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today on Bay Squad we're doing L to fall asleep for £10,000 withm today the boys are flown to America to face off against am and whichever team has the longest standing members will be crowned the ultimate group and will be awarded £10,000 the rules are simple no sleeping if your eyes are closed or covered for more than 10 seconds you will be eliminated no access to phones in order to restrict them knowing what time it is this won't be easy however as round by round challenges will push the boys to their absolute limits if they want to win teamwork is necessary you might be wondering why some of them were already looking a bit tired that's because the challenge started 12 hours before they arrived here where the boys have been filming all day so they are coming into this house already tired so the question is who will be the last team to fall asleep and all the all the cameras run so we basically start right now oh snap oh [ __ ] good night good night good night everyone night Bo if you think these guys get along and we'll just stay up together you are wrong as tensions rise almost immediately hey yo beta Squad what's the word new boys bro what's going on up what's going on squ up bro oh sleep oh okay it started like this it started like this it started mental that's fine though the fact we started off with a pillow fight and people were actually going for Knockouts me included I am people is crazy and that just makes me think that this video is going to be a bumpy ride everyone on him I get him guys finish him off listen listen just smoked just like we will in our football match June 2nd that's right bet Squad and am will be going head-to-head at the curst Park Stadium where they will be creating super teams to make the best and most fair game possible get your tickets at beta on the 30th of April at 600 p.m. or tune in live on June 7 how do you even gauge who want a pillow fight he got knocked out however while the boys were fighting with pillows one man is already starting to fight with sleep I'm I'm really struggling I'm really struggling energy wise the real question is who's going out first and I feel like it might be Kenny I'm going to say Kenny Kenny Kenny Kenny Kenny his hairline already left time ago and he's just going to follow it how confident are you in winning there's no confidence it's only you know the power of um hope come go come come hey come out come on come out your beds man come on SO AJ shabil has brought us here today to say what they should be winning this cuz who jet likeed very you should be winning excuses excuses you guys lose a bunch puss but let's be real with the audience just for context we filmed the video before this everyone is hella tired too and we flew into the whole country now that the boys have got all their excuses out of the way they try to find something to do to pass the time all right you know what easy game it's an easy game easy game I'm going to say a letter and everyone just has to say a country going around these man couldn't name more than 10 countries in the world all right let's go out of here all right let's play the game then all right startop with a bro Angola America ant Arctica look look look look look look look I told you man all right that's a country bro my aunt live Antiga Antiga and baruda we'll let you off cool Africa yall do the A's now go all right yeah we carry on uh Albania there you go where is that I know where that sh uh Afghanistan there you go Algeria I Ain never heard of Algeria bro make up bro just make up Armenia listen he said Armenia he said Armenia Argentina Argentina andur andur try hard just try hard man like they always basically always thinking about the hardest possible challenges so we going to win anyway so it's cool that's a brave call from duke but now it's time for Duke to receive a call of his own the phone the phone is ringing answer the phone wait you might die if you pick it up hello dup please inform the group that challenge one is about to begin challenge one is about to start please get everybody ready you know how they be like welcome ladies time to work let's go move let's move get your ass out of bed let's go who the is that that fella is the coach and he will be monitoring the boys very closely in today's first challenge which will Tire the boys out with an endurance test in the gym we going to start three two go hold them up hold them up the boys will have to hold these weights up for as long as possible and the first two people to drop their arms have a big punishment waiting but we don't have to wait long to see who the weakest member is Jim work got challenge I'm not going to lie I'm starting to slow at it because like I don't want to exert myself too much but it's I feel like it's going to be the long night after Davis fail chaos erupts and people start cheating left right and Center come on man stop playing with me man look at look gym workout was pretty Mickey Mouse like literally nobody was like doing it properly so then I started cheating we were all cheating it was just like who got caught yeah how long are we keeping this up for whoever Dro it for I I I so many people have dropped it TR oh I actually need help yo yo yo yo he's out Cy's out [Applause] out listen I already trained twice today so everything is aching that jimm sh was very big and and and and swall but one thing about him is he wasn't playing the game fair at all he didn't know what he was doing he was there for straight Vibes but I'm not calling him out have you seen his muscle are those gun fully loaded yes they were my dude is out darn my dude is out oh we lost Kenny wait so they were the worst Kenny and Davis as you two were the worst you will now be going to The Sleep chamber oh what's that well K I'll tell you what the Sleep chamber is it's a dim room with no stimulation or distraction as Kenny and Davis are the first to endure this room which is perfect for sleep they must lie flat on the bed with their head on the pillow for 1 hour before being allowed to leave y Davis goodbye bro you got to talk the whole hour talk yourself wait wait there's not even a TV in here no why would they give you stimulation canny the way you genuinely have to make it through cuz we can't be the first ones out it's a sign of weakness it's it's true yeah no he's not even lying I'm going to stay up there's things worth fighting for okay this is one of those things why that gum is going to keep you awake chew work out your jaw okay now War Two I'm give say just spech your sh no no fire that's fire that's fire that's fire cuz your your dick is Gonna Keep You stimulated you will stay awake say you will stay awake say you will stay awake say you will stay awake will stay awake say you will stay awake you have a good night all have a good night by I will stay awake say I will stay awake I will stay awake say I will stay awake saying goodbye to Kenny was emotional but I can only hope that that song that we gave him is going to give him the strength to last the full hour as Davis and Kenny are trying not to fall asleep the others are in the main room playing mind games with each other I so if you have to predict who goes out he's first bro Kenny's probably first yeah you might be right after Kenny Kenny first then Philly here's what going to happen y like oh sh we lost two members we got to try super hard but you're going to be shattered when chunks leaves so after that really it's going to be you Sharky AJ let's be honest BR Shar going to start daydreaming now we're talking 6 V2 right 6 V2 that's scary though and then basically after that you're you're going to be like oh maybe I got to try extra hard I got to carry my team on my back after that bro boom AJ's out 61 now it's all of us first you feel me and you're just going to realize like it's not worth your time and effort and like that and um basically like you have a flight to catch so you're just going to and it's going to be all six of us and we're going to