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ladies and gentlemen welcome to the world's hardest cooking challenge sidemen Edition today we have three teams facing three different challenges they're going to be cooking a starter a Mane and a dessert each course holding its own challenge during these challenges the teams be given a score base on both the presentation of the food and how it tastes Whoever has the most at the end wins so the first round is to make a starter however they will not have any instructions on how to make it there will also be various ingredients in front of them some of which may be needed some are just to throw them off let's see how they do all right it is time to find out the teams we have the blue team first yeah that is going to be Harry of course yes wow blue who do you want to be with stay there who' you like to be with he's a good cook around here I honestly don't have faith in any of them there at all who you have the least faith in the least faith in deji I'm sorry I don't think you can cook why you've got oh cool cool cool next up we have the red team in the middle oh uh St from red team is deji yeah but who is deji with it's one of the strongest Cooks I think here it's me he is with his brother JJ oh yes yes thei kitchen is happen now as we have said there is three challenges today yeah the first challenge in front of you is a bunch of ingredients we're going to be telling you something to cook you have 20 minutes to make it 20 minutes 20 minutes yes some of the ingredients may not be needed great some of them may be needed o Josh and also if you look down as well you'll see there's no recipe there's no instructions oh it's a freestyle job you turn it to make and you just got to make it y yeah yeah so you are making Panetta and cheese potato balls you have 20 minutes to go huh okay all right just go go all right let's go let's get to it get your outfits on as well please sh can we use the internet no no no phones 20 minutes has started petta and cheese potato ball potato balls obviously there cheese I don't know what a pancheta is do we want to win this or do we want to make poison them yeah cuz if we want to win this we can smoke these guys yeah let's get busy first challenge let's get busy are we ovening or are we going to Deep Fat fry if you got any goose fat well we got rape seed all so we can we can we can deep fat fry this uh there's some aprons behind you as well oh oh man get your outfit on some aprons behind you JJ get that c [ __ ] that off that's Panetta yeah that's petta so we need to cut that up and fry it off in a pan hello hello my friend how are you got any idea how to make them yes I use Google normally I'm about to I'm about to cook yeah all right you ready we're going to fry off bits of petta yeah we're also going to peel these potatoes cut them down a bit then we're going to we're going to bread them and fry them and make like a uh essentially potato mashy with Panet and cheese in it and breakr it and fry it let's see what you do trust him which one's P though uh this I'm not an idiot that's ham I am tasting it by the way that's ham so there's cheese and there's Panetta is that Panetta I think so are you sure that's Panetta it has to be I mean what else is it it can't be meat can it I think it's this you think it's something to do with this but that's me what do you reckon Panetta is H oh that's clever what do you think the petta is in front of you oh that okay let's go you are leading here by the way I am clueless potatoes we need yes you want peed uh yes please yeah potato I'm thinking we just pull it into balls put into bows Chuck it in the oven wait turn the oven on how do you turn the oven this is why you have a chef I see dice them okay very oh actually no I don't even know what do you think a potato bow is what I am assuming is going to happen is we're going to I don't even know you need to like you need to maybe boil these first to soften them well let's peel them anyway peel them peel them peel them you made so far you know making some progress already Harry do you know how to make mashed potato yes but we don't have a lot of time all right we got we got to start cheating bro okay the they have pans why do they have pans I think we got pans here why do they have pans what are they doing with a potato bro wait cuz it's and potato something remember wait is it potato balls yes yes p p cheese potato balls so maybe we do need potatoes oh wow that's just rock heart that's what she said this is the best potato peel I've ever used in my life Crank that baby up to now I would never do this in my home kitchen but because we're here I feel like we should what deep fat friy is it time to get our experimental on challenge one it's worth a shot you know really all right cool that's going eth is the most confident in his uh Ethan and Harry right now are the leaders I wouldn't call us leaders but yeah please don't call us leaders when should I put the Skins I'll put the skins in like here so no you me to scrape it bro you potato yeah you scrap you all right I'll scrape it then where's the scraper thing here's the scraper brother try and scrape try it try and scrape it this is working you can't tell me that's not work just yeah you know what just do that man BR great in a potato 20 minutes is actually really not long at all is it no can you start boiling some water for the mashed potato we don't have any water water there is water over there okay you want to get the water for what water for oh I don't know they thought you going to get it too have we got boiled potatoes yes I would assume so yeah cuz we got mash them down I think but this is this is this is crazy you know oh it should be mashed is it yeah yeah W you [ __ ] the look at this thing man what are you doing what's all this here what are you doing man it's not that I don't know what it is but it's not that are you sure it's nothing over here that's it that's this is what we need bro ladies and gentlemen this year isn't just any year so this Black Friday couldn't just be any Black Friday this year is the year of the ultimate Simon Black Friday this week you can get up to 80% off on San are you insane bro that's basically free let's go um I can't get the I the hope to work um let's TR we can work out I'm going to go get water as well that's a good strategy you got down here look at this look at this technique dege yeah I don't want to help any team right try doing it the other one oh the other yeah try pull it instead oh oh yeah I would have had to be the leader n he's cooking he's cooking now we're doing it wrong what's water for I don't know are you just are you C others no but what's this no okay wait how many minutes do we have 15 minutes [ __ ] into our thing what's this oh [ __ ] so I don't know what this is why you holding it then because they dropped it up I don't know you in a p i don't know what's going on bro I need a knife there's a whole section there send tax support in we'll work on something else well not we need to [ __ ] get know but we work on other things no where are our lives we have no home move I look I've done it yeah nice SI now what now what D now what at the we just have a potato no it's a potato B yep why you add a bit of cheese to it man get a plate somewhere and place it bro no get a a plate no b d a [ __ ] BL [ __ ] me man now we need to uh whip eggs because we need to fry the the bow don't we the we cooking on this team actually cooking T when making masch before at home I was told that all your pieces of potato need to be a similar size yes so they boil to the same degree it's a simple stumbling block that other teams could fail on well all massive stum cuz we don't have a working po that yeah what's that what's going on there I know W are you why you cutting the B slices no I'm going to sculpt it you're going to sculpt okay so you know with heat you're able to move things luckily with potatoes they are actually already balls realistically aren't they yeah but I feel like that's too much okay this is hard to do in 15 minutes you know we got to step it up then Lord help me when's the last time I cracked the egg come on stop boiling please oh that was a good oh I like that get in mixi with the egg are we cooking I think we got a good CH yeah no we're cooking we cooking yes are we cooking there you go thank you child look on it so stop look at their team okay they're doing something with eggs the first thing we need to do is we need to get match and then we'll we'll make cheesy Mash then we'll just put the fried petta in the cheesy mash and then you're going to deep Pat fry it yeah fck it it could what it could be amazing this that seem promising to that needs to hurry up and start [ __ ] boarding otherwise we ain't doing it in 15 minutes 12 minutes if it helps thanks really good really good Simon really good Le a edible too I need lunch yeah you do need lunch don't you boy yeah you're not eat breakfast yeah well I had breakfast I have lunch yeah you just had breakfast yeah but by the time you're finished why have you put the potato in there you [ __ ] idiot how is that D cuz that's not what what are you doing it'll blend together though you're such a we don't long [ __ ] War run we don't have long so dumb we don't have long once this is matched we are going toh it down cheese put some cheese in it put some petta in it yeah then dip it in the egg dip it in the flour fry it cheese bow yeah what are you doing what what are you doing I'm I don't know I'm just kind of looking at what they're doing wait no yeah put no put the egg in the bowl no D I think wait I might put it in there why have you put the potato get the potatoes out get the potatoes out get the the potatoes out get the [ __ ] potatoes out oh s i was you [ __ ] idiot get the potatoes out don't think we're going to do it in time I know I don't think we're going to do it in time so we have blue team Harry seems like he knows what he's doing but Vic was spending about 5 minutes looking for knives and washing his hands and washing his hands and not confident in them at all I don't know how he can pull out the bag sometimes cre he never lost ever true this be his first time he seemed like he knew what he was doing the red team we we don't talk about red team they've got an absolute toy in their pan they got a good chemistry though I feel good chemistry they might you know like a family-owned restaurant you know how the food always tastes homely I feel like that's the vibe they're going for bro great he grated a potato hey Siri how long does it take to boil a potato and in the final team sorry I've just seen something Ethan has just used his phone to Google about boiling potatoes so I feel like we may have to ENT the I've literally watched him do it potatoes are boiled between 10 and 25 minutes depending on size and type oh I should cut them down should I cut them down maybe we may have to and remove something remove what though uh eggs sorry team but I have witnessed you googling no no that is the same oh I asked how long aato boil removed Jesus I asked how long a potato needed to boil Jesus dirty cheaters I did say no phones you didn't I I literally did no what the [ __ ] did we do now we got no eggs Hello Dei JJ yeah you haveg now you have this oh sick it was prepared by this thing for you thank you what a Miss look at you look what you're doing sorry what are you doing over here can I take that no [ __ ] oh my God bro just B bro making an omelette without eggs he's making an omelet without eggs oh what an omelette you're making should I put the cheese in there now not yet not yet just let me quook oh what are you doing with the egg put the egg y can it in what in the in the potato mixture really yeah just make it taste nice so that's going to go in the mash that we make effectively so right we can still we can still get breadcrumbs to stick to it we'll make it work it just won't be as nice that was rookie error for myself that's what that was any cheating going on here that's we've anti cheated we've we've been cheated we have been cheated also we've come across an issue right y there is only you can there's only no no don't put the water in the boiling oil that is the one thing you don't do Vic anything but the boiling oil for the water is possible the issue is there's only a certain heat to go around so because we're using these two this time that teams have manag to do it though they're not they're not cooking to the [ __ ] extreme we're cooking here we're trying well cooking is about doing it for the time as well yeah we we think we're not going to we're angry customers who want our food yeah we're not we're not going to be out do the time sorry there is no hope we're in big trouble and that needs to boil it's not going to need Bo I don't know what to do no we're Fu [ __ ] we're in big trouble but hey at least we haven't made an omelette but at this point they might even have something to 8 minutes how you getting on you made an omelette for us no no no I'm cooking just you wait The Omelette will turn into balls so what are you doing now the the potato part oh okay is that in there so is there no potato in