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what if someone like McDonald's or B can go okay we want to buy you out this man this man doesn't care about money I mean everyone has a price if I asked to buy the Sim in for a trillion dollars you would say yes so there is a price have a low price I mean you know it but you guys have great chemistry it's cool to see even after all these years you don't just fing hate each other it's very you know what I mean I mean we have our moments but I think because we're actually like friends and yeah we friends we all we all actual friends first and it kind of then developed and the brand built around that opposed to but you friendships I mean how long has it been like 10 years yeah 10 years is a long time yeah 10 years since we've been like true friends we probably met each other like 12 13 years ago been friends with you for 12 years right nine years ago we we liveed together n years ago hell that's crazy that is wild yeah I don't know we've got it's kind of just worked there's a lot of mutual respect as well we understand each other's like boundaries we when someone is genuinely bothered about something and I feel like there's always someone else to say like hey look you've said something that is too far in that case like let's sort it out I think because there were genuine beefs around the diss tracks yeah and oh my God there's genuine beef as well like you guys but like there's times where we argue with each other and we're like oh I don't think this is a good idea oh I think this is a good idea oh what the hell you know like as friendship personal work last and actually that brings to an interesting dynamic because we have this kind of like democracy do you sometimes feel the pressure of a lot of the Mr Beast decisions come down to you do you like that do you wish you had more people to Soundboard with where do you sit on that uh no I love it yeah they it definitely I love that told me well it's just like this it's this is what I love um I just want the boys to be happy so like their job is just to play video Gam watch cartoons Refuel on stupid jokes and just be happy and I'll figure it out and you don't feel like sometimes you're like oh there's so much weight on my shoulders right now I wish I could share this or you're just like I know what I'm it sucks but I mean it's also it's one of those things where I could dial it back at any point just like you could dial things back but we're just it's weird you just don't want to even though it's like it's a grind and like like last night I didn't go to bed till like 4:00 a.m. cuz we were just after that we worked out then I had to film Tik toks how did you crazy the filming we did was a workout we were running we were jumping we wereing yeah that was when the did just get started because then we had to do edits uh revisions on the video we're uploading today we had to do vo build a little mock vo booth and we just like cranked out a bunch of stuff so why are you here go to sleep well actually I did a podcast before this as well yeah so I just did a podcast and then um the machine yeah well that's where um that is the hard part because you can kind of Outsource almost anything besides like the actual doing on camera and like kind of the creative type stuff so that's the part that yeah like if I want to just stay relevant it just basically it's how much time do I want to put into it and once you kind of look into it you just have to optimize every hour well I think I think sorry I think a lot of YouTubers or creators struggle to stay relevant yeah and uh I think we were discussing like how you would think well I mean just how people can stay relevant in general like how do you think people can do that for YouTuber just make good videos people overthink it if you just make videos people like to watch and do that over a long period they'll just you know you'll become so ingrained in them you're like we were talking about before you're like Spongebob like I haven't watched SpongeBob in eight years but I could probably quote random lines and picture random scenes because they just consume so much yeah um so I think most people just don't focus on making good videos they like try to do as little as possible or they just don't put in effort or you know there's there can be too much stress with like ah like okay I put up a good video now I need to put another good video another good video and the pressure to always just exactly a treadmill that you have to stay on it if you get off the treadmill that's when it's hard to get back on it brutal as long as you have your mindset always right like what's next what's next what's next and you don't dwell too much on what you've done you just go straight on to next project you're good as soon as you get can't be complacent as well I said this the other day I said if we were complacent YouTubers we'd still be making GTA videos together and getting 10,000 views video it's because we realized that that had done its time and we moved on I mean we all started so long ago I was saying this yesterday we started back in the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 commentary days and we've seen so many people come and go the ex JS the white boy seventh street the wood's gamertag FPS Russia um who was the go to the special effect uh Freddy Freddy Wong we've seen so many people on YouTube come and go but we've proven that if you keep switching it up you can become bigger and bigger and bigger over time which is kind of crazy to think about like if we're all still I mean relevant sounds like a shitty word but whatever people still watch us in like 10 years from now just that's so unable how much you can do with that like think of your alcohol or prime and all the other stuff you're going to start how [ __ ] huge that [ __ ] will be in 10 years no one's ever actually built a large audience like on social media and then maintained it for a decade and leverag that to grow Brands which I think like we're kind of at the beginning stage of that with like happy Dad Prime our products and like a bunch of other YouTubers are starting to do things but like think before like last year what's like a mainstream product that like a Creator