$1 vs $100,000,000 Car!

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I thought those comments were just from turbo-normies and kids trying to farm likes. I guess them being from bots is likely also.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 78 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/OnionsAndWaffles ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 21 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

All those " Mr.Beast is such a good person EGIORIC " comments are due to some russian YT channel. Check the start of this video 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpGj6Rvkpys'

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 31 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/HaZZeRTV ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 21 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Since bot detections have gotten fairly good, you can now buy a 'packet' of painfully obvious bots to like or subscribe or comment a thing to try to trigger cheat detection and have a channel/profile/thing shut down. This is a real thing people do to try and squash what they perceive is competition.

It's like a social media DDoS.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 20 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/OkBuddyRetread ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 21 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I think it's just kids copy pasting the comments that got the most likes to get some for themselves

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 14 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/XtremeBurrito ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 21 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This guyโ€™s smile makes me so uncomfortable.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Poppunknerd182 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 21 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


The same happens on EVERY video. There are so many more I skipped. Note: I don't blame him for abusing the system. Honestly he does much more good than the average youtuber, and his videos are actually high quality, so I understand why YouTube allows it. But why does nobody mention how many obvious bots are in his comments? They make up the majority by far.

There's so many variations of:

Mr.Beast is such a good person EGIORICโค

Mr. Beast is such a good person. EGORIDโคโค

Mr. Beast is such a good person. EGAIRIC

Mr. Beast is such a good person. EGOIRC!!!!!!

Then there's many variations of:

Huge props to jimmy's editors,it was insane this time.

Huge props to jimmy's editors,it was insane this time.๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ

Huge props to Jimmy's editors, it was insane this time

And then there's:

mr beast never fails to make good content

mr beast never fails to make good content๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ

mr beast never fails to make good content๐Ÿ’ฏ

And many:

Jimmy literally sets the bar higher every time he uploads

Jimmy literally sets the bar higher every time he uploads

And lots of:

Jimmy went from reacting to the world's most expensive cars to trying the world's most expensive cars is truly amazing thing!

Jimmy went from reacting to the world's most expensive cars to trying the world's most expensive cars is truly amazing!

Jimmy went from reacting to the world's most expensive cars, to trying the worlds most expensive cars. Truly amazing.

Jimmy went from reacting to the world's most expensive cars to trying the world's most expensive cars is truly amazing thing!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 45 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/poop-machines ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 20 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

If I were to a betting man, I'd say it was YouTube doing it for the same reason you thought it was him doihg it. YouTube wants more people to watch the ads, though.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Cymraes_77 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 21 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Yeah, probably a little. You can get 20,000 subscribers a month for about $1200. I don't know what the going rates are for comments or likes, but I assume it'd be even cheaper.

