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- Hehehehe. Hahahahaha. [contestants giggle] Guess who's back! Back again! - Yes! - Folabi! - Come on! - Yeah! - Go tell a friend! - Yeah. [everyone clapping] [upbeat energetic music] - Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to, the Weakest Link! [contestants woop and applaud] Here are the rules. So, KSI is going to do it because I don't care. [contestants laugh] - Okay. - This is a game show where contestants answer general knowledge questions to win money. [register dings] As the players answer the questions correctly, the bank grows, while the wrong answer will lead to the money being lost. The only way to ensure that the money is safe is by the next player saying the word "bank" as soon as the question has been answered correctly. After each round, the team vote out the weakest link, AKA, the player perceived as hindering their success. The player with the most votes will be eliminated. I see ya! Hahaha! I see you brought me back because you need views, huh? - Yes. Yes. [chuckling] - It's a game show and you know, you don't get views on game shows. - No. - Unless I'm here. Haha! I bring the views. 10 million plus! Ah? [contestants chuckle] I'm hip. - Hope so. - I'm open. [laughing] - We'll see. [chuckling] - I'm the 10 Million Plus Man, huh? - Yeah, dude. - Oh, fingers crossed my friend. - Oh, 10 million. [contestants laugh] 10 million here? [contestants laugh] 10 million there? [contestants laugh] - Oh, that might do it. Honestly. - Yeah. - So we all know how to play Weakest Link, huh? - Yes. - Yeah. - Okay, well, I want you to know this. The weakest link of every round will get beat! - Oh! [contestants laugh] - Three lashes! - Oh Jesus! [laughing] - What! - With certain items I choose. - Oh my days, what? - Three. - What? Three? - Three lashes! - Oh no! [laughing] - This wasn't agreed. [laughs] - So do not be the weakest link! [maniacal laughter] - Don't complain guys. All right? We're all happy this is happening. - Is it the voted weakest link or the ma, like the- - The voted. The voted. - The voted, okay, all right, cool with that. - I'm thick as sh*t! [laughs] - But you might not be voted. - True. - Well, if you're the weakest link, then you should get voted, no? - No, no. Sometimes that's-- - If someone is answering the question wrong every time, then they get voted out. Yes? - So whoever has the most votes- - I don't care. - Will get-- - Are we ready to start? [contestants laughing] - Yes. - Yeah. - Actually, before we start the timer, let's do the, I think on the Weakest Link, they do the ting where they go across every... - Yeah. - Every person. So let's do that with you. Start Tobi, introduce yourself. - I'm Tobi. I'm 30 years old. - No, no, no, no, no. Are we ready? Is the cameras ready? [contestants giggling] Are all the cameras ready? Okay, begin. [playful music] - My name's Tobi. I'm 30 years old. - Oh, Jesus. - Still single. - Not very nice. - That was so unnecessary. - You guys are f*ckin' old, man. It's crazy. - All right. - It's your turn. Go! - Oh! Josh 31. Dreadsucker. Dickeater. [music stops] [contestants exclaim] [playful music] - Vik 28. Washed up gamer. - Ohh. - Oh wow. - I'm Harry. I'm 26. I like various fish. [contestants chuckle] - Deji 26. I'm trying to hang out? [contestants laugh] - I'm Simon. I'm 24 and I'm just here not to complain. - Nice. - Oh, make the change! [contestants chuckle] - Hello, my name's Ethan. I'm 28 and my balls work. [Deji laughing] [audience applauding] - Okay, too many. Timer, please. Okay, we will start with Tobi. - I hate this game. - Remember to bank! - Oh yeah! - Yeah, yeah, yeah! - You can pass, if you don't-- - Pass and bank! Pass and bank! Pass and bank! - Pass and bank. - Don't waste time! - Tobi, which 20 vs 1 video has the most views? - Kai Cenat. - Correct. [computer beeps] - Bank. [register dings] - Now for, f*ck off. [contestants chuckle] - Which Sidemen rage quit in the Sidemen Spelling Bee 2? - Oh... Vik. - Wrong. Ethan. [computer buzzes] [Ethan giggles] - Which British YouTuber pranked the former CEO of KKK? - Niko Omilana. - Correct. [computer beeps] - What is Mr. Beast's full name? - Jimmy Broadband. [contestants laugh] - Jimmy Broadband. - That's the driving you do. - Shut up! I don't know. - Incorrect. [computer buzzes] It's Jimmy Donaldson. - Okay. [contestants giggle] - Deji. How old is Speed? - 18. - Correct. [computer beeps] - Bank. [register dings] - What is the wife of Superman called? - Lois Lane. - Correct. - Bank. - Where do penguins live? - Antarctica. - Incorrect. [computer buzzes] South Pole. - Fart. - How many mont, months have 28 days in them? - All of them. - Correct. [computer beeps] - Ohh. - Who painted the Mona Lisa? - DaVinci. - Correct. [computer beeps] - Bank. - Nice. - What is the volcano in Pompei called? - Vesuvius. - Correct. [computer beeps] What is the largest planet in our solar system? - Jupiter. - Correct. [computer beeps] - Bank! - Yes! - What is the longest river in the world? - The River Nile. Correct. - Yeah! - Bank! [register dings] - What rhymes with trigger? [Ethan laughs] - Digger. - Correct. [computer beeps] [Josh and Tobi laughing] - What is the world's largest animal? - Blue whale. [computer buzzes] - Incorrect. Josh's mom. [contestants laugh] - What? - What the f*ck? - And that is it. That is end time. [everyone laughing] - Oh my... - Folabi! She knows! [Tobi snickers] She knows you, Folabi! [contestants giggling] And she'll watch this! - It's [stammers]-- - Don't you smile! [everyone laughing] I see you smiling! [everyone laughing] I see you smiling, Folabi! I see you smiling! [laughs] - It is, what is written here! - She knows, dude, again? - It is what is written here. [contestants laugh] - I hope she pisses on your bed! [Falobi laughs] - He did! He broke character! - Aha. Okay, boys! You made 180 pounds. - That's good! - Yes! [contestants applauding] - Let's count! - We're ballin'! - Very good. Very good. I want you to write on the board who you think is the weakest link. - Then we have to get spanked? - Three lashes! - Three? Three. - Are you ready? - Yes. - Sure. - We'll start with Ethan. - I voted Folabi for weakest link 'cause he was. [Folabi laughs] - That was a good one. That was a good one. [Folabi laughs] - That was real funny. - No, no, no! Everybody, let's all laugh with Ethan. [all laughing] [Folabi laughs maniacally] Everybody put your votes down. I think we found the weakest link. - No, no, no, no. - You need to ask everyone else. - Oh, no. You - Oh, no you need to ask-- - single-handedly... - You said the most votes! You need to take the votes! [contestants laughing] - You might find the most votes. - No, no... - I don't have the most votes! - You're volunteered! - No, he didn't. - No Ethan volunteered! - I, personally, I would never vote him. - My friend, you need to count the votes! - Ethan! - You have to count the votes! - I said that he is the weakest link! - No, no! You said, "Person with the most votes."