I Tricked MrBeast Into Giving Me $100,000

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this is the moment I tricked Mr Beast into giving me an extortionate amount of money and this is the story of how I did it cuz the only reason this was even possible is cuz I'm running for prime minister and if you don't know what that is it's basically the UK's version of running for president the main difference is one person can only run in one area of the country and they usually represent a party and whichever party wins the most areas win the entire election and their leader becomes prime minister but I don't want to fight another party's battle because all they do is lie so we found a way to trick the system to allow Nicol Milana to run in multiple places across the country and save each place from our terrible government and I've done this by legally changing people's names and training them to be just like me and when we get enough votes as a collective I will declare myself prime minister and if I'm going to be prime minister I want to be a good one so I've decided to look at the areas our current prime minister has failed and I was shocked to see his party claim they'd get rid of homelessness by 2024 and not only did they fail but homelessness is back on the rise my first order business was to raise as much money as I could for homelessness so that I could hopefully contribute towards a solution but how can you make a ridiculous amount of money quickly on YouTube well the best answer would be Mr Beast and as I'm running for prime minister I had the opportunity to give him an offer he couldn't refuse all I had to do was go and pay him a visit in America welcome hello Jimmy why am I here well I'm running for prime minister of the United Kingdom oh this again yes well it was actually mayor last time we've leveled it up I'm now running for Prim Minister yeah there's no shout you in oh well I'm telling you now that I will win and I'll find a way okay I've got something which I'm going to bring to the table in this briefcase oh boy we have ooh okay bar and I promise you Jimmy if I win this election I will ban these chocolates unless you do what I'm going to ask of you you're blackmailing me no not blackmail just more of a proposition what do you want the moment I'm make my announcement mhm for the first 50 hours I'm going to make as much money as I possibly can okay whatever I make you have the match what did it for febles they won't be banned from the United Kingdom it's not enough when you win I want you to tell everyone to eat Feast tables you little [ __ ] boy Jimmy you think you can barter with me that's not how this works you can thread me all you want but that's what I'm bringing to the table so when I win you want me to tell people to eat petables agreed okay if I win the election I will say that for you I'm doing this for you I accept hold on brother I think you really made the right decision then don't forget what we agreed to I won't forget all right brother don't act like you didn't blackmail me I didn't it was it was a pleasure doing business with you Jimmy when I'm president I may or may not ban indl clothing unless you keep your word okay I will keep my word we'll see we got it we got Jimmy in the palm of my hand sorry Mr Beast we're about to make an extortionate amount of money but 50 hours isn't a lot of time to make an extortionate amount of money so I was going to need a plan see I have a few friends that like to wager and for the 50 hours after my Prime ministerial announcement I was going to be wagering each of them in all sorts of competitions for some serious money but little do they know I mapped it all out so the odds will be completely in my favor the only thing I couldn't work out how to swing my way was a pre bottle flipping match against knowledge but that's a problem for the future right now it was time to announce my campaign hello my friends I've decided to run for prime minister and I'm going up against our current prime minister rishy sunak in the area of Richmond and plan to completely remove him from the political world in the coming weeks I plan to show you that a man in children's glasses could do a better job than the horrific abysmal people running the country right now I hope you guys know how seriously I'm taking this it's time to put this country in my safe hands July 4th make sure you vote for niiko rishy sonx you have no Aura it's time to go 4 3 ah it's posted perfect so now I'm going to message Jimmy and I'm going to tell him 50 hours Starts Now Mr Beast here we go and you know what we have the perfect first challenge this challenge was a way for us to make the money to start wagering and the way we're doing that was using my good friends at the beta Squad so we do a lot of 10,000 challenges here at the beta Squad and I usually win them so if I could set up one of these challenges without the guys realizing it was me it would be the easiest money I've ever made so I hit up the beta Squad channel manager to set up a shoot if you could set up a beta shoot and tell everyone that we've got like a big brand deal I need a competition where I can win 10 grand from the beter account but uh yeah everyone needs to know it's a legit beta vid yeah amazing thank you s you're a real one and bang the guys were locked in with that being set up it was down to me to supply context so here's the plan the video has been