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welcome back to more side Men We like playing games on this channel and we've made our own we've done it that's about to swear this is hit send which is available this Christmas the way it works it's a dangerous texting game anyone could be on the line so to speak so one person picks a contact card that will pick a contact for them then everyone else picks a text message they hand those text messages to someone else who picks what the person must send as a text message and then we all get to see the Carnage unfold oh this is going to this is going to be fun I tell you it's be dangerous who is going first start there go around all right I'm going go second you you yeah you fought your case up it's been decided guys has said it eth hasn't said it yeah we have decided been decided guys I will pick a horrendous card for you to send us a text then you watch out fella give me a nice one because I was a good boy give you a nice one are you threatening me I am no teing come on boys what's this oh what good quality cards these are best in the business I'd say okay Josh is going first so Josh you choose first I'll be a letter card a letter what letter contact o f f f f the dmon chooses my contact who's the DM Don harri is oh oh so he doesn't even get a letter I can choose a contact from his phone no number that's a crazy card oh caboi can I have a scrolly Wally I got some nasty texts I would not want to receive who's Josh ever had beef with no one there's no he really tricky with this one might be beef you can be saying weird to Tex I'm not going to lie I think you got safe I think we go for it or like his M someone I'm going with Mom iPad no well she's not going to use that so we go M okay so now we all hand Harry har get to choose can give some context as well my mom is currently with Rya like you got to do it anonymously and whoever you pick gets a point I've have given you my card don't look at it yet okay I've given you my card on are you reading them out you he read them out this is this is aw I'm sorry this is awful I'm so sorry oh my God what what what could Josh has to take you got you've got by the way I know you lied to me this is that's awful what you that's ominous I've always been attracted to you who put that oh you God you God it's Anonymous no any good porn sites feel like I've watched everything now that might be better that might be Jo does size matter and is kissing cheating which oh why do I think that's your I'm I'm thinking the porn side one is the best though it's between it's kissing cheating no I'm going to give I've always been attracted the porn one the porn hilarious the PO imag [Music] repliers person favor is I've always been attracted to you who got the point no that's boring man I got the point he chose it he gets the point so boring not obviously a troll what the know any good porn sights I get a good answer out that one though is Kiss and cheating is Kiss and cheating is the best one I think who's the pornite one that's me don't like the I don't think the I like that one I all right fight no you know what you lot of you lot of tar is this one I'm going with is kissing cheating yes all right we go is kissing cheating hell no just a quick question M yeah but she watch this this and be like oh okay it's too late then she going to answer two weeks time Joshua yes hit with a Joshua all right Josh well done for sending the text you've got yourself I do a point well done we find out you took my points I've picked my card and it's a h oh you can't tou yourself though pick a number what number is it in your contacts do you have a lot of H contacts I don't think so number three what's his cousin h H cousin Holly hat yes yes yes but that's not number three number three is edit Hackney's that Studios yeah okay fine I that's fine yeah yeah yeah submit to your cards gentle this is so good okay no this is Josh I'm giving you my card waiting on you buddy uh again classic slow oh wow the options we have heard you've been talking [ __ ] oh say it to my face that's decent that's pretty sick be careful he's watching you we spent Grandpa's inheritance at the casino lost it all what do I do that's unbelievable probably going to uh guess my body count and don't lie am I fat the first one youve been talking [ __ ] confrontational Harry the rarest Harry you'll ever find whose card is it Simon Just cing bro not getting any points yeah true hell you been talking [ __ ] about s to my face that cook that's joke that's a horrible text message to receive by the way Mom's not replied yet I think they Ian you discussion with he sent the text meaning he gets a point yeah that's like one of the worst texts you could receive by the way cuz you're sat there thinking like what what I said what did I do I've got a reply already oh I've got a reply already and it's who's got your phone laughing face back it up double down for another Point double down for Point say no it's me until selfie like [Laughter] this so convincing he's you sold that one jeez I really told him told him yeah coming to get you he now knows serious go on Toby it's my turn oh boy here he goes the letter is G oh and the number is two number two two the G's an early G two G Battleship that oh is I know who she is how I don't even know well who is it is a girl I know her dad so I know her and then I JJ matched her okay so you know her dad yeah well and oh a dad card oh no oh no I didn't like that looking s eyes they're going to who are they going to that's oh okay oh you don't want JJ picking what we got there's a rumor going around about you just that oh that's terrible heard you're upset about not being invited to my party we haven't spoken in years could was she invited to her part no she was not heard you're pregnant congrats that's just [Music] awkward am I short uh oh you me drinks Friday night have to be that one you know might have to be this one rler is this you have a fantasize about me now man I think it's this one you gra that drinks Friday night are you going to deny it just straight to the point just let her know oh you going to do it to securing himself I could line you up in it could be a I think he's in he's in the he's in the Mone fre bed him into a Friday night turnout I've just checked his calendar Toby is free on Friday night is he texting it I will send the text if he gets reply he get points if she if she says yes double Point does no negative one if she she busy you lose a point so you're still on one yeah she's not the's the mess I don't think she lives in England anymore it doesn't matter to's an international Man Toby can flys anywhere when you're in F anywhere I'm not going anywhere it's been sent he sent it it's been sent yes it's been sent get this get this money reply she rep my God am I in Dubai what she asked you if you're in Dubai yeah you have say yes say say yes if I say yes yes just say yes just say yes you have you have to go with it can be with Emoji Eyes game dropped the game dropped so he's already