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hello and welcome to sidemen calorie challenge in europe we've split into three teams visit three different countries that is germany italy and spain in those countries we're trying out the following cuisines to ensure we get a taste of that country let's get into it tag and welcome to berlin we are here to consume as many calories as we can yes hungry for four hours we've made it to florence welcome back to savage sunday no we've done an intro it's already in it sorry we're in florence this is our team tina randy yo guys we're in europe eating food should we get to the sea now today's location is barcelona you didn't say it bro yes because you said you're right again you're a bro because yes we're in barcelona yeah are you [ __ ] you're an idiot yeah i mean there's also burgermeister which could be a way to open the gates because you think if you go to a restaurant yes they're gonna see us take our time okay so maybe burgermeister is our way too one for the walk on the menu though what does this mean i've got no idea okay well i'm actually starving what are we feeling first uh pasta oh i'm on pasta right now i'm actually gonna go to the restaurant just eat the [ __ ] out of it yeah eat the chocolate literally [ __ ] that's something in the toilet how much color is this yeah we need to see the most calories that's a team together and you've got randy which is good it's pretty solid one of the things this man's been training he's been starving himself for the last day and a half yeah i just did a crap so i've got lots of space i had to close some space too yeah yeah yeah i think we all did we all shut we shot and you just it is good if you can yeah yeah eat this man use his fingers bread statues little penises and that did you know that it used to be sought after to have a small penis that is a tiny dick he's definitely a girl look at the [ __ ] side of him no well that's him he's got children like fondling his ass actually has that's illegal italy you're weird but this is the real [ __ ] this is where all the calories come in oh my god yeah well wow wow oh my god as a former fat man yes what is calories cheese is that yes i don't know if that can do that no that would do you all uh but yes cheese all the croissants and muffins little donuts all right coming up this whole section will get you busy calorific yeah yeah yeah some meats as well didn't realize they uh they served your little chopper in there oh yeah we're in feed me look at the composure bring me my food give me those calories i feel like i've climbed a mountain to bring you this food this is a this is a fat burger this is like a this is also delicious this is so good yeah holy [ __ ] i feel like by being on the side man i'm becoming a fast food reviewer i've gone to sweden tried max burgers came to germany tried to burger meister how is this my job where mark may left now though yeah honestly holy [ __ ] this is amazing we just walked in like one of the best burger place i've ever been to you know like this is like takeaway burger this is fantastic why does europe have such high food standard qualities compared to like england and america man like zurka man like josh men like simon this is steak and movies episode two we're in italy it's how it is supposed the issue is yeah yeah they're calories they're on a gallery oh no no but we can make it up because it's a seven video just fake anyways okay odds on got like and it has to be a small odds for vic to go under the pump what got just pumped mayonnaise into his mouth what are we saying like i'll get now i'll give you odds of four three two one three you can have your burger first because you may want to pop it back up do i want my burger first i don't know i thought we might not have started too strong that's my only thing this is literally what i said when you wanted the big boy burgers did i not say this four minutes ago cheers down this with me cheers voice calories all right well in i'm gonna start with this this is my go-to plate it looks like a normal breakfast until you get some chocolate things lux is going big on the carbs i've never seen such a beige blade that's nothing but baked we have ordered randolph went like this yes you ordered a starter in a maine well a lot of more then we ordered a pasta and a pizza boat oh yeah yeah yeah but you had four drinks liquid curry's count today how many calories are in red wine i don't know i don't know i'll google it what's my first calorie of the trip tastes like vinegar i don't like red wine but now i want to try it yeah yeah let's face it instantly watch that it tastes like red wine also show us how to actually grip the wine no because too what now you get them all right i'm watching for a fight i don't want to eat it oh i'd want to go in here now what he's about to do is disgusting all right oh that's outrageous no no no no no no no no no one pump brother i wanted more that's disgusting you are a beast focus on winning you are a beast i don't even like mayonnaise no one knows god god loves you in public big daylight in front of all these people think of the games oh my god ah no no lick it off lick it off swallow it fix the average woman can do it you can do it buddy come on come on get enough i'm gonna throw up just let me take my time go get a nut get me a napkin get rid of it i didn't i nearly threw up all right breakfast scrambled eggs chorizo baked beans hash brown bacon french toast yeah this treat so yeah very good i love drinks though that is a work of art that has to be about five six hundred calories right now i'm not even catholic moving that road to shore that is definitely 2.5 it has to be there's no way it's not yeah thank you that looks like poo it's like there's a bit of sweet corn there oh it's great it's great you should try it yeah yeah sure oh it looks horrible i'm gonna put mine over here and save it for later yes the streets we're on the street all right come here buddy one more lick then you get the napkin one more thing it comes to play there you go there you go we do have fun we do have fun that's that's every scoop by the way is 50 calories 50 100 150 200 250 you've actually ruined the meal though so what i didn't travel to italy for this why did they bring such a handsome sculpted man like me to the calorie challenge well stuff like this wow that's phenomenal i think it's about 3k calories here yeah have that [ __ ] you in italy and [ __ ] you in germany we're flying no no no no it's about okay i'll do the match and i'll let you know later yeah it's the least colorful city i've ever seen like i don't want the riddle on the germans too much the river you're up on the river that way i'll just that way because i know stuff i actually feel sick you know you're telling me you're sick already do you feel sick me i genuinely nearly threw up the entire burger the second that mayonnaise you should have my bro you should have no strategically smart those are five guys there milkshake for the road walk and sip like we these are like uh hey no no no no i understand i know i'm i starved myself for this video i'm ready oh these milkshakes are hefty as well i'm gonna be able to get the i've just eaten up 1.2 k calories in one city now you want to have a meal no but no i'm not saying like down your mouth which i'm saying enjoy the city walk in the sun step on your milkshake and let those calories flow through you finito finito i'm not eating that [ __ ] man you know what's mad i thought after this i was like wow randy's ordered a lot he's gonna have the most calories i've had a coffee wine i still if i don't have a conversation don't order the [ __ ] tuscan fruits it's absolutely crap what is it i'd say it looks pretty good it looks like food how many calories is communion tofu drizzle uh about 0.5 how many calories in jesus you can't really you can't really quantify that can i not eat jesus can i not eat the holy spirit the holy spirit has got to be at least lord lord have mercy if you were able to eat the holy spirit that's the million calories [Music] thank you sir there you go appreciate it man 600 calories wow there's nice hill we could sit on over there yeah i'm doing the milk yeah i'm seeing it all right oh it's actually worse right so the base shake is 670. bacon adds 80. what did you get oreo adds 90 to 360 depending on how much you add this is 70 shades this is so dense it needs to melt i'm getting more bacon it's just crunchy crunchy bacon oh crispy bacon that sounds like it could work but not in a shake surely so harry would you like to go and sit on this hill you know what i'd like nothing more i was saying to simon on the podcast i'm not in any top do you have a video so you think it could be a thing like top three i don't think it's my fault that i'm that it's not gonna view i think it's like i just get called into this thing oh people see you're in there and they click off no no no it was like brandy's 20 versus one he has a child get him to do something so big zerg has given us a list of foods that we should be eating today oh yeah yeah wait no no i just want to confirm something who the [ __ ] does he think he is telling him what to eat what food that we can eat either yeah that's a bit mad well we are in spain so i do sort of get it so player tapas toby wants to tap out today very good very good spanish omelette uh we could have asked spanish from notebooks uh true we substitute now potatoes you already know about potassium and sangria and don't you worry you got me on that sangria and australia are going down my dad today everyone having fun yeah that's great great hell harry you know what i've seen better hills in my time but it is a hill like it's a very constructed hill i feel like it takes away a bit from it there's natural hills and something that hit differently this is this is too much by the way like i can't do this yes you can just give it you have to we have to win oh there's a fly in my [ __ ] milk [ __ ] off that's extra points mate my extra two calories for a flight these are my calories not yours dude doesn't he's just eating the [ __ ] cream he doesn't stuck what do you mean he's clearly trapped in the cream i don't want to alarm you i'm almost