kumbai out right here yeah yeah yeah that pration has come up to me and claimed that every single am member is going to stay in until it's 6 won and he said I'm going to be the last one left and to be honest I'm quite scared of how confident he is it's going to come true cuz it's not bet a squad we're strong and feel it the beta Squad Box video was like luck bro okay me and niol were there at the end and it was a 50/50 I know I could Outlast him if it's just like an endurance thing I know I can bro and I I think it's just strategy bro like if we like work together as a team I feel like we'll be straight agents Theory might actually happen as inside the chamber Davis seems to be holding his Zone while Kenny is starting to lose it guys I think I'm losing it I just saw a bunch of flies in front of me but like huddled together like I I thought it was real then after I thought it was real when so look like um visual effects me ask don't just focusing on the game best all these guys just focusing on whatever but I'm going to predict the first person to go back what the [ __ ] you mean I'm telling you unfortunately it's going to be K you talking to yourself you talking to yourself my see you no I'm not I just seen this talking to yourself okay so we making stuff up just to get the people's attention yeah guys I can't do this I'm so tired why are we going to know any fall of time Kenny and Davis your time in the Sleep chamber is over please go back to the main bedroom Shake mate everybody hide everybody hide everybody everybody everybody hide everybody hide everybody let's go come on we survived it we came out um Victorious was what the f where is everyone what the [ __ ] is going on I don't know but I do tell you this seems like a perfect place to welcome back boys back how is it how is it I'll be honest oh KY look at keny look at Kenny that's oh he's D all play for making it that's hell that's hell DAV you look wide awake yeah I no I literally just finished uh finishing so yeah what finish finishing like nothing yeah there's the only way I can stimulate myself there's nothing there's no TV there's no phone so oh oh my God okay okay I was joking I was joking I was joking I was joking the boys have a right to be worried as this TV only ever turns on when something significant has happened and it looks like our video assistant referee has found something important put on the V please open eyes open eyes open eyes open eyes that's 10 seconds Kenny you fell asleep you must leave the house the first wasn't out as a baa SCH member this is a bad start Kenny what are you doing Davis did a really good job of representing this right here all right he really he really made me proud and Kenny you're weak oh [ __ ] I don't care I really don't I don't care it's every man for themselves ah sleep chamber for Kenny it was always going to be night night curtains Kenny y oh my gosh my brother had faith in him no I didn't have faith in him I predicted him to go out but go at this point now I'm clueless in the game well it's been great guys I do feel like a failure today I came out first in the Last of Me video this is utterly embarrassing you know this will go down as the one of the worst moments in history for me in the bait Squad video I can't believe it I'm just going to leave it there goodbye guys first to be eliminated is Kenny beta Squad are one man down and it looks as if agent Theory might actually happen 60 60 fellas 60 it's happening down one down one I didn't even get say goodbye and with beta Squad at a big disadvantage they'll have to tire out am the only way they know how a big S push-up challenge whatever you do I'll double it he Wast energy [ __ ] 2 3 4 5 6 there we go completely wasting his energy 10 finish slapping the floor was his energy for no reason 11 12 13 14 do the CLS do the claps another clap one more clap yes you got 60 in you I I I guarantee I can do 50 so we got it 19 20 21 look got this St burning more CS it's crazy Bing col dancing to them oh man the way they're getting sent in Royal m is crazy7 got never are we going to sending keep sending it 50 50 ball yes 50 press ups and he look nice absolutely nice absolutely love this game absolutely 158 times they got sent it's crazy bro really really wish we should add 20 but my but my friend did arms today all right we'll beat you guys we'll beat you guys Philly y first y'all first yeah n Go first you guys are going to love this one how how how many you how many you reckon how many you reckon I think n 25 if you think for a minute I'm doing a single press up you guys just wasted your for Pumped up Nico's master plan looks like it's working as all the am boys start putting their heads on pillows and are looking more and more tired maybe a challenge might wake them back up I it I want it I want it I want it I want it going on y shy please tell the room to prepare for an AM versus beta Squad rap battle oh [ __ ] okay okay okay okay go tell us tell us I'll pick Chris what the is wrong with you bro no I'm King everyone get up uh a one side B on another side we're doing a rap battle rap battle that's what they said rap battle a has this easy we're winning a rap battle all we do is rap all day every day yeah just know we're getting smoked for the Green Team hailing from England we have the beta Squad and for the black team straight out of America we've got am let's get into the battle what were we waiting for you look scared or something I'm about to leave all right it's a home where we run up a bag might run up a Millie remember ear I said I [ __ ] a bad named Jil I ain't going lie all y especially my maniz Philly but the way he just daed me up I'm like your smack come silly a man all you guys do is dating Duke Dennis if you were a FIFA card your age would be higher than your [Applause] rating we the good luck boys y the bad luck boys that means y'all curse body bag body bag body bag body bag body bag put you in the hearse B for B for B for B you got to pay me for the verse put the was on his face Apple Vision Pro now you in the metaverse but why they in the metaverse I look at aent I put that in the dirt you want to know why cuz you a short [ __ ] I dig your body up straight from the ditch I got this from the mud trying to get rich I'll smack your teeth out your mouth make him look like AJ the rich I don't know what that means but sounds good when I see your girl she blow me like a flute K said he's rolling with a 30 but he was just talking about Duke okay right now huh I see you in your little screen streaming like your I Carly you just look like a b Bob Marley I of like a be B Mar right yeah but you see me streaming okay that's crazy yeah but if I look at my views and go down the list I'm going to see your lady she going to be like oh my God I'm tuning to Casey 000 stre I call up and said come on the stream while we getting St as a team hey jump in jump in What the is everyone com hey what the you thinking about jump in look yeah man you're taking a piss I I look at his group and it's too easy to take the piss I mean you got a homeless man that looks like Chris I'm looking at the group and this is too easy to take the piss out of yeah so who's next to help me cuzz I ain't got no more B Team Green versus Team black or Team Clean versus Team whack oh listen you called AJ short that's a bit hypocritical now let's win this challenge before it gets a bit physical oh listen Philly is going to go next he's going to he said if it gets physical huh my finish uni we can get political wait wait wait wait wait we in ATL in your hood yeah oh now you ain't showing me no [ __ ] a I don't know where I'm going with this but trust me you'll get left in stitches y hear the way this talking he talking like a clown he the artist this the first time rapping hold on Philly simmer down hold up cuz we only drink B we ain't drinking honey it's one 2 3 4 5 where the is Ken now that the rap battle has has ended it's time to see who is crowned the winner congratulations you have won the rap battle you