at two yes I got mtip I you [ __ ] did this wait what did she say well she said yeah abibi many I get yeah she said yeah how many points do I get this game secures dubs thank you you want to get laid great pro ball wa you who pick a pick a letter got to go div now F2 we like the F2 F2 freestylers JJ who is F2 Philly Philly Philly he's active as well me on a tweet he's active he's active he's on his phone right now KSI as well the man you can make a break careers this is so s can I can I choose the that's amazing okay for JJ these are JJ's options for texting Philly playing a game rated you something out of 10 oh send a picture of blank okay she's awesome do you think blank is [Music] toofaced left my back door wide open for you oh man will not go on TV not on the video please voice note yourself whispering ASMR to them oh I like it I JJ I'm going with the The Hitter left my back door wide open for you come in whenever Oh yay bro do it I'll do it I think he he'll voice note reply are you right he voice notes he might get brother do you think I'm a girl need did you text the wrong person by the way energy where was the energy of the charity man [ __ ] show he has sent it sent it well done done kind of text any stipulations for him if he gets a reply of uh if Philly accepts you can have three points so my letter is e oh no one what is it he won he won it's got to be it's got to be got it's a second name is it like goes to her second name no no mine's first name you can sort it oh um Tex e okay this could be bad it is Lannon EOP oh laser be be laser beam wait will he be awake um's all right right what AM my taex in the be just been asked to go on a dating show should I do it do you think my ex is better looking than my partner oh that's horor he didn't know my okay yeah with a picture hey I'll double the points for you win the game bro did you hear that blank and blank had a three sub be a fun one am I thick do you think my partner is better looking than me he would just say yes say yeah yeah best I think it has to be the blank and blank's having a it's got to be someone that L would care it need be someone like that is believable that L would care about what's L sister's name no no no say no T say like yes this is Tanner and Elliot that's a good one that's such an obvious wind up almost is it yeah it is because they're both yeah cuz he's depends how you word the message my friend I'll send it simply what did did you hear that call and T had a free yeah oh oh I an Elliot the whole time I like I like you g to send it oh no I wouldn't send it but I like [Laughter] C un real I can't send that cuz that was yours yeah you're one point at the moment that's my boy's sister I'm oped out Josh has the point I couldn't I can't do that that's fair that's fair that's fair that would have been a fun one so I play Yellow first yeah yeah yellow first quick score two two three one one0 0 Z all right the DM to pick the I don't need to pick the with the DM go for got be it's got to be fa it has to be fa she she knows he's here filming so it's like no but still what about what about one of face Brothers one of face brothers that could be a good one we get Q face brother oh that could be got some [ __ ] okay all right drawn from my carard straight away he's just he's recovering from an operation as well he'll definitely be on his phone yeah he's at home he's at home Ethan's just texted me think I'm he's probably wondering how I am Ean like [ __ ] I should have asked him how he was are you texting him [ __ ] everything that happened I forgive you love heart yeah yeah get thinking how much for a pick of your feet yes yes yes get getting in the shower dot dot dot winky face that is that's M you fre a video called got to show you my nose job dead guess what I'm not wearing I like that one but it's between the shower feet pick shower feet pick the shower because of the winky face shower in the shower dot dot dot win face face yeah I give two points if he repli and you say Oh wrong person yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah getting in the shower all right get in the shower dot do we face my God need L and one oh one trying to do a finesse shot here yes oh you're trying to finesse Luc H that's actually huge yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah for contest Lucy works on all our sets and stuff she's so lovely she's the reason why our sets look incredible me and JJ also went to school with us yeah yeah okay we have uh blank said you hate me is it true well that's got a good option she feels so bad uh you haven't sent me that money you owe me getting impatient dot dot dot I'll send it now doesn't owe me anything blank that you're into me is it true oh [Music] no uh quick my hamster is dying how do you do CPR that's dead that only works for one person it's the it's the vibrator charged oh AIT that could be a good one and then and then you could be like it's a bit odd person could be in the wrong person for the double points I think the hate me one is good pic but who would who some else on the crew someone else on the joh said you ate me me she she's be like no I'm so sorry that are you sure he said that that's crazy I was was I was drun at the party sorry John Cam said you hate me do John said you hate me is it true I feel really bad for her but a point is a point I think if you had said TP would to say it I'm happy to throw him under the B he said you hatte me they got like their own little Duo going get each other civil war Destro I tell you what boys what a fun game this is out in stores it was the Harry feel go crazy I'm saying this game got someone a date it's true du in the you you got your FL say you hate me is it true yeah I like it I like it my mom just a me so I think heed him for a wild wake up okay well the she hasn't replied yet but the scores right now are two two 3 1 uh-huh 0 1 one means we have a winner we have a winner so why the [ __ ] did I send the T I know whose card was it it was mine you would W well many different ways here and you know what we'll add a little update in like an hour's time see if we have any more replies there are replies otherwise this won't be in the video so so she'll probably reply in a second sure sweet time that wa she's online she started typing stopped again why would I hate you exclamation a John John you happy yourself you happy John yes Itor oh yeah you two point eth's on one point I was yeah but he's got a reply I have got a reply he was just working up what the [ __ ] Broski wrong person that amazing you got just put that face though yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's even better because that means he's Soul legit yeah yeah I'm low you might have to share your title I think Ethan won we have two winners what the [ __ ] [Laughter] bro
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 3,565,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: w0ZY8ZihTQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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