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[Applause] we will be doing a heads up yes you know pretty much we're gonna have three teams you guys Joshu Tobias Dean and me so let's not be yeah where's Vic he's oh hi which one doing do you know I'm gonna do it well you're good over there that's cheap trick you've made okay all right are you ready yes you can't say words to rhyme or anything on time okay trendy run against run woman Hillary Clinton yes if I wasn't oh [ __ ] Oh what is it it's a blood oh the big bird it's eats things so it's a eagle it attacks things she used to do drugs it now has their own thing coming out singer Disney show Miley Cyrus do drugs abundant I think drugs they don't be glad to speak addict the boom in the video before spoons everything I don't know club on Friday where we just was for the fight Miami yeah Super Bowl it's JLo Shakira yeah we got three this team has got big brains oh [ __ ] he's massive Oh skip whoa skip skip see oh if I were boy yeah you should get it you did it for a period of 30 days it's not a break your column oh yeah bobbins in the middle of Super Bowl halftime show yeah poor Walker crushed knows in what double trunk alarms don't Trump acquitted yeah but he went through something trial married marriage Kanye oh oh oh how would I say oh he has a late-night TV show American the names not Shakira the other half go yeah yeah Simon make yes you ready yeah what just happened where JLo performed superb yeah a bow and arrow yeah big booty fighting meat milk think you're nuts yeah we'll pass it just come together yeah married a woman called Haley yeah pass what's on TV at 9 p.m. tonight on ITV yeah I've seen that people used to think they were a boy you'll pay me sing up that was a bad as a period in the my god it's like a period of 100 you get 5 yeah here we go what's in between TV shows commercials yes yes friends who Drake back in the day the way yes opposite to a bad place [Music] it makes a weird noise in England animal no but no right now better than Kobe recipe LeBron the [ __ ] white dude does this show Plus that light dude does this was the way you would do a line across yeah Oh [Music] famous singer he's dead now Cuddy heads my no Billy no no no iris it go let me show you I'm crushing people's heads between the spies passed away yeah I final round you guys already won but we're gonna pick your category yeah JJ has chosen you guys to do the category x-men yeah okay I describe them okay USB stick USB cable yes it's wrong Peter no no no like a company that livers Peaks are it's a shape of a little square thing or a tangle thing that you can get play gave me to cool down Domino's take on this high voltage I would be in what you know train was coming towards me your house on the rails I would be [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] flaming these I don't know okay right [Music] you know you watch electric shock no but what's other besides the smoke we need there's also flashbang flag there's also yes no stop baby [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] Neelix the care for the king yeah so there's specialist topic is a accents and impressions it's just actions by the way and just impressions display like really yummy [ __ ] Oh gangster Mike Tyson [ __ ] I can't be that one that's I'm sorry [Music] and Abby you back you fat you have one looking editor yes what did you get me we got four which brings our total to 12 [Applause] you got 11 a second place Hey yes I am impression alright well that's it for today let's get more sidemen to ten million subscribers statistically a [ __ ] if you aren't subscribed it's so sub you [ __ ] doubts percent the roof drops so we poke an eye the sunroof no AC no MP fees only see each number what you wanna do if I don't make it please I'm faking you got me if I call you I got this [ __ ] to that got you when the Sun is up the cross the greenery no TV screen only please guys please use your imagination tell me what your dream and a picture you are not on the scene why are you snapping ah saying getting creamed from serving packets I'm not doctor feed summer run no budget you don't love it can you put up with it I've got a plan and I see are scaring a couple of digits but can you ride a tower will you get tired
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 4,053,347
Rating: 4.9625258 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen
Id: EllI3TfB-p8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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