START to FINISH: Model a Newspaper Stand [Cinema4D + Octane]

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all right I think we're live pretty sure we're live welcome everybody welcome back thank you for joining me sorry about last week came down with a little cold so I wasn't able to hop on the stream but you know it was honestly a very great break it was a nice resting period for myself and yeah I'm excited to hop back in with you guys today I hope everyone as well I hope everyone has had a good two weeks it's been two weeks since I've seen you guys um let's see here so yeah we're doing we're doing some cool stuff today I'm gonna be modeling and texturing this newspaper stand from these reference images I took and you can actually download these reference images there's a link in the description below and there's also a link to the discord server below that's where you know all of you guys join the discord server and have a lot of awesome conversation you share your work you ask a lot of good questions and you can download these assets in the announcements channel on the discord server as well so we also do a weekly challenge last week's weekly challenge was jellyfish and we got some really really cool submissions so I'll be excited to announce the winners of the weekly challenge at the end of the stream but yeah we're gonna get through modeling blocking out this newspaper stand this is pretty basic geometry here so this would be good for people who are starting out with modeling or are looking for ways to speed up their modeling workflow and you know basically from there we're gonna talk about texturing and we'll talk about how to get the texture and the surface imperfections down so actually a little bit of exciting news here let me actually hop in and see if you guys yeah greetings everybody hello hello in the live feed what's going on um yeah we're doing it so a little bit of exciting news here so I am going to be giving a sea graph presentation for max on that will be coming up at the end of July I believe the presentation is on its it's it'll be titled something along the lines of the secrets of photorealistic renders and I want to talk about the process or my process of creating photo real assets and comping them into footage that may seem difficult or tricky at first and I know I've done some stuff like this on the stream but this will be a very focused 55 minutes from start to finish and we're actually going to put this CG object once we recreate the CG object here I'm going to put it into you know this footage here and I've always passed these two newspaper stands and it felt like there just needs to be a third one right in between and I thought it'd be a really good example of showing how you can create something that looks photo real that fits in the space and is comped perfectly so you can't tell the difference between the real one and the fake one right so that'll be the topic of the course will be hitting every element down the line creating custom HDR eyes surface imperfections motion tracking normalizing your scene compositing tips and whatnot so that's that'll be my sea graph presentation for max on at the end of July and we'll see if I can upload that that video here so I'm gonna be building out this asset for you guys and doing a little bit of pre-work for the sea graph presentation live right here on the stream so in the sea graph presentation kind of it's gonna be an overview of this process but you guys are gonna get the full experience right now okay we're gonna do this we're doing it live cuz you know you can't get two hours of a of a modeling thing live at a C graph presentation it just takes too long and yeah father's days tomorrow guys get on it get on it get your dad something cool tell me you love them Randy thank you thank you France it is a place that I have always wanted to visit I will visit and I and I really appreciate appreciate your congratulations on the Maxon presentation all right you guys are saying let's do it and Petros what's up dude longtime friend Petrus welcome to the stream and yeah dude Petros you can hop into blender man it's free it's it's great you know these modeling tips and tutorials and concepts all apply to any other program whether it's free or paid or whatever you guys can be using anything that's that's another thing guys is like it does not matter what program you're using they're all basically the same they all they all do similar things they get you to an end goal how that you to that angle will be a little bit different because obviously the programs are a little bit different right your hotkeys are gonna be different your buttons are gonna be in a different place but when it comes to a general workflow and when it comes to completing something in 3d all of these programs like Maya 3ds max cinema 4d blender you know you can do anything in any of these programs so don't get down by the fact that this is a cinema 4d tutorial and you have blender so you can't follow along like get not get that out of your head because you want you want to be able to say as open as possible and learn as much as possible yeah so let's let's jump in let's get started you evolved our interactive thank you for the super chat brother I appreciate you thank you for joining I really really do appreciate it it's it's cloudy here in Los Angeles I got my ambient music you guys can actually follow along if you guys want to listen to some chill ambient music there's a link to the playlist down below in the description I got my tea this morning and I'm ready to go so let's jump in guys let's do this thing again download these reference images the links in the description or in the announcements channel on the discord server the link is also in the description so follow along let's do this together okay so the first thing I'm look like it's a box right we got a box I got a very simple setup here I have an HDR eye background you know loaded in through this in little environment HDR environment which you can find through I believe objects HDR environment in octane I'm using octane and scorned thank you brother for the for the super chat really appreciate you as well thank you so much as awesome and thanks for the congratulations I'm very very excited as well it'll be it's super cool to be presenting with some of my my CG heroes right it is pretty crazy it's gonna be crazy very excited but yeah I got a simple HDRI background and then I actually have another HDRI environment right and if I go into the environment tag I have it set to a color so this is an image and this one right here is a color set to black and the type is visible environment so if I if I change it to primary environment we're lighting our scene right here we're lighting this scene with a black image and obviously you can't see anything because it's lit by a black image there's no light but if I change it to visible environment we're gonna let our HDRI shine through right and this is just a the apartment here so it's a cool way to get like a background going but also have it lit with an HDR eye and you can change that up for any color you want you know if I wanted this to be like blue or something you know or like a draft paper or something like this it can be whatever you want let's try it so I don't have exact measurements I could have gone out and taken a ruler and or a measuring tape and gotten exact measurements but I'm just gonna do this by eye here I think it'll be okay I also have this footage as a reference to kind of see what's going on here how big this stuff really is but let's just make sure that we keep our shapes correct in proportion to the other shapes so right now we're looking at a rectangle right with a beveled edge here that's the main kind of shape of this box here now in front we have kind of like a little another rectangle in front right and it's kind of Ken but it's connected to the top so there's like a top piece here and it gets a little bit more intricate with this handle connected to this side here so it's just pushing and pulling polygons from basic shapes in our case cubes right and it's all kind of standing on this little pedestal here right very simple geometry very very simple you know and then you have these nuts and bolts down here which will also model and then of course the texturing right you can get really fun with texturing this thing and that's that's my favorite part building it is really fun but when it comes to texturing it's like ooh you're bringing it to life so this is pure ref this program here actually is really cool I'm still learning it but it's a really good way to reference stuff it always stays on top but let's let's jump in let's just block out this newspaper stand okay so first and foremost we got this cube and we want it to first off I always spawn a figure always get a figure because then we know how tall this thing is you know I'd probably say it's you know we're gonna block it out that's what we're gonna do it's probably about this tall something along those lines maybe a little bit taller but once we like it doesn't matter how large or small we model this as long as it looks correct in proportion to itself then we can scale it up and down you know for the end of time and we'll be okay you know we can scale it up and down but let's start here it's looking like this top shape here if I were to come up here it's a bit skinnier in this direction in the z-axis so something along these lines I'm actually hmm what's the best way to do this cuz it's like you have this top piece here that's well that's clearly one piece and then you have kind of this little like extruded shell piece that looks like it's one piece you have the door panel here which is one piece right here and we're gonna do all this as geometry moving over to the side view here it looks like this shell piece comes up here and wraps down around the side and again we have a top piece the shell and then there's this little back piece here let's see there's the back piece yes which is kind of a separate it's a separate object so this will be one object here this will be another object and then we have the whole thing of course okay so it's kind of if I were to make this editable and I'm just gonna quickly model this I'm gonna hit MS and that's gonna be our bevel tool and that's fine we're gonna start moving these lines around so I'm gonna go to that side I'm gonna find that side view reference again let's see here we go so a little bit more than halfway up this newspaper stand if I come into a side view we'll hide our figure for now this this is all about looking at your reference and taking note of where the lines intersect and what is actually happening so this line this line right here is a little bit more than halfway up this rectangle so I'm gonna make sure I move this and I'm just doing my eye a little bit more than half way up right here I'd say that's about nice okay then it comes up to this point in it if I were to draw a straight line up from this corner it probably so right about here is where it would be if it was just a rectangle and it looks like it's coming in by about a third so one-third two-thirds three-thirds and this feels about right to me where it's at currently that feels about right so next up let's say let's actually just make sure that we have this okay from the top and it's going to be built out a bit more so this actually looks like this is where our model is right now is right here but it extends and comes out a little bit so again we're just roughing it out we're blocking it out looking at the reference asking questions where do things lie where are things extruded we want to get the shape of this down okay so let's see here let's keep going and let's work on the next piece what do we want to do next so we have this let's do this next so instead of making a new cube right and orienting it properly let's just go into the polygon mode and select this polygon here because it's lined up exactly how we want this little piece to be oriented so one thing we could do is we can actually extrude this or we can extra dinner or we could actually hit you p on the keyboard and that's going to break up that's how I remember that hotkey up break up you're going to break up the geometry so now we have this piece right here and it's sitting right in place right where we want it okay so let's I believe on what the anchor point in the correct spot so I think that is the center axis - yes Center access to that is yeah the center axis to tool and that'll snap the anchor point right into the middle of whatever geometry you have selected which is always handy okay so now what we want to do is kind of grow the bounds of this we know that this edge here stays right that's flush but it kind of extends beyond this rectangle here so if I just move this out like this it's kind of what it's doing and if we go to if we go to the top view right here we can see it comes out by about that much again this is all all from from the eye here and now we have to ask ourselves does this extend in like this or does it extend out like this and I think it extends out because I think that all extends out all of this stuff I'm holding I'm holding control and moving those polygons or moving those edges out and it's going to create new polygons which is exactly what we want now let's reference the side view again and see okay so notice this top line is flush like we have here this is flush let me actually go to the left view just to make things easier camera left so yeah this is flush right here but this bit it actually extends down and this is a 90-degree angle okay so we need to make sure that works let's go here let's grab this edge holding shift grab that second edge and I'm just going to move this down to about that point right there and that that feels about right and then we'll take this point right here and I don't know how to perfectly move this Oh see how we're just getting that one point like this we're just moving this one we actually want to from our side view you can go over to your attributes page here when you when you select your selection tool uncheck only select visible elements and that's going to get everything in its path yeah so I don't know how to snap this like I know snapping of course is a thing but that's snap that's snapping to the grid polygon snap axis snap yeah I don't guide snap I don't know edge snap it's still just going to the grid you know the answer is probably out there guys but I don't know it right now so I'm gonna do this ctrl shift Z undoes camera moves by the way let's see I'll just do this by eye probably not the ideal way to do this or honestly guys like another another way we could do this and actually get it exact would be to delete this extrusion that we did and we could grab let's see let's undo that move yeah that's let's undo okay I'm gonna take this and you see when we select that edge we actually get the correct orientation for the gizmo let's bring that down okay and then when I select those edges we get the improper