! - With the most votes! - Yeah, the most votes. - Which is Falabi right now. - I am the host! I get to decide! - You said! You said! - He is the one! - You need to count them now! - Ethan! - No! Guys, look! Look! - Hey, I say it again. You are first! I don't care! You are first! You are first! You are... - You did say most votes. - You wanna stay here. - No, that was peak, man. - That was peak. [laughs] - You volunteer! - He got the most votes. - So you are the weakest link. - I will go home. [contestants laugh] I will rage quit. [laughs] - But you know what? I'm going to be nice. That first round didn't mean anything. - Oh. - Okay. - So even the money doesn't mean anything. - Aww! - Oh, I'm kidding! You have the 180. [contestants exclaim] You still have the 180. But now we know how the rules are. Okay? You cannot vote me! [contestants groan] - And then you got sent to the Shadow Realm by the boys! - You're all so stupid! - You didn't say that! - You can't vote me. - I nearly got fed to the lions by the boys! - I don't even know that guy, by the way. [laughing] - Least I got in. [Deji yells angrily] - We think its a riot. - What was that? - Sorry. - Deji what happened? [laughing] - Almost like an outburst. [chuckles] - The timer starts now. Tobi, - Oh? When did Simon marry Talia? I want the date. - Oh! - The exact date. - June 3rd. 2023. - Correct. [computer beeps] - Oh my God! - Well done! - How many videos has Bab- - Bank! - Stop banking you boat f*cking-- - The bank has denied. - Oh. Okay. [chuckles] - How many videos has Babatunde been in? - Four. - Three. - f*ck! - Sure? - Nah, I used every three. [contestants giggle] If you search up the name KSI, what profession is linked to KSI? - Musician. - I'll give that to you. Correct. [computer beeps] Which of the Sidemen has missed more than 10 videos on Sidemen? [contestants giggling] - Tobi? - Harry. [computer buzzes] Incorrect. It was Harry. - Yeah, lucky mate. - That's wrong! - He's missed... one? - It's unlucky Harry. - Who is the actor known for his role in "The Mask"? - Um. Uh. Pass. What his name? - Jim Carey. In what year was YouTube founded? - 2006. - Incorrect. 2005. What is the maximum length allowed on YouTube internet? [contestants laugh] - Music? - It is 12 hours. [computer buzzes] [contestants laugh] - It's f*ckin' sh*te answers-- - Let me get a question! - What is the currency used in Japan? - Oh. - Oh, yen? - Correct. - Bank. - The bank has denied. [contestants laugh] What is the most famous restaurant... Nah, I don't want to do that one, actually. - Okay. - What was the time? [giggles] - All right. - We need Fergie Time. Big time! - Can I have my question, please? - Time extension, surely. - Pass? - What is the first ever video on YouTube called? - Oh, "At the Zoo". - Ah, it's too late. [contestants laugh] - You run out of time. - The f*ck? - We had one question, though. - Bank denied as well, by the way. - Bank denied me twice! How do I make money? [Folabi laughs] I wanna bank! - You're credit scores stink. - If I've got like, I don't-- - I got mine right! He f*ckin' didn't. I didn't get it wrong! - You would've made 40 pounds. - No, you got it wrong. - Shut up! You would've made 40 pounds, but the bank denied twice. - Ah, the bloody bank. - So I... The game's the game, huh? - Yeah. [laughs] - So it's time to decide who you think is the weakest link. - Hmm. - Tough one here boys. [dramatic music] - Are we ready? - Yes. - Tobi. - I love him, but his credit score is affecting all of us. It's Josh. - No way. [contestants laugh] - Josh. [contestants laugh] - Well, I have two reasons to my person. I'm going with Harry. Firstly, can't believe he just miss so many Sidemen videos. - Oh wow. - Saying he said, right? - What the f*ck? - He's missed so many! - 10 videos! - How have you missed so many videos? That's rude. - Pretty bad. - And he forgot to bank when we got it right, so. - Okay, Vik? - I went with Ethan 'cause he got a YouTube question wrong, and I think YouTube's pretty cool. - Yeah, that was disgusting. - You got a YouTube question wrong? - Yeah. Not, not, not-- - Idiot. [contestants laugh] What an idiot. - Harry. - I went with Tobi. - Oh! - Because for some reason, whenever he gets a question right, we can't get the money off it, so it's pointless, like... [contestants exclaim] - That's not my fault? That's yours! - No, it's your fault! [contestants giggle] - Deji. - Went with Harry. - Okay. - Obvious, yeah. [contestants snicker] - Why? Why obvious? - He just got them all wrong. I mean, so did I, but I mean-- [contestants laugh] - You beat yourself out. [laughs] - Okay, Simon. - I also went with Harry- - I'm out! - Because he was the only person that didn't bank. - And Ethan. - I went with Josh 'cause he can't get a loan. - See? [laughs] - How I get a loan? I put money in! - They accepted it. - So, I mean, looking at all the names. Harry, [Harry whimpers] you seem to be the one that has the most votes. [contestants snickering] - I got my f*ckin! I've got my question, right! I did! You said it was! I haven't! I missed one video! [contestants laugh] - But you did say Tobi, right? - He's not. Is that wrong? - JJ. - Oh, was JJ? - Yeah. - Oh, I was wrong, anyway. Don't worry. Okay, fair enough. - Because he's missed loads. - So how do you feel about that, huh? [playful music] - Fair enough. Fair. Fair enough. Fair enough. - Well, unfortunately, you are the weakest link. [playful music] So you may stay there, [contestants giggle] because I'm going to lash you soon. - He'll lash you. - I hate these videos where we get hit. I don't come to work to get struck. - Oh it's a wooden spoon. - It's may be. - He's gonna bring out like a mace. - If he comes out with a whip or something-- - [exclaiming] Oh, I told you! - That not what I wanted. That's not the reaction I wanted. - A keyboard? [contestants laugh] That's just full on abuse! - Ah, it'll be right. - I think that could be okay. - Harry. Please, come up. - Okay. - Oh my God. [contestants laugh] - This might not be awful. - Can we make sure we get a good angle of this? - Get that arching. - Please. - Three! - Please, get the bum. - Three lashes. - Just spread out. - That looks like a decent keyboard - Yeah. - Oh, thank you. - It's probably his keyboard, you know. - It's Razer keyboard. I don't like. - The tiptoes! - Are we good? - Why are you doing that? - Harry, you are the weakest link, so you get three lashes. - Okay. [keyboard thwacks] - Oh my God! - Oh my God! - Oh my God! - Lash one. - Wait, wait, wait, wait. - No, no, no! - Wait, wait, wait! - That's crazy! - Wait, wait, wait! [laughs] - That was crazy! [laughs] [keyboard thwacks] - Lash two! - Oh my God. - Jesus Christ! - That's crazy! - Holy f*ck. [keyboard thwacks] - Lash three! Okay. [contestants giggle] - That's a pretty-- He's just, his phone his iPad. - Oh sorry! Sorry, sorry. [Ethan laughs] - Sorry, sorry. - Oh, you're off now, are you? - Goodbye, goodbye. Yeah. - No, no, no, no. You stay. Well get rid of his lights so we know he's out. - Oh, okay. - He's gotta stand there and be sad. - You smacked him so hard! [laughs] - Oh my word! - Let us have a look? - Is it red? [contestants laugh] - Oh my god! It's the keys! - Oh my God! - It's the keys! - On your bottom! I can see QWERTY! [contestants laugh] - You've got such nice ass. - It's a good bum, y'know? [contestants laugh] - You put the the short there and it's like, popping out. - That is lovely. [playful music] - I mean, I didn't really get any questions, right. So I think