set up for the beta Squad second Channel with a £10,000 prize which the guys thought was going to involve a brand deal for an Incredible Hulk game which I made up and the video concept was simple speed eating who can eat the food the quickest and our chosen food was great so I went and bought some and went about swinging the challenge in my favor I carefully measured each great putting the large ones in one cup for The Other Guys and the smallest ones in another cup for me meaning I should walk away with the £10,000 and if that's not enough I had a corrupt referee for safety who I briefed just before the shoot you need to penalize anyone who eats more than one grape at a time so I want to do good stuff for this country and you'll be failing our country if I don't win but it is a fair match Fair yeah fair and before the Baer Squad arrived I headed back outside and hid in our car to avoid suspicion then once everyone had arrived headed straight back in seemingly unaware of what was about to happen and I was sure to let them know that we are running for prime minister the guy seemed happy for me but it was time to get into the first money-making match speed eating the grapes c main camp this is the beta Squad grape in contest powered by The Incredible Hulk the challenge is simple we have 50 grapes each that we have to Hulk smash the first person to complete it wins indeed they do King Kenneth but now it's time for RF to give these guys the rules so there's not many rules you're only allowed to eat one grape at a time and if I catch you eat more than one grape that's a 3 second penalty uh I'll bring out the platters now you're all going to open them at the same time in the moment it's opened you have to start eating but wait is there 50 in each one yeah there's 5 Z 50 confirmed confirmed chunks is trying his best to make sure it's an even playing field but behind my eyes I was already awaiting the realization on their faces when they see my tray compared to theirs it was time to begin he you guys ready to start three two one eat with AJ choken Under Pressure I now only had Kenny and chunks left to compete with and Kenny started to notice the size of my grapes these grapes are small look at the size of them I'm not having this look at these grapes and now with Kenny wasting time complaining it was now down to chunks who shockingly at this point was ahead of me how am I so bad that I have everything in my favor and I might still lose so I had to give the ref a nudge to keep an eye on him 3 second P chunks not stopping for the time penalty meant I had no time to catch up so the referee had no choice but to go to the extreme 5 Seconds you did the first one well I did one two you're about to get disqualified one two what three you got a disqualification we turn 3 second to you and you didn't stop of course about what you I'm done bro you had penalties how many you had a penalty and you weren't listening to it for what's the penalty stop 3 seconds you can't do nothing I thought you add him in 3 seconds no that's not fair thanks to our non-corrupt ref chunks was then disqualified for not stopping every single time he was given a penalty meaning I was left to finish my final grape in peace why am I even still eating that was cheat that was a cheatting I had betrayed my brothers £10,000 had been snatched from their pockets and I felt awful but I knew I had to do this for my country and there was no going back now so the great beating competition who's the winner all rigged man that's n no I'm not having that all the sizes of his grapes were outrageous tough they actually you know they actually tough tough I'm going to I'm going to be a soul loser fa you won youon wow what a day £10,000 do that to me now and with that my first £10,000 was Secure and the shoot was wrapped he's just ground made in my entire life £10,000 first 10,000 made and now let's see how much we can run it up Mr Beast you're going to lose out on a lot of money here so the first day was done and I needed to get an early night because we were about to really push ourselves to the Limit now I've got some money the first person I wanted to wager was rapper stormy aka Big Michael when it comes to music he's completed the game but we were going to be putting 10K on the line in a sport he's obsessed with called paddle which is a doubles racket sport similar to tennis the difference being you play with a bat and you're allowed to bounce the ball off the walls during play and every time I've played with him and his partner o they always win so I knew he'd definitely be up for the wager but how was I going to swing the odds in my favor this time so we're currently here and we're meeting a very special someone my partner over there pleasure to meet you n you big up brother ready to win we are ready ready man this is nil a professional paddle player with a ranking of third best in Great Britain who also just happens to be my doubles partner for today's match but for big Michael we were going to pretend he's my brother maybe at the start of you just make yourself not play yeah I haven't played much I haven't really played and then we just turn it on and just done cing and it didn't take long for our competition to arrive already with the trash talk you ready this 10 bags here 10 grand on the L you know I've never beat you before no never to not the dayner it's my brother yeah yeah I've been teaching your