there no no no we took it out we took the potatoes out and we're going to boil the potatoes you 8 minutes though yep yep D you come on Harry I know you want to do it but it's not we don't we can't you have to why cuz that's how you make the crispy potato balls yeah but it's not even hot you might actually be the furthest ahead but it looks the worst what if we don't have anything to present We're not gonna have anything per even don't worry to this wasn't a valid time it was made in that time by people that could do it if I discovered some eggs could I utilize them it looks like you discovered them bro bro literally I get punished for he sat behind here right and and they come out I Lally laid them they're your eggs that is his you can't say Niche to that that's if you laid them that's F he laid the egg bro your eggs been used nicely anyway he's made an omelet for you he did make just dashed it why isn't this working it's not inducing or induction I hope we need more water no it's fine that's now on six yeah but it's fine this is going to come off and then that can go to m let's let's optimize what needs to be optimized okay okay and this Mash is not yet mashing are they soft not no yeah no once that's boiled enough yeah really good de keep it up you man that that water you're cooking looks nasty's cooking water put this on on that wrap it around and that will be the ball and the potato's inside oh so it's why do you have that much water why do you have that much water what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing adding water it start boiling what's going to happen sauce pan in water the whole and the whole thing's covered it's just [ __ ] War everywhere you're such an idiot oh oh yeah cuz that solves it that fixes the SS the whole situation an of some sort no oh Christ I mean they they have something at least like they have something what have you got to we've got we I swear to God we're going to have nothing there's nothing going to come out of this oh they're getting softer they're getting softer they're getting softer it's going to be a Race Against Time and I'm going to have to smash them down yeah get some cheese in get some pet in Smash it all up yeah but we do have to drain them as well how long left how long left five minutes oh my goding why 20 minutes you want Fu it was made in 20 minutes it raw that's that's the time [ __ ] you would you want to see the spectacular show of me deep I do want to see that show 5 minutes time extension every we'll see what's going on see okay also this can only go to two I can't even fry my [ __ ] turn this down this is on N this is no the oil has to need to go to hot the oil needs to be [ __ ] boiling I I think is this cooking hold on I think we're winning is it good I go Dam yeah we're clear cuz they're not far and they've done nothing we actually have something edible you still make an omelet bro just wait I am waiting I've been waiting hungry just wait man well put it in there we have 4 minutes put it in go go go go go wait why are you running away from it let me know should I should I cook yeah let's go let's go let's [ __ ] it 3 minutes yeah okay we're going oh looking kind of fluffy we get yes you SL all right Mash Mash mash Mash mash yeah we're [ __ ] we're [ __ ] we're [ __ ] we're [ __ ] just stab just stab stab St big fun of your Chop Top Shives thank you I did it like you know how the chefs do it yeah yeah yeah by the way these are still yeah we're never we're not going to get any I think we've done well to actually have something B no not yet get off me stop trying to be cute prob mash potato I guess a horror film right now stop stop this is not enough time for this SMH go on Toby give him some encouraging words you can do it harder go Harder Faster yeah just like that yeah yeah yes you dirty let do that I like it let them why your hands at your like what you doing with your hands B your breasts no no no so we just waiting for the uh the potato to boil now the potato ain't boiling anytime soon yeah I know it's not working bro I wonder why I K the whole [ __ ] counter got water on it put so much water dry it up we'll be fired from the kitchen straight away I can't put a b through table 7 old 20 minutes ago ball make a ball ready yep roll it roll it roll it this isn't even staying together as a boy e how are your potatoes getting on can I ask potato oh we we have we we funny our potato we're not cooking wait what's this I on fire soon well we've broken it it's broken doesn't want to you're telling me water that's its downfall yes water is its downfall well what [ __ ] product it water destroy okay all right cool you want to microwave it then I that's the option right now so there is about 1 minute left on the timer just under yes no one is close we have so far we have nothing an envelope and nothing do we extend if you end it now you could see a win for True is that a win I feel like I do want I do want to eat something and like be able to like gauge it saying you can't judge it if there's nothing we give we give them a little five minutes cuz as much as there is something it's scrambled egg it's not even a potato some cheese andato I think we give them an extra five I five minutes they appreciate five minutes just microwave that man start start just start start yeah nice you have to put timer on yeah everybody we have 30 seconds left however we have 30 we are going to extend the time you have five more minutes [ __ ] can we have 10 five more minutes and okay this is perfect ises it me sound like that I don't I don't know bro it's just falling apart in my hands bro it's not even a ball at this point wait let's we need to we need we need balls right let's go then so straight these into here well think about what you're doing okay all right all right I'm just going to cut those into like tiny no no no no you got to Great them what we can do here though is we can garnish in this time that's that we're not serving that that's coming straight off we're not serving that I was desperate so your M potato you got an omelette somewhere that's gone okay yeah so what so what's what's happening with that now so we we need the potato for the balls yeah cuz the potato balls yeah okay so what's that going to do you're going to that's going to be the coating of the potato of the how you going to make it stick I'm putting some garnish on yeah making it look nice that's nice uh tomato by side no nothing it's got no place there what's what got play there then no no it doesn't belong I like it like that that's yeah look I like that so you guys literally just waiting now for this potato to yes anything else you want to try and do while that's happening there's nothing else we can do how are you going to make this we'll just stick it we'll just stick it mush it in I also noticed you put the micro at 5 minutes which you have 5 minutes left so when this ends yeah you have 3 minutes 18 so what happened then you burning yourself a little bit but it's for the greater good my friend it's for the greater good I to say that H this potato is raw by the way what I don't know what this is bro we made CHR I don't know what we've done I don't I don't know what was done what you do with that oh honestly I have no idea what's that doing to that I've never microwav potato in my life I don't know why you did you have 1 minute 30 to make something okay grass PR man yeah yeah there we go yeah this is going to this is going to crisp up as well this is going to be this is we're cooking we're cooking look look honestly we are cooking up that's enough that's enough that's s than happen over here with 1 minute 30 left oh we we let us at least fry it let us they've they finished before first time this onion so even 5 minutes I'm just going to make these balls now can you even eat this try it try try and eat it try and eat it no don't nice trying to eat is it edible sorry how did the how did that timer just restart guys what do you mean I think yeah you press are they just getting free rain toight make a gourmet dish I'm talking about the other team I know I know but boys yeah that's I'm moving this down it's not bad one minute remaining it's hard as [ __ ] but one minute remaining let's get serve out some stuff come on no you can't serve them this this is [ __ ] Raw it's not going to be hot enough that's the only thing here we go oh [ __ ] it oh we're cooking oh just put them yeah there we go that'll do 30 seconds oh [ __ ] hell no this is good this get they're getting a nice crisp Harry wait this is actually working it's working okay cool cool cool do it for like a minute or so yeah yeah I'm just making sure they're evenly where's the plates we got a plate to serve on you know what what D you forgot to wash my hands it don't mind man I heard that right here don't TR for my breast anyway it's it's been heated okay yeah yeah here for now then we yeah yeah good idea oh wait turn this off [ __ ] this is on the time has gone Josh I know it's stop them we're we're serving up Ser up time go quick over over Get Ready Get serve get ready stoping time the time go get 30 you are being too generous don't worry don't worry they'll be they'll be stop it'll be taken into account okay beautiful there we go beautiful okay please bring your dish to the middle table all right challenge complete your dish is ahead of us yes my friend uh Simon's going to bring out what it should have look like this is the actual dish okay okay so immediately one of them stands out as not being yeah that middle one's looking perspective abstracts so this this is your one middle one yeah yes this you want to describe what you've done here so we knew what it was actually meant to look like yeah but we decided to add our own little twist because you know we're autistic people you know I do a bit of music you so so what's your Twist on it so the twist is why instead of it being a ball why don't it just be not a ball it's expressing itself let let the wall be how it wants to be be happy be be what it wants to be life fall apart 2023 you are allowed to be whatever you want to be and and that is a ball we allow the ball to be what you wanted to be that was a load of what presentation wise we're going to give you a score we're going to give everyone a score out of 10 okay presentation based on this the closest to it I think is the green two come on at the same time this does have some garnishing and it does have vegetables on the side we've got garnish too by the way so presentation wise I want to give them a seven I'd agree with a seven what about JJ and Dei JJ and deji he did say it was deconstructed you can you haven't got to be a ball 2023 man but at the same time you don't have to get a 10 true you can get a four instead or [Laughter] 11 they are living with that I would push your luck unless you disagree I agree four this team oh we take it if they've got seven I think the Bulls alone a six the rest of the presentation up seven or an eight yeah an eight to seven so we'll go seven however they were over the time so we are going to remove one straight away fine fair enough so you have got a six for that we take no listen we got two more than the plate of sick is what we got saying yeah but they were in time okay time is key in the kitchen time is key in the kitchen now inside the ball oh no you have the cheese petta wow that looks delicious I think it's going to be a horror show when you do you want to eat first I want to do what you did yeah I I want to get this one okay maybe don't open up just let it just let it and you open it up and you short I inside it so we're going to see what's inside this one okay you know what it isn't that bad it's pretty oh I grab the uh should I try this one as well are you sure don't want to open up the middle one it's open Green Team see the consistency it is soft oh it breaks apart quite nicely that's quite a raw potato there in there if we had an extra 10 minutes maybe maybe we could have [ __ ] smells this one smells the best by an absolute M at Le at least one more plate right what's inside that Terri ability in that is good it's not raw it's all egg okay I think we have to taste them okay let's go from bottom to top okay so omelet first yeah I mean guys you got to get a bit of potato on there too yeah and meat get get get some meat no get some meat no no don't worry I will it's again 2023 it you know some potatoes are hard this one wants to be yeah there you go yeah I that was a good piece I can't get the potato though I got the three ingredients here prob made L chips I don't think you're going to get that down but sure now we'll find [Music] out oh my God you sound like rabbit take his teeth wait wait wait wait wait why do I really like it horor egg of course it's going to taste actually really good no it's fried Panetta and egg the potato is quite crispy but the rest is actually really nice oh my God it seasoned well we did that was our egg give us us I the egg is a stand up part of this so who did the egg on your team uh we did yeah we did it together yeah what what what what into the egg uh we got the egg that's about it maybe it's the way we were like sing it yeah well okay right let's go