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we're back we're live and we're bigger than ever it is the fifth side Venture rematch can assignment make it three in a row and take home the trophy for a fourth time of all the YouTube All-Stars stand in their way stay tuned to find out whoa previously on sideman that is a fantastic half-pitched goal is this real lunch [Applause] oh wow look at that Tope oh that is an incredible goal it is getting really Lively here at the valley 1.3 3 chances can hit one here Stephen just hit one my face [Applause] hits the shot oh my gosh can you deliver Miranda coming certainly knock out the dragon losing 4-3 when we get back on that pitch we are going to beat all stars I'm sorry outside [Applause] training and then she contributes hang on hang on he's gonna put the whistle through his lips come back from the sidemen hello and welcome to the fifth side bench hurry football match Oh my days right here live in front of a sold out London Stadium that's about to be 60 000 people in the building and we've got all of you millions of people at home watching we're about to see the biggest event in YouTube history go down yes in just under 45 minutes Simon FC we'll take to this pitch and go head to head against the YouTube All-Stars in a battle to end all battles but can they make it three in a row and bring home a trophy for the fourth time or will the YouTube All Stars steal it from them it's gonna be very tense you can see the teams have just come out onto the pitch and the kids are very excited um joining the statement this year we've got the biggest names on YouTube Mr Beast speed kaisanet xqc jidon Nico I call him Nicole L said you're wrong Zoo um we'll be taking you through all the action as it happens on and off the pitch and for the first time this year we'll joined SEMA jasmal to get expert analysis from our panel of football legends [Music] really wanted this couple back in the commentary box it is none other than Steven tries and Spencer FC they will be your commentators today they're not so cute looking forward to that Andrew I don't know if you've noticed we've got a massive sponsor on the shirt sleeve today none of none other than Crunchyroll Crunchyroll what's Crunchyroll are you an anime fan I do love a bit of DBZ okay well Crunchyroll is the home of anime I heard you talking about Attack on Titan earlier yeah with the big giants in that year yep they have Demon Slayer attack on Titan and so much more so you are missing out make sure you go and check that out now let's talk about half time let's do it because we have a very special guest performing at halftime right yes it's me yep it's not Zoo unfortunately even though you're here now it's fine we do have none other than the king of Manchester mr0161 is HMI H will be Batman at half time so make sure you stay tuned for that and as always it's important to remember why we are here today and that is to raise money for Charities so today we will be raising money for five very important Charities to the sidemen they are charity for Brightside teenage cancer trust calm rays of sunshine and m7e the money rays will be shared amongst these five really important causes so if you can please donate by heading to or text think sdmn followed by your donation amount to 785 to give the donations over 20 pounds head to sidemen as .com and make a donation there and any donations over 50 pound which is really cool will be shown up on screens amazing amazing text will cost the donation amount plus one standard Network rate message donation amounts can be anywhere between a whole number of 1 and 20 to donate a matching value between one pound and 20 pounds teenage cancer trust calm rays of sunshine M70 and Brightside will receive a share of your donation for the full terms and conditions please visit forward slash text all the information on how to donate how the money will be shared between the Charities and the full terms and conditions can be found in the description below and on the website thank you so much Alice now make sure you stick with us for interviews with the players the managers and they'll be seeing how the teams line up but for first things first we've got our roaming presenter out in the field Cecil G he's out there getting the behind scoop on today's match yeah this is unbelievable 60 000 tickets sold and I'm gonna give you all the exclusive access let's go [Music] oh look you're in there mate I'm so sorry I'm so sad but my dream but to me please keep up the grass I just want to touch glass do you know what hahaha [Music] main man himself look at this this is a custom kit it's 69 okay okay it's nice glow Berry Prime that matches JJ's top let's go it's their game time hat trick on Deck it's ready to be fair though to be fair though it's game time I can't get rid of this guy how's it going because everyone just turn the AC on it the energy is right man the energy is right I'm excited you should be excited thank you big C thank you big c right now I'm joined by the one and only Nicoma but I I feel him honestly I'm feeling good I'm feeling excited I'm ready to absolutely annihilate the sidemen today we've got a good bunch of lads and I believe that we can bring it home you know when they say I've got a good bunch of lads that's on real football talk and what can we predict for the match today uh well if I'm being honest you want an honest answer I want an honest answer uh I'd say about 17-3 to the YouTube All-Stars 17 free the sidemen don't know what they're important are you gonna score I'd hope so I'd hope so but uh I mean I got one last year so I'm not I'm not clinging on to it but I'd really like it guys he's been here before he's done it before now um You said that it would have been easier for you if you had the whole beta Squad here the whole Squad is not here how do you feel about that I mean it's unfortunate but I think it's the the sidemen know that the BET's got a Ballers so the BET Squad were here it would probably be about 47 nil so remember my message for the rest of your Lads um who are watching right now listen guys I love you guys and hopefully uh one day we'll all be on the pitch together but yeah Big up and I believe that uh I believe that we'll we'll win it's a little bit sweet and a little bit nice can I get some trash talk for the other team please okay so first off uh we're not uh we got uh knowledge the one with three subscribers yeah knowledge and goal he's awful he's got a huge forehead and that's the only thing that's going to stop the golf if you don't know knowledge is KSI no no everyone knows you know this is government name knowledge friends Integrity oh yeah I forgot sorry my bad we've got knowledge and goal he's not doing nothing they've got Simon miniminter who's about 47 now so I don't think he can score three goals this year to be completely honest with you who else they got I mean in the rest of the sidemen they've got the rest of the side they got Toby Toby's fast but I mean jid's got a plan for him so he's probably gonna break her leg not a breaker leg okay let's not talk about no break no not break away I'm sorry sorry I mean he's going to break um let's cut to ours else what's going on with you because people are talking about breaking legs it's not nice right hello I am joined by the goalkeeper today JJ a switch in positions yes why why did you do that oh obviously I've got October 14th against Tommy Fury so we thought I'd have a higher chance of not getting injured in goal okay and how are you finding the warm-up you said it's harder than you thought yeah so this is probably one of the first times I've been in goal and uh yeah it's not easy you know I remember I would uh make fun of all these goalkeepers letting goals in but uh now I'm one of them ah I might have been more than I could chew hmm well Nick I was saying he reckons 17-3 which means you're laying 17. 17 fees about outrageous okay I still want to try and keep a clean sheet but uh yeah obviously I imagine they're gonna try and shoot from long range uh test the goalkeeper test my hands and uh yeah look I'm gonna do do my best see what happens and uh yeah hopefully win us the game okay we'll be freeze in a row if you do win today yes any Trash Talk we ever seen because Nico was giving out yeah well I mean speed is probably going to be offside the whole time anyway so it don't matter none of these goals will count Nico uh will be behind chunks's Shadow literally and uh I don't even know who who is who who that's a good question I think you're gonna do all right right anyway we're gonna head back over to zoo he's with another member of the All-Stars you know the Vibes right now I'm joined by the one and only young Philly my brother how you feeling I am feeling good I'm feeling look at that I know bro I just moments like this humble me like this is I'm a humble man anyway but this just lets me know how far I've come in life man this is surreal bro now listen you can't be too humble when you was banging goals last year the goal that you scored last year was incredible are we gonna see that again this year hopefully God's willing some say though that is the best goal in the sidemen history um of every single match bro top bins just slapped it like there was no tomorrow yeah it was a great goal um hopefully I get to comment a squash it again but um yeah I've got to play a significant role today because we've got no Harry De Niro they've taken out Harry Panera so it means I've got to do extras there's no HP with the sauce oh well you we do have trunks on the field of view and we know about you guys Brotherhood uh are we gonna see some tikitaka together a little bit of connection football between of course of course me anymore speaking yesterday in the hotel and I was like bro more or less every time I get the ball I'm going to try and find you obviously not full sit if Chris MD or another player is free then I'll give it to them but if I see chunks I'm definitely slipping and through I think we would love to see an assist from trance straight to a goal to you oh that would be amazing because last year I was the one that assisted yeah so yeah as long as I assist them animal the man them assists me I'll be happy man away from this is there anything that we can see coming forward from Young Philly in the future yes I've got a mixtape coming out this year I don't have a date but it's the later end of the year but yeah more music coming soon man for sure exclusive information thank you so much else back to you yes I am now joined by Simon who scored the winner last year in the match another one today I hope so but at the same time I don't want to have to rely on it um yeah hopefully we can just win regardless it doesn't matter so Nico was talking some smack a minute ago he said you're 47 years old so you're not going to do anything and he reckons it's going to be 17-3 to the All-Stars oh he's been texting me for the last few days about how unfair the teams are our way so I think he's talking a load of waffle um yeah I mean he moves like a 55 year old he might not he might be younger but uh yeah it's not pretty to watch him run it's not right so we're here today it's gonna be 60 000 people in the stadium a lot more than last year any nerves are you feeling confident ah no I always get nervous I'm absolutely breaking it right now like if one of us doesn't poo on a pitch we've done well well frieza's got food poisoning yeah he's my he's my like top bat right well best of luck today I'm hoping to see another another winner from you right we're gonna head back over to Big Zoo with the All-Stars now you know the visor we meet Casey right now [Applause] not playing no game the coaches told me I'm starting it's lit are you good at football my brother I used to play back in Middle School uh uh uh my bowls are not usually uh athletic but today it out loud oh it's okay don't worry we apologize for the poor language okay right now but he's gassed up he's ready to score are you gonna score ball today yes yes I am I will score a goal today I am going to score today and I will score it down to yep can you give us a quick uh insight into how you will celebrate if you score right now celebrate damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey don't get into don't get eaten don't get injured do we have any trust talk for the other team anything you want to say to the other team right now no trash talk I'm here to play and play and play great only with my teammates good chemistry good communication and Good Vibes Good Vibes all around I'm here with Simon FC's Mr Beast you are back for another year how are you feeling I feel great this year should be fun are you thinking you might score this year um I'll do something do something okay impact but you if you win today it could be three in a row for the sidemen so oh really pressure there's no pressure well if we win it's not because of me so I feel no pressure I'm just gonna go out there and I don't know Chase speed around and try to steal the ball from him sounds about right aside from speed is there anyone else on the opposition who you're looking out for today um well chunks last year hit a goal from like I mean it looked like 50 yards away so I assume he's pretty good outside of that no not really not really so you're not feeling threatened you just here for Good Vibes I'm just here to have fun like this is like look at all these people out here this looks like an amazing event it's for charity love to support it exactly exactly well thank you so much for chatting to us we are going to head back over to zoo now with the All-Stars speaking of chunks he's with chunks speaking of chance right now I'm gonna find am I feeling my boy very good brother I can't lie to you I'm excited man being a YouTuber being on a pitch in the sold out West Ham Stadium absolutely incredible over charity alhamdulillah so you've scored goals here before yes uh we know that you can you can pull it top bins but today are we seeing the tech once again once again obviously I'm not starting today but uh what's going on okay okay obviously you've got a few bacon which is of course better than me so he's playing in that 10 roll but just believe I'm gonna come in do up a little job in there as well very excited incredible gamer now your brother Philly is on the pitch we know about you guys connection are we going to see one twos are we going to see tic attack are we going to see this let's head out American News yeah my bridges of course because they're on my team but they don't know Bal you know I mean we really kickball from 2000.99 you get what I'm trying to say so me and Philly are showing the peoples how to actually kick football today yeah so that's what it's going to be connections one two remove to Pivot you know what I mean it's all good bro all right listen I I follow you on Instagram and we see the tech we see the left foot and the right foot what foot are you I don't know what foot you are compare oh it's all right it depends on the day and obviously I just I was just talking about this off camera we see the clean horse what's clean Hearts I've been seeing it on the t-shirts in order to clean Hearts it's the brand bro it's coming out real soon uh it's my it's it represents me I like to think where can I buy that where can I buy that it's not out yet but just make sure you follow the socials coming out real soon thank you so much I owls back to you my love yes I'm joined by Toby from sidemen FC Toby last year you and Manny were a great double team that goal I still watch it now on replay no you don't I do I'm not lying any um surprises today for us the first surprise is JJ and goal that's going to be interesting um but surprises for me I don't know man I don't know what to expect I can't tell you I mean it's it's leveled up since last year I mean 60 000 people compared to last year is an incredible amount big big support here Simon seemed really confident compared to the All-Stars I'm hearing some of the talk they're giving back to you but you guys seem very calm very confident who seemed confident who did you ask because I've been hearing a lot of doubts from people but I'm sure I'm here to have fun and have a good time raise money for a great cause in front of 60 000 people want to give them the best experience possible so there's a lot of reasons I'll be doing what I do and everyone else will be doing what they do in the pitch lovely well thank you so much Toby And as always it's important to remember why we are here today which is to raise money for charity so let's hear it from Toby Josh and JJ about why the campaign against living miserably is so important to the sidemen [Music] thank you that's beautiful yeah nice way so Sam tell us a little bit about com Karma the campaign against living miserably their goal is just to prevent suicide where possible I was referred to come by a doctor I had a particularly bad night one night and decided that I need to do something about a 15-minute conversation potentially saved my life how did you uh get involved I lost my youngest brother to Suicide yeah I'm sorry to hear that the thing that kind of struck home with me was that I didn't see it coming you feel like you want to help someone else and I came across calm they were using spool and music and humor trying to connect with that audience yeah looking back to that time I think my brother would have he would have picked up the phone and spoken to those guys and that might have saved his life [Music] do you find it hard opening up to a stranger at first yeah not anymore though I feel like as soon as you do that first time you learn that it's not as scary as it might seem to be I guess it's also a thing that like someone can't see and says well what what calm is and who they are just from the tattoo alone what do you do personally like to help calm back in 2012 I created something called the mental health World Cup so the idea is I wanted to get together on the football pitch talk about mental health and raise money for calm everyone who was there was you know really comfortable saying you know what we're playing football we're standing against suicide what can we all do to help calm the charity the number one thing is to donate you can do other things simply by talking to people I opened up to people it allowed them to open up to me and it's potentially saved their life don't live miserably come I think that's it boys we're ready all right calm down Toby I'm on our way let's go do it last year you raised enough money to fund 53 625 potentially life-saving calls on carm's helpline that's every call that car Man suit from a young person from entire year Palms helpline is available 365 days a year from 5 P.M to midnight and crucially they're ready to intervene your donations go a long way to helping fund a potentially life-saving chat donate today if you can by heading over to [Music] foreign [Music] just eight pounds helps to fund a potentially life-saving phone call from one of calm's helpline so if you can please donate by heading to or use the QR code on screen or you can text sdmn to 785 followed by your donation amount all of the information is in the description and on the website right big Vibes now today we are joined by the managers of the match we've got Mark goldbridge we've got Billy win Grove how you guys feeling I was feeling good I'm feeling confident out here unbelievable setting but it is hot it is hot but you're not a fat man so it's a bit different for you um how are you feeling about your team today you've got got a good strong lineup of boilers on your squad listen the players know each other inside out that gives us quite a big Advantage I said that last year I think it will help us we've got some new additions to the team I'm confident let's feel relaxed they felt relax in the changing room so I think we'll go out there and put in a good performance definitely from speaking to them they do seem confident a lot of Trash Talk coming from the All-Stars today but you know we love that we love it it's all about the trash talk um speed's back for another year yep does he know the offside rule this time around this I I said to him in the training rooms you're quick mate just wait wait because you will beat them for Pace um but I agree with Billy I think the the side men have got to be favorites they know each other they won it last year um I've got a goalkeeper who said what's that net I think he thought he was going fishing so I'm I'm hoping I'm hoping we can teach some of these ads the basics and uh repeat what we did last year which which I think was a fantastic game yeah any score predictions from you any score predictions Billy I think there'll be over 10 goals lights for one side 100 I think there'll be that many goals today yeah like it could be 12 10 to us I think it's gonna be loads of goals and that's what we want to see you know like last year was an incredible game some unbelievable goals but the entertainment value was Second To None you know 100 it was brilliant and that's what we want to see again definitely well you're both back for a second year is there any rivalry going on or is it friendly what do you think is friendly to me I don't know about you mark see what see what you're wearing yeah is that you're right is that what you're wearing mate I've gone pet I've gone pet I've got to get changed yet I've got to get changed yet I'm not going full kit he's always one new up on the suit yeah we'll see it's gonna be hot it's gonna be hard but no it's not a hot Ribery it's uh it's for charity yeah but I want to win that's all a lie I know you both with each other desperately thank you to both of you better like Billy vessel like Mark and Most Wanted he's going to but may the best man win thank you very much right before we check in with Cecil wherever he's got up to next we have a message of support then from a footballing legend wow it's not big Zoo but it is Ian Wright hi everyone it's right here just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone for their support the sidemen charity match every donation today makes a massive difference and helps our five Charities improve and change the lives of thousands of people around the UK if you can please donate by heading over to and give what you can to help thank you so much man and take it easy always take it easy thank you very much Ian for that message of support now today is all about raising money for charity so let's take a look at why rays of sunshine is such an important cause for the sidemen I'm going to call [Music] Jude is a really bubbly Lively friendly little boy who just wants to be like all of his friends Jude was born prematurely at 28 weeks it was diagnosed when he was around about two that he had intestinal failure I have known Jude for over six years now we absolutely love Jude on this ward he never fails to make a smile every single shift so we first heard about rays of sunshine when Jude had his first multi-organ transplant back in 2018 the wish granters did their very very best to give Jude the best wish that they possibly could I was in my garden and I got surprised they told me to shut my eyes and go into the front room and it was just there happy it keeps him in touch with everybody whether he's in hospital at home or even our local hospice rays of sunshine is a children's charity our aim is to brighten the lives of seriously ill children across the UK by granting them their magical wish were you excited for the charity match yeah do you want us to lose no how much brexit tackled again one of the most amazing things about Jude is he will always have a smile on his face and even though he has been through some real challenges he doesn't let that stop him we've got this so you can kick that around the place and annoy people oh I saw skills I think that the work the charity does is amazing so that children like Jude can have some joy in their life today's donations are incredibly