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hello and welcome to the sidemen Sunday today we have a road trip with a Twist oh oh my gosh boys into free to team I have massive Cars one team will have tiny cars and one team well they'll just be average and then we're gonna be traveling from Brighton all the way to the seaside town of Margate first off let's go to Brighton and find out the teams all right welcome to Brighton Road Trip right there are three teams Harry go far right okay you're not together uh go say where you are oh Toby soccer JJ oh oh God Simon sort of it oh okay and those are your three teams in foreign when I'm in the carver side which is good I want to drive well you don't want me driving will you fit in the car that we're getting wait we're small humans I've been cutting weight you know for this video what team do you guys think you're on honestly yeah I don't care I think we're all right man no we should be man and if not then I'll just kill Josh if not he buys the PJ out of it man you should see this car we unlocked the secret settings it's so quick we are at Brighton Hove Stadium I don't think the big team will be driving the vehicle I drive a smiling at us so uh oh he's easy oh yeah that's not a good sign I know that we are not about to experience anything good if Josh zerker starts you in a [ __ ] multi-story car park and you've got to find the vehicle in there I know what's coming welcome to the road trip organized by me look around for a car that would be driven by Tommy D I know about me I'm Tommy T no tomity only drives expensive [ __ ] right 20 only had the lime green all right have we actually done the madness oh okay well that's tiny that's not a good question no it's trolling us unlike the others your car is parked somewhere dark head down to the Regency car park there's got to be a reason it's this small it's either because it's the big we're not having the middle class it's a good point yeah it's going to be either a whopper or it's gonna be time like this oh no are we small I don't know if that was the envelope life is about perspective tiny men attempt to open envelope all right here we go welcome to Brighton's Amex Stadium away from the Sun today you're going to be riding and driving vehicles that are Grand don't do that to me is that just a coincidence oh I've always wanted to drive a Hummer no don't you mean riding is that just really bad timing no way I was so good no way I was so gassed what what are the chances no that's got to be a setup oh just circle you've got me excited I'm Galloping should we go right to the top do you want to just go to the top yeah I'm thinking that all right number two okay let's get it this car might be manual for [ __ ] sake try not to stall look around for the car park for something pretty small okay for something pretty small it's my penis fantastic it actually is the big boy whip he's sticking Us in the back of a truck riding means he's he's just hey no ways he's just shocking us go no I see you Josh I see what you're doing but there was a Harmony you could have called me a Hummer no one drives a hamburger in the UK are we going in the back oh I can it says driving human trafficking us oh no [ __ ] sake no no no no no no no comment he wouldn't drive this one no what is this I could cry this is so dead oh I could shed a tear man what was uh Tommy T's occupation he was a [ __ ] he drove uh Abdul's [ __ ] cabs early doors I was gonna bring this up when we was in the car why didn't you see that I mean this is bait as well how many green taxi cars do you ever see bro bright green right coming in oh I think I've seen it immediately oh good Heavens no what not it's not the big car that's fine it's got three wheels rides don't crash this thing but if you do win we are squashed like a tin can that's what I want to hear in it anything anything's great sauce are finished you are now a taxi driver this is your first test head to Brighton station to pick up your first guests oh I'll take that all right you're having fun this is a positive day fun look we're in Tennessee drivers we're having fun yes wow all right let's do this man having fun in a lime green taxi car yeah everyone's gonna see us here we go fantastic on my days oh my geez what okay all right well in we get I've never felt so small in my life and I know salmon Mentor yes Vic what the [ __ ] is Supreme we got Big Dice we got a big fork thanks thanks for this Josh this is what I always wanted um oh yes it's cozy I am leaning on the headlight do we have a seatbelt I don't really need them so so that's a nod so we have no seat belt okay well then but that's you know what you know what make me drive safer yeah yeah yeah yeah if we're getting the crash anyway seat belts Not Gonna Save Us in this thing we're done any accident we're finished there turn it on then shut up man up [ __ ] oh that engine's crazy where do you want to go mate I want to go inside the car okay well I need this first badge to leave don't worry if I could do that right hat thank you very much take that thank you all right all right let's get cracking your team is small Harry loves golf probably more than sex so it only makes sense where you're heading to Next golf golf we're gonna play golf are we actually that seems like too good to be true well he gave us small glasses nice literally don't fit yes there we go they don't stay on we've got cards are we are we do we go anywhere in this oh okay okay we are locked in the back of a truck we'll see you a lot in a bit old dairy mate this it legitly feels like the submarine like this is it this is this is how it ended this is what happened no keys push to start oh that's on that's it going yeah oh oh wow oh wow this feels awesome oh my God this is a rickety thing where am I going uh go left I'd say yeah oh lovely so yes he's cooking oh this is not the bro I do not feel safe in this thing at all bro I can't I actually don't know I genuinely don't know if I can drive it that's giving me foot crap I think you smashed it brother well I physically don't think I'm able do you mean do you want me in charge of this thing we'll die oh Brighton station uh see you later mate what is that beef here properly by the way I can't I can't get out oh I can't get out from the inside not let There we go I'm locked in the car so I can't get out yeah I physically cannot get out of this prison literally too rich and famous for this oh my God all right I got a good turning Circle it does oh it's gonna be a noisy day it's a second oh to make paper airplane everything's big this trip except us I'm not gonna lie this is making me feel a little bit sick yeah and there's no windows I can't believe he's put me and you in the back of a [ __ ] a hgv do we look like heavy Goods no I'm gonna have to sit in that deck trailer I feel sick come on I scanned it go go go go go ah oh that way nowhere he said right he said right all right we'll go right we'll go right oh my Gideon do you want to do the seafront view or this is gonna take us down the [ __ ] how long is it an hour an hour twenty prop behind here I can't lie there we go I think it's blowing hot air yeah it's not very efficient is it let me out it's an hour at normal speed but we can't go above 30. bro this is gonna be three hours I'm just going okay yes my brother what a drive no aircon in this thing today no man okay we have a sunroof yeah lovely I'm gonna let you know right now by the way I'm gonna be very little content oh that's because I am focusing on no no no no you focus on driving that's all I need from you big boy so left left here yes oh we're fine you know what I feel secure with you here yeah yeah oh why are we going in [ __ ] circles oh [ __ ] oh big Arab that thing is just blowing hot air by the way so I'm turning it off the steering wheel is pointing left and I'm going straight this Taxi's farmed oh Joshua could just text me but as he texts you as well I've got a text all right we got some tanks from Josh circus here we go we have to order something from the kids menu at a restaurant that's easy enough one member of your team must get in the sea okay fully submerged get a selfie with the tallest person you can find take a picture with any word that describes something small get a selfie with an animal get