rotation here so what I'll do is I'll probably just take this and extrude it out so I believe that is MT shortcut and that's gonna extrude out properly I don't want this edge here so me I might what does it create caps now let's see yeah let's create caps let's bring it out and then I'm gonna just delete that face so now we know that's perfect but we still have this to deal with so I'm gonna grab let's see I think we can grab the edge up here and it'll still be oriented properly yes there we go and we'll bring it down until it looks about about flush about there and I think that's that's that's a little bit more accurate this way okay sweet shutter Authority welcome welcome my friend good to have you shuttle authority we have known each other online for probably man since YouTube started which is really crazy okay so continuing on here we just wanna make sure that this looks right let's check let's check the right side and see what's going on here so it does a thing where it actually comes up and in right here so we need to make some cuts so the best way won't be the best way to do this hmm this might be a little bit of like two steps forward one step back situation let's yeah let's try making some cuts here on this boom and we'll scoot that over just a little bit and I'll make another line cut like there okay so this these three need to go and we need let's see how was the best way to do this so these edges here one and two see the gizmo the world or local deal is not working it's only working it's working for this one so I'm going to control drag this one up and we'll control drag this one in and I'm gonna bring this point oh boy I think I can snap it to the point yeah there we go those points are stuck together now and then same deal here I should be able to take this and snap this bump to that point and then I'm just gonna optimize all of this so I'll control a I have 19 points selected and if you guys want this little readout up here if you hit alt V that's gonna bring up your viewport settings and if you go to HUD you can check all these boxes on the left total objects total points total edges total polygons frames per second a lot of good info for modeling or you know basically whatever you're doing here in cinema so we have 19 points selected and if I hit if I optimize this I'm hoping this goes down to like 16 points so I hit you oh and it went down to 18 points and this we want these points to be let's try and get this right in there and we want these points to stack on top of each other boom right there and if we select all again we hit you oh we should this point should go from 18 to 16 okay I went to 17 two points it's two points selected right here why maybe if we where's the weld one point okay so that's at one point and then we'll weld these points this should be okay this is one point now which is good that's what we want fantastic one point one point one point one point probably a better way of doing that you know I'm not the modeling master here but hey it's working so now we have a basic kind of outline for that little bit there and I'm gonna move this forward just a hair so that we can actually I'll turn off snapping move that forward just a hair so we don't see the lines behind it make sure you guys save your work okay so continuing with the blockout okay we have to keep blocking this thing out we're not gonna get detailed quite yet let's talk about this piece right here huh okay what is going on here it looks like that's straight perpendicular with the ground and this is lined up with this angle here let's see if we have any more info on what that thing is not much but we do have this angle here so this angle this bit here if I were to select this face it looks like I can control drag and extrude this why does that not feel like a straight line this right here does not feel like a straight line hard to tell very hard to tell um but yeah okay so I extruded that and it looks like we have a piece coming it goes beyond the top of this so I think we're gonna want to do the same thing we're gonna break this up so imma hit u P with that edge selected or with that polygon selected right and now we have this new piece to work with right here okay and this is magic solo this plugin if you guys want this it's really nice plug-in that I'm David Arie of the octane Jesus told me about and it's amazing magic solo check it out okay so this goes beyond again beyond the bounds of this deal so I'm gonna just bring this up like that and we want to extrude this so I'm going to go to edge mode or a sorry polygon mode and we'll hit em T for extrude and we'll extrude that out I'm looking at this top edge right here boom right there and it looks like the angle is going down so that's correct this angle is also correct okay so it is not perpendicular with the floor but we are getting a weird huh I guess it starts tapered here and it gets larger by the time it gets down here so that means we need to take this edge and drag it out we want to make sure that this stays flush something like that I'm just doing that by eye cool and since it's hollow we'll delete that oh and we still have only select visible elements unselected and you can see how it deleted this side we don't want that so let's make sure we check that again delete and now we have that shell there oh hello so we have this shell here which feels about right to me okay and then we'll do this handle right here which let's see what's the best way it's a rounded rounded edge so we'll probably I'm actually gonna save the handle for when we do it legit it doesn't make sense to just block that out I think we'll do it legit when we get to that point so that's basically you know if we look at our render view here that basically feels like this box you know we want to get the base well obviously we'll get the base so let's focus on that next okay everyone good so far yeah little thumbs up action if you guys are doing okay we're making our way through this so we got a window here once we get into the detail stuff we'll get all that going that'll be our next step we'll go through and do a detail pass and that's what's gonna really bring this stuff out and then we'll do a final detail pass where we actually get the nuts and bolts and like a little handle and stuff okay so yeah let's get this little base wrap around here which to me looks like basically if we take our original cube we'll grab the bottom I'm gonna hit you P to break up that's the bottom and I'm just going to scale it up i'ma hit T for a scale tool I'm gonna just scale it up a little bit just enough to get past the edges here the boundaries boom right there and I'm gonna grab if I hold ctrl and click the edge tool it'll convert your selection to edges which is exactly what we want because I'm gonna hit W to switch to the move tool I'll hold ctrl and move this up just like that awesome that looks really nice and then I'll grab the polygon selection tool i'ma hit ul we'll do a loop selection okay and I'm gonna hit em s on the keyboard and bevel that or extrude that out you can see that we're not getting what we want here we want this to be connected so I'll undo that I'll go to let's cause I'm on the bevel tool MTM T is what we want that's extrude right so we'll extrude that we can always work these in and out later once we get into the detail pass but that's basically what we're going for is something like that okay so that's that like outer ring that's holding this together that it's like a little pedestal that's standing on you know well bevel all these edges later and now we want this base piece right here it looks like we have a couple little things here which we can work in but let's get this base piece in that's pretty skinny compared to the actual box and I'm not going to break up this polygon again because we actually want a square I'm gonna spawn a new square will will scale it way down or not square it's a cube rather and I say something like that um let's make sure we are in the model mode here and we'll just bring this down let's actually I'm gonna take a look at the footage here and see it's probably a little larger than a third of the height of this whole thing so with that in mind it's probably somewhere like that I would say cool I'll make the cube editable I'll go to polygon mode and we'll select this base polygon I'm gonna hit MW to extrude inner and we'll bring this out probably somewhere around there and we'll extrude again MT for that thickness just like that it looks a little small so what I'll do is with polygons with the polygon tool selected I'll hit ul I'll do a loop selection around here I'll hit T for scale and we'll just scale that up a little bit more and I think I'm gonna actually scale up the base by a little bit more - I'll do ul for a loop selection on the edges I'll hit T and we'll scale okay so you see how it's scaling all the way down like that that's not good we don't want that we don't want to scale on the Y so I'm gonna uncheck Y up here and now it's just scaling on the X and the Z so just scale a little bit more and that feels nice to me yeah we're looking at our reference here cool so yeah we just blocked out this newspaper stand and this will be a great guide for us as we get detailed and we can actually use some of this geometry as the building blocks for our detail pass and it'll depend on what it is like the base I know will stay the same you know we might switch out some of this stuff but honestly I'm pretty sure we're gonna use most of this let's just clean up our hierarchy here and we can move usually what I'll do is I'll put my camera I'll leave my camera let me put the HDRI backgrounds I'll hit alt G and I call that scene well we can get like a sunlight in here too which in fact let's um let's try I'm just gonna spawn a Sun you can do that through objects lights octane daylight and whatever this line is pointing is the direction the sun is shining so I'm gonna just angle this down so now that's shining down and I want to backlight it just a little bit okay and then I'm gonna hit W to set my gizmo orientation to world and I'm just gonna give it a little side light from like like this for the back that's nice and then we actually want to combine our sunlight and our HDRI environment so if you select the daylight tag here and you scroll down you'll have this little checkbox mix sky texture we'll check that and that's going to use the the the HDRI as your reflections and your ambient light and it's gonna use your sunlight as your directional light cool umm the highlights are really strong so I'm gonna go to my camera tag I'll go to camera imager and I'll crank the highlight compression and you can see here that we actually save the highlights you get that info back which is really nice and I think just we just need a little bit we just need a little bit of it because those nice highlights are nice um cool yeah so let's start getting into the detail pass of all this stuff yeah how're you guys doing guys I got any questions or anything I'm gonna take three minutes to catch up a little bit scorned again thank you so much for the super chat I appreciate you very very much so I've uploaded the newspaper front page to the general section of discord feel free to use it heck yeah awesome thank you so much when this thing's all said and done I'll pop it in there maybe we'll have time here on the stream yay Chris that's awesome you're buying a new PC for VFX and loving these tutorials that give me so much motivation that is such a good thing to hear man I'm really really glad and I'm I'm so excited myself honestly I really really enjoy doing visual effects and recently okay guys this is me this is big it was big so a lot of you guys know that the Unreal 5 demo was was released maybe a month and a half ago if you hadn't seen the Unreal 5 demo it is incredible Unreal Engine is a real-time like I mean you make games in this program but it's also used for film too if you guys have ever seen the rebirth trailer from quick cyl using Unreal Engine and all of their assets right their assets the mega scans assets come free with Unreal Engine which is already free so in my mind I'm like I would be so dumb not to learn that program so over the last two weeks I've been doing a lot of tutorials and learning Unreal Engine in the hopes to stream it for you guys here because it's free it is the future and I really think that as a VFX artist as a filmmaker we need to know these things we need to stay on top of the industry you don't want to get left behind that's certainly true you want to be on top of you're on top of your game and Unreal Engine is the future so I encourage you guys to look into Unreal Engine it can seem daunting at first but find like give yourself a goal or something or maybe maybe we'll do a goal together with unreal but um yeah I'm trying to recreate one of my photos with my buddy just as a test and I I want to be able to do photo real environments that's my goal and to do it in unreal and eventually release a game I think it would be really cool to release like an atmospheric game so that's that's definitely a goal of mine and I want to teach you guys and stream it for you so we'll get there we'll get there all right I um am i eating enough apples I probably am not eating enough apples an apple a day you know I'm not eating an apple a day I'll tell you that much do I have any um so Manuel's asking if I've had any background in 3d / VFX prior to corridor yes I started out as a VFX artist that was like my thing back in 2000 what is it two thousand eight seven six 2005 is when I started doing VFX yeah in 2005 so when I started doing VFX in Windows Movie Maker and macromedia fireworks and I was adding muzzle flashes onto my airsoft guns and I was a VFX artist but then I discovered Video Copilot and that's when it took off and I started in cinema 4d release 10 were in release 22 right now so that's 12 years wow that's pretty crazy yeah I switched to 3ds max for six years I worked in Maya for like three months trying to figure out you know just like what's the best program for me at least and because there was a lot of great tutorials for 3ds 3ds Max and not enough for c4d I switched to 3ds max and I stayed there for about six years because Freddie Sam Nico Brandon they were all using 3ds max at the time and when I was living with them you know it wouldn't it wouldn't have made sense to be in some other program that I didn't you know that I barely knew so I switched to 3ds max and I learned a lot through them we all learned together and stuff so I was really cool but then we recently switched to max on c4d when max on actually approached us and like hey we wanna hook you guys up so they give us copy studio copy of c4d and that was about two years ago and I hadn't looked back I loved cinema 40 so much it is fantastic yeah this is a little background a little bit of background let's let's get back in here guys so this what do you even call this thing like jeez main piece yeah this is our this is our main and we have our base and we have I