your brother brother yeah yeah my brother oh your brother brother yeah you know what's going on has he playing a little bit you're getting smoked let's make this quick man make this quick man gra L I'll I'll send it straight after 10 grand on the line here we go yeah 10 grand yeah yeah 10 grand there we Go's do it man a lot on the line brother niik what's your name nik nik nik nik oh we say Nik and Nik we got started and like I requested Nill was going easy on the boys in the first game I wanted Mikey boy to enjoy himself at least a little bit going into this all right 15 love ah very love yeah that's you ah F love please please you you come on yes thank you bro that's right keep laughing little Michael You're Now 1 n up but don't get too big for your boots cuz we're about to turn up the heat my brother nille was about to flip the switch brother serious serious turn it on yeah turn it on yeah yeah yeah you have absolutely no idea what's coming for you right now big Michael no clue Turning Point come on let's break him shocked shocked bang that's that we're talking [Music] oh good return that's you boy that's where that come from I don't know how he got that from now where did this come from yes where's this come from they've tricked us isn't it they [ __ ] tricked us he's he's lit who is this is this your brother wait wait stop stop who is this who is this bro it's my brother he he started playing last month do you know I know Nick I've seen all this guy's vids yeah and I'm so dumb Fam I'm actually so dumb I don't know what I thought and it didn't stop there b b oh my God oh my God punish punish punish [Music] punish n showed no mercy and made their lives a living hell youing there we go oh bro how the [ __ ] did he get that getting a lot of beginner's luck I feel I wasn't expecting uh my brother to be this good at the sport you're a [ __ ] you know that you know it's crazy this is not your [ __ ] brother bro trying to to see them resemblance you got their same the same who this man who that brother that's a look Alik good Photoshop though well done well done Michael was burning but there wasn't anything he could do about it that's you that's you you know I already know this is it that's our Point bang bang they even tried out a new tactic and started trying to only target me wait come here just but unfortunately for them even I was smoking them that was me just so we know yeah this point if we win that's 10 grand you got that you got that that's breakfast there we go oh [ __ ] help there we go well this is the first time I beat this guys this it's one of the highlights of my life right here [ __ ] finesse brother man so um how how do we uh arrange the the P your [ __ ] details bro you know I just want to tell you I'm I'm running for prime minister I don't know if you see I a't voting for you you would vote for me no bro you're fuing you're a scam artist don't vote for this [ __ ] [ __ ] off he's a [ __ ] scam artist I'm going to stand outside the [ __ ] ballot [ __ ] place and I'm going to tell everyone not to vote for you bro specifically okay well then watch what happens when I'm prime minister I'll ban your music from the radio yeah yeah I I'll do good things with the money so with that Michael made his way back home I thank Nill for his time and it was then time for me to get dressed and ready for my next money-making scheme all right let's go do you think the storm de hates me oh I actually do he sent me this nicool Milana mark my words my revenge will be sweet you know Manuka honey I might be diabetic by the time I'm done with you I don't know when I don't know how mark my words touche bad word touche and it's only going to get worse from here because we're about to do a challenge with another one of my friends next on our radar is YouTuber Harry Panero famous for his humor and making people laugh and I asked Harry if he'd be up for a £5,000 wager to see who'd be the best at making people laugh you say that you're funnier than me all the time in fact you tell me I'm not funny so if I'm not funny put your money where your mouth is and let's put it on the line in front of a crowd an audience what are you saying but obviously I had to swing the odds in my favor so I actually recruited the crowd and took inspiration from my Australian friends the misfit minds and gave the crowd one simple instruction hello everyone if you guys just make sure you don't laugh at a single one of his jokes I mean you can if you want but it would be better if you didn't thanks guys appreciate it wo everything was in place and the crowd were clued up just in time for Harry to arrive here he is WHYY man Harry oh I mean you could say that what's on the line 5,000 UK from either my bank account or yours for the winner whoever makes more Feel Love there we go perfect let's go inside he's literally already started his his thing our Stakes were clear which leaves nothing else to do but go back inside and let Harry anxiously wait to get called on stage I'm mer now no n I've done a lot of amazing things why is my heart beating like this Harry was appropriately nervous but he didn't have too long to dwell on that feeling because he's up first let welcome to the stage your friend of mine it's Harry [Music] gentlemen I will do how's everyone doing good that's the poor energy how's everyone doing so I've got like 10 minutes to try and make you guys laugh um if you don't mind if