important to our charity we are purely donation based so we wouldn't be able to bring these moments of joy to seriously ill children without the incredible support of donators across the UK so if you can please give generously thank you in a minute I'm gonna ask Vic for a video and Simon Simple Simon [Laughter] yes the money you raise today makes a massive difference to thousands of lives of children around the UK and 15 pounds could help fund an hour for a ray of Sunshine's wish grinder to arrange all of the magical details that go into creating Unforgettable memories for seriously ill children and their families to treasure absolutely incredible and if you want to get your hands on one of these exclusive limited edition side man charity match bears like I got in my hand right now head over to forward slash collections for assignment all the profits on the sale of these Bears will go direct to the Charities and remember if you are donating today head to to make your donation QR code you can also text sdmn to 785 with your donation amount all of the information is in the description and on the website beautiful now there's a lot on the line right now for the sidemen this year can they take home their fourth trophy or with the YouTube All-Stars combat with a W after last year's very close match very close um let's find out what the sidemen think speed for an outrageous tackle or for attacking the referee I've had enough of this actually two fit in someone miniminter and I'll try and break his leg in the process I'd the most likely to get a red card I believe will be me because if Theo Baker tries to go past it I'm going to break his his uh calf [Music] then we give it to JJ and he misses honestly I've always seen Vic Vic does luck can only last so long your boy Vic star he's had his time Josh he's a great lad but I think in the occasion he just he just bottles it if I'm being honest I think it's work I think JJ you know JJ's got a good day if he can save a company me KSI saving everything nothing is going past my net well past me all the oh it's not going into the net yeah yeah yeah someone shut up it's Simon Simon have you ever have you stopped scoring out tricks now where is it can the guy just go away on playing defense I'm gonna go with Ethan no that's I'm completely lying it's not Ethan it's Toby I think I think Alex could uh could be the accident waiting to happen he could end up on the bench recovering calyx it's got lung capacity of a four-year-old Josh worries me it is Fitness scares me so I bet maybe he might get hooked early but also probably me of some kind of injury me Josh the boys will kill me if I don't see Josh there's one man or more man only in my head right now and I Still Circle I think I think he he needs to work on his finishing but if he can do it he might be all right we'll have to wait and see I could see JJ like head biting someone in the Box you could even drop an elbow on him yeah you never know JJ's gonna get bored in golf hey I think he's just gonna Sprint up the pitch and just tackle someone it's KSI you think he's gonna stand still for 90 minutes Josh why he'll miss [Laughter] fosh I think you'd look at him and go he can't play football he plays like croquet or something I think surprise people with how he is I think with Harry everyone always thinks he's just bog standard but he's actually bug amazing but that was so bad I'm so sorry Simon again the man who's got six goals and a hat trick of assists I have a mentor hold on Simon you got man the match again you managed to get another hat trick for the fourth time congrats obviously someone would score all these goals but I'll make all the saves and people care more about the goalies than the strikers hahaha well that was brilliant wasn't it and I am delighted to be pitch side with three exceptional pundits for today's match adebayo back in fenworth who has scored over 200 goals in his great playing career ennia Luco just the 102 caps for England and Julian lescott who's won it all domestically the Premier League the FA Cup and the league cup so Julian come on you've done it that was beautiful by the way beautiful tell us how does it feel to be today a bit different to what you're used to yeah very different but the atmosphere I can feel it building um I'm just I'm just happy I'm not involved because it is warm today it's very warm actually you guys about this any how are these guys going to cope with these conditions because it's plus 30 degrees we've had our fans out it's hot I don't know it's going to take some good doing because it is really really hot pitched side but look they'll get they'll got used to it during the warm-up um they'll have got a sense of the pitch and the atmosphere it's amazing come up light by the way you kept your eyes on it it was entertaining yeah and it's funny that's the first I've seen someone warm up like that's what he just went off his top skins he's been working out obviously I think jolian was impressed with some of the airstrike techniques brilliant for that in a moment but actually speaking of Strikers bio let's talk about some of the players that we can expect to see today yeah I want to know about Simon a man of the match performance last year with a hat-trick and a hat trick of assists yeah is there pressure on him this time around yeah but I think Simon loves pressure yeah he's a certified boreline if anybody saw the lob the way he won it last year listen he's ready he tries to downplay it I'll see he's interview at the beginning he said I don't want it to he wants it he's like he's a goal scorer so he yeah he's ready for it do you know what those interviews so good to watch mixed emotions some are playing it quite cool some are really hyped for it but actually jolian this is a huge moment to play at the London Stadium in front of like what a sellout 62 000 crowd is something special oh definitely yeah to play on a football pitch on obviously in this arena is Iconic but yeah the sellout stadium so credit to all the fans I've come and obviously as as the players were saying it's for a great cause yeah well you know what I would like to talk about chunks okay so he starts on the bench today he's a sub but he has played with some Legends during soccer Aid with the likes of scolzi Jermaine Defoe to name a couple but also a second any luko I would have said you first by the way but it's cool I apologize I apologize my teammates my secondary teammate he's you know what chunks has got tickers and and I've said to chunk before you need to believe in yourself a little bit more just be a bit more consistent because sometimes it can be amazing tickers and the next minute's over the bar but he's consistent right um I think he'll be disappointed on the bench today though yeah that's a little weapon yeah because like chunks the game's gonna get spread later on yeah he's going to hit a world it look there's some Ballers out here Trump is going to hit you I just wonder what position he's going to come in number 10. when I played with him I put a few balls through it please yeah you put it in the gloss I'm going to give you a dirty look hit my feet me and chunks we're the same like give it to his feet and let him put your top bins okay do you know what I really want to ask you about KSI so he was brilliant last year wasn't he in the middle of the park he played more of a defensive Midfield role yeah this time he's in goal we know why because he's got his boxing match coming up and you know it's a big fight but is that a good decision to begin I'm not so sure if this if the defense is strong he must have faith in his defense so he's not have to face any shots but if he does then obviously he's a busy man then that could have a bigger impact than he thinks yeah and listen to me for we say and go Loosely because KSI like I said to be not in the action but he's going to be coming out doing slide tackle so he's gonna have to contain himself but I'll go down with Jordan If he if their defense is solid he won't have anything to do but I'm not sure it's a great tactics as well telling everyone that you're trying to avoid injury because from corner kick yeah listen if I'm the other team I'm thinking listen he's not trying to get he might end up getting something yeah but you're not gonna smile with a man that he's training to fight true yeah I want to bring in some of the match stats from last year because I guess they tell the story but we do know that the sidemen did really really well didn't they they did really well they won eight seven in the end I mean there were lots of goals flying about what were we expecting this time around Julian yeah I'm expecting the same thing I'm guessing that it it's tight at the start people are feeling that the atmosphere that the size of the pitch because that'll be a Difference Maker and then also when the game spreads out at the end towards the end people get tired there's a lot of changes and then all of a sudden everyone turns into a number 10. yeah yeah I mean listen I I I think the sidemen are going to win it again I think this is the fourth time they're looking for the fourth win so I think they're going to win it but Jolly said at first there's gonna be a lot of energy running around it's gonna be tight and then they're gonna realize how big this pitch is yes I know they're all up for it though because I know there was a bit of trash talk earlier there's a lot going on but you know I think they really want there's a big moments but look now he is absolutely amazing he's great to have you here you've been keeping us on our tiptoes with your incredible music that you've been producing thank you see what I did there yeah so anyway how does it feel to be here today and who are you supporting me I'm trying to get wet to be honest okay this is I mean are you playing yes this is live TV for you isn't it in fact I think we can go back now guys yeah sorry we didn't plan that for your entrance [Laughter] by the way yeah who are you supporting today h I believe that's going to happen today yeah yeah and I want uh I want I want Simon to because I feel like sometimes he's a sick player but sometimes it just holds back you know I mean it's just chill but I feel like if he turns the gears up today I think it can do a Madness but we were just saying look the guys from their pre-match interviews they really want this this means a lot to them yeah especially because it's for such a great course yeah yeah cool and bragging right yeah yeah and bragging right as well okay the best part is though we are all looking forward to half time because you'll be performing so what can we expect from your performance Good Vibes yeah keep the crowd warm more sprinklers anyway yeah sprinklers uh yeah man just some good vibes you know what I'm saying well look I know you're not a fan of crypto but I'm happy that you're a fan of football and you're here with us do you know what you smashed it today I love that I love that I love that thank you guys yeah we will be back won't we at half time but for now I hope you're keeping nice and cool Zoo announced because it is boiling yeah don't worry we're keeping cool we got hit by the sprinklers as well um if you don't want Elsa turn around she's absolutely dripping um now thank you so much SEMA we are moments away from kickoff so we've got time for an exclusive preview into the behind the scenes of how this charity match actually works I know it's not all run by else that's before [Music] [Applause] [Music] be ready to build your charity the viewership was crazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] the logistical stuff is crazy the side manly have built this huge production team and we meet we thought we share our opinions and we all decide what the best thing to do is the experience of doing it before allows you to really level up if we win again it's our last one we just wanted to support as many Charities as we can more about doing a cool thing and using it for good there's more emotional ones but I'm not gonna go and stem man I'm gonna go into them they're like oh the sidemen are washed if he's going to want to watch us play football no one knows until match day whether we've made the right call or not [Music] we are on the side man that's what makes you special man that looks really special can't wait to watch it down you can actually catch it from the 23rd of September on side plus so make sure you go and check that out right now remember today is all about raising money for five amazing Charities and the money you raise makes a huge difference so please if you can donate by visiting you can also use the QR code on the screen and you can text sdmn followed by 785 with your donation amount all of the information is in the description and on the website beautiful now obviously speaking about charity that's what we're here for time for us to find out how much money we've raised so far else can I get the number please okay General I need a drum roll raised so far before we've even kicked a ball is 983 000 pounds 614 pounds first money that's a lot of money in there even before the kickoff no no it's been done absolutely incredible so if you can please do keep donating also shout out to Harry paneero who's watching I think I hate to be like the source right is it time to get into it yeah I think it's time let's let's see what's going on in the Box mate right let's go to the commentary box Steven tries and Spencer MC are going to be giving us the lineup reactions thank you very much big zoo and else here we are we're back Stephen it's absolutely amazing to be here I've got to say you know for me as a West Ham fan London Stadium it doesn't get much better than this and the game looks good it's gonna be incredible the weather's amazing the sun is shining it's too warm for us gingers yeah we keep talking about it don't we we've got the special shirts out but Steve how you feeling about today I'm excited I mean I'll be honest there's no Noah back this year which means less pressure on Chris MD and my trouser zipper he's handsome uh but I'm I'm so excited loads of new faces people from all over the world are coming here to play not to watch I mean they're just from London I think uh but it's going to be amazing it's going to be incredible everything is getting bigger and better this year obviously we're going to set records here in terms of a YouTube event you know it's been a privilege and an honor to be part of this journey the side men's Journey the kind of football match Journey over the last decade and today is the real moment in history because we're talking about 60 it's going to be amazing I expect goals goals goals at least I hope for I mean if it's nil nil we are buggered basically I think it's gonna be new I've seen the goalkeepers there's no disrespect but if he will be very unlucky but listen we've got some teams to talk for of course oh yeah we've seen the the squads the squad's a pack of Talent on and off the pitch maybe more off the pitching in the changing rooms when it comes to town but um yeah I mean listen the team selection for me is going to be huge the the role that Billy and Mark have played Billy went grabbing Mark goldbridge is the two managers they could have huge at moments in this match with regards to who they stop on in regards to what changes they make I mean you know Mark goldbridge his football philosophy is like his views off camera offensive but it's great to watch as in that as in his football philosophy it's gonna be a crack I want at least 10 goals it's going to be well look at the history apart from the two-nil defeat the only defeat the sidemen have suffered they've scored seven or eight goals in every other game they're expecting a lot of matches but look let's take a look at what we've got coming up in terms of here we go Talent starting off with KSI of course goalkeeper today he's wearing a microphone throughout the match oh jme fun fact he actually spent last season playing for Brentford oh wait that's not me destroys back 26 years old he got a 5.7 match rating last year I'm sure that'll be higher count for easy he's the face of the fellas which makes you wonder what the rest of them look like laser beam is here from Australia 26 minutes last year but he starts today Mr Beast the most Subs man on YouTube what does that tell you he's got bad stamina that we have zingra him Jizzle he always brings it some to matches this thing this guy can do things with his feet like no other that's just one of his Tinder reviews Josh zerker the dad of the sidemen what a man and a big game for him coming up Simon is a born winner the only thing he's ever lost is my invite to his wedding star scored a massive goal last year can you go one better this year Subs look at those boys no two ways boots today yeah the owner of a shoe brand with terrible views it's not Kanye West it's calyx and Manny of course brother of Toby I mean unbelievable player serious chemistry I think we've also got deji as well another brother of KSI there's such good link up potential between angry Ginge a ginger who lives in Manchester with a terrible Fringe get your own gimmick mate that's all I'll say yeah what's coming into your territory it's got with an old school England no-nonsense four four bloody two it's classic I love it it's yeah I mean a lot of these players uh they they just they're staunch you know they'll stand in their position and they will not move from it I am not going anywhere so Harry that was actually when he was uh defending a statue of Churchill but we won't go into that I would say this is a more balanced team you know we'll look at the the YouTube team when they come out but yeah there's great players and there's maybe not so experienced players next to them so there's obviously going to be a few holes in both sides but you've got to look at the Quality in that side maintain do we need to look further than Simon Minter he always steps up to the occasion he's scored some incredible goals and regardless of who's in goal for those moments you've still got to have the technique I mean he he has got great technique I feel like he's got he's got a football pitch in his backyard now yeah some of us are in a cost of living crisis say uh but you know he's he must have been practicing night after night expect great things especially against xqc who is of course engulf of the YouTube All-Stars yeah there's some we'll get around to them later we'll look absolutely positives and then the team but right now we're going to throw to Cecil he's in the tunnel right now soaking up that pre-match atmosphere so key as you can see we've given you all the behind the scenes access like I mentioned before we're in the tunnel I got a lot of guests I'm excited we've got a few additions as well to this year's charity match we've got KSI cam something new from his perspective we've also got ref cam on Mark kattenberg right in his chest you'll see that and also I've got a touchline correspondent in NADA so there's a few additions to this year but listen let's go let's go a little bit closer and get look I'm giving you the access I told you I would could even look how close though we can even touch that we can even touch oh my all right listen the game's about to kick off we are moments away it's buzzing out there with some big up to all of you guys have donated as well because we've hit amazing numbers as well so far it's incredible and if we got Mark I see you've got the ref oh that's quite early that's quite protruding then you'll be able to see some of my bad decisions out there no we don't want no Badness is that VAR today no we don't need it we don't need it no we don't need it no it's not going to damage this game like it damages everything else nice so Mike enjoy the game have a good game the guys are about to head out you can hear them it's excited I'm guessing moments away let me head back to elves and Zoo take it yeah they're slightly different to elves and so but we'll take it and ginger though yeah that's fair um it's looking good down there clamber going in on vars it's funny as soon as they stop being like top level refs they start telling you all the things that they never tell you when they're yeah when the fa stops greasing their wheels so to speak yeah then the truth comes out klassenberg okay he was good value last year I'm expecting the same from him he understands the tone this game is going to be played and how would you describe that tone I'd say it's it's playful but with undertones of seriousness yeah I've got GCC in English guys I'd like to show it off sometimes have we heard from Mark goldbridge and Billy earlier when they were talking about you know how serious is this this I know for sure goldbridge wants to win you know sometimes like the odds are against them they're The Underdogs it's obviously a side man event but they've got some players there's some seriously they really have and goldbridge has brought his boots so you know if he's not happy with what's happening he'll get out there he'll be on that pitch give the people what they want you know Jackie goldbridge I've actually played football them before he can kick a ball you'd be surprised he can Patrol that Midfield I've seen him do it many a time but listen it's not just about having a great game of football today guys it's about breaking those records you know last year unbelievable was it 2.6 million watching live at one point raised over a million pounds already close to beat in last year's uh amount of money raised for charity for some great causes can we get that many people watching as well last time I checked through a 1.3 million we hadn't even kicked the ball that may have gone down since we started talking very true I can't lie very much no it's it's it's it's on everything that's on a bigger scale you've got to Hope people donate I know times are tough but this is a great cause so many Fantastic things to donate to yeah well we're gonna take a look at the YouTube All-Stars team can they do well not many teams have done before and beat the assignment xqc could be the most important man in this team he's in goal Max fosch Max is a fitness freak and by that I mean he's banned from the gym changing rooms Jillian didn't get to play last year but is in the defense ready to commit for the All-Stars will n e has a mullet it was very popular in the 80s but so was Jim or fix it Danny Aaron's also sporting one as well this is a wild card is the best I can say exactly Kai he streamed non-stop for a month although so did Chris him desires when he got dumped lots of arrays speaking of race Philly in the middle he's got that Colombian Flair scored a banger this time last year oh here he is Chris MD much like his date in life he'll be going from box to box today it was offside last year will it be this year oh Theo Baker he recently completed an Iron Man the only thing it um I I just butchered that we'll come back to it Nico got two goals his YouTubes Peter Crouch oh look at these Subs we've got Duke Duke Dennis he was in the US Army watch out for the lethal shooter that is Victor one two three though of course chunks on the bench perhaps controversy we know what he can do he's been getting into shape for the match by chasing mayajama for the past three years hang in there let's take a look at his lineup man no there are some holes in it I would say question marks on the Canadian goalkeeper xqc is he experience we don't know based on footage it could be a hard day for him but if you look at that Midfield core Philly Chris MD Theo Baker there is bags of talent and I'll tell you what nickel up front he is talented that boy can score a goal or two speed as well bit of a bit of a wild card he looks better than he did last year There's Hope for him yeah he's been practicing I've seen some interesting footage of speed and how many football teams have you seen with not one but two people that ran for mayor of London the same side they've put their political