for Harry and mix oh oh I wouldn't do that we'll find stop talking Pi got your own meal what what do you mean you wouldn't do it could be it could be it could be nice didn't hear much cruncher I mean they're thinking they're thinking thinking is good not bad they're not making disgusted faces they're thinking tastes like a hash brown yeah it's like a meaty cheesy hash brown that's what we were going for that's what we were going for land on the flavor yeah yeah I can tell you're white it isn't bad it's not bad I do like the egg more we' have made a [ __ ] omelet we would have done that if that was what we had to do made we have sucked the potato I fully agree by the way that [ __ ] bang good okay they're going to make the last dish no I eat the other one the other one's a trophy ball this one yeah this one the second one's for Aesthetics that just Serv whoever really needs the second one all right I wonder if they got flavor it sounds like salty on the outside crispy on the outside soft on the inside oh it's gotone for seconds seconds what you want to see texture is the best out of all of them it falls apart but a lot but it is quite plain I'm going to be honest is it I'll have this bit as well it's I think it's the outside salty that's what it is spicy it is nicer than Harry and mix oh no he's ped the face raw bit there was one bit of Peter and it wasn't cooked um P all of it was very cooked oh there was something in there that wasn't might it will be potato my friend We R we didn't have the 10 minutes luxury to B mashed potato that's Rush potato bro okay so we have uh a greed on scores for everyone we decided the blue team we're going to give you six out of 10 we'll take that we'll take that we'll take that it was just a bit Bland I above yeah you know wasn't the greatest texture bit Bland I thought we'd have nothing to serve so I'm happy we got something with 10 minutes added Ethan and Toby the Green Team thanks I feel like yours was a bit more seasoned a bit more had more sa to it thanks my friend it was raw inside at times some parts are nice some parts you know Sometimes good sometimes bad rust to present you know I think that we've been quite nice you've you a seven yes sorry are he's happy about that now the red team yeah they're going to win we said if we ordered a petta and cheese potato bowl and we would serve that you're very disappointed almost like I'm might write a letter you have it in front of you I'd be F I might question the waiter what what's this what the [ __ ] is this bro what the [ __ ] I said bro what the [ __ ] where's the ball balls however when it touched my lips The Taste was Exquisite okay that's a good word that's a very good word and uh we have both both decided to give you an [Applause] eight what the [ __ ] you are well every score is added together throughout wait wait wait wait you got you got eight so so so we we win this round no right now you're on 12 points they're on 14 and we're on 12 12 so you're you're actually actually the green te yes let's go okay ball knowledge that's right ball knowledge we can come back and on time yeah yeah on time balls on time inside the 90 minutes all right well we prep for next challenge challenge number two is the main course and we are doing backto back chef with our celebrity guest Chef Pussycat Doll and celebrity Master Chef winner Kimberly Wyatt Kimberly is going to be giving them instructions on how to cook a dish of her choosing they can only hear what she is doing they cannot see what she is doing so you have to listen carefully let's see how they Fair let's see how good of a team they really are so boys challenge two Kimberly is stood behind you she's going to be cooking hi hi you boys are not allowed to look throughout this round we're not wait you're not allowed to turn around and see what she's cooking this is back to back Chef so Kim is not foring instructions and you're going to follow them down to a tea yes but you cannot turn around but everything she says you have to do how do we get this equipment reverse okay sure no looking no matter what there's nothing sharp on there to be fair wait we lose a point who knows what we're like oh hey it's back to back Chef for a reason no all right okay all right are we ready guys yes all right well first I got to find the woman in me that's how I like to cook so I want you to find your two biggest knives yeah we can do that not bread one that bring them up over your head give a little Britney Spears Ting Ting go do it yeah I like that and a little knife dance if you will yes work it work it do it yeah go then are we in the mood yet I don't think they're in the mood properly they don't seem they're in the mood we're in the mood what's the look Ethan's in the mood fine all right let's get started with our rock salt rock salt rock salt to be cook our beef fill it wait what did she say Ro okay sure I want to look so nice you're also going to want your egg whites two egg whites now wait can you slow down egg whites where egg you got to get get you got to get the egg Whit wait we need we need a PL Sal flour egg Whit salt flour egg whites cool we can do that you've got two eggs there why are you holding two eggs what eggs wait wait wait what do you want I'm confused why so we had salt and eggs salt and eggs and a plate and a plate that's that's hard part we got flow okay we need the plate we don't have a plate we don't have a plate Big Bowl you need a big bowl bowl b Rocka 500 G of rock salt 500 G of remember what I said was right there no let's wing it let's Wing It 500 G we'll wing it we'll wing it that's there you go see that's 10 that's only 10 G that was 10 o there is a little bit of Yol in this I won't lie but it's not going to kill us 500 G of rock salt that's so much Ro a lot this 140 G she have five 500 G we have Rock Sal let's a start we're starting well here Rock no that's yeah that's rockol oh no this is the rock Soul see like I said they're trying to find out what Rocko is first right got you just take some time that's all it takes some time takes some time 500 G is a lot of Sal bro you do realize there's like there was there's a scale something no but look look look look 250 500 sure that's a rock salt it's the same this is rock salt wait but this is all we need 500 G but that's rock salt how are we going to don't give me a plate look no we need something light so we put something light on it are you a [ __ ] idiot what are you doing give me a plate you don't even need a plate you need a ball guys give me a plate without looking backwards on it heing light on it so it doesn't add to weight have we got past rock salt yet no no no here yes and then zero click zero and it's now at zero you want 400 G of flour 400 G of flour we can do put it on in the zero no you're going way too fast man brother you're at Salt right now 500 G of rock salt and 400 G of FL yes no yeah that's what kimbery said Kim said 500 G that's what we do now put your 400 G of flour in with your 500 G of rock salt yeah yeah we good on that yeah yeah well I don't no man that was way too much in it bro put the salt in the flour you think that's too much no no no don't put it in no you put it this way no that's too much flour well then give me another I need another Bowl give me another Bowl you can give that a little bit of a mix mix a mix with our hands no ah I'm not looking oh [ __ ] it let's just I you have no ST saying [ __ ] it shut the [ __ ] do it man second they're not making it on the man it's a pretty aggressive kitchen you see I feels very aggressive in here with only two ingredients in why is my thing why what's wrong with my units you're not doing it right how many grams oh my days what is wrong with you brother the how is he still asking how many consider our flour and salt mixed well done that's 500 stop 500 G now add your two egg whites lovely lovely lovely fantastic job with the egg whs thank you my friend look at that every last [ __ ] add 150 g of water why are you looking disappointed we we're doing it you just want us to fail at a good solid pinch of time gosh do I do I point something out or not what what do you mean what's wrong this water Green Team seems fine I feel like I definitely just a double check yes you said egg whites right yeah okay interesting uh [Music] oh [ __ ] exactly what you mean exactly you wanted to just do it though help him out work together come on you're a team um honestly bro a bit y and then start mixing it in the kitchen with the presser there's a lot of salt and flour you know oh can you pull my sleeves up please thank you this is great teamwork over there Harry likes to get hands on you know what I'm a prepping l no I'm I'm a prep it no don't I'm going have to how's the Green Team doing pretty peaceful I think we might need more water but I don't why are you making an stop wait egg whites yes we [ __ ] it but doesn't matter no I like what you doing though imagine that's a b go on go on lick it not my b a nice round this see this is just you just ruined it yeah so no no use your hands use your hands can we ask questions or not I don't think so no okay put some o into it elbow elbow grease I repeat an elbow grease get your hands in there there's bits in it bro come on get mixy D what no what is this face you're doing elbow grease fight get in there imagine left hook right hook jab jab who do you hate who do I hate um double jab I don't really hate anyone go on who's who do you want to fight Bryce Hall you want to fight Bryce Bry H yeah double jab right hook go yeah double jab right H there we go now elbow grease go on what elbow grease yeah like put my elbow in it elbow grease an elbow do not El please do not the people's elbow the people's elbow go you know what it's done it's done it's over stop Kim yeah what texture are we looking for please it's almost similar to a pastry texture a p okay we're not we're not P we need more water you elbow come on what you let me do it let me do it I'm going [ __ ] you get off it oh I think we're ready for the next step yeah I think we got go well we're just waiting for this team to give it an elbow there no we're waiting for them to give it an elbow go bro all did you do it for me then Scrap It Off look okay okay and D cuz that makes sense you're actually do no you're actually do how's it going you guys really well they got it's going really well for them is it they're smashing it it's great that's great it's so good that's nice to hear that's that's that's fantastic oh now we're cooking looks different to ours those looks very they're special why are you looking at me you look so disappointed bound to falling in bread uhhuh [Music] honey out of all this I feel like feel like J's really putting his heart into this you think yeah I did majority of it yeah but you were listening to us J you're making pounded Jem shut up cover your salt crust with some cing film or Saran Wrap whatever you like to call it Saran Wrap aluminum foil okay cuz apparently you can't do anything I'm sorry what was I doing wrong there you just taking forever man boys seem very confident over here I feel like we're doing all right like nothing's gone horribly wrong so far feel like it's hard to go wrong with the instructions don't don't say that cuz us could got completely wrong already very polite team this team yeah the Green Team I can tell you were raised right you know where is this thing get your pan out you want it nice and hot what size pan what size pan please a big one cuz you this is where you're going to se your fillet this one gotcha and then also get out a nice big pot we're going to sweat our salc get the sauce pan we need a sauce pan No a pot po did you hear the instructions I I are you listening wait you said get it warm put it on then I'm trying it's just not working it's not on does that sarc need to be peeled and chopped or not it sure does so while you have your pans warming you you what you the you want to peel the outside of your salc and get to the good stuff on the inside heal the outside I'm going to chop this off that looks mangled this chop this [ __ ] off so what you doing there D um scraping the garlic the garlic but she said CC CC yeah why why you using that then I feel like really you scrape yourself oh my God are you an idiot because you scraped your thumb water's wrong with you put in the water can not do anything why is just screaming p man problem is like do we even like ever want to copy anything from the other guys like it's the blind needing the blind you know I know what you mean look over I do I even want to look over that your peeling today my friend has been absolutely out of this qu come on man wowe don't let him cook he is going crazy really don't let me cook what a beautiful that is Fant you know that reminds me of what cameraman Jack all right how do we sweat a salaria dra your salc in there and you're going to give it a nice amount of salt on top no you want to leave the oh you trying to like coat it all coat it with salt butter yeah come on is that how you sweat no you sweat you put a lid on it normally I swear to sweat it I'm going to put a lid on a good old cracker salt cuz you just want it to bring out all the