feel like this is more of the base this is the base and then this is the stand Stan will be at the bottom and then we have the like the I guess this is like a like a hood I'd say and then we have what would this be what would what would this piece be I have no idea what what function does it serve does that open I'll just say I'll just say handle for now control shift click all that alt G and we will call this geometry the octane daylight will go into scene and let's let's continue guys am I gonna switch to Maya no I will not switch to Maya I have too much too much time in c4d and I'm learning unreal right now that's the that's the plan Xun akio's congratulations you switched to c40 today any tips for fast learning yes find it like give yourself a goal I want to create X I want to create Y whatever and look up tutorials to get you to that end goal make it small so like for example and unreal I'm trying to recreate one of my photos a small photo and I'm looking up tutorials to get me to that point that it's probably the most direct way to learn otherwise you can go to grayscale gorilla calm and they have a lot of incredible cinema 4d tutorials that you can watch that it's basically how I learned c40 I design is another good one that's ye ye like your eyeball design or just keep hanging out on these streams every Saturday welcome okay so it looks like here we have these frame pieces that come up they come up and they go in this looks like it's connected it's welded together this is one piece that goes in like here man right here this goes in same deal so let's get the body of this thing right okay that's the top all right so let's go to edge mode let's select our main bit of geometry i'ma hit K L this is a like a knife cut situation okay L is that what we want you u L is loop selection K L should be why is this okay I'm gonna select main I'm gonna go to polygon mode control a4 select all and hit uo to optimize and let's try that one more time k L huh wow that's weird optimized mean at worse I don't know why that is not do I have to be in weird that's super weird sometimes things just don't work very very strange yeah I don't know why that's not working so that's a loop path cut um [Music] line cut would work as well because we can just hold shift drag done you know you got your line right there I guess I'll do the same yeah mmm is there a better way is there a better way so we want to cut along this whole bit so we could just take this move this back hold ctrl and move that back out and we have our line and as for this part well actually it kind of goes around both sides so we want one going this way too so if I select both of those move it in hold control to move it back and now we have what we're going for that's definitely a janky cheat way of doing it because for some reason the knife tool or the loop path tool is not working see there it kind of is going and I don't know why it's not getting all the way around do you guys have any fix for this see it's only cutting just the back part it's not cutting the front part is Erika bi-directional cut is in the options reuse cut restrict to selection I don't want it I don't want that connect cut edges it's a loop I want it to be a loop yes offset edge proportional symmetrical oh is it stop stop cut a ten gone okay that's that's something stop cut at pull Arne very generous of you thank you so much I appreciate the super chat I'm gonna get that orange yeah I appreciate you dude thank you thank you so much that's great restart the program sometimes that works maybe the vertices on the bottom are disconnected let's let's let's zoom in okay so vertices we should have I'm selecting all we have one two three four down here five six seven eight up here nine ten down here okay okay so that is what we want right here boom that's what we want we also want a cut why are the cuts just just nasty it's not a quad so it won't loop correctly okay what am i building I'm building a one of these newspaper stands here man okay so maybe I need a boy stop cut a ten gone preserve curvature I think I need to do it let's see I must like both of these edges or fate I keep saying edges for those faces here and I'm a hop out of solo mode come in here I'm gonna scale it in hold control and scale it back out I think that's the best way to do this is to make making those cuts that we need and why it made these I'm not sure okay problem-solving that's all you do when you do movie effects some just kill those in hold control bring them back out cool so that gets us the back we also want the front or I guess this is the back right so let's go to this view and I'm gonna move it make sure we get all those points I'm gonna move it in control drag out so now we have like this little like foundation all these foundational pieces right here to mess with okay let's also get we need more foundational pieces these ones on this side so this is one way to do it yeah we want those foundational pieces to go up this way so let's see weird why do we have okay okay I'm gonna hide the hood and the handle and we have the front part of it we just need the the side part so I'm going to grab all of these polygons on the main part so all these ones right here these guys and we will move them back control drag them come on control drag them out cool so it looks like now we actually have all the edges that we need we got there in the most ridiculous way okay I'm wondering here so I'm gonna save I'm gonna save this real quick I'll save this as an iteration and I'm gonna undo because I think I can actually fix this by making a cut just one cut right here there needs to be a cut right here so let's see let's grab the line cut tool boom we made a cut right there and now okay we actually want to make a cut through all that so I'll undo and we'll go back to our line cut tool options we want to say restrict to selection hmm we wanted to cut through everything visible only let's uncheck that click once on that point great so now we have a cut all the way around this I think that's the way to solve this and now KL I feel like yep it works it works the way we want it to awesome so I'm gonna make that cut imma make that cut we'll make this cut here and we'll get that cut there and that does it for us that's what we needed to do that was the correct way to go about it awesome awesome sweet okay so let's grab all of these edges here holding shift to get all these high set edge again all of these faces all these polygons right in there and we want to extrude them out some hit em T and that's going to extrude out this edge fantastic we'll go a little bit more yeah that's nice awesome awesome awesome now we should also bevel these edges as well I'm wondering if we should do that later or now let's try it I usually turn out to bake in my bevels so maybe we'll save the beveling for last we'll do a bevel pass and yeah modeling you'll see 40 is similar to modeling with blender very similar programs Pavan welcome thank you for joining the stream my health is good I'm all good to go so thank you for checking in alright here we go so we have the edges there that's looking nice let's um so the it looks like the glass is also something that is on the inside of this so if I actually come into the main section and we select I think all the sides are made of glass yeah I'll select all of these sides here and I'll hit you P that's going to break up the geometry we'll rename this as glass and we'll go to main and delete those polygons so now we have these glass polygons in here and I'm actually going to hit MT for extrude and we'll extrude those in mmm what's the is there a better way to do this maybe we hmm hide the glass for a second and we're inside of the main geometry now if I select all of these faces here on the inside and I'm gonna hit em T and just extrude them in like this I also don't want to make sure I forget those ones okay the normals are a lot are all off so I'm going to align the normals right click a line at normals UA and we'll extrude that in so it has a little bit of a lip to it okay oh I forgot a piece so we'll align the normals again all right fantastic and why is okay we need to do that again aligned normals it's not huh maybe I need to just do this manually and reverse these normals for these guys reverse what reverse I am truly confused these all need to be the same color so all the ones on the inside need to be blue and aligning normals is not working I don't know why and let's say they're all blue these ones are orange let's try just reversing those normals so they're blue that works that works that's fine okay we're actually good now now we can finally extrude these because they were going different directions I'm gonna extrude it in and I'll reverse these normals so they are correct I'm gonna hit ul and make sure the top here is all correct so these are blue you want them to be orange that is the correct color for normals basically like we're on the inside the blue is the inside of something yes so we want to make sure our normals are correct so I've selected all those edges gotta keep saying polygons and we will reverse these and this is just setting us up so that we can texture properly and then now these are all incorrect so we want to make sure we get these sides here we'll reverse those normals and it looks like the rest of this is correct now when the normals are reversed basically it's like it doesn't know up from down you need you need to tell it the right direction and that's what we're doing by reversing and normalizing all the normal stuff okay we can save it now that's fine let's hop out of the solo let's go back to glass we'll bring our glass back in and we're just going to grab each one of these edges and just push them in a little bit so we maintain that that lip there push that in just a little bit so we get that lip sweet and going on the inside here we actually want this to actually continue all the way to the edge and this is where magic solo is very helpful okay so I'll just grow the bounds of that I'm going to top view to make sure we're not overextending ourselves and we'll grab these guys and we'll move them back this way a little bit and same for these front edges holding shift grab both of them and I'll just move those forward just a little bit so now we have this glass here and if we if we just make like a specular material on octane we drop those on then we're yeah we're good to go and you can see it looks like the the UV unwrapping is a little weird so we would just change that when we get to the texture but I'll leave it like that for now and I'm just gonna hide the glass in the viewport just so we can kind of get an idea of what's going on here so yeah you guys can see here where we're moving along making our way and this is a process so are you guys doing all right doing okay so far how's everybody doing in the chat here all right Abram I'm learning unreal from a multitude of places mostly from YouTube and unreal like learning site basically if you download the epic games launcher you can go to the learn tab and you can learn from there we all get along in the chat y'all I think they were all solid answers that's the whole point you know everyone's helping each other out when I can't so it's alright to just chill out and you know enjoy the Saturday so what's next let's get the top piece let's get this top piece going okay so let's go to the base no not the base the main okay and the top piece is let's let's see it's a combination of the hood and the handle piece or it's a combination of the hood and the main bit okay so it's what we want to do is combine all of these top polygons together so I think what I'll do is make a plane I'm gonna make a new plane and I'm gonna bring it up to the top here and I bet you there's a way to get the exact top going so we can see this is twenty three point one nine one inches on the Y that's where that piece of geometry sits 20 twenty three point one nine one we'll copy that we'll paste it on the plane and nothing okay make sure you're in the actual like the model mode here and paste it on the plane and it doesn't work okay that's probably because it's all relative um well heck we'll do it by eye then that is okay right there sitting right on top I'm gonna go to the plane I'm gonna set the width and height geometry segments to 0-0 let's bring this in again by eye front and back as well okay so just about there covers the whole top okay so I'm gonna make the plane editable by hitting C you can also hit this button up here it's gonna make it editable so now we can make some cuts and stuff I'll go to edge mode I'll hit K L and let's make these cuts right here and right here cool and we'll delete this face right there I believe that deleted there we go let's hide our handle and our hood so now we just have this top piece will go to model mode we'll bring it up just a little bit awesome so now we know we need to select all the edges here so imma hit control a to select all the edges I'll control click control drag and click these two edges and I'm going to control drag down and that's gonna get us our our like lip here our top now we want to make sure this is correct here I don't know exactly what's going on on the inside of that and you may it may not even matter because our handle and our hood is gonna cover that bit but let's just take a closer look for a second here also it looks like this is split it's not connected right here you can see they're all kind of inset the metal is just folded around and it looks like we have some holes punched in through here but in fact I'm just gonna say don't worry about it and we'll get those screws in later all right so let's undo that there that drag down because I want to actually have these be little separate pieces of geometry here so I wonder if there's a way we can split that up what would be the best way I feel like you can just control drag this down and if you look down here we can see there's a there's a number that correlates to how we drag so we'll say right there point point eight negative 0.8 coal and then we'll take these two points holding shift I'm gonna hit T and I'm going to scale them in just by a hair like literally right there is just enough now let's go around and do the same for everything else so I'm gonna hold ctrl and I'm gonna type in negative 0.8 in the for the Y and I'm going to scale this in by just a little bit something like that it's I feel like that's we might just want to move those points instead that way we have a better a better handle on it there and there so that's very very fine detail but I feel like it'll all kind of play out in the end here so let's select these holding ctrl will type negative 0.8 and then we'll go to point mode and we'll get these points separated just a little bit awesome and we're gonna keep going negative point-eight I don't worry about that corner let's get this guy control-drag negative point-eight and the reason I'm doing this one at a time is because it's the only way I know how to like get two points down here to mess