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[Music] oh my God [Music] don't do it so traitor for anyone who doesn't know if both imposters are voted out one of the innocent people will turn into an imposter wait what about jester I have a smart man on my side this is going to be rough oh I can sacrifice myself to save another oh crazy I'm a crewmate again I do not stay awake to be crewmate all right give me some give me something interesting and do roommate but this time if we find the imposters one of the innocent people might turn and become the traitor um I'm gonna kill Simon I don't like Simon he's gonna get murdered I'm just gonna watch JJ you know he hasn't he hasn't been in many of these videos recently I've missed him crew mate crew mate I am a dirty dirty dirty crewmate chilling over here look at me checking to see what house I can do while there's laser beam so close to me oh no oh it's actually a good odd spot he wouldn't kill me no no but no no I'm chilling bear a chilling let's just hang out man oh oh okay I'm just going like Rampage mode by the way like I'm not even trying to kill in a clever way it's impossible so I got impostered three times the other day and it was stressful so I am just going to turn up the lights okay yeah that's a good kill Vic start I appreciate that too oh peace easy easy right um Josh has just stood there for some reason I can revive someone [Music] can you do CPR yeah are you a truest are you a touristy I don't know maybe I don't want to give up my roles but uh me and JJ are hard cleared we stood on top of each other and he's screaming it's me but the fact this was a double kill means it actually wasn't me is that the body's in the same place the body that uh the chip reported is there's two kills there's no there's no way I just don't like how close you are to me bro no you said he was listen listen you hear that it sounds like Harry is too quiet it's simple Harry is adding nothing I agree yeah why not yeah you are in danger Harry before you vote before you vote it's a bit late before you vote if you vote for me out who's gonna look on the other cameras who's going to be a chance Harry you sit on cameras and don't say anything else too late um that's tough man that was easy this lob is absolutely brain dead I really like it uh I'm gonna kill pie next he talks too much to be honest with you Josh is uh Josh is the one holding the power in his Lobby so he gets to go so he gets to go I which I really want to like sacrifice myself or someone yeah I guess I should I've got the role I might as I'll do it at some point all right and we're back to it just gonna hang out with uh JJ well I don't like how this battle that with his weird ass thong is just so close to me let me submit this body to a scam baby dishes out out gotta stiff out the dead bodies I thought I'd step up by that Karen's skin oh my God Josh I thought I thought just did it again man because Annie Darren's stupid outfit I'm just I'm just I'm just so bored this is way more entertaining he's probably freaking out you know brother leave me alone go away give me some space you wanna do it Victor do you wanna Vic do you want to do it Vic do you want to do it don't double kill Barry don't go do you want to do it oh damn I'm done with the shimmy I really want to kill Ethan I really really really want to kill Ethan here but it wouldn't make sense to do so but I really want to stab him I can't do it Laser's following boo again so they're clearly engaged oh someone's on cams someone's gonna watch me go into here so I'm safe you guys are getting good at among us including this game Simon if you're watching don't call me dumb I've actually I can't believe I tried being funny for a video and I've really hurt myself [ __ ] I'm calling me right [ __ ] so Harry was probably right I called it I called it it's almost replaced him very quickly who's on cameras so now you go on cameras now you go on camera oh I called the man to just bring us all back together that's enough for me getting me out of here laser and boom running around together like magic with me man no following me they do not leave each other Alone by the way I've got you on campus day I'm not leaving each other maybe another reason there wasn't a killer why there wasn't a killed me buddy you got me the sense of it I lean taboo I thought they were actually gonna skip for a second forgot where I was at oh my God you deserve it why because in the first round you went it's Landon it's laser beam and you were within the whole time yeah but it's because he was just following me like a little Bank all right I want to see who actually is Danny what what dude oh [ __ ] they actually suck man you could deal with getting rid of Lannon and Josh no they're priority targets here oh I've got no no one to intimidate anymore I've got no one to hang out with but so now if we've got both the Busters and I've