Do NOT Play This Game With Your Friends

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get up there go go go go go go oh my God I was watching you guys just God damn it I am warning you do not play this game with your friends Pico Park is a game where your friendship is put to the test every single level is a challenge to see which friend is the most annoying in the group and somehow we all deserve that title I played this game on my Smitty plus Channel about a year ago at this point with Tucker Eli and Flom and so this time I decided to play it with glarg puffer and Grizzy what is wrong with me if you enjoy our suffering please leave a like on this video that and also if you are new to the chat just subscribe I'm not even gonna finish it I'm already frustrated this soundtrack is making me regret my decision already [Music] all right let's do it if you were to censor the first last three letters of this word what do you think it says [Music] the last oh what did you take out the the O in this one what do you think he says oh man oh well well well look who it is it's Grizzy what why are you staying on top of each other whoa sweetie what the heck bro we need to work together to do these okay so this is going to go great gross what are these levels okay guys this is your first obstacle surely don't fail this one come on come over no come on jump over here you look like you want to come over I'm going oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] at first level please come on you wanted to play this come on oh [ __ ] all right you're supposed to stack someone's stack up four people like stairs like stairs it's like stairs and then you go over a bit more damn let's go we gotta get that key and we clear the level make some damn room for the man just make steps come on jump in jump in what is this what do you want me to do need to move Jesus your brain is small get on here we need four people standing stop booming regret s stay away from him there's a lot of levels brother please okay this game is all about patience guys so you need to be like yeah so I wanted to play this because I thought it'd be funny we need to push back the other way because it needs we need to be able to jump over it because I can't jump over this so it needs to come all the way over here I knew it no this door gotta be [ __ ] up bro not his door [ __ ] up no in the way you can't enter yeah [Music] level three [Music] all right okay okay okay we need stairs okay press that button all right you need to put two on the buttons and then the rest of us need to stand on them [Music] that was our fastest one good work these are the baby levels these are the baby levels let's get puffer guys wait guys wait damn [Laughter] it's so toxic I've attached spider webs to us so let's go this way together oh huge genius okay chill chill right there this is perfect guys I missed it okay all right okay so welcome to these levels where if you die you reset so we need to stack all four of us Jesus Blue Run I'm gonna grab the key all right now stop jump again wait why why what okay we're gonna do that again I fell I lagged I lagged the [ __ ] you're gonna give me the key again yes all right I'll get top stop get off me red [ __ ] [Laughter] careful now frizzy no no no that wasn't me bro that was Smitty I was not moving Chrissy if you keep moving I'm gonna [ __ ] we got it we got it we got it everyone stay calm puffer puffer puffer say you like me say it like me right now I love you so much you love my best friends so much give me nothing to me go go oh we're gonna do this perfectly now Flawless run sure what do you mean my hand not even on my controller you pushed me off jump nice all right let's do it let's do it let's get out of here open the [ __ ] move yeah you gotta let the guy with the key get in there let me grab that key let me grab that wow I can't I can't swing bring me back up come over here I need more I need more uh yeah yeah oh I almost got it damn it everyone lined up close get close okay I got pulled off okay [ __ ] this [ __ ] why oh my fine we'll do it right let's do it let's go work guys all right Grizzy and I jump at the same time excuse me all right Matt ready on go go one two three go away all right we're good huge good work all right don't [ __ ] this up can we go like drink the key guy does that work okay yeah and then we stack up then we Stack Up Wait okay now I pull cool there you go oh yeah you need to like pull me because I can't you get I'm pulling straight line [Laughter] there you go there we go you might need to jump um people oh wait a minute I don't remember logically this should make sense it made sense yeah yeah look at that huge now stop your mama [ __ ] which one probably the next one the next one sure this is I'm the new one all right there we go that one all right two teams of two let me up there let me up there why did you okay never mind yeah I didn't know you're gonna go right first all right left stairs oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] somebody set up the middle I'm standing look at that World Records you have it God damn it damn it oh [ __ ] oh that's time hit the buttons oh [ __ ] I need to get over here bad I'm dead I can't damn man wait are we dead bro that's crazy yo oh hit the trampoline there you go there you go huge Time come back this one we need two people top incredible incredible oh my God they're incredible go go go go hey you can make that uh run back run back run back run back run back oh it's fine we got it we got it we got time we got time y'all Gotta Move y'all gotta get the [ __ ] out of the way imma jump up I'm gonna jump up you stole the keys oh my God we actually did that holy [ __ ] now here's the one this is the one okay who's blue I get it I get it I get it move move how far is Reinhardt all right let's go we all just got one shot by Soldier let Matt go yeah yeah yeah Matt stay there we need to all get up here all right okay we need to stack on underneath you there we go look at that puffer moves slightly to the right oh no I survived oh [ __ ] that's the list I tried to move slightly Matt what get the [ __ ] out holy [ __ ] a triple bumper Europe not again get behind my shield come on Grizzy I'm scared go on we're good we're good all right man Bing chili I ain't been chilling okay oh what the [ __ ] [ __ ] Flappy Bird there it is oh God man we're dead you gotta love me back brother I'm not being a coward oh wow I