it's fair. I'm sad that I don't get to play anymore, but the game's the game. The keyboard! It's a lot harder than it looks, actually. And it did quite hurt, however, I think there's gonna be worse to come. So I'm not too unhappy with this. - Okay, the timer starts now. Tobi. When was Prime Hydration officially announced to the public? - Pass. - January 4th, 2022. Josh. What is XQC's match rating in the 2-- - 0.3. - Huh? - 0.3. - You wait when I finish. [contestants chuckle] Alright, you alright? Let me finish the question before you answer. - Yeah. Go for it, man. Sorry. - I'll do it again, huh? [contestants exclaim] What was-- - Sorry, boys. - XQC's match rating in the 2023 Sidemen charity match? - 0.3. - Correct. - Bank. - What is the first video on YouTube called? - "Visiting the Zoo". - No. [computer buzzes] "Me at the Zoo". - He just said it. [laughs] - It's f*cking-- - I forgot. - Who lost the most subscribers in one day? - It's you, Dej! It's you! - It was, oh, PewDiePie. - James Charles. [computer buzzes] What channel reached a hundred thousand subs the fastest in less than an hour? - More Sidemen. - Correct. [computer beeps] - Who are the two YouTube boxers Tommy Fury rates the most besides himself? - Jake Paul, - Uh huh. - Logan Paul. - Incorrect. [computer buzzes] So Pappy and Jake Paul. - sh*t. - What does WWE stand for? - World Wrestling Entertainment. - Correct. - Bank. - What is the chemical symbol for gold? - Oh, sh*t balls. Pass. [computer buzzes] - Oh, my God! - AU. - AU. - Wha? You're too late. - I was talking to you. "Hey you." - Ah. Funny. That is it. Josh, with the joke. - I was refusing. - How do we all think that round went, huh? - f*ckin terrible! - Not too great. Anyway, let us see who you think is the weakest link. Write it down. And for this, the weakest link will [hands clap] get hit with a belt. A Louis Vuitton belt. - LV? - Belt? - Yes. You get hit with money! - Can you keep the belt? - Whoever gets whipped gets to keep the belt as well. Have all chosen? - Yeah. - We'll start with Ethan. - Okay. - I've gone Vik for getting a YouTube question wrong. [contestants laugh] - Simon? I also went with Vik for getting a YouTube question wrong. [contestants laugh] - Oh no. [laughs] - Deji? - I went for Ethan just because I want to see him get hit. - sh*t. - No, but, but no! But! [Simon laughs] Ethan did well. - Oh, well thanks Dej. Cheers. - Vik? - I went with Josh because he answered a question too soon, and then it meant we lost money. - So, funny to go faster, guys. - Josh? - I went with Vik. - Okay. - Because he got my question wrong. The round, I'd already answered it. - It's true. It was a YouTube question. - I said the same question twice, and he got it wrong. - And YouTube is cool as well, so. - And Tobi. - I went with Deji because he took 30 seconds to answer the question and got it wrong, still. - 30 seconds? I disagree! - Oh! - He disagrees. - Okay. How long did it take? - Like 15! - It's still wrong. [contestants laugh] - So before I talk to the person who is the weakest link, which is Vik, I want to talk to Simon real quick. Simon! - Hi. - I see Talia is smashing music. I'm interested. Have you ever had sex to her music? - Oh my God! [laughing] - Ah, we haven't, no. - Huh? - Yeah, it's a... - "Stay the Night"! ♪ Da-na-na-na-na Na-na-na-na-na-na-na ♪ - Not her song. - You never had sex to that? - Nah, that's not her song though, but yeah. [Deji laughs] - "Stay the Night"? - Yeah, it's actually, a Sigala song. - Is that not? Isn't she singing? - She is, yeah, but it's not her song. - Okay. What about the ex song? - No. - What do, what? How does it go? - "I'll make you forget about your ex." - Uh huh? Come on, sing it. [contestants laugh] - "All the conversations lead to sex." - Oh! - God! - And you haven't had sex to that song? Huh? - No. - It's written in the lyrics. - Yeah. - And you're not? - No. Something about having, like, even the word "ex", probably isn't a turn-on. - Okay, well you're missing a trick there. - Yeah, not all of us think about our ex during sex. - Anyway! Vik! [contestants laugh] - Oh my geez! - Vik! [contestants laugh] - Jesus! Jesus Christ. Someone. Vik, how do you feel about being the weakest link? - I kind of brought it upon myself. I got a YouTube question wrong. [laughs] - Yes. - After voting for a YouTube question. - Well, I mean, - Yeah. - Look, the bright side, you're still a DJ, and you're still getting DJ pussy. [Simon snickers] So... - Oh my God! - And a belt, and an LV belt! And an LV belt! - That's not what you wanna be sayin' in a video? [laughs] - And obviously with the DJ pussy brings a lot of money. And that's why you'll be next to get lashed. - Right. - So come up. Let me get the belt. [contestants laugh] Three lashes! - Oooh. - Oh sh*t. - You don't wanna get hit by this. - Three lashes. [laughs] - He's mad! - I think I respect you man. - Yeah, you got this! - You're a big man! - Are you ready? [contestants laugh] - I'm ready as I'm ever gonna be. - Vik, are you ready for- - Ready as I'm ever gonna be. [digital beeping] - Why, hello there! You have arrived after 50 years of the Sidemen exhibit! - Welcome, one and all, to the Sidemen Museum! - Within these walls, you'll see all sorts! - [Woman On Recording] 1 billion subscribers. [man gasps] Harry Fury. - From what we're all up to now 50 years on, to rare Sidemen artefacts. - Check out KSI's Try-not-to-move experience! - Were the Sidemen like, a boy band? - Something like that. Come on. - And of course, the most valuable trading card collection, ever. - The Sidemen Topps Chrome Collection! Yes! - [Woman On Recording] The Sidemen Topps Chrome Collection was first issued in 2023 to celebrate the Sidemen's 10th anniversary. And with it, a one of one card was forged. Given the name the Golden Crest, collectors have sought it since that day, but it has yet to be found. - Do you think they'll ever find it? - Nah. I don't think they will. [mystical chimes] - The Golden Crest! [ethereal music] - The Golden Crest. - The Golden Crest! [exclaims] [men thud on floor] [cards whoosh] - Sidemen Topps Chrome Collection available November 15th. Don't miss out! - Vik, you are the weakest link! - Thank you. [belt thwacks] - Lash one. - He moves the bar every time. Makes it worse. - Yeah. Truth. [belt thwacks] - Ohh! - Lash two! [contestants chattering] - Aah! - He got the crowd jumping, there. - Aah! - No! See that one? - And Vik's DJing right now. [belt thwacks] - Are you ready? - Yeah! - Lash three! - Make some noise! - Gimme my belt! - There's your belt. - Yeah. Well done! - Yeah! [audience applauds] - Woo! - The walk of shame. - Yeah, I kind of walked myself into that one. My reasoning for the question before was exactly why I left, but you know what? Got this belt that may be worth more than anyone actually wins in this game show. So, who knows? The lashes weren't great. A belt is like a traditional weapon of choice for that kind of thing. So yeah, they did hurt. - Okay, boys, you have made 260 pounds in 4 rounds. - Woo! [audience applauds] - Very good. - I'm proud of us as team. - Oh, you topping that? - We are topping that. - Yeah. - No worse for wear? - Okay, are you ready for the next one? - Try to start with some else, - He's made more