managed to figure something out correctly if we've got both imposters one of the crew members will now become an imposter if we got both imposters well there's traitor run right so a random person or random crewmate will become the Imposter if we vote opening passes out so I'm down just to see it becomes a trailer he's there ready look suspicious there he's killed me fantastic place to kill all the lights going down Josh yeah honestly dang it over over the kill button because someone's getting stabby stab stabbed why they face no case oh I've done such a master class oh lights did got done really quick there what does that mean okay I'm here to just sniff it out Randy Pig was there from past Randy pick Randy big oh wow I've got all straight lines oh wow foreign [Music] so I'm in electrical doing the calibration thing yeah and I'm just chilling let's go off on the first to do it then pie comes in he's seen me turn them back on yeah okay then Vic star comes in I leave electrical Randy comes running positive storage yeah and then Josh's body is just at the bottom of cafeteria like on the way to story it's not me I came from a different direction the only person I didn't see was laser so it's Daddy I saw laser and chip in the top right um and Josh laser chip and Josh all ran top right Randy no no I came from the bottom right it was not me it was not me we have to vote laser we've got a vote laser we've got a vote later right it's an easy voice just marinated me big time oh why is it Vic can I undo this no it's Randy and Laser nose big stuff and you're gonna think to yourselves you are [ __ ] stupid well done just kill me now um just just kill me boss yeah it's almost like you're gonna hit it but then yeah God just [ __ ] slap my bottom this is so creepy as well I'm sorry I'm so sorry oh it's got to be laser I'm comfortable videos it must be Harry we were right on Harry then is well all the ones that haven't subscribed I'm trying to get eight million I know so subscribe no no no no no I can't do it again I can't do it again oh [ __ ] oh let's go oh let's mix it up a little bit mixing it up with a little bit of a crewmate round I hate my life ow wait sacrifice yourself to save another I don't know what that means keep the crewmate street going please do not give me imposter any friends out there want to play with me and let me get good at being imposter again because I've become a mere shadow of my former self it's a good way to kill it he was special all right roommate yet again let's go I could do with something you know what I'm going on cams again [ __ ] him [ __ ] them they might not want me but I'm the hero they deserve I'm getting one kill and I'm handing myself in who's gonna be my one kill Harry Harry deserves to be able to play uh do you know what I quite like what I bring to these lobbies I think it's fun I think it wouldn't be the same without me man see now I feel like I'm gonna be a Target but it's gonna be a voted out I'm getting my one kill I want to help pie but I just I can't I'm fed up for being imposter was Vic gone you know what I'm gonna use it on Simon oh I'm out wow right boys uh I just killed Simon and I just I I just killed time I've killed Simon and I've reported it can we actually have a next one wait wait wait is it actually YouTube video 100 did he determine the culture the reason why I think he's doing this yeah is because he's got like Harry as a teammate and he wants to see how well he does that's my suspicious is there a Jester is there is good for both guys I probably should have [ __ ] voted to skip that I've had an absolute bear I don't know what if I'd skipped I could have got another round oh Jesus Christ honestly I uh I think we [ __ ] ourselves right so if I die someone else becomes imposter at least right but see I missed that one on cams I didn't quite catch that kill I have to look a bit closer next time maybe unless it's JJ because you think that'll be funny for Jay to do it by himself I don't know really let's see all right we're gonna wait for a victim need a kill oh lights on camera once again first one is dead who wants it who wants it wow fat face he's got away with it as well he's got away with it too anyone gonna fix the [ __ ] lights oh that's unreal from Pie Face by the way damn I'm alive for two rounds in a row she's real fun I mean it's actually the first time I've heard your voice chip that's crazy that's what I'm saying you know what that's enough for me I'm going to chip no no no no no no no how do I revive someone yeah is Harry Still Alive Harry you alive boss ah mate I can see it I'm not accusing you I can see the cameras yeah so I'm just saying but I have to be alive you know what I've got some I've got some good information from this round actually so I you know I saw Randy I remember saying Randy Pig and with it I'm pretty sure they're in the vicinity of him was laser Annie Darren's and