differences to one side they're ready to commit to the YouTube All-Stars businessman it's beautiful look at him here's the tunnel look at that lovely little moment there with Ethan and his daughter of course Growing Pains big podcast started massively we've got Mr Beast what's going through his mind has he been practicing his soccer he's probably thinking about the YouTube algorithm spin if uh if I know him he never stops they look quite tense that's going to be very tense now don't don't show them laughing when I say that guys help a brother out and here's our officials for today led by Martin Luther but wearing a ref cap the line's been on the right thinks he's armed it's absolutely popping off this is madness we're the home of the European Champion the real European team yeah a little asterisk next to that that's fine just let him have it look at the production value guys this is YouTube this is red mad I mean we've got so many people in the stadium even in this heat the sweltering Heats I can't complain enough I may go shirtless later on but we probably don't need fire on top of the here it's a bit much isn't it but listen how far have we come take a moment drink it in the sidemen particularly who have put this together regardless of what happens on the pitch take a look around you soak it up 60 000 people here to watch watch let's face it and not professional footballers not at all not at all professional at everything else they do and that's why they're here a lot of handshakes it Smiles at the moment that cowboy hat it seems to be above flower bringing the flare and I like that Olive refusing to shake hands it's mind games and I like it is she eligible for her selection uh I think so oh we've got con as well he wasn't in the graphic I don't think but Khan a last minute Edition that's an interesting one they sent him a challenge he has to have an A in front of his wife and he could get on the pitch and he's done he's done it and then some well done to come fantastic work take a look at the scenes unfolding before your eyes guys if you've been Along on this journey with the sidemen from for a minute while maybe you've joined a little bit later and that's fun understand what these guys have achieved genuinely is awe-inspiring you don't get here by accident this is a proper Stadium a proper top-notch venue and they've filled it out and kudos to them absolutely Sven and I'm also hearing we'll be able to speak to KSI during the game that's going to be a real treat yeah goal camera have you ever seen anything like it Ben Foster he's coming for you absolutely hello Ben's retired so pick on someone else mate come on Captain today for the sidemen is the West Ham Ethan Payne okay fun fact he was breastfed until he was eight so welcome Theo there yeah not surprising as well we've got a Crunchyroll while his sleeves of course jjb happy he loves that he loves his anime Adventure roll brings the anime I don't know who anime is though I think everyone knows how much she loves uh beer it's got that necklace isn't he I wasn't cheap I hear I mean that probably costs more than this event so uh glossary really but he Sphinx cat waiting for him at home as well but yeah Big Texan it's a Crunchyroll for getting behind her look at this huddle and the side men FC oh and the YouTube All Stars have clocked it Theo after thought here goes hang on we should probably chat to each other is it important right because the sidemen let's face it they are much better connected the YouTube All Stars I've got players from every corner of the globe probably creators that might not even have met each other before and here comes Chris car bringing the ball that's a lovely touch it'll be a few minutes someone else is driving there I hope they're insured lovely parking oh that's the Collision that's his he'll get blamed for that because he's coming from behind it's got it's got to be will and he who did that because audacious that that young boy could be a straight red camber don't be scared to get the cards out my son this is it you know great driving Simon there composed listen this is his playground the man has got ability coming out of his neck this is it it's like watching you know High School Musical a big basketball game's about to kick off We're All in This Together uh we spoke about a lot of players having my lips but this game sort of reflects in my lit you know clean up top and a mess at the back I'm here for it mullet football guys it's the future we've got a drone geez the production value is just beyond the champions league is what it is I'm glad I'm not the only drone this year about to get kicked off guys this is it fasten your seat belts strap yourselves in for another sidemen charity game Simon FC versus YouTube All-Stars sidemen with kickoff at London Stadium let's do it here we go and they're all right here we go straight away then Toby get on the ball early doors looking for the West Ham man oh lovely little one two oh it's been picked up though in the middle of the park Tio Baker with an early step over oh a little bit of there okay he's done as his mother used to say to him go on you've had enough there's milk to that chance Theo Baker will score today I'm going to put my commentary reputation on the line but did JJ have it covered I'm not so sure I mean where do we rank JJ in the all-time YouTube goalkeepers is he better than a pie face is he better than a cow the dragon I've heard his nickname is Peter check his hard drive so I don't know where he got that from I just want to say earlier right last year people said to me that Spencer wasn't laughing at Steven's jokes I'm a professional guys I was pulling the microwave he just made me see wow his speed has carried on where he left off last year never mind challenge never mind Crunchyroll that was a crunchy tackle and it comes out to Simon here we go send of the attack Toby heavy touch though Willie knee Nicks it really that could be Danny Aarons we've got two mullets very right very close proximity he's difficult he has a lot yeah and I think he's got a GoPro on as well which is what I thought as well challenge wham bam thank you man they can't they can't kick this place up and not at all I mean not in this heat as well 32 degrees I believe it is gorgeous tackle and I've said that before to Toby oh I think Philly is going to be crucial in this game in that Midfield obviously got Chris MD and Theo in close proximity as well seriously the other way he won't be happy with that oh Theo of course he did fall out with a uh a linesman and his Scotland vs England game yes he did he's uh he needs to behave as he's Captain I was there for that game and Theo was playing with just his left foot coming back from the hip surgery this is the first 90 minute match he's gonna play with both hips ready to go Ethan with a lovely burst of speed is Chris MD looking for Nico he's on side good tracking back oh wow wow that is uh there's audacious from I've always had been there hey uh I've got a little uh little fact about him he uh he creates a layer of protection between the blade and skin oh no sorry that's razor cream embarrassing for me communication issues already at the back maybe it's the Down Under terminology he's not picking up what JJ's putting down he wanted the ball cleared it Corner coming in Chris MD one of the best settings on YouTube comes to Philly who we know can bang them closed down wide run here [Applause] a bit heavy there for methan hey he's lost a lot of weight he's ready it's almost like he's athletes will time they're primed for uh the Olympics this is Ethan's Olympics yeah you know as a West Ham fan doesn't get better than this in front of 60 000. anyway free kick for the All-Stars it's gonna be a shot on goal oh Lord he flaps at it absolutely flaps at it I mean it's it's not the first time JJ's looked Reckless with gloves on there could be a few of these trying to catch the keeper of God it was on target it was gold bound JJ had to get there it was a lovely idea second corner of the game the two All-Stars Chris MD's oh wow he's gonna ask questions all day long with that sort of delivery I'll tell you what Ethan hasn't faced this many naughty Corners since the Mia Malkova incident all right no comment another corner here for Chris MD it's gonna be an end swinger oh it needed to be cleared to be kept alive here with Danny Aarons once he got in his locker mesmerizing step overs he's got plenty of Defenders there and he's lost it that's a shame oh the cancer is on the big sign genius but vix picked it up intercepted by oh wow that guy this is chaos Gideon is a unit this is unreal look at it they're bouncing off him Vic's gonna pick it up here just occupying the half spaces forget G-Unit we've got we've got J units lovely lovely defensive play there and you've got to think victim run it he needs he needs to his microphones he needs an earpiece someone's telling him to make the runs yeah things for one goal he could have been fed there here we go Philly he is gonna just be the puppet master in this team today I think really pulling the strings like a tampon thief comes back here to that's Danny Aaron's I think there's a couple of GoPros yeah but there's no chance they're going pro there we go Chris MD what can he what can he cook up [Applause] [Music] inside situation two points it's a lovely finish I'm hoping I'm hoping JJ knew that was offside because he just left it yeah okay so now obviously there's first appearance uh YouTube game and that's perhaps surprising with the technique on display here he was about 20 yards offside though absolutely he was been a good start from the YouTube All-Stars gold Bridge getting animated on the sidelines he's gone it gone with the kind of uh the black suit look you know we've seen it from Simeone on the the touch lines Madrid look at Billy go here lovely feat Ethan trying to keep up with him it's a difficult job gets the shot off it's not gonna challenge JJ lovely stuff I mean Philly a Colombian export with a powerful kick I've heard that before here we go JJ how's his goal kicked he's gonna go short laser beam gets off and there's absolutely no pressure on him whatsoever he could write a book out there he's got Acres of space my words my words yeah there's a couple of heavy touches already been shown here today very heavy but we've got to remember it is absolutely scorching yep I think that's going to be a throw in for the sidemen here to take of course we have uh Angry Ginge on the bench I'll be an angry Ginger if I don't get a water come on guys uh Simon took the ball out play on that one I think so it's going to be a throw in for the All-Stars kicking the ball away that's a yellow card it should be oh no hang on it's actually gone back for another side benfro so still give him a card you know another congratulations one which you missed out on from me Gideon put his body his body so he's got magic he's showing some gorgeous strength Theo Baker he's playing in the ten but he's getting out wide challenge there by Toby as they know if you stop Theo you might stop the team absolutely I mean Theo was recently linked to a team in the Saudi League albino I believe um look out for that in the future guys Philly on the ball Danny Aaron's in acres of space can he deliver he's like a right-footed Roberto Carlos he tells me taking his time change your face he's good cross comes in heaven a cross come shot come clearance across come show uh sorry I was watching something else there can we change my screen please who gave him the Wi-Fi password okay another JJ goal kick here is he gonna send this one up the pitch because it worked last time he went short to laser beam and he said he was the best athlete here let's see let's see those legs get to work that's not bad Toby's headed it back into danger though Theo could pick it up brilliant interception from Harry Lovely stuff Harry Harry Burns away here powerful man Harry picks their pocket hoping for a 10 bag I think now look there that's all you can ask for from your set and a half there he's got him up the pitch oh moment the shirt's coming off [Applause] London Stadium the crowd have gone wild all in the sidemen team around him Ethan Payne Take a Bow I mean I would get that shirt back on it's very hot and you need Factor 50 Ethan come on Maybe question marks about xqc will xqc have excuses I don't know look at it he bursts through like a young Vladimir he's trying to pick the ball up now I think Julian Gideon panicked it's like a young so foul there but you know great footage on will Andy's GoPro improvisation at his finest right foot low make the keeper work son keep it on target son that's what he's done and I'll tell you what he can tell Olive about that when he's older say Daddy scored a goal at West Ham in front of 60 000 people and you were there [Music] we're gonna go pitch side down to see the reaction to that unbelievable Bazinga goal [Applause] but then we came through Ethan with absolute beautiful get back in golf it's nonchalant it's cocky and I wouldn't have it in my game I'm looking forward to seeing more names speed by Nature absolutely rapid out there on the right man united take notes they've got a bit of an opening at right wing at the moment absolutely you know speed would be interested but he's dispossessed good challenge there from Chris MD gets it back off Theo Baker can he shoot plays in Nico can you get another one oh fantastic block from Cal Freezy I've said it before and say it again one of the most improved players in YouTube or a person play I wasn't sure this was talking years ago now over the last five or six years he's right up there for me as a top quality Defender when it comes to these games I've put them in my team every day of the week he's traveled around the world but he wasn't all over the place there Carmen collected corner from Chris MD set pieces could be keyboard today Max Foster's had a go at it Max fosch with a 20 pence head something to him can he play Big Star in stay on site he's taking on will he fancies a go gone for it xqc couldn't get to the bounce though it's quite tricky of course he is a debutant and with that haircut we know he's going to want to speak to the manager at some point I'm sweating buckets thing I'm not gonna lie we're not even in the sun I know it's real toasty here but the sidemen with a chance to double their lead Simon's going to take it who's the main target in the Box for this one obviously you've got Harry up there I fancy him for a header today maybe zerker freezie making a freezer yeah Ethan up there surely more than one goal at West Ham would be would be greedy lovely delivery it's not bad at all freezy it gets his head to it it's uh the crowd's gonna be quiet I want some chance guys you know it's always a tricky one in games like this because like who are the Crowder kind of supporting football aren't they they want everyone to score they want everyone to do well I guess it's beautiful none of the tribalism that you're used to at West Ham despite the fact that Cybermen have a millwall fan out there and Josh zurker yeah in West Ham's home planet should be banging for blood here oh a great ball out to speed the much improved speed he's been working on his game Theo Baker can you give it back to him here for a 1-2 still Theo he's got black shirts all around him Harry for company the fast feet coming out for the crowd here burst pass one cross is low finds Chris MD can he deliver great fantastic it's a real back to the wall job the Simon they really want another win free one up in the series of course we have speed on the wing to uh he's coming in yeah very interesting change I think a great idea for goldbridge to get jumped on the pitch oh no it's not Philly Philly's getting a drink his Kai Kai is coming off now that makes a lot more sense for a football in perspective Kaiser not playing like Kai Harvard and it's so sad to see chunks could he get in time for the corner Chris MD's put it in deep straight to Chris I'm sorry can you imagine if he just pulls skulls there into the top corner you know he doesn't he's not going to sort of play it back for the simple past speed is he he's always going to look for the special spectacular move vicstar Hold Up play he's on point oh it's Immaculate that's Diamond he meant that stop Zinger again making a a run he's like a hold on a young Lucas [Music] [Applause] oh he sends Danny errands to the shops right foot find Simon here get me a vegan hamburger who says he's danced around them here Simon he's gonna go for the rabona crafts and it'll be a corner willany with an orthodox clearance I'm seeing the amount of ground that Ethan is covering we used to have a joke my brother and I about Mark Noble at this stage about how when he's playing at home he's just so much better in his away because he loves West Ham so much I think we're seeing that from Ethan we're seeing a true number eight up and down box to box performance absolutely it's gone for goal there first question asked well done xqc proving the doubt is mainly me wrong and look they're actually celebrating that like a goal Philly's very proud of him it's important for people like Philly to encourage the players who maybe haven't played as much as he has and just say hey Hey kid you did good yeah you never know about his handling on those crosses coming in for someone at all might not have played a lot of time in goal great ball eight ball Chris has been let loose he's got space Nico's in the Box he's on his left foot looks like he's in Tiger Tiger up against calfresi here [Applause] the diminutive Midfield Maestro puts it level pegging a one a piece you might know her back but I know a Christian D ude football feet and mighty JJ shaking his head there yes JJ has lost his clean sheet he always struggled to keep his sheets clean when he lived with Simon oh boys let's watch this back yeah two Defenders on him not a problem for him weaving I think past three of them in the end and a fantastic finish Jay any questions for JJ here because obviously he's lit a goal in there could he have done something better let's find out they're asking if you've got anything better there were asking if he could do anything better there honestly I told the guys do not let him inside do not let him inside he has no right foot do not let them inside they let him inside and he scores I tried my best but honestly this defending needs to be better listen my mom's watching can we get a screenshot update for this new dog get a screenshot yes and we're going to the commentators get back and go let's come on no more goals conceded JJ a true goalkeeper straight away Shifting the blame onto the defense absolutely I'm in there you could hear him saying do not let him inside do nothing inside like a bouncer when they see me in the queue that's fine though that's fine didn't Mommy Chris MD will be made up with that yeah it's a great moment and two Great Moments already this game's spoiling us and we're only you know 16 minutes in many more twists in the tail to come guys make sure you're donating though of course we want to raise money for some fantastic Charities got bright side teenage cancer trust calm rays of sunshine and M7 e we do appreciate every penny you can donate great causes speed is uh oh straight bastard like he wasn't there he's still going here he's got Pace to burn just one too many and the angry Ginge clears just to be clear that is his name I'm not describing him like that please donate by the way by visiting where you can text sdmn followed by your donation amount to 70085 that's seven zero zero eight five or for donations over 20 pound head to we love it we appreciate it let's do something special true that what I will say is Toby's having to do a lot of defensive work here he's a fantastic player going forward oh but here comes his brother I believe here we go Manny he's looking like he's gonna replace jme Jamie's playing left back so I'm not sure if that's a like for like swap or we'll see a bit of shuffling here from from manager Billy wingrove Manny in the Midfield here he comes we know what this man can do 27 Manny is he going left back that's the question he's great for the team one thing I've noticed about Manny is he's always got back big juicy back Philly on the ball gets it over to fosh here who's the left foot player could hit one does hit one wowzers trousers wild from Max fosh I think there's something in that today though if you get the ball in those areas with these goalkeepers no disrespect we saw some great Rangers last year didn't we yeah don't be afraid to let loose and here comes Avo flower wearing a hat yeah is that staying on that how is it I've not been this worried about a sub since the Ocean Gate incidents but then let's see how he does he's there from Kuwait of course 25 years old over 30 million subscribers playing in his first sidemen charity matchup and he's got a hat on big numbers oh Simon with the flare same day trying to get it off in Falls to Ethan fantastic from Philly one engine he's industrious isn't he in that Midfield is a ball on for Speed he might be on side I think he is Nico needs to make that run if he wants to get played through there I think but Harry says no so the first involvement there for abufler but it's a toe toe jizz are running through here Toby from the left good getting back from that before there he's gonna pick up again here's over we saw Toby putting that unbelievable outside of the boot cross from that exact region to his brother this time last year he's on the ball now Manny you don't want him running at you looks for the ball to his brother but will any with all the time in the world he's gonna play out from the back here to Theo who can Turn and Burn gives it to Philly it's a lot there's four Defenders back for sidemen four attackers got a good line uh don't just mean Harry angry Ginge steps in Chris MD intercepts he's the one breaking things up for a change that's nice it's been such a good game already guys and to all you guys tuning in at millions of you watching at home we love it if you can donate even better be enjoy the occasion guys this is truly a a fantastic moment in YouTube history so bloody true and we have Tariq on the field yeah we expect a lot of changes here we're actually uh gonna fly over to Nada now see what's happening in the pitch side hopefully not Nada zaka it is 1-1 right now how are you feeling very very special you can see that I can see that JJ blame the defense there for the goal let in what do you think about that do you think it's a defense fault or do you think JJ just needs to get his attackers off of it he's shown everyone right now he's just moaning and screaming the whole time but are you slowly understanding it's very hot out there it's five degrees hotter on the pitch than it is outside it's like 37 degrees on the pitch so everyone's sweating got tired legs tired mouths love it back to commentators now communication is key from the goalkeepers of course speed has fallen over but he's gonna make it work I think good defending actually in the end [Music] [Applause] oh just a bit too much there great feet from Nico though Road ashore saved the day there the very last possible moment as Cal freeze he looks for a lion ball down to Toby I think maybe playing uh left wing now with calyx at left back there's gonna be a lot of changing a lot of shuffling it's roll on roll off it's very hot as we mentioned so absolutely it will be fluid out there these Subs will make a real difference great challenge there from Harry but it's a fantastic feat on display from Nico or Milana the real mayor of London Max farsh more like minimum fosh with that oh Vic Gaper off his line weltery Fair maybe a question mark as to whether he was on side but doesn't matter nothing came of it here we go oh there's some tired legs there it's inside me to hold legs on the ball Simon of the side men can he get into a shooting position good challenge stops