Can't figure out what the reasoning would be though. He's a huge channel already. Maybe if he was a newer channel that just exploded it would be more interesting. Maybe his team just likes to buff up the numbers a bit.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 19 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/FootlessRat ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 20 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Never opened any of his videos.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/morphedreality_ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 22 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
Behind me are the most expensive cars in the world. No joke. We got our hands on over $250 million worth of cars, one of them even costing $100 million. And we're going to be exploding sailing, driving and even flying all of these cars to show you why they're so expensive. Starting with this $1 car, literally a rust bucket. Why are you selling this car for a dollar? Well, you see, it's pretty much worthless. And I can't put any time or money in this thing. If you grab this dollar, the deal is final. Now, obviously, this is a piece of garbage, but when you spend 20 K on repairs, it actually runs. All right, let's get this bad boy started. I do not think it would start How is this thing driving? It smells like smoke! this is crazy. One dollar car! One dollar car! - One dollar car! - One dollar car! One dollar car! All right, well, that was the $1 car. Glad I wasn't in that. Bringing the $100,000 car, which drives itself. No joke. No one is currently in this car, and it is moving. Let's see what 100 grand gets you. There's a lot of room in this car. This is one of the few cars that can actually fit all my kids. - Do you have kids? - Yeah, all of them. Let's take it for a little spin. The real reason you're buying a Tesla is because it can drive itself. All right. I'm no longer driving the car. Oh, it's switching lanes. Oh, it is literally driving itself. I'm not touching the gas and I'm not touching the steering wheel. Jimmy, are you telling me now you can take a nap while driving? - No, don't do that. - Oh ok. Now, let's see how fast the car goes. It jerks you backwards. That's terrifying. This is just the beginning. Later, we have a car that literally transforms into an airplane and flops. But now. Oh look that lambo. Oh, I almost hit it. Bro just left the keys in here. How'd nobody steal it? Even though this cost twice as much, and has half as much space. I don't know if I take 200k for this car because I don't fit in it. Did they even know how to drive a Lamborghini? - How would you do fourth? - I think you just click the shifter. All right. And now we're on the road. Oh, that sound. Oh my gosh. She's out there. Hey, she's got some power. Oh, my gosh. This car is insane. I'm barely touching the gas, and we're flying. This might be the fastest car I've ever driven. If you need to compensate for something, this is definitely the car. And now we're at the $300,000 car, and this is supposedly the safest car on the planet. It's like a tank. Is this a military-grade car? Yeah. This is so high up. You were also just in the Lamborghini. True, true perspective. Let's go over what makes this car so safe. First things first is the bulletproof windows that are this thick. The car is also encased in explosive proof armor that we're going to put to the test later on. - Karl, do you want to press the button? - So bad. - You want to hit the smokescreen button? - Please? That is crazy. We have a literal smokescreen. Oh, my gosh, It smells. But the best part is none of these features are what makes the car really safe. It's the little explosive proof frame around the car. And we're going to be the first people to test it. And for reference, before we blow up the $300,000 car, we're going to blow up on normal cars to see if the passengers survive. Three, two, one. Not only is it on fire, but the mannequins literally flew out of the car. We blew a sunroof into that thing. It doesn't handle it well at all. And before we blow up this car, I'm going to put feastables inside Better protect my freaking chocolate. So supposedly this car is explosion proof, but that's never been tested. Let's see if the mannequins and even more importantly, the Feastables survive. Three, two, one. It just jumped. The car survived the blast with only a few minor scrapes. It put a dent in the window. Wait. Hold on, hold on. Where are the feastables? Chandler, get out the way. The feastables survive. If you're looking for a car that can take a bomb, I officially recommend this one. But since you're not going to war anytime soon for only an extra $200,000, you could get this $500,000 boat car. On land this is a normal car. You can't really tell the difference. But here's the fun part. Just drive it in the water and it turns into a boat. We'll let Karl go first. - Here we go. - Oh, this doesn't feel right. This doesn't feel right. I'm having them go first just so I can make sure it works. Are we sinking, no we are floating! Oh, it looks like it worked. Let's see what happens. Oh, my God. We're driving in the water. Oh, so you press this until you hear a beep. That's a beep. Now, I should be able to drive this like a normal car, but on the water. Thea hold on. This is