fish that's that's a lot so so so one of them that link has done it Landon where how are you in bomb right right now because you are how have you just spawned in all right guys I I've I found the body right and it's because I was doing the upload and I didn't want to leave my upload before doing going to lights on the way to light it said cause anyone gonna [ __ ] do these and that's where his body was at the bottom of light so it's evidently no one was going to do it well then that can't be me and Danny Aarons because we were just over on that whole side of the map unless someone is in the top of electrical hiding whilst the lights are off it could be par you know uh Pie's very quiet hi you normally talk a lot I haven't got anything to add but pie you've always got time right this pie yeah yeah that's a yeah good point that's a good point see you later big boy how the [ __ ] makes sense anyone can get it honestly that's how it goes I'm so confusing me why does it sound that angry as well so it's him accidentally he's fuming it's 100 pie how the [ __ ] are managed to get three votes there I didn't do anything wrong he would be screaming right now but he's not [ __ ] oh this game this game I've lost are you dead oh website sorry yeah don't talk nah I'm just like I got nothing oh my God I was unmuted I was out muted and I got the trader roll it was finally my time I finally was a crewmate anymore I thought it was a crewmate anymore and I was I I had the audacity to gasp [ __ ] that's mad what are the odds of that we have a traitor that is mad that means we have a traitor now yeah Lennon so now we need to help laser clutch up if he wins it so early if there's one or two more deaths it would have been perfect yeah if he wins he's an absolute icon though you know what he's a little pressure because he calls this little dumb idiot yeah yeah he should be able to pull this off really I'm gonna turn these back on third time this game oh JJ man the horse fixed lights okay I'm leaving fosh and Danny Aarons on on there I'm gonna go fix the lights I think okay I can I can fix this I just got to Kill Max wash I Just Gotta Kill Max wash all right now what well we're about to just get marinated again and get absolutely wrecked so Fortune Danny Aaron's working lights if I go on one of them's dead then I know it's I'll wait no no don't lock me in here I bet that someone's killed up there haven't they oh oh don't kill me kill me do it kill me wait yeah she isn't the man sorry for she boy I got assassin in navigation I reckon chips killed in nav I can't believe these videos actually get views I'm just grateful I'm actually super grateful to be alive right now this is quite a big moment for me and I'm pretty pretty happy yeah it's cheap Oh I thought Danny was gonna kill me I haven't seen [ __ ] kill anyone but I'm just gonna say it's true hi thank God thank God JJ you [ __ ] prick JJ why are you flicking the lights for 10 minutes he always does that though he always does that you are you would do it last time she just did uh downloads is that yeah that's right where is it that's it downloads voice broke it's Chip no Max I just walked past it how could you I haven't even killed that again the door's closed the doors were closed and the doors closed what doors they're waiting to open them again and just walk straight through I don't I don't even know what you're saying it's not me don't do that thanks thanks guys guys guys wait wait wait Harry have you got any any reports no I wasn't on camera it was me and Danny and it's cheaper please please Harry oh yeah now now you're now you're pleading that's what happens it's not me you're making a mistake I just want to be in the game please please either it's blue you man you don't have to you don't have to kill in this Lobby you just let votes happening I was I was I was minding my own Bell I was chilling chip they did get the killers out yeah no I did Kill just get away from a boo he might chase me it seems to be acting quite suspicious oh Lord only one thing for this is to check the cameras why why would it be me I would have killed bear people it was me bro all right so the beauty of this is just to remind everyone is that they already think they've got one of the killers and all that like they there's no suspicion on me to this point I've got Danny Ahrens as a previous clear we've got options we've got options man I've got to figure out how to play this you know see now I won't get killed because everyone thinks it's me great which means I can do whatever the [ __ ] I want ah nice all right look I'm dancing I'm dancing down to the camera yeah who is dancing on the camera for me and Josh they're all dancing for me I think Harry will save me if I'm just here chilling I dance for the camera I dance I dance for the camera I dance for the camera lights are off if one person comes I think I'd do it if one person it's the best [ __ ] sake man oh [ __ ] Harry's gonna be on okay I'm gonna go find the body I'm gonna find the body Josh just came up looking for someone foreign I was on cams right I've run down to go and fix the lights as I'm going into the lights area the doors shut on me but I still have an option to report so someone inside of Lights yeah I'm in there I reported I reported it I turned on the lights and then reported items I report it too but well you didn't I reported it I wrote you didn't report I reported it oh oh I did it as well okay Harry I was behind you yeah it's Josh it's Josh hang on why does it mean that's not JJ it's not Jay it's not JJ JJ it's been dancing on cameras it's not I dance for the camera I walked over the body it's not him the lights are off and I was like I'll just check the room real quick I promise you Harry on everything oh on everything I go to the body and doors close so I think I report it you reported it it's fine but I was hoping to be top of the electrical who's vented towards your room no it wasn't I reckon it's laser beam there's no way he did anything he was dancing the whole time oh oh [ __ ] right then um maybe I'll catch him on cams maybe I'll see on cams what they're doing okay [ __ ] okay [ __ ] we gotta start thinking I've got clear fosh baxby Danny Aaron's back to me all right from a previous one he actually accused me about you know that clear that turned out to be you know nothing this who was us on change I'm trying to think here oh [ __ ] Harry's the only one who is going to be probably chill I'm just gonna shut every door I'm gonna scare him this is gonna hurt oh maybe I won't kill him I don't think I should kill him I think he's he he's chaotic he we're going to need chaos we're going to need people who can like just say random [ __ ] this man is on camps wow it was him it was him it was him so hopefully someone finds me please someone find me someone find me please someone find my body somebody somebody please I was in admin then I got locked in storage I was an admin that I got locked in storage I've got to think here I wasn't meant to be a killer man this was just thrown on me oh wait if I just kill someone right now can I just win their dead body's about I thought I was gonna win there I'll be real yeah I'm trying to hit him I'm trying [Music] to my traitor buddy done done speed look at that ready not on my watch [ __ ] oh God I'm nervous I don't get nervous I'm starting a little bit Shaggy oh [ __ ] off I'd like to know exactly where you were because JJ you weren't dancing for the camera but I was waiting by lights getting ready to make sure I turn it on so you were just waiting at lights for when they turned off okay Lana where were you I was a reacted just then oh really because the body was in where do you think the body was I have the zero idea I guess uh where did you kill the body where did I kill the body I had zero clue where the body is so what do you think you could hear it so the body's in cafeteria so you could have made it to Upper reactor I'll give you that I definitely could have made it there and did you enjoy closing the doors as well I like Max well she's a good man I don't close doors right the thing is I don't think JJ would just could be could be bothered to like be imposter and get this far without without you you don't think he could be bothered he's just been dancing I can be accused like Max here or something because I don't know I don't know you voted to get chip out for a meme no you're about to get chip out Trader roll which we've forgotten about uh that's not ideal oh yeah you could have been friendly and then become a Trader Lana nephew then there's the rules if you if you if you accuse me you get you go in the bin sorry I don't know I'm voting for max if it's not yet all right zero clue see you later London vote JJ battle for [ __ ] sake [ __ ] you know oh my God oh my God [Laughter] [Music] that is incredible that is incredible yeah [Laughter] [Music] who it is a win I'm carrying that as a win I [ __ ] handed myself winning you guys still [ __ ] lost myself I thought I bottled it bro I accidentally didn't mute when I got it and I gasped yeah it was good how you changed targets at the end there it was good because you're going you're going for JJ and then you realized it went running so you just switched it the last JJ comes so quote for himself JJ come on man was like he's chilling I've defended myself then when he had to decide he was like oh [ __ ] I haven't thought about this oh JJ thought by defending himself he'd won Landon you're allowed to call this this Lobby dumb now yeah yeah I was stressing me again I'll forget a sake I'm I'll make an announcement I'm gonna last till the end here I'm 100 gonna last till the end I'm gonna I'm gonna be one of the winners actually okay I finally got imposter boys I'm kind of panicking shaking a little bit like [ __ ] who's