created Well normally I guess before used to be like books or main ERS yeah like wer consum when you go into like Walmart what YouTuber product would you see I guess it was the hair ties what's her name Joo she did Joo okay JoJo siwa but even she I don't think was makeup as well makeup yeah and then you have Ryan's toy reviews he did like 250 million one year off of slime so but that's the thing like kids don't really count it's a different vertical and then so I guess it's makeup so as up to this point it's really only ever been makeup that's like really broken away like I remember we used to look at makeup and we were like where's our make what can we give what can we give to the boys and that's what's exciting about this next wave because we're breaking away from that and it's going to be so like Prime's going to be worth1 billion doll one day you know what I mean I mean we'll see but I mean it's crushing every time I go to Walmart America there's Prime in every one of them I go in random stores sometimes and I see it and I'm like get in the UK hard really I went cuz I was we just launched an Walmart Pro product and so I was looking at the shelves and stuff and I look over there's like three rows of prime like probably 500 bottles there and it's like holy [ __ ] you guys had so much shelf space but and there's just no way you're not selling well if you have that much space yeah um but yeah so it's like exciting to see that and like happy Dad and everything else yeah well even even with like sides as well like how we're slowly you know branching out and getting bigger and bigger and bigger and even you you you know released or opened up your first physical and bro like holy [ __ ] having that many people as well yeah incredible like how was that that must have been phenomenal like that was insane honestly we had like before we shut the doors and started being like no go away we had 20,000 people there in line I just think how how many of those people turning up were thinking am I going to get 10K today you know a lot of people say that but so I end up taking photos with every single person we serve so I took the with 10,000 people we cut off the line after 10,000 told them to go home you get through 10,000 bro we broke the world record for most Burgers so in the day I had like 50 people back there just going ham uh those things Jesus man and uh so yeah they would go through and then the problem but that was probably the most stressful hardest day of my entire existence a I didn't think it would be that crazy I thought it would be like two or three thousand not 20 um and on top of that so you wait in this line for people camped out overnight so now the line well actually people tried to camp out three nights in advance but the mall was just like go away like you can't start camping out until do that for game releases now so we have like hundreds of people waiting days to camp out the day before it was like a very weird thing I wasn't expecting and then they camp out they stay overnight so you spend all this time waiting and then you come in well I so I was going to work the cash register but then the problem was people were just standing there talking nonstop and they just same when weides get through exactly there was four cash registers I was one in the middle but they would just take like 10 minutes and we were doing the numbers and it's like this isn't going to work so then I stop maning the cash register and I go like I just walk around and talk to people but then they just don't grab their food or they don't eat they just follow me around in the restaurant this is all real time with 20,000 people waiting and all [ __ ] going on so then I'm like [ __ ] how do how do I get them out of here so then I like I go hide and then they just wait around till they see me and they're not leaving so then I'm like God damn it so now I stand outside the restaurant over here and we noticed people would leave to come take pictures with me so then we like this is all real time we built like this little like uh with those ropes like system where you go and you order and then when you leave you got a picture with me and that's the only reason people would leave and then so I would take photos to just get people to leave and then you know I'd need like like a 20-minute break no one would leave the restaurant they just sit there people would only leave if they got a photo they don't want the burger they want the picture yeah well they want it both but you know they try the burger and then they just chill around till they see me cuz that's why they waited like 20 hours and so like we had to like in real time go like build this Advanced system to get them out of there or they just clogged up the line never moved and and so I just sat there for like 12 hours just cranking out photos like a a St the way you describ that sounds like a Black Mirror episode it was all these people waiting like look at that that's just like probably 2% of the line or something crazy and so I just feel really bad I want to get this line moving and I'm like stressing out and so yeah and you know it's just like trying to check in on the kitchen keep the line moving and take photos with everyone at the exact same time and keep the flow going so we can actually crank through the line they must have had to get emergency burgers in at some point they can't have prepped for that many burgers right there must have some going on we had like we brought in tons of grills we like we just hired people from all the local restaurants to to come in on that day well we we brought him in the week before trained them up yeah and so we I mean if you went back there it was like a machine so we would have people so basically you know like the what did Henry Ford do the assembly line yeah the assembly line we basically had our own version of it I forgot the word uh so like Pi certain people would just only put pickles on the bird that's all you would do like certain people would put mayo literally like a machine you have Cooks like flipping them and they pass them down and this guy all day just go is that footage of any of this is that like oh yeah we're probably G to make a video on it I'm just like I see I was supposed