will now have to pick two members from beta Squad to enter the Sleep chamber D oh my god let's C let's let's go this is just great cuz now they get to pick two people from our team to go into the Sleep chamber we've already lost one now they're picking another two red battle was pretty fun I ain't going to lie I'm not that good with bar sometimes but when I get in my bag it just come out of nowhere everybody was going crazy F was going crazy I must say I'm quite disappointed with my team because I feel like apart from me and AJ the others gave up before we even started you guys got bad well I didn't get B they got bed I kind of held my own I feel like i' done pretty well you know I was the one who was really backing the team I was going in on the guys these guys just didn't want to come out with smoke little [ __ ] and that's why again it's a solo Mission as am won the battle they now have the big decision of putting two beta Squad members in the Sleep chamber Billy no no no no phly is not winning AJ he's a try hard he won the last one and he's tired right now put this okay and in two shy bro there's no point of sending somebody who's not going to break like niiko and there's no point of sending somebody who's obviously going to break like Philly so to send the people who were tired who I think wanted to succeed to break D would be smarter we will be sending Sharky and AJ uh you guys to the Boom Boom Room tactically on my on myth I'm very worried for shaki the last time he was in a sleep chamber he was gone so shaki might meet his fate once again hopefully he doesn't let's go a let's take this boy let's take these boys let's take these come on AB a let's get this you know you got this yeah sir you know you're good I'll see you if you two both sleep right now there's three of us left and Phil at this so we cook thanks you to sleep go to SLE to S you won't go to sleep you I won't go to sleep say I won't go to sleep the all the so it's all four of us okay you had a party in Hollywood Hills it's five here I think he's a director I am now it's y four okay get a part of Hollywood Hills I'm Diddy [ __ ] I just walk in oh hell oh hell no you walk in out brother I think it's the time for me to sleep number one yeah you are a champion of this you're absolute champ come back come back come back yeah yeah L wake up yeah no sleep away from me we can't lose you w good to sleep you w good to sleep I W go sleep I said I S than you let's go if you think I am going to sleep you must have lost your mind I've been trained for this I have skills I've gained over time on this planet that makes it impossible for me to sleep this is the first challenge I have to pass I can't I can't fall the first H I cannot fall at the first hle no chance shk and AJ have just ended the sleep bar not worried for AJ at all shk I'm worried for damn just assume this the last three the other two go to sleep shy and AJ have decided to go to The Sleep chamber at the worst time as the rest of the boys decide to host an open mic night to pass the time I'm about to sing a songo let me get some snaps I went away and I went and I saw my in the home and she was and she was saying his name and I went home and played dtb cuz I was in pain and I was in pain was in pain I was hurt I was hurt I was in my bag I was in my bag and I say I I say I I was hurt I was I was in my bag I was in my bag but then I got me a bag I got me a bag I won't go to sleep I said I won't go to sleep when you start with 1 2 and three four five and six shortly follow 78 9 then come afterwards followed by 10 11 and 12 I woke up in my room at 300 a.m. 3 a.m. told my girl to come over so she can see me she see me 91 92 93 told 94 95 and 96 how about we team up with 97 98 in 99 to stop 100 what a story but then I saw her with Phantom and she was sucking his again my dog's [Music] dying it must must have been the smudge of my face I'm going to say that again I know you guys didn't mean to for what I said but um my dog that we've had since I was 14 I asleep and I wasn't asleep by way I wasn't asleep I was awake hi friends how how you doing how you [Applause] doing um I'm from London as you guys can tell the acent what the the crowd don't like why my H he walked up the throw your Tomatoes he's back he's back oh W who who who who who who I want to turn over and just lay down and sleep Simon Says put your heads down Simon Says put your heads up Simon Says close your eyes no oh come on bro you got wait wait you R out okay okay the last one while we were bantering for about 30 minutes having a Time Of Our Lives I want everyone to consider the two people sleeping upstairs they're not sleeping how you know AJ and Sharky how you know how you know my prophecy thatp will 60 sweet beta Squad is coming to fruition this not getting really difficult all this is actually so difficult oh my God I'm actually almost drifting away people were having lots of fun others were finding it very hard to stay awake know it's a disgrace shy and AJ your time in the Sleep chamber has come to an end please return to the bedroom with the boys I made it yeah he's not sleep but we don't know if they slept though AJ looked like he slept he came back with a teddy he looked like he slept no that's reverse psychology bro you can't R psychology if I slept oh oh no oh no oh no here we go no no no no no look my eyes is open it's open open it's open again it's open again it's open it's open it's open that was not 10 that was not 10 that was not 10 it was close but it wasn't get youy to get you Denis he was asleep for 9 seconds a b you puss he got this close to getting n seconds and there was just me trolling I really did it on purpose just to throw off the competition okay it was duke it wasn't me but it was a close one because Duke was asleep for 9 seconds so I'm glad Duke survived but I'm also very happy it wasn't me on that screen wait wait who is it three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 get out get him out of here sorry he is out of there he is out I worried about come on now it felt good to look at Nico and think like ah he was so confident but maybe uh our game plan is actually working with another beta Squad member gone everybody seemed especially sympathetic this time phly why are you dancing on his grave cuz what's wrong with you this is my dance I don't know what to say I don't even remember falling asleep the remaining boys are going to have to pull off the impossible to win this and um I think we can do it in the meantime I'm going to get out of here and get some sleep thank you having me so another beta Squad member has been eliminated unlucky shy there's now only four beta Squad members remaining and agents dreams may be coming true somebody pick got the phone yeah what's the word m Adam please prepare yourselves for a game of hide and seek I'll I'm back please prepare yourselves for a game of hide and seek no hide and seek I am like such a mid player but this is a pretty big house I feel like I can find a cool spot I don't think I've ever lost a hideand-seek in my life so that says it all this isn't just any game of hide and seek we have brought in industry-leading swat officers to seek the gods we found Waldo last week we're going to find you in mere minutes and that's not all they also have attack dogs Sam is a hypoallergenic dog you're fine okay forget I said attack dog but this is a big challenge the bottom two will go to the sleep chamber and with that being said boys get hiding it's your boy Chris next door and we're back at it again with a brand new video hey yo smash that like button subscribe to the channel if you haven't already because if not oh look some pizza as Phantom tucks into some pizza that's a decent spot Nico seems to be keeping a close eye on Duke's Hiding Place I'mma hide behind this chair with everyone having to look for places to hide okay I'll take this I'm outside look it's raining now so I can't go out outside chunks had already planned for his time to Coffee AJ's technique from the