Last To Take Hand Off Jet, Keeps It!

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- I spent two and a half million dollars on this private jet and had 11 YouTubers put their hands on it. Whoever keeps their hand on the longest wins the private jet, but if at any point they take their hand off, they're eliminated. The challenge has officially started. The rules are simple. You can't push someone, and yeah, that's it. - I've got nothing on the schedule. I can stay here forever. - I am willing to do anything, including crap my own pants. - I heard there was gonna be a lot of loud and obnoxious people on this shoot. - Get off. - No joke, the winner of this challenge is getting a private jet. So of course the old tried to find the best spot - I'm in the best spot, the lowest spot on the plane. - I think I've actually got the best spot of everyone right now. - The jet is actually way bigger than I thought. Oh. Oh. - They're making their way on the other side of the wing- - How am I gonna do this? - Just slide your hand. - Oh. Jimmy! - So how comfortable is this position? I almost just went like, with my right hand. - Oh. - Oh my god. - George, if you weren't grabbing something, I think you might have let go. - No, I'm locked in. Don't worry. - Yeah. What's your strategy for winning this thing? - I have a lot of perseverance in my spirit, but I I gotta be honest, Speed... Speed is making it difficult. - Dude, the wheels are pretty comfortable. - I'm, yeah, you were not. We're both logical, logical people. - Exactly. - I'm rested... Oh no. I think we might have just got someone out. - Oh my gosh, Vik's out. - Did Vik just lose? - Vik, are you out? - He really lifted his hand right in front of him. - I thought this was a logical spot. - You guys tell me what you think. See Vik's hand right there? - Yeah. Yeah. - This 2.5 million jet isn't yours. - They'll pick me up when they win. - Goodbye, Vik. - Vik, you got out, but who's out next? - I think Chunkz. - Yeah, he looks like he's petering out there. - I think Chunkz is ready to go home. - Chunkz, buddy. Word on the street is you wanna leave. - Potentially. - Would you get out if I gave you my debit card? - What, and it works? - Yeah, of course. - No, I swear to god, now I'm tempted. - Oh, think of the video! - How much can I spend? - It'll probably stop after ten grand, so you- After ten grand? - Yeah. Oh my God! - Here you go. I didn't! Shut up! I did not do it! - Speed's gone! Speed's gone! - I'll let you be the judge of it. I'm gonna go forward. - Where's the date? Where's the date? - Bro, that's you. Five seconds ago. So your hand comes in the frame to high five, and he just lifts his hand- - Chunkz just made 10 grand, and made Speed leave for nothing. - I'm so disappointed. - That is crazy. - Oh no. - Back to back out. What are you looking at? And this guy keeps following me, man. - Bye, Speed! - We're getting emoted on. - Three people have been eliminated, so I'm gonna make things harder. Conveniently, we rented this entire airport, so we're gonna go for a walk. Karl. - Yes. - I need you not to drive too fast. If you get them all out now, my video's two minutes long. - Hey, MrBeast Shortz. - Oh my God. Are they about to pull the jet? - Okay, the plane is moving. We're moving. We're moving. - Get comfortable, because got a long way to go. - No one's gonna believe me when I told them what we're doing. - It's not like a private airport, this is a commercial. I don't understand how he's done this. - I'm just so happy we're walking. - Is that fast enough? - It's a plane, mate. - If I lose cause I'm challenged, fair enough. If I pull a Vik I'm fuming. - I think my hand's slowly going numb. - I can't believe we're actually competing for a private jet. - My feet are hurting. There's a big old warehouse over there. - Here's our next destination. Coming up in front. After two hours in the challenge, the boys needed a bathroom break. You wanna test our peeing method? - How are we ? - I'll be right back. Let me introduce you guys to the good old bucket method. Hey, keep that hand on. If this hand comes off, he loses. I don't care if he's peeing. - My... is out now, by the way. So don't come around, bro. I deserve my privacy. I missed the bucket. I'm so sorry. - We don't fake things around here. Yeah, I just need a good clean camera shot of his hand. And throughout this entire challenge, we have an army of people staring at their hands. We'll know if they come off the jet. - My hand's got a private jet listening to a man pee. - Lazar. Can you come on up to the front over here? - Ah, how? - I don't know. Figure it out. - Guys. Guys, guys. I'll give you all a ride on my jet if you let me under. - Since you have the most subscribers, you pick the order we go in the jet. - We're going in reverse order. - No. - It's gonna be brutal. - I'm on the carpet. Is it that funny, Terry? - It's hilarious. He's literally crawling up here. - Please let me under. Let me under. - I'm sorry. We're getting serious now. - Wow. - Might be a bit sticky though. - Oh. - Ooh! - Why's your hand like that? - What are you doing? - It's working. Guys, please, please. - Sorry man. - How can I get through? - Sorry man. You guys, don't push him off. It's literally down to fingertips there. - No, shut up. - Oh, this is awful. This is awful. - This is nice. - Yeah. - I could see my... I mean, my friend flying up in the sky in this. - Whoever wins this jet has to give it to someone else. 