finished by the way yeah i'm getting i'm actually i've been sending the whole thing but thank you fries thank you no no this whole thing yeah i'll give you 30 seconds i'll give you a grand if you a year as soon as it touches your mouth i'm starting okay okay ready we'll go get all of it there's no way 30 seconds come on all of it let's pan the camera this way i've outside and it there's literally zero now come on faster he's giving up loudly spill half of it on him do you make progress yeah i'm pretty sure there's more than they started yeah let's go muscle beach i'll say listen i can do a muscle up very content all right tell him you can do it all right guys just want to show you what a muscle up looks like yes [Music] yes thank you thank you i almost had it you know the fact that watching a fly die inside my milkshake as i drink it it's kind of kind of ruining the vibe right i went with this whole walk and drink strategy and i've just killed the whole thing yeah it's so good i'm done right let's keep walking boys randy has finished his pasta yeah i had the same thing was it there's something in there that was really hard hard it's my last bit of pizza it may be 11 a.m but can we please have two pints of sangria thank you this is perfect refuel this is great because it's going to gas us up this is you know not only are we going to do pull-ups today but we're going to be now once you've done a muscle up the best thing to do is have some sangria yeah yeah yeah recovery recovery pigeons really like won the genetic like the the whole of europe every city you go to in europe pigeons just run the joint look at them they won nothing too good imagine being a [ __ ] pigeon they won nothing how many uh calories do you think they're like in a pigeon oh yeah i mean probably if you ate everything 300 400. i think more i think if you ate everything there's a rock over there i could probably eat one we've got some activity by the way you can't stop this man what we're all hopping on you guys burn calories okay just don't go fast i'm on one foot i have absolutely no balance here oh [ __ ] okay struggling can the motor not carry us harry we need to walk to burn calories oh [ __ ] me uh what's this you already oh god damn that is so salty yeah salt that [ __ ] chicken can you zoom in on that that's got to be at least 3 000 calories yeah finish that off go on dad jesus birthday i'm so sure at this point my way we're winning lad we've eaten a pasta and a pizza he's eating poo i'm the worst ever see this in my future ashtray sangria realistically my big belly out oh you can start it now if you want it's been a long time since we've had a little sunny drink together so it's a pleasure to be here there's probably about 50 calories in here though no that's that's that's good wow that's that strong i love sangria see everything looks okay until jesus comes over look do i have to tend to that yeah just don't sit next to me right now because i look [ __ ] sad your back looks nuts look semi-acceptable right now bro jesus christ your back looks and your shoulders look crazy ah this is the thing is i actually i love food too much because i've actually i did a bolt successfully but i can't get rid of it now let's see what have we got on our list of foods to try oh harry we've done one of them i didn't even realize german beer oh exactly so we're one down we've got bratwurst currywurst schnitzel and black forest gato a currywurst yeah where are we gonna find that one good question there's an indian right throughout the house oh you know what that's crazy really good knife for this week right what does the bear say you want me to read it yeah uh i love sausage do you do you love sausage i need to go across the team so maybe we i'm not ready to eat yeah bro it's time let's play a game okay right one of us gets a meal off one person needs to carry work one person needs to break work okay what game should we play race from here to that you see that like the the raised bit there and what do you have to do and then come back oh [ __ ] touch it and come back oh what on that running race that might make us vomit that'd be good if you hit traffic that's your own fault oh yes thank you the calories in italy university calories in italy and chicago [Laughter] that's lovely that why does so many foods taste like soap white is really soapy man i might as well just eat my [ __ ] back welcome back to the masala calorie challenge i have consumed 1545 calories have you yes because that sangria comes in at about 400 something oh all right in that case how much protein have i got in there that's the real question no we don't care about that today 60 grams of the good stuff ready i had the no good golden oh my god i am on 1305 calories after breakfast and this apple juice wow and your boy luxy boo had 1200 for breakfast and a 400 sangria so 1600 apparently go oh he's kicking as well he's gonna be good at this he is good at this oh no that was quite a slow he's realized he can't get to the statue he's going in no but we can't all do that he's going he's the only one in shorts dude what [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] do we just say that's what i think she's just saying it's so slippery what an absolute degenerate whose idea was the statue and he's done it easy wow 52 seconds nice and you got some wet feet yeah it's a it's quite a tracking though it's crazy because you've won now yeah right now suck just finish come on just finish them off [Laughter] put the respect on pokemon it's a straw yeah but you gotta start going please pretend drink that as if it's a massive [ __ ] no you're still squeezing it look at your lips go on you know what you know what's weird even after everything that we've eaten in the last hour i could probably smash it a lot there's a reason i look like this yes there is it's because i'm never not hungry man that's very well i tell you what i couldn't be hungrier right now let's find somewhere for lunch [Laughter] my golly i'm starving this is seven percent seven percent seven percent a lot that's like almost double what you normally have god well here comes mine then so this is great also 210 calories in a bratwurst in this oh in this just in this little bevy but also can i say boys if you if you want to go again you want to react to it never again if you get 100 milliliters down it's 700 calories that's actually 100 milliliters i reckon i had about 50 mil if we could stomach just drinking mayonnaise we could win this whole challenge you could drink a cup of mayonnaise throw up and drink another cup of milk if we feel like we're behind at the end i think we just yeah and we just start sculling that's the worst hour of my life what the whole life look bro thanks for inviting me man i love this man sick i want to get your tina shirt there's a chocolate wall i could ask them like could you can you can i see my tongue in it please that is wild bro you know what though it actually looks like ass how much money from something like ice cream cones trying to do it that's not in the queue randy that's not the cue that's the excuse where's this guy oh i've been shafted being raised in london i said this the other day the quality of life in london compared to la la land barcelona milan i was going to say paris terrific no it is not that's not violence elaine it's vibes for a week remember i think when you live there you'd be like life in l.a is not the one by the way sorry you're a chat well you're in the skid row bro speaking to people in l.a they say the same thing it's because they don't have real friends they move out they're thinking i'm an influencer because they don't have a hundred each just sat there waiting to do whatever that's why i look it's more than 100 by the way yeah beautiful thank you oh wow that's that's something special currywurst yeah i just sprinkle that curry powder is that a hot dog what is that i don't know is it like [Music] we can swap if you want no we have to adhere the stereotypes you've got 297 calories in there 297 and i got 342 in here i don't know if i can start a channel my inner nicado avocado that man can do it i can do it all right here's to some good sausage what's your mum's head this one's all late all right harry you're missing out if you don't get on yeah i'll be gonna have one of one of the curries it's actually really really good it's apple sauce as well that is amazing wow that is actually sick can we go up there i'm not gonna lie to you you all hate it why you have to walk the whole way randy do you like sights i [ __ ] hate i hate you hate science i would rather go and do an experience in csi if they combined i don't mind that what are the scientific experience huh but either tower no no don't talk don't [ __ ] say after tower that was awful i did it and it was terrible yeah let me think of something different no they're all [ __ ] i'd rather go to burke house in berlin and get pissed off and i always see the eiffel tower okay what's in this applesauce it's worth it every calorie counts i'll tell you what i know it's a napkin i'm committed now i found some more sauce boys that's got to be the worst thing you could put in your mouth throw some soap squeeze yeah anyway cheers boys another couple calories so another couple calories we need to go on one of these yeah that's that's one then any kind of little way we're close to the thing though all right all right all right what's this new thing they got they've got like tents who have like missed yeah that's a good tent though dmv pack one of those oh what is this candy lisa [Music] you know what that's the side of the espanol channel doing this work you know if you don't know about assignment espanola [Music] i know you're english and you're watching this but please go and click the videos and learn some spanish yeah if you want to learn spanish it's perfect because the videos have 4k views so please please please go and help spanish please please can i buy some shorts do you want to buy some shorts can i okay you ready you ready three two jump on jump on jump on now [Music] i don't like this what's up this is random the calorie challenge it's hallie sweets let's get busy in the hood then whack that in because how's that