last video however Nico doesn't seem quite as prepared I'm panicking I don't know a good spot to go so he's going to go check if Phantom has any tips for you I'm about to get some wings okay got the wings in my hand so now we Heat this up M now let's go hide with some eats I'm going to take this with me what I'm taking this with me okay bab little did Phantom know Nico wasn't actually hungry and was writing a message for the hunters to give a helping hand in finding Duke and it seems Nico isn't the only snitch from beta Squad oh hey AJ you want to join me aent here aent here yo this is crazy is he snitching on my position yeah I might have to move damn this blew up my spot bro with the hunters eager to be released as the timer ticks down last time one of the guys get hit in the production office camouflag himself some of the boys are left rushing in their final few seconds contestants you have 30 seconds remaining if you see the swap guy tell them it's a production room so I just moved two garbage cans over there I'm going to hide behind one of them as the timer nears zero Davis has stumbled across a potential hiding spot however Philly sees an opportunity for himself yo what the you you stealing my spot no yo gang you're steing my spot 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 release the SWAT officers all right gentlemen think fast think fast okay I'm just going to have to go in the rain come in hey I'm going upstairs split up let me know if you need back [Music] up well hopefully got take oh I I fed I was that was we're hiding we're seeking those are Windows nobody can hide in a window get one not yet it's pretty smart this is a spotted here nothing there hey I got one yes sir come on out my friend damn it can I see your hands please you are the first one caught all right listen bro y going to understand what I'm saying see I had a slice of pepperoni pizza first two Wings a bath I didn't have time to go find a spot oh n I'm the first one damn Dumb and Dumber wherever you want on your bed all I'll be right here okay you number two you lucky number two I thought my position was going to be like unique but he saw it pretty fast and and then I started just snitching off so under the bed yo Davis you are a [ __ ] snitch yeah he is you know how I go in the hood come on oh my God come on you good Davis why the would you snitch are you stupid although he only just snitched on Chris it seems Davis was after some more stitches no all Davis is a snitch oh my God n Davis you're a [ __ ] bro no you is a you know why I did that right cuz you took my spot snitch and you also snitched on his own friend Chris snitch I know you all got Tricks I know youall got Tricks on the game now this need to be [Music] a hey there yo my brother come on oh on oh my God all right man we got you we got you we got you snitch you snitched I got you let's go buddy come on here we go so with over half of the contestants now caught only the most serious hiders remain four left they can't hide in here right while sneo was struggling to keep his cheeks shut someone was struggling to keep their eyes open drive home bro I can't you got 20 more minutes and then you're out [Music] Hunters you have 1 minute remaining he's going he's got outside he's going outside knock knock no way right I mean that's somebody's nightmare right there going in the fireplace come [Music] on this way you heard that what's that somebody just said this way some buddy just said this way I check those you check these playing with us you got to go back down I sent them the wrong way I just sent them the wrong way oh to set me out I've been hiding here for like 15 [Music] minutes [Music] hey oh no there there he is got there he is here we go here we go pleas help me officer absolutely there we go it's never a good feeling being caught in hide and seek but at least I wasn't in the bottom to so I'm rather happy about that once returning back to the bedroom Nico is a little surprised to see one contestant is yet to be found these the only people who've been caught Duke hasn't been caught hey that's pretty good they just find it now how did you guys only check there now you got can't before me that's not possible Mr SWAT officer Mr swap did you not check it now yeah I did not check it now can I just say that these disgusting SWAT officers these frauds I gave them juke's whole location and they didn't even see it they told me they didn't check it I'll give up one they can't find me these guys are so dry Hunters your time is up please return to the bedroom all right I don't know why everybody in here is laughing because you were not the two who successfully hid from us all of you were caught can I can I can I can I can I ask you can I ask you one thing can I ask you one thing absolutely who's the two that didn't get caught uh I couldn't tell you so one of them is Agent and one of them is AJ um agent is out of this room all right and he hasn't been caught and AJ's on the right of me right now and he hasn't been caught he's over here you you just showed up back here yeah yeah yeah he wanted to play hide in plain tight yeah yeah it a good one from him to be honest I don't know why these guys got the SWAT team if it's teu if it's wish if it's Tik Tok shop don't know where they got them from here cuz these guys were dry Upon returning to the bedroom it seemed agent had a few words for his fellow hide and seek Champion he is a fan guess what he is a f after H from you I came up here and pretended be one of these guys I got caught the whole they again what the as the SWAT officers bid the boys farewell it seems someone may be joining them soon what's the count that they're straight right y good right we good we're good right hell yeah hey Davis are you good hell yeah Chris you good hell yeah Kai you good hell yeah bro Phantom are you good hell yeah Duke are you good 60 n 6 oh oh oh replay incoming come on man they're on your dick N9 goodbye why the was y'all just watching me like that though what I was doing is I was closing my eyes and I was counting to nine and then I was opening them but when I fell asleep during hide and seek I think it it it really got me duuk you have been eliminated a been a good run man finally we got Duke Dennis out he can now go home to his retirement home and have a good night's rest well done Duke thanks for getting involved Duke just turned 30 but we got to cut him some slack bro I ain't going to lie game Duke getting Li is a big shout to the team man we want to 60 honestly Duke Dennis is the first am member to fall asleep and he wasn't even in the Sleep chamber agents theory is is now invalid but am are still leading PanAm and Davis as you both lost hide and seek you must go to The Sleep chamber the fact you caught life that you cut you cut your lucky stuff that me going so bad right I'm still standing 10 to you talking about Davis and phom in the Sleep chamber into the goolag they go and I'm hoping we can at least get one of them out because otherwise what's the point this is now Davis's second time in the Sleep chamber I wonder if he'll be able to survive again as phom and Davis make themselves comfy Nico is practicing his parenting skills to sleep go to sleep go to sleep K and Chris nah I'm good I'm good I'm good bro n n n whilst Nico helps Chris get to sleep chunks is sharing his predictions for gone phom and K in the next hour done look him look at him look him look him hi you see hi you keep playing will fire now my open gang casy sleep time Philly sleepy time aen he's not sleeping any he devoted to proving chunks wrong Chris has come up with an idea to keep him and Kai away you get 5 seconds I get 5 Seconds G oh all right go ahead one 2 3 4 I come on bro I need a [Music] little that's all I need again I'm reard just like that bro with Chris feeling rejuvenated it seems chunks may have been right about one of his predictions or is he back in the main bedroom it seems Nico is struggling a bit with the language barrier so finished you're so so tight Bo