a selfie with a stranger and your car give a stranger a lift in your car let your guest pick a task of their choice hit the crossbar with an object that isn't a football bury a teammate in sand on a beach dig a hole at a beach and get in it what the [ __ ] play one game at an arcade we've just left the pier pay for a stranger's food slash drink make the biggest Big Mac possible at McDonald's get fish and chips buy an outfit is clearly too small for you buy shoes that are too big for you and wear them them for the rest of the video swap drivers at least once guest is not insured swap drivers at least once okie dokie swap drivers at least once but we're not driving I feel ill man I swear this truck's going in circles try to buy a bottle or prime okay and get a stick of Rock all right to be honest I just want to get there let's pretend we saw that at the end of the day I will happily sack off the top [ __ ] sack those tasks man I'm not going out my way to do anything man who do you think we got as a guest speed Imagine Dragon gas iron speed around wow no I don't think of anything worse it could be a female then we really would be fake taxiers yeah three two one I remember I was down in The Terraces at West Ham when I was a young boy yeah can you just get to the destination please yeah don't worry fella well you don't want to talk that much today no not really man all right just make sure to leave a tip when we're done yeah see you in a bit my way hey we stopped moving I told you brother oh yeah yeah this this looks like another paper airplane it says welcome back to Brighton's Amex stadium in the summer I thought you'd have a lot more fun driving around in Ohana Willman Toby about to crush people you wanna drive first no no no I think you're more excited you deserve you deserve faster we are officially certified big team which means one of the other two teams is small team and I hope they're suffering what the [ __ ] it just popped out again brother second gear doesn't work this might be the video I suffer for you but how we get back to London this thing bro I don't fit oh my God we've just turned onto Blackman streak what oh my God black man Street in fully since Batman Street ah I'm right at home I'm sick I love black man Street I [ __ ] love it is it your favorite Street genuinely I'll tell you what my favorite street I'm probably the only black man on Batman suit you love to see it look at that what a sign oh yeah sorry about that if you guys come to the stadium there's a piece of sidemen History all right if you just leave me a really healthy chick there so that'll be go [ __ ] yourself okay let's go get this guess right so they're just here at the station this you know what this is not built for Brighton Road the size of this thing oh my goodness there's there's giant marshmallows in the back we got we got four liters of soft drinks no I want one of these cars I have to say in the yellow it's uh it's it's stunning man wait is this steering wheel on the on the wrong side yeah yeah real man Toby oh my there's not much visibility at the front also like look how tiny that went yeah please no children run out into the road there are definitely worse cars we could be rolling in 100 I'm not complaining at all there's no one I'm uh no one I recognize right now yeah Hello friends if you're a guest where would you be oh my God I can see it it's deji oh my God [ __ ] off oh my God there is no [ __ ] way I'm taxi around the tunji brothers why are you here oh let's go to oh great fantastic this this room all right let's do this then I have all the videos for you to be in you wanted to be in this one and now all right here we go dead oh wow there's spider webs and everything some weird jizz on the seat yeah man it's it sucks hey did you have a gift for you there's another envelope can you read yeah we are not big small team just average as [ __ ] we are off to love celebrate so there's going to be a pub called cup or an Adam adam22 would have put a puppy the pub we call it Adam 22 and would we celebrate that all right so off we go to the cockpot and hopefully we meet Evan we are in the vehicle it's a 2001 Honda H2 designed for off-roading and military use so it's got this tiny little windscreen so there's less room for you to get a shot Jesus please because I'm uncertain right now with a grip strength I didn't like that let's start the day and find all the biggest things we can starting off with the tallest man oh we're going to some dude's house all right let's get rid of this car oh let's hit the road Jack wait what yeah man this is it but uh of all the videos you picked this on actually this is average we're just the middle team so there's someone doing worse than that worse than us yeah I don't know how it can get worse oh I'm sweating yeah it's gonna be cooking as well on this thing oh no you know what this is sweet and it's got a lot of character to it but it it I I'd rather not yeah all right why have you brought me up a hill second don't exist I genuinely think we could have done more ground on a lawnmower okay hello hello thank you I'm here too never guess where we're off to well after a pub called the cuck mirin [ __ ] me in and it's a 43 minute drive 43 minutes I get classic by the way the same it doesn't fit in the lane I'm not gonna lie this is horrendous this terrifying to drive actually you know what the middle team is the blast one real middle team are just I bet they're in some nice little Range Rover or something just just chilling modern AC on who let me drive this you know I wouldn't mind the small TV but I can't lie I don't envy you I don't envy you I'd be screaming right now obviously I know I'll be so stressed out I am no gears no nothing this is one of the cars I thought the brake pad the brake pedal just snap and we're just going to be like oh 100 ah We Can't Stop oh second yes oh that feels nice you know well cool I know right lucky me wow yeah I'll be on the cap green proper yeah oh nice one thank you have a good day wow she loves it thank you mate at this [ __ ] off cool guys I wonder what the other team's doing say that well transitions am I so close to that am I close you want clothes on this side place on this side you'd rather hit the curb okay than someone's Wing mirror when there's just terrifying we all the same size as the Box reminding me of the task at hand we are the same size as the Walkers Lorry I don't think I'm as close as you think I am by the way no I think you were trying to squeeze through bro I can't see you you will die if you cut up the Hummer thank you no man I can't be honest I have how many eyes it is wait is it the taxi that smells or is it just it might be cast iron you have to get it out of it and then back into it okay brother although we can't stop run man we have no way of stopping fella oh the traffic lights are being kind to us as well what could you ask for I have to drive like a granny as well I have to do this the old big star technique yeah yeah I can't well like normally I'll be like this but I don't trust it yeah where we started yeah yeah and now we just simply go along the coast oh [ __ ] me oh my goodness this is what I was tiniest Mouse serious uh Mike watch out and you're clear now maybe I actually can't see anything bro who let me drive this who let my man cup you're inside the lines on this side but only just this is yeah honestly unstressed I'm stressed I mean it's relaxing it's driving a car too are you even able to overtake this truck yeah oh my goodness look at it all right yeah you're good on this side this is so scary what a joke of a car we're doing a road trip anybody in the world has ever spoken to me in one day I don't speak to strangers usually and you know what that's what we're here for humans you know we get out we walk we connect with the Earth we communicate and we spread love don't we yeah man you want to relax on the turns they're not great you're gonna get me in trouble with a [ __ ] tfl okay no this [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you man oh it's bottled lands okay oh there was a bottle I'm just going to let you know I can barely see as it is oh please no country roads today I see Farm shops and Roads getting narrower oh no there's a truck coming the other way oh okay now that wasn't