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all of these guys have very limited cooking skills and none of them have thrown a dinner party until now we're gonna see a side to the beta Squad that we've never seen before and the best part is they'll all be scoring each other from behind closed doors welcome to the beta Squad come dine with me which man ship up crimes as a host previously on beta Squad come dine with me trunks let the boys into his lavish house where he served many International Cuisines from across the globe his food was a huge success but the boys loving everybody however his entertainment wasn't such a success chunks a solid score of 27 for today's episode we have everyone's favorite Tick Tock Merchant Sharky hello come in come in come here come in let me show you my place [Music] welcome to my kitchen today for my menu as a store I have lemon garlic shrimp you know a perfect starter something like simple to nibble on nothing too much nothing heavy for Maine I've got fish and chips okay nice British classic I think you guys can sense the theme right now I'm going for a lot of seafood related stuff because you know my name's my name is Sharkey it's kind of why I'm doing it um and for dessert we have cupcakes but not just any cupcakes shark attack cupcakes I'm feeling pretty confident I think the main thing is I have to convince AJ to eat seafood because he doesn't eat seafood at all and I need the votes I need all the points I can get the main aim today is to convert AJ into a pescatarian after this is gonna be eating Seafood only all right Sharkey that is enough of the waffle because the boys are arriving soon so if I was you I'd start preparing those starters okay let's make these starters all right gotta make the lemon garlic shrimp so well you guys don't know I can cook I'm a proper cook well for the sake of the boy Sharky let's hope you're a good Chef sharks first starts off by melting down the butter which is then shortly followed by a generous amount of olive oil here's some prawns I've prepared earlier there you go now that I look at them I kind of understand AJ's point when when you see them in natural natural form it's not something I I want to eat but it starts you to be great put some lemon slices in here and then use some chili flakes oh this is looking good shark seems to be showing a large amount of confidence in his cooking if only I could be this confident in AJ's ability to talk to a woman lastly we'll season up some salt all together now as the prawns seems somewhat cooked Sharky applies more salt lemon and adds a final edition of coriander with Sharky's start is somewhat finished his first guests arrived to create a scene oh wow yes guys what's this house it's not a restaurant do we have to pay or no no it's all free to own house to be honest with you when I first came into the property I was pretty surprised because it's not a house or it's just a restaurant which is not the come down with me Vibe I thought this was going to be come down with me not come down with us this is a restaurant this is not where people do come down with me already minus points where did you find this place Sharpie so I acquired this place about two years ago I thought about you I told you guys what's your place called huh what's your place called it's called um Fishtown so you you actually own this whole location I do yeah no no that's the brand on the map here the lion is not a good point I would never lie to guys you guys can take a seat if you want the stone [Music] no it's just from our reviewing process makes it simpler just as we go on today I was prepared I have brought a notebook to know every single one of my thoughts which go on which means I'll be able to give Sharky a very accurate review shortly after AJ and Nico arrived Kenny soon followed oh oh someone's here a few minutes late no that was started to build up Kelly hi my favorite let's go let's see my favorite yeah the boys are here they just come to the place already I am disgusted by Sharkey because he went to the door after me and AJ came on time he went to the door and greeted the late Kenny and said that he was his favorite how's that supposed to make me and AJ feel I'm truly Sharky your your score has already been impacted water bottle yeah uh are you gonna give me tap water it's not tapest sorted oh filtered no you can give me uh the tap water ice yeah no ice please hello boys how you doing what's up Kenny I'm good ah this is uh very cold in here [Laughter] so I'll be honest with a bit behind the heated bill this place is so cold right now Sharky needs to turn on the heating because he's going to lose points I'm currently Frozen because it's so cold in here it's drugs my brother yeah yeah I'm not cooking today I feel good why is the brother a favorite favorite brother and what he introduced us what yeah not only did he call Kenny my favorite he called chunks my brother what do you what about you Nick yeah Sharky's racist desire I realized he's done we can just get breakfast herself already