banana it's like candy crush in real life what else we got now i get a couple hearts you know i'm an emotional man you know non-fizzy coca-cola's dolphin records whoa we just entered the mother lode this is chocolate now bro what is that is it like rascal speeds honeycomb look at that don't forget bro it's just a piece of coal alright simon's definitely getting one of these you know bro what the [ __ ] all right i've got the goods let's check out three you have to i'll buy them for you i've got literally i've got to buy them when you win them no no i've got nobody don't lie i might turn it into that fat friend that everyone makes fun of now that i've [Laughter] take her down there last we got some glasses together you're out here oh my god these are looking on fire let me get my ski on yeah yeah the glasses on the hat as well this is where the bowling marathon ends brandenburg gate that's what it is yeah yeah vandenberg gate mate it's pretty sick gate why is it is this like roman oh it looks kind of roman well i think we stand there and get a shot back up still looks like that looks cool so this right here is the reichstag and i'm telling you a hundred percent call of duty i've sat on top of that roof and then m1 garand and i've popped off some russians trying to invade the city or something wow well congratulations my friend happy for you man i don't know as a call of duty player i'm sure i've been i mean there's probably lots more to its history than that but i bought if you're entering a training top what is that you've all heard of willy wonka as a kid this is randy wonka's chocolate factory okay randy west look at that [ __ ] is it high in calories yeah that's probably in one go when santa comes around and gives you stuff for christmas if you're gonna battle and silent just for you i've got this [ __ ] for you what eat that pow put your teeth into it and then close your mouth it's hard it's trying damn george eat his banana what is that what is that the [ __ ] cheers oh cheers cheers round you the candy stay away from me and kids what are going on this is foam pizza that doesn't count [Laughter] this guy [ __ ] bro you're looking you know what the shorts are really nice the shorts are dazed nice do you know what it is yeah let me explain it let me open the middle here and explain it we're on the cycle path let's get off we've got two sets of glasses as he pointed out one for the one for the kelly one for me this guy's got the easiest job in the world man goes like this right but you know james don't film us half the time he's not really pointing at us he's not really pulling a little sky did you get a helicopter that went past earlier yeah of course he did he definitely died he didn't he didn't have a chance to catch that helicopter he's got a thing for missing helicopters it's an inside so that they can get it that's why i didn't laugh oh it's times like this at midday when you asked are we completing circus mission probably not but guess what we are doing having fun in catalonia oh yeah thank you very much thank you that was too much interaction you need to chill bro stop it man there she is yeah crystal blue look at that yeah that building is pretty cool even if it is gray and dull wow great that ain't a river you know what it feels like this whole place feels like uni halls yes like the whole place feels like a campus yes which is the only issue but apart from that it's lovely it is really nice there's a boat we're really stretching the content at this point all right let's go walk down the river you don't want to eat some food i'm getting a bit hungry some filthy food i'm running low on calories [ __ ] off that is such like a probably engineering marvel that building but it's still just like tilt panels just contact this is so boring but also i'm like it's so clean and efficient and simple oh yeah it wasn't bro yeah yeah yeah i got cash flow and in order to finance my study i'm uh offering fresh made breads okay we will buy some bread if you can tell us how many calories is in each stick of bread it could be about 300 300 we'll take 300. yeah 300. maybe 200 200. i'll take 200 500. yeah she says 500. what's up good guys guys we're back here at gelato good guys the first one we're going to race gelato that's the phone called that at all it's korea yeah we're going to get a different generator and rate them out of ten or five ten ten ten ten no no but you scale it based on a person yeah that is horrible you've got like calories oh footballers or calyx what is that spagnola get you you get your unicorn could i get a sorbetto fragola at least try it um [Laughter] [Laughter] yes we've got names you want to take a bite out of a palm tree you [ __ ] nerd oh god then how many calories did a bit of bark walk into me again when i say where i'm going you get out of my way actually i just don't [ __ ] really buy a tree oh my god we just walked off that's five calories play a game the loser has to eat this entire bit of bread first person to throw their shoe in the water no it's a little is that that's that's just [ __ ] stupid vic do you want to do the og son show the world oh my goodness we have an amazing game you have it on your phone so when we were at tomorrowland in belgium yeah uh lachlan was uh hitting on two japanese girls oh didn't speak any english and uh they they showed him a game which is a fantastic game it's called angry sun okay pineapple gelato oh that's my first ever gelato you know dependence oh god there's bangs you know i know the difference now between gelatin ice cream what is it nicer i'm giving it a solid kieran richardson in his prime you know i think this is a tomato carrot mine is sweet but yet tender mine is robbie savage there's 16 men men yeah and you take it and chance to tap them one of them will be angry you get the angry audrey son you eat that bread you eat the bread is that it yeah but there's also there's an obi-san yeah who is an angry grandma very rare if you get that you have to eat two pieces of bread so you have to eat like restaurants yeah all right let's play i'll start us off so there we go we won't be here then what yeah okay we're safe oh just be anywhere it could be anywhere could be here just say oh you do it yeah no it says it for you i'll just i'll just oh [Music] all right give me that bread such a good game better than the platform jesus christ oh that's rough that's a committed man you know you're not a fair player [Music] i love how are those blisters as well yeah yeah yeah maybe doing a foot job too much have you ever wondered what that feels like up your bum yeah oh yeah oh 10 vibrating modes let's go well then we're trying to eat hello we are trying to get hello children look at these people young people enjoying life yeah isn't it beautiful nah it's way better being on social media with depression [Laughter] [Music] there we go way in rome boys i'm saying that we're not in rome we're supposed to go to rome and we're not we're in florence's day we're in rome go to that's a lot of horsepower i reckon there's at least one horsepower is that what it means there's one horse you're telling me that cars what's the normal car source back i was a ford fiesta right hundred hundred two hundred it's brake horsepower different yeah if i had a fight and i was like okay i can need to have one ford fiesta or a hundred and twenty horses yeah i feel like we should go to barcelona last week should we go into town and then go barcelona well the new camp is in downtown no not so we are in a place called agua drinking agua but we are about to order some tapas toby unfortunately it's not the woman that you asked for earlier but we will be ordering some tapas i'm thinking we go for spicy potatoes potatoes bravas we get some chicken and ham croquettes we get some fried calamari this is our expert how about a little guac and shrimp canopy please leave it to the next i love that mama carry on yeah and then add whatever else you want suggestions just over three hours in berlin yeah how many calories have we munched i'm i'm i've cowed up i'm just over 2 600. which so 3k 3k 2.7.7 how can you catch up i i shouldn't have to catch up i won the game the whole winning the game is i'd have to catch up with you a lot eventually you should overtake what was the point in the game then i'm just gonna i need to let it breathe dude oh why couldn't i be in like a tinder or something over there bob iris bobby okay yeah where are you going are you okay yeah we always have nothing in irish it's colin actually gonna walk this whole thing where is he looking here we've got a wild con stantine look at him committed to the cause fill me us you should get a suit from there gilly suit this is where the video i saw people walking along the street beaver wow you came here this week bieber has walked this floor yeah yeah you know justin bieber's been here thank you very much oh boys wow what a little feast where do i begin potatoes what's that one chicken and a ham cockpit try to start potatoes are good chicken ham yeah you want one not yet it's decent yeah strong flavors bro very strong flavors i love calamari man no oh yeah i'm on the old prawn guac sandwich right there i buried though i'm a happy man beautiful oh thank you very much thank you thank you that side manifest come on cheers boys cheers cheers living good how many calories probably not marked probably about 300 that's nice mother running from is that why we got these these shots yes can we see a message speaker i suppose it's an toby as well yeah do you like living in berlin do you like it here you're enjoying it sorry what do we do tonight what's yeah what what's a good thing to do tonight kitkat yeah wow sounds right off our street before we go for dinner can i have a big poo yeah would you if we said no there what would you do i would have gone and had a poo but i would have wouldn't have had acceptance you felt dirty doing it like a guilty poo love this side man do you yeah yeah eat food in a diff country in a diff country mate you're one that is crazy that is spanish freeborn just a couple boys eating because they're so hungry can i get a vodka rebel let's go oh he's he's right he's he's gearing up i really shouldn't could i get a pina