getting it then oh sacrifice yourself to save another right revive a dead body at the cost of your own life but I actually I quite like my own life so like this seems a bit silly right okay I think I'm gonna take my time here gonna take my time okay let's just kidding all right [ __ ] you Max [ __ ] fair enough actually good actually for once I'm just really good for one oh well that's right so event used to be e hey did they see that they used to be quite an event chipper DCI Park ing event Harry is on camera's imagine my bloody shock what's Josh doing it the situation Happening Here I might use dead bodies there what the body literally you didn't see the body I don't know report report what does that means who reported this and Josh were right next I was on Cam's watching they were right next to this event they were right next to this body they didn't report it it was just one of them two yes I love that that's right where was the body it makes the navigation yeah from Shields right yeah and then fast jumps out of events in that Corridor yourself turned around and round that's out run that's how suspicious suspicious jump scare noise coming out of the event fast you come out of event no yeah he did that was convention buddy this [ __ ] I have no idea what just happened quick enough if someone tells you you come out of event and you ain't nothing no no he did I know I saw him come out I don't know what event is I don't know what event is that's not that's not convincing who's Josh did you see it on campus I was watching cams and I saw Foss jump in and out of event but I thought he was just I thought some people could just do that okay so Harry's actually done something Round of Applause literally nobody I just saw Simon leave I have to turn your lights on but someone could have vented into cams if Harry's in camps oh electrical's gonna be an absolute absolutely oh pie you've got me hung drawn and quartered you're still chatting who's Josh what's a bench see I did something I they they that they doubted me they said I wasn't helpful and I've helped them okay so don't kill the Smart Ones I don't know don't kill the Smart Ones I know no but then Simon mate let's hold hands bro I've legit got no tasks to do I wanted to avenge the other body and I had important information I'm calling a meeting I was probably gonna call a meeting here pipe no one wants to see a [ __ ] meeting almost got me the button I'm like don't do it I want I want to call a meeting this is hard one it's really hard I wanted to go to meeting 702 hello guys that's all please someone do it please someone there please someone there cool [Music] um JJ nice guys guys JJ wait what is someone gonna do this oh my God Lads we lost Happy Days oh [ __ ] it out I've just saved the game oh my God are you [ __ ] joking we were about to die did anybody want to do one yeah yeah that's where it is it's literally next to you do it again we're not talking I don't I didn't do it you just said he didn't do it he refused so the game was gonna end you guys are seeming hella racist right now yeah why not thank you guys the other one so you can do both then I ran around to get there in time I was there JJ why do you want us to stop okay what did we do look I I was just look just why do you want us to die look in that admin and I I know it was kind of cool how I could see how many people this big [ __ ] alone [Laughter] okay now now I don't feel bad oh I can still sabotage that's fun oh lights are early who's here Simon's a weird specimen sometimes isn't it Randy Danny [ __ ] please someone oh wait guys what how do I [ __ ] that one I don't know what I'm doing why is it keep doing this who's is this somebody else doing this all right it's a game you're meant to I don't get it all right watch me fix lights fix the lights I saw the lights are fixed fixed I am the light fixer [Music] for [ __ ] sake man anybody want to do lights boys or not let me know man there we go thank you thank God thank God we didn't get done [ __ ] sake man what do I do here so now I can kill oh my God who is doing that online he's dead he's dead he's voted out wow I'm a ghost brother it takes so much everything I said is adding up about it being Simon it's not me what kill report nah it's not Simon he's triggered happy enough chip I'm Gonna Save You in the comments it's not me like I think it's just to be fair I think it's just oh wow I suspect it could be anyone cheers because the traitor the traitor role he only got two votes right so far then have we got two votes right do you really think it was JJ yeah he seemed pretty I think I think it's 50 50. I think it's 50 50 whether it was JJ I I just like that on the punishment that was basically the basis of my Boeing guys I just want to say I'm grateful to be here you've lasted you've lasted pretty long because I was trying to see if anyone got killed I was also hovering off it but okay