you can put on some piece of paper your sort code and account number and I can wire you some money okay that one didn't go too well all right um well I've got some news I thought I'd share um my girlfriend is actually pregnant but it's not mine it's actually not mine it's uh it's my friends all right um what can I do to make you guys laugh now obviously this is one of the worst things I've ever done in my life done a lot of good things um okay um why did the chicken cross the road I don't know I was trying to ask you guys um who are the fastest [Music] readers people that jump off B cuz they go through stories quickly no okay after whipping out the big guns and still getting nothing back Harry knew something was up what what is this genuinely what is this is is there a problem have you guys got a problem with me wow well done ni man genuinely well done uh well I've been Harry uh Panero I'm usually better than this um and obviously you guys have all been paid to not laugh which is fair um but I will catch you all one day you as well burgundy top I can see you all right well Round of Applause for me leaving then I [Applause] guess Harry was very upset about how his performance went and he clearly wasn't happy with me either I want to say well done for robbing me for five 5 grand you paid them well man I I didn't pay anything I promise you did Harry I promise you I didn't pay them anything but you will be paying me £5,000 so just just to be clear I just need like one laugh and I've won right he done me he done me so Harry was R with excuses but it was time for me to show him what a real comedian looks like ladies Gentlemen please welcome to S [Applause] Niko oh wow wait hold on oh well done ni man I never doubted the ndl for a second we'd taken five grand off Mr Panero and our bank account was looking a lot more healthy because of it and luckily Harry was humble in defeat I just want to say out of all the finesses I've known well done man send me your deals 5 grand bye Nic bye Harry what a great guy that was a remarkable success but I couldn't have done it alone thanks for that guys you guys all helped me make five grand We Were Somehow up £25,000 but as great as this was there was something stopping me from enjoying it my con I don't really know how to describe it it just doesn't feel right and I guess that's taking money off my friends and that's why we're doing this for a good cause but it doesn't feel right it's clear that as much as I wanted to ignore it the feeling of taking money off of my friends was taking its toll on me it made me feel dirty corrupt even just like the politicians I was trying so hard to remove and I'll be honest my head was completely out of this challenge but I'd already started so I couldn't turn back now so I had to remind myself that this wasn't for nothing we were trying to help the homeless issue in the UK so I went and met up with the homeless charity under one sky and we were going to scam them next just kidding I wanted to see their approach for helping homelessness and the founder Mel told me they provide food drink underwear and toiletries however he was adamant that it's much more than just giving out the essentials the most important thing is to uh spend time with people a lot of these people they have no contact or connection to the rest of society so Mel told me just how important a conversation can be so as we traveled across London helping people with Essentials I got to know some of the stories along the way including fared a worker at under one sky [ __ ] in 202 I to play football not try you're you a bull yeah and then with Co and things went I ended up like on street for like six weeks really what in Co after moving here for football yeah and then they they and and helped you with them since then far story proves that the work that under one guy do is effective and with 1 in 152 people in the UK being at risk or homeless they need support now more than ever the thing that people need to know is that it doesn't have to stay like that yeah there's always there's always a way back so just need that help in hand sometimes exactly this gave me the motivation I needed to keep going as the money I earn is going directly to them we are in the final 12 hours today we take on the yunji brothers deji was the next man on our hit list and he loves cars so I asked him if he'd be up for a simple race within the speed limits to see who was the better driver with the winner getting 10K and surprise surprise he was up for it so this is going to be our starting point me and deji will sit here I'll go first run up to the car run to the shops grab a Bott of prime come back sit here Dei on the other hand when he goes will have a lot more of a tricky situation this is Ellen and the plan is she's going to be waiting in the shop and stalling deji as much as she can just to try and help me win here he is yeah this guy can't drive he cannot drive I won what the what's wrong with deji arrived and we took him on a drive to show him the very simple 650 M race circuit so that he knew exactly where to go and would therefore be a complete idiot to possibly go the wrong way during the actual Race So after seeing this course do you think you can beat me deji yeah well I've seen your driving experience and I don't think you're a good driver I've only crashed like five times Well when I become Prime Minister I'm going to make sure you you