him doing just that back hill attempt is flashy and he gets it back with a fantastic slide he can do both nobody's set up speed here on the counter he's lingering speed isn't he he's not worried about tracking back he's hanging forward knowing his pace could cause problems Harry gets in there straight away he's putting a great performance if we've got to check football obviously we've got all the stats on today providing the stats and the ratings and all that good stuff and for me Harry should be right up there he's been doing well you know I thought Harry was more of a linesman but at center-back he's impressed Target on that occasion it's sort of semi-skimmed his head there I I recommend downloading the foot mob app if you haven't already guys because they've got some great stats on there I can tell there's 52 possession currently in favor of the YouTube All-Stars the XG is provided 0.75 for the All-Stars 0.39 for the sidemen so on XG the All-Stars are on top eight shots to side men's three both teams with one big chance and we've got a little bit of a water break right now to keep people hydrated so we're gonna head back to Nada for a minute yep the water break is absolutely absolutely necessary right now the he is unimaginable car can you tell people about the heat right now well before I get to the heat I'll absolutely like to say that you look absolutely pain today thank you very much pain today I appreciate that I tried it is so hot out here right now I'm not gonna lie I am trying my hard rock you did you did you probably got the first car I thought that was a goal did you know the outside room it was too good to be true but it was great it was great while it lasted but how are you feeling what more play do you want to see right now happening on the pitch from the YouTube All Stars more communication yeah more energy from my teammates and uh just go out there and play their hardest for real I love that perfect thank you so much so much Riz on display there from uh from Kai absolutely uh I always thought you know Toby was the rismeister so brilliant let's see what's happening with Cecil you got anything for us Cecil Ethan you got your deck of rice moment you can't write this stuff pop off knee slide I had to do it manually cried in the corner man it's one of them moments you can't write it um how did it feel in front of all the 60 000 people it felt like time to slow down leading up to the goal man and then I just thought I've got to get this in the back man I see like you you guys are going to win this game you feeling confident because I still want one of them and I think the weather's taking a big it's a bigger now but yeah no I think we've got a minimum enjoy Alton walk break I'll see you back out there it is absolutely amazing here it is so hot but 60 000 people will break literally about to finish here let me head back to the commentators so much going on so many different storylines in play or the Ethan thing you've got so many different pairs of Brothers on the pitch huge creators you've got the managers you've got the heat adding a little bit of extra spice to it but I do believe we have one of our goal scorers with NADA we can hear I bet it's Chris wasn't it Franklin I'm here with Chris who scored the first goal for the YouTube also how are you feeling Chris so hot hotter than I've ever been before I feel like that's what everyone's just saying it is the right sauna down here how do you feel like they know it was going right now yes going well um started off nicely with two goals we want the entertainment so hopefully it continues do you feel like the aggression and the competitiveness is starting to just get a little bit higher yeah I mean everyone the first 10 minutes is always mental and especially for a bunch of YouTubers I think you'll see the game slowly fade off a little bit more more now but the drinks breaks help because otherwise I think we might have some fatalities on the field absolutely all right let's go back to the commentators now so I'm looking I'm looking at foot mob here because they've got some great stats on here I can tell you the highest rated person on the pitch right now as we stand a quarter of the way through the game is that man Chris MD rocking an 8.2 wow right now currently the lowest rated Circa on the 5.7 oh well you know Chris MD there just speaking to a woman saying how hot he is another day off lad you know rain it in all right the grind never stops yeah he's not grinding yep yep I see him I see him I see yeah yeah as he says it is 37 degrees as well that's going to keep happening throughout the game couple people getting a breather here as well they need it much needed Carl's on of course of the Mr Beast families we're underway again with Cal freeze you on the right side plays it to Simon checks his shoulders they're still there Pastor Ethan was a little bit short but he made it work we've got a chance here Vic doesn't get it it's gonna fall too great defense from Abel Simon on the left foot oh that's Wayward keep Reddit covered over the top yeah it is it is a scorcher out there I think uh you know I'm not helping The Stereotype of British people talking about the weather I know it's constant but it's it's definitely important because a lot of these players will not be adjusted for that situation it's why we're going to see so many changes guys yeah I mean there's a big chance of heat stroke and that's not the thing your dad doesn't saunas guys don't be fooled okay we're back on the way here it's gonna be a goal kick not taken by the goalkeeper will n e willany is wearing a camera on his chest but as we all know it can take time to get used to playing with a strap-on as we all know Nico drop in deep to try and get the ball back like a young Harry Kane for his team here gets it plays it to Theo Theo not actually having a great rating right now 5.9 but I'm sure that will change absolutely chunks with the skills to pay the bills lovely feats plays it to his good friend Philly Philly looking for that out ball with speed but he was offside pass here too the left back I think it's Carl on the ball into chunks's feet lovely layoff to Chris whether he meant it or not Theo's gonna pick it up here what could he do great triangles here he's looking to burst past countries who have placed ball into the box the corner Theo is no stranger to burning cows after doing triathlons but he didn't quite burn one there angry Ginge he does look angry he's a late call that wasn't the absolutely great moment seeing that clip as he gets these live streaming and Simon rang him up and said you fancy it I couldn't believe it it's what it's all about interesting fact about Uncle James actually a very good goalkeeper it's played against him um obviously Outfield assignment right now can someone his hands didn't want to do much when we were sat next to each other that's fine Chris gonna go all the way to the back post no one in that spot the speed walking up to speed can you play on the edge of the chunks great clearance lad Chuck should get there first Simon though beats him to it is there a ball on for Vic oh Vic he leaves it he and here we are Carl Jacobs the hottest thing from Carolina since the reaper Chile Philly on the ball oh it's a bad hit a backward speed Harry saves the day if they're causing the problem he solved the problem that's not the usual standard we expect Theo Laker Theo seems to be down injured here of course he did have hip surgery and he seems to be in a bad way there that's terrible to see it is genuinely a real shame if he's injured because you know it's the only thing that can really stop Theo we don't need a replay of him wilting he's in some discomfort I think we're gonna get the treatment on we've got to make sure he's taken care of he's had a crazy Journey you know he's super Fitness mad these days Theo's doing all the training but uh I think he's in some serious discomfort here's his first proper match after having his hip operation and um let's just hope it's not a a serious one this is a real shame because I had some more jokes written that was a waste of time well seriousness your Theo is hurt uh not only is it going to be devastating for him and and you know it's going to be a real blow for the YouTube All-Stars absolutely he's a massive player he's uh he's a big part of the team of course the captain just gotta hope it's nothing too serious we're gonna head over to uh the manager to find out obviously Mark goldbridge is going to be concerned about this one yeah goldbridge we're here with Demarcus as well how are you guys feeling right now I'm very concerned at the moment because uh probably our best player has gone down and we know he's had injury problems in the past and it's not looking good so that's where my concerns are at the moment it's a big plus and with you DeMarco no just uh prayers for our teammate hopefully he can get back up and we can win this game do you feel like if he does have to be subbed up that's going to create a big loss to the team's movement into the team's play right now yeah I mean look everyone knows their football he's one of the key players in the team so you know we'll get on with it step up it's for charity at the end of the day but it's a big loss it's a big loss it was feeling competitive right now especially with the Heat going on is that sparking that little bit of spice so what else do you want to see from the play right now obviously our part we hope he gets better we hope that injuries just quickly heals up but what else would you like to see right now from the All-Stars I think we'd be the better team um they're just catching us on the bake break you know we know we're weak at the bat we played the better football uh we're playing you know through them a lot but they're just hitting us on the break which is all they're doing at the moment so I'm very happy with what we're doing I just concerned about what we've got in depth confident words what about you though I guess oh I mean our team Auto ski so uh we're gonna just ski when did that become the model please oh coach said it yeah yeah and this is on the scheme yeah and he yeah all right what else are we doing hey we're gonna win this game thank you thank you guys go back to the commentators yeah coal Bridge goldbridge learning uh some new vocab there which I'm sure we'll see integrated into his content absolutely all right I don't doubt that Mark goldbridge of course has a show on talk sport so it must have been weird during his team talk to have over 10 listeners um with goldbridge we talked about him having his boots with him now obviously I want Theo to be okay but if if he has to stop could we see a gold Bridge Cameo you never know I mean I want to see it I've seen him play he can do bits I think a ninja Theo would still be better but yeah I mean this injury is not looking good let's be honest he's seriously in discomfort there's a stretcher out there they're not going to want to move him in case it's going to cause further issues for Theo you know Christianity obviously a very good friend of his there is with him this is uh bigger than the match itself here because Theo's been on a real journey of recovery yeah he's working so hard he's doing like you say Iron Man's you know his trainings making a lot of content about it and he's really aimed for this game as the comeback game and uh hopefully he still gets to play but not looking good let's see what JJ's saying to the ref right now yeah yeah I forgot really up on Orthodox style I like to talk about this fight [Music] a big fight fan of course let's talk about the fight I mean the reason that JJ's in goal is to protect himself obviously can't afford to get injured October 14th massive fight against Tommy Fury yeah but is it not a risk getting goal as well as well vulnerable we could makes sense it's great preparation for him catching Tommy Fiori's hands next month you know he'll be uh he's safe out there I mean when you've got speed on the field who is looking to do damage to uh to JJ then of course you have to I mean there's Millions on the line uh so you know you have to play it safe there's Millions watching as well at home and hopefully donating as well if you can guys we are having a little bit of a respite to the game because Theo needs to get the adequate protection he he's being now taken off the pitch on that stretch so hopefully everyone at home sends their best wishes to our friend and yours Theo Baker we're here in a round of applause here at the London Stadium as well because let's hope it's not as serious as it looks he's a lovely guy as Theo um that's such a shame for him 2.2 million of you watching guys if you can donate is the place to go or you can text sdmn followed by your donation amount to 785 70085 for donations over 20 pound do head to sidemen FC I'm not sure why we're still on clear with his head in his hands come on guys let's quite change that footage now thank you and then we've got of course Brightside teenage cancer trust calm rays of sunshine and M70 all receiving your donation so we do appreciate if you can help those Charities out [Applause] right as we wait to find out what's happened with Theo and when we're going to get underway we're going to go pitch side once again with nada thanks David and Spencer I'm here with laser beam how are you feeling right now a little bit uh solemn after Theo's injury um so just feeling for him mostly As far as my own performance uh shocking so that's something shocking I mean I got I got tipped over by Neko so good to see that yeah yeah well I mean I'm glad you're only 2.2 million viewers and you know I mean it's not the worst thing I've done in front of that many people so I'll live with it that's fine so what are you expecting for the rest of the game were we expecting more goals in the time that we've had right now a little bit lower scoring than I thought uh given the goalkeepers we have uh uh I'm expecting that to probably change as soon as I get back on Patrick's coming so that's uh that'll be good of course because that's the only thing we're expecting yeah loling them into a full sense of security right now 100 let's go back to Steven and sensor well laser beam there being a bit harsher himself he's rocking a 6.1 on football right now there's plenty of players with lower ratings there but he's guaranteed us a hat trick that's awesome you know and if he doesn't he has to donate I think he doesn't do that seems fair a million pounds lots of changes happening here great Tash here comes the air rack did you know that uh he has the world record for the world's largest pizza that'll take some toppings I'm not sure if I made that joke earlier I may have some stroke guys I thought you were gonna say something else you said the world's largest pee I'm glad it was pizza Jack set aside doing some great D defense replaced by because he stopped Logan Paul in his bid to get famous he uh his old couch ninety thousand dollars he spent on it and created an entire series around it including skydiving using it fair play to this will be a walk in the park if he's done that absolutely miniminter with the lovely balling not quite on the same wavelenberg gonna go out for a All-Stars throw in so I'm pretty confident we're not going to see Theo Baker again in this game guys uh which is a real shame but we hope he makes this media recovery absolutely Christianity on the ball best rating on the pitch so far can you get it to him get those legs moving places as quick as a flash although I shouldn't say flash actually banned on Twitch now but it's very much alive on YouTube so true Chris MD what can he do here is Chris he's got company which is a rare treat for me needs that he's Philly who we can we know Ken strike them from here great feat again Jacobs was in eggs of space on the left oh chunks looking for a little nutmeg there I think oh that's his man after chunks rolls Manny clattenberg letting the boys play which I love here we go then chance to deliver please send him a sweet sweet Carl he's got something in there big challenge his man he's alive in this more attacking position now get him out of the defense Eric looks like he still has the couch with him and uh and the clearance JJ's fuming I can hear him from here he is you know what he's got high standards almost as high as his hairline look at these feet Carl Jacobs by the way chunks okay here we go Simon big song I think didn't get it anyway lovely defense I keep saying defense because there's Americans play Oh wasteful there picks up the ball on the right can he deliver he's got a couple guys at the back post including big star it's not gonna make it possible shouts for handball on the cross but deji in the box now we're in that 999 shirt a wild Challenge from speed no foul chunks is on look at the pace look at that that's a cloud oh it's a power against speed it was good use of the body there from the angry Ginge and we're seeing some of the anger now do not try it with a redhead that's what everyone says they've got very strong immune systems gingers do they oh yeah you do technically if you cast yourself as one yeah I'll take it I'll take it chunks get called it enough lovely feet Jacob wants it chunks to Philly those two are gonna have to chance I think is taking the Theo Baker position it's probably the best shell speeds offside he's don't tell him though let him Carry On Let's have another moment like last year he spends so much time offside you'd think he'd learn the rules he's been practicing but has he been practicing the offside rule look at him here just loitering in such an offside position it's ridiculous speed kills the attack that's what they always say send it forward but Philly cuts out here we go Carl Jacobs nice control pass daddy Aaron's playing like a CDN position right now Danny Aarons curious character Chris MD through to Jacobs speed to the back post side he's still offside and he continues to walk forward side man back on the ball here Ethan picking it up down the right plays it to Simon his fellow side man I just escapes Ethan's feet doing a bit too much he gets away with it Philly speed is is just loitering in he's still offside position yeah stay on the side he's got the pace clearly to not need to be offside yeah Danny Aaron's thinking about striker one here this hits it and let's say about that the better Danny Danny Danny he's towed that just like the AAA did with his Caravan unlucky player is now green on football which means he's on a seven he is having a good game for me I feel like he may have took money on him to get none of the match I though I was surprised by his rating last year I've always liked him as a center back he's regularly putting good performances right a lot of changes happening here is coming up Mr Beast coming on and here he comes Mr Beast of course he is he's lost a lot of weight since last year the kids were calling him Mr O beast but uh the kids aren't chatting anymore yeah I believe I'm Ryan saying that he was a D1 or could have been a D1 division one baseball player so he's not the right sport but he's got the athletic background wow getting to second base something that Chris MD does most evenings oh just so you know by the way as well deji is wearing snorkels or not what are they called they're not goggles are they because they're like snorkeling goggles I mean Mr Beast cured 100 people's blindness deji wasn't one of them definitely not prescription oh that's nice there's no way that aids him in any way I'll tell you what chunks playing in uh in midfielders I think it's a better position for him just Gins together Ethan can keep it on no he can't I think Ginge was an inspired Edition because he's a player he can play in many positions absolutely just do the simple things he seems to be marched in the defense right now it just he brings the sauce and by sauce I mean Factor 50 lotion almost getting it to speed there Chris MD's gonna drop for Philly don't let him get a chance off I mean if it's on target JJ's in trouble so true here's a fine Philly but uh Harry is going to be all over the Colombian not just tonight you know we've actually not seen a lot of shots on target you know it's been 10 shots so far from the All-Stars four from the sidemen but only one big chance each and they've both gone in well uh YouTube All Stars have taken off Nico Milano who's just resting up chunks going up front then I don't I'm here for it I don't mind it Simon the flick on here we go Ethan Tariq still on the ball Victor just not quite on the wavelength yet it's a bit messy in the middle here but strong Lionel Messi though more just uh sick on a rug messy chunks looking for a through ball to Philly good from Jean she's gonna be massive this game I think oh some lovely feet from Ginger he's he's coming alive in this game here we go Simon it's a Tariq come on Vic oh Vic was ready to let oh Chris tidying up although he doesn't have any guests coming over he's he's miles offside it's a shame because he's so quick he doesn't need to be I'm starting to feel for the linesman's arm you know he's been up and down like Mike trousers I mean like um anyway Spen how how's your day been I think listen gold Bridge half time if you just spend your whole team talk teaching speed the offside rule it might be enough and he uh he hasn't extended uh half time because H is performing wow the uh the biggest thing from Manny well except for Manny's buttocks but uh we'll we'll get past that eventually again how far have we come H performing at half time in a YouTube Community game mad it used to be a rappers like KSI doing it I think it's on side you know Simon could score again you can set your watch by him ever reliable and they are in the lead 2-1 it's a sigh of relief for Simon he's on for his annual hat trick momentum questions will be asked to the goalkeeper he's had two one-on-ones they've both gone in but both decent finishes right in the corner yeah to the keepers right you know making him work two On Target two goals for the sidemen as we approach half-time there will be a fair bit of injury perfectly time run willany chasing Shadows but again uh you know you can't blame him for that that was gorgeous play from the sidemen and with that miniminter moves on to an 8.1 now second only to Chris MD on the ratings on foot mob get the app if you haven't already it's great companion for this game loads of great stats on there guys okay here we go Simon again yeah oh gets out to three three minutes three minutes only 20 minutes despite that Theo Baker injury oh that was almost right he meant it for Speed I think but he got held up in the middle there Harry just trying to work his way out of a problem here he goes and he doesn't reach for the ball this time well done has look at him go almost well read by will and I didn't know he could read I have the needle stuff there from Harry but he's been allowed to guys can you open your eyes and look at Carl Jacobs on the left wing I won't say it again [Applause] good defending there from William he is left only it's a three on three situation for the sidemen if they can get it forward but it's still YouTube All Stars Philly on his left foot tries to get it still going honestly just hit it on your left test the keeper there it is deflection that's exactly what I'm talking about get the shots off against these Keepers you can't really blame JJ for that one though Wicked deflection if you give chunks time around the edge of the Box he's gonna sweaty JJ is fuming but chunks is a playoff said it before I'll say it again probably still one of the most underrated ballers in the scene let's take a look at this great work from filling the build up it comes the chunks get us onto that wonderful right foot and massively helped by the deflection of Harry's back I wrote the story which might affect his rating a little bit you know I mean they say speed equals distance over time but chunk scores from distance every time nothing