colada please that's a high calorie cost no food no no liquid liquid dinner sorry could i change to a pina colada oh okay no i'm saving the red bull yeah can i get guinness that's right uh trying to eat good food where should we go ice cream you mean you mean gelato you enjoyed it ice cream amateurs we could have stolen them you know what i'm just saying like parents look after your kids congratulations that's so aggressive though hey oh my god my god boys oh i've nearly finished my cocktail as well i rate you a lot wait there's still sauce there man calories right there the last thing i'd want to do right now is tap out sir that's how fast no i haven't beaten us when you're full up it's not nice let me let me die death you can feel your stomach yeah [Laughter] your boy just popped on the old google for the old pina colada 592 calories it's just sugar it's just i believe it you know i do believe it yeah we've got 592 calories in a pina colada each what's your guinness saying my guinness is not that bad yes thank you very much you've got food yeah i show there it's a baked potato with something that's pub food come on come on point of guinness calories did you know a guinness has a lower calorie percentage than most beers 125 calories for this that's almost [ __ ] bad yeah honestly that's almost a waste ugh look how much capacity that is for what i thought was way more get a pina colada no no no no i got diabetes i got too much sugar you do really yeah oh sorry no you don't i do no you don't i do you have diabetes bro urine very yellow very pungent that's about anything i'm gonna taste oh look at this grown man he's 30 you know definitely ejaculated in the past 24 hours lux hit him with the update i think i might have fallen behind now you that pina colada compared to my cosmopolitan yeah not the one anyway i've done my calculations that was 820 which puts me on 2420 calories telling me you've only had 820 calories for lunch i think so yeah this is not lunch this is brunch then we have lunch and then we have hunch what sponge you're like oh [ __ ] man i've eaten too much i had two glasses of coke just 200 calories mini cokes two ham crickets chicken and ham crickets some iberico ham and potatoes brevis and the lemonade a total of one thousand and twelve calories oh my god oh my god wow i'm on two thousand three hundred and seventeen calories fantastic wow i had the whole plate of iberic i had i had a whole serving of calamari and i ate up pretty much a whole serving of potatoes forever my lunch is coming in at 1 250 calories i'm on a total of 2 794 and i want to go to bed let's get it fatties look regardless of if we win we're having the most fun yeah we're making a great city colorful yeah if you live here your city is very boring looking get a paint bucket and just throw it against the wall i don't know do anything good baked potato you know fresh calories in a jacket potato with chili con carne one serving size 500 calories sounds about right yeah lots of 500 calories lock it in add it to the towel literally less than this drink by the way that's crazy so we are now all over 3 000 frozen four thousand randy you know what to say wedding right in rome hard rock cafe let's go we come here to get a cocktail purple haze vodka gin and rum oh i'm getting a red ball i'm getting a red ball on something i'm gonna get behind my mama ever since i saw her in scrubs i've always wanted to know what it is yes now our cameraman's a farmer me and simon gonna get the bahama mama whatever a ball each um you're gonna get started with peach randolph getting farther in blue hawaiian if you're looking at simon that's my moment we're trying to eat calories what you're hardly trying so we just eat we're drinking calories right now but maybe later we'll eat a mime and what's left to eat um what just paella paella tapas spanish chamomile potatoes bravo sangria so we've done nearly everything spanish yeah we could have done nominate this morning though couple boys are squatted up ready for liquid calories here's the thing right you said only three well black no no no that was what the weight the weight is we're also five english boys yeah i do well what i want australian boys we don't know i meant more than look if we don't get in here we'll find other places we just need a place to drink really our hard work cafe paid off red bull that's 115 calories josh has one as well whoa we both got bahama mamas i don't know how many calories this is about 340. something like that you're making it right the cherry on top that's 100. boys i got the blue sparkle in hawaiian let's give this a taste lads cheers eat the whole pineapple one cheers eat healthy one why boys give me away boy so eating calories and drinking them yeah back the show coming after and afternoon the more i eat today the more layers i've got i love the culture man look [ __ ] it beers everything like twelve blocks amazing in london you start backing off the beers at this time of day they laugh at you they laugh at you here they're like do you want ice wait where's my [ __ ] glasses they're both on your head are they actually your glasses are both on your head yeah that's funny man do you like cherries yeah there you go you seem like the kind of person that could tie the top of the cherry oh yeah yeah he learned on frame great it's [ __ ] shout out that tongue do i'm trying oh my god that was hot that was really hard wait wait hold on whoa look at that man's doing it my guy my guy's okay watch out like come and get your girl real quick why are you banned him because he's getting some naps [Music] that's the room key that's the room key see you later how have you i finished it [Music] colada i know the pina colada's put in a bin i'll be right back if you help me buy some calories come on mate oh my god what's going to be the most calories in here huh tell me fix me up with something you're not spanish though are you no i love it all right london we'll fix me up somewhere are you taking me food calories bro calories we like to drink with jars friend three two one four nah he's just brain freeze on his drinks his voice we're getting mental tonight boys you should call your daughter wrong cause then every time just say still go when i'm wrong why can't you do that i'm a girl i'll be sorry is that that film getting an antioxidant how many calories yeah i'm getting antioxidants 71. you can't stop me i'm getting antioxidants no you're getting a coat i'm not getting a coat please please i need one thing i'll get an ice cream all right oh a classic remix [ __ ] you know that slap's different that's crazy yo bro listen to this real quick we're just into a remix that's hard it's so dead some boy is going for a steak making a fiorentine state here to try and finish our glitch before you and hit the first list steak no chips please do not take a list list mate blessed i want to go back to that poo place drinks fresh food please yeah i'm not going to eat i want to eat more food i'll deep fruit the [ __ ] out of this yeah got white chocolate for magnini oh my god that's terrific i can't believe what i've just seen hey it's toby wait how does she do it toby go get an ice cream what do you mean how does she do it this is either the sickest little private room or or they've shoved us away in their storage cupboard we are finishing off the list big well hold on one place you two are finishing up oh yeah he still has pizza because i never had a pizza because we said we're gonna share two pizzas why don't you get pizza here haven't he they know the truth tomorrow you have to have pizza yeah that's fine pizza for breakfast yeah we all got i had a kilogram playground steak probably had a kilogram in boston before when it was we finished it it was substantial though yeah no it was unpleasant when you try your best but you don't succeed i was really looking forward to that come on i'll get you one thank you alex bought me one and now you're back pick it up bro no the zinger's actually rude this is why you're gonna bring his child up to him no it's all right you know i was about to come and put in the beer and you've eaten it yeah and if you don't pick up your rubbish again i'll eat you no i was coming out to do it i was making sure toby oh no you just went away because toby wouldn't know what a white magnum was oh this is the first one that's the first one whoa oh my god you got that as well yeah you're screwed hey we thought we were doing bad boys look look at the feast man look at the feet don't stop saying that because now look oh man but you know i'm trying this time kids dick is a vet how is it it's actually sick i can imagine sick i told you it's actually nice very nice boys who's the lady and trump me me i'm not really i don't like trouble that's too short as well we could just kiss wow oh bro his grip is mad yo that was actually sick no i hit that hard you though i saw it he got a gorilla grip the gorilla grip i thought you know he's fat i [ __ ] know it's ksi i just want to let everyone know that my grandad had muhammad ali my dad had mike tyson and now i have swarms i know god is real and i saw god in the anus of a woman we may have been missing for some few hours [Music] oh you're ksi's friends come on in so we got here we have i'd say probably like 1500 calories each what's what's like you guys maybe have cute calories i'm fine um anyway we had a very interesting time we saw lots of stuff that we won't tell you about on the sideline channel but if you watch live cast you'll find out what these are anuses vagina semen involved and on that note i think it's time for a late night feed some final calories before the day [Music] harry had a very good time anyway onwards antioxidant though can i see what it tastes like there's only 15 calories but i need i want the health didn't it [Music] oh no oh [ __ ] did you see that that was so rude bro dropped his glasses trying to catch a straight leg and tripped up the lady behind him didn't trip her up i touched her leg she tripped up and i saw her leg and she went as if her legs worth more than my crypto balance that is humongous the bone's 200 grams that's fine that's me this piece right it is and that you know what i'll take both it just tastes