money. - Please. - Vik's made more money than-- [laughs] - The timer starts now. Tobi! [contestants laugh] [clock ticks] [contestants laugh] [playful music] - Why'd the timer start? [Deji snort-laughs and squeals] - What was that? - What the f*ck? [laughing] - Now, what's going on? - Are getting extra time? [laughing] - I'm coming to read the question, myself. What's going on? - Timer started! - I'm trying to-- - Reach Folabi from the depths! [contestants laugh] - I'm trying to find - Extra time? - A question I like. - Restart the time, please. - How much extra time that add into this one? - No, I'm still looking. Huh? - Stop the clock! [giggling] - No, no, no. We start. I'm still trying to find the question I like. I don't, I'm not seeing many. Yeah? - Can you pause the question? - Pause. - How much time do you have? - Pause! - We need to go. Okay. Tobi. - Oh, okay. - No, no. - Oh, God. [laughs] - Guys, vote me, please. Just vote me. - We are the weakest link. - Just vote me. - Exciting moment, it's like when they've got three in a row, it is like, "Well, they got the fourth they didn't bank." We don't even get a question. [laughs] - Gonna launch this at your head! - Folabi's going the right way for another vote. - Just ask me anything! - How much time do you have left? Sorry. 30 seconds. Okay, okay, okay. - You got it. Okay! Tobi! Ah nah. [contestants laugh] - Okay, f*cker. - How many? How? How many countries? Uh, nah. Mm. - Does Folabi cook? [Folabi laughs] - Do you know, I can chat sh*t now because I've been through my punishment. He's like terrified to chat sh*t and I don't blame him. - Ahh! - I'm so scared! [laughs] - Oh okay! [contestants groan] Timer is done. Okay. [laughs] - How much did we make? - Did we make any money there? - Well, it looks like you made no money. [contestants groan] - So you've got to have to try and vote who you think is the weakest link. - You gotta abstain, boys. - You gotta abstain! - No, no one goes! - What? The vote? - Abstain! Abstain! Please, abstain! - Wait. Are we voting still? - Abstain! - I'm not risking not voting, boys. - Ethan almost got whipped last time. - For a joke with the boys and the evil sent to the Shadow Realm. - Have we all decided who we think is the weakest link? - Yes. - Yes, we have. - Deji, why are you still writing? - Oh no, sorry, I'm just doodling. My bad. Sorry. - I want to see your doodoo. Go on! Come! - No, no! [laughs] - No, I want see your doodoo! - Doodoo. [laughs] - Lemme see the doodoo! - He wants to see the doodoo. [laughs] - Oh, you put a love heart on Tobi, huh? Oh, you want to... Tobi, huh? [groove music plays] You love him that much. [contestants snicker] - Huh? - No? - You wanna put your peepee in his doodoo? [contestants laughing] Is that what you want? [contestants exclaim] Is that how much love? How much love you want? - I was... - No, it's okay. You can put heart! It's all love here. Well, we know you picked Tobi. Why'd you pick Tobi? - He didn't pass. - I didn't. [laughs] - Ah, fair. Simon. - For the pure fact, if I want someone else to start a round, although it's Tobi. - Tobi. Okay. - Ethan. - Five! [laughs] Sorry, - One last. - Sorry, Tobi. - Josh. - I went with Tobi. - Tobi! [laughing] [contestants laugh] - Okay. - He didn't hear his question. - This video's gonna be five minutes long. - For some reason, I just couldn't answer my question. [contestants laugh] - Yeah, he's voted himself, it's like "Among Us". ["Among Us" trilling signal] - Tobi, how do you feel about being the weakest link? - I can't say I didn't see it coming. - Yeah. Fair. Well, that's what you get for being a stupid idiot. [contestants laugh] Don't know how to answer question. - You don't know how to read one, so... - I mean, it doesn't matter, you're the weakest link, anyway, so you get lashed. [contestants chuckle] Let me get the item you are going to get hit with. [Vik exclaims indistinctly] - I hate it. - Right. - Right. - Okay. - Oh! My! - Okay. Oh. [contestants laugh] - Why? - Okay. - Why's it get worse? [Ethan laughs] I should've just answered the question wrong from the getgo. - I'm going home. [contestants laugh] - Tobi. [laughs] - It's a good bat, man. - Why is it getting worse! - It seems you are the weakest link. - That's bad! - Are you sure? - You have to get lashed three times with a cricket bat. - Well, are you sure? - I am sure. - Least they're not hittin' bone. - Tobi, we we love you, bro. - Yeah, respect, my friend. Sorry about-- - Are you ready? - Doesn't matter. - For being the weakest link. - Don't hit his coccyx. [bat thwacks] [contestants groan] - That's one! - Okay. - A bit light I think. [Vik laughing] [bat thwacks] - Oh! That! [laughs] - Now he's into it, bro. - Lash two. [Josh whimpers] - Thought that was a bit light. - Last lash... - His fist is clenched up for it. He's got a clenched fist. - Does it hurt? - Tobi's gonna swing after this. - Why are you the weakest link? - Swing after this? - Don't be the weakest link! [contestants chuckle] [bat thwacks] [contestants groan] Lash three! - Here, I'll take that back for you. - Ah, no, no, you see, I am good. I insist. [contestants giggle] I insist! [contestants giggling] - I will take it! - Stop it! Stop! It's done! It's done! It's over! It's over. It is done! - I pull a loan, though. For real, lads. - The worst thing I've ever been beaten with. Thank God my parents did not own one of these. f*ck me. He just refused to ask me the question. [playful music] - After four rounds? Four rounds. [chuckling] You still have 260 pounds. - Is it even worth it? [audience applauds] - So much more than that. - So much money! Money. - We'll start with Josh, because, obviously, [Tobi mumbling] Tobi isn't here anymore. [contestants giggling] The timer starts now. - Yeah. Who was the American president before Obama? - Oh, uh, Bush. - Correct. [computer beeps] What is arachni... arachnophobia a fear of? [suspenseful music] - Oh, spiders. - Correct. [computer beeps] - Bank! [register dings] - What type of pasta has a name meaning "little worms"? - Uh, spaghetti. - Incorrect. Vermicelli. [computer buzzes] What is the second highest mountain in the world? - Kilimanjaro. [computer buzzes] - K2. How many different accents does the UK have? - 14. - Uh, 56. [computer buzzes] - f*cking hell! - How many countries does Africa have? - 52. - 54. [computer buzzes] - Ohh! - What is the most famous dish in Africa? - Uh, Fufu. - No. Pap en vleis, [computer buzzes] which is a steak with a side of maize porridge. - Is the pap good? [laughing] - I don't know. In what year did the first World War end? - 1934. - No, 19... [contestants exclaiming] - 1918. [computer buzzes] [contestants groaning] [contestants laughing] What is Goku's best friend called? - Pass. Pass. - Krillin. [computer buzzes] What is Mr. Bean's real name? - Ah, Rowan Atkinson. - Correct. [computer beeps] - Bank. [register dings] - What is James Bond's favourite drink? - Martini. Shaken, not stirred. - No. Vodka martini. [computer buzzes] [Deji laughs] Which UFC fighter has the most title fight wins? [suspenseful music] [contestants laugh] - Donald Cerrone. - No, John Johns. [computer buzzes] What is the most viewed video on YouTube? - Oh! Uh, "Gangnam Style." - Incorrect. [computer buzzes] It was, ♪ Baby shark