JJ could do unless it was some Lightning Fast reactions which he has been working on in the boxing training of course but that was even too much of a task for JJ to stop his name is knowledge strength Integrity not knowledge speed integrity what a game 2-2 all even as we approached half time he's setting up for a wonderful second half Harry's gonna have a go no way you might as well though I want to see what sqc can do when it comes to actual shots on target Chuck's playing a 7.7 now doing very well he's done he's done well in that new position you've got to say thankfully the game hasn't been uh hampered too much by the absence of the wonderful Theo Baker yeah it's looking quite even and you have to say if the All-Stars come through the chunks roll could be massive absolutely playing out from the back here Philly on side that oh it's there it is time whistle the game has delivered so fast maybe a little bit more shots on target but yeah Bazinga had his moment you know we've seen some great moments we've seen Simon hit the back of the net Chris and chunks as well the only downside of course is the Theo Baker injury Theo we wish you well if you're watching we love you and we hope you're better soon let's go down to our presenters for halftime entertainment foreign yes thank you Stephen and Spencer taking care of us for the match um big half it's a big hug the end four goals yeah yeah JJ and goal first JJ and gold he started off better than I thought he would you know what I'm not gonna lie he started well by ending bunny yeah uh Trump's getting the goal just then I said I said really will assist trunks I said it hey should I predict my stuff I'm gonna make 20 000 pounds in one second right um another offside goal there from yeah okay the Americans aren't understanding the rules guys but you know what it was a good finish it was a really really great finish and obviously Simon getting a goal where it matters yes again yeah exactly in a side-man charity match his skills as well a lot of tech a lot of tech going on but it is really hot here today so I'm baking on the side and I'm not doing anything so I don't know I know but the atmosphere has been great anytime speed touches that ball the entire crazy goes crazy I just feel like he just knows how to run forward yeah that's all he knows what to do he just runs forward it just runs forward and does it I feel really happy for you we haven't spoken about one major moment I feel and that is Ethan scoring the first goal and he Sports West Ham so this is his Stadium I feel like he's gonna cry I feel like he cares more about that than the birth of his child I mean could be up there I mean if I scored at anfield I'd probably care more about that in my channel yep but we're at two all at the moment in the first half Zoo what are you predicting what you from what you've seen in the first time you know what I think I think the sidemen have absolutely smashed it um we'll see what's gonna happen but I feel like it's the sidemen going forward I can't see little stars doing it okay well some incredible 45 minutes there before we head over to SEMA who is with our pundit let's take a look at what Brightside means to the Simon we set up the charity match to raise money for callers we believe in but we want to do more so we launched Brightside we're at sad supports Charities close to our hearts using the money we raise to amplify their established initiatives we've been lucky to work with some amazing Charities during our time as a sidemen and through these experiences we've built relationships with groups we want to keep helping Brightside is not only a youth charity it's for anyone facing health challenges anybody battling economic hardships anywhere in the world donate now to support Brightside and the incredible Charities involved in today's event thank you well that was another great reminder that this is all for a very very good cause but guys what a first half it has been I mean four goals in total we'll get straight to it in a minute but should we just have a quick look at the stats from the first half and interestingly it's the YouTubers that have had more shots in this game I mean on the Ballads of things how um how do you think both teams have done yeah listen I think going in square is all square sorry is about right I think the YouTubers are they're the one with the possessions yeah they want to go to possessions but listen the side mount on the on the break they look very very potent and effective but to choose about right back Fair yeah I'm surprised it's that close in position because YouTube look like they're controlled the game and the tempo but like they have said then when the excitement have got it they've been sort of fishing to try and get it Forward especially at the same okay well the the short the the stats tell us that's the story of the first half but should we have a look through the goals now because I think that we've got a lot to talk about here the first goal scored by Ethan Payne he had a memorable time last year by the way because he had a baby the next day and this time he scored the first goal of the game yeah yeah like to be fair it was a beautiful moment he ripped off his top just to show that yeah you know we're working out he's been working out you know what it was I know what you're doing but I know what you're doing um but listen it was a good goal and a great moment and that listen as much as for a great cause it is for Great Moments like that so even then it took his goal well um yeah it took his goal defended yeah like you know [Music] we touched on it like I don't know I think he tried to hand it I don't know what he's up to to be fair it's not after we do that but you gotta give credit to the rest yeah [Laughter] so that would have meant even more to him okay goal number two Chris MD a lovely bit of skill here oh individual Brilliance yeah he obviously drives forward and then when he gets himself in a box and you think he's isolated he gets between the two and then he shows the composure to finish and we heard JJ they're screaming don't show him inside but it's not always that easy but a great ball by Philly who I thought has been an exception as well and then when he gets into this this bit in the Box you're thinking what you're going to do because you're not left footed but he knows what he wants to do it between the two it's a little bit of a sterling movie you know there's a little snow watch watching a composure and then the Finish do you know what I love it he's actually 2V1 and he's not bothered he's like bring it on I'll go through you yeah yeah but the thing is um I think it was Philly early on and he went to save it and he hit the post I'm thinking sometimes you just gotta leave it especially when once that stake him in a few weeks you know that's it but yeah man it's okay well let's have a look at the third goal so this one was scored by Simon we spoke about him a lot in the building delivered listen I think he's the best player on the pitch I really like I can see it now you can see his quality Great Tech as even before the game I was watching him in the warm-up great goal yeah grateful I mean look at the defense blind terrible touch and now you just got to be calm and composed nice little finish and listen the best celebration rashford celebration calm composed I think he's holding it back I think I think if he raised his game and I think he's waiting for that moment I think he's waiting for late on where no one can really combat that so yeah I think he's got more than he'll be quite relieved as well because he was a bit Coy and he pretty much interviewed like you know everyone's talking about him but he managed to deliver so it's a good good moment for him when he wants to it if he wants he wants to yeah he's waiting for the ball I told you he's waiting for that moment okay well let's talk about another moment just before the halftime whistle chunks delivered yeah fortunate fortunately I'm not sure he was going to reach the goal to be honest but yeah Wicked deflection and I mean JJ Stroke of Luck there hey Annie SEMA what did we say before the game I said listen I play with chunks this position in the 10 dictating play sitting behind the forwards rather than being the forward and then he gets his rewards from this like yeah massive deflection if you don't shoot you don't score and listen this is the confidence he's a real footballer yeah because how the ball goes in you celebrate it like it's a worldly yeah right Chuck should have mad at you him and Philly Midfield I like that you're liking the aren't you oh yeah the chemistry is there my question now is look we're at half time they've got 30 minutes as opposed to the usual 15 minutes they need that break because it is sweltering out here yeah definitely I think they would have needed it anyway because they're not used to being in these conditions the size of this pitch can can be humbling so I found that they'll take an extra minutes to recover and I'm sure we'll see plenty more changes speedy recovery to feel better of course that's a very good point we see him go down to speedy recovery um we know the trials and tribulations he's been through speedy recovery field and it's never ever nice to see a player get injured either so we've analyzed the first half any what are you expecting in the second it's all level it's all level um I think YouTube scored just at the right time just at the right time before half time and I think that's going to give them momentum like I said chunks and fill in that Midfield they're starting to dictate yeah I think YouTube can go on another level in a second now now we have another moment to show you actually from the first half a two-footed tackle on the car did you notice that I didn't see that there you go look at this I mean he was lucky to get away with that one wasn't he had a bigger one anyway let's just say okay to let people know what you mean business from the beginning okay so jolian as I said we looked at the first half what what do you think is going to happen in this second half because it's all leveling at this stage last year it was actually 3-4 um I think sidemen were trailing 3-4 at this stage the game becomes stretched very soon again I think the the game is going to be played in either half in regards to players are not going to be trying to recover this is going to be 5v5 in either half and whoever has the bit of quality there yeah listen in these charity matches you always I always say anyway play the first half because the second half the last 20 minutes people get tired yeah it starts opening up oh it does it's tiring especially in this heat um how both teams manage that will be important you see the managers made changes again in the second half what we did say man this would humble us the pit size yeah so let's believe second half it's called humble down and it's going to get stretched but that's what we want to see the stretch it gets the more goals hopefully absolutely so we are hoping for more goals in this second half but first of all let's head down to Cecil who's in the dressing room let's take a sneak peek okay so outside of Simon just from hopefully is going to be an important team talk going on I'd make sure everyone's decent I don't want to see this on only fans later so let's hopefully everyone's okay and well dressed let's get the team talk from the from the captains oh this looks very serious in here so far [Applause] well team talk last year last year at half time the game changed after our time for the Cyber NFC so I need that motivation come on you know West at London Stadium this is your Stadium I had a motivational team talk you know last season uh you came out and you won the game after half time so I need something motivational for the boys no pressure I said I said to the boys before we started it's not only an amazing moment for everyone in the stands and for who is going to help around the world but it's amazing for us so go out there again this second half it's just incredible what we've done here guys like generally I can't believe it I can't believe it to even get to this point from doing like four or five matches before it's amazing man listen good luck good luck in the second half thank you very much great goals guys I'm moving for you not I'm brewing for you look but don't tell anyone don't tell anyone all right let's go let's go to the other change room let's go see the YouTube All-Stars let's go see the YouTube All Stars please continue to donate what you can obviously head over to the to donate what you can or scan the QR code if anything over 50 pounds gets a shout out on screen as well scan the QR code text SD MN followed by your donation to 785 but let's head over quickly this is what you get here live and direct to change room I've just run past it can you imagine that here we go YouTube All-Stars dress from let's see it's quiet in here it's very quiet in here what's going on why is it so quiet are they nervous my boys oh uh just so so no that's what I was gonna say we need to explain your sideways yeah to you know so let me let me do your team talk Mark for them what you've just missed it but we just did it but we're basically we're very proud of what's going on we're doing really well obviously Theo's injury is traumatic for everybody's work back from a long injuries a big player is the captain of the team but I think with a better team we've had a goal offside we've had loads of shots I think they're just playing counter-attacking part of the bus football if I'm being honest um and obviously for us it's just about digging deep now energy bouncing back from the injury and uh trying to stay on side where's the anyway the energy boys come on listen it's all good in here let's head back to elves and big Zoo yes thank you so much Cecil giving us an Insight of energy from Kai every time he just screams into the sky it's a lot of energy speaking of energy we do have a live performance coming up very shortly from H and we are now going to take a look at why teenage cancer trust is such an important moment in today's match from the Icon himself even as teenage cancer trust icon it's my responsibility to make this year's appeal video the money you donate to the last charity match was enough to fund 12 youth support coordinators for a whole year to continue delivering vital help to young people being treated for cancer but don't just take my word for it here's Dan who has recently looked after on the teenage cancer trust unit at University College Hospital in London and he wanted to say thank you hi my name is Dan shenton I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma in November 2021. I had chemo from the end of December until April 2022 as an outpatient on teenage cancer trusts unit at uclh it's full of really nice people who welcomed me and made me feel happy one of the nurses was one of the nicest and kindest people I've met and she made the experience a lot better for me whenever she spoke I knew everything was okay and she was so nice and upbeat I finished treatment now and having been helped by teenage cancer trust made it a lot easier I'm now playing football again and it feels great to be back I'm a massive sideman fan and a massive football fan and I think it's amazing that they are raising money for teenage cancer trust through this charity match I would like to say thank you to the youth support coordinators the nurses and everyone else who has helped me on my journey to get to where I am now beautifully said mate help teenage cancer trust to do even more life-changing work like Dan just described by heading over to Simon and give him what you can [Music] yes just 10 pounds could buy a month's Netflix subscription for the social area on one of our units so young people can stream their favorite shows just like at home the money you donate makes a huge difference so please if you can all you need to do is head over to or scan the QR code on the screen or text SF sorry sdmn followed by your donation amount to 785 to give that amount for any donations over 20 pounds head to to make your donation and for donations over 50 it will appear on screen which is pretty cool so all the information is in the link and on the website big Vibe should we check out how much money you've got right now yeah let's take a look okay we're getting a little oh okay okay we have raised so far one million 953 614 pounds wow that's nearly two million pounds basically two million we're only at half time well it's hard time and I hope you are ready because before we get back onto the pitch get with our football going what massive performance from a man that has been in the chart nine times of UK singles and three times with his album he's made music with people like AJ Tracy and Ed Sheeran he's also the winner of the Brit award for the best hip-hop slash crime slash that category he's an incredible person I'm very lucky to say that he's my friend he is the one and only Stadium [Music] Harry glass you know cheap days I just been like three rocks [Music] these days [Music] London Stadium let me see them hands in the air let's go let's go let's go imma take my time [Music] go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go run the place with no wait in line I don't care if I'm late [Music] baby let's go yeah yeah [Music] I'm trying to get a chance [Music] [Music] [Music] couple Brothers [Music] see me when they got my be looking fly as well moving vehicle how the rest and then I had to step the levels up got it in my head that I'm the best and why is [Music] it let's go back [Music] [Music] energy crew in the building left side right side what are we saying as I say my name is [Music] [Music] two [Music] two three [Music] I'm going on crazy [Music] London Stadium [Music] [Music] [Applause] what do you need [Music] [Music] [Music] from the left side to the right side let me see their plans [Music] [Music] she lied [Music] she wants kids I want crimes she ain't trying to wait till Christmas foreign [Music] [Music] she lies [Music] [Music] before wow damn wow what a moment I'm just I jumped from those pyrotechnics and that's why he's called Big Chalet big shell a little one two step one two yeah what an incredible performance and I don't know if you saw he had a little drink in his hand I don't know what that drink was maybe something new coming from each maybe he's just heading off the pitch now we saw Philly came out yeah Philly was vibing Philly was vibing he was I think they got me on screen as well I think all right people are telling me that my shirt is ending racism and yes that was the plan that's what I was here to do um big big half coming up yeah let's debrief so two all yep predictions do I mean I think you said sidemen I think the sidemen gonna come out score a couple more goals obviously I've been all sorts of score as well but I feel like they've got the energy to to really take the W what do you think I definitely think obviously it's very unfortunate about Theo's injury I think he was one of their stronger players so yeah I'd be interesting to see but for me I do think sidemen might take it as well well let's see what um Stephen and and Spencer thing what do you guys think in the commentary box guys was brought to you by the letter H that's very nice you know when I said is there any chance of rain I didn't mean the song We're playful up here that's that's what people like about us let's talk about football shall we yeah the real winner today uh 2-2 perfectly poised for a massive second half now goldbridge's team talk is vital here yeah I don't know if we've seen any of it in the in the broadcast but speed can he stay on side that could be the answer for them because he really could and he's I've seen him he's been training he can score he just needs to look at that line and stand behind it someone needs to tell him that just just watch he runs because he's so fast when it comes to learning football it's one of the simplest things to learn really when you've got plates that's the hardest thing to have he's got that that gift of pace so if they can utilize that massive but yeah Theo Baker obviously being out is a real shame again thoughts to him hope he's okay and I really think we're going to see a strong second half from that man Simon mint I think so if if Chris MD will he be the captain now for the YouTube All Stars it's a good shout I think he probably will be we'll have a look at that you can see some shots here of the YouTube All-Stars changing rumors we've got about four minutes until uh we get kicked off here you can see just Googling how to be a goalkeeper what do I do with my hands well thanks for sure he never caught covered did he no chance you can see actually coming in the top right of the screen all these fantastic donations we absolutely obsessed in the Kinder organism we really appreciate the donation is the place to go you can see some of the Charities this is that tragic Mike come on get it off a penny for the thoughts of these players Manny on the the bed he's so curious as dude this is give us the reveal the the mystery side man very nice I could probably do that soon any amount of time only amount of time who are these guys that's embarrassing and this is the setup if you're wondering why looks like we're going to commentary set up here obviously in London Stadium uh bang on the halfway along we've got the best seats in the House there isn't any spare seats in the house no 60 000 gone um and we can promise a great second half legs are gonna Tire yeah goals are gonna go in guaranteed I feel like uh how many I'm going to say at least at least six yeah add them to two teams together we'll be getting to ten I think for sure I think it's gonna be a lot of goals and we've got people who who haven't even come off the bench yet we've got of course Khan yeah a big Constantine he he could be uh he could be a big player and he's he's a tall guy no one knows what he could do well it's synonymous with assignment in their content but it's playing against them yes what does that mean you know disrupt things a little bit he knows although weaknesses he's filmed them for for years now he's seen every bit of them quite literally uh and look at these scenes what an arena this is home of champions of Europe West Ham United dare I say the best team in the world you can say it whether everyone believes you or not is a is another matter look at it what a pristine Chapel of football and we are here and we're watching YouTubers play what the hell is happening I tell you what's happening it's not no news is it yeah if you don't know about this movement it's not even a movement it's mainstream now it's YouTube It's content it's social media it's taken over they're not here to take part they are the industry you know and I always say spend suckerade who yeah it doesn't work most of the time but today it's it's perfect really I get it I do get it and and speaking of which remember to donate guys get your hands in your pockets well I don't I don't you have it in your pocket you know it's a hot day these days mostly cashless Society that's so true it's powerful uh but yeah please donate so many great uh causes I'll tell you about them bright side teenage cancer trust calm rays of sunshine and Simon's own charity m7e you want to donate really simple we've made it so easy for you get your phones out text sdmn sideman shorthand obviously sdmn followed by your donation amount to seven zero zero eight five and whatever you put in donation amount wise will be what you donate if you want to make a slightly bigger donation you can go to anything over 20 pounds and make a donation there any donation over 50 pounds get this will get a shout out on screen you'll literally be on one of the most watched things in YouTube history like the new Jester just was like just Finney with a 56 pounds donation incredible stuff there guys Chrissy spry I'm not gonna keep reading them