flavor no we need more last time they complained we didn't season enough we need to overseason it this time with salt show them that we are ethnic Kimberly when you say sweat it what heat should we be on I'm still figuring out this this top but I think around four B is been a proper teach's P he yeah [ __ ] ner believe what what temperature do I look at the size of that's you're getting a parle for that are you a baby cuz it's bleed it's bleeding you want no honestly can we get a zoom in on this this is what he's trying to get a blaster on brother what is that there's instructions happening right now you're missing instructions guys why are the instructions you didn't listen to them while that's sweating you want to get your salt crust rolled out [ __ ] what did she just say I don't know what do we do with the sauce so at the minute you have your salc in your pot sweating with some salt right whilst that's happening you're going to roll out your salt crust so she said CC what have you what have used what am I rolling out she said the salt crust what is the salt crust what's that it's what we just made also Shediac and what we use there what is this you guys need to focus on your own boys we're missing what you missing I I don't know what what she said Kimberly yes darling oh we got a ding what was the other thing you we should put in the saucepan CC and salt what cc that's for you to figure it out my friend that's for us to know and for you to find out JJ make an omelette ah oh it's quite sweaty so you're rolling out your salt crust till it's about 2 cm 2 centm what thickness you're going to wrap your beef fillet once you sear it in your salt crust a dream of being 2 cm thck do you know actually I'm [ __ ] [ __ ] at rolling tles right cuz I was growing up I was always rolling chapaties and making C I'm used to making a good Circle mate he's just defaulted back to the kid to his should get [ __ ] Vietnam flashbacks to make him chatti bro you got you got you got hit if you didn't make it circular two teams hav chopped I know I seen this also that's like quite a big issue pretty big is how you doing boys are we good yeah we're we we're great Kim thank you how are you I'm great thank you how are you they're doing so so well are they yeah we have two teams that haven't chopped up the slak at all it's just in there in as a whole shut up no that is happening oh my God looks like a humus Al so this is quite light it's like a salt bake isn't it how how are they making so much racket don't worry about that yeah you what I I think you just do what you're doing thank you yeah Ethan just focus on you guys I don't know if that's good or bad maybe add a bit of oil no did did she say add oil what did she say just wait she didn't say that once you've got your salt crust rolled out we need to see roll it properly man you got add a bit what you what so what am I doing wrong withi there's instructions right now and you're shouting let me do it and you just listen guys can you shut up so we can hear you let me know when you're ready yeah ready ready can believe once you've got your salt crust rolled out you need to sear your beef so hopefully your pan is nice and hot now and you just need to sear each side of it for about 30 seconds can I get which one's the beef this yeah yeah yeah SE so this so I need Tong so stearing it that's what's going to keep all those juicy flavors in so it's very important get the tongues in your your hands are not tongues but I can't turn around lose points not that anybody is listening right now but at least one will taste really really good can't hear what she's saying I can't [Music] Li okay thank can't man syrup baby syrup syrup baby syrup oh it's stuck we need to add oil I'll do it I'll cuz it's stuck it's stuck okay wait wait wait wait wait it's 30 seconds remember this is too long just I needs a bit of searing just man I'd get oh no oh is that sweating or is that burning I think we I think we barbecued thisara how are you doing Simon I'm having the time of my life over there it seems like it's going crazy what are you doing well I mean I'm doing more than you you oh man like move the oh man are You' been counting how many seconds is that four that was 4 seconds how long is it now six oh man oh man 30 seconds then oh God man I [ __ ] eat this steak now she's medium rare looking at that sarc now I don't think the lid was necessary U the that's don't worry about the brown that's the but that's just the butter oh okay just roll it over here yeah just keep yeah well done well done I like that oh my God to g to g to g to g what I'm noticing is I feel like the green team are the they're like the teachers pet yeah they're very much they're listening they're saying oh sorry kimy can one more time and they're doing it quite quick they're getting the job done of course the red team be surprised if we don't end up with another omelet and The Blue Team quiet making mistakes made made one giant mistake it's big big mistake it's a big mistake once you have it wrapped in your in your salt crust and you're going to put it into your roasting pan is that for the oven it sure is so this big tray big tray like you would cook a Sunday roasting right if I had to put my money on someone right now it would be the green team that's easy money I do think the blue team will win presentation Harry har special oh boy we're so behind once you've got all that done pop it in wait pop it in what what are we pop it in we popping it in the oven mate beautiful that's looking good all the all the moisture the flavor yeah nice I'm not going to lie to you we've cooked up a [ __ ] store viar yes yes he's on his phone timer you can set a timer can't you I mean everyone has just put it in at the same time we like to we like to you sound like you're making excuses for a phone right now need to make excuses do you if you're confident in your phone it's fine roll that in there okay okay that don't look cooked what do you mean that don't look C it's going in the oven it's going to be cooked why is that in there that you you last left it it was you the last person using this okay so everything is in the oven for everyone else so you guys need to put your thing in the oven just roll it in roll it in roll it in I'll roll in Toby your ciac should be really sweating at this point yeah sweating nicly how's a sweat how look like it's been for a 45 minute crossfit workout that's good this is good this is a good good sign we've child locked our thing again we've child locked it how do you how do you unchild lock the the cooker anyone yeah that's how you do it your points everything okay back there it's not working and you want your little slicey thing we're peeling asparagus yes mate peel asparagus feel like she's saying mate just to try and communicate with us I'm I'm a man down by the way guys it sounds like you're smashing it though why are you a man down where's he gone is he chaps some woman is he re Kim I do need some more water though I've got some more water if you like it but I do need to touch [Music] more thanks mate I feel like you guys aren't hearing the newest instruction what are the instructions ask Kimberly Kimberly Dei don't don't look don't you turn around and look sorry yes um what are the instructions please where are you at what do we do with the um the fruit the fruit the ginger the Cog this ask ask about that oh we okay what do we do with the asparagus I'm coming back I'm not cheating Toby please sorry what have I miss okay are you ready for the asparagus yes wonderful make sure your ciac is mixed you don't want it fry in wait mixed with what mixed as in mixed in the pot like just don't don't let it fry wait should we have cut the salc Kimber wait is a sarc meant to be not in one piece that's correct you're got to peel off the outside and chop into Cub oh oh pieces yeah but we didn't we haven't chopped into pieces we're going to chop it in the cubes carry on guys don't worry carry on keep going Harry [ __ ] sake there no wonder it's not sweating it's [ __ ] a giant fool quickly quickly quickly take it out quick quick Lo cuz it won't cook properly okay that's why you was making such a racket makes sense now let's have a look at that there I there was at no point said cut the salc oh my God oh my God so next up you're peeling the outside of your asparagus not your thumbs not your thumbs oh God it's the worst thing ever peeling peeling asparagus for pealing asparagus rep pealing why are we peeling the asparagus I like that you aspar and I don't I don't know my asparagus is broken this is not how you P an asparagus right okay listen when you peel your asparagus you go just like about a thumb's width down below the flowery bit and you would say you want to keep the pieces as baragas right not on the floor that's right yeah JJ your your uh JJ your peelings are on the floor Okay so we've done need the little wrong okay you guys you guys want to use there no sorry oh no no not with the knife he's got knife in his hand fam I don't want to die by the hand of KN in his hand crazy I'm happy with the composure we've got on our table the composure is good your ciac should be pretty sweated by now so you're going to add a good like about half a thing of butter wait wait hold hold hold the for on the salc for now it's just we're just we can't we can't rush yeah yeah exactly we can't rush we can't slow down also yeah we can't rush can't rush greatly what SL it's on the floor on fine we don't need all of this she's a buttery little little thing now you want to chop the ends of them not the flowery ends but the stock ends chop the ends off at an angle and you're going to Mi all the instruction TST towards you and you want to give it a little slice into the stock just to split it in half which is going to help it cook evenly I can't hear anything I got bad hearing as it is can help you V ain't listening VI's peeling the [ __ ] asparagus yeah so there was there was the instruction about the asparagus VI did you hear it no there was an instruction about it about say about I'm just guessing what it was coup words does the asparagus go in with the salaria no you should have a pot on the stove with water that you're bringing to a boil [ __ ] me how do you think that they're doing at the moment based on what you can hear I'm a little worried I feel that there might be some FCS which will be a very big problem I think they've resolved it they out yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah Chef in in the chefer I don't I think we wait for it to buy before we put those we were should take them out [ __ ] what do they got par boiled yeah par boiled now what you want to do is take your cream and you're going to add about just a little bit to your salc when you say little bit stop asking so many questions Ethan put a lot of cream on taste better A lot cream [ __ ] it I'm talking about a lot cream yeah that's it bit more cream bit more cream [ __ ] it that's fine bit more cream bit more cream [ __ ] it but there's water in the sarc whatc are we meant to get rid of all the water I mean there shouldn't really have been any water in there from the first place what JJ imagine you're in a boxing fight right now think on your feet get rid of something what's the solution find a solution go quick uh we need a uh the thing to get rid of yeah that the dot dot where are you going to put it no do it like this no no no no I don't want to look look like this look so okay okay actually surprisingly teamw look at this teamwork I'm so sorry I'm so sorry lit pull it I literally pulled it on your hand I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry the water's boiling we're waiting next instruction for our green things just shut up man I some people are just a little bit behind all right so those Brad beans are going to take the most time so let's get those into the boiling water I want you to smell our salc and tell me it's going to be [ __ ] amazing Harry's done some secret gy sauce on it that's so nice what have you done to it the gy way the gy way my friend way just long as you add like a lot of butter and stuff it always tastes nice stop looking back up all what did you see huh what did you see oh was I meant to look oh my God I think I dropped I think I dropped something Dei where you going I think I dropped something back up dei's looking wait crap yes I know I don't so what's happening here what is happening my vegetables are growing they're growing they're growing I don't know why they're moving think you think maybe it was too hot so it bowled over over put them on a little towel so they can have a dry and then you have to peel them paper peel what the beans yeah yeah when they all flow take them out with this a slotted spoon and put them on it then you can go ahead and throw your asparagus in thing I'm noticing about them is there's a giant Leaf in there what is that that's asparagus that's not meant to be in there what no why don't we swap [ __ ] off how much H there's a prize there's a prize you can take over our our what is the price hi you sure your hands okay yeah yeah it's cool I promise you well it's not it's normally next day that it looks