never drive again we'll get you off the road but the time for talking was over it was now time for to put his money where his mouth was 10 grand £10,000 you think you'll beat me 100% okay all right let's see and to set the standard I was up first all right let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go move you're so slow here we go I'm not a driver I have never used this car before either I don't want to lose I don't want to lose oh wa he's so fast wa look at him shut up deji shut up oh not a red light not a red light this is is not good this is a lot of money you know ah just move forward a bit can you do this yeah you're doing it you allowed we're doing it okay we're doing it anyways I'm not a driver I'm not a driver I've never been a driver perfect parking how am I going to get out of here that wasn't the fastest run to the shops for me and now George was trying to set me up even more hurry up George what's wrong with you quick hello hello hello here's the prime just get that hopefully there we go perfect thank you thank you very much have a nice day oh wow I left the keys in the car okay Real Talk how am I meant to get off this so we got all this traffic that's I'm just going to wait I might actually lose this you know they're letting me yeah all right okay oh my God I'd wasted a whole minute on the pavement there even with sabotage deji could easily beat this time and park up Park up Park up Park up par up let's go lock it up how I even lock that gu D hello hello hello 8 Minute 3 8 minutes 3 seconds bro I get minus 8 minutes and 3 seconds I'm going Smokey George set me up he was too scared to cross the road I think that time you have a very good chance to beat me and now it was deji's turn if he can beat 8 minutes and 3 seconds he wins 10,000 lb off quick yeah he's oh he's quick he's definitely getting up there faster than I did oh I'm screwed I swear that lady but take okay you know what I'm I'm start my own timer I start my own Tim so I cont trct he's already in the car he's already in the car left right the way what this way think hurry up bro is he on the wrong road he's in a traffic jck he's in TR this is our deal I've lost and there's a Learner in front of me as well oh bro it's done I've lost 10K he's lost Nico he stitched me how do he not know the directions it's the first left and then the first left again man how C man just lost 10K like that you know oh my gosh there's the shop right we going to park up on the right we've got a space though a do I have to go to that space yeah you stitched me I haven't what what am I doing you Stitch I'm sitting there filming he's he's blaming George after a nightmare start our friend Ellen was about to make dead she's race a whole lot worse where' you find the prime sorry uh literally right there thank you sorry why are you filming me no I don't want to be on camera know you won't be on camera I need to just buy this real quick what's it for no I it's it's for a documentary it's about prime what's it a documentary oh God I don't to be camera how much sorry can I change my mind I have the ti it's part of your plan isn't it I want to be on film at all it's buing AB absolutely human thank you thanks thank you let's buy this thank you right yeah we good thank you thank you bro thank you wait what what time is he oh damn oh damn indeed despite the holdups my time was so bad that deji still has a chance you're nuts I am nuts I also don't want to lose 10K and with a clear run with no traffic on the way back this was uncomfortably close oh my gosh it's photo finished surprise wait there it is there it is leave open it's photo finished I said leave the door [Music] open oh my gosh all right what's pause it pause it pause it what's the time what's the time what's the time what's the time yeah [Laughter] yes yes yes yes after all of that 24 seconds in it how did you lose that some old lady bro wait there was a lady in the shop yeah what you he paid her in it what how how I how would I have paid a random lady what you think I'm just going to put someone there send me my money right now de pleasure doing business man does that mean I'm officially a better driver than you bye D so we now have 35 £5,000 but that could all change very easily as next up I'm going up against knowledge in a prime bottle flip shootout and he wouldn't wager me unless I put down some serious money I was really putting it all on the line with this one and this time I physically couldn't sway the odds in my favor the majority of the money in which we've made will now be putting on the line 25 Grand is what this bottle flip is going to be for everything else has been tactical there's been a breakdown there's been a way in which I know that I'll win this one I can't guarantee anything so we're now here with knowledge okay so are you going to beat me in this Prime bottle Flip or am I going to beat you uh I'm well I want to win yeah but guess what knowledge you're not going to win let me tell you what's happened in these past couple of days yeah first off I took money off Beta Squad then I took some money off stormy then I took money off Harry Panero oh wow and just today I took money off your own blood what my brother no your dad no your brother okay and now most of the money is going on the line to take some money off you 25 Grand the one thing which you need knowledge is you need to pick your Prime bottle uh you actually drink