like you said that about the 600 steak in vegas as well try it i want you to taste it and tell me exactly what you actually do most incredible you can i think just the level of state you eat now i think yeah i think my taste buds have just gone away yeah yeah that's all it is think about your mistake dead you know this one clear man all right it's not looking good we've returned to the room late at night ready for the 24-hour room service so our options are a beetroot salad cooked an air-dried ham order me a hundred hams you do this you go on a great night out you get back to your hotel you're like room service you order what you think is gonna be fantastic and then you sit there and 20 minutes past 30 minutes past 40 minutes past and you're sat there and you're like i just want to go to bed at this point and you wait and it arrives and it's underwhelming so it's going to be ubereats hey by the way have you stolen the water from my room of course i have should we trash john's room so then he gets in trouble for it okay let me keep recording then oh no not my own [Music] oh you're really hot we're getting through it steakalicious there's progress there's that one there's not more there i'm not gonna landfall already right odds on in one go yeah no way why that's a lot of movies that's actually that's what she said anyway oh you naughty boy oh my god what do you mean let me enjoy i think we might need to uh sleep process more calories asleep i need to eat some food at some point there's an apple there's mini bar stuff i think we're gonna have to make slim pickings no no i checked it there's nothing there food cashews [Music] what do we think of it this is what you look like the whole video by the way i can't do this 500 as well familiar this thing is beautiful man this is the favorite bit it's my favorite bit of the job we have to do this cool stuff visit these cool places with my friends look at this a work of art mate fantastic counting them you want to see what myfitnesspal says for a teamwork master bone one kilogram is two thousand four hundred and seventeen calories no but that's with the bone no that's one kilogram so six thousand calories that can't be right it is two glasses of this that's two hundred dollars he likes to drink with both of them because both of them are trying to get calories and when they drink red wine our calories go up tonight remember before we go into this section of the video always remember to drink responsibly um i had two shots of tequila and three shots uh three vodka lemonades and i had 300 calories of cashew nuts end of the day strong uh my total is now 4782 calories okay i think it was honestly probably more than this but four vodka lemonades and four shots of tequila it's a lot is i think 1170. my total is 4 778. now so we're basically knacking that yeah so i have four vocal lemonades doubles 900. four beers 60 kilos [Music] [Music] yeah anyway we're gonna rest up process some calories and we'll be back tomorrow for a tasty feed a tasty thing tasty water what is that what does that say do [Music] watch yourself buddy capture the crust so i say right we i'd say elsa list tiramisu tiramisu called italian tyrion who's sue thiru she's a cake i want to have some cheesecake please give me the cheesecake i'll say terrible it's me mario can we get three lemoncellos please what's lemoncello get six hey zucker just wanted you to know that not only are we eating we're making a travel video for you boom boom surely that's like bonus 500 calories surely yeah easy oh yeah yeah yeah every site that we see is 400 calories hit me back in the taxi oh nice that's banging very sour that's strong it really isn't the best thing to have calories no it's lemon in general a cup of an all fruit sorbet contains 184 calories a three ounce chunk of tiramisu who says chalk 240 calories that's two chunks at once at least yeah let me try is it nice [Music] good morning from team berlin it is another beautiful day in the city and we need to get back to the calories so in my room they left some pears 50 calories look i didn't have a single piece of fruit or vegetable yesterday we were just mashing fast food for calories so how did you start the day with a bit of health feels all right look at this i've got a little balcony in my room so i'm out in nature consuming nature oh my god oh my god oh no again again again again is there a button on here no no i think it's a timer we've got the basta store again for the basta cafe i feel like we should get a shirt get a shot i want to get a shirt i want an authentic kit these are the proper kits yeah yeah ah that's hot pow [ __ ] all that ow which one's a legit shirt like which these i think it's all sold out i'll get that away i quite like the spotify logo you know then we have the morwen's one no i don't think i'm all right with it you're not wearing the woman's right no one i'm gonna accentuate my fat hair surprisingly like he's already here right that way all right good meal man i'm not getting my belly not in a good place too much in my belly tomorrow is going to be a disgusting place i'm very angry that there's the day i don't know how the day works because of the day then check out cyprus i literally put it in my [ __ ] it's pretty good i helped him hello hello it's the next day we're feeling fruity we're feeling good i think we look worse for wear than yesterday yeah yeah we're waiting to eat what's what do we need to do for the calories exactly exactly for the course i do need breakfast though yeah definitely i know we need breakfast but we also need a schnitzel and a black forest gaffer i don't want a black frost gatorade right now i could do another dessert like i think we find we we search restaurants for one of those two items we've got to get them done we can't leave stop arguing i just need to oh things are starting to smell good boys at what point do we just start asking people where can we get a schnitzel wagyu carpaccio i'm down for here no we can't we've got a ticket yeah we've got to take at least one of the two off hey siri find me a schnitzel they're impressed about work ah what's that what do you mean it doesn't work what's that i've got locations okay i really need some clothes point one kilometers that sounds ideal messy leaving really [ __ ] their whole life up and the whole club now is doomed please please go please please the wind's just blowing it away gonna do the picture first yeah surely we should get a picture with the kit oh yeah then we'll get the shirt first and then we'll get a picture outside there spotify must have paid mad peas they got bread they don't pay their rights what's up guys welcome back to my channel this is day two so your channel what's up guys welcome back to these guys you're in it it means it's not even getting top 30 views what's up guys welcome back to the b-roll brownies who has to eat uh pizza let's do this right now i wanna eat pasta tough we're gonna feed some fresh at the same time a pasta yeah then we should get a limoncello yeah and then we should get a duck dude yeah that's a duck dude quack quack pizza here yes is the food good yes promise is number one is it though okay there's nothing how many people five let's go boys he said it's number one yeah he did he did i've got our hoonish schnitzel schnitzel i think you objectively need to get the schnitzel because we got the currywurst and the bratwurst i i disagree why did you do this i play the game actually yourself yeah no this guy you everyone oh i found a bakery around the corner which does a black forest gator have you heard of our new signing youth what's going on what's going on they think you're a player yeah they do they think you're here this is your new home stop that this is your new home what's up it's our new signing it's our news signing 55 million this is the motivational speech for today this is day two in italy all right they said they don't want an intro but there's an intro right here we've already introduced yesterday we were on the plane we're a little bit tired today we are not tired anymore we're here to smash this we're here to eat pasta eat pizza and [ __ ] [ __ ] so that's what we're gonna do today man that's a part of the i'm not i'm not here that's not a challenge no all right sorry i'm here for the wrong video you invited the wrong man because i'm the actual number the [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah the [ __ ] man you're randolph yeah true i want to get a pizza yeah and then get the chicken nuggets and put the nuggets on the pizza so this right here that's a chicken schnitzel now to you boys it might be a foreign object but to me this is an australian delicacy ain't nothing german about it except maybe the name yeah i would argue on a per capita basis australians consume more schnitzel anywhere else this is now we've taken it you know i'm excited about sauces look at the calories i like the cranberry sauce that's a nice little dish it is it's actually yeah it works well you're eating fries with your fork fair enough you got that right jesus christ excuse me new signing coming through yeah he is yeah he actually is as well see this josh look at us we're adding tourism to your video content jeez camp new spotify news can you post please new shirts new signing oh it's nice and long enough come on i'm a reviewer [Music] try with the cranberry sauce it'll change your mind i always have dry schnitzel man no i'm judging it based off other dry schnitzels i'll give that since five and a half all right boys i've done some googling 746 calories that's what the whole day that's in the whole dish in the whole which isn't amazing but not bad i'll take that if you have the sauce as well i have another 50. i reckon you're nearing 800. oh true out here with the cranberry sauce so we'll call it 7.90 schnitzel meals 790 calories there's also 107 calories in my mango juice i've done the boys a favor i feel like we're probably lacking behind those tryhards yeah but we're making content and we are making content we're out here but stay hydrated wow cheers oh tell you what there's not much better than an ice cold pine in those in the sun but we do have more calories look at this then man we've got some what is it