with now this piece this back piece is made from two edges control-drag negative 0.8 sweet awesome alright so now we have our top piece you can see that these pieces these little frame pieces they actually go on the inside of the top so what we could do is actually just extend the bounds of this top piece we'll drop the plane in here we'll call this top let's go to the top view here real quick and I'm gonna go to point mode I'll grab the rectangular selection tool let's get let's see where are we yeah let's get all these points on the side here and I'm just gonna move them over so they just go beyond the edges right there yep and I'll do the same for the back these points here great so that's going just beyond and did not wait a second did I do this all wrong oh my god I did this oh boy I did it the wrong way this is supposed to be missing not this this is supposed to be there not this piece ah so dumb okay is there a way I can save this can i salvage this I bet you I can let's delete all of that and let's take this let's take this edge here I guess would be this hole let's delete that edge let's take this edge control drag it out like this yeah okay no not a problem let's bring our hood back in so I mean how far we have to go and I just guessed it perfectly sweet let's delete this face and let's go back in holding shift to grab both of those we'll drag this down negative 0.8 and we'll make our point adjustments here control drag negative 0.8 and the back here it looks like we don't need anything but we do need something on the side here so I'm going to grab the side edge control drag down negative 0.8 and we'll make sure let's go to the rectangular selection tool go to point mode grab all these points scoot them over so it goes beyond the bounds of these little frame pieces the vertical frame pieces and then let's take these points here and split them apart ever so slightly these are the micro details that I think will really stand out and you got to put a lot of time into this stuff but it all pays off cool fantastic now we want to extrude these little panel bits here because they actually have some thickness to them right if we go to our back to our reference if I find a reference picture or a reference image here you can see there's some thickness to these panel pieces and before I do that actually this handle let's make a slice here and [Music] right in here if I hit KL do I have to maybe we have to do the knife tool so let's go to the top grab the line cut hold shift that's one then we'll come back let's see we'll come back for two right there and I'll take that polygon boom delete it cool so we can move this around depending on how our handle is when we model that later but again let's grab all these edges here holding shift to grab everything great and let's hit em T for our extrude tool you can right click and find extrude right up in here as well and we'll just bring these out just a little bit yep that's what we want fantastic sweet awesome awesome so we got our top piece looking nice and again we're gonna go back in for beveling because that's gonna be it's gonna be a nice detail that's really gonna help our edges shine like literally it'll it'll catch the light on the edge of your model which is always what you want all right what are you guys saying here um my advice would be to learn as many different software packages as possible to give you a bigger chance of landing a job Chronos says to be honest blender should be your main focus as a beginner it's free and after mastering the interface it's quite trivial to apply technique into other software it's great advice to add to that learn the craft and not the tool all of these things I agree with guys um yeah I I always think you need to grow your value so the more programs you know the better off you are I do not think it is a requirement though I highly doubt it's a requirement now working for a studio I cannot say because I'm not working for a giant VFX studio who knows what they require but I'm sure if you have you know knowledge in a number of different softwares chances are the software they use you'll have you know it's kind of like you're just upping your chances they probably use a lot of their own in-house software as well and if chances are if it's a studio they're probably using Maya and yes if you are beginner there's no reason and if you're beginner and you want to learn 3d there's no reason not to download blender it's free right so if that's your goal then certainly check out blender because yeah it's free and it's a super powerful program there's no denying how amazing that program is ok let's work on let's actually just make sure we had everything - the nuts and bolts for our topper piece and it looks like we do it's pretty simple geometry there next let's get let's take care of this like hood piece with this main door I think that's gonna be the next biggest challenge okay so let's bring our hood back in and see what the heck is going on here so we have this door piece right here right that's some interesting geometry it's you know you have these edge pieces that go around this way this is all this is all connected so we want to I think we want to extrude that and have these seams here with actual geometry this panel is just on its own it's chilling and let's see well model the inside later the inside is a car you taken care of but it looks like on the base if I take the hood off I think we can delete this face from the main piece because I'm betting that this is all there's only one piece of glass here once you open this door you reach in and you grab the newspaper but the sides and the back are also covered in that glass so three sides are covered in the glass the hood let's see if we select the hood and we delete everything that isn't the hood so it's just that little outer bit it looks like it's connecting how is it connecting to this it looks like it actually has a back but it's or no or is the back okay yeah I guess it's extended down here I'm just trying to make make sense of this let's not worry about the back for now let's focus on the door okay the framing here around the edges right here let's focus on that for a second okay so I'm gonna use these edges all around our hood holding shift to select them all and if I press T and hold ctrl I'll scale everything in now you can see that the top and bottom are being scaled properly and we have to kind of go in here and move these points around they're not I'm wondering if there is a better way to do this let me undo I don't and and not delete all this stuff so if we select all of that and then we hit MW extra dinner we can bring these bits in that's kind of what we're going for here we want to create that border that frame around everything that feels about about right to me and now if we delete them we have this frame here right around everything cool all right so from here this actually continues up this way so maybe we undo that and I'm just kind of thinking out loud here maybe we do everything but that so we scaled this in and we're doing it we just want to take note of how much or extruding so where's my extra dinner tool it should be up here my attributes here we go okay so the offset value of one point one eight let's just call it one point two and I'm gonna select this bit and we'll do the same we'll go in by one point two now we're getting double here on the side which we don't want so I might just have to take this edge and scoot it over by one point one two so you can actually type in on the x value minus one point one point two and that gets us the edge we're going for now I bet you there's a a better way to kind of streamline the geometry here so I'm wondering if we can control a and optimize this UO and it looks like we want clean geometry we want clean cuts on all of this stuff so maybe let's grab let's go to the front and grab the knife tool the line the line cut tool and I'm just gonna make some cuts around here where I think we need some cleaner geometry so right in there up there cool what's going on here a little funky return snapping on we'll get those guys right cool and down here looks right to me [Music] I'm wondering if I moved something up here that didn't need to be moved maybe I think I had it right yeah that's cool sweet okay so now we want to select all we're gonna reverse normals so it's facing the proper direction and this is gonna be glass here this this plane right here will be all glass but let's take care of that in a second let's extrude out these edges here right all that stuff needs to come out but I also want these seams here is when we bevel I want to see these seams so I might actually have to extrude these bit by bit hmm so we can probably lose that edge I think there's a way to disconnect well I'm wondering if let's see that's one point one point I think there's like doubled up points along this yeah there's two points in there so I'll weld this where you at oh yeah weld yeah right down there boom so will weld that that's one point and I believe there's two points up here there should be two points up here yeah two points well weld that as well I think that's the only bit with two points should be and I should be able to disconnect both of these or dissolve is that what it is yeah I just I just don't know I just don't need those edges there so I can actually use the bridge tool here and then we can delete we can try deleting this bit and we'll try the bridge tool is it gonna work here yeah that works nice and clean and we'll do the same up here delete that and bridge to there awesome yeah that's clean that's clean now this will save boy this is work guys okay continuing on so we want to extrude these bits here and honestly we can probably babble them because we want we want them to come in just a little bit if I select let's see um yeah let's give this a test let's select just this corner here I'm gonna hit MW or no m/s that's bevel and it's going on crazy let's turn off snapping so it's beveling but we want to not preserve groups and we want the offset like yeah point point one inches something like this you know what I mean point one is even too much point oh two five perhaps will get us what we want in the extrusion we can call just 0.175 or point point one inches well guess what we want so we know we need to extrude by point one and offset by 0.025 so I'm just going to go through here hopefully we can click and just hit enter and nope that's too easy we're gonna click and I think we just need to go up here and just hit enter on one of these values and now we definitely want to do so we want to do this as one group here so M s for the bevel tool I'll check preserve groups and then I'll hit enter so you don't get that like this effect down here where it splits the metal you're not getting in here because it's not there in the actual reference moving on we're going to this top piece so this top piece is actually the biggest piece so it's a combination of looks like all of those pieces right there so I'm gonna bevel that M s and we want preserve groups checked white enter it'll do its thing but it didn't do it oh it's because this is already done okay so let's just undo back to that point and go through and just do our due diligence here we can do this one and we can do this side one here the rest is connected made up of like multiple parts so let M s boom right and then we'll come in through here we'll grab these bits and those bits hit m s enter cool and then same for this bit over here ms4 bevel and we have all of our inputs set awesome so now look at our render you see these seams that's what we're going for these seams right here in the corners you can see these seams right here in the corners totally what we're going for awesome okay so now what shall we do I feel like this top bit needs to come down some because it looks like there's like some extra bit of geometry up here for the door to actually hinge on so what we'll do is let's see we're not my stuff go here we go all right so I want to slide these points up top I wanna slide them down to make room for this little extra bit of geometry back here so we'll go to hood will go to point mode and I'm going to make sure that only select visible elements is unchecked and I'm just gonna grab all these points in here holding shift let's see we kind of want to detach the hood from the door so I'm gonna go in and do a ul loop selection on the hood but it looks like it's selecting everything so I'm gonna just do this manually real quick make sure only select visible elements it's checked and I'm just gonna go around here holding shift grabbing all these polygons and I'm gonna hit you P it's gonna break up it's gonna separate those polygons from the actual from the actual main hood piece here so let's go to the back to hood well delete and then now we just have this bit here as the hood and then the hood had become our door so let's rename this to door and let's hide the hood for a second great now so now this door is actually detached and I want to get the angle right here I don't know how I don't know how I know we can come in a side view and just eyeball it but and it's probably not gonna be that hard because we have this guideline here so maybe we'll just bring this down like this it should be fine I'm gonna bring it down a little bit more right to save room for that geometry up top in the reference that you guys can see cool and it looks like it's just a cube yeah that's honestly it so let me grab this edge I'm gonna hit you P it's gonna break it up and then I'm gonna hit MT for extrude and we'll extrude this up and I'll come back in a side view here and we'll just get this right and get us right up in the corner here and I'll just move these points by eye making sure only select visible elements unchecked so we can get through everything we'll get it right in there and let's bring that let's see I think the hood should cover let's bring it up to the top so this will go all the way up here into our hood awesome and then I want to make room you see how the hood here actually it's partly gonna be easiest to there's a gap right here those gap between the door and the hood so I want to make sure that that we actually have that gap and allow the shadows to kind of come in there so we could either move the door polygons or the hood I'm just gonna move the door polygons come in the front view rectangular selection tool with point mode selected and I'm just gonna scoot these in just a touch just the touch same for the bottom here I'm actually let's do the side just a touch and this side here just a touch and we'll do the bottom and the top can stay and you see there's this like cylinder here with all these rivets that's what the door is hinging on we want to get that in there as well and it actually looks like it looks like this cube goes past and all the way out to the right side so let's make sure we grab these points on the cube here and we move them all the way over to the right awesome man all you guys arguing about programs dang hopefully it's