'Cause obviously these guys are YouTubers. They don't need a private jet. - It could be you if you subscribe to my channel. - If he wins. - I'm on. - Yeah. - So what do you think of the jet, boys? Solid. - There's eight seats and eight of you, but for us to fly, I need to sit here, so I kind of need someone to get out. - Oh. - Oh! - Just let me know whatever one of you wants to get out. - All right, Jimmy! - I left them alone in the jet for hours, and no one got out, so I made them do laps around the plane. - You start going... - Oh, what? I'm gonna go like under the plane. - I'm coming over here. - Someone has to get out. In case you forgot, this jet is literally two and a half million dollars. These boys got a lot on the line. - My hand goes off this, I'm done. - Don't worry, man. You're just winging it. - Never speak to me again, please. - I'm not getting back on that plane until someone's lost. - You need to entice these guys to leave, man. - Why? I don't need to. When you're sleepy, it's game over. - It's Will. I'm telling you. Will is the one to go for. He's cracking. - 20K. I'll go. - I heard some deals are happening. What's going on? They've offered me 20 K from the winner, if I take my hand off now. - The winner wins a jet. Not money. - Are you fine with us making that deal? - Yeah, if you guys pay him 20 grand. - Yeah. - Oh! - All right, thank you for... Oh my god. That hand's sweaty. Now that Will is out, that means we can fly the jet around. Everyone, get in the jet. This is nice. - The inside, the only thing in play is the exterior. The chairs and stuff like that do not count. - I'm gonna be honest. I think I'm out. - What'd you do? - The chair. - Oh, that's honest of you though. - Ready? No, it's got a good angle. - Definitely not on the wood. - At least he was honest, he ratted on himself. - Thank you, Jimmy. - No problem. A bit sweaty. - I know, it hasn't come off the jet. - Let's see this bad boy in the air. Good evening, gentlemen. Be on our way fairly shortly. - On our way where, can I ask? - Yeah, just, just lay back. - I'll chill out. I'll chill. - I really hope you guys didn't, you know, when you had your hands on the outside the plane, mess anything up. - What you mean? - Oh, come on. - I don't know. I'm just saying. - If this plane crashes, do I get to keep all of their channels? - Always says the wildest stuff before we- - That did not sound good. - This is it. - There she goes. - In case you're wondering, this jet works. - Harry's face kills me. - It feels wrong. It feels like a tin can. Anything could hit us out the sky. - Boys. What way are we going? - There's a lot of lights that way. So that could be London. So we could be going... I've got nothing. - It's just so funny seeing the wing you guys were just slapping... - Speed was- - Oh! Oh! - We've just got on the flight and his hand's come off. And the best part is, he has to fly to the next destination and back with us out after he's out. After over an hour in the air, I still didn't tell them where we were going. We may or may not be landing soon. Where do you think we are? - I have no idea. - Dublin. - Liverpool. - Milan. - Look for the Eiffel Tower. - Ireland. - Scotland. - I reckon it's Southend Airport. I reckon we just did a lap. - Where are we? - Where you think about Beast? - Oh, whoa. - Whoa. - That's the hangar. We just did a lap. - That's right. I just told the pilot to fly around in circles for a couple hours. Oh, thank god. - Congratulations, you got pranked. We went in a circle. Boys, come on out. This is where the real fun begins. Everyone's tired. They're freezing. The challenge is gonna get interesting. - In the hangar we go. Again. - It's time to feed the contestants. I bought things like steak and spaghetti that are really hard to eat with one hand. - Oh, is that spaghetti? - A wooden fork? For a steak. - After dinner, I have a special surprise for all of you. See you in a bit. - Special surprise? Imagine he says someone's out. "I hope you enjoyed that meal." We're down to the final five. It's time we get serious. I need you guys to pair up into groups of two. I'm saying no more. - Oh, there's only five of us. - Brother. Yes? - Me and you both. Me and you. Come on, we've got this. - I'm alone. I've been ditched. - Karl, you know what to do. - Left hands Put 'em together. - Oh, what is this? - I feel like I might have gotten away with something, but I don't know what's coming. Is something happening bad to me? - Come here, George. - I don't know if this is even fair. They can move their arm. I can't move my arm. Oh George. No George. - I'll just sit here. - If Lazar wins, a nine year old kid gets the jet. If Niko wins, his editor gets the jet. - When I was five, I was really ill. I had leukemia, so I'm gonna find someone, and try and give them the start that I didn't have after that. - Wow. - Yeah, I was trying to change- - So you'll find someone who recovers from leukemia, give them a jet? - Yeah. I'm gonna try my best. - I would find someone who's willing to sell the jet, and then donate all that money to a children's charity. - Really? - No. - We are bonded forever after this. Is this all right? - Me and Mr. Lazar have found the best position. - I met you 24 hours ago. Now look at us. - Lean your head on my chest, turn to the side, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Aw, man. - There you go. - How's it going on down there? - Our little . - This is literally the biggest prize I've ever given away, and they're starting to get a little too comfortable. I banned the wings to make it harder, but it doesn't seem like