again beef or something some sort of tuna something there's something right here we've got something a bunch of food carrots in it look at this oh my gosh that looks so good that's the less carbonara that's the best boner of carrots i've ever seen alive pop oh yeah that doesn't that's not what you think it is all right i mean i still enjoy what you did so thanks [Music] very much yeah yeah it's gone in your water it's been a tough morning yeah what do you say till we go back to the hill and just slide down for a minute i'm gonna go along the hill you know yeah and then we'll go and hunt down a black forest yeah you know what and then we're done right the wasps are invading again let them have it good stuff team to the hill how many calories in this oh it's a lot man it's a lot there's at least 5k yeah you're being conservative they're 5 or 6k this reminds me of swim swimming pool fries i know what you mean yeah no it puts me off though that bit of meat in front of me is every bad bit of the meat smashed into one has sold why are you saying that as i'm eating it yeah no yeah you could have said that after yeah i just wanted to let the people know about the calories so now i don't want to eat no no you do you do you love pieces of [ __ ] i do love you exactly when in rome get real different in this car when i request yesterday really look at the moisture amount of sauce more sauce oh yeah yesterday was raw like just dry pasta beef flats cons mum oh you ate the beef curd sorry mrs team how did it taste real good yeah it is such a german hill isn't it just like efficient here we would like a hill we will put our dirt here so that the water runs off so we've had london could do with one of these what yeah we have hills yeah but just a you know just a little set i mean we have parks i guess ah [Music] nice what just happened don't worry about it mate some free calories in the air if you're searching for it oh here we go how does this taste not bad i hate the texture the texture is absolutely stuffing it's seasoned better than i thought the flavouring is nice the sausage is better than i imagined i feel like i'm eating plastic we need some comments on it from here as if we were there wow we just bought hancon's camera yeah what guys look at this whoa look at these people with weird hats what's going on whoa this is sick man look at these this parade wow clowns and feathers and what's colorful i don't see any clowns here randolph i've just touched one con con look at this one instead you can't move the camera left no yeah i've been shot what'd you do right yeah it'd be the end of the parade there's like four bodies just on like chains and they were going to execute people and you know and back there where there was that loud bang there's just someone that's tried running yeah yeah did you jump when that thing went off yeah i thought there was going to be a tourist attack i'll roll down the hill let me finish my wall and i'll roll down there all day on the hill you got to roll down the hill vic i couldn't think of anything worse until then this is you guys are so lackluster this is content i watch the videos i'm like damn these guys really work hard have you heard of editing the beauty of anything but i come here i'm like oh yeah let's go lana i'm telling you in like minutes time i'll be doing something but right now bear down chips down almost i'll tell you with me down done now it's time to hire dre and uh how many calories do you want because i am on i think you're winning now clearly clearly i am now on four thousand and eighty-two calories ow bro i'm on three five two zero yes yeah 500 behind you wait what ice cream was it wait it's one thing eating calories yeah another thing actually being at 30 degrees while eating carrots crazy i'm on three three two eight it's half three year i feel like it's fine i feel like [ __ ] i feel [ __ ] all right anyway we're gonna keep it moving see what happens man in the name of content i give you harold the amazing what's the word when the evil knievel i'm good i'm good knievel well i'm starting you off yeah yeah two one oh he do be going he's he's he's rolling towards you he's rolling into a small family he's adjusting course looks like it hurts a little bit hey hi wow nice that was can we give out this man a round of applause oh mate it's actually quite i've got i'm actually spinning should we go and find a black forest gator let's do it let's go we're up now we're active football's been accomplished the church has been accomplished what else is there to do we need to get a fat bowl of piella i say we get those at the same place paella and spanish omelette i'm so dumb i [ __ ] hate these videos now i know it may look like i love these videos but i really [ __ ] don't man thank you cheers cheers that's disgusting is it though it's a disgusting what's disgusting is you failing this candy challenge eat up i spread it spread it across it had bits of sliced make you look good why does it need to make it look good it's a kid venue yeah grow up diversion diversion i need to see this what on earth come on come on boy we gotta see the hot air balloon fire balloons are right in the city i see this all right it's quite far dude so far we should definitely walk through it's massive me and harold have gone mobile yeah we've got to go we must see this if it's the flight by the time i get that i'll be devastated we're getting scooters yeah it's time to get here i hate my [ __ ] life man i'll watch you instead how'd you pizza mm-hmm make it better yeah i feel like there was no need to have the carbonara on top okay all right so it's gonna be left up here right yeah it should be left at the junction you hold me tight yeah man i feel grips me all right okay i don't want to cause an injury oh is that it's there oh okay oh we found it right i said we bail it on this corner and walk now we're here what are the chances of that that literally just landed yes that's sick oh so you can go up 150 meters what do we want to get in it oh my goodness oh it is tempting i feel like i'm in some sort of like repeating timeline let's go do a muscle up go tell them that you're doing a bustle up you've come back a couple hours stronger you've you're fully don't you guys miss me yeah you're feeling more food man you haven't been there before can we actually try and do some muscle up so you can get that yeah we live in london yeah we could live here you know something but we're in london all right it's taking too long to eat now so i'm going to take that into my own hands literally just going to be discussing i don't want to see [Music] get right in there more yeah you're a dog oh that was so grim i know i just want to hear the products you can't live vicariously these are other people to eat meanwhile that's horrible oh it's windy what if it just starts that's what my fear is what if one of the the guide ropes breaks and we sail off in the distance that is terrible that's horrifying last time the germans did experiments with balloons like this it didn't end very well that's my that's sorry for [ __ ] sake it's moving in the wind okay so lux is back he's full of protein now there are some absolute sizeable weapons here you know that the dorito shaped bodies yeah yeah there's some big men here and they're all doing dips and pull-ups lux is now going to try and do a muscle up on the baby bar his shoulder's going to snap [Music] he's just jumped yeah i did it what's the muscle there how does it go essentially you go from under the bar like a pull-up you're over i'm pushing up okay so we need to work that food off get the sweat going we need to i'm not already going i'm sitting in there true i'm sweating that's leaking oh my god carousel with a full stomach oh yeah pizza and pasta yeah whatever it is it moves up like five inches absolutely it's like riding it huge i'd be happy with that we've done it boys we're locked in for the contest why did you see it why did you spot the hot air because it was just going on our day and done our stuff we could be eating a black forest gardener thought this was about food seriously if you had a pair of scissors just cut that line they just float away forever it's just a prank bro it's just a prank well if we go down we all go down together then we're not we're going down we're going up we know what goes up must come down like we'll go up until the balloon pops in the atmosphere then we'll plummet but probably burn up on um and without anything to protect us from that we will die what that oh so that no you broke you almost had it all right yeah yeah i've got this no let's just behave boys because it's a bit nonsense it's not we can't say anything right now with that being said this seat's warm it's nice oh my god don't do anything else i yeah ice is lit just the ball it's just gonna see your face like sorry you know what i think it i think it's too fast oh okay josh do a drive-by [Laughter] italian banter tanto oh we're slowing down it's not been at fort park that was worth it that was definitely worth it i'm happy to be here i'm holding on bro oh it's going oh my goodness where's this going i don't like this oh god i hope those are tight and well lonnie just staring at those bolts why do i hang out with you guys we hit in the back muffins after them it's about having like enough strength to do a really high pull up most of the people misunderstood the muscle up like a transition game uh-huh it's more about a height okay the more higher you can pull up the better muscle up you will have okay if your pull-up can't reach at least the chest it's like you need maybe more resources to get that expensiveness for the muscle up okay you've got a big chest thank you so much touch it yeah of course wow yeah i'm gonna take my horse road i'm gonna ride we might be too close to the actual song relationship with piranha very nice can i get like a pot yeah yeah this uh blue one yeah perfect other lemon that's the sorbet mango that's that's what i'm gonna get oh yeah the boss fruit that is a lot thank you so much cheers it's not it's not so bad it's not good it's not so bad it's not good but it's not so bad yeah i don't like how much it moves bro the children aren't even phased harry i don't