such a lame ass H boy 10 toes oh yeah I got 10 toes yeah how long you got left couple hours couple hours yeah so you're going to have a couple hours on your death bed yeah lying down finished alive nothing in there you're not alive you haven't got anything alive you man to come over here we're talking about some fascinating stuff come through for real brother yeah yeah come come come come he sure but my man's I got to make sure he you good he good he good he good good over here yeah yeah he good he good all right gang hey hold it down hold it down yes Siri wait why you pulling him away hey bro Don't Close Your Eyes then for real bro he R he he's good no I'm talking to Mr CA yo why you leave bro why you sleep if no one talks to him good my [ __ ] hold on man what's good mano trying to play strategy over there I don't like that n think he's like a mastermind like bro like shut the up while Davis and Phantom continue to fight off the tiredness Chris has a question for Nico AJ and chunks so why is your name ba us Squad we huh you feel me I feel like some bait go to sleep early you dig we you know what I'm saying gaslighting to W them man they sleep till 10 [Music] a.m. bro come on bro I'm not going to sleep bro just go to bed it's only because I have an African dad bro if I didn't have a African dad bro I definitely would have been going toep does that mean agent has spotted Kai struggling and so has assigned Chris with a special Mission Chris go talk to him don't leave him alone I'm good no he's not hey go there no I'm good I'm good ass go he's going to sleep without us go I'm going to sleep too no so talk to each other come on bro I'm laughing bro you know you know you know what he what he's doing and what you're doing right now it's going to kill you more like putting yourself down getting comfortable do you think I can help it well if you go to sleep chamber game no I can't wait to go in there why cuz I'm going to bed you might have noticed Chris is chatting with Philly which means someone has been left on their own Davis and Phantom you may now return to the main bedroom come on Davis him [Music] up we held it down it was boring as so Kai thinks they held it down but I'm not so sure they did hey oh hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey please what the hell happened so it seems someone may have fallen asleep but the question is who the hell is it stop teasing me man you're edging right now oh he's good he's good he's good 2 3 5 6 7 8 n goodbye goodbye ah he's done he's done we got him so when I went to The Sleep chamber I realized it's kind of quiet in here and then and then it was too quiet and then yeah am weren't ahead for too long as phom is the next to depart how dumb can you be to go to the most comfortable spot you have to act you have to be extra locked in bro why did you get eliminated like bro that could have never been me bro is open 4 5 6 7 talking to me n take g g damn I fell asleep so damn I thought fom was stupid as hell but it turns out I'm the dumb more I told Kai I said casy 300 is Casey sleeping time p and Kai you have been eliminated I was poking Kai every 5 Seconds to make sure he was good and I got pulled in to do an interview here and then while I was in here Chris let him sleep so uh I just know if I was out there he'd still be in the game but another am member gone as Kai says his goodbyes it is not looking good for Am anymore and your whole master plan is now going to be us four against just you you had to beat me that's the problem just one of us have to beat that's fig K know this game is mental it's all me it's all up here bro I swear to God the boys are dropping like flies now it's not looking so good at one point they were screaming it's going to be 60 they thought they'd smoke all of us but we as a team biter we're strong and we're not going out anymore Nico seems confident in the ability of his teammates but I'm not so sure he should be you know that's all part of it look boys look I'm not tired I got you oh you got it it's going to be me nicoo AJ versus Agent Davis contestants dinner is about to be served please make your way to the kitchen oh hell yeah you ain't got to tell me twice din you got to tell me twice that's perfect that W me up that's what I eat the boys are being treated to a festar all you can eat dinner buffet however if the boys Gorge themselves too much they might fall victim to the itis the itis is a state of drowsiness which comes from consuming too much food sweet boy I can't do this I'm going just watch eat you think we're going to get that ice I will 10 minutes from now I'll be done yeah that's insane hit too you know that store yeah the yams itell amazing right tast that dat imag the end of the mill it was all laced with poison good night guys no dinner situation feels very strange because on one hand I'm starving and haven't eaten but on the other hand this food could make me feel kind of tired afterwards so uh I did what any normal person would and completely ignored the fact it might make me tired and just ate the food it's very nice whilst nio is showing no fear of the itis it seems someone is already falling victim to it good I didn't think he's got much in him send it send it back to the goag he's done everyone who's your prediction on who's going out next me bro that's not the talk which we need for I'm being genuinely honest I don't see no one else as tired as I am and it burns me to say that really does but I'm just being honest AJ is silently struggling you think I'm tired no I know you're tired no a give up from side though Steph for Chris DAV is no no no Dave's got too much energy bro as the boys continue to Feast regrets may be beginning to kick in for some I don't know how smart that was to we all that but this was good lost my man I ate too much on four yeah same I'd say that took 5% of my enery so now you got night free you eat food and lose energy why BR what food is supposed to fuel you brother huh it doesn't matter what everyone else thinks me and you we both know we both know what that you're on your last legs you're not smarter than everybody bro you think you're just you're just a regular guy bro you just think you're so smart you're so mischievous you know how smart Davis is bro this n got a BBL and convince everybody was natural that's smart as boys I hope you enjoyed your meal you can now now head back to the bedroom that's amazing all right Chef appreciate you bro appreciate you Chef how you feel you here I have indulged I am very um I've got the itis as they say I ate a bit too much and I am more tired this could get long after feasting Philly is beginning to get a little too comfortable for Nico's liking bro taking off my socks and [ __ ] like I'm on a different level of Comfort bro yeah I'm not even going to let you sleep it's not it's not possible you sleep I'm sitting here I'm making an uncomfortable experience for you bro you know how crazy this is Yo Philly are you a child bro I feel like Quan you letting that control you like that are you going to help me nah that's crazy right whoa whoo whoo wo heyo damn why did you mount him like that upon noticing Philly seeming a little sleepy the am boys begin to play some mind games you've been on a flight game been on a whole flight you haven't been able to get that good rest you think he actually cares about you I don't know he's keeping you up for his own will you know he a what the hell is he doing for you you're all right so you know what you're going to do what you're going to take your Independence back like the independent man you are no you're right bro we can win it how you how you going and you guys are my friends right yeah come on they're praying on your down for yeah they want you out the vid they don't they don't want that do you know what they want for me what you don't want they want the best for me that's crazy go lay next to him brother he's strong oh he's saying you're weak he's saying you're weak what the bro you're a weak child that he can cradle and