he masturbated me love it all I know is they're drinking from the same glass that they put alcohol in it good guy man yeah that's what I'm feeling to be my arrived at the property um I can't lie I was kind of confused because obviously he's come down with me not come down at my restaurant that's nice do you mind yeah I would say surprised and I would have said pleasantly so is this the table we eat yeah never this tight one it feels good feeling this side you know I'm gonna be critical today with all the boys now present it's finally time for them to take a look at Sharky's menu all right so this is Sharky's menu for today lemon garlic shrimp fish bro how long does this guy know me and he still get fish I don't eat fish not a bad starter I'm actually excited to be on this side because I'm gonna be eating and judging so uh yeah I like garlic I like shrimps I like lemon main course fish and chips standard uh it's a very British meal and it's very fishy meal explains why we're at an aquarium restaurant um there'll be no chance of me eating that food fish and chips oh yeah love a bit of fish and chips hopefully that batter is stuck onto the fish well when the chips are the chunky ones because my name is Chunks shark attack cupcakes that is a hideous attempt at trying to make cupcakes sound interesting I think he's trying too too hard there cupcakes are super innocent and he's really shot a shark attack at the start making them look dangerous the only dangerous thing is we might get food poisoning so let's see we'll find out I don't know I have high expectations of Sharky because uh actually I don't why am I lying I'm excited yeah yeah welcome to my place by the way my own restaurant where's the lemon prawns coming huh when when's the lemon prawns coming oh I'm I'm just it's almost ready guys just arrived so now it's like ready is there someone in there no no no because I enjoy your drinks for the meantime you know catch up [Music] they're like the dream lemonade yeah but I won't lie because the Diet Coke's not cooking so should I take your drinks I'll just take it I'm so sorry [Laughter] Sharky committed a hate crime on chunks he just spilled lemonade all over chunks he didn't clean up I was disappointed in that from Sharky I didn't expect that from him but he just ruined it from the start by just throwing drink on me for no reason so already he's lost points from that this guy might go out in the zero horrible performance I'm not wearing sliders and my socks sorry it sucks as the boys talk about the incident AJ seems to have noticed another problem I just asked why these candles aren't lit um sell it we lit hey hey oh my god oh yeah yeah what'd you keep about it get on the notes what's up oh my gosh you know [Laughter] this is a terrible story come down with me as the boys discussed Sharky's poor start Sharky heads upstairs to meet his waiters oh thank God you're here thank you so much [ __ ] name sorry I'm Mike Matt thanks so much you guys have been waiting you guys gonna be serving the food but make sure please whatever you do just don't respond to them don't speak to them don't even say anything okay just serve the food and then just walk off we can do that yeah you can do that yeah perfect you know what I respect this so much hello my friend thank you very much yeah because Sharky made that it's not cold yeah I just have a quick question all right excuse me oh they're ignoring us oh that's good who these two guys one bald guy and one who's about to go bold bringing us our food and they're not speaking to us so the way it's very strange you know we try to you know uh talk to them um they were just so cold and rude and I found that very disrespectful and hostile hi guys so we got this Hospitality but they don't want to be kind to us or talk to us what do you mean you made it you thought that was because you know that that's like someone vomited on there my foot was good on it and you're gonna make me cry oh the fish died for no reason you could have just left them in there bro you know I don't eat fish why you gotta smile on your face no no you have to try it I'm not trying this stuff sorry bro yeah that looks disgusting man what's it say oh would you look at that Neko seems to be enjoying Sharky starter foreign just tried to kill me Sharkey tried to give me a garlic overdose that's the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten in my life can I just say and when I was asking I was just asking for a bin I was asking everyone I asked one of his terrorist waiters for a bin and he just stared at me I feel sick I truly feel sick I don't want to go back down there the presentation is absolutely disgusting yeah presentation look at that and if you saw that what would you do wow this looks nice you know it's a mental game because when I saw that I was already yeah he was heaving a lot I died I can't look at him do that but that's disgusting so you know I thought he was actually going to put in some effort into making this he's brought this out and there's no presentation