constructive doesn't matter what program you use guys and also like whatever works for you seriously whatever works for you guys no point arguing over what program is what is better it's kind of pointless in my opinion use the best thing for you that's all I can say if you have money to buy something then go for it give it a shot if not go with blender blender is awesome anyone who says blender sucks her planners not good enough well you're wrong just go look up Ian Hubert's work look up Peter Francis work hopefully your mind will click quickly be changed okay let's get that cylinder in here so we want a very small cylinder going throughout this little top piece here this is such small detail work but it is necessary let's rotate this cylinder and I need a grease here and we're gonna make it the radius point one inches let's bring it up and we'll bring the height down and let's go into the front view to see what's going on let's move it around we'll Center it right up in the area where we need it right there and then we'll grow the height a little bit more based on the reference see it doesn't quite get it all the way across but it gets most of the way as far as the rivets go we're going to use the the segments in the geometry to get that so we'll fit that right in there and let's actually move the cube here let's move this up so we have a nice little gap in here for us and we'll grab this these polygons here for the door and we move them up to give this thing room and let's go to our cylinder and just check how many segments we have basically we want to get in here I don't know if you guys can see this yeah right in here we want those segments to be apparent those little riveted pieces so I think what we'll do is we'll take the cylinder we'll give it rotational segments we don't need that many probably eight rotational segments maybe maybe twelve and we'll take the height segments and we'll break this up to like 32 and you can already see how we're starting to get this segmentation here across the way and now what I think we'll do what's the best way to do this make it editable and let's control a so everything is selected and we might have to just go through each one of these and bevel them ms and they each need an offset of like negative 0.1 what about 0.01 0.01 we'll do it in an extrusion of 0.01 as well somebody hit you l MS enter ul MS enter and I'm sure there is a faster way of doing this this is we were doing today you can probably do this with a cloner you set up a cloner system for this but I'm only halfway done so technically that take me longer but it'd be more adjustable but you can see in the render view is actually giving us what we want you can see the segmentation and we'll see if I have time to get to the texturing today because the modeling is quite taking quite a while I definitely want to be here all day need to enjoy some of the some of the outdoors you know again I'm hitting ul for a loop selection m/s for the bevel tool clicking inside of the bevel options hitting Enter to guarantee we get the same effect across all of these cylinders here guys ul MS enter ul MS enter learn your shortcuts this would be taking a lot longer if I didn't know my shortcuts a lot longer you want to be able to get to the end result as fast as possible while preserving as much detail as possible and again depending on what you're doing you can skip steps but for me since this is for a sea graph presentation I need this looking nice and let's render the region there and I think with a little bit of ambient occlusion we can get those cracks coming out a little bit more so what we can do now actually I want to give it a bit more room so I'm gonna go back in the side view and make sure this cylinder has enough space awesome all right so now we have our door well again we'll do the screws last let's get the hood looking right definitely need the hood in there so let's bring the hood or actually let's rename some of this stuff so I'll call this cylinder will call this hinge that's for the door the hood yep that's the hood the handle of course the door this is like door mount door door hinge mount I'm just going to group all that and put it in the door okay so let's get that hood going now the hood if you look closely in the reference has a bit of thickness everything has a bit of thickness there's no such thing as just a flat 2d plane all right everything has thickness it's actually made from a couple different pieces of welded metal I'm gonna skip that step or else I'll be here until next Christmas so let's just go into the hood and give it a very simple extrude here okay so let's grab I'm just going to shape this a little bit here bring this down a little bit I'm gonna make sure there's enough room around all of this cool cool and then I'm going to delete that that face there and I'm going to bridge it so we just clean up the geometry boom nice and clean awesome so let's select control a will select everything then we're gonna hit em T for extrude zoom on in here see we're doing and we'll extrude outer towards the outside there and we just make sure our normals are right so we're gonna reverse those normals we want to make sure our normals are correct on the inside those are wrong so let's let's actually try control a right clicking and align normals and that should unify everything and it did and then we'll reverse it so now everything is correct awesome things are starting to look nice here guys we want to cover the back right here so I'm gonna grab that's actually before we extrude that let me grab all of the edges here on the inside okay mighty for scale and I'm hold ctrl so we're gonna make new polygons or make new faces here holding ctrl does that scale it in just like that I think is fine now we just need to watch out for the top and bottom ones so I'm gonna come in here how what's the best way to do this let's see all right yeah so that retains great okay that retains the orientation so if I can control drag that bit that's gonna be messy maybe we do that and we hit em s or we can be bevel that edge maybe MW now maybe it can we extrude the edge oh okay does that work I can't tell no see I want to get this bit to all just move towards the middle of this but Jamie appreciate you joining us yes I am well I feel better oh it's cuz I don't know why selected that's why that does it for us though that gets us that nice dark edge that we're going for that inset in here and actually you know what let's push this door back even more let's see what let's see what the edge looks like we're gonna go back to the reference here and you see this is a dark inset this goes back further so I'm gonna get that to go back further but I also want to make sure that the side view works too so maybe it's a thing where we just closed polygon hole so we right-click closed polygon hole select that hole and if we solo this let's just move that back on solo and now in our render it should see I think we need to move it back we also need to move it down by a little bit yeah so I move it back a hair and then down a hair and then there we go you can see that nice dark edge around everything and I think we can bring the hood and the handle all forward and we would need to go to our top go to point mode and extend the top a little bit yep and then yeah it looks like the top is just coming out beyond the hood there and now we can go to our hood and actually extrude those edges so I'll select all those edges just like that it should be everything that we don't want the back we just want the ring selection here let's solo it so we can see exactly what's going on and we should be able to hit MT will zoom in here and we'll extrude this now the normals need to be aligned as well so I'll extrude that just a little bit will control a to select all will align the normals and then we'll reverse the normals and it's coming together it is coming together now we can go to the sea we'll go to the door or this is like the yeah it's still the door or the flap and we'll delete these polygons here because that's going to actually show us the inside of this thing now the hood we have polygons here that need to be deleted so we need to cut a hole right in here so I'll take this polygon what mw2 extrude inner and i'm just going to take this bottom bit move it up that doesn't work let's see maybe we can so I'm trying to cut a hole to get to the actual reach inside of this thing and reach the newspaper so I believe it's something like like this and then we have let's see a line cut probably here and there so that leaves us with this middle piece that we can delete and we'll bring this polygon down to something like that awesome and I'll give this an extrude just this piece here something small mt4 extrude we want to align the normals perfect awesome this bit on the left needs to scoot in we actually select that whole ring and just scoot that just this bit let's scoot that in perfect perfect perfect perfect sweet fantastic so let's model this handle real quick right here so probably do this with hmm we'll do this with some turbosmooth in here and it looks to me like we can draw this with a spline from the front view so to me this looks something like let's see something like this and we'll get in here just edit this a little bit use the Move tool to adjust these what do you what are these things called these little busy a lines you know so I'm just getting the profile of this right and then I'm gonna come in to let's see let's solo it right and then I'm gonna hold alt and I'm gonna throw this little extrude what are these these aren't model are these modifiers and now these aren't modifiers these are I forget it forget the terminology here yeah it's thought a little extrude on it it's going in the wrong direction and way too far so we'll just set this to 1 inch and we'll go direction we will go Z all right so now we have something like this now we just need to let's actually go to the spline let's set the intermediate points to uniform and let's set the number 2 16 cool and then let's see I'm wondering if I can bring if I just throw a turbosmooth on this thing whoa that ooh that's rough this is not the cleanest geometry here it's a very small detail so I'm wondering can we instead will alt G this so it's in a null the extrudes in a null I'm a hold shift with the null selected and drop a bevel modifier in here and let's take the offset down to point 1 now this edge is getting chopped up here so I'm actually gonna adjust the angle threshold so it's not getting that bit can we just do like 90 degree 0.01 0.05 0.04 and subdivisions like 2 or 3 you and I'm adjusting the Fong angle still making that edge look a little weird yeah I'm just kind of like kind of jegging this thing in there I think that's fine though for what it needs to be it's so small so I'm actually going to select all of this right click and connect objects + delete that's gonna get ready everything I don't need all these tags I'm gonna delete these tags ok and then we'll just call this handle and I'm gonna get the Anchor Point right so let's go to model mode the Anchor Point is nowhere to be seen so I'm actually gonna use the center axis to tool and that's gonna get it right in the middle but I want it right on the bottom here so I'm gonna use this tool here the axis Center tool and I'm gonna just set the Y to negative 100 and it's gonna drop down to the bottom most point of this model which is exactly what we want because let's get out of so low and let's move it over by any means necessary and get it in place here we're going to rotate it 90 and some number I don't know yet we'll scale it way down and we'll get it in there and then we'll go into our side view to make sure it's actually flush to the side of this thing which is very close I think I aced it again beautiful okay that's perfect yeah it's right on there so now we'll come in here and I'm just double-checking that it's actually sitting on the surface of that and now we can actually move it around like this because we move the anchor point on the bottom we can scale it down we can scale it up but it's always going to be staying flush to the model to the surface of that because we changed the Anchor Point and the anchor point right so let's figure out where this thing is it looks like it's in the bottom corner and it is about at the halfway point so let's make sure we got our move tool selected and we are at local orientation and we'll get this right in there it needs to scale up a little bit so something like that is perfect beautiful let's get the handle in there and let's see what this thing looks like right now let's get a ground plane and let's move our geometry let's actually set the center access tool once again we'll use that to snap everything the bottom will include children and CUDA logics executes that's gonna get the y that's gonna get the actual gizmo down here at the very bottom base portion of our newspaper stand and then I'm going to go down here these X Y Z values and set the Y to zero so now it's sitting right on the floor make sure we save our work will scale up our plane and it's very very bright I'm gonna get rid of the Sun and that's not looking too bad I'm gonna get rid of the glass here and I'll give it a glossy material let's go with something like let's go with this red so I'll say that the glossy and we'll take the roughness up by like 0.2 and let's actually use the color picker here and get this nice cherry red on the side and that was for the roughness so we want to undo that what does roughness default to color wise let's find out roughness defaults to black okay cool we're good so I'll just make sure you're in the diffuse section here and get that cherry red now we can start to see this thing is coming to life based on our reference the handle I believe is chrome so let's just make a quick chrome material and octane very easy make a an octane glossy material you can hit shift C and cinema to make anything you want find anything you want so you can make an octane glossy material that way double-click it go to index set the index to 1 and you immediately have a chrome mirror surface and we're gonna use that for the handle here yeah it serves our purpose there and then we have a darker material for the actual base of this thing so let's control drag out our material face was covering down here let's go in and let's set the diffuse to point one across the board let's go point o2 and that gets us closer to that dark that dark color so you you could be done here but we still have work to do here guys we need to actually add the bolts we need to add this little back handle piece in the newspaper itself let's get the base with the black material as well awesome how's everybody doing you guys thumbs up you guys doing okay do you guys have any questions I'm gonna take like five minutes here just take a breather and we're gonna wrap up this this model here I don't think I'll have time for texturing today but that's okay I got other tutorials on texturing so it's all good specifically the