out now and that wouldn't be quite boring okay they're quite well you know a bit of an attitude to that donation because we'll cost a donation amount plus one standard Network rate message donation amount can be any whole number between one and twenty pound on your phones and obviously go to Simon and see if you want to donate a little bit more full terms and conditions are available at teenagecancer text okay and we're getting very close to the football the more money we donate uh the more likely there'll be another one of these games maybe even on a bigger scale who knows Can it can it get bigger can it get bigger where would it have to go to be bigger oh the game sorry uh spent his eyes when looking somewhere else um I think it can I mean this is a tremendous Stadium like you said uh I don't know if they would want to go bigger than this it's well they could do a festival of Football Saturday game Sunday game they fill it out I'd go right players are getting ready here how many people watching right now running around the two million Mark I expect that to get higher once the football gets underway 2.6 has got to be the target that's what we had watching get your mom watching get your dad watching get your dog watching if they've got a smartphone or computer available and and get your stepmoms and dads watching some of us are from broken homes [Applause] discriminate here that's a side man anyone can watch that's it right con looks like he might be featuring his kitted up he's got the GoPro ready one thing you can say about corn is you know that GoPro is going to be well shot well lit it's gonna capture all the angles at the end it will be Top Notch we can't say the same about Danny Aarons is it who I uh I think people have turned his off during the game that'll be a great little little tactic I'll tell you a little thing about Danny Aaron's I don't think he started well or right back but after Theo Baker injury he moved into what I'm going to call brisket's type roll CDM controlling the Midfield I saw something in him I think he's got serious potential the guy is is a young Sprouts as I like to say we don't know what he's capable of not my words but the polices [Music] he's on a lot of lists JJ in golf steals I see the 490 out of him will he make a save oh look at this moment oh we know we've got some spares that's a card rep get your hands off him get a yellow at his pocket he's gonna show it to me just snaps to me in the face he should have gone down I would I mean not like that here he comes this is my gas it's not happening today no sidemen win finally using his hands as he waves to the crowd there could that be a sign of better things to come right the big question is will we see Eva goalkeeper physically make a save it hasn't happened yet it you know what I think JJ JJ made one very early on we'll give him that is it safe I'm not sure might have to say it was for the stats of course hqc a last minute replacement for Keller dragon as he had an appearance at Pop world tonight give him hellcal give him hell JJ Shadow Boxing in the box there oh feel sorry for his shadow just a reminder that he does have a big boxing fight coming up in case anyone's forgotten Tommy Fury October 14th is watching this quaking in his boots his big boxing boots potentially obviously uh Logan Paul and Dylan Dennis on the undercard as well I'm not sure Tommy Fury knows how to work YouTube I'll be honest the search bar is where I struggle right let's do it I can't wait for it guys I'm ready plays it back it's an early shot hang on JJ's oh he's fine go in for it from the get-go it looks like he's moved into a quarterback type position fosh is playing in that CDM now the CDM there's been a bit of shuffling Gideon it right back now for the All-Stars Kai sent that back on the here comes on the left angry Ginge bringing it out I don't see I don't see Chrissy MD tell you what the start of the second half is a lot more relaxed than the start of the first half I feel like they've got in the other change room to say hey guys can we stop yeah just stop running around out on the right uh we've got deji on the left Simon down the middle for the side man Harry gets away from Danny Aarons here he is when you're into looking for Ethan if it's really playing like a young Bruno gamares yes they say it oh I think a late one there from Simon a late challenge here we go let me give it a bit of a license to patrol this Midfield and he's got a bit about him I'll tell you what chunks oh not quite chance for JJ to get his hands on that ball and just really milk it Max fosh is a debutant he's really inherited the team spirit and seven million pounds from his granddad but uh let's go go go I don't need to mention it straight into the content here we go Philly on the ball dimensionome silly Philly I've never Unleashed Carl Jacobs he's on the right now he's moved from the left oh nutmeg's Danny Aarons for a laugh why not look at Bazinga go look at his change of place he's a new man [Applause] he absolutely loves the Hammers Simon lovely block from will and I'm not talking about his head it's cheap I know but we like yeah we like him so we come for Steve oh off the backside of angry Ginge my word here we go look at this pace look at this pace is often Away Ladies and Simon back to Manny yeah it's glorious it's simple it's proper football love to see it Simon and Manny link it up with the one two there and it is the side menu for the third time in this game Sumptuous strike step aside at Adam 22 there's a new cook in town his name's Manny lovely finish again I'd like to see an angle and see if xqc could have done more but when you got the ball in the Box in your Manny and he's got so much space you'd expect him to finish it I need to see the position of xqc a little bit better before I judge him on this one but look at this one too Simon unselfish could have easily shot but composed picks out many I think excuse he's got a hand to it you know yeah good effort he has got a little hand to it a big effort there from the get-go I mean he's been a shot from kickoff we just missed it but it it didn't go in tired legs right no there's got speed pitch side what's he saying I want some hey speed how are we feeling post half time billing not to will I gotta get this goal in you know but it is what it is I'm I'm hyped bro like I don't know bro I just got to get this gold man during the okay everyone wants to know during the half time did we study the offside rule that's what everyone wants to know I know the official Rule now it's it's over okay stand behind a Defender and wait for him to go you feel what I'm saying I know the offside rule so I'm scoring you feel me my man's Mark gave me told me what to do stay behind the defender speed and go you know what I'm saying so let's get back to Steven's center now Angry Ginger with the buttock touch there I tell you what Sumptuous Sumptuous Sumptuous and the touch is pretty nice as well speed has finally learned the offside Road Jillian's done well for a debutant do you remember when speed was told that goldbridge used to manage West Manchester United and he believed it last year I mean he's got a job on his hands oh managing speed a late tackle on jacksept aside all right Kyson out here with Rhys coming out of every every orifice right now chunks lovely little ball to fosh he wants to bang one on his left foot oh Ginge is just a store on the back you have to say I think the Scout for the sidemen is the same guy that does Brighton's transfers because they're found Ginge out of nowhere and he's patrolling things Digi on the other hand has not made that work but Randolph Randolph plays it to Simon it's like they're what's good podcast look at that five-star skill moves he's got families Look Away Now Manny gets his second of the game and that's why you just have to shoot on site I'll tell you what it's the home of the Hammers Manny drilled that one me what an addition to this team he's already got two goals but look at this from Simon is that the move of the match so far flicks it over Gideon the shot was enough to cause xqc a problem who let's face it isn't going to catch a great deal of shots today and Manny was there oh do you want he he did well to make that save we've got to give him that he almost caught it but we knew this could be the difference the goalkeepers I mean the sidemen have a world-class athlete he's great with his hands even better with his elbows it's KSI Billy wind grove absolutely Loving Life In The sidemen Dugout photo you have to say the next goal will be crucial and Simon have opened up this lead two goal deficit for the All-Stars if they don't get the next one it could be lights out I mean Billy wingrove is of course football royalty he uh he once had a trial at Tottenham aged 11 but was thankfully fair not guilty so that's really ready questions will be asked of Mark goldbridge if he doesn't get young Christopher MD out there it's the weekend and they've just brought in a great defender in California decided as well so that defense has got stronger I mean look at it it's actually not a bad defense freezie right back road to shore an angry Ginge sent a half partnership and then Mr Beast just doing a little job at left back you know what angry gingers come in here he's giving thumbs up to people in the crowd he's so relaxed he's at home not literally his home is mold on the walls but uh you know he's got an ear piece in because he's listening to me he's got Chris MD back in the mix and that is huge let's see what he can do Chris MD Danny Aaron lives and breathes football Mr Beast it's it's it's nice defense from old Beastie Boy this is why I love football games where else are you gonna see Danny Aaron's head to head with Mr Beast look at it that's lovely bit of skill Christianity don't let it go off keeps it on nice feet just pushes off Mr Beast yes it's a penalty he thought it had to be now who takes it is it Chrissy he won it as famous he got a bit of a representation absolutely Chris MD will want it who's coming on I think he's speed bigger stuff on speed for it speed is going to get his moment someone has signaled Chris has pointed to the bench Philly is carrying the ball over to someone is it speed let's remember they're four two down this penalty is a massive moment in the game and I think it's going to be speed let's take a look at How It Was Won Chris with the footwork of a young Pippy long stocking here absolutely Reckless Challenge from from Harry Harry only had eyes for his ankles there and he [Applause] call this penalty will it be speed versus Jacobs [Applause] Henry time speed coming on to take the penalty I think you know what I'm not I'm gonna back him the All-Stars have a Need for Speed he's stepping up to the spot here guys drink this in you've got a goalkeeper with a micron and an earpiece he's JJ he's KSI he's about to face the penalty of speed this is what these games bring you these moments in time that can't be replicated I am here for it this is his best chance of scoring there's no there's no offsides on penalties and your wages though he has got a fight coming up do not engine great evasion techniques that's gorgeous and that that's gonna be right in speed's head this is your time out of the country on the 14th of October because he can't handle that but can speed he only booked a whales though he's not the sharpest this could be the biggest moment in this game it's speed versus KSI here we go the crowd awaits here we go hit me look at the run-up where will he put it this is your moment speed take it grasp it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow he reversed sued him he uh you know what forget CR7 he see you in the changing room you clown they talk over the offside down they didn't teach him how to take a penalty you just got to hit it harder than that on the edge of the Box still alive here though and finish sex Bush what a moment left foot on the edge of the day and you have to say he has spared the blushes of young speed who missed the penalty but up steps Max Esquire his shot was hash yeah so so dead and you're like yeah so you say the penalty that was a big pressure moment well done from that though but yeah the reverse [Laughter] unbelievable stuff there for Max fosh was straight out of the top draw of what I imagine is a very elaborate cabinet in his office I think I think most of his family members are on the cabinet I think just watching our back speed strike to do JJ with the eyes he's done a bit of a no look you know I just don't think he's putting the hours on the pitch to be able to pull off the no looks yet well he had no look there that was look l-u-c-k replacing debut in this game starts off in defense steps into Midfield you know what they replace Goldberg saw something and moved him forward goldridge is a top quality manager the double glasses combo from deji is very rarely seen in football spectacles and snorkel goggles Here Comes calyx with his no two ways boots up that's it Kellogg's has been taking this game very seriously his training regime involved running multiple sweatshops for no two ways joking of course guys I'm kidding I mean it's like a sweatshop in here yeah it's it's it's it's warm and I think I'm dehydrated loads of changes happening here guys I think I mean Simon's just gone off for example but not a bad replacement in Toby I'm surprised I haven't been swapped out yet I'll be honest but speed has stayed on the pitch I don't think he was meant to come back on this is Philly okay [Music] [Applause] back on the field he's the internet's biggest Menace although Prince Andrew's search history would say otherwise here we go what can he do Nico that is well I wouldn't mind seeing prince Andrew come on just just come on that was that was the end of the sentence will any into Chris lovely feet from the youngster [Laughter] oh God we do have fun Gillian get there you know what big star oh yes big yes [Applause] he owns he owns a sunglasses company but that was shades of junk sorry there from Victor Chris MD running things now got speed ahead of him that's that's wasteful noise best work he's uh not lost this many possessions since she left too soon Chris up to Nico oh lovely touch Touch of a dentist so you want to come pick it up there JJ's a little bit of a problem area here it's not going now some help guys oh lovely [Applause] to the rescue and an account Australia hqc time time time oh my God [Applause] hearing C has done what JJ almost did and crossed his team a goal Toby Rizzle scores there's nothing new here wow I mean that is a real mistake for jiddy on an xqc there I mean the goalkeepers are causing Havoc you have to say speed has to score this you know if they don't win this game YouTube All-Stars there's two massive moments that unfortunately speed is responsible for and Miss penalty and a missed open goal and it goes straight up the other end he's he's gonna pick it up they're gonna picked it up oh that is he the game's not over I I right NADA is uh pitch side and she's got something for us I'm with Philly right now we're here sitting down how you feeling Philly tired I feel like I'm gonna pull a cramp um just before I come off I said to the guys get me up front um but yeah super super tired I hear it we're seeing a lot of missed chances right now you know it's like men are out how are you feeling about the rest of the game good you know um it's not even about any of us it's not even about any of our scoring it's the fact that we've all worked hard most of us come from nothing and we've managed to sell out 60 000 tickets and give millions of pounds to charity it's bigger than anyone scoring or anyone playing good that's absolutely incredible right back to Stephen and Spencer well it's been a great effort there from speed yeah JJ actually makes a save a really important save you have to say he's winning the battle of the keepers so far and I I don't mean this in any kind of insult against xqc fair placement for coming here putting himself in the danger zone of being in goal but statistically speaking there's a chance that a conceded less if he wasn't there I think that's true it's a corner for the YouTube All-Stars JJ hasn't faced this many shots since Henry's diss track open for it in this stick s don't give him time wow [Applause] outside okay it's not gonna be big because he can't touch that there man he takes it Manny for that Jesus it's a piece of cake for this young man Manny gets the first hat trick of the day hqc taking the sidemen lead to six three no wonder it's a scorcher Manny is bringing the heat to this game a hat-trick that attack from the sidemen was unbelievable it was like a Mighty Ducks Flying V luckily oh was there an offside for Manny there I think that's offside it might be we're gonna go to VAR have we got VAR I don't know that's outside of you uh I don't think we've got a VAR but we're going to go down to KSI who might have some thoughts on that JJ 6'3 money with another woman with a hat trick manual hat trick is over yeah running away with it now honestly as long as speed doesn't score I'm happy all these bad boys and fangirls subscribe speed don't score no injuries no I know I know I know I know I'm keeping it tight solid defense it's a great finish now was there enough side I don't think we have the ability to overturn goals although Mark kernberg does seem to be checking something I think it's just his nose actually I mean he's got a few bogeys up there so that's uh oh here comes con yeah the goal will stand Khan is on against he's in is the people he works with his colleagues dare I say the word absolutely [Music] too much oh Chris MD's gonna pick it up here though lovely feet yes we've already seen him win one penalty Chris taking his stride with a Samba flick chunks oh it's beautiful too much Khan wow oh Max he's having a great game getting right up there on the rankings for me Max wash Will's thirsty where's Theo's mother probably with her son who had an injury for those of uh those of you that joined us in the second half I thought she's been stretched off Chris takes it quick gets it to chunks who can bang them gives it back to Chris he can also bang in that Chris oh Over the Bar JJ some think he's nuts when he's in a uh a drinks something or a theme park trying to get on it's true it's another option for you but Life's a roller coaster for Grace it's the only thing he's running at the moment yeah you got to get them on target against these Keepers you just got to hit the target we've seen how effective it can be you fancy him in that position don't you when he's he works it to the right alas a lot of people fencing him in lots of positions at the moment JJ oh JJ he gets away with that so we're having a bit of fun what we all want is a Vic ol he's a he's a DJ now if he scores he'll be called David gold getter don't need for that word play please shout out to David gold options for the run in his house today speed he's on side played across oh side netting you greedy greedy goats now 6'3 is a great score line for the sidemen to experiment a little bit we're talking let's put Vic stuffer and goal we're talking can we see some runs from from the box from JJ and cause some problems we we need some game game changers from the YouTube All-Stars Philly he can come back on Danny Aarons what's he got in his locker oh we'd have to blur it if we showed it but uh moving on some good defending there from Eric JJ [Applause] oh the battle continues between these two by the way in the Box it's another chance for Speed JJ's free in his head here we go chunks look at these skills from the man lovely feet I think he's gone through the legs okay so now what can he do Nico Nico picks it up last year chunks hits it oh we might have well done there what he's rolled it over is that a goal is that a stinker he's held the ball and then rolled over the line JJ KSI rolls into his own goal you will not see that in any goalkeeping textbook that is unorthodox and it's cost his team a goal JJ's fuming KSI crosses the line not for the first time can we get a replay thank you that linesman is almost certainly a KSI fan what's the real moment it'll be for him KSI is feeling a bit of the fury now I want to see a replay a big decision from this young man you knew he was gonna make it about himself with the effort spills it that's it that's a goal it's the right decision and a great decision we'll often have a go at the rest right but he's got that bang right I mean the stuff we said at half time yeah it was an awful spin I'd say I've not seen that side to you what is he doing I mean if he rolls into speed he's safe because speed can't take it off and he's got two hands on it but he rolls away from speed into the back of the net it's it's like watching Ben Foster at wrexham let's see what KSI thinks of that you want a score my technology that did not go over the line are you sure that's outrageous [Applause] oh why you don't often see goalkeepers be interviewed mid game it's it's not but it's a lovely addition I like it and you have to be good at addition today six four winning goals I have I promise ten goals yeah you did and you delivered we have a great game on our hands here guys and by the way JJ goal line technology wouldn't have saved you on that one pal you rolled it into the back of your own net matey here we go laser beam well that lazy beam as he trundles over to the ball not a bad ball though as you see gobble it up yes and that generally I think is the first time we've caught it so fair play to him I mean I know he streams on Kick but you can use your hands as well progress absolutely that's what it's all about and he's still young you know goalkeepers office he goes low and he could oh that's bread and butter for JJ should be eating that yeah well he shouldn't be shooting because he's in training not at all I'm thinking quinoa and a lean meat or no car meat substitute JJ there's gonna be some more twists in this game guys we've got more than 20 minutes left six four it's not over for the YouTube All-Stars may I remind you with the exception of the one game that the All-Stars won Simon have won every other match three times have won seven two seven one eight seven they always score in bundles I think I fancy Neko amalana for a goal today he leads the ndl and the attack here we go beautiful link up between Chris here's a chance gets out of his feet what to say from this young man he's he's redeemed himself there a brilliant hit from Chris MD he might have knocked himself I think that was harder than a Tommy Fury punch look at this drive we know Chris can hit them it's just curling into the keepers the only problem for Chris there lays it off to Max wash he'll hit that of course she wants anything foot he's got a foot like a traction engine Chris is going to pick this up although he's chasing it Toby's oh that's a foul I think that's a family Toby called him back there maybe not Vic start with Khan coming up the rear yes you worry with her JJ going in Gold that he's not going to be is involved in the game I think he's more involved than ever it's it's amazing how it's uh how the storyline is become the JJ show we go duke Dennis leaves it it's not like the side vent with the JJ show this is it although we haven't seen Ethan for a while is he on the bench here he is look at the turn by the way from zurco very brave millwall fan the stadium gets it to Randolph heavy touch there but Toby will pick this up speed giving Chase gets it back off him get those legs moving speed my son oh oh out to Jamie I mean Circa will be looking to make his Mark today and not just on a pitch Invader This Time Charlie to Philly go to the log speed oh wow good tackle no no penalty no penalty no challenge there crazy for the rescue again is that Mr Beast as well you kind of knew when speed got the ball in the Box he wasn't going to pass it jacksept his eye across in there this possessed big Randy not just my preference