to make a video but the problem is I ended up just taking photo literally so we would like get a group of I couldn't I was doing individuals but then it would take too long and we guess me it take like seven days and obviously I can't do seven days straight of it so then we started doing like groups of 20 so we'd B Bunch people in a group of 20 and then I'd walk over and I'd say hi to them thanks for coming out and be like sorry I don't mean to rush you along just got to keep taking photos I'd take a photo with 20 of them and then i' walk over to and then while I did that they'd get another group of 20 on my right I go take a photo with them say hi to them for like 10 seconds and I go back and take a photo with them and that's basically what I did for 12 hours so everyone could get a photo with me wow and then we U we like people would like try to Fumble with their phones and it add too much time because we having to measure the throughput to keep the line moving that's what to say it was stressful on the Mr beatburger Instagram we just posted them all there and just like go find it up there and like the story had like thousand plus just group photos up there it would take you like an hour to sh tree so where do you where do you see Mr Beast like going like Mr Beast Burgers going um well the next step is I want to do more physical restaurants and I think like what are you trying to like compete with like McDonald's and are no but I think the best comparison is Five Guys okay five what is that name what is that brand bro walking a Five Guys what is that you know like why is Five Guys successful or like CU it's just that one time I was walking down Vegas like the strip uh and there's like Bob's Burger's Palace what place with the stickers outside that I don't know but it looked like in Vegas it like the most dog sh place I've ever seen my life so these guys can be successful why can't Beast bger like me out of the equation Beast bger sounds cool it sounds a little and and I just want to sounds powerful yeah exactly and I just want to make a modern restaurant like simple things like having like a just read your license plate in the Drive-Thru and just pull up your previous orders and just you know when they ask order yeah just be like the Tesla the Tesla just want do you want your same order as last time you just say yes you that saves you a minute that saves everyone a minute that saves the person k a minute there's things all throughout the flow of a restaurant you could do like that that aren't even that crazy but just McDonald's and these other restaurants do tens of billions a year and they're just like nothing's going to change in a lot of Europe we now have the digital screen fast food which I is SM you like you go of course that's a no-brainer but that's why I want to take it even further the read the license plate I also want to put like these hologram machines that I found I'm still trying to figure out the best way to do a hologram and like once we have a couple hundred like pay Justin beaver to do just do a concer and we just projected to only Beast Burgers so it's like you know on a Friday at 5:00 p.m you come in there and you do that or like just JB and get a burger I love it just but just make a modern restaurant like an actual modern restaurant that leverages technology and makes high quality food and isn't so what was I going to ask so do you what if someone like McDonald's can go okay we want to buy you out this man this man doesn't care about money I mean everyone has a price if I asked to buy the sment for a trillion dollars you would say yes so there is a price have a low price the question is never would you sell it's just what what is the do you have an amount in mind I can't say but if you say a number I'll tell you yes or okay so for beast beast Burgers 10 billion right now for 50% oh yeah course that's okay whole company then what for everything we're doing oh and that on the other side would be hard I actually have had someone offer a billion dollars to buy like our companies before but I was like yeah yeah yeah because it it'd be weird because technically then I wouldn't own my channel I'd be making I feel like it's too early right exactly who did really on didn't do that really Franco SM they be employees you're on a salary you have like set work hours do videos that higher up to say and you have to then appease investors yeah I wonder do you know how much they got it wasn't like it is a lot but now looking back on it if you could sell for more yeah I think they I think they had really good salaries compared to what they were earning then but they were so early on the curb what they were earning was going to and then they went here and they like but then again how many people were here and now they're nowhere to be seen so it's you can that was that Panda update P YouTube change know R link bought smash back oh yeah they did it was for 10 mil 10 mil yeah dang we should for 10 mil did that work no I don't think it ever bounced back that 2019 and I haven't heard much since can I buy smash that would be fun like a trading card trade out bro that' be YouTubers you start with1 and who's the most expensive YouTuber you can buy oh my God you should do you should try and buy a bunch of YouTube channels that don't like post anymore just buy them out own times Yeah by wy's gamertag I want to I want that would be fun be like what buying channels is easier it's easier if you buy a channel that doesn't have a personality yeah of course you can just adapt it and then so those are cont you just buy them and then you just make the content better flip them you do that already yeah a couple times when I have more free time I'd love to do it more like you're much you're so much more risk averse than we are American thing that's a I think we're starting to Branch out like you you just go oh that let's just do that having fun head on over to get the full exclusive experience
Channel: Side+
Views: 672,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sideplus, shorts, ksi, miniminter, w2s, vikkstar123, zerkaa, TBJZL, behzinga
Id: bveNtDE4WVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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