studio ghibli tank as well as last week's we talked about custom textures or I guess two weeks ago sweet we got one thumbs up Martha Martha arts is modeling himself right now fantastic we're gonna go into substance painter awesome awesome yay artistry is having a good time what I think of Houdini I only know Houdini as a magical program that is very difficult to use I I did one tutorial one Houdini tutorial alright I followed one rather and basically the tutorial tutorial was saying it's not like any other 3d program it thinks in a completely different way get ready hang on your britches and that's where I stopped I'd rather spend time learning unreal so that's what I've been doing recently he's learning Unreal Engine I should add more thickness to the middle of the handle I probably should probably should do I know that do I use another tool for texturing no I'm just then octane right now I think learning substance painter would be wise I should probably learn substance painter but again one program at a time Oh Tyler Moran wait the Tyler Moran okay if you are the Tyler Moran then prove it okay that's all I'm saying right now prove it and thank you for the super chat that's a weird coincidence if it's another Tyler Moran because Tyler Moran is one of my very best friends my childhood friends we built a cardboard tank together and made a video called cardboard warfare I'm still waiting for that for that comment here Tyler is it you is that thee Tyler I need you to prove it I'm waiting oh my god he just texted me alright he texted me proof okay it's it's Tyler let me go let me show you something that Tyler made for me it's the greatest birthday gift of all time I'll be right back this right here okay now let me see this right here deserves full screen okay we're going big is a handmade butcher knife hand forged butcher knife that Tyler made for me yes Tyler I do have a little rust on it but I still use it I use it very often and right here in Japanese it says create that is the coolest thing ever like what a birthday gift hand forged guys by Ty Lee Moran himself Tyler Moran was the one who called me one day and said hey Clint you want to build a tank and I was like yeah and a year later we built the tank I mean we didn't wait a year it took us a year off and on of course you know cuz we had school everything and god man me and Tyler have been on many adventures we climbed a huge mountain together we ate apples under a blanket together man that's what else we would we would fight each other we would wrestle all the good stuff yep apples under blanket of course how can I forget I'll never forget dude I scrub the rust off it's hard all right Tyler it's hard it's like you leave water on that thing for two seconds and it rusts that's awesome Tyler what are you what are you doing here man we trying to learn some 3d are you still in San Fran but Tyler we're making this newspaper stand today it's almost time to add the bolts I feel like that's gonna be oh that's gonna be the fun part but we just got to do this little handle bit last as well as the newspaper stand on the inside let's get the newspaper stand done it's gonna be so easy it's just a freaking Cube guys scale it down w/e and are those are your that's how you cycle through Oh ER and T apologies er and T that's how you cycle through your different move scale and rotate tools let's just get this cube in here it's so easy just enough so it fits just enough so it fits and then we'll scale it so it's a little thick right and we'll get it probably right about there all right and then I know one of y'all made a newspaper for us in the discord server is it an FBX that's textured I'm not sure let's find out general oh my goodness how on earth well I've got the actual newspaper that's super cool that's really cool yeah got the actual how'd I get this on the air screen let's just save the image so we got the actual image here of the newspaper which is sweet so I don't know I feel like the easiest way to do this is to go to polygon though and actually I think they have newspaper models already so let's let's see I'm in full screen mode okay there we go I'm gonna go to a website called polygon comm and we're gonna go to models oh my goodness the added stuff yes this is great look at all these plants look at these succulents oh my goodness this is what I need oh yes oh man this is the best this is the best thank you Andrew price if you guys don't know the blender guru he owns polygon he's the CEO of polygon this is so good guys these these uh these models who are super high quality there's some of the best and they work with all of your renderers too but I think there's a newspaper in here somewhere there's only if there's a small amount of models they have it's not a whole bunch it's not like mega scans but the quality is definitely through the roof here was i imagining the newspaper I was not it's sitting right here and I own it I own it already perfect okay let me just go there let me find it and drop it in I'll show you how easy this is on VFX materials 3d models polygons newspaper oh one all right and we open it up and copy it over let's go boom right in and we got a newspaper let's give it let's give it some dynamics simulation rigid body we'll take the cube right click simulation collider body hit play boom and it's sitting perfectly right there let's select both of those tags and we'll set an initial state go back to 0 and we are set I'm wondering if I can just delete those and yep it's it's right there it's perfect how perfect that is I was fast ok let's go back to our reference and wrap up this model Tyler I'm really glad you're here man I miss you I miss you maybe you left already but it's ok this is all good what's this giant spring ok so that on the sides here there's these giant Springs that's wait on those let's finish the rest of this thing so this is actually very simple this geometry here [Music] let's call it's actually organized a little bit so we got a floor I'll drop that into our scene folder our cube this is our newspaper base and of course we have our newspaper so we'll drop that into geometry and then we have our let's see our handle is that yes I'm calling it handle it's not really a handle and we need to adjust it so let's grab this polygon and move it down just like that and we'll move this bit over hit and B to see our edges so we can actually see what's going on that looks and feels about right to me okay make sure you save your work and in fact let's undo that let's not undo that let's undo that undo okay and then I'm going to let's get a better angle on what this thing actually is so let's find that image I know it's here somewhere here we go what a strange piece of geometry I don't know what that is I think that is this where you put money this is gotta be where you put money in wait how does this even work how does it even work to be honest I've never tried opening this is it just free it says free guys come on free every Thursday okay so there's no money slot so maybe this used to be a money slot I bet you this used to be a money slot right here and the money the coins would sit inside of this little housing I bet you that's what it is so for the sake of just getting past this I'm just going to select all these edges here except for the middle one and I'm going to hit em T on the keyboard to extrude these bits in just like that and I want to make sure I'm making caps so create caps is checked without it it just kind of makes like a shell like this it doesn't actually give it like a back face so we want that great caps on and then we want to control a everything and we want to align our normals which they already look aligned but let's just align which made things worse let's try again align normals nope undo undo let's just reverse the normals and it looks like we're good except for this we will reverse that bit sweet and let's get that handle in here this this guy right here so I think the easiest way to do this would be to make a plane let's try it let's um let's hold control with that polygon selected I'm gonna make a plane and that's gonna spawn generally right in the place with the selected polygon so I'm gonna scale this down with our plane will go 0 0 for width and height segments let's move it so it's centered we'll hit our hold shift to snap the angle of rotation to 90 I'm gonna scale it down I'll hit T I'll make it editable first and then we can scale it like this and we'll scale it in like this and I'm just making this little the back piece here which actually lines up pretty darn perfectly with this gap we created right here and I'm gonna scale it down so it fits in that gap just enough like that ok cool and I'll make sure I'll grab these edges here and I'll go into a back view front view is basically the same hit s to snap the viewport to the current object selected and I'm going to just bring in the handles here these edges just right in there so they fit just nicely and I'm gonna take this edge hold control drag it back this way that's exactly what we want let's take this edge and we'll control drag it out to about there cool and we'll move the whole thing up saving all right let's grab all of these polygons ctrl-a imma hit em t again is the hot key for extrude and we'll extrude that out just like that cool let's move it forward cool now we need to bevel this edge right here you see this is like more of a circular deal right here so I'm just gonna select these two edges 1 & 2 here and MW is the shortcut for bevel and it's not working I do not know why mm-hmm Oh cuz I'm selecting the wrong okay it's M s naught M W M s is the shortcut for bevel and you can get the idea here if we just up the subdivisions it's 10 or to 5 we should be able to make a sphere all right so she's gotta find the right number here 0.5 inches basically 0.5 inches will do 0.45 and that gets us right in there sweet and then let's just start start beveling these things so I like using bevel modifiers because it doesn't bake in your bevel it actually works really nicely so I'm gonna I noticed that this edge here is beveled a bit more than this top and bottom edge so one thing you can do is select that edge specifically you can even get this one too it's more on the inside but whatever and you can go to select set selection right here I've made a custom button for it up here you can do that pretty easily by hitting shift C I'll type in set selection and you can just drag it up here and it'll make it your own little button you're gonna have to go to window customize save layout as otherwise it's not gonna it's not going to stay so all right so we've made a selection right well hit set selection you can see this tag we'll call this it's Ed's edge selection we'll call it big bevel all right so let's actually drop in a bevel modifier so I'll select the plane let's let's call it um oh we only have two things called a handle we'll just leave it as plain for now I'll hold shift and I'll drop it a bevel modifier in there and when you hold shift it makes the modifier or thing that you are selecting an automatic child of the thing you have selected so let's go to bevel its RV it's walked out okay so let's just set the offset the point one and yeah it's pretty walked out but here's the thing there's a little thing here called selection if you drag this edge selection into that selection it's only gonna bevel the things you have selected and if we want to adjust it like basically this point here and this bit there and you just hit set selection again it's gonna update and then now you can see how it's updated here and it looks like it's beveling a little too far so we'll go point oh five right you just don't want these intersecting points that's really gonna ruin your geometry and make things nasty and we don't want that subdivision three let's go subdivision five why not so that's how you get a nice little bevel on the edge there and then we also want to bevel this edge too right so I think if we hold ctrl and we duplicate that bevel let's delete the selection and let's take the offset to 0.03 0.02 and the subdivision can go back down to like three or something maybe even two and we just changed the order of this it's getting you're getting both you're getting this nice thin one and you're getting this large one just changed the order of it right here in the plane I'm changing the order of the bevel stack and you can see how it's it's actually working it's really cool it's a really cool trick that I use a whole lot to get multiple bevels and you can adjust these all day long you know like if you want to make your small bevel a little bit smaller you can go point oh one it's not baked in that's the best part so we're gonna do a little bevel run across all of this so we can kind of control drag these bevels into these different bits of geometry so the handle will just name this coin box for now we can control drag the small bevel so this is big bevel and small bevel and let's actually drag that material on there okay and here's the difference when it catches the light here let's compare store render buffer so we've freezed one side of the image the other side is live okay and this has a little bit of bevel to it so let's actually control drag the small bevel into the coin box and see what happens and when we move this slider you can see how it catches the light a little bit more this is a I know there's a better example angle wise for this kind of stuff but let's zoom in here and this is very boxy someone changed the Phong bail you to like Fulani maybe maybe it's just no falling value yeah 14 is fine and you see I was catching the light right here right in there and without the bevel there's no light catch so you're getting these nice details coming out because of the bevel and that's the only way there's no such thing as a 90-degree edge there's no such thing as a sharp edge in real life even on a handmade custom butcher knife no such thing yeah you see that light cat right there without the bevel no such thing you want that in there for sure so we're getting some weird geometry business here on the front side of this coin box I'm gonna solo it to see what's actually going on oh it's cuz I think we need to optimize it so we're getting this weird issue where it's not doing anything here when we uncheck use angle it's actually cutting into the model and you'll see that a lot when things are not optimized so we're going to select all hit you oh it's gonna optimize and I don't think it did the trick did not do the trick I think it's probably because my geometry is a little little jacked up here which is why you want to be working as cleanly as possible because when you bevel this kind of stuff you're getting these errors it's probably because probably didn't do the best modeling job here so let's actually go into the coin box let's delete this face here I'm gonna delete these inside faces ul for loop selection which is not working so let's go manual just delete that and we'll delete that and that so now it's more of like a yeah there we