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- Welcome to our Sidemen Quiz. It's pretty simple. You get an answer wrong, you get decked into the pool. Today's video is sponsored by Sidemen Clothing, who have hooked us up with these amazing Sidemen Hide and Seek T-shirts. That are available now on sidemenclothing.com. Link down below. If you pick one up, there may be a hide and seek video soon. - [Group] Ooh. - Now, to introduce our special guest for the video, we have Jme, who's gonna be... - Skepta's brother! (group laughs) - That's his name? Okay, we have Skepta's brother! (group applauds) - Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. - [Vik] He's gonna be asking us questions and deciding if we end up in the pool, depending on whether we get them right or wrong. - First things first, we need a seating plan. - [Vik] Oh, it's like school. - [Jme] Right now you're looking really organised. Did you plan this? - [Josh] Yeah I did. - [Jme] You planned this? Oh yeah? Well done. So, 'cause you planned it, you sit first. (group laughs) JJ. No, JJ sits in the middle. - [Group] Ooh! - [Jme] JJ's in the middle. And then we have Ethan, on the very end. - [Group] Ooh! - [Simon] Vik's gonna be last pick. - [Jme] Oh, no no. Right now we have Vik and Simon. Vik and Simon both get to choose where they want to sit, right now. Quickly. Sit, sit, sit, sit! In an emergency, reach your arm above you, (group laughs) gas will come down. Put it behind your head. Put it over your head and blow. There's a whistle and there's a light here for safety, in case of any emergencies. Yeah? You got it? Right. - [Ethan] You know I can't breathe under water, yeah? (group laughs) - [Vik] No one can breathe under water. - JJ, which Sideman posted the least videos this year on their main channel? - [Group] Oh. - [Josh] That's a hard one. - [Ethan] I'm one of them. (Ethan laughs) - Well yeah, it's multiple choice. - [JJ] I think it's between Harry, Tobi, and Ethan. - The least. - [JJ] The least. - You choose Harry. Right. (group laughs nervously) Straight away. No. Good answer. Good answer. Good answer. Well done. - [JJ] Did I get it right? - [Jme] Correct. Correct. Correct (group applauds and celebrates) All right. First answer correct. Harry. - [Harry] Oh God. Give me an easy one, come on. - I'll give you plus one and minus one, for the number. How many times did JJ connect punches with Logan in the sixth round? - [Group] Ooh! - [JJ] That is bad! - I'm gonna give you, plus three and minus three to the number. - [Harry] It could be 10. It could be 40. I don't know. (group laughs) I'll go with 20. - [Jme] 20? - [Harry] What is that? A lot? - [Simon] I'm with you here. I don't know if that's a lot. - [Harry] Just send me in. Send me in. (JJ laughs) (JJ screams) (JJ screams) - [Jme] Just kidding. (upbeat electronic music plays) (group laughs wildly) - The answer is lower. - [Group] Ooh. (group chatters indistinctly) - [Ethan] You missed it bad. - [Jme] Vik, this is the real test. So you've got plus or minus two. So there's a five number gap that you can fit between right now. And it's lower than 20. - [Vik] So Harry said- - [Josh] "20." (group chatters indistinctly) - [Vik] So Harry got it down to 17 and I can have a four gap. If I go 15 plus or minus two. (group laughs nervously) - [Jme] Well done. - [Group] Oh! - [Jme] The answer was 13 times. (group chatters indistinctly) 13 times. Compared to four. Ethan, who scored at 56 minutes and 44 seconds in this year's Sidemen match? - [Ethan] Piss off. Just piss off. (Vik laughs) Just piss off. Simon. (dramatic music plays) (Ethan screams) (dramatic music swells) - Josh, who scored at 56 minutes and 44 seconds in this year's Sidemen match? - [Josh] Okay. It's not Simon. 'Cause it ain't Simon's goal. Vik's scored a penalty. (Simon shouts) JJ scored a goal with RiceGum setting him up. When was that? - [Ethan] So, 55 minutes. - [Simon] Don't help him. - JJ. - Wait, did you say me? - [Josh] Yeah. (group laughs) (dramatic music plays) (group laughs) - [JJ] Fam, I wasn't even on the pitch! (group chatters indistinctly) - Did you put rubber on the bottom of the legs, in the back? Or they come like that? - [Josh] They come like that. - Okay, cool. Well done. Well bought chairs. - [Josh] Next question, please. - [Jme] Sorry. Simon. Same question. - I'm gonna have to go with Vik. - [Josh] Yeah. - I have to. I have to go. It is. It is. It is. Well, if it's not him... (dramatic music plays) - [Group] Ooh! (group applauds) (Simon cheering) - I'm only gonna accept the