the drink yeah wow it's it's it's nice how are you still alive uh let's go for this one so with both our Prime bottles now at the ready it was time for the bottle flip penalty shootout okay knowledge are you ready yes this might be the most expensive bottle flip match of all time do you want to serve or should I yeah go for it what's going on I'm trying to get in the zone knowledge okay first shot missed okay is it my turn now your turn your turn oh oh thank goodness thank goodness why are you shaking this is a lot of money [Music] knowledge so that's one one mil to you [Music] go oh oh my goodness one one okay oh 1 one three penal is in two to go okay that was terrible that was absolutely all right up to you oh so close let just take him look take I feel the pressure I feel the pressure I really really really needed to hit this next one otherwise I'd be giving knowledge an open opportunity to take almost everything from me [Music] okay that's it I'd given him a chance to take pretty much all of my money I'm such an idiot I may be smiling but I was genuinely devastated at this point if knowledge gets this one that is 25 Grand down the [Music] drain oh my goodness left my body okay oh now it's sudden death oh my God sudden death what is this what is this have you have you done any practice yes yes I have oh God okay you're up that was that wasn't very good I over flipped it sudden death oh okay all right knowledge God it's all on this 25 Grand on 25 Grand oh wait wait wait please if we can start still speeding and uh start the track on this one please thank you that's uh Nostalgia for you yeah yeah definitely is walk right [Music] I couldn't believe it I actually won £25,000 off of knowledge it had all paid off I'd taken money off some great friends in the process but at least now it was all for a good cause I thought I was a goner oh noly thank you very much it was never in doubt never ever in doubt oh my goodness well how how how's that feel huh you just lost £25,000 I guess it's right oh that brings our tally to £60,000 I'm so bad at that so with that I bid farewell to knowledge and knowledge Jr and went on my way but we still had 2 hours left of the challenge which I wanted to fill with one final side quest let's go let's go my mom messaged me asking for some toilet roll toilet rolls and I agreed to drop it off but for the price of 100 quid which brought our final grand total to 0,100 not bad but now it was time to report back to the big man all right what's the damage you ready Jimmy oh boy 7.9 million I'm joking I'm joking I'm joking I'm joking I'm joking okay okay okay what's the actual number the actual number is 0,100 oh really that's it what what what do you mean congrats that's it so with my funds that'll bring you up over 120 Grand my friend the campaign's well on the way we'll make good use of that money yeah just tell me where to Wi it I can't wait for you to win and walk than so UK is be so awesome Jimmy thank you very much thank you better win I will win if you lose I'm never talking to you again bye bye Jimmy we got it we got Mr Beast he was absolutely fuming that he's lost that money absolutely he cared so much that he lost that £60,000 I guess you could say we tricked Mr Beast into giving me £100,000 and right there is the title now the question is George what are we going to do with the money we met back up with farad and Mel from wonder1 Sky who thought we would meet in just to have some drinks so basically for the the past few days I've been making as much money as I can because Mr Beast said that he'd match all of it um and the one thing which I wanted to do for this campaign is to raise that money for homelessness I was massively touched by your story fared and just the work in which you're doing I really thought that you guys had like a Clear Vision on how you could help homelessness so I've actually got something which I wanted to give you guys okay this uh is a culmination of a lot of work and a lot of people my friends at the beta Squad stormy Harry Panero deji knowledge and Mr Beast they've all worked together to raise money for under one sky which is 12,000 holy that's amazing yeah amazing for you guys that's going to help us so much we as a charity are really at the sort of about to start the next chapter and this is just going to it's really going to enable us to start that Journey now uh so yeah this is amazing amazing thank you so much amazing amazing amazing RI may want young people to go to war allegedly but I think we should be able to put our efforts towards positive change if you want to donate to under one sky go to their website and if you want to volunteer to help homelessness under one sky would be more than welcoming to all my friends who've been tricked out of money in this video I'll give you an opportunity to win your money back fair and square should you choose to take up the offer and as for me I'm going to continue running for prime minister if you're from any of these places make sure you support your local nicam Milana on July 4th the election day I myself will be running in Richmond and North Altin documentary coming soon peace
Channel: Niko Omilana
Views: 6,348,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vdfjYDJzaGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 37sec (2257 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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