. - Thank you Jesus. - Thanks Karen. - Let's go. - Who wants some Qatari real? - An RC car? - Is that technically- - A remote controlled car? - What are you gonna do with that? - I brought a ring. - A ring? - Is it drippy? - Gonna propose? - Right here, right now, is that a ring? - Special occasion. - Oh well. [all laughing] [all groaning] - Nice. - Yeah, we got a ring. [all laughing] - Good. - He's funny again. - He's funny. - Funny again. - S. - S? - Suitcase. - S. - Suitcase. - What did I get for S? - S? - S. - Oh sunglasses, I'm wearing them. - Oh the sunglasses. Great. - A scarf. - We've got a scarf. - Scarf's good, scarf's good. Scarf's a good idea. - I like that. I like that. - S, T, T? - T-shirt. - We want a T-shirt. - T-shirt. - Anyone want it? It's a medium, it's nice. - No chance on me. - Thong, thong, thong. - You got a thong. - Thong. - What did we get for T? - I was wondering when you were gonna bring that up. - A thong, yeah. - It's only recently. - That thong, thong, thong. - Right? Very racy. - T? - He just hasn't mentioned- - TV. - TV. - Actually this is our present as well. - It's our present. - Yeah. - All right Simon we know you got a new house. - I'm all right. - So we got you- - I'm not taking this. - A flat screen for you, my friend, I know you love it really? There we go, there we go. Enjoy. - Why don't I just give it just some random person? - You don't want a TV. I'll take a TV. - See U. We bought underwear. - Hold it up. - You can stand under my- - Karen always comes prepared for all weathers. - All right look at this umbrella please. - Oh, that is a sh*t umbrella. - Oh, actually our present for Vik, we bought underwear and it's Minecraft Lacoste. - Oh wow. - Minecraft? - It's actually kind of dope. - Cheers. - Oh sh*t. - That's sick. - Yeah boy. - That's actually sick. - Thank you. - That was 70 quid, right? - Yeah, bro, it was f*cking ridiculous. - 70 quid. - W. - W. - A wig, a wig, a wig, a wig, a wig, a wig. Hello here, live in the flesh, wig. - We're wearing half of our list. - We bought a wallet. - Ah. - Oh wait and a watch. - This is my perfect watch. - Yeah, we got a watch. - Wallet. - That's a nice wallet. That's a nice wallet. - Wallet. - And it matches Vik's hoodie. So there you go. - Thanks bro. - We're also gifting this to John. - Oh. [all laughing] I've got a lot for John to take by the way. I've got a- - See this is why you wanna be on our team, bro. - X, V? - W, X. - We got a Xylophone. - Yeah, we got a xylophone. - Huzzah. - Xylophone. - Ours is a bit blocky. - What did we get? - We got, what the f*ck is that? - Oh yes. - We got a xylophone. - We got an X-wing. - X-wing. - From Star Wars. - No. - X-Wing is X-Wing is literally the same as our one. - No. - We don't accept. - It's an X-Wing. - We didn't accept. - It's an X-wing. - Didn't accept it. - They didn't accept it, they didn't accept it. [all laughing] - An X-wing is a type of plane. [all laughing] Real quick. - What? What about the f*cking- - Elder wand? - X-wing, what's the other one? - No, there's a dash. - A dash wing. - Star fighter. [all laughing] - Star fighters aren't real. That's an X-wing. [all laughing] - Right. - You look really sh*tty. - Fair enough. - Y? - Y, yoga mat. - Yoga mat. - Yoga mat. - Yoga mat. - Yoga mat. - Yoga mat. - Yarn. - Yarn. - Got it. - Soft. - Oh sh*t yeah. - Zed? - I'm not gonna lie. - No, V. I was thinking V. - We did skip out on V. - Yeah. - Where's our vape? - That's a jar. - A jar has a lid. - Where is that? - How do we skip out V? - We bought a vest. - Vest. - We bought women's vest. - There it is. There she is. - I got a blue razz lemonade vape. - Woman's vest, I got a women's vest. - How'd you use that? - I dunno mate, don't ask me. - Don't do it man, it's bad for your lungs, lad. - Jeez. - Smells good, but it f*cking, ew. - I'm not gonna lie zed, we didn't have anything, and we were at a shop next to them, we paid them six pounds to write Zed. - That doesn't count. That's a receipt. [all laughing] - We didn't complete it. We didn't get Zed. - We sat- - We didn't get Zed. - We sat on Zed. - What did you guys do for Zed? - I mean they didn't get past it's F. - Hey. - It's a mask. - It's a mask, bro. - I'm a zebra, bro. [all arguing] - I'm a zebra. - Where is the receipt. - It's an online invoice. I'll email it to you. [all laughing] It's a prime. - f*cking hell. - Well what we're actually gonna do, put a poll, put a poll in the video. - You decide who won. - Yeah, we do have fun guys. [all laughing] - We're doing the XFactor thing. Please vote for us. - Play the sob stories. - KSI is gonna win. [all laughing] - He would win anyway. It's fine, you're KSI. - Oh nice. - All right, bye. - Would anyone like a TV? TV? You had your hand up first mate. Have a TV. - I wanted the TV? - You want it? - Yep. - There you go. Enjoy. [upbeat electronic music] [upbeat electronic music continues]
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 14,483,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: dMeL25poKWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 52sec (4792 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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