as fast as I thought it might be I've got no seatbelt there there's literally a seat belt here oh are you dumb forget it's three wheels as well I know so any sharp turn we could be over here there will be no shots I will say we have got a pack of lunch does that count as a kid's menu all right what have we got what are we so lucky to receive oh fantastic it's nothing it's literally nothing and it stinks as well how does it stick close it bro that's horrendous all right well you've treated us Josh you really are [ __ ] threatened I'm false man that looks cool at least a little Cliff top yeah that's beautiful this is phenomenal if we had a nice car right now I'd be very happy oh no no no Wilmington Wilmington no you ain't ready baby please drive carefully he's in the ditch but I don't blame him essentially English this might be this is where I imagine Postman Pat lives yeah this might be the most English Place we've ever been on the sidemen channel I'm in thirds I don't I think just stay in it I would commit to it we'll get up this hill I think we make it hang on bro you're actually moving the car oh you gave us a boost yes you do it in go-karting it makes you go every time you do it we went up like a mile an hour yes come on look here come on please lights change now what the hell start look at him go ah look at him oh my I don't have a wind mirror oh [ __ ] yeah you're good to go over if you want this is horrified you gotta think there is like no crash like protection at all no but no seat belts there's no like crunched section of it there's no airbags the wind back there was actually making me do this yeah we only have one wheel at the back yeah yeah we're actually cooked if we go anywhere near a Motorway so no thank you all right Toby what's your card's telling you it says service four-wheel drive change engine oil I don't know how we're driving this to wherever we need to go today I can see Vic and Toby on Sat Nav but they're close but where it just takes up the entirety no oh no no we win this fight stay there we win this fight we have much more horsepower where's the car park oh no it can't be here ah terrified I feel like there's no like breather to let myself think because the engine's so loud like I can't just like there's no relaxing I got no relaxing everything is like I'm focusing so hard on every second okay look I'm in second see if it pops me out is it like a bump like this oh yo that's crazy yeah we can't trust that second gear man it's got to be first to third we buy cars for cash please take your boat we'll just buy a new car get us a Citron or something please actually it's just turn up in a new car okay sorry you don't look too impressed oh no I'm impressed man anything I can do to make your journey better um crash okay what the [ __ ] brother staying I'll move another way why that little mini if you buy a scooter for four grand slapper honestly how far are we oh we've got like an hour we've still got our tents you know well and as a normal speed oh bro it's actually [ __ ] well it's [ __ ] it's [ __ ] easy yeah yeah it's double yellow but I literally thought well we can't yeah it just doesn't go the clutch is down I haven't got a gear is that clutch fully in yeah yeah I don't think it's working properly we're going under that right yeah oh my good barely anything is great the top it's so tall dragon's in the budget to smash this thing up take a take it to a demolition derby oh you hit something bro there's a rail there you can't see it oh no hello it's not your Hammer yeah you like your truck you had before we felt like I felt so sick in the truck bro you human trafficking stuff no it doesn't work it doesn't I literally can't yeah the part is I caught a parking spot there if we can crawl to that I can get it in first and that's it all right let's take a breather only there yeah no no it doesn't go in gear anymore oh okay so so what's your name my name Terry mate Terry Terry what Terry venables what's your wife's name Lisa but Lisa venables yeah yeah yeah previously known as Lee Saran Lisa Ann yeah oh my God it's a beautiful langteen what a lovely thing but uh I'm sweating it doesn't go into gear my head hurts I'm dying but Jesus Christ all right so anyway you're here you're here very tall man all right a picnic could be really this would be a nice setting for a picnic for a massive tall man yeah sure can a massive tall man come to our place you got food oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait is is it made out of crop that's the tallest man all right it's the tallest man I've ever seen have you gotta walk up there no no you stay here okay he's 231 feet six foot he beats me 231 foot I'm not playing six foot I'm adding the profile so what no picnic he just came here for this oh my God yeah it's boiling oh my god oh wait yeah yeah oh that was Ethan they broke it down yeah you're asking for a lift should we go talk to him yeah get me in there man wait what broken down now please can we have a lift we have to go in love with them please taxi please it's touching yes it's it's him rather these things but it doesn't work oh my God you know what why don't you open the envelope now he's going to use come on Chop Chop whenever you're ready come on Josh yeah yeah see we actually looked after our envelope complete some bonus tasks maybe two three four or five put your seat belts on because you've got a long drive CT 1390u I reckon we go to Eastbourne and do some tasks okay bye Josh see ya have fun oh my word it's 59 miles away that's a two-hour Drive honestly it literally doesn't have a second game so I'm losing a quarter of my gear this is a bit of me here and then I go into seconds oh my God he ain't gonna drive in there no but he's have you got anxiety have you got the rule change of like one's driver side yeah well we're just focusing on making it there I can't we got any energy drinks in here boss everything's big finish this and you win oh my God my God what is this by the way there's no seat belts yeah no no nothing you don't need them you're not going to Danger what is this this is ridiculous oh my God it's not very stable we've been stopped by the police yet no but apparently it's road legal somehow I don't know how that looks it I can pick this car up oh right all right well have fun see you soon love you love you so Vic and Toby have got the [ __ ] nice car and they're like they're not even [ __ ] the the most the most boring side it's not even fun have the nicest cars Chubby Bunny Talent how many right here we go all right I think you're gonna be done at one mm-hmm you know what it's got character I'm not sure if I like its character but it has got characters yeah or we put it on the trailer and taken home and you guys went off [ __ ] it's 2-2 now yeah how do you know are you watching it well obviously with the whole FPL thing I've got to stay on top of these things all I just heard was I'm a fat virgin hello Zucker what the situation uh the car is a bit hot so we're waiting for it to cool down then we're gonna try and drive again and then when that inevitably fails we'll we're gonna hitch a ride with someone else I think you can tied around to get you oh so they are a taxi after all right they are wait if they want to give us a lift I'd love that I'll put in a request we can offer to drive to them yeah yeah okay just lie and say zerker has said you have to stop yeah yeah yeah Harry Lewis is FaceTiming me hello mate you gotta pull over why Josh Circle has told us that you need to give us a lift okay we're at the cuck mirin mate do you want to stop there get a pint and we'll drive to you and hop in all right yeah it sounds good all right we'll see you shortly see you there wait are you [ __ ] serious brilliant assorted sorted we're gonna have two extra people in here yeah looks like it [ __ ] hell man so you know there's me thinking I'm gonna space for my legs do you want to drive no okay I'm too scared to drive sorry all right you ready yep absolutely phenomenal business mate okay we are cooking hello brother no man I might have to stop again no no no no no right we're staying in first all right yeah cool [ __ ] me overheating get over here give me the speed all right I need directions though uh just oh [ __ ] yeah straight right no I have a