go and I think we can take these edges here ul for loop selection and that's working now and we're gonna move this stuff back a little bit and let's actually close the polygon hole that we have made right in here right-click and closed polygon hole there you are and hopefully the bevel should work now and there you go sure enough totally works that's great and I'm gonna change the bevel let's go point oh four so it's a little larger a bit more pronounced sweet that looks great back in let's go to our top okay so let's take the top I'm gonna control drag the small bevel and then let's solo it to make sure things are happening all right so it's separated it once again Oh weird Ron I think something happened yes I duplicated at the top now if I select the top and I go to edge mode I control a and let's hit yuo to optimize sometimes this works in this case it does not we might have to do a custom bevel on this because our geometry our geometry is I think it can just be cleaner I think that's the whole point is like really get punished for not having a clean geometry in cinema 4d which is why a lot of people do not like modeling in cinema 4d a lot of people work in fusion 360 and it's a program that I am in desperate need to learn I got it downloaded here fusion 360 I'd love to do tutorials for you guys but I'm just not there yet because in fusion 360 you don't have to worry about proper modeling technique you don't have to spend all this time getting it perfect and exact because in this case our bevels not working so it complicates things fusion 360 allows you to not to worry about that stuff but in this case we're worrying about that stuff so let's go to edge mode and let's just do this manually for the top here okay let's just try geez let's try selecting everything let's hit em s yeah all right and it's not working because we don't Oh idea idea idea angle threshold crank it dang it I thought that would work it's like we only want we only want like this bit this bit this bit this bit this bit this bit let's try it let's try doing that MS that's kind of what we want yeah that's basically what we want so maybe what we do is we go around and we grab the edges we know we want to be beveled cool right in there and I'm holding shift to select multiple edges here and we only want to bevel these bits and we'll do that set selection trick again with the bevel modifier that way we can change it if we'd like okay so set selection awesome let me control drag this and add this to the set selection right here so we'll click set selection again let's turn that on and we will add the selection tag to the selection box and it looks like that is doing what we want it to do and I'm going to can we crank 0.06 maybe yeah I think we can sweet and we'll take the top and we'll just move it up a hair cuz it looks like this little bit is peeking through yeah and there you go catching the light very nicely sweet now let's go to our main piece and let's bevel this guy I think I mean who knows at this point let's try control dragging the small bevel into main and it looks like it's working for the most part I think we're good to just call it right here we'll use the angle threshold here and work that slider because you know like this bit here doesn't need to be beveled that's just wasted geometry so we'll we'll just crank that a little bit and it looks like it's working nicely let's take that to 0.06 maybe 0.0 0.1 and we'll take the Phong down to 15 about 14 yes I think the Fung for all of this stuff can go to 14 for the most part just because it's all pretty flat the Phong will basically affects like how the light I don't know exactly but it affects how the lighting works if I compare let's store the render buffer the Phong is at 4 angle of 14 right now which is correct if it goes to 16 it just kind of makes it look more bulbous you see how it changes the light how the light hits this thing it makes it more like around in bulbous which is not what we want we want it to be angular and sharp so set your phone to whatever you need to set it to so that you get the desired effect so I should probably do the same for the coin box should probably go to 14 as well it is 14 great and the plane the handle should be 14 cool all right let's do the hood next all control drag the small bevel into the hood and we'll solo it to see what's going on will zoom in here and it looks like things are working as they should thank goodness checking all these edges here yeah it looks nice let's set the following angle to 14 as well awesome awesome looks good ok moving on we'll do the the door let's go into the door and let's control drag the small bevel into the door and we'll solo this and make sure we got things right let's go 0.04 for the bevel so it's a little larger great we have that line here it's exactly what we want these seams and this looks good let's set the phone again to 14 and I'm wondering do we need to go further yeah I think 14 is good 12 12 for this bit cool door hinge mount what is that I remember what that is oh this bit okay door hinge mount yeah it's gonna need a bevel as well so holding shift at the bevel modifier 0.042 subdivisions is totally fine and we'll set the fong to fourteen no 1212 it is you see it when it pops just pops a little bit you can see the difference here then it'll pop boom nice alright moving on the hinge this hinge I believe can just stay it's not as those grooves aren't as deep as I'd like I'm wondering if I can just select it and not scale on the Y I wonder could I I wonder could I grab all of these hit T I don't think object per object manipulation yes okay it looks like it is working great so I'm just going to go down the line select all of these and then scale them all up a little bit more hit T and we'll scale those up a little bit larger and I think we can even scale them in nope that doesn't work okay we tried sweet okay let's just give it a bit more room so I want to go into a side view we'll move this up in model mode and then we'll take the door hinge mount go to point mode grab those guys make sure we have only select visible elements unchecked that's unsolo so we have how do I get out of this let's unsolo everything wait what what is going on I think I can just do this by eye geometry where you at door hinge mount yeah we'll just move it up like that perfect so now it's a bit more defined in here it feels a little bit better great let's go to this handle we already basically basically finished let's go down here and work on this base let's bottle bevel this base here so we'll do base holding shift let go on bevel we'll set that to 0.05 subdivision 3 so we got a nice nice little base there and we'll do the Phong will try 14 looks like 10 is working but you don't wanna go too far because you'll get this look here if you look in the renderer he's seeing it see every little bit of these polygons that's what the Fung is doing is kind of blending a lot of stuff together so if I go up to 11 eventually you'll see it kind of close off and you just need to ride that line 14 15 16 we need to go further further there it is you guys can see hopefully this is like closing off and we're losing those hard edges right there at 27 so I'll just go back to 40 and you can see with and without a Phong Tighe what it's actually doing so you can see everything it looks like the what is it that that giant structure outside of a Epcot you know looks like that but when you add the Phong back on it kind of smoothes it out so we'll leave that as is and then we have the base here which has a little bit of bevel to it as well right in here so let's just get in there on the stand will control drag that bevel in and let's take it up to 0.08 let's go point one and for some reason it's not getting this edge here and I'm wondering if that's because of the way we modeled it I wonder hmm it's working on the bottom but not on the top maybe we take the stand we go to polygon mode control a we hit you oh and it optimize it and that still doesn't work strange okay let me just try a loop selection let's try deleting it well okay I deleted everything what the heck and let's try closing the polygon hole perhaps or bridging it let's try bridging it bridge tool yes one two three and four and now it should work and it does so I guess something was just up with the way we modeled that again another reason to model in fusion 360 but you know some of us only have one program for me it's just one program right now I'll do everything in cinema so yeah we got a nice little box here let's um let's add those screws and call it because we're basically at that point right now and I got a P and we got to announce the weekly challenge winners and announced the new challenge so let's add these screws and call it a day guys so down here it looks like we're dealing with something pretty simple let's do a cylinder will scale it down we'll bring it over to the edge here scale down something like that and we'll give this eight sides so instead of 16 rotational segments we'll give it a TRO tation 'el segments and we'll probably make two different styles of screw here let's take the height segments we'll do one let's see to make it editable now in fact let's give it a Filat or a fillet of 0.04 is totally fine okay and we'll make that editable all right so we baked in our bevel which is fine in this case now with the cylinder selected if you hold ctrl and make another no we don't how we do we do let's make another cylinder let's scale it down using t i'll get the height we'll scale it down bring it up take our original cylinder get it right in there and it looks like this cylinder let's give it one height segment let's make it editable we'll go to edge mode ul for loop selection T for scale we'll bring that in and down and you see how it looks like kind of bulbous that's because of the Phung technically that should be look looking kind of straight so let's try 22.2 let's just bring it down until boom there it snaps 22.2 oh I know why it's because yes okay that's because I just messed up the geometry here um let's take the faces here ul and we'll bring those down like that awesome very nice and let's give it just one more level of detail control drag to duplicate scale down and just drop it right in there just like that and we'll group all this together all right you can see that's going way down that that first bolt so let's actually fix that it's editable will go to point mode rectangular selection we'll get all of those points and we'll drag them up until we can't see them anymore we'll make all of these what alt G to group them we'll call this bolt one and we want the anchor point to be right at the bottom so I'm gonna go in a side view and we won the second point to be right there at the bottom so I'm going to use the axis Center tool with Y all the way down to negative 100 include children use all objects execute and it's gonna get it right there and let's make sure it's sitting flush boom on top at the bottom of this thing so let's get those four corners right in here and I'm controlled dragging these and it's not I'm not being too specific with where they go because they're bolts and they can have some random bits to them I'm going to rotate them randomly to awesome very nice okay let's get these rivets here on the side we have we have a couple different bolts here there's this kind of style there's the screw style so we'll quickly make a screw and I'm actually gonna show you guys a little trick that I learned it's called I guess volume I'm gonna use the volume measure in the volume builder you guys will see how I do that instead of using a boolean which gets really nasty let's just make a new scene let's go with a sphere and we'll make it a hemisphere just like this and I'm gonna use make it editable in fact let's give it 32 segments I know 16 is fine they're gonna be tiny I'll make it editable scale it down just a little bit for a screw and we want a plus sign we want to make a plus signs so that would be a cube will scale it down move it up and we'll take this cube we'll make it editable we'll select all four sides ul we're gonna extrude these with MT but we don't want let's see preserve groups unchecked so it's a plus sign for that screw okay we're gonna scale it way down so it fits right in there like a screw and we'll move it down right inside okay so we're gonna use the volume builder and then the volume measure you'll see here it's really cool so we'll do volume builder I think is the first one we use and we gonna we're gonna drop both of those in there and it's gonna turn it to this like pixelated kind of look here this polygons look and we want to go in here at the voxel size let's just say 0.5 and the higher you get the crazier it gets if I go to the queue if I go to the sphere actually let's put it inside of a turbosmooth yep and then the volume builder let's go point to point five is okay for now let's take the volume builder let's go to the volume builder and we have these two objects in here we have our subdivision surface which is our sphere and our cube we want our cube on top and we want to subtract it and we should be able I want it to be thick so let's go to our sphere and I think we just need to close this hole here so let me try that closed polygon hole and now it should let's actually let's see if that works it does yes it does you can see that there boom so that's our screw now how do we how do we get it from this like voxel-based kind of look to to a nice smooth geometry so basically the volume builder you're gonna hold alt and you're gonna put it inside of a volume measure right so that's gonna do that's gonna do a thing there and the volume measure see it's actually pretty we should get our subdivision surface back on our sphere there so that's gonna that's gonna work for us that's gonna do the trick here I think the cube is a little thick so maybe what we do is scale the whole thing down minus the Y depth right there and we just pull out those edges there we have probably to do these one at a time so we'll go one and two we'll scale them out like this and then the other sides will go out like that as well cool cool fantastic and then I think we can just make it editable hit C and we get this high poly super nice-looking screw here if you want you can probably drop it into a I think there's one that like polygon reduction let's try that let's drop into a polygon reduction it's thinking down here in the bottom left and then it gives us this nasty looking thing which we will delete and not worry about so let's copy this screw and go back to our to our scene here we'll paste it its massive will scale it way down bring it up and we'll figure out where to place these things so we have three on this side three on that side and I'm just going to use it across the bottom too so we want to get it right in place we want it having have it sitting flush did I get the angle right again I did let's scale it way down awesome and that goes down here and I'm gonna make instances of these here so I'm actually going to where