in women but Randolph it's a bit messy this game and I'm not talking about Lionel Nico California freezy is just put in a Rolls-Royce of a performance absolutely he's playing with food poisoning by the way that's not the name of a twitch streamer uh he's got Bells what a ball Kickstart just uh he needs it very precisely to do the foot at all times Vic here comes I think many mints might be coming back on about time so I'm gonna need it because usual stars are all over them like a rash let's face it number Philly JJ was stranded in no man's land the Nico over the head kick there would have been what the doctor ordered of course the doctor's busy with Theo yes uh who's been the amount of the match this far I said 15 minutes in there's been periods of the game I think you've got to look at Manny hat trick because I've been huge not been in the game a lot but when he goes for his scores I think you look at fosh in the second half Max Bosch for a surprise Battle Stars been fantastic I think freezie's been doing bits defensively yeah for the sidemen as well uh there's a there's a couple of candidates but I would say there's still time for someone to come through and claim it and maybe even from the All-Stars to get back in this game I think so we've seen them quite a few times in this half beat four on two four on three there's uh there's definitely chances for them you see those personalized goalie gloves there for KSI with KSI on the gloves you love to see it it's the little details you know Khan's got to throw in here we're in the uh 66.9 66 not 86.9 that is his weight that's kilograms before it was 100 meter time uh and they're doing this if we got down here can I send that stretching that groin and hamstring oh it's a water break you've got to let the water have a break too weird it's not a prime break I feel like they uh they let that slip there someone in the marketing department should have been flying down speed on the clattenberg camera there chunks having a little chat with Simon speed I don't I don't think you've got anyone he's saying it should have been a pen in that last challenge there but listen you had a pen he had his pen and he uh he didn't make the most of it and of course JJ uh I guess his mistake has made the game a game still 6'3 it's a long way to go back 6-4 there's a chance oh what gold Bridge do with 15 minutes left but let's have a chat with Manny he's got a hatred yeah Manny how are we feeling you scored a hat trick that must feel good it does feel good but you know I'm not really used to scoring goals in these games normally so um it's just a great occasion to be honest I'm happy to play let alone score three goals and I just want to say I love my wife and my kids oh we love love how are we feeling about KSI rolling into the goal though we need to chat about that after the game I don't know what he's doing he got caught in 4k and said that didn't happen it definitely happened I think definitely to score as well you might as well just let it happen let's meet tomorrow speed score there we go where's for money let's go back to evening Spencer Manny no stranger to scoring goals on the big occasion but this might be his real Coming of Age performance with a hat-trick that as things stand is going to secure the sidemen the Victory and the trophy absolutely I mean we've always known he's a great player ironically it's his brother Jed to uh who got signed after the last game yeah it was off the back of Crawley town obviously scouting the match and they should get [Music] 14. okay some more changes after this water break we've got a Mexican wave going around Harry won't like that brexit means brexit Cecil's pitch side and he's got another interview for us what's going on Cecil hi no man come on bro you can get back here it's like 75 15 more minutes 90 minutes it's over bro you've got time [Applause] okay well let's cut back to Stephen and Sven in the commentary box that word my word more like chrysanette uh gold Bridge maybe a few egos to handle there you know it's difficult making everyone happy with their game time how at this point in the game though Steve it's not about catering to the personalities it's about doing what you can do to get a result and listen the fa are watching there's talk of Southgate moving on after Euro 2024. yeah goldbridge's name is in the Hat that's what I've heard from my sources he's being looked at he is and with the YouTube All-Stars one shot is all it takes when you've got chunks Chris and Dave Philly they can punish you from anywhere here we go speed the speed's got a bit of blood in his hands right now I'm not gonna lie easily could have had two goals it could be all level if you're taking his chances jacksepticeye making a run on the left he goes to Danny Aarons Danny just slowing things down although jacksepticeye is giving it away here the Mexican wave makes his way around the London Stadium Danny Aaron's recently retired his dad so now he has someone to hang out with that's good for him oh light challenge there [Applause] free kick for the sidemen Minnie Minter taking down by Max Force could be the first book in of the game God the universe [Music] on a yellow it's it's clever play he knows the law that is in the rule book if you look at the right part of it in the small print of the fa rule book chapter seven so true the UNO card does apply oh hang on chance for the All-Stars they can oh get rid of it here so anyway unable to make it speed 's gonna get tackled if he doesn't no man on shout oh speed you he's got away with that there deji versus speed the battle that absolutely no one wanted but we got uh never say speed in a boxing ring um I don't think so uh he's no he's he's talking of a footballer to get get in boxing got concentrate on the one who's most likely to go pro and this is it he's still a young guy you know [Applause] there we go Ethan's back on the field Chris MD with a chance to burst forward he's got options to the left of him but hey James comes through with a challenge fresh straight out of the 1980s [Applause] look at this chunks playing deeper again speed the young lad looks great when he's running to quote Phillips Schofield but they need to get him going down that flank oh deji nibbling at heels chunks teases him oh they're not quite the Megs look at the stats on football the highest rated player right now it's gonna be Manny hasn't it man he's on a 9.7 chunks on an eight big stars open he's on take it away Vic Victor Vick can he score can he pass he goes to Harry oh it's about time he's deserved to go in one of these games and he's got one Harry wrote ashore with the seventh of the match he pictured his mother's face in the top corner and he nailed it what a strike anyone that plays with Harry knows he has got a cannon of a strike on him he doesn't often get to unleash in these matches but look at this and this talk about the assist for the big star assists Vision I mean he's a playmaker these days he's adapted his game as he's got older this is it I'll tell you what a fantastic goal it's 7-4 now now you said the sidemen they're known to get seven the technique on display there from Harry is nothing short of Kevin De bruyne-esque nothing hits QC could have done about it Billy wingrove loving life once again he's managed to get his team to seven goals maybe more still to come yeah and there's nothing he could have done about that an Immaculate shot I'm amazed foot mob have still got ISO speed at 6.7 rating because two goals I'd say should have scored I'd have him in the fours or fives based on that speaking of fours Danny Aaron's coming on a 4.1 GG on a 4.1 listen to this xqc is on a one out of ten oh cow the dragon is buzzing right now [Applause] uh Here Comes Randolph on the pitch Randy comes on don't forget is the place to go to make a much needed donation guys we really need your help five massive amazing Charities we're putting the money towards Brightside teenage cancer trust calm rays of sunshine and m7e are all massively appreciative of anything you can give or you can text seven zero zero eight five followed by oh use the word side man SDM followed by your donation amount to seven zero zero eight five and we really appreciate you remember if you go to the sidemen and you donate over 50 pounds it will get a shout out on the screen take one off here we go can the YouTube All Stars get back in it they're running they're running out of time there's a rumor going around the London Stadium that we have too many players on the pitch right now we may have moved to a 12 aside situation which is with unusual I'm sure Jamie's down there saying we've got too many men too many many men too many men and he shouldn't count because he's wearing a zero on the back so Chris and D another one big effort good hands but it's it's just too short from Chris the story of his little life JJ goes short to angry gin she's actually played a massive amount of minutes for someone who was called up late in the day it's amazing he's still angry just oh Danny Aarons coming out of nowhere he's pretty shifting he absolutely has you know I asked Danny if he thinks he'll score today he said I have a hunch I said I can see that but what about your chances of scoring he's got bad post to the boy look at him go he's like Dimitri payet oh he's still coming he's he can't be stubbed shoot he has shot it's con no it's not consoles in the other team he's random oh Randolph Randolph is releasing a song every week this year he's gone through more singles than Chris MD keep them coming uh that was the Randolph not Chris it's very much quantity and quality [Applause] speeds up you've got the face son go Angry Gins fantastic challenge I mean Bobby Moore would be proud of that one he's celebrating [Applause] what a player he's got to have a good rating yeah and he's he's just showing off his left thigh and why not give the people what they want and they'll look best oh they've got all the time in the world I thought angry Ginge was uh regarding the color on his head but will with a laid tackle my word a bit of frustration comes out there oh bull may have seen himself in the mirror it's Josh it's QC dope actually Chris MD Chris MD I mean I tell you what they're always looking for Speed down this right hand side Jacobs I mean Harry's always looking to speed absolutely and they'll be in their celebratory mood tonight Chris they've got to get something going guys how many minutes left of normal time Target he's in it is lovely thought not quite there from Danny the hair looks great though you have to say all things considered the All-Stars have had the chances to be level I mean the XG if we can find that I can tell you it can't be it can be too far apart provided by football the XG wait to hear this guys 7-4 is a score the XG for sidemen is 2.07 so it tells you a little bit about the goalkeeping performance having said that the All-Stars 2.88 they've got a better XG than the sidemen that's incredible those stats and more available at football ah lovely from Chris MD sends two of them the wrong way oh he's looking for Speed oh that's Mr Beast is missing the ball there speed's still going oh is he is I think the foul was outside the box oh Chris tries to catch up JJ and he's denied by the Woodworkers hits the post I thought that was in the box that that slide I have to see it back I thought it might have been just outside just take a look oh you know what it might have started in the Box but they did play advantage speed looked happy to do so look at this and Chris almost works so Lino hadn't had the camera on him for half an hour it seems ow Ginge with a wasteful kick and it's outside the box I think where the contact's made that doesn't fit with my agenda oh we'd love another penalty as long as speed doesn't take it 7-4 I feel like I feel like there's a everyone apart from Chris MD is feeling defeated come on guys chunks the Low cross get up the field you're wearing a GoPro speed flicks it past Mr beastman [Applause] because the game's not over yet two goals from last year one for him this year here we go [Applause] just finished the real mayor of London gives the YouTube All-Stars a glimmer of hope as we approach the dying Embers of this game the score stands at seven five remember this time last year it was eight seven it went to the wire the All-Stars even at a late free kick to equalize it remember yeah but the late great Theo Baker hit the target couldn't be Pie Face though do you remember Pie Face God he could use his hands Nico you could just rely on him in those areas you know he's like oh nine absolutely so could they do this because if you're being honest the flow of this half has been all YouTube All-Stars really really in terms of possession of the chances Simon have just broken very well on the counter uh The Lads are slowly getting back into their own half get a move on the question is are we adapting premier league rules when it comes to injury time wonderful days Simon Jacobs for covers and Jacob's cracker there as he kicks the ball away lovely stuff Bazinga Ward Krauss there on the pass so true Carl Jacobs don't take this Minecraft gamer lightly he could end a man apparently Enderman in Minecraft so that's funny Simon's put it in a dangerous area oh it's a free hit and that has to hit the target there Tariq he's a cameraman but that wasn't a good shot you know 90 minutes in we're still having a laugh yeah substitution yeah that's good I am a dad so I'm allowed to make that level of jokes I'm definitely not a father that you know of not in that hole they always say I have to hit the target there Tariq you really have it's so true it definitely goes in if you do here goes Chris and D he's off Chris patrolling this Midfield like um police officer Nico might be offside plays on Randy sees him out Ethan Ethan Alvarez here still got plenty of endurance I mean Ethan has been up all night changing nappies but someone has to look after Circa he's got a gym in his house now as well let's not forget you know he's really become the absolute module athlete patrolling this Midfield gets it to freezie here the chance to stretch those giraffe-like legs oh and Circus Circus made a gorgeous run do it for millwall at the home of West Town oh not quite Simon gets it back he's dropped a bit deeper now just to freezer this freezy with a plenty of time look at the run from Simon into the box he wants it back post freezy against chunks steps in of course Jack is the CEO of coffee brand top of the morning not to be confused with my brand that does t-shirts at funerals um I really should have got the copyright for it good shirts to be fair they're fantastic yeah what's going to be called funeral tease but that didn't sit right with me [Applause] big news I'm hearing nine minutes of injury time and we've got who have we got on the bench still not a lot yeah no in terms of people are going to change the game for the All-Stars I think they've got to work with what they've got just imagine what could have happened if Theo Baker stayed on the pitch you have to say really looking at the XG looking at the flow of the game The Possession the big chances YouTube All Star should have won it Theo Baker is two goals at least isn't he you know guarantee still chance though not even in injury time yet and there's nine minutes of that minimum to come Philly the nonchalant out to speed could there be a screamer from the streamer here we go JJ's office line hit it shoot oh I don't think he knew speed has got a bit I'm not gonna lie absolutely I don't think he's a striker certainly I think he's right Midfield is the position for him through on goal you know he gets a nosebleed [Applause] lovely feet still go oh Ethan breaks away there he is what a player this man is on the counter Bazinga he's got so much time oh Vic star's open get inside gets inside play it Vic is through he's gonna go a little bit Boston he's gonna have to keep it on oh offside who put that flag up read the room [Applause] Vic recently got married safe to say xqc didn't catch the bouquet he just booted it here we go chunks if they get a goal now there is a chance to try and unleash speed again where's JJ he's JJ JJ is oh my God how has he made that work oh speed speed JJ's trying to give him a chance here you know what a little less speed a little more control that's a need is there a streamer call control sorry man making some changes here [Music] just a few chances you cannot fault his effort he has been running all day he might be the fastest person on the pitch absolutely he is rapid speed by name speed by Nature if only his brain went as quick as his feet he would be top goal scorer have you seen what he's doing right here he's hanging off the pitch JJ goes short it could be a situation technically he's been off the pitch so long now he shouldn't really be allowed back on but this is a YouTube All-Stars game here you know we don't follow the letters of the law this is it I don't think JJ knows he's there oh he's just checked his shoulder he's aware now Duke Dennis back on the field can he make a difference here it's like a hide and seek video there but JJ has been a thought I'm sorry speed's been sought by JJ he's found him still gonna go short though they just want to get in speed's head I mean JJ hasn't been that convincing he hasn't struggled this much on a pitch since he sung on the one show JJ that's from Mean Machine he's after a goal oh Dennis says no just need composure here from the All-Stars because they're invited [Applause] those moments have been there they'll definitely be a handful of guys in red shirts off this game thinking what if yep I mean they want they want the last few minutes to be as close as possible it seems but shots like that from Chris that's not gonna do it we have a look at JJ's rating right now he's obviously been accredited with an own goal foot mob is giving him a six out of ten right now which I think he's maybe generous he's letting five goals and one of them was completely avoidable but he has been good action in terms of entertainment value he's been a 10. Max fosh can you start the counter here we go Chris MD like it's been all Chris MD the second half chunks he's gonna have a hit there keep us so far off his line but Ethan is on him Max fosh to Chris checks the shoulders Randolph yes Randolph he says thou shall not pass like he's Gandalf not Randolph and that but thou did pass and he said a lovely attack xqc this this makes me nervous he's done well with that come on he's up from a one to a 1.1 how rare clattenberg goes for it probably worth it although vicstar was available willany is down with cramp he's down bad we've got nine minutes injury time we're almost four minutes into it oh wow oh wow and that's the game that's the game if it goes in [Applause] just like all my jokes today it's perfectly on the line yeah JJ On The Edge tonight to speed speed have some composure Lads there's no keeper and that's offside Shirley surely that's offside by an All-Stars player maybe that that's what happened there Tariq it's gonna count It's Gonna Stand because it was paid through by an All-Stars player capitalizes eight for the second year in a row it's eight for the sidemen and that's the game wrapped up it's got to be let's take a look at this again so he's definitely in an offside position JJ's presence there causing problems the lack of composure for the All-Stars was problematic yes it is on side because it's completely played through to him oh you've got to think that they just needed to get rid there you need to let chunks have the ball there I'd say I'd say chunks when they run away because speed was out to the right potential penalty there with the shirt pull as well but Tariq takes his moment Tariq says hey you can have my shirt afterwards I've just scored another example of a Saudi Arabia taking over football this is it very nice and he was cooking absolute slobber knocker absolutely what a game for a long thought of this half the sidemen were clinging onto their lead like a pet owner around a dog botherer but uh but now it seems to be YouTube All Stars Are Gonna Lose but by how much but could there be another goal consolations either way I think there is going to be another goal it's one of those games oh hear that right on the mic there JJ has left a lot of openings for the All-Stars and they haven't pounced on it let's be honest the composure's been lacking in the key moments that's what's custom absolutely sort of composure that Theo Baker would have added it was it was costly from the YouTube All Stars Max fosch's parents shouldn't afford it oh what a waste he might get there though Here Comes Aaron's oh Ginge a bundle of the streamers loving life out there absolutely Chris MD dispossessed oh lovely feet here for many hat-trick hero maybe a pending man of the match award s and Jamie jme comes back he's got man he's a little bit I know he was going to cut in he's gonna cross it instead will gets his uh his chin on it it seems Max farsh clears his lines good pass here to jacksepticeye although once again that man Bazinga is everywhere that's got to be a foul from Danny Aarons but kattenberg's letting it play JJ in the Midfield wearing a goalie strip yet do not adjust your television sets or your smartphones that is what's happening because he knows On Target is at least a corner absolutely you know just like Ethan loves scoring here as a West Ham fan Josh has a mealworld fan would love it as well absolutely but you know Josh isn't the most athletic in fact he struggled to get down on one knee for 10 years [Music] couple changes coming in here [Applause] last two minutes we've got to say it donate you know go nay indeed we want to break records sidemen put in the eight and donate right now go to we'll text sdmn followed by your donation amount to seven zero zero eight five we do really appreciate every penny the goalie is out he's alive this is chance come on shoot oh oh Road the challenge lovely header from willany now if the defense is clever now they can just run up and play everyone offside because obviously you could have two players the other side of the ball speed again another chance to shoot missed they are queuing up JJ showing real confidence as a goalkeeper here Simon deji puts his hands up oh get it to fix stars in acres of space turn fix open don't shoot deji oh left footed effort and he catches he's now up to a 1.2 xqc good on you fella Vic's gonna put in a transfer request after that to Beta Squad I think because he had to be played through absolutely Vic was here to break records not literally he's a DJ respects them spins them though oh so true oh does he spin them can I send that Ethan tucksida oh speed and it's Ethan he he started the game well he's ending the game well Simon he's got JJ's an option the two lifelong best friends there linking up but it comes to Manny instead he's got a hatchet can he improve that whoa big touch bush [Applause] still alive though he's gonna fall to digi great blood from Jacobs [Applause] he shouldn't be Outfield he should be protecting himself puts the whistle through his mouth it's all over here at the London Stadium eight five two the sidemen eight scored for the second year in a row and the scoreline probably doesn't tell the full picture of the game the All-Stars have chances so maybe not even draw it maybe to win it the Theo Baker injury will be looked back on as a huge moment the speed missed chances but what was that black game like for you Stephen he was brilliant Spencer we expected goals we got them quality ones as well uh we had so many debutants but they didn't look they didn't look at our place yeah that's something but uh you know it was uh it was a great game so many moments and of course the penalty Miss of course what could have been the speed back on that for many years to come we're gonna go pitch side now with big zoo and else to get that match reaction full time here at the London Stadium