suspicion right yeah oh our final destination is near sandwich can we not use the words Final Destination please I have a special and Josh is gonna make somebody have a sandwich and sandwich I wonder how the other team are getting on thank you very much welcome to [ __ ] Miriam on the cockmere river please get a drink and pay a respectful toast to our fallen soldier Adam 22. I knew it I was on Twitter it is hilarious if we can tick off her task here we can pay for someone's lunch and drink yeah and maybe we get fish and chips yeah maybe you can do that touch my back oh you're so touch my back camera man yeah oh yeah double dripping oh yeah there's a quick fit there we could quickly go and get the car fixed a lot of people [ __ ] scenery man look at us the British Countryside look how beautiful they are even more beautiful look at that man there's a man with a mullet in that car it's just a woman you never know these days this is about to take off or something that's the clutch down that's just what it sounds like probably I swear this is heating up yeah it's because the engine's right there as well and this thing is just like a big Greenhouse it's like an orb oh there's traffic the whole way to the bridge yeah they do fish and chips here they do fish and chips here come on can we have three Fish and Chips please and also how much would it cost for everyone in this restaurant for us to pay everyone just want to put the mountain behind the tap yeah it's just an amount wood I don't know what 2K cover it I need some Adderall oh look at this bridge oh they just love life a little bit like this car Wait wasn't it take a picture of a sign or something oh yes lovely oh that's beautiful oh that's lovely yeah yeah yeah I will work out in that 100 oh it's as little so little this car is little oh they got everything here it's a big boy don't hit any people Toby you're actually in a parking spot come on man look at that it's fitting in this side quite nice respect it and does it parking well let's start with the Big Mac yo what's up you want to fight we'd love a photo with you how tall are you how tall are you yeah you're six four that is that's pretty interesting so we're in a big car and we need to we need to find on a big man take part away you look extra tall in a fight with us as well yeah just got already into it it's fine love it what a driver roundabouts no problem gear changes slight problems not his fault it's [ __ ] National speed limit now yeah come on come on we're going for it yeah on the fourth oh you animal we've hit 40. I hate how much that the the thing goes like this to tell me my speed it's not very fast we're of no danger of breaking the speed of I don't think come on I found second have you actually come on no he knows where you're on a gearbox now he's got its side Toby oh yeah oh that's stupid that's my thing I filmed that's what it does that's Theo's pitch I don't know if you can see but over there is where Theo Baker films his football videos makes sense yeah oh the Ducks don't say that biggest Big Mac are you gonna ask them are we going to try on the machine Let's see what the machine has this is a nice one see what I can do for us double Big Mac but can we go bigger than the double Big Mac yeah oh no wait no way you can do no don't add any more I mean four is a lot I'm just gonna add everything through a Big Mac with everything extra that you can have let's do it let's go baby because in the toilet while he was in there myself and Jay had the idea of ordering more Big Macs to actually make a massive Big Mac and a stack fire Big Max together and then that task is 100 not your house at the bottom of this hill is the cup we're in what I think we're here oh no traffic oh no traffic and a hill I'm breaking now oh no oh no they're swaying can I just say his brake is fully locked on right now we are not slowing down what what club you got hmm what club you're using uh 99 all right what's your handicap is that what the pros do yeah I don't know I don't know any of the terms oh I might go down a pint so I can't drive do you want your shoes to leave the stuff in here for now no no give me my stuff and I'll come back into it where are they get me a pint it's already off center biggest Big Mac sorry where are they I see Steve oh yes yes if I down the planet I can't drive right I think technically you can still okay I've went down two plants yeah then you won't be able to yeah and you guys just leave it we thought you'd leave us honestly thank you you never guess what Buzz we've even managed to get you a free round of drinks if you're going to speak in there oh I love it hello again it's all we treat you hello yeah we found the taxi which give us a two seconds we need to decompress take a press I'll tell you what there's one there's one thing and one thing only I'm not getting back in that [ __ ] car I refuse all right two tasks down the beach is that way B and q's that way let's get two massive shovels let's get to work why no he's just like dig a hole okay let's have some hard labor Toby why did you say Atlanta why did you say that you didn't struck me some mushy peas kind of guy did you no you just came with us oh so it's going is it Happy Days you are now tuning in to us ticking off one of our tasks what you're talking to eat some fish and chips yeah bug is massive by the way yeah that's [ __ ] beautiful that is horror that's it oh I'm trying to change it oh I saw it honestly because if I saw that in a video I'd click off send that to make my clip up let's play Josh a party plot last time people bought plants in a video I reckon Josh would love this that's all we've been blessed with the big car we'll blast Joshua some pretty flowers this one right here that's heavy duty well whatever we've got to dig a hole and we've got to do it quickly it's gonna get the job done faster it won't be a good hole Yeah that out of context was mad oh yeah two of the Seven Dwarfs do you know this is what we call Fantastic planning I've always been a man with a plan with a plant with a plan that probably went crazy yes yes whoa this is a real taxi bro how many fake taxi jokes you made so far a lot I'd hope you haven't made any fake taxi jokes because you're a siblings BBC siblings all right boys welcome to Terry's Tech Terry's tattoo yes it's not even sad we can dig a hole anywhere hello can I call you back in like two minutes I need the answer now is it good to build a beach in Pebbles the sand a hole in Pebbles it counts regardless yeah don't worry okay thank you he's had a big hole forever big further okay is there somewhere where we can find sand think of the cards don't tell me okay I think of a card yeah okay now tell me oh my god well you don't have belt no so I shouldn't emergency stop [ __ ] yourself that car's gonna crash that car is gonna Crash and Burn Vic let's go and find a beat for sand how [ __ ] it oh it is falling straight back in this is JJ talking about anything controversial you've given the circumstances this is a pretty big hole would you call this a big hole I'll tell you what we'll take that for now if we find a Sandy Beach now because Harry and Simon's car broke down I had to do some rearranging uh so he put a nice little car for a quick Journey to the next stop this is glorious you know I was excited to get in their car and then after two minutes defensive driving I was like yeah horrible horrible man oh look at this nice little village what the [ __ ] is that I I think we might die that's not very nice is it you're not nice no speed limit sign yeah oh my God no it is that's a national speed limit we're in Dungeness I heard go on this area is Britain's only desert it does look a bit desert it gives me desert evine it's quite like dessert I have a friend that came here as a child and told me that fact I say friend colleague [ __ ] I had a friend that came here as a child and he said no you can't do that in public yeah fellas that'll be 15 quid please okay the taxi has arriving with its followed car down here at not catch Park and I are I've got two sleeping Tunes Welcome to The Knockout get some energy in this come on read it properly like your KSI welcome to knockout come on welcome to what come on read how KSI come on JJ welcome to bro okay guys someone asked me read