keep up you guys are good with the Mind Games finished it was time for the real games to resume phly phone phone's WR you haven't answer yet the hamstring oh I got got you I got you are you know how you're answering the phone though agent hey how you doing shut the up and get ready for the chocolate horx challenge the this is the chocolate horx challenge the last two to finish their drink will be sent to the Sleep chamber a simple test however horx is specifically designed to help your body relax so there are no real winners of this challenge the horx round the drink from the depths of Hell well it's actually a really nice drink but for this challenge it is just the absolute terrorist Tre HX so walk in the park let's do this contestants this challenge is all about speed the last two to finish their drink will be sent to the Sleep chamber 3 2 1 go oh could finish it ready where go good [ __ ] man good [ __ ] man good [ __ ] guys hold on guys Philly and Davis you were the last to finish your drinks please make your way to The Sleep chamber oh Philly has been checked out for ages he just wants an excuse to finish and I think this round is his excuse Philly and Davis didn't end up drinking any of their drinks what huge [ __ ] uh but that means another skip on the Sleep chain bar for me I don't want to go back there Davis is back to the Sleep chamber Amber for the third time surely this time he will fall victim to sleep with philli and Davis in the Sleep chamber it's time for a secret a secret agent yo who's this agent if you can high five a member of the other team in the next 30 seconds you will win yourself a prize uh I can't hear you I don't know I just can't hear come on bro you going to sleep if you lay down come on what's the challenge they called for I don't know it might have just oh unless they told you to do something like what be careful hey be careful with agent he picked up the phone and pretend like he couldn't hear what they said well that's I couldn't hear him last time he said I can't hear you and they didn't call again oh yeah checking in on the boys in the Sleep chamber it seems Davis is holding up okay but Philly not so much with agent completing his challenge it was time to confirm chunk suspicions of agent agent congratulations you have successfully completed your secret mission we will now bring you your prize oh my God was that not I I need something bro oh my it's like oh snap this for me yes sir thank you so much oh my God and just any damn you know what the problem is is caffeine doesn't work on me but I appreciate it though bro I need I need something was up secret challenge is fun it's funny like they knew they knew cuz um I pretended like I didn't hear him and I banged the phone and they're like how come we didn't call back but I'm happy I at Le succeeded agent has won himself a can of beta energy however that energy isn't looking too sharp right now holy [ __ ] you good start I'll be all right go he's done bro wah he's wrapped wah he's wrapped when does AJ want to lie down yeah never i f for age I'm up bro just get out bro with another beta Squad member seemingly on their way to being eliminated it was time to reunite with the boys from the Sleep chamber Davis and Philly your time in the Sleep chamber is over please make your way back to the bedroom shock of the year is if Billy is like yeah second wind and he's he's doing this then off I'll be what's up big man hey there's no way Philly doing G did your tank get hit by the goag no to your F I'm good yeah he's done now all the boys were reunited it was time to see how Philly and Davis got on in the Sleep Champion oh here we go oh my show me the [Music] replay Man sound asleep that looks so comfortable it's a it's a m image over there hey should I tell you why should I tell you why he's wrong for that yeah he slept on his side he was ready to go well now now it's even even numbers how 33 lasting over 26 hours and partaking in multiple challenges Philly's time in the house has come to an end and it is time for the boys to bid him farewell tired bro bye Philly goodbye brother Philly was fighting for his life for the past hour and a half Philly I course he was going to be out bro no surprise there ni or AJ it's down to you with Philly falling asleep in the Sleep chamber the teams now each have three members left and it's all to play for all right phone phone phone phone phone phone phone up [ __ ] Chris it is time for the next challenge please tell everybody to go next door all right man basically man next time Cheng is going in the [ __ ] next room man for this next challenge the boys's interrogation skills will be tested but with everyone being exhausted who knows if their brains will work as they need them to oh wellow am I about to get uh inducted into the Illuminati the boys will be blindfolded over a course of three rounds one of them at random will be tapped on the shoulder they will take the blindfold from the center of the room and place it in front of the person they wish to gift sleep that player will be sent to the Sleep chamber unless they guess who gave them the blindfold if they guess correctly they are safe and the person who gave them the blindfold will go to The Sleep chamber instead [Music] you may now all remove your blindfolds luckily I played this game [Music] before shake my head man you wouldn't do that to me would you you can't talk you can't talk I can't yeah you can you can oh you wouldn't do that to me would you you want do that to me you do that to me you stand up and put on my table is the fifth d That's a right here in America are you going to speak you want to stay quiet Okay cool so the only person who hasn't spoke is you um okay no brother thinks he's cooking right now actually think he's no I'm clocking something here you started the quietness okay you didn't follow it you did what does that mean I think if Chris was sitting here and I asked him oh did you put he would have said yes or no I don't like this I don't like this okay I'm just going to go okay okay I'm just going to go I think okay okay man I don't care okay I I go I'll leave it AJ has picked Chris I realized Davis is very likes to make a lot of jokes and when I asked him did you put in in front of me he started making jokes agent replied normal perfectly fine one person was following the crowd who do you think it is I can reveal it was Chris wait wait it was it was Chris yes to the yes it down no no no no bro I thought I know dve was pretty well I thought it was him based on what he was answering to the go like you go I don't know I'm I'm not going to lie I'm glad pick me you know why cuz I'm tired as [ __ ] I'm tired as [ __ ] so honestly I'm glad bro I'm glad he did it bro hey bro no you won't no you won't no you won no you won't no you won't man hold it down bro love you girl love you bro the question is will Chris be able to survive the Sleep chamber one two three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 man good night my [ __ ] good night my [ __ ] yes yes oh my God bro oh my God bro I'm not going to lie bro this better than winning 10,000 bro right at this moment you feel me at this moment bro because you know I'm tired as bro Chris puts his team behind with the world's fastest sleep chamber elimination ever putting beta Squad in the lead [Music] here's my logic yeah I have to go with agent because Davis just seems to be immune from the Sleep chamber an agent hasn't even been tested yet so hopefully if he just doesn't believe that it's me we could put ourselves in a very good position you may now all remove your blindfolds see what's happening here will agent be able to pull this out of the bag or will he join Chris in the Sleep chamber H heyj what's up man how you doing man you're good I'm doing fine yeah say you're doing the same thing you're doing the same thing I'm doing ni chilling and like that you know how that girl a little weak ass handshake Realo strong let's see man I'm going brainstorm real quick who's the best liar