do-do-do-do-do-do ♪ ♪ Baby shark do-do-do-do-do-do ♪ - Wow, use your question. Your YouTube question. ♪ Baby shark do-do-do-do-do ♪ ♪ Do-do-do-do ♪ - Hey, no. Don't you dare do that to me. - I have a YouTube question, bro. - Look at Simon! - Did you... Was Deji the only one to get one right? - I got one right. - He got one right, and he got one right, right. - Then you came to-- - Hey, my butt is radiating heat. - That's pain. - Bloodflow. - I banked! - I banked. I also got one right! Goddamn it. It was martini! - Okay, boys! - He was wrong. - You made 70 pounds in that round. - Woo! - You actually made money. It's good to see. So I want you to decide who you think is the weakest link. - They're gonna connive against me. - Welcome. [contestants giggle] - This guy's face. He took 30 seconds for a UFC question. - Psh, please. - Could get it wrong. - Yeah. - I'm panicking, guys. [contestants giggle] I'm gonna leave my job. - Now, before we find out who the weakest link is, Tobi, I want to talk to you. - My bum still hurts, bro! - Does it, huh? - Yes. - Well, don't be the weakest link again, yeah? - I can't, i'm out. - He can't. - Yeah, exactly. Haha! So how is your team doing? - Pass. - Your football team? - They done. [contestants laughing] - They, what do they call? The devil's team! The team that support the devil! [contestants chuckle] Huh? You support the devil! How they doing? - Oh. - Huh? You want to, You want the bat, huh? [contestants laugh] No, you're not taking the bat! [contestants laugh] - Oh, he's used the keyboard. - Just, I want you to tell me how they are! - They're not doing well! - Huh? - They're not doing good. - I saw they lost to, was it Copenhagen? - Yes. - Yeah. - What a sh*t team, Copenhagen. [contestants laugh] So bad! [playful music] So, so bad! And you lost. Huh? You were winning to O'Neill and you lost to Copenhagen. - I expect you in the studio. - For free? Unbelievable. - Free. [laughs] - That's what you get for worshipping the devil. Etan, who have you voted for? - Oh, I have voted for Josh. [laughs] - Josh? - Yes. - Why? - I just think he dilly-dallied that round. - Yeah. - He's a bit of a passenger. [contestants laugh] - Simon. - Uh, I also voted for Josh. - Oh, okay. [laughs] - 'Cause he technically got the most questions wrong - Mm. - Along with us. - Yeah. - Okay, I see a growing theme. Ah, Deji. - Yeah. I also went for Josh. [contestants giggling] - What the f*ck is that? - What the f*ck? - That sign says Ethan. - It says Ethan. - Who have you- - Folabi, it says Ethan. - It doesn't, my friend. - It says Josh. - Folabi, it says Ethan! - I see Ethan. [contestants laugh] I see Ethan. From here, I see Ethan. - It says Josh! - Tied vote, I think Folabi should decide. - Why have you voted Ethan? - Believe me, I can see it! - It says Josh, my friend. - We can get a close up. - Believe me, my friend. That's Josh. - Nah, that's Ethan. Why have you voted Ethan? [contestants laugh] Okay, well, Josh? Who are you voting for? - I voted Ethan. - Ethan. - It's a tied vote. - Why have you voted Ethan? - He took 30 seconds on the UFC question to get wrong. - It wasn't 30 seconds, by the way. - How long was it? - About 15. [contestants laugh] - Okay, so since it's a tied vote... Well, I don't know what actually happens. - The strongest link-- - In the show, the strongest link gets to answer. - So Deji is the strongest link? - Yes. - You get to decide who you think should leave. - Uh, Josh. [contestants laugh] [tablet smacks podium] [contestants snicker] - But he voted Ethan. How'd that happen? [Ethan and Deji snicker] - Well, unfortunately, Josh, you are the weakest link. - Your gonna have to turn on each other next round. - So I'm going to get my item to he, he, hit you with. - I asked him who bumped the soldier, right? And he said it was your mom. [contestants giggle] - For f*ck's sake. - Old. [laughs] - That's even worse! [giggles] - Oh, no! - I've managed to shrink the cricket bat. - Oh, that's bad. - So it is, easier for me to hit you with. - That might be the worst. - You are the weakest-- - You got put out early, bro. What is this? - That might be the one. - I lucked out. Lookin' back now. - Yeah, the cable was there. - You gotta whack him, by the way, 'cause he really f*cked up this round, like... [contestants laugh] - That big juicy ass. - Ah, it's not nice. - Yes. - Pull the padded jacket down? - I can't. Isn't long enough. - Oh Jesus! [laughs] - Yeah, wear it like that! [laughs] - I should have worn like eight pairs of pants. - I didn't know we was getting struck like this. - Why you laughing? - I wasn't laughin' bish. [laughing] - Why you, why are you laughing? [laughing] - I'm not laughing, huh? [chuckles] This is a serious matter. - He's striking us. - Very serious. - Why are we being punished? - Very serious. - Seri-ass. - Josh, you are the weakest link! [paddle thwacks] - Ohh! [contestants groan] - That's one! - He usually enjoys a spanking. No, he did not enjoy that. - He braved it! - He did not enjoy that! - That's one. [laughs] - Yeah, that one smarts. - Not even halfway through yet, my friend! - Yeah, it only gets worse. - Can we change sides 'cause that's bad? - You want the other side? - Are you sure? - The accuracy is eh... - You're at risk now, it's spinal, for spinal damage. - Oh, he's catching the balls! [paddle thwacks] - Ooh! What balls? [contestants laugh] - Lash two! - You're over the hill now, though! - The accuracy is not very good. I'll go back to the other side. - Yes, please, that one's worse. Oww. - Hey Josh, tuck 'em. - Give him hell, man. Give him hell. [contestants laugh] [dejected music] [paddle thwacks] [Josh groans] - Lash three. - Ohh! [Josh whimpers] - Why we doing this? Why does this happen? - There's not even money. It's like-- - Well, whenever you bring me, you should know you get lashes! - Ow! - We didn't bring you! [playful music] - I wanna know why I always get unlucky. I got a shrunken bat. Tobi got a big ol' bat. The smaller surface area, the more pain there is. And I believe I was teamed up on, against. You know, I was over the left hand side, they was on the right hand side and they was talking and whispering to each other. "Oh, vote Josh." "Vote Josh." So I hope one of them gets what's coming to them. - I'm just saying this Ethan-Deji final's gonna go off, it's gonna be zero to zero. [contestants laughing] - You got me playing by him. You realise. [contestants giggle] [Simon mutters] You got marinated. He got marinated, I'd have kept you in. [chuckles] It's your relative firm. It's your relative firm, Simon. - They may as well vote now. You may as well vote now. - For what? Simon got marinated. [contestants giggle] - I'm trying to do it. [Deji laughs] - Okay, boys! - f*ck! [contestants laugh] Bollocks! - You, you didn't play it smart. - f*ck! - Boys! You have made 370 pounds. - Yes! Let's go. - Alright. Clap for yourselves. [audience applauds] 370. - f*ck me! - She'd been clapped. - I made a mistake, it's 330. - Yes! - No, that was less! - It's less money so, don't clap basically. - It's AWOL. - Okay. - Oh! The f*ck? - Are the light's gone. Huh? Can we not afford lights? - We're losing light. Losing light. We've lost light. - Can we not afford lights in here? The middle and the left