correct answer for this one. - [Group] Ah! - But you should know this. Tobi, how many colour variations are there of the Sidemen Crest Hoodie, currently available on sidemenclothing.com. - I'm gonna just say 11. (dramatic music plays) - Help. - JJ, question. How many colour variations are there of the Sidemen- - Seven. - [Josh] No. - JJ. (rock music fades in) JJ! (rock music swells) (JJ screams) (group laughs) (JJ screams) (Ethan laughs) - [Ethan] Oi! He looks like a mop. Oi! He looks like a mop. - Jeez! - Harry, how many colour variations are there of the Sideman Crest Hoodie currently available on sidemenclothing.com. - I'm gonna say nine. - [Jme] My guy. Well done, well done, well done. (group cheers and applauds) - Which Sideman has the second most viewed Fortnite video? - [Ethan] Ooh. Probably you. Harry's man. - You get the question? - [Vik] Harry's got the most viewed. - [JJ] Second. - [Vik] Harry's got the most viewed. - [Josh] That's a hard question. - I'm pretty sure you can wipe mine out of the equation. (group laughs) - By logic, I think it's JJ's. It's JJ's. - [Group] Oh! - [Vik] Oh, he's walking with swag. - [Jme] Well done. Straight away. Ethan, who would win in an all out brawl, Harry or JJ? (group laughs) - [Ethan] No. (group laughs) I'll get in myself. (group laughs) That's fucking shit! - [Jme] Right, Josh. To the nearest hundred thousand... (group laughs nervously) - [Josh] Fuck off. - How many subs does the Sidemen channel have? - Oh, they could have changed recently. How up to date is this questionnaire, Vik? - It got made yesterday night. - [Simon] Oh, it's very up to date. - 3.9 million. - Josh! (group laughs) - [Josh] I don't trust it. - [Jme] What you mean? My guy. 3.9 mil. Well done. Well done. Simon. - [Ethan] Just jump in. - Who is the best- - Ah, me. (group laughs) - [Simon] Who's the best at what? - Who is the best at making videos in the Sidemen? - [Ethan] What? Who did these? - [Tobi] That's an opinion. That's not fact. - [Jme] Simon. - If it's a Vik fan, they'll say him. But that ain't true. (group laughs) - [Vik] I'll give you a hint. (group shouts indistinctly) - [Ethan] Get in the pool. Get in the pool. - [Vik] The person who I asked to make the quiz, I said, "Some of the questions, leave them to be decided by the host." (group laughs) - The one I'm gonna say, doesn't make videos. - I'm pretty good at rendering. - No, you're dead. (group laughs) - [Simon] I'm gonna go with Harry. Jme's just decided. (group laughs) - [Jme] You're good. You're good. Yeah, yeah. I'm feeling that. I'm feeling that. (Simon grunts) - Ay, Tobes. Who has posted the most on Instagram this year? - Hang me, chief. - [JJ] That's actually mad. - I'll help you out Tobi, all right? It ain't Harry. (group laughs) - [Jme] Harry's posted three times. (group laughs) - [Tobi] Josh has travelled a bit. And so has Vik. Vik bangs- - [Simone] Do have I. - [Tobi] Yeah. - [Simone] Just to throw it out there. - [Tobi] Vik loves to bang like, a little Insta post when he travels, and he's been to a place every month. - [Vik] Yeah, that's true. - [JJ] This is true. I am well travelled. (group laughs) - [Jme] I love the way this is happening. I'm looking at the answers. My guy just reading up the information. Say the name you wanna say, G. 'Cause whatever you say ain't changing nothing here. (group laughs) - [Tobi] I'm gonna say Vik. - [Jme] Final answer? - [Tobi] No. (group laughs) Just take it. Just take the fucking answer. - [Harry] He's taking a run up. (group laughs) - [JJ] This is Sparta! (group laughs) (water splashes) - [Ethan] Oh, I think the chair snapped. - [Josh] Was that a chair snap? - [Ethan] Did the chair snap? - I'm good. (group laughs) - [Jme] JJ, if you can guess what question we're on right now, you could miss a go. - [Group] Ooh. - [Josh] Oh, nice one. But you'll probably guess wrong. - [Jme] You got five seconds. Go. - [JJ] What? - [Jme] What question are we on? - [Simon] Three, two- - [JJ] What do you mean? Instagram. (group laughs) I think it's seven. - [Jme] Ooh, man. It's eight. (group aah's in disappointment) So JJ, out of the rest of you, who's posted the most on Instagram this year? - [JJ] I don't think it's Ethan. - [Ethan] Josh has posted more than me this year. So has Simon. - [JJ] I think it's between me- - [Simon] You? - [JJ] Me and Josh. I think it's me. - [Jme] Final answer? - [JJ] Final answer. (Jme applauds) - [Jme] Everyone clap for JJ. (group applauds) My guy. Yeah. All right. - (beep) yes! - Harry, in the "Sidemen Bowling (Gone Wrong)", who was the