worse it'll be fine I'm cool don't worry see if they cook though they can't be not really they're [ __ ] raw supposingly that's the best yeah now yeah I'm shocked depend depends on how uh there is a nightmare how's your day been B really good mate to be honest like if I could have been paired with anyone it's you really really really happy now what I want you to do while your asparagus your beans are chilling want to get your meat thermometer we're going to check in on her and see how she's doing listening [ __ ] we're trying we're doing multiple things at the same time she wouldn't I can be here right now so so there's a there's a theret everyone got your meat thermometer yes we've got the meat the M can you stoping us yeah you're actually you're actually increasing my anxiety I'm helping you out yeah I just want to see you know how you doing oh no what that isn't good it looks like a hat that isn't good at all I don't want to give at least put some salt in it man Salt and Pepper have you checked your temperature yeah it it's basically colder than me what's that then 20 ah okay you did put yours in a few minutes like 5 minutes after so it does make sense yeah oh we got peel the beans as well she stopped peeling the Beans really yeah I should peel the beans no way I swear to God peel the beans this is this is burning now yeah that that's a heater that's a heater bean look at that bean that's ready to be flicked did you get your little electric blender out you can pull it off the heat for a sec you boys hearing this and you're just going to Wiz IT yeah it's Master supped to be brown it is now creamy mash um Now get stuck in with this and you can like make sure it doesn't burn he Harry off the I don't worry we've got cream should be a creamy mashy texture yeah bit too bit too finicky if you like it you not like a no no no it looks look looks good yeah oh God why is it black don't say that don't see that oh oh why does it look so nice wow probably tastes all right what how would you describe taste it bur [ __ ] how you more more cream just [ __ ] a [ __ ] BL cream [ __ ] yeah but then they're just eating cream does look like dog [ __ ] don't it looks like smelly poo God no you've made it worse Harry you've made it worse it looks like liquidy dog [ __ ] now made it worse corn flour is it corn flour just flour put bit flour and put some sprinkles yeah yeah just add some density to it yeah yeah [ __ ] it it's bread how's it going why Look so Sad mine is ready to come out so check on your meat check on your meat check on the meat guys M I don't know if mine wants to come out man um the meat has been the be the beef is out the beef is back [ __ ] stop stop stop no no you've lost your head I Haven honestly this is need you're going to crack open your salt crust what wood board would we'll flip that one over or use this one yeah oh oh that could be minus points presentation sorry sorry in the morning someone get a camera on this bad boy cuz look at this beautiful oh yes we are standing on glass right now we are um I did witness them do that he just it was on the edge and you just used something else to push it off chaos going on Green Team Green Team just seem calm they don't seem like they really in like it's not even in chaos mode or anything it's just fine they don't understand something they just say sorry Kim please can we again red team have zero idea yet somehow this looks the best yeah the mash actually it's mashing it was mashing it was then he add now thing the only thing is the red team are very slow the meat is not cooked yet and they are making omelette too and they are making omelet just in case whereas blue team they like they're very confident they're not listening yeah they're not listening and it's also doesn't look like it's going well it's 33 take it out Crack put the microwave fine you know what youo this do what you want to do since we don't have that Morel cream sauce which would have absolutely pulled this all together just a little dollop of butter to give it some taste what you say you're cracking it out that crack it come crack it with just with no not with a knife man use this oh put some [ __ ] wh in it yeah that's see it it's cracking yeah it's cracking are we putting the are we putting the peas and greens in a different thing all your greens go into one of the Kilner jars the what jars Kilner like I don't know last partt is it what you leave me hanging what do you mean leave you hanging why is your fist out finished we're doing bits now so you're going to scoop up A really lovely bit of salc puree onto your spoon you're going to put it on the opposite side of your greens and then you're going to spread it across which is going to create a little bed where's the omelet gone wait omelet where's your omelet you had an omelette yeah um we improvised how just when you tast you put only in there you what do you do with the butter release the Beast release the beast JJ JJ just release the beast welcome to Beast then you're going to slice it in sort of like two c well however you like to kick what thickness you like your meat in how you like putting your meat [Laughter] in Kimberly has said multiple times sarc puree and it's also spread that you put the thing on it is not a doll of mash I'll take do of mash [Laughter] though I said just add the whole button the whole button so oh just do it man nice oh wow yeah right that's what I'm saying this is not what I'm seeing elsewhere oh no I don't know what the [ __ ] we're doing anymore man oh No Just oh it's broken again technical difficulties how what do you want our knob is not working your knobs not working I why I I've got to be honest with you everyone is plating up their food we're at the end now where is your where is your M what the [ __ ] what that noise what's that me just know everyone is playing up that's what I tell you why is it in there because we're improvising man what you improvising what's the we are only a minute or two out all right I'm going to try a bit this this is what you get Chef's Chef's bonus she runs my yeah she she run you want to try some well could be yeah are you serving it as a one dollop of meat like that wait maybe let's like use a for hold it use this with the other hand hold it still no no hold it why have you gripped like a little bit of it grip the whole thing grip the whole thing turn it on its side all right bro now hold it and slice a right well you took your you took the tong off oh gosh all right you know what don't wor about it you know what I can tell you to all right come on I'm going closeup cinematics what wa you in though it's 3D it's 3D it's 4D cinematics experience the mesh slap the meat in there slap the meat in there might as well yeah there it is there it is just Co in there nice just start mixing it yeah I'm really upset with red team I got to be honest they microwave their meat yeah but they also had the the salc going well it looks like a [ __ ] should we just make it into a turd on purpose she just make it into a swey turd but let's do it be funny be funny make a that looks good that look so much fun if turn give me a plate then that does not look like a plate D you don't have a plate what if this loses it for us Harry it won't it won't it won't they'll still appreciate the will they I don't think they will they put their meat in the microwave and they made an omelette and The Omelette went into the puree your that's what's happened so they kind of freestyled they little fair to it fine little as you de as you de what do you want us to do if the steak C isn't it you done yeah steak we was finished two ago there shooting us cinematics stop being a goody two shoes okay they're shooting us cinematics might points for it I might have to take a point of you you know you trade this have a little Spoonful I mean in a second know yeah but still it's excited to share yeah God it's really good isn't it loveely it's one of my favorite things ever oh Simon I I tried some why are you trying it I mean I forced it was force upon me I was like oh no oh no you will try it oh no I'd have to I will why is it that color I don't know I know why oh my God what is that the dog sh what happened to your what's your blood dollar why have you got a blood dollar we thought we would embrace the color it came out yours looks really you guys are [ __ ] smash douches man you like try Harding so so much man okay boys you have all finished that is what you have created obviously you were following Kimberly's instruction yes yes Kimberly could you show us the uh the correct R are we ready for this oh wow top of the MK wow no oh that is looking oh look at oh my that looks delicious fair enough fair enough that that looks crazy you're right we should we should have kept the heads on it why do we take the heads off why did you take the heads off your as farag he said have take the heads off it just looks like celery what in the hell is that on that plate yeah we'll find wait wait what is that just wait just wait what is that real good [ __ ] literally that doesn't make it more a f real good [ __ ] okay so the first thing we have to judge on is presentation what where what who did so can we explain it's the gy sauce it's the it's basically that is that is our Twist on the salc mash didn't come out the right color so we thought we'd embrace the color sure he put in like the steak juice yeah put the steak juice flavor yeah but it changed the color made a poop right it makes it a little less appealing you we wor about that was a conversation we kind of went rogue here this is a completely different dish but we call it the three islands the three islands okay [Laughter] why know about this name he looks confused by I mean I guess we're calling it that they feel like they're floating in butter is that butter yeah egg I witnessed this thing basically uh about to make an omelette and then just add the egg egg there's not egg is that EG please please be honest wait doesn't that make the whole thing inedible they actually was doing the best out of the teams in a sense of what it looked like they were kind of abandon shift I don't really know why really the the the mash or the salc was actually looking good and then they just added egg oh where did the egg inspiration come from yeah it did where mentioning it do we have eggs in our kitchen they was making a backup omelette just in case we like The Omelette oh for okay and then they their minds collided and theide you get the fre Islands I mean this bad boy he's got He's got potential his asparagus is a bit holiday to be all like so tense no need to be tense you know just relax the color of the salc looks really lovely IM but I think this you just the best presentation thank if you like a rare steak we've on so the presentation ranking is up to you so out of 10 what would you give each of them I mean I give him a good eight this lovely I mean that looks like poo but I told you this would happen get past the poo if it looks like what was intended to look like like it we it meant to look like poo so I that's evence more points it doesn't make me want to eat it I told you it's like a jungle challenge that it looks like Po told the PO was a bad idea it though it's beautiful can't argue yeah but there's a poo there is a poo on the plate I told you this what does the fre Islands get if the Poo get it's not surely it's not the three islands the green bits the people the green bit some of them drown there lying dead in the no one and did you know that that's not butter it's it's nice have you tried it yourself I've tried it myself and I feel great I do not believe you so what would you score that out of 10 I mean have to be like oh I feel bad just don't you feel bad you only got two point it's crazy that's what poo does that's crazy if we had if if if it wasn't in a poo shape what what would you have scored us if that had been spread and you had the meat on top to kind of hide the Poo situation it didn't look like a poo you could have been it like a six or so now we have to have the the next scoring part The Taste does I'm sorry guys so who does the taste T well are you you'll be surprised I think they'll get food poisoning mm oh that's that's it's all right that it's all right all right that I'll take that every day of the week pretty good praise as far as our you take that these are a bit overdone but I'm not going to hold it against you overdone okay hold done wa can I try that me you don't have to don't try it's look find you like look safe safe I would I would I wouldn't touch it personally Z and move on I'm worried about this I wouldn't I wouldn't I in like be worried I you try it first and I'll try it first yeah of course the thing is they did microwave it did that makes it fine bit bro oh good that's right this guy also ate C he ate nice right don't trust him though don't trust him first it's good it's good or it's all right it's actually good you look like you're having a hard time getting that D no it's good okay but let me come and cut it and have a look inside it's quite nice respect you're actually going to no guys see what it looks like the meat is cooked really well hly try it's actually