uh at all I was going to throw up the first course I had a couple bites um I think the the garlic overpowered the the prawns but it was cooked well I think so yeah it was a decent first meal definitely oh I'll come back and I'll just keep can I get some water please I need some more then you know it was really good oh I'd love to I'd love to yeah yeah I may wash it on under attack first I don't eat fish oh so you're not trying the chefs dishes the Sharks doesn't eat fish I would not send fish correct please can I have some water please please what just happened yeah yeah this house has lost his mind a straw please the best way to grab them with Advocate is if you just got it is no you actually is one enough good teleport by the way oh lost his mind is that enough ethical for you oh no oh no no that's great thank you Sharky you've got oh you've got enough straws now yappy I am so there it is sure he attacked me with straws I mean I don't understand why I would think and I would hope that he's actually trying but it doesn't it doesn't even seem like he's trying anymore he's just trying to hurt us all thanks for the lemonade meal with the straws what's next I reckon we go straight to the mains yeah I'd love I'd love that I don't see you're done with the size no no he's done yeah so I just want to say something before you take it um I'm actually not done with it yet excuse me I'm not done with it yet oh yeah hello headed downstairs the boys decided to file a complaint about the two predators two waiters I've completed my weight the one with hair is worse getting bigger I don't know if you know I'll just get that sword you wanna start attack who did that Nicole why'd you do that what's it mean man above my building now this is what Flames getting high the Flames actually get higher [Laughter] creating a toxic environment the boys decide to explore the restaurant Cinema wow that's an interesting payment wow that's all right we're gonna go watch your film while you're cooking yeah enjoy all right cool thanks sharks man appreciate it the boys finally find the cinema and have taken it upon themselves to create some entertainment whilst Kenny AJ and chunks are singing Sharky appears out of nowhere Nicole then decides to separate from the group to investigate but Sharky follows almost as if he is hiding something camera crew bro why don't you trust me she just can't rookie why don't you trust me particular inspection oh sorry about that sorry my hands look sanitized yeah very good love and guidance enjoy the rest of your tour now that Sharky was very close Nico almost exposing your fraudulent Behavior I hope we don't see those cakes anytime soon all right uh what's worse than shark has come down with me nothing absolutely [Applause] the fact that we had to come up and start doing our own stand-up comedy and here it's um disgraceful there's no entertainment did he not learn anything from chunks video nothing that is done oh you're gonna go oh yeah it's definitely done now yeah comedy night yeah as the boys Evacuate the scene of the crime Sharky prepares to make his Mains I caught some chips here because of potatoes here it's chips but to save me some time I've been here for a while guys his song made earlier I'll be honest the oven's taking a bit too long the customers are getting impatient so I'm just gonna fry them Sharky gets to work by placing the pre-made fraudulent chips into the fryer there we go so we'll leave that in the fryer we should get the fish ready he then proceeds to drown the fish in flour before taking out the pre-made fish which suspiciously looks like it was made in Sainsbury's and he uses that instead that's how they should look what a Michelin star experience this is in the pack this isn't the packet don't worry ignore that one we've got two at a time no it's not all right and now we wait you know to wash my hands you see the thing cooking is yeah cooking doesn't need to be that hard can we really call this cooking shocking considering you're taking credit for all of Shane Street's hard work but a Sharky waffles about his cooking the boys sneak up on him and catch him in the act of a legal business and luckily today there's a lot of things I had prepared earlier in fact ended up helping me out so currently frying the process of the chips and the the fish yeah Oh I thought you're gonna do it oh it took for a bit a little bit stuck together the more the boys listening on Sharky the more they find out about Sharky's illegal practices they look very good seeing if there's any progress on the food yet yeah almost done literally and perfect as well this is literally an AJ's headshot complained last time about the presentation and to make sure it's all right this time I'm sorry Sharky but I'm not sure presentation matters too much now as you've been caught in the act of food frauds oh the food is here I'm exciting how's your day's day today that does not look bad hang on a second this main course might change the whole course of the evening I mean there's been heavy damage