Zoo eight five two five makes it three years in a row for the sidemen what an incredible game um listen we saw a lot of Sly tackling at the end it got a bit aggressive towards the end of the match I think people just wanted goals I think people want goals it's hot people are tired yeah there's nine minutes of extra time which is quite a lot a lot of speed will be passed right now I have a lot a lot of mistakes giving shirt to the crowd angry at the pen and I missed Open golf yeah let's talk about that penalty because speed steps up to take the penalty the the stadium loved it yeah it was a big moment I feel like he was the right guy to say the pen but he went straight down the middle and he gave he gave JJ all the chances to save it wasn't a great penalty JJ in goal we did get an own goal at one point yeah yeah I mean I think he's done that on purpose let's be real he he rolled back into the goal with the ball in his hand definitely um match fixing right now so I'm an ASCII player of the match for me I think it's Manny it has to be Manny definitely thing has to be money I think for the sidemen mainly absolutely smashed it but um for the All-Stars Nico really surprised me this harland-esque harland's s harland-esque the new Harlem he's the new Harlan he's the light skin Harland I think Simon as well as always I mean we know that Simon is a baller and for the fact that he's here playing for his own charity unbelievable and that's the thing that we have to remember that you know we have all these incredible people all these incredible YouTubers incredible stars but we are here for charity and that's what we've done we raising our money we are and I think we can safely say everyone has loved it yeah I don't know if you could hear it on the stream but the Mexican wave was oh yeah so loud big energy crowd's been amazing and yeah it's been it's been incredible big energy well congrats again to Simon for making it three years in a row winning the charity match I think it is time to get some proper analysis let's head over to the pandas yep do you know what we have lots to talk about I think you just saw the sound man in shot but you know what that's what this is about isn't it we've all had fun we've all enjoyed ourselves and what a high scoring second half that was yeah you expected that obviously we said at half time sooner people get tired it just turns into 5v5 in the opposition half and that's what you got and oh they did that they came to entertain and I'm sure the fans are going to go home I'm happy yeah talking of the fans I know all of you at home love your match stats so let's have a look at the stats overall for this entire 90 minutes or should I say more because actually we had additional time for quite a long time there about nine minutes in total but look I know that Manny got a 9.7 he was the highest scoring player and the highest uh rated player in that match in times of the full-time stats that tells you the story of course I guess the score line is the stat that matters the most but look at the shots from YouTube 32 to 18 shots on target 11 to 12 although sidemen clearly were more clinical but I guess YouTube will look at that set of stats and they'll be disappointed YouTube would have had more possession because like we said in the first half sideman maybe just clinical yeah YouTube had a lot of chances a lot of the ball but like we said the Simon they're really just clinical and you saw it in the in the final result well look let's talk through the key moments from that second half and it was Manny the hat-trip hero from this afternoon that got on the score sheet first to take the score to 3-2 what make of his goal then Julian yeah now again driving forward so great energy throughout him good decision making as I said someone's obviously clearly plays football in front of these past and now they've got a great understanding between the two and sort of keeper hit the target if you don't hit the target you don't score yeah yeah money I meant our assignment they've got a connection together and you can see playmaker we said whenever Simon wants to turn up the return up and that was Kevin Dubois who got back rolled it back yes days still for that assist was really good yeah yeah again you see it you know what I love if you can hear the loudness in this but look Manny picks it up gives his assignment hello Simon again look are you no no no no no he was just running again Kevin De bruyne asked himself [Applause] we're just watching yeah we're just watching you and do what you man doobies the crowd is amazing I don't know how many people watch the home but thank you for tuning in millions thank you guys it's been amazing and you could just hear the noise and you look on ball as well and you look at ball and stuff I was a bit injured today so I try to take it a little bit easier but still a great game great occasion and that was you taking it easy [Laughter] [Music] don't rush things in defense they weren't the strongest so we knew that if we got the ball forward and had a bit of pace up top with great chances Manny Toby's slightly more unbelievable the whole team played brilliant today I don't want to just give you props but your your Tactical changes and when you put people on and took people off like you made all the right decisions do you know what it's such a difficult thing because you've got all these big personalities they're huge you know and you want to give everyone the right amount of game time but also win the match it's the hardest thing to juggle strongest thing to be fair to Squad they were they were so good with like the rotations and it's perfect in your ears get me on get me on yeah I pulled him off on that as well I was thinking oh no I'm not gonna get invited back next year you are you're a winner brother thank you so much congratulations congratulations okay before we head up to the Trophy presentation we've got talk about [Music] dependency was a problem so this is where he is and it was a clear Point yeah we don't need to go to law no argument so that you sub on this yeah I said it was a good save because maybe kids you know Keepers normally dive early so he's had to go if he died got back up he still would have got back I was like there's always so much speed what happened what happened to speed today because I feel like a lot of that second half was about him do you know what it is and from Striker to Striker yeah and I know he loves Ronaldo Ronaldo are giving this advice if you want to score too bad you don't score yeah he wanted it too badly after that moment no this is not enough the defender came back you know I scored that no 100 as Strikers you do but you're not an enemy and up and scored that was a defining moment this is this year as well there's a lot going on it was a lot going on it was a it was a quick it was a book 27 seconds there no communication but you know you know the figures with speed I'm not going to say this he impressed me more than what I thought yeah you know his end product if he works on his end product he'll be a problem because everything happened to the final third but that's it was a problem you know that's not that easy like you get there and he seems to speed up yeah instead of just slow down yeah because he's quicker than everyone he's passed for him he's still operating like no they're not getting back so making this climb himself yeah and he was the goalie so you know what it was about nah man yeah it was good it was entertaining well let's talk about the goalie because the sixth score KSI concedes a goal in a very tragic way from his point of view because he would be so disappointed when he looks back at this yeah I don't think like conceded he give it to them obviously he was asking for I don't know we need a conclusive angle this is kind of conclusive oh oh okay oh yes yes but you know what I think it was you know I just think he's the ultimate Entertainer and he wanted to make it closer that's what I'm thinking yeah you know so that's what I'm going on overall did KSI have a good or a bad game what do we think what would you really think they save after that I gotta give you props good call from the linesman though it's a great call from the line we was berating him for you sorry he was berating him oh my goodness my goodness all right I mean he didn't get injured which was the main thing because that's why he went in Gold okay let's have a look another goal for seven four um this was Harry actually one again the goals of the beginning we said as they start getting tired like there'll be space but look how he sets it up what's the Finish oh what's the Finish watch the fin watch it watch it out oh could I say it Kevin De bruyne ask can I see it can I see it Kevin De bruynesque yeah yeah I could say that that can that can be conventional thank you yes goal of the game gold It Again difficult one for a Defender yeah is it possible well again the keeper you're looking at your goalie because when you when someone's got that much quality you're thinking yeah go on and shoot what you see the Defenders want to pass it on to the keepers yeah oh great it's finished now we've said at the top of the show this is very different for us it was a different sort of experience so how did you enjoy it did you did you love it I've absolutely loved it yeah amazing amazing my life to be fair luckily I've been involved in a few of these and you just feel the energy and we say it's different from us like they were interviewing the goalie while the game was going on you know and it's just and it's it's that it's raw emotion and at the end of the day it's for a great cause no it is you get to enjoy it and it's for a good cause so no man we loved it I've got to work with yeah a lot so yeah side chicks for cat charity yeah yeah I love it and you know what credit to the players because as we say very very warm sweltering heat out here and they have managed to continue for the 90 minutes I know there were a lot of substitutions yeah of course credit to everyone involved obviously for the fans listen I got here near 12 o'clock and they were coming up to come inside then so everyone that's participated today yeah absolutely now I know that um you particularly had your eye on speed didn't you and I know we've spoken about him because he dominated the talking points in that second half but tell me tell me a bit more about what you noticed about him I mean obviously he's Speedy the name gives it away is is good 1v1 I just think you know he really wanted to score didn't he and I think his teammates wanted him to score you know this is a good tackle here it gets stuck in he wants it yeah he's fully committed I mean this I think do you know the things you know if this didn't happen you know everything else was he was constantly involved you know it was just this moment where I think he he was too safe yeah and I think if I'm being technical on a technique there he's too far apart then and then he couldn't because at the beginning they should have waited until KSA died [Laughter] yeah he was constantly involved in that was um that's just there was he was constantly involved it's just he now needs to work on his end product listen me and anybody said that if you wanna he's ideal he's so his Idol is Ronaldo yeah that's his idols that's why he was talking about so his mind is yeah his mind is still a thousand miles he's thinking about what he's going to do before he's even got out of control he wanted it so much though he really wanted it oh my my coach has always told me if you don't score make sure you assist yeah that's what he did yeah it's a nice way to wrap it up okay we're gonna wrap things up here now but it's been so much fun hasn't it yeah it's been amazing loved it loved every moment of it and it's back to Big Zoo and elf yeah Chase maybe an upon this man yeah some great analysis there great break I think I can find what is very excited he's so cute I feel like you're quite excited I'm a little bit excited well it is an incredible atmosphere here let's just talk through what's happening currently so they are building ready for the big trophy lift which is happening very shortly before we do hand over back to our commentators though Zoo what is your favorite moment of today um it's I think it was the moment between Manny and Toby when they assisted me travel for that goal that was that was Brotherhood in a moment as well as as when Philly assisted chunks I love seeing those moments of demanding coming together and creating Beautiful Moments of football that's what we love to see definitely I think for me it's just seeing all the fans come out I mean it's very hot we keep talking about it a bit yeah hot in here but to see the enthusiasm and the atmosphere one million percent the support in the building is crazy you can feel the lovely it really makes you feel like these players are actual genuine Ballers definitely and although it is about obviously a team winning raising running for charity I don't think that people necessarily mind who wins but anyone can talk about the goals and the entertainment yeah big goals we got Harry as well Harry were absolutely Banger yeah one of the best goals one of the best goals of today yeah well if you have liked what you have seen we will be revealing that total amount of money raised very shortly but in the meantime if you can please make sure you go to to donate you can also scan the QR code on your page or you can text sdmn to 7085 with your donation amount to donate the link is in the description all the information is on the website make sure you do that if you have enjoyed all the entertainment that has happened today I think I need to go donate yeah we're going to go donate okay so we're gonna go and watch this trophy lift whilst Stephen and Spencer are going to commentate it for you so we're going to head over to the commentary box right now whilst we're going to see this trophy list thank you elves and big Zoo what a day it's been it's time for the Trophy presentation it will of course be the sidemen FC Lansing lift it but everyone's a winner here aren't they Stephen so true I mean there's been a little delay because some just stop oil campaigners run the pitch clearly protesting the amount of Greece in calfresi's hair but hey we're gonna get a trophy lift and uh who who's the captain of oh look at that James Corden in attendance here of all people never misses a YouTube game absolutely loves it obviously a big West Ham fan as well a big West Ham fan um but yeah like I say who who was the captain of was it Bazinga yes of course it is gonna love the trophy at his beloved West Ham oh what a moment in the same year that we were crowned champions of Europe you know have I mentioned that dad we'll definitely have it now well you can see the players congregating there's gonna be a quick interview before we do the Trophy presentation so uh big zoo and else over to you okay we are joined right now I'm about to Vic how you feeling right now man great game amazing what an atmosphere what a game huge thanks to everyone that flew out to play all the massive creators everyone in the stadium that kept everything running all of our team who put together something that we could never comprehend I hear we've absolutely smashed our Target last year of a million pounds race we're gonna find out later on how much we've raised with the support of our amazing fans so all in all what a privilege it is for us all to be able to do this support great causes launch our charity Brightside and support all of the uh wonderful Charities that was pointing with that it's super exciting and what our pleasure to be able to do this definitely and also just congratulations Vic see you and all of the sidemen for putting this on I'm sure on behalf of all the fans we can say that everyone's had a great day today and I'm sure all the viewers have loved it as well so thank you very much keep donating everyone because it's we're not at the end I'm not like I was sadly didn't get a goal bro yeah he was in good position you know what it was almost identical to last time I saw that's basically all empty I looked to my left and I saw Harry Harry has not scored before I just knew it was the right thing to do I put him on and what a goal he scored he absolutely leathered that so so many new people scoring goals Ethan at his home stadium scoring the first goal what a moment just yeah I I'm almost speechless which is rare So what and what an amazing time what a moment and what an afternoon thank you to Vic thinking to all the sidemen thanks to the viewers we're going to cut back to Stephen and Spencer in the commentary box for the almighty trophy lift thank you guys and listen find a man that can do both he scored last year he assisted this year vixstar is a real star I mean what a friend he said you know Harry hasn't scored before I'll help him out amazing how many thoughts are going through his head in that Split Second as well he's a clever guy he really is there's the trophy that's going to be lifted momentarily as we welcome the runners up Stars really are they really are and they they put in a great shift they made a good account of themselves on another day they could have won they really could have you know you see them and you go what an effort entertainment they I mean Max fosh yeah I can see him now impressive he definitely deserves a medal and obviously we don't want to keep going on about it but losing Theo Baker to injury it's akin to probably the sidemen losing miniminter you know that's how big is it affected would have had on them so and Theo wasn't coming up for this so [Applause] [Music] mystery and so many people you don't see on your screen have played a huge part in putting this occasion on and raising a massive amount of money for charity which we're going to find out exactly the amount they have raised later and all you guys watching at home of course you you've played your part too so this is very important to make sure we recognize that [Music] there we go oh there's a drone in the sky I wonder if we'll cut to that well then he's changed top we've still got the GoPro on he wants a lot he is the Drone in action [Music] look at the technology great to see these guys as well and what I like about these guys they lost the game but they keep the medal on you know none of these bigger EOS that can't wear a second place medal chunks and then last but not least although it was leased in terms of the ratings yeah xqc foot lesson maybe harshly giving him uh I believe a naught point three out of ten and look at these guys they don't stop working content content content he's trying you can't lift it unfortunately Nico this year maybe next year yeah sqc was going to lift it but he'd uh probably drop it anyway I said I know we make a joke out of it but it takes serious God if you haven't had a lot of experience in it before you know anything JJ doing it he's Brave you know but xqc shout out to him for getting involved yeah and here come the team sidemen angry jeans played no small part he was a rock at the back happy Ginge now he's got his medal Randolph Mr Beast all winners today laser beam freezy was fantastic he was yeah mount klassenberg with uh really cool hand check he's got that down to a t he's a cool dude Manny Patrick hero Iraq blanks clattenberg a big history going on there yeah they really do not like each other deji and here he is of course Simon who may be understated Performance Based on his previous matches he's set high standards he's still a huge player as is this man Toby see JJ there no not even missing an opportunity to reveal that uh ripped physique he's worked hard for it there's the clattenberg cam oh that's nice I hope they don't switch that off you know I want to see him go home tonight big stop goal scorer there Harry AKA road to short and the manager Billy wingrove with the winners medal two years in a row honestly move over Southgate and the main man the captain a trophy and his beloved London Stadium whoa for more than 10 years now they've been known as the sidemen but let's face it to the main men he's four out of five for these guys and once again eight is great they are the champions for the side mentally match 20 23. it's sidemen FC it's beautiful scenesis Ben the YouTube All-Stars stand on clap in see you next year that'll be us just the best moment there's JJ he's a YouTuber he's a rapper he's a boxer let's face it he's a keeper he doesn't lose Spencer he doesn't lose he doesn't know how to lose the sidemen four out of five the hat trick hero Manny there deji they're going to be celebrating long into the night at a top secret location I heard I haven't even heard about it yet there's a reason but you'll have to see it this is just a crowded moment guys and what's been an event that trust me takes a long time to plan so many people I was on the cool sheet I saw the size of it it was practically encyclopedia so many people made this happen today yeah shout out to every single one of them and of course it doesn't happen without you sweet sweet viewers you've tuned in and supported everyone here for a long long time [Music] pleasure to work with you again Steven of course cracking me up throughout the game I know you guys at home would have absolutely loved it an absolute honor for me to be involved here again in a massive if not the biggest YouTube event of all time thank you for being with us and we're gonna go to our picture presenters yes thank you so much for joining us for the 2023 sidemen charity match got a list of thank yous here so thank you to commentators of course Steven and Spencer as always bringing all of the amazing commentary there thank you for Cecil for bringing us all of the back State access NADA on the line our pundits Jody and Les Scott bioactive femoris led by SEMA jaswell and of course to Ace H H and of course we've got to say a thank you to our sponsors Prime and Crunchyroll right now you can sign up for free 14-day trial on Crunchyroll and for every person that signs out nine dollars yes nine dollars will be donated to the Charities of today yes you can head to and click the Crunchyroll button right now congratulations to the Simon threes in Rowan but it's the big time now we are going to find out the final figure of the money raised today five amazing Charities is an incredible cause Zoo I'm going to leave it to you to reveal this final total are you guys ready yes we have raised two million 425 425 000 855 pounds let's watch the records 2.4 million pounds worth of incredible amount raise it's going to help so many people thank you so much to the sidemen for putting this event on for raising so much money thank you to you the viewer for watching and everyone who donated it means so much and it really will make an impact thank you so much Zoo for being my co-host and you've got no big Lobster hours as well for having me you know the Vibes I'm to the sidemen for inviting us down thank you for having us and that has been it for the Cyber 2023 charity match thank you for watching maybe we will see you next year peace [Applause] [Music] thank you well once again London Stadium thank you so much for your support today of the YouTube All-Stars and the sidemen FC [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 31,019,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen charity match, sidemen fc, sdmn fc, sidemen fc vs youtube allstars, sidemen vs youtube allstars, sidemen vs youtube, sidemen football match, sidemen football, charity match, sidemen charity match 2023, MrBeast, Kai Cenat, Chunkz, Filly, Calfreezy, Randolph, Callux, angryginge, LazarBeam, Tareq, Deji, JME, xQc, Karl Jacobs, Theo Baker, JiDion, Max Fosh, IShowSpeed, Danny Aarons, Niko Omilana, Jackepticeye, Duke Dennis, Aboflah, Airrack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 217min 20sec (13040 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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