really nice I promise you I feel bad because your meat is cooked the best of all the of all the plates the the best yeah would you try it yeah 100% you here you have okay I'm going to do it fine oh no we've killed her she tried that over Us by the way just remember that no no we we're in big trouble the St really well done oh that's really love done just beating okay let's the stop gu the microwave but it doesn't tastes like the dish it tastes more like steak and eggs to be really lovely they got an eight for number egg Specialists you with what you know I'm glad I tasted it that's take yay what on this plate could you taste if anything if there's nothing then that's fine nothing perfectly cook hunk of meat in the middle of that plate maybe the Ed my B is bang him bang him take that we'll take that something the Poo I mean yeah it's Ed but I'm not happy about it I'm go for seconds it's nothing like what I tried on that one oh yeah let me drw yeah we have to ask you for a of what you could eat yeah a taste score for each as well out of 10 I mean let me see if I can there's edible bits there F if you've got to try and dig out the edible bit I would all three of them had R bits than that and it was nice oh she didn't like it I wish you didn't try it I wish you didn't try it the Main's been saying try it try it not good steak's not good did you see her the steak yes where's the pan hot very the string is burnt onto the the bath just so you know you can take attitude into account yeah um so okay they each need a score um okay you can go into negatives if you need I mean this one the taste on this one was not that great the meat tastes you get [Applause] four I don't know if it's going to get much better than that you guys um for taste I mean this is about taste isn't it that was that would taste better that was a five five wow okay about to right take be this had the most about it but the meat really let it down but that said like there's a lot of things that let this one down as well so I'm going to give this one a six okay yeah he's happy we'll take it we we we beat someone you did do that on taste should very quick score just we'll give her a separate score we'll try yeah get some virin there healthy boy need to rush that's quite nice I think that one's well it's it's a four apparently the edge The Edge is nice it's not bad it is just not the meal that's a nice big bit get everything in there I get that meat is so de you forgot it's so some too it's lovely it's very just there's nothing you guys on me yeah yeah you like it he likes it I can tell he likes it right we agreed for the judges round so bad they've got six for just having everything it tastes so similar in a sense of what it's supposed to be thank you giving you a five all right and we're giving you a five cuz your poo let you down out of everything on this table the poo is the worst thing this is salmonella and this I'd rather catch that I was try your me is the worst okay that's fine I'll take it man I'll take it I'll take it we were advised to take it if you the critiques of it it's okay that's about it got job to do is that I guess right well thank you kimbery you're great thank you than do try some withouta as soon as you brought yours out and I looked to the meat I said oh my God oh my God we did we ate load of it so nothing no it look that's what I like and for the final challenge we had a love dessert we have a cheesecake however the boys will be handcuffed together can only have access to one of their hands they will be wearing a large t-shirt to ensure they only use one hand and again they have no instructions on how to make the cheesecake this will take true teamwork which based on the video so far might be a disaster let's see how they do all right the final challenge dessert y however as you may see though you going to be handcuffed together oh oh you can use your left hand and your right hand you're also wearing a giant t-shirt put those on firstly I'm not ambidextrous I um wait put these on first how how do you do it put those on first you can have you want your right have your right hand man I don't care yeah you know I'm taking the Reigns on next one taking the Roman Reigns green tea oh that's not nice ah I remember a t-shirt like this before been a while oh this is just OD is it oh this is annoying man who gets the head both there's two heads oh just know if we see you using your other hand there will be a big forfeit so we can't do like that we can't no look it's got to be in the T-shirt my friend middle you are making a cheesecake M I don't like cheesecake though we eating it not you you allowed to put your own twist on it hence all the ingredients in front of you wow good luck do we have instructions this no instruction this is Handy handy handicaps right so we do the Lotus base can we not make it out of like all these things combined no cuz you want the the buttery biscuit base whoa why you yourself I just want to be here why I just want to be here Simon what's the matter I just want to be here man why you want to be in a dark corner with your brother y you going to stay here no I don't want to stay here like I'm talking to a child what if I need a pee cuz I kind of need a pee yeah you pee ever your brothers you pe you peed on you before can I do the biscuit base and you do the everything else I don't really want to do that everything else you've got the right hand you've got the all I can do is [ __ ] grind stuff up anything standing out to you topping wise well digestives are a classic that I want that all over my [ __ ] mouth and I want a bath in that although uh you really don't know how to do this one any tips you not put it in a fridge or freezer or anything like how you don't need a fridge or freezer then you normally let them set in like a fridge you can make this you not getting a cheesecake out of this what's that cream cream what's that for though what's this flour yeah yeah that's sful I'm using this and this and this and I'm toing it with that yeah I'll just go in you can just look away I need my other hand to you peeing does it sound like I'm peeing just pee bro no D D D D D I'm pissing everywhere D are you m d d PR I'm bring on the D I'm literally pissing on the floor D oh d I pissed all over the [ __ ] SE are you [ __ ] nice I need my other hand to flick ah this is actually torture man just just wobble it come on oh I think you made me piss my [ __ ] trousers [ __ ] idiot [ __ ] hell man well I I need PE actually so is if you clean up no someone's cleaning it and I feel so bad and he's just right smacking my [ __ ] dick about all right boys you have 20 minutes to cook oh [ __ ] off 20 minutes and then it's 10 minutes to set in the fridge it be in the fridge for 10 minutes so just as a heads up the ingredients in front of you that aren't the toppings are in order from left to right so left is your first point of call but it is not the correct amount so the second row the botom purp away from you is decorations the first row is your actual ingredient order your time starts now okay okay right let's start smashing these bastards up my friend get busy with that all of them yeah sure get to do this oh [ __ ] I was using my left hand [ __ ] it we're making Biscoff cuz it's nice yeah [ __ ] put in a load of Biscoff Oreos I guess a bit of flour we don't really know how much just free ballet you're making a rainbow base yeah we need to melt some butter in there so you get microwave in the butter can I can just microwave it in this thing cor on yeah yeah get that yeah punch it just punch it okay maybe not Maybe not maybe this is going okay I'm being a bit Reckless this is ass this is so hard I hate this they're using a MH we should have used a m remember not to use your other arms yeah if we catch anyone us other arm there's a forfeit that will be yep yep do you want to mash no you do you do yes let me mash my left hand which [ __ ] sucks can you just not do it messy no no you don't want to whiz this do no you don't face it down face it down it's broken it's cuz you've unplugged it how have I unplugged it actually you know what Simon is's claiming he's claiming acate G ticko actually but we do have that in everything now fine it works it works fine C house in the a straight away we have a double hand usage where he was holding two hands sorry uh yes what's that is that for that is not meant to be in there no we can make it work we fantastic that could make it better did you ever think of only using one of your hands Vick yeah was bro just using the hand we added we added milk in a Biscuit in already I'll do it I'll do it yep oh my [ __ ] God you've broken the [ __ ] oh the plastic was still on oh [ __ ] oh we have [ __ ] plastic in our jeese okay no they had the plastic on this still when they turned it on it no that's a sabotage surely yourself no we got sabotage can you get that butter off this grab that oh bro what's that that's not going to work what do you mean it's not going to work what's that going to do so I can see where the plastic is oh I don't know I'm just making the [ __ ] up man every time you do it yeah we do worse things oh okay so the first time you get let off with like a you know we might just add some milk might add a biscuit yeah if you do it multiple times chill with the butter for now we need to get this in there you might get some Prime in it oh my God could could get some carrot I should use it I think a third strike is they start again well honestly you know what whenever we eat fish we eat a little bit of plastic in it how you have a hands what do you mean my hand getting on what do you mean my other hands one's down here what they're just [ __ ] about they [ __ ] why you holding my [Laughter] hand what is a snort de why have you like a mive snort I think this is really good yeah you think that's going to yeah I think just get it in there we can do the rest okay oh like they making poo again usual I'm done with today no but you we done done I've been under Jess this is not if if we've been under Jus I don't want to know what they've been under I think we just stick it in to be honest it's not going to work like that though it w circular thing I can use my feet I can use my feet to what actually wait so so hang on what we even going to cut it with a knife we have scissors though we have scissors where we had scissors I think we might have to just SC this we don't have time to how are you judging how much to put in of everything look see look see look cuz we're going to have to put it in a tin aren't we it's going to have to stick at the bottom so I'm just testing okay you're adding bit by bit Yeah Yeah to see where we're at seems smart thanks my [Laughter] friend yeah it bro it's oh oh no this got to be an easier way to do this oh no allow it allow it this [ __ ] sucks I feel like it's too thin I guess it will cook quicker so that's an upside it doesn't really matter how it looks so long as so long as like the slice we cut out at the end is nice right should we just cook this until it looks cooked sure here we go top of the oven's hotter so we're going in there no no cuz the Top's going to hit it fine there we go okay base is cooking all right next [Music] they're using a v bottle they're using Voss to this the richest sh this is the richest [ __ ] I ever did see well hold it check what check for plastic my fing no no you just do that see and the plastic will rise the plastic will rise plastic will rise that makes no sense see look because look all the big part and the plastic there's nothing look a little bit of plastic isn't going to [ __ ] kill you biscuit I have a question Josh do you like a buttery biscuit base I love a buttery biscuit base that you shall receive thank you you ask you receive Daddy okay put how much of that in all of it can't have too much right maybe like that yeah cream cheese there a cream cheese put a decent B cream in yeah we want it to be quite solid though remember and it's going to be hot and then let's get a bunch of this in [Music] there we go [ __ ] it that would do that give it the caramel flavor gradual things yeah wait bro thanks I really want to eat this we do need we need to plug in Hold the top of that there you go my good friend lovely and let's open a b of bean Pace please so as it stands we have quite a clear winner at the moment unless they really flop this there's 20 points to lose here though it's true but they are seven points ahead so unless it's really bad there's a green team on 32 right now but the red team and blue team only one point difference one point difference we've got a tampered with thing it won't open it's all jammed up and we can't get it open can someone please help do we help no it's a casing you just have to undo the casing ah you got thank you so one point between second and third and one clear winner currently but it can all change in one round 20 points on the line it's a lot of points who's your money on right now who's coming last J de just I feel like they find a way to make it taste good last time yeah it will taste cheesecake they find a way to it's hard to mess up a cheesecake surely like you can [ __ ] up the whole presentation