incredible. This was literally a car five seconds ago. Yeah! I would be out there with them, but I get carsick and boat sick. Oh, hey there. Oh my God. All right, Karl! Karl! They should not let me drive this We got it baby. Rule number one, stay really far away from Kris. We're driving in circles. Oh, they're doing donuts in the water, they're making a whirlpool. I just met this guy 5 seconds ago. We're going to race three, two, one. Go! He is so much faster. He's not even trying. Come on. Faster. Oh, we're destroying him. - He's slowing down. - I can't believe we just beat him. This thing goes way too fast. I can't think of a better way to celebrate a win than a Feastables Bar. Hey, have some feastables. I got it. Feastables the number one chocolate on the planet. If you're not eating it, you should fix that. The fact that all three of us are driving cars on the ocean is insane. Jimmy, I love this thing so much. The craziest part is this is just the beginning of this video. The next car on our list can literally fly. And since I'm afraid of heights, I'll let Karl and Nolan take this one. Dude, what is happening? This car is not only completely street legal, but it also has wings that can take it to literally 8000 feet in the sky. There's literally a propeller on that car. Stay here and watch it take off. I'm going to go in that plane and follow it. I just don't believe this is actually going to fly It's taking off! The wheels aren't on the ground anymore. It's literally a car that's flying. These cars are getting crazier and crazier. I can't even believe my eyes. There is a car a mile above my head right now. Oh, this so cool. I feel like for $600,000, this is a steal. Prepare for landing. Up next is the $1 million car. But I didn't only bring one up. As you can imagine, there's a lot of $1 million cars out there. So to make sure I brought your favorite, we got the ten coolest $1 million cars. And as per usual, we have the entire racetrack to ourselves. So I let my friends choose whatever car they want. I'm going to ride with you. You pick. Look at this baby. Am I going to fit in this? All right. I'll try not to text and drive. It's private property. It's technically legal here. Oh, here we go. We're never going to die. Don't jinx it. I feel like I'm in NASCAR. I'm having so much fun. This feels like Fast & Furious. There's just something so masculine about driving over priced loud cars. On a private racetrack. On a private racetrack. Hold on. I got to send a text. No, I'm kidding. - I'm crashing this. - Please no. Karl! Oh, my God. We're doing donuts in a million dollar car. While the gang is whizzing around the track, I want to show you the next car. This $2 million limited edition hydrogen car. No joke. This car is completely powered by hydrogen and actually exhales drinkable water as exhaust, but the car still being developed. So this is just a prototype. I don't think I've ever struggled this much to get in a car. All right. Let's see how she closes. First impressions, door kind of slow. We're about to turn on the road. This is a really big deal because this car has never been driven on a road before. Oh, you should have told me before I got here. They built this car as a proof of concept. So driving on the road is questionable. Well, look at that lady over there. That person over there is literally filming our car. And while we're driving, I want to tell you about the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 phone. And what's special about this phone is it literally folds in half. Boom, half the size. Also, I'd wear a seat belt, but it doesn't have they haven't gone that far yet. Folding screen on the flip five makes the phone fit in your pocket better and also allows you to use two apps at the same time. - Show them. - Let me show you. On the bottom half of the phone, I have Google and on the top half We're watching a MrBeast video. Oh, snap. - Bro, this boy gets up there. - Yeah. Even though this car uses hydrogen instead of gas, it still has a range of over a thousand miles, top speed of 221 miles per hour. And another cool thing about this phone is it can record in 4K 60 fps. You can even record while it's folded. In fact The Samsung Galaxy s23 Ultra is the official vlog camera of the channel. Listen to that engine. - What? - That's such a cool sound. It literally has a front facing camera even when you close it down. The Flip5 is the most innovative phone Samsung has ever made. Click the link in the description to get one right now. Do it. There's a lot of cars around me and everywhere. Get away from my $2 million car. I'll see you at the next car. Back at the racetrack, we have the most exotic and powerful car yet. Costing $10 million. This Koenigsegg Vader is the only one in existence. So this is the world's fastest production car. Oh, my gosh. And with literal crushed diamonds in the paint, the insurance companies only let the owner drive. That's probably the coolest door I've ever seen in my life. You're crazy. - All right, let's do this. - Let's do it. Fun fact, I made a grown man cry. - Really? - Yeah. I scared the crap out of him. I'm going to put my head back so I don't get whiplash. How was it so fast? I've never... Watch out for that. The reason this car is one of the fastest on the planet is because of its twin turbocharged V8 engine and the fact that its entire frame is made out of air core carbon fiber, making it weigh almost 500 pounds less than a Lamborghini. I've never witnessed anything like this before. It's like riding in a roller coaster. My heart is pounding. Well, that was awesome. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Let's go hang out with Jay Leno and see what a $20 million car looks like. All right. Jay Leno was the king of The Tonight Show for over 20 years. Today, he's the proud owner of one of the most impressive car collections in the world, including this $20 million McLaren F1. Did it just start doing that because of you? It's high tech. Robbers don't try that. And what makes it so valuable? It's a V12 carbon fiber. It's extremely light. And it was 241 miles an hour, which is still the fastest for a non turbocharged non supercharged car. I'll show you something kind of cool. It got three seats, as you can see. The car is about 2300 pounds. Your most modern cars are 4,000. It's more comparable to Nolan's mom than another car. That's right. Exactly. In fact, Nolan's mom was really the one they used as the benchmark. - You guys want to go for a ride? - Of course. There's no way to get in that middle seat. It's actually uncomfortable. Oh, it's not bad. Yeah, it's not bad. Did not look bad at all. It's comfortable. It's oddly comfortable to have three seats like this. Yeah, it is pretty interesting, Normally this is where the wheel would be. Or if you were in England. this is where the steering wheel would be. You can be in England, you can be in America. How long have you had this car? - What year were you born? - 1998. Actually, I got this in 98. I popped out of my mom and he's like, "let's celebrate by buying this car." Here's the second part. I'm your dad. Interesting. How much did you buy this for? I paid 800,000, and I bought it. And people thought you'll never get your money back. But then it just went up and up and up and up. And now there's $20 million, you know? So it's crazy. This car basically made you a millon dollars a year every year. I guess that's fair to say. Karl, what do you think of the car? I like it. What's stopping you from buying one $19.9 million? Have you ever had a wreck? Oh, yeah. I've had a lot of wrecks. Thank you so much for taking us out. No problem, guys. That was perfect. These next two cars are so expensive, They're locked away in a museum at all times. Combined, they cost $80 million. And somehow we convinced the museum to give us the cars. Looking good. And this is where the video gets literally mind blowing. Crank this bad boy up. That's 30 miller. Let's hear that 50 miller. Not going to lie. I like the $50 miller one a little better. So I jumped in the $50 million car with Donut Media and Chandler got in the $30 million car with Beau Boeckmann, the car legend. You ready? - Are you ready? - I'm ready. Let's do this. The reason the car that Chandler's in is so expensive is because it was constructed specifically as a gift from the founder of Ferrari to the founder of Ford. This is the only version of this Ferrari ever made in human history. Watch out for this bump. No scraping. You don't really notice how, like, crappy the street is until you drive something that's $50 million. The car we're in is the most expensive Jaguar in existence. It was the legendary actor Steve McQueen's daily driver, and he got so many speeding tickets driving it, his license was actually suspended. I'm noticing every single pothole now. And because these cars are so expensive, we have an entire police escort dedicated to making sure nobody comes close to the cars. This is insane. Hey, get some speed. - How's it drive? - Beautifully. Oh my hat! Oh well. While we were all having fun, Beau Boeckmann pushed this $30 million car to its absolute limit. Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Hold on. The car is stuck. Hold on one second. We hit it too... too hard. The $30 million car stalled. We're going to hop out of these things before we break them. Let's go drive the $100 million world's first Ferrari. Most people would imagine $100 million car would look something more like this. But you'd be surprised to find out that this is the $100 million car. This car is so historic and valuable that this museum representative is literally the only person on earth allowed to drive it. It's only allowed to be driven on this bridge. We had cops completely closed the roads. We even had street cleaners fill in every pothole and clean the entire street to ensure that there's no chance that we harm this hundred million dollar car. This is going to be crazy. All right. And now we're on the bridge. Oh, my God. Look at that. $100 million barreling down the street. Oh, I keep losing my hat. He lost his hat. That's the second time. Most expensive car comes with a free hat. Come on. Come on! This is awesome. Name one thing more fun than this. All right. Floor it. Let's go. Oh, my God. It's awesome. I hope you guys enjoyed the video Let's drop a nuke on the bridge. Subscribe to get Nolanโ€™s mom a treadmill. Just kidding we love you nolanโ€™s mom
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 169,031,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KrLj6nc516A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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