that's working. They have 60 seconds to stand up. - I think I know what's coming and it's not good. - Okay, everyone is standing again. - Yes. Let's go with the routine. - Since nobody was getting out, I'm gonna bring out the red tape. I decided to give them even less room on the jet. If you touch the red line, or go below it, you are out, starting now. We're in this together. Let's see how badly they want this jet. - You allowed to do that? - What? - Hold your hand. - Why not? - No wonder you haven't moved. You've been holding it in place. - We've been doing this for like an hour now, and everyone is still kind of going strong. I guess Harry's looking a bit wobbly. - It's 5:00 AM I think I'm more tired than they are. - We have a proposition. I'm gonna coin flip this young gentleman over here. Whoever loses takes their hand off the jet. - Heads, you stay on, tails you stay on, a $2.5 million jet on the line. - Oh my God. - Oh hell, watch out. Oh! - Get off the jet. - It's on heads. - Get off the jet! - Is he a man of his word? - Oh! - How does it feel to be free? - It's very not... But I miss him, man. I miss my boy. - I believe in you. Harry. Hold that hand up. See you later. - Little bit. - See ya, boys. I'm going to bed. - I wish I could. To celebrate Callux getting out, I say we make it harder. Everyone pick a finger. - This beauty here. - As of now, that is, is all that matters. - I'm gonna go with the pointer. - Okay. Pointer as well. Everyone's pointer finger. From now on, that is the only finger that matters, till you guys start dropping. - I'm not good. - It's so difficult now. - This is painful. I'm only 10 seconds in. - I have the benefit of this other hand there. - We need to get our tape off to be fair with Harry. - Give it like 30 minutes and I'll cut all the tape off. - Can I coin flip it? Take my tape off if I get heads? - If you'll leave. Sure. - Let's flip the coin. Heads, take it off. I'm doing this for you, Niko. - Tails. That means he's out. - I didn't have a chance unless we took this tape off. Oh, I'm sorry Niko. You've gotta take it home, buddy. It's for Niko. - It's for Niko. - Oh my God. - Take it home, buddy. - I'll let you pick. Do we make George wait the 30 minutes, or do I cut him out now? - I wanna see a fair ending. Take it off. Take it off. - Okay, I appreciate that. - I wanna see a of willpower. - Good luck. Keep your finger on the jet. - This is what I needed for me to win. - It's gonna be so disrespectful when you lose. - If you win. Who is getting this jet? - I think it's just gonna have to be my mom. I've got no one else. - I really want to give it to my editor, George. - We should call your editor. George. What's up man? - Oh my gosh. - Now, Niko is saying that if he wins, he's giving this jet to you. Do you have any words of encouragement for Niko? - Encouragement is you've gone this far. You can go the extra mile. - Thank you, George. Thank you. - I'm gonna split it between my brother and my sister. - Oh really? - I grew up with them, man, so I wanna try and give them something special. The sun's coming through out there. I'm seeing daylight. That's the only way we can actually tell the time. This is very tough. - My arm is dying. - You ready to make this a little harder? I need you to face that direction. Oh look, I've done it. - Yeah yeah. There you go. - I'm like losing... - Oh, I should just gone like that. - Yeah. There we go. Niko is struggling here. - Just get out already. - I can't. - Come on. - Now's not the time, Nolan. - I left them alone for a while and then we caught something on one of our cameras. - One of you- - Oh no, oh no... - has gotten out. Who do you think it is? - It's me! - Someone go review his footage. It was not, I got something I need to show you. Is that your hand? - Maybe? - Is that your hand? - That is my hand. - It was literally off, for no joke, one singular frame. - I gotta take my hand off? - Well, I mean you can leave it on, but you're not winning the jet, man. Aw, guys. - There was clear airspace. Wow. Well played, guys. - It is now down to George and Harry. - I want you to check though. - I'm going to check Harry. - Can't believe I was this close to win it. Who do I think's gonna win? I feel like- - Who do you think's gonna win? What do you mean? How about here's who did win. Don't tell 'em who it is. Gentlemen. The challenge is officially over. - No, I know when it happened, a minute before you came out, it skipped over, no! - Harry. - No! - I'm sorry man. But you can go ahead and take your finger off. If you look right here. See that finger? - Mhm. - It's not Harry's. It's actually George's. - No. - Wait. You're trolling. You actually trolled me. - Yeah. Harry? You just won! - Yes! Come on! Oh yeah! - George, you were this close. - What? - But close doesn't matter. Harry just won this jet! - Yes! - Oh, you're all so sweaty. Congratulations. Who are you giving the jet to? My brother and my sister. Let's go to them right now. - Three, two, one. - No no no no... - I swear to God. Subscribe to MrBeast. He's a legend. Buy all his chocolate and stuff. - Everything. - And in case you're wondering we're gonna offset all the carbon emitted during the filming of this video by tenfold. And we're also gonna offset any future carbon emitted by the winner of this jet.
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 129,379,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kX3nB4PpJko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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