the taste of it has to be half decent I think that's to make the cake yeah so let's put this there now Mash what no it's got to make it flat nice okay this is good how she doing something [ __ ] cheesecake consistency come on je looking kind of tasty oh it jump okay don't turn it off turn it off turn it off is it fully off yeah it's not not pressing it I'm so scared watch out don't cut yourself it's not working we're just going to have to preand it with a with a spoon I think honestly we want it thicker right because I feel like our base is not going to be fully pulled down that in that that yeah let's see what the consistency ends up being yeah this is getting dense now oh I'm happy with this so I imagine we got to just mix this a little bit of that a little bit of this oh [ __ ] it man I let sinkle of this calm we need a little bit of lemon is that vanilla do you want to open that my lip is full your lip is just your lip I don't know what do you mean is it swollen one thing we're noticing about your team is for the last few rounds here I can help you if you want to open this you're not really focusing on how things look you're only focusing on taste so in this round you just really focus on how things look you get a presentation score remember yes you're only one point away from Team it's true we've had to go the old school way cuz I I broke the we [ __ ] that yeah but look it's getting thicker isn't it tiny bit more creamy let's make it a bit more creamy there we go hold risk risk my boy risk risk my friend whiskey whiskey woo woo milk sorry I'm getting cramped in my [ __ ] hands my forearms everything I just did that one what you're a big strong boy no like it's dodgy doy just seems like a normal I'll do it it's like see how strong I am bro I respect that a little bit little bit this is really strong by the way like just like a that's yeah that's enough yeah imagine this was just your left hand though Long hold the ball out I'll try left hand whisk oh that's not doing nothing not doing nothing how long we got left uh people 7 Minutes 7 minutes remaining 7 minutes remaining I think we may have actually whipped it too much gone more liquidy okay it will set it will set it will harden in there you want to put this do you want to mix some more this think we just have to leave it flour no wait wait y there's quite a few seeds in there okay you know what I I just scar me I'm just going to squeeze it can I inquire as to how long this should be in for or we're going to use the max time like are we yes yeah and we'll see when it's burning and at that point we take it out take it out when it's burning yeah you're currently putting the uh the cheese and then what are you going to do with that we can put the caramel layer on top yeah and then we put it into set in the fridge yeah so nothing's been in the oven yet no so no baked cheesecake my friend okay P these games with I'm just I'm just wondering just wondering what teams are using what you know we come a long way you and I see good inut can to do level two [ __ ] know that's strong you guys you use the oven at all or not is the oven on maybe wait it's a cheesecake why would we need the oven okay that's it that's it that's it that's it it's done put caramela on top of the cheesecake yeah yeah did you not see the one that you brought out it had a layer on top I Haven see the one you yeah had oh [ __ ] wait we're spilling it on the actual cheese it doesn't really matter cuz it's going on there anyway put a little bit of this in we're going to mix it ooh I like that I like that ooh Bazinga so what's the next bit oh we're done that's done yes that's going in the fridge yes what we we've run out of ingredients what's this though we've already used that oh bit it like like a cheesecake we we go go back to a restaurant yes you get a cheesecake so you get like the buttery biscuit base yes then you get the cheesecake part yes and there's a on top so so the cheesecake is normally how tall I say you're cheesecake right now you're currently your base is this and your cheesecake 2023 it's a different Ty of Cheesecake yeah it's a flat cheesecake oh it's rising we probably I think that's probably good now no it's not supposed to rise we should have put flour in oh my God it's so sloppy [ __ ] we we made a cake we made a cake we made a cake yeah cheesecake we made a cake yeah cheesecake i h the flow was there to throw us off somehow wait why did why did they open the oven are remember put it in oven can I put I on top before you put I don't think you don't need I on this I think that's a ro should we have mixed that in there in what in this give maybe Fu it's okay this will do it this will do it that's looking good [ __ ] oh my God it's delicious why do we put the flower in what this yeah what is it is it baking soda that's icing sugar icing Su oh it doesn't matter to be fair we put a lot in though it's going to be sweet [ __ ] this L you put in yeah [ __ ] my life stop that thicking it so it's fine and you have one minute of what goes in the fridge it's fine yeah you're going to have it ready in a minute as in we have to take it out in a minute or you're taking it into the fridge in it's going in the fridge in a minute cook the base of a cheesecake do you yeah you do it's going put in the fridge in one minute okay so we need to put this on then yes no matter what you're at in one minute we're doing it as okay well BST out [ __ ] hell [ __ ] hell [ __ ] hell I'm finished man [ __ ] hell all whatever whatever whatever pour [ __ ] pour it on boys last minute until it goes in the front fridge but we meant to put it in the oven no didn't know pan today you see what you see what I mean I don't what what what's up with all these little quir so finished maybe it will taste nice maybe it's yeah I think it'll be like a mixture thing did you guys not add the flour no no but tast anyway yeah was the flour yeah icing sugar yeah but they've cooked as well I think we should have mixed some of that in mix in with the isn't a lot oh that means time's coming fridge time fridge time they've had a [ __ ] how over there they've had a how to pick it up they picked it up yeah don't pick out with your hand you [ __ ] donkey keep going keep going grabb hand let's have a look at that please quick Jesus [ __ ] Christ I think we are I think we're in a good spot why did you put yours in the oven we thought we were supposed to no yeah you are I think try try this by the way yeah that that's good that was quite L it's not getting a set is it no we are [ __ ] here yeah be yeah you're not supposed to cook it chees you are the oven's one for a reason all right boys you now have the 10 minutes while it sets to decide on what you want to do with the cheesecake what toppings you want what flavors cheese cake is it how you going to decorate it remember presentation's key also I'll have you know we need to access our cheesecake in 5 minutes what's that for I'll do it for you I don't know if I trust you add the caramel on top of it's not going to be S like that one has we'll bring it out to you thank you green je oh did they get more or they just haven't made it yet let you take his to they made it oh the base is this and this is this so then this is the this is the coing no no no so we put this on top first no no no no put this on top first that is more than enough put prop them up on the side of it lovely jubly and you know what can we serve them up some sweeties on the side just in case they want to yeah little g of sugar yeah why you boys know Josh yeah what kind of flavors he like Oreo Oreo do you could hit yes that would be bro and then that was really sad you missed the entire and again well just and now we have no lemons we don't need lemons okay just throwing two lemons at them and has missed the entire table stop wasting food man as is a Lotus caramel Delight that's what is is gorgeous oh my God he's actually with him that was that was Ro sh that was that was I seen it come across the lobby now I'll be honest I was aiming for for for deji and JJ to mistaken identity sorry you know you have very very kind eyes what does that [ __ ] mean you have kind eyes okay see when these come out the fridge right I want it to be like a hospital I want to make sure everyone's get the right baby okay color green green Prime that's the Green Team the Red Prime red team I didn't want to know whose baby's this this is my baby we can have a bit of host you know so when it comes out no this is really we can't add more liquid we can't we [ __ ] can't honestly leave it 10 minutes can we go and inspect it after 5 minutes we're not allowed to but I think we put we'll put just commit to it man we commit to we Comm to our we commit to our strategy man got one minute F and bring out for you thank you mate thank you okay but if it's liquid it's going back no no I'm tired must rest I'm tired a you're bastard I need look this is lovely wow hey give us some privacy yeah man oh sh I got to use that you got use that does it does it count if I use my left hand to wank him off just here mate it's going to be set it's going to be fine oh yes F no no we're cooking no we're not cooking you put it in or not we shouldn't have [ __ ] no no no absolutely not no enough enough enough it's going to be liquid it's going to look cool though [ __ ] hell okay now what can we take it back back in the fridge please you that's what you added yeah yeah yeah yeah can you put it in is there a freezer make it very cold please we asked that's enough it's enough why do you want to mix this oh you don't want okay what you you're changing all up again now sorry sorry sorry keep don't look at me while you do it man look at what you're [Music] doing why do you keep looking at me that's Cooked our [ __ ] tin is like 100° we just put it in the fridge hoping it's going to set oh it's not going to set is it we we're done we have nothing so no one else cooked no one else cooked does it count if I wank him off with his hat I'll allow it if I can watch uh go next I've been under duress in the kitchen okay I felt like I needed rest so I'm resting drag down okay so what I'm noticing is Right firstly their one they cooked the blue te yeah they cooked firstly it's going to be hotter so it's not going to set it was boiling when it like in my hands bur it's not going to set I out liquid they also took it out yeah and put it back in which is going to take even longer I don't know if any of them are going to set in this time but their one is [ __ ] fridge made a little bit more it's like a drink fridge not like fridge fridge oh he pulled my finger sorry I couldn't do anything about [Laughter] it this [ __ ] what what's wrong with you so obviously you at a set right so why did you cook it well you said cook time 10 minutes and then fridge time well like no like preparation like cooking at time and then like cook it cooking what cooking me you can you can bake a cheesecake or you canot bake a cheesecake Harry Harry's going to lose his rag you know he's said cook what does cooking mean you made you made something really hot and put it in the fridge yeah no no we realized we have yeah in the time you yeah we have realized but also you said cook which is you've led us down no no no no no Harry S into car in his old AG you he really is really is I'm here for it I'm ENT funny to watch he might be bigger than Vic that's the car team we got do new rankings the K team the car uh no you said cook was you're wrong no you're wrong if I were to ask an American if someone us to say cook what would this mean I believe in the starter when you were just mixing things you were like yeah we're cooking now and you were just mixing [ __ ] it's merely a saying cooking isn't it the SAU here what you doing we we'll make something in this let you destroy my cheesecake at least let me cut a slice out of it first and we can't yeah you can't it's a liquid you're literally like I'm not let me cut a slice of water is what you're saying how do I explain to my kids when they grow up that this is how this is how daddy did it this is how daddy made the money this is how daddy did it like we embarrassed ourself in front of a [ __ ] cat door yeah we you served her [ __ ] which I blame you for I blame you for you assigned me the the the salc she said exactly what I said if it didn't look like a [ __ ] it might have got through we would have got two more points if it didn't look like a [ __ ] we would have got a six out of 10 you reckon she said that [ __ ] yeah go one then it's time to rest you know what I mean you know just people that don't bake their cheesecakes come people cook cheesecake you know you're it gets progressively like less Nigerian you're is like Ultra n yeah yeah n n n n and then I'm just like little you think dei's more [ __ ] than me deji who's more sand wearing you look more nigeran you do yeah you probably look the most Nigerian out of all of us really I think why you just have that look man I think you look more Nan than me bro so like but this in there basically this is our this is our cheesecake you know I think more like more dust moose put some digestives in it yeah look at them go we're effectively