here's an observation General Lee we got far straight guilty so either there's an imposter or an imposter's inverted out and there's a traitor but we're six players potentially a brand new imposter I think we just roll with the punch yeah no based on that we go for Danny yeah cheers I don't want my fingers but Danny's the only guy I've not seen all game and I'm still alive well that's not true I'll skip I'll skip I'll Skip and now for the smart play all right so this is my guy these are my stats uh cheeky Flex I know this ain't going in I'm just putting it in because I'm bored I'm currently doing dragon slayer 2. uh it's a very Epic Quest right Randy and chiffo backed me so that's a positive I mean I think Randolph might be able to do this I think he's gonna do it he's I think if you know he literally hasn't said a while he hasn't said anything yeah I'd say one one I just get voted out and then [ __ ] sake and then I talk and you don't and then I mean they vote me out all right Randolph could kill Josh right here I could kill everyone right here Simon coming over the top Josh in the hallway with Randy three players huh let's do away too sorry guys Max just pulling strings in it okay hold on it's oxygen ah oh oh he's got Josh that was a good kill that was a good kill well there he's done well today is called fruit I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me right chip you're gonna do that bro it's not Danny good man it's not Danny I don't think it's Danny so Simon where are you Simon why are you running no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Randy Josh and Vic were together yeah okay I followed no no I was coming to the top one yeah that's done how am I meant to know that without being there because there's an arrow that points yeah and it points downwards when I'm above it you're stupid daddy Danny let me tell you this Danny let me tell you let me explain this for you okay that vix on cams I ran past Randy and Josh dancing on camps for him outside yeah I run up the top and run up towards you and Chip you two come off that top one all right sweetness those three all go down the bottom and then one of them is done sweet so it's not it's not chip it's not Simon in my opinion Randy or Vic I was dancing with Josh and then O2 goes off so I'm going I just leave to go and do that Randy where are you Randy where were you so Vic Randy where are you Simon it can't have been you because if you're with Danny that whole time sorry I was muted no I wasn't with him the whole time I just walked up if you went top the body's in electrical so I've used went over the top so and would I wouldn't self-report if Randy O2 because that would be stupid I would have just I would have just waited for people to stumble upon the body I don't did you know did you know did you know well we vote one of them and then I'm literally about to get to admin fro too so you're the only one going through Danny who do you want to vote Miss Randy one but it's Randy this Randy has been very calm did we win no it's Randy Simon's gonna come for me Simon is actually gonna come it's definitely him I have to avoid him at all costs so now I'm very confused I don't know if it's so I don't know who it is I using to be completely honest of you I think it's Simon Simon Simon still in there yet oh I'm stuck in here boys [ __ ] yeah oh he's done it yeah beautiful oh my God he's trapped himself he's trapped himself it's Randy it's Randy I can confirm chip it is Randolph with one oh no that's crazy because I said in my mother's life it was Simon so she's now dead yeah my brother 's game done this is this is crazy this is crazy are you telling me you're telling me this whole thing's down to me chip chip you're my brother ah I'm him I'm literally him he's screamed for his life and Chipotle Chipotle stream for his life no don't let me call him let me cook let me cry I know [ __ ] full proof we were together last round when there was a dead body so it couldn't have been me that killed him there's only one Randolph gun to give me as many compliments as possible your videos are absolutely class even like the one that you know you've vlogged yourself over in uh in South Korea keep going keep talking uh 24 hours cycling sorry yeah man just [ __ ] farmed him for compliments found him like a pig yeah that was a real Group after that one Randy good afternoon the crew actually won that's meant Brian I'm so sorry I [ __ ] at early doors that's okay it's okay it's okay you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine but you just can't get into it because they would never understand
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 5,634,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: bsyVBpdgYlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 29sec (2609 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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