really probably right now what else you punched me Immediate probably right now I've given up welcome to the world's smallest public Railway Dungeness next to the far Lighthouse make sure you get off at new Romney okay to be fair all we need to do now is give a stranger a lift and vibrations that are too big ass we're going to be 10 minutes late right now we have to do it quick UK 11. yeah those will be too big for me yeah look size comparison my shoe the shoe it's not considerably bigger but it is very it's the same size that is unfortunate well it's the biggest shoe we could find [ __ ] It upgraded crap clown crap it's not safe to drive and shoes that are too big for you so I'm staying in my jeeze stepping out in the fridge crap oh my God let's just go down this yeah oh wow oh the first class Carriage this is cool oh well we're sticking to a small theme or a small little train this is lovely this is amazing quite a long train though oh yes okay oh wow a bit of steam coming off it as well I feel like I'm in the small car again it's like a quiet version it's a lot little rain here I think okay my grandma's got shingles see it's about to go down got these little watching us oh Jesus Christ there you go sorry there's so many old people that ain't never seen a big yellow Hummer like this before Oh this is really where the rooting is sending us no this is too much this is a joke basically Waze has rerouted us to a route that's seven minutes there's no satin for like wide car friendly which there should be we take off this entire road so it's my favorite part it's National Speed that's what I was just gonna like we're gonna drop how is this a 60 mile an hour Road in what world what are we training on the second guys [ __ ] that's for us that's what a team that is I can still smash it right yeah all right now you're gonna go a little bit okay oh we might actually be on the good team well you've been driving but now you're gonna drive oh I have to your age of 30 is why you have to drive yourself you can't drive it oh wait how lovely wow oh wow okay that scared me oh this is lovely though it's not the fastest motor transport we've ever seen I have a guess what does that factory produce uh pollution well it probably does yes but I would go with power can I guess go on I think it might be a nuclear power station it is a nuclear Powers that's what he came here when he was younger hello train hey hey oh I'm rapid Lads KSI is so slow faster let's put on the break the whole time oh I don't agree I'm gonna try and lap KSI that's yeah I keep sliding off this office I'll get it up come here boy I can smell it I did smelly smelly I'm in this DRS yeah you in [ __ ] loser Switcheroo all righty yeah just sit on that line yeah true yeah let's go slow on these ghost logos okay bro yeah I genuinely it's so heavy that the pedal does nothing literally nothing bro what is this noise I don't think this car is rude I don't think yeah I don't think this car's roadworthy at all like it sounds like the right Port right tire is ready to just blow up and if it did we'd be three tons of a mess going left or right this steering is so oh this is what I'm saying I was driving like this the whole time deji's actually a little bit quicker than his brothers and he should fix my ideas up if you want to get him all right we're in the DRS Zone DRS on the back straight each other [ __ ] tickets this is so much fun oh my [ __ ] me that was way harder than me you beat two black people I wouldn't frame that sentence in 2023. so we haven't done any tasks no we have we we took a photo of something that described it but you know what honestly I don't care I don't care we've suffered enough today buy and wear an outfit is clearly too small for you I'm not yet I'll fill my trousers up yeah I think a market will take a lot yeah we'll get there early well we're flying right now we're not no we're not oh my God yeah and you had a massive crash you have to drive this next vehicle no more crashing though no crashing with this car need actual driving it's good please okay but your car is fine your car is right this way actually what oh what if you just come this way no way what the bank no it's [ __ ] Lightning McQueen bro oh my God away from Cars yeah oh that's so cool no [ __ ] way this is cool wait how can you see though oh my gosh you can't see of course you can see your donut oh wow shotgun oh [ __ ] oh my God oh my no this is actually ridiculous yeah no at all no oh this wasn't the benefit 30 gag 30 gag 30 gang you can drive it probably not of course you can't wait is this dictionary stop gymnastics the circus what just happened right let's let's see what we look like what just happened you just kiss me what wait Kiss Me Wait what why and how I don't know how to reveal bro kiss me oh my gosh is going to be so happy horrendous Driving Experience by the time we get to the end all have adapted to the world stay that one I'm so close to the curve I'd rather than come I [ __ ] hate this with a burning pattern what's going on here oh the sooner we get rid of this car the better you got more space than you think on that side no I don't now I have you're good you're a good job I hate my life no I Hate Everything how are you so calm I don't understand I'm having an existential crisis it goes over 40 just don't take it past 40 because the front pulls off the front falls off so yeah you'll actually hurt yourself you do it fast forward okay then wow yeah enjoy bye yeah maybe what started yeah oh no this is long man there's just potholes everywhere no oh brother how do there's potholes everywhere okay oh my [ __ ] god oh [ __ ] me but uh oh no you know what [ __ ] this this is long I can't be honest I want to stop oh I give up now you've done it this day took a real nice turn you know what we got out of the car yeah essentially yeah this is lovely it's a flat Sandy Drive I don't know what to say like Josh's mum yeah yeah lovely you look at the sights James I used to put those in those things yeah how many how many girls did you finger um it was just me with mum so one well no no this is horror there's no way we're going the whole way at this speed no no we'll get up to 40. we're allowed to go for oh my God I cannot believe I've ended up for this day out man I've Been Kissed But I've Been Kissed by one of my best friends Brothers all right so that's next yeah don't mind me just crying my eyes out driving I went almost there you've got one like one corner don't say that because it'll crash that's good oh Lord Jesus oh please pull in please pull in oh God but this is meant to be a hair I'm cabinet I don't care get me out get me out destroy it burn this crap here I hate this car okay I've got the pressure it's trying to go up field I'm trying to get that up oh Daddy's trying to take me I mean if you're down I'm down Bro [ __ ] it out yeah wheelchair accessible coach this stage has got more wholesome oh we're very close to France actually maybe that's the big finale absolute horror end into the video You're gonna meet the French of yours good Lord we're here the dog hello Mr dog this is delightful surely the other teams you will exhilarated than this I look so dark on the camera bro I'm not gonna because you need to unlock me or something what's going on I'm not laughing at that of course I'm even I'm done you're doing a great job so far thank you man really good yeah quite nice surprisingly your driving's good oh shut up maybe not say it did I not say it earlier say what we're going to sandwich I bet Josh is going to make us have a sandwich and sandwich or make us make a sandwich maybe you know what anything's better than driving that car crammed up it's gonna be a big sandwich isn't it oh no no how big could the sandwich be oh I'm just not that hungry oh is that's everything no no I mean wow what have we got we've got halloumi avocado and onion we got chicken tikka extra hot extra hot Carolina repo ham salad cold sore cheese burger right there's two of us I really want you to fight us I want to know how we can sanction this horse versus Carousel because I I'm so ready I just I don't think I'll ever get a chance to just I know in the face that's very sad we've sacked off our tasks but yeah we try to pay for everyone and they said we've not got a selfie