light have gone. This is not the standard I expect. - Feel the weight, but he was swinging. [playful music] - What? - What the f*ck? - What? [everyone laughs] - We got that on camera. - He pushed back on it. - He backing up into it. - Hey brother, what's what? - Like, brother! [contestants laughing] Brother, what? - Why we wait for the light to be done. Josh! - Yeah? - I want to talk-- [contestants laugh] Should we play in darkness? Lets play in darkness? Huh? Is that better? You won't be able to see me. You just see my teet. Is that what you want? - Your tit? - Your teet? - Ah. But anyway, I want to talk about your hair. [playful music] - Oh! - Whoa! - We changing the lights? Huh? Orangey lights! But anyway, Josh, your hair? - Yeah. - Ah, there we go. Hair. - Hair. - Your hair is very different. - Yeah. - Yeah. It's nice. It makes you look young. - Thank you. Appreciate that. - Yeah. Before, you look stupid, but now you... - Now what? - You look young and heffy. - Heavy or healthy? - Heffy. - Heffy. - Heavy. - Hef-fy. - Healthy! - Ah! - I appreciate that, Folabi. - So is the sex better or? - Yeah. - Ooh. - Oh. - It's improved. - Okay. With Escargirl? - She pulls his hair now. - Oh obviously! - Oh, so Superman? - All of them. - Crazy. - Oh, helicopter? ♪ Helicopter, helicopter ♪ - That's a start. That's a warmup. - A stretch. [contestants chuckle] - Okay. You gonna get married soon? [inquisitive music] - Maybe. - Kids? - Maybe. - Do any of you have kids? Oh, you have a kid? - I do. Yes. - How old? - Like 13 months. - 13 months. Ah. - Thought he said, "How odd". [contestants laugh] - And are you married? - No, no, no. Out of wedlock. - Ah. So, a bastard. - Bastard's a positive. - Bastard child. - That's outrageous. - I don't think we want to talk about that anymore. - I'm a bastard child. - Ah, KSI is a bastard child. - Keep it in the family. - A bastard child! - Bastard! [contestants chuckle] - Oh. Damn. - Damn. - Disgusting. - Oh, he's good at getting disgusting. [giggles] - Anyway... [contestants laugh] - Semifinals. Let's go! - He's gonna strike me and call my offspring disgusting. All in one day. - Why is the lighting going crazy here? Okay, are we ready, - Yes. for the next round? - Yes. - Yes. - It's just us three. [laughs] - Alright. - I want to die. - Cook some money! Cook some money! - The timer starts now! What is the first meme created? - Pass. I don't know. [computer buzzes] - It is "the dancing baby". What is the second most disliked video on YouTube? - Justin Beiber "Baby". [computer buzzes] - No "Baby Shark". - Oh? - Fair enough. - Who is the best Nigerian footballer to have ever lived? - Jay-Jay Okocha. - No. Nwankwo Kanu. [computer buzzes] - Nwankwo Kanu. - Oh, okay. - That's fair. - In what year did the first World War end? - Uh, 1918. - Correct. - Bank. - Yes. - Ehh... [suspenseful music] Mm... Which one do I want to pick? Uh? [contestants giggling] Mm. Nah. [contestants giggle] - I'm so happy I said bank. - I'm dying. - I'm so happy I said bank. - I mean, you could still be banking this whole time. - Which country has the, has won the most World Cups? - Brazil. - Correct. - Bank. - Uh, you know, we'll stop the timer there. [playful music] [contestants laugh] Just stop it there. - This show... - Who let Folabi cook? Who let, who let Folabi up here? [contestants talking over one another] - We're done. I just said we're done. - Let us see who you think is- [contestants laugh] - the weakest link. - Do it. - The marination is occuring. - No! - You still orchestrated this thing? - Yeah, yeah. - No! - I knew this might happen. - Oh, I can't believe it! Oh, I think I know who's losing! [laughing] - Before we find out who the weakest link is, Deji, I heard you want to hang out. [Deji laughs] So what does this mean? - It means that I want to spend time with you, get to know your secrets, and everything about you, and see if we bond together. - Awww! - That's so cute! - That is very cute. - Ha! Corruption! - This is so cute! - Corruption. - Very cute. - That was so cute. - Hugged it out. - So you don't want to smash many b*tches? [Deji laughs] Huh? - I've, I mean- - You don't want to put your dick in everyone! [Deji laughs] [contestants chuckle] Huh? - I mean, yeah. If the option's there. Of course. Wait, no, with consent! - With consent? - And of age! And of age! - And of age. [contestants laugh] So you are a good man? - Yeah. - Right guys? - So how many? You want to give us a number of people you f*cked? - A number? Inconclusive. [contestants laugh] - Inconclusive. [contestants laughing] - Numbers don't go that high. - Well, are you at least clean? - I am clean. Yeah. - Clean. - Yeah. Right now, anyways. - No ST... Right now? - As of right now. [audience applauds] - Let's give a round of applause for Deji being clean now. Ethan, who do you think is the weakest link? - Voted for Simon. - Voted for Simon? - Yeah. Just sort of in the way, really. - In the way? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You are meant to be friends with Simon and you... - He backstabbed me, bro. You betrayed me. [laughs] - They voted the same way the whole game until now. - Okay, Simon. - It's very lovable of my friend. - Simon. Who have you voted for? - I voted for Ethan. - Ohh. - Oh, Ethan! - Yeah, because he made it pretty clear he was voting for me. [contestants snickering] And also, he hasn't got a question right today. [contestants laugh] - Has he not? - I did, but you said it was Josh's mom. - So no, he hasn't. [contestants laugh] - Okay. And Deji, who've you voted for? - I voted for Simon. - What kinda S is that? - That says Dimon. - Djimon. [laughs] - I gave you a second chance. I rubbed it out! [contestants laugh] - Who is Dimon? - My reason being is he'll beat me in the final round, so... - Smart. - It is very smart. Well, Simon. Unfortunately, you are the weakest link. [playful music] [Simon laughing] - You deserve all the comments! [contestants laugh] Ah, well played. Well played. Well played. - So I'm going to need you to come through so I can lash you. - Ohh! - Let me get my ting. - Simon, on receiving end. - I don't wanna see, I don't ever wanna see a manipulating comment from any of you. [contestants chuckling] - This is for all the Among Us's. This is for years and years of pain. [laughs] - I don't think a tennis racket will be that bad. - Not if he catches him with the edges along it. - Oh, that's all right. - But if-- [racket clangs] Ah! Not when he does that! Not when he does that. [racket clangs repeatedly] - Simon, you are the weakest link. Come. - Sorry friend. - Bloody. - There's years of eh... - I think if you do get hit on the strings, I think it's-- ♪ Simon is the weakest link ♪ ♪ Simon is the weakest link ♪ - I really need a sh*t. - He'll put that back in for you. ♪ The weakest link is Simon Minter ♪ ♪ Minter is the weakest link ♪ [contestants chuckling] - Bend over! More! [dramatic music] More! - Why am I having to? - Bend over more! [Vik] Should be fine. - Yes! - This is the most he's been into this. - That big juicy ass. - I'm clenching my asshole. My sphincter is like. - He's playing golf. He's golfing. - What? Wait, wait. - No, no, no. Like, the rest of it was like this. - Pulls a driver from out of nowhere. - You are the weakest