already done but that fish looks very nice so I'm always open to giving someone a second chance um this must be a prank but it's someone going to come out and say hi it's Craig we got you oh is he actually just got fish no I can't believe that that looks too good that looks good vinegar yeah oh yeah I got gas I don't have attention come on sharks I'm gonna be a hundred now get inside come on I heard The Grudge shots man keep it true now we've still got the fish police is there any way you could find some ketchup because I just want to give back a chance oh look at that wow that looks serious please please please it looks a bit too crunchy though incredible let's catch up if you can find some ketchup somewhere because you know me I'm never going to touch the starter how do you make it what do you think is this from scratch don't lie yeah I have to fish and I did all good stuff to it it's my first month it's my first bite I didn't know you can cook fish that well and it all looks the same it was all symmetrical it was all the battle was perfect and when I asked him what he put in the batter he actually didn't know so did he make it or not I don't know AJ I can watch my fish bro this is better than the [ __ ] where the buff scene is good no I'm okay have it okay I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay I'm gonna eat fish bro wow oh wow get your nuts out this is good bye there's no way I had them hot this this fish and chips incredible fish um uh honestly I've lived with Sharky for a long time I've never seen him cook anything like that but fair play because that fish was incredible and I really wish I was still eating it right now uh AJ what are you doing I have ordered delivery bro there's nothing to eat sorry guys oh my dude no I don't know excellent fish is very good Sharky gladly accepts everyone's compliments but deep down he knows he's a cheap trickster let's see if they see through his lies so actually made this fish so I've got the elephant today uh like did you make the fish from Spanish yeah he didn't do it yeah this is not Mafia this is not Mafia this is even though that fish tasted so nice I just don't understand why shark is being so evasive of his answers it's almost like he didn't cook it and he just made someone else make it for him and he just chucked it in the oven I really hope that's not the case but I feel like it is sure it's a decent some of them quite Raw it's kind of like a roulette chips [Laughter] that is hilarious chips I saw your present those chips were raw and they just came out of the ground I had one that was okay it was overcooked and then one that was raw and he tried to spin off saying what's roulette I knew that Tick Tock Merchant could not make food I just knew it in the back of my head yeah you know the fish is restaurant quality yeah it was good maybe it was nice tranquility maybe they cook different recipes by the time upstairs four minutes later I'll be honest I have your fish if you don't want it no it's y'all well it's not a thing I don't eat fish oh you knew I don't eat fish and you can from a restaurant for life it's fine how Pig's next excited I'm gonna have that yeah of course hey please can you just answer one question for me if you knew I didn't eat fish why didn't you put another uh a separate one for me that's what they do yeah oh crazy good good guy good guy that is horrible good host yeah that's a little fish actually Credit Union instead of fish [Laughter] job is meant to be to treat you well treat you nice but our host no he burps at us and what's even more disgusting is he did it twice um he has no shame he's not trying and honestly his score should be minus I'll be writing a letter to your mom Sharky she's not going to be happy with this there's nothing planned for us at all it's come down to me what have you been planned I'm bored you know yeah that's some of the funniest most crazy people around you how you board because there must be one thing this customer service is I heard that hard game yeah so the boys are skeptical of Sharky is actually cooking at all so they then decide to ferociously interrogate the photographer so I just want to know who cooked this fish because I want to thank the chef Sharky cooked that food no no I'm talking about fish though Sharky cooked the fish all I'm saying is I watch Sharky put the fish in flour come down we surely you've taken pictures on that huge camera of him cooking that fish yeah I want to see what that fish looks like yeah let's have a look Charlie Charlie oh perfect perfect that's the harder chips and I know you know all right I've heard about you and your mom's ways in Yugoslavia yeah yeah where is that [Music] laughs speaking of nonsense let's see what Sharky has to say about the evening so far things going okay you know they're a bit suspicious of me I'm not cooking the food and you know they got every right to be because I am cooking I'm doing a cooking but some of the stuff is like free ready so but I'm doing the cooking what's wrong with that I think it came