with an animal yeah I guess pick a task well fake that we are you're in Secret Garden my task today is to kiss a man yeah and then we've done it so we've done kiss a man we've done eat fish and chips and we've spot drivers all right here's kiss was better mind or cows I don't want a dick both equal man I love you both equally so [ __ ] oh oh oh phenomenal thank you so much cheers thank you very much something tells me head to the car park yeah hmm I see the car we came in hmm my belly is not big enough for all of this this is Josh's faults delicious we need all the help we can get put the camera down there's nothing more to see here other than us just sadly chewing through sandwich for the next half an hour so we'll see you guys in a bit I wonder what my bottom looks like now uh it's probably gonna look like me ah my back hurts oh oh that's nice oh ditch oh I don't like my dishes it's good though oh yeah I will not be in the room with an incest porn we've just pulled into a golf place I've got no mic they can't hear me they pulled into a pay and play golf club yes oh no oh that's awful that's terrible three wheels again oh give us four wheels worst thing I've ever seen in my life there's no way so This Is Us Now is it oh at the Warren I know where that is but we're here I think that's this this place is called XIX at the Warren but the car but in the car park you'll find a Reliant Robin well here's the rely on Robin brilliant she is um nice cool sweet what do we do come on please Justin's a prick yeah honestly Josh this is a bit of a dick at the Moon oh hey I've got a question are you not meant to not eat gluten yeah gluten in all of this um yeah that's a gluten-free sandwich you're pulling colleague what do you think about all right thank you no idea what he said geez you could have said how was JoJo's driving dead honestly yeah really really good if someone wasn't driven in like five six years oh yeah I can't feel it well you have to drive then yeah fine if you can't fit in wait I'd have to drive like this let me try let me see how I'm looking oh it's a tight yeah it's a squeeze I'm better than you though how much do you trust yourself not a lot do you trust you more than a squished me I forgot which one the so the clock no no I think I'd be fine in this okay I think we'd be all right cheers okay do you want to drive Simon why I think Simon Jones not for me not for me oh my God where are we even going no what Carolina Reaper meatballs Toby loves meatballs in his mouth you see you yeah okay this is an accident waiting to happen holy [ __ ] that's hot holy [ __ ] this is how no God loves me you know I licked a little bit of the sauce that is [ __ ] really are you uncommitting do not bite that I don't blame you is that a trap the spices hit the back of my throat that's a trap that's his suicide suicide I was born eating spice I'm Nigerian that is madness my fingering what I look forward [ __ ] you Josh what oh yes oh yes see that's my driver right there man he knows what I do don't fit I literally can't I don't think I can because then I physically don't think I can drive this I mean I can do it if you want me to take the reins I can take the reins up to you you gotta choose dude how would we have this for now my leg doesn't fit drive without a break oh I was so handbreaking that's fine we're not using you as a house I genuinely don't think I can let me have a try this one is for Yuri from a friend welcome to the battle wait no welcome to battle and in the spirit of battling welcome to the battle of the other Tunes hi Ethan I'm the host JJ and deji you have to complete these tasks and the first to get back to me wins a prize find a person with a name beginning with s film a 22nd advert that any sidemen brand product Steve Channel buy Ethan something beginning with b oh so with the person beginning with s we have to just find someone with the name begins what's your name what's your name Zach [ __ ] do you know anyone with the name s yeah I'm working with someone but they're off there all right let me let me meet them do the advert while you're walking okay guys amazing oh my gosh with Egyptian cotton I think probably not but it's still nice it's one of the best out there they have their own store in Blue Water go there get yourself some nice clothes some people there do you feel safe right now I actually do though okay good now this is what you should be scared because we're going at speeds now I know I I accidentally here is actually I was holding my breath when he said it this is what tragically strikes oh yeah also I got I'm in my glasses I can't see anything we'll be fine I'm sick what'd you do for work um oh wow Jesus did carpentry sorry to disturb you what's your name okay no it's okay don't worry hey sorry excuse me what's your name sorry uh what's the score no we need someone whose name begins the best yeah what's it what's your name Scott perfect yes we found Scott so squat um we're doing like a little advert for sidemen so sidemen no so basically just saying to say shop aside men shop aside man best place to go best place to go why hello there what's your name Sean what was that Sean what was that Sean there we go great to meet you Sean all right task complete oh [ __ ] you're gonna buy something for anything yeah was it beginning with b yeah let me do the 22nd ad right now hey you are you subscribed to side plus no well you should you know why because it's great great content exclusive just for you yes behind the scenes of what happened on sidewind shoots podcasts whoa crazy what else you get exclusive access two assignment events like for Charlie match I know the stuff but we're still trying to figure that out and then uh yeah also you might get a message from us you might get to meet us great side plus subscribe and be better than everyone else okay that's that a slightly issue I found it oh we're just gonna guess what speed we're going the speedo is that what you don't call it speedometers that's the things we still haven't figured out what this is for we think it's when you take off oh no I know what it is it's for the role it's for the role of it so like you can tell if you're about to flip over or not where's the nearest shop yeah yeah go for it are you sending anything that begins because oh brush can I buy a brush please yeah any please I need to change this no we have time we have time we have time do you accept cards yeah okay perfect we have time to be one of the closest things you can do to buy on top would be how far is Jameson oh okay then guys relax I need to buy something that begins to be banana there it is all right we're uh on feet now we're walking on feet inside shoes oh my goodness I think I see it oh this is for us oh no there's a band actually I'm not in the mirror Vic and Toby Just Married that's funny [ __ ] sake man you're an engagement not the wedding I was expecting around this time of the year but not the wedding he went into the wedding he deserved don't mind me buying bananas fun great to see you guys you think so I think so I'm scared there okay thank you oh no thank you thank you so much oh [ __ ] oh here comes deji veggie's got something what have you got brush brush where's your advert tell me what put it on the upper yeah did you find someone with the name of getting an ass yes okay Scott yeah where was Scott he was over there okay nice yeah oh well you want let's go I don't know what the prize is I'll be KSI jeez no those those random people filming so what is this why Josh is lost it what does that have to do with the biggest road trip what's that because it's a big bit what's that Josh is lucky man all day band's kind of going off to be fair what gift you know my hair is looking a little bit bummy see it is thanks for a dog what did he say no no you look really good what did he say you can ask him who the brush is for dogs I got the dog in me don't mind me just bring in school kids they just came with me I'm sorry right so what one begins with s uh Sean Sean where's Sean you're Sean yes all right double else and you got me bananas yeah and where was your advert yeah it was there side plus yeah okay really nice I'm actually a member oh yeah oh [ __ ] he's paying for it oh no oh no veggie one come on uh thank you yeah no what he found