here anything he says can't be trusted AJ what would hurt you like the most what's what's the what's the worst pain you could feel for bazooka yeah [ __ ] when's the last time you lied to somebody right now something to you I always playing mind games now I'll be honest with you there's really no way for me to know in all reality all three of you guys would give me to blindfold because why I put Davis back there this is a goog Champion is a three Pat winner okay back to back to back Champion so no point of bringing him back Chris he probably asleep already I think you two are not in the game no more you're just here for the cameras I don't think you have a chance I'm be honest but I know you think you have a chance and I'm going be honest with you if I'm right I might have just saved the game for amp if I'm wrong I'll see you in 30 minutes brother oh hour agent has picked ni I can reveal that it was [Music] Nico he has got me that absolute [ __ ] prick [ __ ] off the Pricks agent has got me damn it man off I go man I thought we were going to send all the boys to the Sleep chamber um we have lost Niko now um a champion of the last video as well I think he's got I think he's going to come back I don't think he's going to fall as sleep see see you an hour bro well actually you don't see me have probably G my time in the goak oh God we'll check back in on how Nico is doing in a bit but for now let's see who will become the final victim to The Sleep chamber in this challenge hey he he are we ready for the final round can you all please put on your blind FS you may now all remove your blindfolds what do you guys want for me damn it feels so empty in here huh I just realized I'm free I'm going G someone's going to go sleep from this uh listen what do you guys want for me man your nudes you guys really who do you think I should go for tell tell me someone who do you think I should good for what do you think I should good for man I can't even ask you anything ah I know you're going to shoot you think you yeah you might not be able to shoot two for two man be honest you know what you got to do man make the boss call man is it you is that a decision no it is just trying to see his reaction you're not going to outsmart us you whatever you want to do I don't want to out smart you guys okay I just want to find one mistake good luck I've already seen the mistake I and he think put your hands out for me please no whatever you say put your hand out for me no AJ was torn between the two remaining contestants with no leads and nowhere to go he decides to take a shot in the dark you guys are smil no I'm not just looking [ __ ] up yeah all right I'll leave it there before you before anything said happens I would have said I would have said agent but I could have been wrong that's why I cuz I want to be involved I don't get to play the game so oh they both smile so I'm guessing I am going to The Sleep room we'll find out bro AJ has picked Davis I can reveal it was y this amazing sending sending him to the F but is it saves it saves no but it saves you for man very intense game that man AJ made some clutch picks bro like back to the go lo I go I'm Holding On by my last Li honestly this is now Davis's fourth time going in the Sleep chamber will he be be able to Swindle his way out after nearly 4 hours of Dancing with the Sleep devil let's check in on Nico you guys know what that is that's the first sign of fatigue and that's what happens when you're in the goo like oh dear oh dear guys I'm just glad I'm not going to that sleep room bro I need a fart I'm going to be on this side of the room once upon a time I made some friends and those friends who are at the school which I was working at I wonder how long is left is it 30 minutes or is it an hour flipping watching me stop flipping watching me stop watching I wonder what's happening downstairs I wonder if agent chunks are still okay I wondering if agent is getting tight please can we push let's keep on going now I moving like Steph himself two for two back [Music] that was impressive no first one I generally believe I had some mind to it second one I just guessed I didn't know if you guys were lying or or trolling or whatever I thought you guys were like when you know you both said you can't go back you know I generally F in my head these guys got me I thought you were going to be like no no once you guys locked in when you guys said looked in I said off bro if you guessed wrong on that second one bro y'all will be cooked yeah when will it fliping in it's been an hour now Sur Nico your time in the Sleep chamber is up please make your way back to the bedroom and join who is left well I've survived the Sleep chamber I'm back and honestly I felt better in the Sleep chamber than I did downstairs because I just acted crazy and I just kept myself awake oh I've never felt more life oh my God wait oh wait wait what the hell no way no it's not it's you is that me 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 a yes oh my God a no Davis you were asleep for more than 10 seconds you must now leave the house Davis is gone finally which means it's now three on one agent was saying to me that it was going to be all six of them versus me there's actually three beta Squad members versus him oh my was that act were you actually I'm like schizophrenic right now tired fool us F hey oh my God I don't think I've ever been more surprised in my life I knew I was falling asleep there's no like I'm starting to see stuff on walls now like that that level of delusional sleepy like tired you get I need sleep I'm cooked I'm not cooked should I should I tell you though four times that room brother bro no no one survives blue like more than two times you done it four times bro and he woke up at 8 in the morning yeah fair play bro hey hey hey all right have a good night guys agent if you can take this home man we're counting on you bro go crazy Davis is the next victim of the Sleep chamber after surviving it three times prior the pressure is on for agent to hold it down for am as the last member left oh my God yeah there we go well since I'm the closest hopefully you are eliminated oh my God what's up [ __ ] your parcel is due to be delivered in T minus 3 seconds yeah you still awake we are man wait wait wait wait wait why are you going to just are you all right wait a imagine you open it he says open say if C in this case there is $2,000 you can keep it if you leave immediately 2,000 that that's respectable go back home to 2000 number onep finishing member yeah you me you me to go tell Kai Phantom Duke Davis and Chris I came back with 2000 yeah guess what you do you also come back and tell them you guys all slept on me yeah no you guys slept on me and then hasn't invested into your team for the tourament I don't need that two bands to invest two bands into our football te get everyone get some cleat I can get I can get the win and then still invest two bands into the football team all right bet so AJ what's the reason you don't think the man I might take it you have 10 seconds to decide all right well I'm not taking [Music] anymore what if they're like psych it was 30,000 in therey 2,000 I can give it I can give it to my family tomorrow 1 keep keep that two bags for yourself bro with that 2,000 get some clothes that fit [Laughter] man seeing as nobody took the previous offer here is $4,000 you have 15 seconds to decide ladies and gentlemen that is a life lesson never take the first offer second offer is brother brother he's gone hey hey hey ni he even talk to y'all about maybe if this hey he was just hey he sat here for two B and convinced us he was here for the team bro he saw four B but he was here for the M oh he came back he came going to do that you guys believe I lost fa I lost fa I gen believe I you I thought you calculate the maths and said even if I stay yeah fre free no do it minut do minut I'm scared of the comments they'll kill me how much would you need to go for but you don't understand you think I give