out of a negative attitude they're they're choosing to hate or me today I don't know what I've done [Music] I was a perfect customer yesterday for chunks I don't know what's going on but I'm proud of myself oh um oh yeah board so yeah just to just to inform you we did actually look through the photographic footage um so it was very interesting that you hadn't started cooking the chips but the fish was already like already there yeah it's already Brown almost like I was bought from a shop yeah it looked pre-made and this was before you cooked it by the way yeah we loved it we loved it was actually the same shape yeah I had a ruler [Laughter] I mean technically you could say you still cooked it right yeah exactly yeah but the fish okay did you put the batter on the fish fry it put it on the plate and serve us those fishes what's the battle confirm that what's the matter because we ate yeah is that the fish we ate the one that you put it for Baron I don't know you guys will wait for it for once so that's specific one if any of you guys yeah it's a good one man that's what I like about stocks he's good again and we're gonna leave the interrogation for now thank you how do you think you're doing it compared to chunks's name from the rest of it all right because I didn't realize how hard how toxic you guys are so uh right now it's crazy I got some cake for you no shark attack cupcakes yeah excellent thank you oh no it's okay because us look at the cake okay you want some cake it is US yeah no no no you know this guy is sick [Laughter] that's a mentor all right guys um yeah please clear this don't say a word by the way if you're a nonce if you are a nonsense do not seek yeah what if you get to that final score of one how is that even possible you have to give him zero point how about everyone three people give zero percent nice nice okay good night yeah you've been hit in the face too many times yeah man that's chunk shouts for the cupcakes to arrive shock Sharky only just begins to make the shark attack cupcakes he first starts off by creating the mixture in which it consists of flour sugar and free eggs with the cupcakes it's got to be good because it's the dessert time you know I know they've been a bit iffy with my food but everyone's got a sweet tooth I think I can change them but first let me taste it let me see if it's good wow I'm pretty good at this sharks and pulls the mixture onto the tray ready for it to go into the oven no no it's a mom want to put us another album and then all right and now we'll just wait and whilst we wait for Sharky's cupcakes to bake let's see what the guests are up to oh my gosh Sharkey is very bad ah whole hospitality I need some more entertainment more Sound Entertainment more some entertainment [Music] [Laughter] a few minutes later we are back with Sharky and the cupcakes seem to be ready all right I think they're ready now so let's um they are let's get them out oh hold on just a second those cupcakes look familiar those aren't cupcakes those are fraud cakes wow they're perfect okay oh amazing acting right there Sharky truly oscar-worthy Sharky then proceeds to dress her fraud cakes in a mixture that he creates now as a narrator I'm supposed to explain what the ingredients are but I really don't know all I know is that Sharky is cheating his way for a placement on the leaderboard oh no look at me I'm breaking his finger I'm breaking my fingers they're covering the whole thing as we covers it oh really I understand why it's shark themed but they must actually got a real shock and killed everyone inside because this Vibe was not good and there was a point I know these guys for many years well we finished having things to talk about after applying the icing poorly they're definitely gonna complain about presentation he then got some fraud cakes in the middle so that he can squeeze the shark fins into the cupcakes sometimes we've got improvise enough just gotta fake it till you make it huh there we go that's a nice one there and with that his shark attack fraud cakes are ready to serve guys if you could take this for the boys that we must really appreciated thank you very much hopefully they enjoy it considering that the cupcakes are fraudulent and not made by you I think the boys will actually enjoy it um don't speak of your racist foreign [Music] [Music] yeah that's what I'm trying to say because I'm gonna do Sharky what I'm gonna just do that it's nice it's bit chewy my chair is a bit chewy now these cupcakes they actually look pretty good so that means one of two things Sharky's finally started trying or someone else made it um not the icing though the icing was horror maybe he made that one yeah it was it was a cupcake with some blue coloring on there didn't know it was nine years old yeah I mean yeah the dessert you know it wasn't bad it was um again the cake are things that I can't eat I mean I do eat cake but not that all right no wait okay this is a quick question Sharky yeah you made these right yes love it that's the main topic bro this is