someone called Scott and he does a really good advert for every single sideman product and he bought me a hairbrush hair brush brush no you said hairbrush he said hairbrush he was also here five minutes ago you lost after battle you're now off to the Ashford designer Outlet to pick up another new car who never won the battle gets 500 pounds to spend oh come on if you were nice you give it to the kids the challenge unless she says I have to spend at the end exactly so what do you mean you're off yeah and take the bananas with us left right left right oh my god well how did this past the very legal surely you shouldn't be driving around things all right oh jeez oh God oh God oh God oh God [ __ ] hell so many gingers around it I think they just spawned yeah it's more prevalented maybe there's like one Ginger studs just like it has all of them yeah that'll make the Battle of Hastings news okay it's like it comes to small town battle with his brother dejolatunji Sean says he's [ __ ] at boxing wow hi hi random Applause everybody thank you you've been a great crowd don't be acting like he did something I was the conductor did you ever hold your breath going through a tunnel to make a wish I haven't a couple guys can we point out the front says that we are just married yeah was that if I had to pick any of this I'd man I'd pick you that was wholesome as [ __ ] look it's not the best bunch to be the top of so here we are Ashford designer Outlet we're going to try and tick off some tars here because we've done [ __ ] nothing all we've done is eat fish and chips and he kissed him out which was his designated task by the way yeah lovely jobly you know I was so I wish that this journey goes safely oh I wish we have no accident before I wish for I wish for a bigger penis to have a crowd behind us well there is a young man who somehow has two crime bottles with him we had to buy something isn't that can I borrow your cash can I buy this Prime what Happy Days you bought it KFC so it was order something off the child's menu off the kids menu yeah it feels weird saying child's menu didn't it yeah kids bucket popcorn chicken oh actually no no you know oh you can change everything I'm going for a burger yeah a little kid's Burger you know how are you doing hello oh we've been chasing you for a long time you're fast driver you are oh nice to see you my friend yeah [ __ ] off now yeah actually we can pay for someone's Nando's do any of you want some chicken you hungry yeah do you want to order and then we'll just pray for you whatever we want whatever you want yeah the best thing about being on a team with KSI is that he can just do everything for you all I've had to do is drive a car but he's now buying people chicken he bought a bottle of prime he's doing all the tasks alone uh if you sat any closer you could have sat on my lap as well please don't no no no no I don't even know where I'm at I think we're near moorgate us no no are we near Morgan I mean no no if you're one gang over it yeah what no why why have you done this wow you pay for me no yeah it's nice you know does that count I don't think so okay it's it's free for you enjoy did they just put it through it's like yeah it's all on them God damn it does that count yeah I'll take it I feel like being me is too easy for that what happened to the big envelopes just fell off yeah this one just says big it's not even big welcome to the world's biggest Weber spoons there's no more driving so you can have a drink if you like oh that doesn't really apply to you also you gave it to us early welcome to wetherspoons well we're going to wetherspoons now are you not embarrassed oh to be fair it doesn't say that would probably be where we were supposed to open it you're going to Hugo Boss stage yeah geez look at this it's 659 pounds you'd have to pay a little bit more yeah that's right uh yeah you've got one minute there's a bite one minute all right okay this do you have like this may be in Excel yeah could I get this in uh I think so Excel so this was 109 pounds that's okay okay how much is a jumper 95 okay and I'll get this this two all right see okay this isn't coming out the sidemen but I Do by the way up there I'll get this too all right oh let's go it's just running up the bag did he get socks as well yeah so this is this is both of us yes so this will be my kids pocket yeah this is me this is oh they're the pineapple sticks I see I just don't trust this at all like what is in this packet Man kids food eaten oh nice this is the tiniest one that's the task I wanted out there love that let's get cracking let's get going we are finally done off we go all right we'll just have a crowd just following us don't mind us what is that law for me oh my God end of the bed again who made this sandwich what did you want Sam come and sit down with us and have some she has spicy meatball sub spicy milk spicy I made the model is spicier Meats ball hey yo are you good bro is that the same is that the same sub that we had it oh it's spicy was there a toilet see I'd really love the car to be that purple GTR I'd absolutely love it to be it's not however gonna be that [ __ ] thing it's the one that jumps up and down that is so sick oh my God I really hoped it was that over there Cancun this is a Mexican special got bandana around there so you're driving this right can this go up and down oh no this is ridiculous that's very much what is going on mine's short uh no you're not enjoy the bumpy ride and meet me at Margate for some more bumpy rides that's one of these shits Josh notes I've ever received all right we got like 25 minutes left my legs have seized up a bit I'll just sitting right after getting out of there for a little bit and we're off when you feel like it's on the maximum up yeah don't hear it again okay we got a fire extinguisher underneath you deji just in case oh my holy [ __ ] help oh my God oh okay now we're going baby oh no I don't like this okay yeah baby oh my Dean we're not making the debugger no no where are we going through the content it's just not what it was supposed to be really good all right let's leave how do I drive oh oh it's automatic that's clearing God all right where the bounces oh just just testing the break is everything okay wait there's no headrest bro and you you have to whine up oh my God yeah what what what this takes me back to when I pissed on you we had to use a like manual why not manual why not why is what got you to think about you and you pissed on him uh it's been November today okay so I pissed on me so yeah it's just a triangle piss oh God so my question now oh my God we go right here okay and we are there this is it oh God the hell oh wowie wow look at this we made it let's go yes Freedom we did it we survived we didn't kill anybody come on I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I don't wanna I don't want to read it all right are you ready I'm gonna read it to you yeah let's get it welcome to broadstairs I went here on a school trip okay I'd unlock some more memories with something from the sidemen show oh and you have a guest that really moves the needle postcode no no no no no oh I don't want to do this let me in just put your dick there why don't you have to go oh you [ __ ] I'm looking at you I'm looking directly I'm I'm looking at you I'm looking at you looking at you yeah bro I'm trying to get up right there yeah come on oh my God swag I'll get cap okay I'll do it are we driving oh God thank you assistant is the next wagon fantastic fantastic that looks terrifying to drive I'm Simon's doing this one I'm not doing this one Simon's doing this one this will be me back here passenger princess you are not sitting in the back there's only one there's only one seat in the front bruh I'm getting driven today oh oh no oh no hello how are you doing all right Master beat yourself dude Tony nice to meet you hello do you want me to drive or do you want to drive I don't really mind is it close to a bike than a car it's more like it's yeah it's more like a scooter okay do you think you get lots of [ __ ] with this honestly yeah I actually believe so it is certain type of crowd yes this is like hippie [ __ ] right here all right so we are apparently what is the uh biggest Weber spoons in the UK are you gonna drink