first person to get a strike? Before he answers, can we please just roll the clip? - They call me The Ebowler. (upbeat music fades in) (group cheers) - [Ethan] I think it's you. - [Harry] You think it's me? - [Ethan] I think it's you. - I think it could be me as well. (Vik laughs) - [Simon] I don't think it's me. - [Harry] I think it's me. - [Simon] Is that your answer? - [JJ] Is that your answer? - [Harry] That my answer, yeah. (Jme applauds) - [Jme] Everyone give it up for Harry. My guy! Vik, we're gonna give you 10 seconds. (group laughs) In the "Sidemen $10 Million Mansion Hide And Seek" video, Vik, what was Harry wearing when JJ found him? - [Ethan] Oh, I know this. This is easy. - [Vik] He was wearing nothing, he was in the toilet. (group applauds) - [Jme] Everyone clap for Vikkstar! That was there, my guy. That was there. (group chatters indistinctly) I'll have a vote right now. Was that question too easy? - [Group] Yes. - [Jme] Hands up if that question was too easy. - [JJ] Way too easy. (group laughs) - For the next question I'm gonna give you, I'll give you plus or minus two, 'cause that was a very brave thing. Very noble thing. Very noble deed. In the "Sidemen Olympics", Josh may have thrown the discus the furthest, but how far did he throw it? - I'm just gonna go with twenty. (Jme applauds) - [Jme] Clap. Clap. Everyone clap. (group applauds) Clap. Clap for Vik, man. Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. Vik, my guy. My guy. - [Vik] I won? - [Jme] Yeah. A hundred percent. In fact, that was so accurate- - [Josh] It was 19.6. - [Vik] I just went for a round number. - Ethan, not including music videos or diss tracks, yeah? Not including music videos or diss tracks. Which Sideman has the most individually viewed video on YouTube? I can tell you the top two people... - [Ethan] Not Behzinga. (group laughs) - [Jme] The top two people are 3 million apart. - [Ethan] KSI. (Jme applauds) Clap for Ethan. My guy. My guy. My guy. Josh, which Sideman has the second highest total views on their channel. - [Simon] Just one channel. - I'm gonna go with Simon. - [Harry] You're wrong. (group laughs) - [Jme] Simon, which Sideman- - [Simon] Yes sir. - [Jme] Has the most followed Twitch channel? - [Ethan] So why hasn't Josh gone in yet? - It's Vik. - [Jme] Vik, in "How Hard Can the Sidemen Punch?", who scored 22,353 in round one with a straight punch? - [Josh] Remember how hard I punched, fam? (Josh laughs) - [Harry] I'm going with Harry. - [Jme] You're going with Harry? - [Vik] Yeah. - Everybody clap for Josh! (group applauds) (upbeat music fades in) My guy! (upbeat music swells) Everybody keep clapping for- - [Simon] I had my hand on his chair. Can he move his chair further? - [Jme] Josh, scooch your chair please. Can everybody please clap for Simon. (group cheers and applauds) My guy. My guy. Have you gone in? (upbeat music plays) Have you gone in? (group laughs) Tobi. - [Tobi] Yeah. - What date was the first, "GTA 5 Online Funny Moments" video, uploaded on Josh's channel, ZerkaaPlays, to the nearest month and correct year. - [Tobi] It's in October, 2013. - [Jme] October, 2013? - [Josh] You banged it. - [Jme] JJ? - [JJ] Mad. Well played. - [Jme] JJ? - Yeah? - Vik plays a lot of Fortnite. - [JJ] That he does. (group chuckles) He loves it. - Plays a lot of Fortnite. Vik does. But what is the furthest away kill he has managed to achieve- - [Group] Ooh! - To the nearest hundred metres? - [Ethan] That one's so easy! - [JJ] What'd you mean? I have no idea about Fortnite. - [Simon] Actually that's true. It's JJ. - [Jme] But what is the furthest away kill he has managed to achieve to the nearest hundred metres? - [JJ] 260. - [Jme] Harry. - [Harry] Yeah. - [Jme] JJ beat Joe Weller by TKO in the third round. But how much time was left of this round when the referee ended it? Actually, I've just finished the question and I've realised... - [Simon] I've realised, I don't wanna do this question. - [Jme] I realised that this question is for Harry, Vik, and Ethan. The nearest answer wins. - [Group] Ooh. - You're just making up rules. - It's less than a minute. - I'm gonna say there was a hundred seconds left. A hundred seconds left. A hundred seconds left. A hundred seconds left. - [Jme] A hundred seconds? - [Vik] He just said it was less than a minute. (group laughs) - [JJ] He's already said a hundred. (group chatters indistinctly) - [Jme] I've taken it already. There's nothing I can do. - [Vik] I'll go with 40 seconds. - [Jme] 40 seconds? - [Ethan] I'll go with 44. - [Jme] 44 