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- Hello, I'm Tobi Brown. This is not a game show. This is Sidemen Silent Library 2, the second one. First up, we have Simon doing that smile that you do to show old people that you are not a threat. Josh doesn't seem threatened at all though as he walks in with some swagger. I, I don't really know what you call that walk. Here's a man who thinks he's the sh*t walking in like he needs one. It's JJ or Ksi. Next up, looking comfy on his home surface the boy Vik. We salute you, bro. Also returning. We have Harry, if you're listening bro please never walk like this anywhere near a playground and and definitely don't do that wink. He missed the last one so he'll be making his debut appearance today. It's Ethan. Last time we only had six, but this time we've got seven. He was such a laugh that we had to bring him back. It's a fan favourite in Randy. The rules are simple. Seven cards on the table. Some are safe and some have the skull and crossbones. Each player picks a card. Once every player has a card they all reveal them to each other. If your card has the skull and crossbones then you have to do the challenge. Challenges must be completed in silence. If you break the volume limit, it's a fail and it's shots for the gang. If you pass, then you can pat yourself on the back because we spent all the prize money on getting a bigger and better library this time. So, sorry boys. - I don't want this one. - Shhh. - For f*ck's sake. [quiet laughter] - Hamster wheel. Harry must run for 45 seconds on the hamster wheel whilst being pelted with projectiles thrown by the boys. Of course he must endure all this in silence. - Oh! I tried my best. I tried my best. A noisy contraption, but a relatively quiet group of boys. They passed the first challenge. [quiet laughter] [quiet laughter] - Bra that hurt. Vik's chest has been looking kind of wham lately so it's appropriate that he should do this challenge. Each of the boys will get to ping the bra strap off his back. It's gonna be a painful one still. [strap snaps] [sighs] [strap snaps] [sighs] [strap snaps] [strap snaps] [laughter] [laughter] [strap snaps] [quiet laughter] [sighs] [strap snaps] [sighs] [strap snaps] [laughter] - Oh, anyone else got something? [laughter] - In the end, Vik stood firm. The Vik Bra. But the boys couldn't contain their laughter. That's a challenge failed, and it's shots for the gang. [quiet laughter] [quiet laughter] Lego hopscotch. What hurts more than stepping on a Lego? Jumping on it. Simon must complete this game of hopscotch silently. Lego. A successful attempt by Simon sees the boys safely through to the next challenge with no shots. - That's good. That's good though. - Big busts. The contestants must withstand the force of a balloon as it inflates and pops underneath their tops. Bars. Can they do it silently though? [laughter] - Bang! Uhhhh Bang! - I like it. [laughter] [pops] [shouts] [shouts] - Yeah. Take that big ball, JJ. [all shouting] Oh! Ah. Ah. Ah. [pops] [shouts] [pops] [shouts] [pops] [laughter] - Woo. - Woo. [all speaking at once] - Well, we failed. My heart rate is at eighty. - Oh my God. - I'm terrified. - That was horrifying. - It was choking me out. - It was so scary, bro. - Kind of feels like that one was failed a little bit before it began. Once again, it's shots for the gang. [quiet laughter] [quiet laughter] [Tobi Voiceover] Intens. JJ must withstand the pain of a TENS machine on the highest level for a minute. If him or the boys make too much noise, they'll fail. [grunts] [quiet laughter] [grunts] [quiet laughter] [grunts] [all talking and giggling at once] [grunts] - Push, push! [grunts] - Well done. [laughter] [applause] - That was a villager from Minecraft. [grunts] - Another unsuccessful challenge. But it's good to know the boys will be there to support JJ should he ever fall pregnant. [smacks] [quiet laughter] - Brain freeze. The contestants must down two ice slushy drinks as quickly and quietly as possible. [quiet laughter] [quiet laughter] [gulping] [choking] [laughter] [spits] [laughter] - Why is he moving? - I don't know. [laughter] [indistinct] - Oh my God. - No, bro. - I don't wanna be here. - No, bro. [laughter] - No, Jesus, bro. - I can't be here. I can't be here. - No, I can't deal, man. - I can't deal with it. - I can't deal. [laughter] - Bro, you need to get up. [laughter] You need to [all speaking at once] - Look, she caught all of that. - Oh my God. [laughter] - No extra extras were harmed in the making of this video. I swear. I