anything I guess it'd be rude not to right we do have this massive bus hello hi we don't know why we're here we're giving people lifts do you need a lift anywhere no we didn't okay I'll stop talking I'll get a shot get it over with quickly I'll watch him drink his shot oh [ __ ] it's really nice in here can I get a shot please yeah I make it too two sambucas please no XXX behind the bar we need to change to health wealth and spicy meatballs all right cool oh no oh no I don't know you saw it one sec time to kill on the right there we go yeah yeah give it some give it some gas hello hello yeah oh it's beautiful on the hill oh no it's a hell of Dreams oh no no no no oh no no no no no there's a there's a van yeah oh there's a car behind us oh no get some throw oh no yeah these boats are pointless bro this is loose yeah so we crashed we die yep no there's no airbags either nope he's on airplane yeah we're actually dead yeah this car does not feel stable yeah she's brittle Jesus [ __ ] Christ we're gonna die I know the steering is just a bit loose it's just what you want to hear oh yeah hello sorry for the car coming soon can you dunk also look look how much to the right when I leave it oh no okay let's not test that again fighting against me the whole way back on our timer pick up the biggest weather spoons Ramsgate do we give someone a lift on our bus I mean we could is anyone want to lift on a bus please go to the end of the road yeah yeah okay all right can't get on the bus never mind okay that's right that was the most uncomfortable ride ever uh we've got a couple more tasks to do them no but there's a beach here that was your ride it was Whitey Friday I felt every ground I felt every floor for every bump every stone but you know it was lit especially when I was going up and down what do you mean what do you mean point was he pointing right no he wasn't he was sorry lean lean Jesus Christ Smiths okay next envelope at Smith's he better not say drive somewhere else I can't believe you've got 10 minutes buy a present for every so I've been including you once you're done head to this look this we can't do I can't drive anymore I can't do it anymore it's not safe where's that location I'm checking now I'm checking now I'm seeing what the damage is it doesn't actually say in what vehicle the guy who owns the tutor's gone where is it does not sound like oh oh okay right let's go and buy some presents and then we'll deal with that oh no all right we have stopped in a car park by a theme park it's not gonna be like the biggest ride in England or something is it so wait what is this the biggest no it's just the people it's just the theme park oh yeah let's go home imagine my shotgun Josh is sent Vic and Dobby to another theme park I don't know how we're going to navigate us chopping off the buried inside Charles but Joshua didn't say that we don't have to do that anymore why is that so many like weird things oh crabs these are all crabs yeah so crabs going yeah they're bury under these are all crabs yeah oh I hate it I hate it all right goodbye everyone all right do your thing thanks always coming to be chilly too you know I'm gonna have to go home I respect to me though yeah am I Bay watching very much yeah farewell John I feel like this is a white man thing yes okay right so buy something for everyone so everyone okay right let's go are we being nice or we not I think we'd be reasonable oh I know Harry will want this too Harry I like I found something I'll get some kinetic sand yeah why not we have a very interesting life don't touch me now you can touch me you feel bad oh she's gonna be free oh here we go fully submerged don't worry I got you have you ever seen a black guy in the Olympics have you ever seen a black guy in the Olympics the swimming Olympics yes swimming Olympics yes really yeah but when no there we go oh he's in it oh he's in he fully went in I think he broke his bike really committed absolutely you know you know what I said we have to clap today yeah I should give it a little clap man why I'm not stopping until you stop well then I guess we'll stop when he gets here all right oh he's not walking great it's gonna take a while what's going on he's finished he's a sleeping mate yes now are you telling me shooting some Hoots of the crew as a serious eater you know yeah my right one whilst we was playing in The Joy Rider I think I heard told Jesus's voice from the team bulk I'm in pain I can feel it my shoulders now yeah I don't know why it's all just my right one that means you're right dominant oh sexy I've been clapping for a while now yeah how's that it's very good very good man wow thank God [ __ ] out all right good news we're in here now are we we're here yes goodbye Tuk Tuk yes you were horrible you were horrible oh was that you oh thank you very much that's why it's so sorry no so you've had jizz then you've had jizz as well I mean you've had mortgages there you look we both had jizz in our mouth yeah high five to jizz in my mouth okay I'm not doing that who says we don't treat the crew honestly look look we treat the critics they gave me a meatball sandwich to go around I'm telling you I am a 30 year old man on a carousel well I am a 30 year old man on a carousel but yeah as you can see we're waiting for the other teams to arrive so we actually have our ending making good two with this hello oh I feel sick that meatball sandwich is gonna come up real soon oh oh it's it's it's it's a theme park it is but we're meeting in like the abandoned carbon this is a bit spooky my Pokemon cards Josh is gonna be like I've hired out the theme park for the next two hours for you guys everyone's like ah we'll go home that's the rest of your team uh JJ's doing a piss and it's a drone it's very far away what's good Dash where are we yeah what were you riding in today multiple things you're on a horse no no I wish no I am hung like a horse I'm guessing we lost where's the vehicle hey whoa whoa whoa that is much more than I've needed you'd only had a lot more fun than us didn't you no bro's got rentable space in that crap we have to get the bigger shoes big vehicles big shoes it sounds like a Harry and the time we're not gonna be happy chaps then but I assume that I assume they had the the Tiny mobile they did yes how tiny are we talking we saw them how tiny the worst thing no not even that smaller Long Island long day so is this just further insult to injury for this small team I think so yeah we're just going to have fun while they're still on there Joe yeah this isn't too bad though oh holy [ __ ] I don't want to do this we on now oh wow I've had something in there I'm glad I may have a very pretty content I've had lots of fun get me out of this oh I quite like it it's it's far far the smithness that's it it's like that because of the ferris wheel as well this is not making a good noise thank you oh the other way now oh my God okay now it's a long day oh is that other people yes yes civilization but it's even everyone's here hello how are you friends I'm tired and destroyed we've had a [ __ ] day and a half yeah oh they're here wait where's Vic Vic's in a disabled toilet boys we have presents for everyone yeah we got your gifts all right Josh you got a metal detector Ethan we've got your play food enjoy Harry got kinetic sand I did I got yes wow dad's got a football yay Toby hey hey hey hey yeah that was yours that's what you got me thanks we've got your toy telescope yay because I took your big one and Vic got a DJ set I got some Pokemon cards 50 quiddies you actually got something good no well I wanted something good no see the age on this is three plus my child will try and eat these does your child want to play with a black baby no oh wow I promise baby sensory classes Multicultural I'm a okay with not doing this yeah so wait is it just us three plane does it no one else coming on no that's [ __ ] sad you foreign weird yes oh all right come here camera boys oh my golly we do have fun thank you
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 8,102,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: gPMywzYtE0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 44sec (6104 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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