seconds? Smart guy. (Jme applauds) Everybody clap for Tobi! (group applauds) October, 2013! (group applauds) October, 2013! We call him Octobi. (Vik laughs) Not 'cause of October, 'cause of an octopus in the water. My guy! My guy. Well done. JJ. Did he say 300 metres? - [JJ] 300. - A long shot? 300 metres? This guy does not play Fortnite, does he? - [JJ] I don't. - [Jme] But he's still my guy. No he's not. (rock music begins) No where near. It was like 1,200 and something metres. - [JJ] A thousand! - [Jme] Yeah. It was 1,200 and something metres. Harry, sorry bruv. (group laughs) (water splashes) (group laughs) - [Ethan] Mate, this is between me and you now. Vik, bro. Let's do this. - [Vik] Let's get it! - [Ethan] Let's do this champ. - [Vik] Let's get it! - [Ethan] Let's go champ! - Vik said 40. And you played it smart- - [Ethan] 44. - [Jme] 44. My guy. - [Vik] Am I going? - [Jme] My guy. My guy! (group laughs) Everyone clap for Ethan! (group applauds) My guy! (rock music begins) - [Group] Ooh! - [Tobi] That was a slap. (water splashes) - [Jme] Pool party! This just turned into a pool party. (group laughs) - [Josh] Yeah! We'll sit in the pool! (group laughs) Look at JJ's head! Look at Vik! (group laughs) We're gonna give Simon three questions. If he gets all three right, he stays dry. That's fair. To the nearest 10,000, Simon, how many live viewers did the "Sidemen Charity Match" peak at this year? - [Ethan] You should know this. - [Simon] No, I have no idea. - [JJ] You should know this. - Ey! You don't know nothing. I'm gonna go with 476,000. - [Jme] The next question. - [Simon] Look at these guys, man. - [Jme] Why are you laughing? I'm fearing for my life and these guys... You're dry bro. You've been dry. You're a winner. How many products are currently listed on sidemenclothing.com? (group laughs) - [Josh] All the iPhone cases, Android cases, everything. - I'ma just go... They're not even listening. Can I just walk off? (group laughs) (group chatters indistinctly) - 111. - [Jme] 111. Spike me on that one. Last question of the day everybody. Can we have a round of applause for Simon please? He's been a lovely contestant. (Tobi applauds) Lovely contestant. JJ made a song about a Lamborghini. That song is bout to break a hundred million views. But how many likes does it have? - [Harry] Four. (group laughs) - [Jme] To the nearest 100,000? - [JJ] Ah. - 'Kay, we'll give you to the nearest million. (group laughs) - I'm gonna go with- - [Jme] Spike me on that one. - Three. - [Jme] Spike me on that one. - No, no, no. No, no, no. Calm the fuck down. (group laughs) How many live views did the "Sidemen Charity Match" peak at this year? To the nearest 10,000. You said? - [Josh] Video. (group laughs) - [Simon] I said 476. - 476. - [Simon] Thousand, yeah. - [Jme] Our survey says... How many products are currently listed on sidemenclothing.com? - [Simon] I think I said 111. - [Jme] You said? - [Simon] 111. - [Jme] To the nearest ten. That was a very good answer. Spike me on that one. 111? Our survey says... JJ made a song about a Lamborghini. That song is about to break a hundred million views. But how many likes does it have to the nearest million? - [Simon] I've changed your answer. - [Jme] You said? (group laughs) - [Simon] 1 million. - [Jme] You said? - [Simon] 1 million. - [Jme] 1 million. Spike me on that one. He did. He definitely said 1 million. - [Tobi] He said three. (group laughs) - [Josh] He said three! - [Jme] He said one. - [Ethan] He said three, and he told him to, "Calm the fuck down." (group laughs) - [Jme] Listen, listen. Because he's such a winner, 'cause he's a winner, he said three and he said one million. Our survey says... My guy! (rock music plays) (group cheers) - [Josh] Anyway. - So yeah, thank you for tuning into this... What is it? This week's? Yeah? This week's? This week's Sidemen video. This video, obviously, as you can see, is sponsored by sidemenclothing.com. If you want them to do a hide and seek video, please go purchase this tee. The more purchases, the more chance you're gonna see a video. If there's no purchases, there's no video. I'm miked up. - [Tobi] I'm joking. I'm joking. - [Simon] Also, download "Integrity>". - I've got my new album. My new album. Out now in stores. Hey, shout out Skepta's brother. (upbeat music begins)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 16,940,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen
Id: XRbByev0O_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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