almost made that I got it I got it I got it I got it look at that now where's the next one right here no it's too high holy [ __ ] he did get it oh oh [ __ ] yo what up guys come on guys stop being so slow hold on [ __ ] honestly I didn't even notice you're gonna meet these balls later [ __ ] I adore floating door Puffer give me that open open come on that wasn't even on purpose and I can tell one of the meatiest of the balls it's on purpose no way I knew it I saw the red I'm like he's gonna [ __ ] run into it he's gonna [ __ ] run into it Move [ __ ] there's no way it isn't satire please I'm not a [ __ ] coward whoever [ __ ] himself is gonna get ridiculed [ __ ] it I feel like I'm playing defense bro oh [ __ ] I'm going to the Plus oh yeah inevitable I'm fine accurate representation of our channels what could be worse than one giant Smith two giant smoothies over here oh I've seen this porno before all right yeah Alvin and the Chipmunks excuse me sorry oh yeah you valid going through maybe just move d me oh my God [Laughter] this goofy ass [ __ ] bro all right I'm gonna be the biggest yes big while I'm on your head you have to stack and all you have to do is be different sizes and stack why are you getting sober you don't have I wanted to do the fun way but fine can't do it the fun way because the fun way don't work Smitty you have to be small there we go yeah okay there we go shut up why do you still have it on because he's tiny tiny Grizzy entertained by this oh [ __ ] oh God the final boss [Music] myself [Laughter] hey little buddy you hungry you want to eat this key always all right oh my God it looks so big now I want to go back it's segregation because you know it's all about this you should be really good at it meatball [Laughter] meatball meatball oh we needed the green one to put it over here I need to go up here hold on we might need one of these blocks we gotta stack it oh I get it I get it on top of your block no no no no no no we stack the Box you need to be up there man too late keep that up here and then I'm gonna I'm gonna put Matt across here push it down please push the green on top of the red and then stay on top of the red yep okay let's do this it's very simple oh no it's very simple we need to stack that I think [ __ ] doorknobs I have the power back up holy [ __ ] he did it but we're stuck oh wait hold on do it again push it push the thing push it push it play pushing oh there we go there you go holy [ __ ] I swear to [ __ ] God just I'm gonna hit retry if you do this what you said you said to push it down what that took your damn sweet time get your Get Your Meme can I everyone get on top of it I don't know what I don't know what's ahead but might as well get on top all right here we go holy [ __ ] the whole street Focus all right okay all right we gotta make stairs [Music] all right let's make some stairs no Grizzy we need you to push the Reds snapped Guy the one with the most blocks all right that should be good and then cover push push it not all the way just enough that should be good yeah go carefully when you're pressing forward because you might like that perfect there's perfect beautiful that was first time that was also the first level of that oh screen moving screen moving screen moving screen moving what scrolling screen oh what happens if we just don't care oh my God can we work as a team just wait just wait wait go go go go go go go go go go [Music] okay it's all about timing so whoever's in front goes first and we all just follow we just need to be on time there we go so yeah no stack oh come on um oh oh okay oh I got it I got it yeah oh perfect oh [ __ ] go go go go go pretty sure we could have just made that individually get to the bottom yes sir okay climb climb climb bro literally I don't get it if you're in front just let them go first literally just wait all right go get off my head go you said what you did oh we have to do it again okay I wish I could push you off a cliff Bros it's incredible his little [ __ ] guys wait what he wouldn't have been able to make it he wouldn't have been able to make it God again it's just the same one ever over and over why why do you insist on getting on people's heads it just literally [ __ ] everyone up I think we might need to actually double stack on this one all right go oh okay on go three two one go I'll go three two one go oh my God that was close yeah sorry I ledge guarded on accident no no no don't do it please God damn mouth well now we know what it does serious now we know what it does it's over we're never getting through this level we're not getting through it yep bro it's not happening crazy or Matt I don't remember colors sorry I'm just yeah what the [ __ ] so quick to blame me you've been the Ruckus causer roughest time is over Grizzy all right guys my first attempt to clear this button go [ __ ] incredible guys please not the second one he was so cool why were you so close to it oh my God it's so nerve-wracking oh my God it's going out of time one at a time one at a Time come on relax yeah oh my God man [Laughter] why like it was someone else here Matt come back come back come back Matt wait why come back just go to the other side just go [Music] away you just run into it all right I gotta go now you got room bro I'll go first yeah all right Matt I'm going all right I'll see y'all later I'm coming back [Applause] what the [ __ ] are you doing I'm gonna cry you are [ __ ] struggling my guy I have literally not hit a button I want to point that out I've not touched it doesn't say either words get up there go go go go go I still need to press a button 30 more times before I've caught up with the next person I was walking already okay bye stop this scene is familiar I feel like I've seen this before jump ER police police the joke oh my God oh my God whoa I'm going to end it there yeah that's this half of the video we still have another six to go all right if you want to see more Pico Park just kidding we're gonna play it anyway leave a like on the video [Music] oh foreign
Channel: SMii7Y
Views: 4,821,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pico park, pico, park, pico park gameplay, pico park smii7y, smii7y, smii7yplus, smii7y+, smii7y plus, pico park rage, pico park classic edition, pico park trailer, pico park funny moments, pico park funny gameplay
Id: 19SLdHBDb6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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