were the instance bees it up in here feel like where are you instance there you are instance will make an instance of the volume measure that way I think it just keeps a multi-instance yeah that way it keeps all the polygon counts down which is what we want and you can see it here in the render but not in the viewport there's probably a way to change that viewport option should be object let's render instance I'll keep it as instance and we'll switch it back to render instance once everything is placed right so we're gonna go to town on this and I'm looking at this reference here just off frame to get these bolts in the right position awesome set those the multi-instance so it keeps our viewport smooth but you can see it here in the renderer and I want to make sure yeah they're kind of sinking in so let's fix that we'll go to side view we'll set these back to render instance and you want to make sure that these are sitting flush on top sweet so let's alt G all these screws will call these screws will all G the bolts those are bolts awesome and we keep going you know we got some bolts up here let's just put one down here actually we don't have that but that's fine so let's grab a screw and control drag that up here and I want to make sure my screws are randomly rotated so I'll just randomly kind of rotate these guys and I actually just figured this one out for the first time basically if you select the screw instead of having to get the exact right Mouse on the wheel right there I'm just unchecking X and z rotation whoa yes I'm just unchecking X and z rotation which allows me to come in here and just kind of spin spin these things like crazy and not have to worry about getting the right axis all right let's make sure I know there's some one set yep there's ones on the side here so let's just actually copy the bolt and and kind of adjust the bolt here to make this third and final bolt there's these rivets in here too let me just lay these things in four days in fact I might just not worry about it and say you guys get the point you know you'll want to add those bolts and rivets and stuff because that stuff really adds to the model and it takes it to the next level so I'll probably be texturing this thing over the next day or two and I'll be posting updates in the discord server if you guys aren't a part of that please consider joining it's down in the description below and it's a great place for all of us to post our work show our work together and join the weekly challenge which is what I'm super excited about because I got winners for you guys I have winners to announce and I have a new challenge to announce for you so that you guys can join along and have your work featured here live on the stream guys so that's the idea guys we we're modeling this thing and again I'm doing a presentation at sea graph and it is a virtual presentation because you know coronavirus and everything we're not going into sea graph they're not holding these conventions so this is based on a tutorial that I'm gonna be doing for that sea graph presentation at the end of July and it's basically how to create photo real objects and composite them in to your live-action plates and it's about all the secrets and the tricks and of the trade to get from nothing to something and something really cool and awesome and totally believable for that photo CG or that photo real CG kind of workflow so you guys got the little inside scoop here this will be what I'm putting into this footage here I'll probably make it blue and I'm gonna put it right there right in the middle between these two you know and I want to get to the point where you cannot tell the difference between the real one and the fake one that's the point of the C graft presentation and walk you through how I do that hopefully I'll be able to post that video on this channel - that'd be awesome so without further ado guys let's talk about the weekly challenge winners here the challenge was to create a jellyfish simple as that create a jellyfish and you guys did a really really good job let's just jump right into it let's get these winners announced okay let's see let's see hmm I got a navigate here alright so guys for our first winner it was actually the very first submission and I knew I knew from the moment he submitted this that it was a winner okay so it's uh this art here by damdi super super cool I really like the lighting that you have here this internal glow I think works really really well and you have this nice fall off here with the glow up here like the subsurface scattering is really nice very well done I like your colors I think you did a fantastic job here on this material you modeled this perfectly really really really well done job here this is awesome this is a really nice phone background so if you guys want this piece of art have it as your phone background it's gonna be on the discord server in the challenge winners Channel right after this stream so congrats damdi you have won the challenge winner what are they called it's like a roll the challenge winter roll on the discord server Congrats next up we have I guess his name is jellyfish lovey taco or maybe that's the name of the art but or it's lovely taco is probably the guy's name but this is awesome this is super cool kind of reminds me of like a half life style suit but it's the like spaceman slash underwater diver version look at the surface imperfections here super nice great work here on the jellyfish these are some spongebob style jellyfish it looks like this is great your emissive light textures are fantastic the hair here on the edges are really nice it's transparent it's it's blurry where it needs to be like this is super super cool and it's very well composed and well lit too so congrats lovely taco I assume is your name congratulations for winning the challenge this week I think you did a great job you totally earned it this is this is awesome I love everything about this the color yeah it's really nice really really nice Congrats next up we have a painting this one is not a render this is a painting guys we're trying to get you know as long as we get creative and you work on on the creative crafts that you love doing and want to get better at that's the whole point of this creative challenge it doesn't have to be a cinema4d the only challenge this could be anything guys as long as you follow the rules and make some awesome art salumi congratulations you painted this really cool jellyfish this is nice super nice so let me used reference images but did not trace anything absolutely like we're not here to trace stuff guys is straight from the dome this is super cool I love all of this looks like you did this in Photoshop or something but man that yeah this is super cool I feel like the only thing you can go in here and use like pure white to touch up some of these points here and really get some nice highlights maybe up top here like maybe it's being lit from the top so you get these nice crispy white highlights at the top or on the inside maybe get these crispy white lines coming down here from the you know from these bits around the tips here give it a shot I think it could be pretty cool but regardless Zulu me congratulations for winning the challenge this week with a painting this is freaking cool man keep it up I love your work please keep it up two more all right two more winners we have KF Hammond with the jellyfish here this is cool this was between one other piece of art and this one eventually pulled through as a winner because there's a little bit of story going on look you got this kid here looking into the jellyfish tank I've been this kid I've been here before so congrats on giving it a bit more context you you gave it context you gave it a little bit of story and I like that and I really like the jellyfish here this is cool again this is kind of like a sponge Bobbi style jellyfish very nice very very nice maybe you can use a little bit more samples back here it looks a little grainy or something but otherwise I think it's nice I think it's very nice and I almost wonder like this color here if there's a little dull to me I'm wondering if you can commit to more of like a an orange or something or a yellow and brighten it up a little bit it just feels a little dull that's it but overall I really like your composition and I like your colors and I like your lighting so hey congratulations KF Hammond on winning this week's weekly challenge and last one here for you guys this guy wins these challenges a lot his work is very good so without further ado the last winter visual with this beautiful work of art here I love your colors on this this turquoise with the skin tone is absolutely beautiful it looks like you got the hair looking real nice too this is fantastic jellyfish looking good yeah your colors in your composition and your lighting like everything just looks really nice I know visual it uses I believe 3ds Max and Arnold I think for his work some of the other work today was seen about cinema 4d some the other work was blender so guys again it doesn't matter what program you use it just matters how you use it right that's it so visual Congrats to you and the rest of the challenge winners this week for winning this week's weekly challenge alright guys so if you want to catch these works of art definitely join the discord server check them out you know let everyone know congratulations putting in the hard work and everything so for this next weekly challenge for this week's weekly challenge I'm gonna leave it to you guys here in the live chat okay what do you guys want to do for a weekly challenge this week think about it go ahead and at me here in the live chat so I can see that you're talking about the weekly challenge okay what do you want to create when you want to get good at what do you want to work on what do you want to challenge yourself with this week while you guys are doing that I'm use the restroom and I'll be back in like two minutes I'll see you guys soon you all right hopefully you guys have decided let's figure it out let's go through all of these recreate a famous painting indoor renders a museum maybe post-apocalypse scene completely made-up and somewhat nonsensical product oh that's funny okay a fake product maybe something about an astronaut in space there are many things you could do Zen garden fluid so far I'm liking fake product fake product and Zen garden those are the two that I'm feeling what do you guys think between Zen garden and fake product well can I do that can I create a poll here um I don't know how hmm no Asad we're not doing Mars we did planets last time nice try though Asad you're gonna get booted here if you keep saying Mars we're not doing Mars um send garden okay Zen garden I'm seeing a lot of Zen garden fake part of a product fake product saying garden okay so it's kind of a split hmm let's go with fake products guys because I think I didn't done anything like that before we've done some Zen garden again do a Zen garden for sure but fake product sounds like a lot of fun so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna do a fake product so it's got to be a picture it's got to be one render product shot it's got to be a product shot of a fake product it can be a product to be whatever product just got to be a fake product that's it it'll be judged on the detail of your render or the quality let's say rather the quality of your render your lighting your framing you know your presentation how legit does it look and we'll also be judged on the fake product you come up with you know is it something that we actually need is it something ridiculous it could be whatever but just make sure it's a fake product and have fun with it make it look nice light it like a nice product shot you know when does it do good question it's due next week Saturday at 9 a.m. Pacific Standard Time so that I have enough time to like look through them and choose the winner you guys have one week to do this week's weekly challenge which is a fake product should be a render a product render of a fake product due next week hopefully that's good right can you guys hear that yeah fake product you got to make it yourself cannot be a real thing cannot be a real product it's gotta be a fake product that is the that is the challenge the point of the challenge cannot be something that already exists that's nearly three how long do we go for three and a half hours Wow almost four hours my throat hurts I need water I need chapstick I'm gonna see you guys this week in the discord server get on it if you're not already if you guys like this video please subscribe if you're still hanging out I I appreciate you you've hung out with me for four hours making a newspaper stand all right that means a lot so if you guys like these please subscribe to this channel I'll be posting a whole bunch more of this for the rest of the year when we doing this we learning together that's the whole point getting good at stuff we want to get good at together yeah leave a comment down below if you have anything that you want to learn any tutorials that you'd like to learn again I'm learning Unreal Engine I want it to the point where I can stream Unreal Engine and teach you guys all the things I'm learning yeah if you guys want any other things in c4d please just let me know leave a comment and again join the discourse server I'll see you guys there this week in the meantime you guys have a good one and I will be working hard on the next corridor digital video the Dominos video man there's a lot of the effects going on that one what else anything else yeah still working on that HDRI tutorial let me show you let me show you a render that I did from the HDRI tutorial so right here we got the the fake shadow mixed with the real shadow in here we got some bounce light from the sphere coming hitting the bottom down here we got some glow and this is just to show you guys the power of custom HDRI images yeah obviously there's no ball there there's no shadow there this is the original footage shadow laid in perfectly matched with the real shadow and then all the rest of this added in on top in the beautiful 4k and I'm gonna try and get this out by the end of the month here for you guys okay that's my goal so think of me it's gonna be a tough month it's gonna be tough rest of the month so I'll see you guys on the other end all right peace have a good one have a good Saturday have a good Sunday have a good weekend alright guys peace out later
Channel: pwnisher
Views: 140,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, visual effects, 3d, modelling, blender, cinema4d, maya, 3dsmax, octane, arnold, education, tutorial, stream, pwnisher, corridor, tank, texture, archviz, photoreal, boston dynamics, bosstown dynamics, robots, after effects, compositing, live action, corridor digital, s22, v2020
Id: M8HdvKG78EI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 15sec (13515 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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