going to end up with like a moose type thing just like a really sugary lemony vanillary chocolatey moose [ __ ] every flavor every single flavor no no no the round round bisc round no no round bisc trust please please please please please space stop no circle enough space Circle there won't be enough space there will not be enough they not let me cut them no why but why what's this no it's not going to work yeah what's this what's this no but we need to fill the play we need to fill the fill the plate what are you guys doing exactly talk to me [ __ ] off you know what is here the first one is lucky it's like a guess and you to the cookout guys I have an ethnic man with me what do you I thought that was my entur what's happening now we're trying to help you out and get a better setting oh we don't care we're we're good to go we're good to go we're good to go we're good to go we're good let's do it making sure at least one of theirs have got set oh everyone's not set is that what is it's the fridge issue I'm just ready to go my life we got we got we we got punished for trying to stop electrical fire he was holding a plugin with so so it we were kind of done from that point on cre you might rival Vick and Karen status now in your own age I love it I actually the older I get the more I love in your own age you're getting there CU I'm dealing with [ __ ] melons all the time they put cream in our B so who's letting the team down out two me on every occasion I made the Poo I made the poo and I also baked our cheesecake and I've just coed them I should have stopped him so I'm equally to blame I should have stopped him from baking the I like it you're sticking together I like it if everyone can return to the thingies the stations up oh yeah thank too big an old for this [ __ ] man right you step on my shoes get to your station Red you step on my shoes I'm sorry you I remember that okay oh bring me my cheesecake I know she's solid here you go oh oh no blue team the cake want to cut here is your lovely Chee C oh no it's fine you want quick quick hang it's close but hold your horses boys cuz we are cooking cut a slice up oh my God oh my God it's just slop that's that's what I'm saying so is there like a is there like a we Salvage the slob we take that out I don't know it's liquid it actually looks all right okay wait wait wait I told you we need way more bro no man this is all part of yeah I the whole team what do you mean that the whole thing we need to add some what what a cheesecake need add some presentation look no see you're waffling now why am I waffling that just looks stupid now what was he we had was what is you do stop okay stop now oh there we go oh that's fine that's fine that's fine that's fine that's fine that's fine let it drizzle down the side that's fine bu it's not set like we wanted it to but Hey listen it's something is it presentation so here's your slice no so I say we just mash it all up and make like a blondie sure sure sure and let's get the [ __ ] biscuit in there to give it some sustenance looking sick pour your biscuit in it's fine this is what we were going for why he done that don't ask him when he question shut your [ __ ] what are you do we're cooking up a [ __ ] Masterpiece here okay all right yeah that's fine that's fine just make sure we get the bottom in cuz the bottom going to be all nice and yeah yeah it's probably going to take [ __ ] buff by way but I think we've just got to get a slice out thick slice this side this feels like it has some kind of it's got a oh no solity to it there's no solidity to anything no yours has a structure it has shape yeah but where do where did you cut to I don't can't see where the cut was this is awful oh it's bad bro it's leaky oh this is leaking all on my hands it's nice leak though is it why does everything we we ain't got time for this need a slice of it you need a slice of it [ __ ] off man gave you an omelet we're giving you what you're getting what you you let them do what they want to do yeah yeah oh cuz now son you're going to take [ __ ] presentation there's two scores always two two scor shut your [ __ ] dirty how are you worse with your right hand than I with my left hand bro no stop okay you can t charge then should know by now when it comes to Sweet them I'm the king uhhuh uh-huh I mean it's not poo it's not poo I've seen poo elsewhere so what in this one no not again not again no no no no poo team they and poo team together yeah poo team go crazy no it looked better before and now you're getting your [ __ ] fingers in it honestly this challenge [ __ ] let me let me stop stop leave it leave it this is not helping bro that looks [ __ ] Grim it looks like a [ __ ] cow now stop stop put bis right bisco all right served can we eat the rest of it you can try yours that might help you like finalize it as well may add some more flavor to it what where did you eat from there I'll tell you what my 1 minute remaining there's a lot of liquid but I know but look see their reaction they did say that about the meat as well though that was hot and then in hindsight it was we ate it as it come out the oven as it sat there for 20 minutes it was bad yeah we cooked my friend we cooked don't do it through the strawberry man at least just like cut do do that yes there okay uh is it through yeah it looks good man it's going to taste taste taste turn CL by the way all right we're finished as we said this was what you were aiming for but with your own twist that looks delicious so that does look delicious mid presentation so what does yours look like that looks amazing we going to judge presentation first I like what they've done they've you know they've Incorporated the other stuff what is that that's the bitof spread but just if you wanted to dip in I like it it's two two slices one for each of us yeah strawberries some sweets on the side you like Oreos so we gave you some or tot like like you so me and J got everything this one why it's quite a sad slice TI Tok you've also given us three ends of a strawberry that we can't eat I'd also say why is the base bigger than the actual cake po what you mean well the Bas the B so we believe that um the biscuit is 2023 no no no we believe that the biscuit is the best part of a cheesecake you're not wrong we got rid of the cheese cheese and gave you more cake the biscuit you served us out of everything there you gave us more Oreo than cheesecake the the that one Oreo is bigger than the slice judge doesn't sound impressed no no no but sorry sorry no go ahead it's called what's the name of the uh as a name yeah what's the name of it DJ Oreo and drive me oreo and drive yeah there's more Nam than cheesecake okay and then this one it's Big Slice it looks good it's festive I quite like the fact that you served it on here with the the sprinkler on outside it's snowed on it Oreo on the outside make a nice little like perimeter a moat almost this isn't a necessary moat a dam I wonder if it's yeah maybe that's using it to know keep it intact okay just needed a bit time to ask for a slice though yeah big Big Slice we have we have spoken prior to this and we have agreed on some scores oh wow Green Team it could be better bit gloopy bit gloopy but I would say it's pretty like average you've done your best what you could do thanks so we're going to go for a seven yes respectful seven seven seven day red team getting your knees and the strawberries and the the 95% biscuit me okay sweet we're going to give you a five okay you know what that's not bad I disagree what you disagree with the he's got to be new here grab it and run I take taking it you like it happy blue team that was great I really like this team just the food or just them no not them okay this I like the presentation of this it does feel festive it does it brings me into Christmas mood okay put a lot of effort into this even more effort than the actual prep preparation yeah I it quite a high schore okay if anything I'd almost like no ain't no way I I would actually say it's on par of that one are you Ser but okay so a seven a seven how was that there though cuz it's not a slice and they just however it isn't a slice you are right we did speak and said we' give it a seven for presentation if we hadn't asked for a slice oh we have all right so we agreed on a four that's a straight nine nine if I've ever seen it it's festive it's got the strawberries it looks we cut the [ __ ] Oreos in half put around the that looks good it looks great but where's the slice it's a big slice a Big Slice it's a Big Slice I think you've used this to overcome I think your score I think div a four is is a disrespect to the entire video The Establishment yeah I think if we're going to start our SC you said no [ __ ] your they made a [ __ ] look how nice it looks made yeah they put [ __ ] on the look how it looks good yeah M does it taste good just so you know ridiculous final scores right now as it stands we're tied Green Team on 39 points Jesus taste better red team are on 29 Points okay all that's not bad you blue team are also on 29 it's down to The Taste relegation ble with Brothers the playoffs this one first just Jesus Christ I believe in the I believe in the that's good like very good you guys have cooked you [ __ ] who let him bake the positive faces coming out that positive faces coming out that good it's pretty good pretty damn good lads the cheese part is a little plain yeah but the rest of it it helps with the sauce yeah that's good the sauce saved us I really like it I'm not going to score it yet I want to taste these two fair enough do you recommend a certain part of it in my opinion this is key you can win if get a good part try and get the strawberry in there you want the strawberry you got strawberry the bit with the leaves preferably I I'll go for the The Edge what strawberry do you want them to have no you don't need the leaves it is a thick base oh please be pleas it's probably more biscuit than anything else please be [ __ ] oh no it's probably got dry it dry oh Eminem oh dry it could be dry shut the [ __ ] up it could be dry no hold your critique and you're a good food TV person cuz like you you go faces we don't even know what hand where we start right if you go like halfway through a piece of the biso circular on go down get a nice there oh oh you want me to oh if you strike a bis off in the middle get what the [ __ ] is that's looking great there is no the base is built in the Bas is everywhere you can never have too much base Ked feel the crunch in there for the biscuit the buttery biscuit the buttery biscuit base there was no that you C lot of crunch got some Oreo got some Biscoff I'm to him okay this has been this has been a great video watching oh Jesus Christ hang on take it he's sa he's saving his mouth really getting a taste out of it attack May the best man win yeah the [ __ ] was that yeah there it is good luck boys I mean I think you guys are pretty much smashed it coule seconds of we're just getting a reevaluation should be good no I need to make sure positive though all I tasted was strawberry on the first one get busy in the middle of it get a bit of Oreo on the side yeah you agree or doese what is that hly have a bite of that and you'll [ __ ] you'll find out what that is poo by the way that is vile so Green Team um we didn't give you a zero thank you which means you're guarante win yes but we actually did give you an eight oh it was actually really good surprisingly good yeah oh let's go let's go I think if it set a little bit more little bit more flavor in the the cheese yeah we you put more sugar in could have been a 10 it's a proper cheesecake I would eat that whole thing little bit more time should we go blue team we did it yeah oh no blue team it's poo tastes it looks like you're poo restaurant you're not a cheesecake but it is what would you call it what would you call it it's not a cheesecake to my colle def is it's a deconstructed cheese it doesn't matter we found out in the first round this is don't care what it is however it wasn't great doesn't taste good [ __ ] you we decided to give it a four do it take a do it the red team this was 90% biscuit bless you it was masked for me with the taste of strawberry so I had a second bite okay I had the nice rear end nice I ate the booty of it very crispy so you need more than a four to win or a four to draw oh okay that we've given the red team uhhuh we've gone with a six oh oh my God unlucky bro unlucky bro I don't believe that to I don't believe that to rub it in further I think if your actual cheese part was thicker it might have beaten that one wow legit yours actually quite nice just it was biscuit is it bad yeah it's bad so that means green team are the winners red team second place blue team are the losers oh yes it felt really good to apply myself today yeah yours man that's a [Music] phenomenal yeah [Music] yeah
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 2,878,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: AsvhscWKcnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 4sec (7024 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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