mean, it wouldn't be a Sideman video without something like that happening anyway. But it's another failed challenge and it's more shots for the gang. [quiet laughter] - F*cking hell. - The bottle's icky [indistinct] [whispers] I want that one. [screams] - Shh! - Drunk dunk. JJ must dunk a basketball successfully off a mini trampoline whilst wearing bear goggles. I can only see this ending badly. He can't really see at all. [quiet laughter] - Hold the ball. Hold... [quiet laughter] [quiet laughter] - I mean, it took four attempts but he made it and nothing broke and nobody died. So I think we can call that one a win. We'll let him have that one. [whispers] Swap? Wanna swap? - Yes. Yes. - Shh. - Pop that. Josh must pop 10 balloons as quickly as possible, whilst wearing the same drunk goggles as JJ. But he can only use the needle on his belt. I really hope all this hip action doesn't put his hip out of action. [popping] [laughter] - Where's my bit? Where's my d*ck? - Shh. - It's still there. [popping continues] [clapping] I think we're f*cked anyway. I think we're f*cked. [all speaking at once] [laughter] - Get that away from me. - I don't know how he managed to make that challenge even more creepy, but he did. Another failed challenge. More shots for the gang. [gagging] - Yes. Yes yes. Sorry. - Ethan's first solo challenge is a of baptism of fire as he gets baptised with bugs. A minute in a glass box infested with creepy crawlies but he better not make a sound. [grunts] [loud breathing] [whimpers] [muffled scream] [heavy breathing] - Grab that box. Grab that box. You can come out the box. Just... [spits] - Stay there, stay there, stay there. - Watch your feet. There's animals about, lad. - Yo. Can we all have a round of applause for this brave man, please? I don't know if anyone else present would've been able to do that so calmly. Fair play, Bevs. It's a dub this time around. - Oh yes. - He's gassed. - Table tennis. The five contestants must withstand ping pong balls paddled at full pelt towards their faces. Silence must be kept. [grunts] - Ah! [grunts] - Ow! - The f*ck? [grunts] - Ow! [grunts] - Ah! [laughter] - What? [grunts] - Ah, right here! [grunts] [inaudible] - Hit Randy, man, he hasn't been hit once! [shouts] [laughter] - Ohh. - Oh my. - Oh my - What the f*ck was that? - God. - Okay, maybe not that hard. [all laugh] [all speaking at once] - Should we maybe, let's just think about it. [laughter] - It was just hit, and just exploded [laughter] - It hit the corner and just went "pow" [inaudible] Put Simon and Randy in the middle. - We failed the challenge, right? - Yeah. - At this point, we've failed the challenge. - How many have we got left? There's so many balls. [all talking at once] - There's 20 left. - All right, quiet again. - F*ck off. [laughter] [grunts] - Boys. [grunts] [laughter] - They're re-using balls. They're re-using balls. - Who hit Randy? - They're re-using balls. [shouting] - Ow! [shouting] [laughter] - F*cking hell. [shouts] [laughter] - Ay, yo, it started off, it started with... - You both got me at the same time. - Yeesh that looked painful. Vik and Josh showed no mercy. And as a result, the boys all failed. You know where it is. Shots for the gang. [ominous music] [quiet laughter] Clayface. I've seen people make mugs out of clay but I've never seen a mug made into clay. That's about to change as Bevs takes on the Clayface challenge. Of course, he must endure it all in silence. - I've been there. We've all been there. - Oh man. - That sound, it's literally like... [laughter] - He's been a bad boy. - Oh my God. - Oh, what's that? - Oh, it's a penis. - Oh, yeah. - Isn't she a, isn't she a d*ckhead? [laughs] - Behz , you're a d*ckhead. - Oh look, look at him grip that clay. - Have I got a cock on my head? - Yeah, you do. - Can Harry have a go? - Come hold his head a little bit? [all speak at once] - Do you wanna hold his head? Go and jump in. - You just destroyed the d*ck. - Give him a head massage. - What are you doing? [laughter] [all speak at once] - And that will just about do it. A pretty eventful Silent Library challenge. Be sure to let us know your favourite parts and if you've got suggestions for future challenges or guests that you'd like to see then you can let us know in the comments below. Catch you guys next time.
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 14,104,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: WGwjBfi7b0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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