link? [racket thwaps] - Ohh. [laughs] - Oh. It's like, oh, oh, oh! [Folabi laughs] - Lash one. - Fifteen, love. - I can feel every string. Ah! - Every string. [laughs] - Little forehand topspin. Forehand topspin. - No, no, no. [contestants laugh] - Little bit of... - Please live. No, no, no, no, no. You'll hit me with the end. - Table tennis champs. [racket thwacks] [Simon yells] - That was-- - Lash two. - That one sounded like it was rude. - It doesn't sound bad. - It's doesn't! It sounds... [contestants chatter & laugh] - It sounds like, "Bro, like, calm down." - I look up, and everyone's like. [contestants laugh] - This is very good, boing. Boing. - I mean, you can swap it? - No, I'm on to you! [laughs] - Horizontal. [racket thwacks] - Ohh! - Lash three. - Ohh! - Yeah, that sounded bad. - Whoa. - Sorry about that. [Simon moans] - This video's been more Folabi just abusing us than actually playing The Weakest Link. Why's bro there laughing like that? - Wait, one of us is getting peppered. - Last one's paintball gun. - Little bit upset, but I think, I feel like I kind of deserve it. I feel like Ethan was on my side the whole time with Deji. I just didn't know that they were plotting behind my back. The lashes did hurt. Yeah. They were very in a very secluded area. I feel like I could feel every string, but you know what? Not many people can say they were spanked by Folabi. So I'll take it. - So both of you are fighting for 370 pounds. - You've actually done life by the way, you've walked away with a belt that's more than their prize. [contestants laugh] - Well done, my friend. Well done. [laughing] - So with this last round, you know how it goes. I'm sure KSI would've said, "But are you ready?" - Oh yes. - Are you both ready? - Yes. - Ready. - I'm f*cked. - No, you're not. - No, I already. I already-- - He's got so many more right than me all day, bro. - It's your chance to shine. - Yeah. - What? - Ethan. We will start with you. - f*ck. Okay. - You can't lose. It's decided, isn't it? - Yeah. - In how many movies does Tom Holland play as Spider-Man? - Three. - Is that your final answer? - I think so. Yes. - Are you sure you don't want to change? - I don't know. Yeah, but I don't want to. I don't want-- - It's a, I, um. It's you? You answer the question, you idiot! [Ethan and Vik laugh] Huh? - I have answered it! - So you picked three? - I think so. - Well, unfortunately, [computer buzzes] it's incorrect. - f*ck. - It's four. - f*ck's sake. - Come on, man. Tom Holland! - C'mon, man. - The big man who swings everywhere, huh? - Yes. - With his sperm coming out of his hands, - What? [laughing] - Touching buildings and saving people with his jizz. [contestants chuckle] - An icon. - Deji. - Yes? [classical music plays] - How tall is Kevin Hart? - 5'6. - Are you sure? - No. [contestants giggle] 5'5. - Oh! - Off. - Deji. - Yeah? [computer buzzes] - It's incorrect. He's 5'2. - I was about to say that! Yeah, I knew that one. - 5'2? - He's 5'2? - I don't remember him being that short. - He both who got the first question wrong. High five for being stupid. - Yes. - Ethan? - Yes. - In what round did Ngannou knock down Tyson Fury? - Round three. [timer chimes] - Why is there a timer? [contestants laugh] There's no timer. Delete the timer. This is Sudden Death. - Round three, sir. - Are you sure? - Yes. [computer beeps] You are correct. - Oh no! [contestants applaud] - Wow. - Deji. - Yeah. How many wives has Boris Johnson had? - Well, a lot. - Oh, sugar. - Three. - Are you sure? - Yeah. [computer beeps] - You are correct. - Oh my God, we answered! - Oh wow! We answered! - One apiece! One apiece!. - Well done, Dej. Well done. - Okay. Ethan. - Yes. What is the planet closest to the sun? - Oh! - Ohhh... - It is... - Don't, don't get involved. - Mercury. - Are you sure? - Yes. No? - You're not sure? - Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You are sure? - Yeah. You are sure that it is? - Yes. - Mercury? - Yes. - Not any other planet. - No, it's Mercury. - I couldn't name another one. [laughs] - Not Venus. - No. - Not Neptune. - No. - Not Mars. - No. - Jupiter? - No. - Saturn? - No. - You think it's Mercury? - I think so. - Left out Uranus. [computer beeps] - Well, you are correct. - Ohh! - You've done it! [contestants applaud] - Can thank Tobi for that one. - Side+ comes through. - Side+. Yeah. - Deji. - Yes. - How many nines are there between 1 and 100? [suspenseful music] - You're at five seconds. - Of what? I've got five seconds? - Yes, you have five seconds. - Ah, 19! - What? - Ooh... - Hmm... - 19? [laughing] - The nine is in 91, 92, 93. - Oh. Oh, it is, yeah. - Somebody cooked. - Oh, he cooked it? - Deji cooked, huh? [laughs] - Deji cooked it! - You cooked! Oh, you cooked so good! Alright, let me. Nah, come. Let me. I want to taste what you cook. Let me see. Let me see. - No, I think he cooked. - Ah! That tastes like [computer buzzes] it is wrong. - Oh. Yeah. [contestants laugh] - And it's wrong. - Oh, you're close, though. It's 20. - Damnit! - Oh bro, I'll tell you what, you didn't embarrass yourself. 'Cause I would've! I would've a hundred percent-- - Stop sucking his ass! - No, but I would've! - Stop sucking! - But I would've, my friend. - Oh my God. You default! You default all the way. Huh? - That's how I get to the end game, my friend. - Ethan. - Yes. - In which country was Emma Watson born? - United Kingdom? No? [computer buzzes] - Incorrect. - Oh sh*t. - She was born in - Oh sh*t! - France. - Yeah. f*ck, man. - I f*cked up. - Yeah. Vavavoom. - I seen her movie recently as well. - S'il vous plaît. Je m'appelle. - sh*t. - The land of the French. - Yeah. Cross on down. - Yeah. Cross on. [contestants laugh] Fox. Yes. Deji! - Yeah. Who created Dragon Ball Z? - Ohh. [suspensful music] Uh... Um... - God did. [laughs] - Can I get, if I say his last name, do I? Am I cool? - So if I had sex and I didn't put my penis in, does that count? - No. - Sooo why should I give that to you? - Well, you can have phone sex. - Oral sex. - Shut up. So what is his first name? - Musashi? Toriyama? [computer buzzes] - No, it is Akira. - Damn! [contestants giggle] - Do you know what? Again, you didn't embarrass yourself. [contestants chattering] - Akira Toriyama is the name. - We, all feel... - I think that you gotta... Even it up. - Even it up. Tie it up. - Shut up. "Tie it up", huh? "Tie it up" and give me my point! - Top bins to win it! Come on. - I don't think I'm going to this. - I see the iron, you got this. - Ethan. How many singles has KSI released? You should know this. You are his, one of his best friends. - Aww. - Yeah, I'm trying. to run through it in my head. - One of his best friends. - Like, which ones from the album did you release as singles as well? - Come on. We don't have all day. - As singles. Nine. - Nine? - I think so, yeah. Singles. I dunno. - Oh, I think it's quite low. [computer buzzes] - That is incorrect. - It is. - If you were his best friend, you would know that it is 21. - f*ckin' hell! - 21, dude. - 21. Deji. This is, to tie it up. You need to answer this question correctly. - Or we lose and get lashes! - Big brain! - Or you lose and I lash you! - Okay. Big brain. - Take it into overtime. - It's final lashing as well. - So it take it into