even wonder what's wrong with that not for me not for me this is not for me this is not for me city's more colorful from up here though for me and if we start swaying we can [ __ ] off i'll punch you in the dick i'll ah swear to god i'll make it so you can never have kids i promise you i swear dude i can see threads coming off that thing you've seen what i'm saying oh it's a little phrase [Laughter] oh my goodness we are up oh i don't like how much we move [ __ ] i actually i i kind of hate this oh no you know what's worse oh no i just don't like any of it that's the one that's the boy right there boy yeah it's just a hype yeah yeah yeah it's super explosive and fast movement this guy's one of the strongest people in london i'm not shut up i'm not i'm not i'm from first high okay well that's quite okay that's quite okay ah sorry he said hi he said hi you do it let me show you yeah calm come come i did that without swinging by the way i'm gonna get that i'm gonna learn that coming back for you sir man get me out of here lungs is hard beloved's killing me bro i ain't seeing your hair pull up though have i got it man's doing a low pull up over here then don't watch me pull up on you got mango sorbet how about her calories with i don't know i have fruit ice cream gelato gelato power oh my god i can't fit this in my [ __ ] stomach i don't want to eat it that's why i got a small one well actually screw you because i got more calories you've got three times the calories you've got yeah but you're not eating it yeah did you get six scoops yeah the bean looks over his city as epic music plays my whole is so tight right now bro um can i watch minnie mouse what's he reacting to he's talking about us the hide and seek in the school oh that's awesome i love his content are we still going up what's the music is inspiring yes but i feel like i'm going to my death very flat city organized look at the blocks like they're very organized it's like america but not we haven't rated this yeah mine is the christian ronaldo it's really nice mine's not that good okay so mine's like a lionel messi mines [Laughter] wow mine's refreshing but not as good as the mint chocolate it's a little bit chaotic yeah it's like what's the midfielder fred may you're fred fred again what about um anderson i want to throw up oh [ __ ] no [ __ ] off don't touch me don't touch me we've reached the top that means we've reached the top sorry why'd you have to grab me i thought we'll fall like i don't know i just have to grab something [ __ ] off i don't like this this video better get views bro oh this moves so [ __ ] much i'm sit down i've just i've just seen like there's a [ __ ] hole in the ground oh there's actually [ __ ] holes is that a bolt missing vic there is a there's holes where there should be bolts i just want a rolly rolly rolly with a double wrench put the camera away looks like that's mine there you go wow it looks like it's on your wrist yeah whoa you look at a rolex like a break right how about one how about one i don't know for five grand maxwell do they they can get them for that yeah yeah straight legs how did i have a skydive how did i bother yeah that is that i bungee jumped from heights like this i've done it i've jumped off wow [Music] oh [ __ ] all right this wins this one this one is the gusts and nuts you look great thank you it's a beautiful face what do you think he's gonna over accentuate uh my forehead i had my sheets you nice face like a baby with big eyes big eyes like a baby yeah thank you thank you worked hard i just like consumed your bodily fluid not the first time busy are you not i'm so fasting man come on snap out of there together [Laughter] this is good this is good we're coming down what a lovely place well i don't even see that over there how lovely vlog i'm just gripping it so hard look at harry a big brave man in the sky oh let's go nice nice thank you thank you do you look like a titan bro have a titan actually do [Music] that's great right so caricature is done uh we're now back in the main square we're off to the south museum ac museum may take photos i tell you what it's nearly five o'clock because you know i could do that what a huge bowl of paella yeah yeah i'm talking to one with everything in there the one that's like yeah that big one is the most yeah yeah i reckon one bowl has got to be like 7k you know i don't ever recall being this hungry really i think i'm hungrier than i was earlier but i couldn't recall you are a beast yeah i'm really hungry you are i would say you're a freak of nature but i'm also really hungry no way yeah that's crazy it's a good thing you're hungry don't tell me oh my well it looks like we're reading all of our we are the hungry boys we're all good we're all good girls she'll be right she'll be right he does it he doesn't work okay good stuff oh yes yes yes bless the ground yes fantastic nice all right let's go get that gator where were we yeah what are we doing just be proud of ourselves i'm not proud of i was an awful performance for me if i'd gone up and just firmed it i'd been like yeah nice but i didn't i didn't i start the floor i got there in the end i did yeah you made me feel great about myself all right cronin's caffeine can i get any clear please thank you can we get two fire and one apple which one do you have in first round five or first two sitalia oh yeah that was nice okay i'm worried we did laura early though i'm not gonna lie i wasn't nice [Music] i can't be honest [Music] send me to germany [Music] oh oh it's the butterfly store oh my god what wait can we go in here it's table tennis bats oh yes what would you like to get from kerry i'm asking people i'll get these i'll get two of these two of these my dad's birthday i love him hatch my throat no you need to get it down you're not come on i'm actually in trouble thanks don't throw up right now please don't whoa what i mean what's major there are the [ __ ] food yeah then added onto the shots and the food the gelato for me randy always gets annoyed whenever we do a calorie challenge because he's like pisses me off you know because you're not you're not complaining about eating like that's it and now lucky yeah you're right we need to get to the selfie music yeah you see him when toby's army are you like that girl you're so hot oh it's my favorite time are we going back to the same place i don't know we're just walking there's nothing down here i'm telling you the first restaurant we see we're saying hello can you serve me a paella done yeah whatever that said where can we eat bailly nice yeah okay oh wow oh thank you sorry boys he just doesn't want us to have the cake he's stalling he's buying time is it table tennis or are we about to have our organs harvested i was here oh wow oh this is sick hey uh when they've got the robots and everything oh this is a lee oh they got the robot that's nice he's just well we i saw a table tennis shot he told us he's got a little training set up downstairs he's got a table tennis robot i'm gassed oh no it's all cooked at any time after a lot of calories charlie it was so thick stick on your dick probably man you gotta eat your food bro i cannot i cannot eat the cannoli put the can in cannoli i'm an underdog when it comes to calorie changes i'm always here look at the menus the german team bratwurst currywurst schnitzel look at the italian menu the spanish lifestyle is healthy doesn't we can't get calories compared to pasta pizza ice cream if you're on tuna steak ice cream april's fridge you know what it is right is i know josh sent himself to it he wanted pizza he wanted pasta smart man and you know what he did as well he took around me so i was a guaranteed dog you're happy with yourself you're gonna come down with me there he what a sad little life josh the sad little lifeguard you have all the grace and decorum of a reversing dump truck i'm in a dark place right now you're okay about it you're okay buddy that's so sick what does this have to do with calories i just don't know it burns calories it burns calories we're inside the mind of harold right now jeez i wanted a cake bro to be fair this guy is sick he's serving he's serving thank you thank you yeah no surely you've got to hit the table yeah i don't there you go hey there you go look you're doing better now why are you wait good now he's learning that's what the training robot's for man that was so much fun cheers mate thank you that was sick oh my god we found it guys you know you go to like florence where there's like those art and history there you go you don't screw it let's go wait wait influences we take photos to instagram let's follow the red line [Laughter] hello sidemen fans hello this is a massive meal in front of us it looks really nice huge man yeah uh what do you want to do everything authentic spanish piler but guess what we've got one more coming there's another one coming yeah yeah i don't know how we're going to do this well tom's drizzle i know you've got a gut on you if you've got a fat guy you've got a fat gut and you're ready to eat ah thanks buddy this is just the beginning is this us this year have we arrived if they have it oh no maybe you've got ourselves german not not now not like this mate it can't be a very german thing no one sells it like that that is not what i'm seeing here yeah we should maybe ask that's the way to go can you do it harry asked them where we can find it yeah look at this guy's shitty photos man oh good one this is definitely a selfie spot wait oh you're starting josh guys he's in a cartoon i was drinking fake tea how many people put a literally get covered josh is in black and white like even his hair oh you reckon this fruit is real again i reckon it's also got coated all over it eggplant on instagram we call that [ __ ] whoa randy oh my god whoa guys i'm eating so many foods you know that's why i'm not being trying to be a debbie down on the video i've eaten so much food i mean so much food guys so much treatment [ __ ] this video i ain't even got a [ __ ] pulled out of it oh man i wish i'd never seen that oh ronan got [ __ ] pipe pulled out man wait where can i know that about bronze see the black bear that's the [ __ ] oh the second one we'll give you this one