fraudulent Behavior no what I can't say definitely I can almost say blue eyes nasty thank you are you boxed off yeah that's a good side I'll tell you and it's a good dessert it's a good dessert but did you make it if you were a customer would you be enjoying yourself right now yeah oh wait wait wait wait but there must be there must be I said yeah we'll be stressed yeah I was at semen brother Entertainer [Music] what was that huh but because I just remembered I'm entering the all day and I'll be coming out to you guys what oh so nothing I'm gonna have a bit more char are we also there's something else coming well that's very good that we have a bit yeah man I think today went well can you get away to talk to us that's one thing about your life yeah that would be nice please you're their manager all right um [Music] so Don't Stop Me Now guys [Music] [Applause] [Applause] stopping me [Applause] hey hey don't stop me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] baby [Applause] me love you baby [Applause] I want to address the racism oh my gosh these waiters have just burst into salt this is finally redeeming Sharky and finally he's put some type of effort into this come dine with me where the hell did that come from all night it has been so dry so quiet so hostile even the way it is where the hell did that come from they weren't talking all night they were nonsense they were racist and all of a sudden now they can sing absolutely incredible I loved it great energy just amazing vocals just a good vibe I'll be honest I really enjoyed that finally Sharky you've delivered something it might not be enough to save your whole uh dining experience but it's something you might get a half a point is that even half a point on the scoreboard back to zero is I mean the only issue is that's just confirmation that the waiters are nonsense and racists because they could have spoke the whole time but it's fun I'm enjoying myself Sharky well done well done I wish we had more of this wow that was amazing that was great that was a good time where the hell did that come from it's like he was losing six though and it's called a lot yeah development done he was just shouting that was a good ending and with the night coming to a close it was time for the boys to score the whole experience hi guys leave never come back you're no longer invited I hope they'll never come back worst customs and well now it's time to see how everyone scored sharks tonight as a whole would I say it was good it was far from good it was very bad being honest I don't want to be a mean person but it was one of the worst things I've ever seen in my life I wanted to give Sharky a zero but there's no zero card um and I promised that I would double his score so I was gonna give him a one but now I have to give him a two is it deserved no um if there was minor scores I would have happily given him one of those but this two will do and hopefully will keep him far from that first place spot we're all like a happy family and for that reason I'm gonna have to give him a three not a two a three add on that extra point for the ending now like I said guys I have two numbers here I have a four and a five and I feel like this is very fair due to this the drink being spilled on me and it was very it was on purpose for no reason I'm gonna have to say I'll give him a thought um because it was very disrespectful but if he did cook all the meals then I think it should be a five to be fair so did you cook the meals yeah I'd help I'd have no help fall rating all I had is a muffin and some water for that reason I'm giving Sharky a zero I know that says one but zero so when everyone scores in Sharky finishes the evening with a magnificent score of nine out of 40. I feel my customer service could have been a bit better I'll be honest um they're negative comments did get to me a bit and I started becoming a bit toxic and I that's when I realized that customer service jobs aren't for me I can't get behind the idea the customer's always right sometimes they can be a bit annoying overall I think the evening well but I don't think they'll see the same way I think they're gonna be very harsh to me today that's all right because um I've also go around the desk for dinner so I'm gonna be harsh on them games again turns out the boys did find something fishy and Sharky's fraudulent Behavior but tune in next week for the next episode of Baker Squad come dine with me play the trailer hello welcome to my humble about [Music] no thank you wait is that the fruit or a vegetable this show is bringing out our toxic side Nico and Sharky are beefing at the table [Music]
Channel: Beta Squad
Views: 6,313,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: come, dine, with, me, beta, squad, beta squad, chunkz, niko, aj, shabeel, king, kenny, sharky, cdwm, cooking, food, sharky edition
Id: kr3ShaF7j0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 17sec (2537 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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