overtime, bro. - You're one question away from your first ever win. - I might knee-slide. [Josh chuckles] - I think you should knee-slide. - What is the largest desert in the world? [inquisitive music] - The Sahara. Sahara Desert. [inquisitive music] - No. - It is your lucky day, because you are still playing, [computer beeps] because that is correct. - Yes! [Simon claps] - He thinks that's wrong. - You are thinking-- - It's Antarctica. - Yeah. - It's Antarctica. - Antarctica is the biggest desert. - Yeah. - You got lots of gammy questions today. - Yeah, well that's wrong. So I should be winning. [laughs] - Can we, can we checked? - No play on! - We wanna play on! - f*ck you guys, man. - No, play on. - There's favouritism in this f*cking room! [Tobi and Josh chatter] f*cking favouritism in this room, bro! - It says here Sahara. - Yeah, it's wrong. - One Google search says it's Antarctica! - Well, I don't like you Ethan, so... - I knew there was favouritism in this room. - We're going to say it's the Sahara. - Great. - That's what it says here. I'm sorry. - Okay. [Tobi and Josh laugh] - Okay. - Falabi royale now. - Ethan. - A f*cking disgrace. - Quiet, quiet. [energetic music] Where is the next Olympic games set to take place? [energetic music] - Uh... I don't actually know. - You just pick any, pick any city. - City. - One city. [suspenseful music] - I don't know where it is. I'm, the world is swallowing me up now. - Ah, don't be dumber. Just pick a city. Do you not know any cities? Huh? - I just don't want to be wrong, Folabi. [laughs] - You have to show that you're stupid. - It's... I do have to do that. Yeah, it is Beijing. - It was that quite recently. [computer buzzes] - Wrong. It is Paris. - I was gonna say, my other answer was Germany, for some reason. - What? The city of Germany? [laughs] - I dunno. Somewhere in Germany. - Deji. - To win. - To win. - To win. - f*ck this f*cking game, bro! - And to not get lashes. - Okay. - What is the year JJ went Baldski? - Oh. - 2016. - Are you sure? - Yeah. - You sure you don't want to change? - No, I don't wanna change. You sure you don't want to change? Just so you, just so you actually get it right? - No, no, I'm sure. - You sure you don't want to change? You sure you don't want to change? And go higher? Or lower? [Vik giggles] Lower. Are you sure? - 2015. [computer buzzes] - Okay. Well, it's wrong. It's 2016. [contestants laugh] - Oh my God! - How is that fair? - I'm not trying to hear it about fair! - Game is the game. - I'm not trying to hear it, my friend! - Be quiet! You were cold as-- - Cry more! - The f*cking desert was wrong - Cry more. [laughs] - Oh. - Cry more, you idiot! - You gonna let him do you? You let him do you! - Yeah. That's how I see it as. - He played you. - That's basic man. That's rookie. - Ethan. - Yes. - What is the capital of Canada? [suspenseful music] - It is... [suspenseful music continues] It is. [contestants laugh] - He's got distract-- - It is... - You should know this - Relax. It'll never cook. - Ontario. I'll say - Ontario. - f*ckin' Vikkstar's just giving it away. He's gone. Ooh! - Okay. Well, yeah. [computer buzzes] It's wrong. Vik, do you know what it is? - I actually don't know what it is. It's something obscure, though. - Is it Ottawa? - It is, in fact, Ottawa. - Ontario's a state. - f*ck that! - So, Deji to win the whole thing. [contestants chuckle] - That was hard. - Hard in this country, man. - Deji. Which city? Which world city has the slogan "What Happens Here, Stays Here." - Oh. - Oh, Vegas. - Oh. - Las Vegas. - Whatever. - Are you sure? - Yeah, I'm sure. - Whatever, man. [Folabi laughs] Come on in. Let's go. Come on. Go get your weapon. [Folabi laughs] [computer beeps] - Deji, we got you! [audience applauds] [playful music] - Ethan you almost had it, man! - So close, Ethan! - I did get it! - You were so close! - The desert! - Yours with the desert was wrong! - You were so close, man! You were so close! - He said, "Sahara"! - You'll get 'em next time, brother! You'll get 'em next time! - One simple Google search! - So, you get choice. - We know better. Whatever I choose, you're gonna choose the opposite. - Well, which one do you want? - I know what you're going to hit me with. - What do you want? - You're going to hit me with the coat hanger. - What do you want to get hit with? - I would prefer the Yeezy Slider. Yes. - Okay, so I'll hit you with this. - Thanks. [Josh and Vik giggle] - Okay. - Whoa! Laugh-out-loud. - Now bend over. More. - That's wild. - Bend over more. Yeah. I want to see that big juicy ass. You know, out all the Sidemen, you have the best ass. - No, I don't. Harry does. - He doesn't got an ass. - Ethan, you are the weakest link. [hanger thwaps] - Oyee! - Lash one! - Zappy zappy doo-dah! Zappy zappy doo-dah! [laughs] - It doesn't work at all! I wanna cry! - I think the craziest jump. [hanger thwaps] - What!? - What the? Why!? - Lash two. - That was just a, that was just a hit. - Just made a nasty noise! - Our last one of the video. Give him hell, man. [contestants laugh] - He's actually a prick. - f*ck you! [contestants laugh] - He's such a prick! - Give him the hell, bro! [contestants laughing] - Please, please, brother. [hanger thwacks] - Ohh! - Oh! - Oh! - I feel like I was robbed in the final shootout, but it's also a robbery that I was even in the final, so I cannot complain. - Which means, Deji, come over here! You are the strongest link! [audience applauds] - Well done, man. - And you win 370 pounds. Congratulations! We want to hear a speech. Speech, speech, speech. - Oh, my f*cking God. - I wanna say thank you to the Sidemen. - f*ck you. - I love you all. - Yeah. [contestants laugh] - I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys. And yeah! Bye! [hanger thwacks] [Deji screams] [contestants laugh] [Deji screams] - Everyone loses when Folabi is here. Thank you for watching. Be sure to subscribe and goodbye. - Thanks. [audience applauds] - I only deserve one. - I won't! - Turn around! - What? Why? - Everyone loses! Everyone! - No, no, no! - Just like you gave 'em-- - Like everyone? You came! You came for Folabi! - You said everyone! - Un huh! Un huh! Why are you? Why you want to hit me? I do what you want! Huh? Ah! [shoe thwacks] Ahh! Why am I getting lashed? [shoe thwacks] Ahh! Ooh! Ooh! [shoe thwacks] - Oh. Go again. [contestants laughing] - Oh, yeah. I feel good. I'm happy I won. I was meant to win. I was born a winner. I'm 2 and 0, so yeah. Never lost. I believe I'm going to give it to charity. By charity, I mean I'm gonna spend it on food for myself. So, yeah. [laughing] - That seem all good? We good team? - Well, for now, I am. [group laughing] - I'm so far in the sky right now, This could not end well. - This could go wrong, I think. - Woo! [laughing] - Aww... - Yo, shut up. You'll eat bugs. [all laughing] - No speed. - No speed. [Sidemen laughing and chattering] - This is gonna be quite a long note. [digital music] [helicopter whirring]
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 8,168,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: XE388xeqENQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 37sec (3457 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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