a about what's in there I'm not losing to him okay gu but guys guys watching at home don't make it six I'm off I'm telling you now I'm off you have to understand where I'm coming from don't make it five please I'm telling you guys now don't make it five I beg you cuz you going to make me look like IDI just keep going like don't make it 12 bro just like bro bro don't come back with that oversized te with five bags please appreciate you the beta team seems stronger than ever with nobody taking the money it feels like nothing will break the bond of the beta boys at this point chunks we will make you an offer you can't refuse please bring in an extra briefcase this will bring the total to $5,000 God you have only one minute to decide oh my God man touch it touch it touch it I don't want to touch it if I touch it man go man it's not for me oh my God man listen look look done half the job You' come Long Way agent I'm say I'm I'm I'm saving us some time here so we can all go to sleep happy no you're trying to save yourself some time yeah of course myself and yours at end of the day if you take this all four of us will pretty much leave with the same amount of money I say five grand great instead of all of us competing against you I'm tired yes I badly out today I know buddy I know I'm straight like I'm good when I feel tired like if I felt tired I might take that like y feel tired you're pretty dumb to not take it I could take that but I don't want to take it that applies to all of us I I'm tempted if you think you're out if they the moment you go into the goolag then it's it's not worth the risk it's not about the money for me it's just it's logic well last genuinely bro I swear to God it's logic why would I stay here and get 3.3 when I can just leave right now for 5 and you guys get 5 five so what's stopping you buddy nothing stopping me brother I really respect you I really I do it is the breast of your friends bunch of jokers there goes another member hey Mama we rich this time you're actually leaving you're not going to come back no no no this time bro it's coming bro I done maths you know what I mean I I studied maths uni I was doing up there 5 grand it's going to help me and my family a lot man thank you guys so much guys APR what you guys want yeah crazy C joke you got you guys going to win five grand each genely though appreciate you coming down for the video for no reason though man thank you bro appreciate man love you guys five grand I can't like this this is a DB cuz I'm so confident right now that Niko and AJ will win they will win 10 grand 5 grand each I've got five Nichol's got five AJ's got five hey chunks has made the decision to leave for the money leaving it as a two versus one AJ and Nico versus Agent what's next if it's anything like last time it'll be a sleep chamber where we just battle it out I hope battle it out sleep chamber congratulations agent AJ and niiko you are the three finalists and last to fall asleep let's go is now time for the final round which will be a sleep off and you all head to a sleep chamber this is history repeating itself because in the last video we did with the final free was AJ agent and myself it's Niko and I versus agent and we're going to end this with a sleep off ah this is going to be insane at the start of this video there were 12 strong contenders all here to represent their group proudly however one by one each succumbed to The Temptations of sleep and were [Music] eliminated only three remain Nico AJ and agent it has come to this the sleep off all right here we go this is actually my one CP tonight I ain't tell nobody about it but once I lay down I'm fried so sleep off can't be that bad oh it's comfy in this bit too bro it's comfy in it bit too this pillow this pillow is absolutely trash back again back again damn I got to do this for how many hours that's what we just need to keep the all the the bunnies back the money is back bro if caffeine worked on me I'd be golden right now this is big teddy big Teddy's going to be joining me on his journey this room is the hardest part and I feel like I've just got the over energy to keep myself awake if I win this right here bro it would all have been worth it as time goes past when I going to have this much energy it's going to be okay it's going to be fine oh you ready for it's okay as seconds turn into minutes and the minutes slowly tick into the hour to avoid falling asleep Desperate Measures had to be taken I just don't want to sleep anymore 10 grand on the line American country song I got a keep on going but it didn't take long for the inevitable to hit woo the fatigue is beginning to hit the only question now is who will be able to fight the Temptation Of Sleep the longest you want me asleep you want me to fall asleep what the agent please place your head back on the pillow oh he's trying it he's getting nervous though all my sleep on their side bro like what's the problem dead ass bro and I got to keep my eyes open cuz I can't Mo for the every time my eyes try close I keep them back open [Music] we said I am staying [Music] [Music] awake contestants can you please make your way back to the main bedroom oh my God [Music] oh my God if we won what the hell what the hell was happening well done you three have made it very far oh my God I might have actually gone you three have managed to stay awake despite all these challenges and to reward you we have a surprise I'm so interested reping coming oh my gosh I was drifting but I don't think I was long I was drifting but I don't think it was 10 seconds oh [Music] 3 4 5 six 7 I got you 8 9 hey Mama be rich 10 Tak my agent he was asleep for more than 10 seconds you must leave the house man you know you know after over 25 hours awake after over 24 hours of week that's crazy life oh my God all but for all all of us all of us watch it so cap I say we just split the money no no don't feel you need to do that no no I want to yeah bro I feel like I feel like I really enjoyed it I didn't win bro nah n n n n don't do that don't do that Stu I'm I'm down to split it I'm happy to wait happy to yeah I appreciate that and then we'll settle it where it really matters on the football pitch oh I'm for sure not losing that EXT ration No Cap hey that was crazy man yeah oh my God but perfect perfect all right here we go we'll get us out of it can we go now yeah let's we can all go to sleep we may now all leave the house after a grueling 2 hours in the Sleep chamber it seems one team has come out on top it was a good game bro they played it well they played it smart and uh Nik wins again man brother we won it champions again you at one point the odds were completely against oh oh at the beginning you were just getting dropped and was climbing on us yeah hey I'm gased I'm so gassed yeah and also two times jamping 2 I'm ready to sleep now I could sleep for 3 Days right now oh my God but what what what a story we done it man we done it oh what a beautiful image to end on beta Squad once again defeating am well if you want to see that same image in person make sure you buy your tickets for the football match tickets go on sale the 30th of April at 600 p.m. cck the link in the description and head over to Beta Squad to get your tickets right now go
Channel: Beta Squad
Views: 13,738,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: last to fall asleep, last to sleep, last to fall asleep challenge, sleeping challenge, no sleeping challenge, no sleep, no sleep challenge, last to sleep wins, last, to, sleep, wins, $10000, last to fall asleep wins $10000, stay awake challenge, stay awake, ajshabeel, niko, chunkz, sharky, kingkenny, last to fall asleep beta squad, last to fall asleep amp, last to fall asleep beta squad amp, beta squad vs amp, beta squad amp, kai cenat, duke dennis, fanum, agent, chrisnxtdoor, imdaviss
Id: Kd_UqfRhN44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 29sec (5189 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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