we'll give you this one amazing amazing it was so good thank you wow aren't we lucky aren't we lucky one after another come on lads we can do it two servings of playing here yeah here comes up with us oh let me double that up hey guys so you're getting big today yeah i don't need this all right we might be with a lovely lady pointing us in the right direction the quest continues and to coffee apparently 100 meters all right we're running out of time what time does it go 45 minutes was it like we're getting picked up in 45 minutes yeah we're from the hotel as well okay we're on overtime come on we've got to get a clutch play here oh no no no we keep no we keep no we keep walking yeah we head on right now oh my god there's mirrors this is trippy as hell you know look down into it let's go that's actually sick wow we're in space i can't believe you paid for this where's diamond i lost simon man has suffocated in a ball bit of confidence i've definitely caught this yeah [Music] [Laughter] look in there what there's cakes and cheese oh one of these are any of these the right one that looks like it could be oh that there that's that's got to be it no is it that is it that ah i'll take it no no no okay don't worry that is fine thank you thank you cheers we can't we can't set off something that's not not what is on our list have we lost all the black forest gato how's the supermarket which one is the real simon this one it could be either of us this one's not simon that's not me yeah i'm going to tell you a future right i hope you're having a great life joy to tell your future this line means you're gonna have a big mansion yeah this line is the tennis court this you have a football pitch and just there is the pool i'm still buzzing i'm actually dead oh bro it's too hot i'm telling you now we are fat now how do people live i'm definitely a fat man oh we know that yeah i've had enough fat slander today okay i hate myself already bulking must be so difficult you know force feeding yourself this is hard yeah welcome to my world that's why i don't grow this is horrific man i feel like [ __ ] i feel like hot [ __ ] and that was really seafoody as well so now i feel like it tastes like really i feel like i'm deep throughout the ocean yep yeah i'm really proud of you you ate so much thank you brother i try i really haven't you doubted me in it you doubt me i know you're dying you're sure guys it's actually a shock because guess what i couldn't ever recall being this hungry museum it was trash yeah it was actually a self museum it's like a first opportunity yeah yeah photo yeah it was warmer in there than it was out here i feel ill yeah it's just the food's good here man like in vegas you're so crappy you just keep eating it here man i feel like i actually feel healthy i'm almost bath man i sent two that's what i've got right now oh [ __ ] yeah yeah so watch out again if i do i'm aiming at a con mouth yeah settle for ice cream instead well no it's just to keep us going we need calories we've we have done a poor job today we got distracted having fun extra 150 calories each yeah that's not bad it's only a single scoop that's not too much let's keep it moving yeah all right nice one this is a good idea what's the call is that it this might be us no no no no schwartz walder struggle no that's not it that's not it no this is where we'll be no no it wouldn't be here this no they have they'll have more cakes in there hmm oh it's not looking good yeah that's the only section i think okay move we got two more supermarkets check come on boys all right we've been to the mcdonald's finally i'm gonna be honest it smells like [ __ ] i'm trying to be positive oh it's that old sewage system that has a grand yeah grand crispy you can get cheese and bacon fries oh yeah wow country road we're waiting for our order it's ready ice cream it's ready that's 22 268. i know you felt the six-pack there one one i'm not hungry so i've got cheese and bacon fries which look like the saddest thing yes you know what i was supposed to be like really cheesy bacon if it was a crispy milk wrap that was good i know why is that i can't see it yet but it's literally cardboard i want to know what he's doing connor's bought him a subway and two double bacon cheeseburgers and nuggets this is what's going to make you the winning team this itself randomly 9 000 calories what the deal was you make it for me i eat it that is true oh my god how did this run all day creative decision did we put a bun in or no button no one thanks thanks guys i've never eaten something that doesn't taste of anything like that try this chip and tell me what it tastes like it's so cheesy it tastes like nothing it's actually a pretty good i know i'm being really negative right now but it's because there is you can get better cheesy chips from that go club shop oh yeah oh my gosh that looks pretty good chicken nuggets yes get those nuggets in there deep girl to eat you're not eating the whole thing i am oh we need some sweet chili dip what's it called a mug subway mcbay there's one thing i can always make time for it's ice cream oh what a day do you know what i don't recall being this hungry for a long time really wait this is length yeah the [ __ ] is this golden oreo whoa i'm a fan actually really really good it's my favorite thing i've eaten all day let's hear the sound of glory come here come closer to me the thing is right if you eat this you're my hero look at this cheers okay okay yeah let's get to that i yeah is that good it's actually it's so good no it's actually really good well done con i'm so proud of myself ryan is gonna go to a pit by the way go to a dark place i mean hold on i'm actually really impressed very disgusted but impressed i don't think man thousand voluntary wouldn't it i i feel finessed i feel bamboozled we've been tricked by someone man we've been hoodwinked a wild gato chase right this is our last chance look at the size of this liddle if we can't find it in here i think we should concede the whole challenge and say it was never it was no it's never meant to be if little doesn't have it it was rigged from the start way of wasting a day oh i have finished the whole thing that was so fun wow genuinely that was so rapid as well that's the buffy thing i've had all day we've got our food at the same time i don't know how he's so quick oh yeah dollop gollum piggy this is my favorite thing i've eaten today yeah it's so good that was amazing what was it called uh some infusion something oreo yeah or whatever it was golden oreo fusion glaze we have about 45 minutes let me have talked to our hotel well we are stuck i think either we've batted them or no in there yeah and that sounds really weird to say but late i think we have a lot of food is it is that still in your pocket yeah you're a snitch don't eat it that's too sad look at it randy you're better than this it's a cannoli yeah a little cannoli you just want me to tell you one bite oh it's hard no one bite it hmm you're looking for a baby i think you won't buy it your mouth is a bin your mouth is the bin that's the spirit let's go get a shot congrats which way is the hotel oh real quarter hurt though people must really wonder why we like film ourselves just grocery shopping all the time we're getting warmer warmer uh what's it called this one we tried this one not there no oh well i think it's an l if we're running low time to go through this okay thank you there's now we've done 50 calories we've been told that we are literally done for it just doesn't it's not in this city well we give up we'll walk we'll fly home defeated by the gateau so close yet so far the morale is low the black forest gateau has defeated us oh i don't know how i don't know how this happened ah i felt so confident before bonjourno home time we're gonna go inside check in security and stuff i'm gonna calculate our total score do the math okay we'll find out if we're above or below hi what's that high symbol what three point one pi doesn't have a bottom bit well how about yeah think of that [ __ ] sorry all right let's go let's go i'm wearing it's been updated how's it uh with the mcflurry go on 6201 i love that one four thousand eight hundred and forty six categories wow it is [ __ ] having you on our team you know what did you get 5602 all right so we are at approximately fifteen thousand something calories it's like i've tried man you know boys we tried fifteen thousand i'm gonna approach mate we're like fifteen thousand one hundred something i think if you round up it's eighteen right sound for us it's been lovely been great ladies and gentlemen it's been great i can't wait to go to sleep this is another banger uh sidemen video glad i could be part of it mostly the other team we did it no we didn't we failed yeah our day today got derailed by a balloon yeah a long walk wild directions a tablet machine and then two hours of looking for a cake that didn't seem it doesn't exist i think it's fake yeah i don't believe it twice i've been finessed by a random food in a different country but we have our final scores uh we'll start with you harry but not big numbers yesterday i had 5400 calories and today i've only had 1140. yeah give me a total of 6540 calories i started today i'm 4.7 k i've ended it on 5779 so not great yeah i started on 4.7 now i'm at 5918 so awful effort but you know if you add it up we're above 18 000 calories are we in a day yeah oh well that's all right yeah come on we did it we did it but we had a good time and we went we went up we went up it was horrible i was just happy to be here in general so i don't really care sweet wow nice see it a bit all right we have calculated our final calories i did a whopping 6691 however i came through 9083 9 000 it's not come it's not covered 9481 bam giving us a total of 25 255 which should be as we believe the winning score minus a thousand for the come that he ejaculated yeah bye [Music] you
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 18,246,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: 1d3AvytgBwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 22sec (5722 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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