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what's going on guys it's stormzy and I'm with the beta Squad and today we're going to be playing Guess the professional rapper here are six people and they're all claiming to be professional rappers however only one of them is telling the truth and it's our job to figure out who the real professional rapper is each round will vote one person out and if we get it right we win however if we get it wrong the Liars will win a cash prize this is false identity bro how does the Philippines I can't live what's I've watched my Studio's videos so this feels quite surreal when I first walked in and I saw you that I was like rather oh my gosh the beta Squad have done it again we've brought a nice little underground rapper unknown it's called stormzy and uh we're putting him on today so make sure you guys go check him out after let's get to business because we've not been the best at this game we need your help bro well you know I think uh when it comes to you know picking out a rap part they went and got you know none of them the gaffer we've got some big talk from Big Mike let's see if he's good at the game himself let's bring in the rappers my friends [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] it needs to be set here my initial thoughts are I'm seeing six rappers but more importantly I'm seeing another stormzy walking out there's two storms he's in the room right now who has done this you know what the producers always do a great job because I feel like um this is a great selection of people he does look like storms he does really look like oh this is tough you don't know it's based off this number four looks like he's trying to rob the whole place two seconds in and he's already trying to rob us what is this all right so number four is looking like a draw rapper he's here to intimidate us I'm not really scared to be honest I can tell Sharkey is shooting it please my friends introduce yourselves Gemini rapper from West London Battle Rapper okay battle rap I see I see I I used to watch battle rap back in the day don't flop all that kind of stuff Shockey horror Arsenal I'll be watching out for him my name is MC rapper from Quincy Park yeah you give me [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] lyrics and none of us will get it only chunks number six yeah name is Papa South London I already know it's not him yeah I wouldn't come across him someone would have sent me that are you okay Papa he's out he's out of his depth what style of rap do each you do I'm drill battle rap I made you think I'm more of a conscious rapper but I can do more stars yeah conscious rapper slow flow oh basically do Joe I've doubled the 90s hip-hop as well but mostly I do that Grime and 90s hip-hop how does that correlate they're two completely different genres this guy's lying man waffler yeah just whatever I feel like try more ground you know grind mostly are you on it a bit nervous for a rapper though no a shook number six is hand before I came into this year look at my hand oh my God I don't know why he's so nervous probably to meet stormzy I'm nervous too my hands was wet for five minutes as well all right so usually we take someone out in this round but we've had a discussion it's a bit tough so we'll keep you all for round two but next round two if you're going up all right so looking at the six in there I don't think you can guess who can be a good rapper so I think we're gonna keep them all in and actually listen next round so before I just wanted to hear them rap so yeah before we just you know get everyone out the next one so it's round two but instead of asking questions we're gonna bring up a beat and you guys have gotta rap to it we vote someone out of Saxon dropper it's all subjective we don't know storm is the professional here so he's gonna know we'll start from number one here we go he's feeling it cheese I'm bread these days I've been feeling blessed oh yeah but now I'm not free instead 2019 with a blood clot Madness right now I'm gonna try to beef with FEDS right now stuck up with a two-year license can't wait till I've got three months left can I relax I'm ready [Music] number one came through listen I told you guys number one is the rapper I'm calling it right now number two I've seen her what you got oh say okay yo when I came in late with a two feet challenge I'm going for The Shins when I see him off balance come on the old school like Jimmy and Sharon what's the blow like Izzy and Darren I keep cold like when you try chilling I'm off the mic now you ain't no villain I'm on the mic on the eight one yo yo hop with a man can I freestyle deep for the red maybe time now [Applause] um I am I hold my hands up I'm impressed this as I was expecting to just hear some rubbish but number one number two I'm I'm very impressed I'm humbled conscious rapper let's go oh she's channeling the energy oh he's got the fingers out how did he catches the wrong job [Music] hard fight for Progressive panel in school they're funny enough dreams you're not flowing man try to catch the Beat Again guys come on hey be quiet everyone [Laughter] superficial ambitious making good kids cruel I'm there I'm there I'm there right now with possessed immaturity never feeling new to me my presence fade in grown up scrutiny I was a warrior in our court of insecurity where can this man shall Go From Here catching up with the Memphis in east of the year is a gold heart enough to shine night to Career I'm alive and the pressure but I'm dying in the fear rappers [Applause] he's a he's a poetry man he probably talks spoken word we had three but now it's time for the best one let's go the best one as well best one please no wait I'm gonna come in on the beach like a Tracy thing missed it before you missed about that yeah well he's nice [Music] he's a fool that's why he was that vessel what you do the why you shoot dipping down okay more he really thought he was sick so if no lights go slow she's there what do you want yeah what you had it on Falls what number four said something that really stood out to me I think it should be the lyric of the year if he can actually explain what it means he said had man on all fours uh follow Portuguese yes what I can allow the beat as well then yeah foreign [Applause] [Music] was beautiful oh my if only I knew what that meant in English if you can rap in Portuguese how can we can't rap in English I can rap in English but puji is my first language though I can rap in both English allow me to let the Flow Free Focus trying to get high notes keeping them low-key minding the price with my eyes closed and no sleep Broski you know who I am but you don't know me the old me is now a lost memory and them dogs and all my pedigree they're using fake love to the skies they don't jealousy never me I can't compromise my Integrity yeah that's that's all right [Applause] the worst thing I've ever had in my life that should be untranslated it should never be in English it sounded good in Portuguese in English it was terrible are you ready yeah shut up DJ just play something for us yeah [Applause] a live free performance from stormzy himself [Music] so when I heard it yes okay this is what we're doing okay that try one more time [Laughter] [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] what are the big man out here you're the one I'm 100. money now I don't know wait wait wait wait wait wait come on man I was expecting you to sing all right get him off how have you come here to rap and you're not rapping part of me there was absolutely terrified When papa grabbed storms there I thought he was gonna try to kill him and take his role in life you know just try and be stormzy from the day to day come over me no it's bro it's about you guys it's all about my brothers I ain't singer you want me to perform in front of seven seven mugs good custom remake Readiness you want me to come on you can't can't do that man we're gonna actually speak within ourselves now and think about talk about who's actually the worst two rappers in my opinion bro that's the southern rappers in there they're solid yeah I know where I'm voting two people go yeah so six six six wasn't willing to wrap so after disgusting amongst ourselves we were very quiet and respectful of course yeah but we're thinking that six should go six we don't think you're a rapper our approved ain't a rapper you are telling me you came on a show to pretend to be a rapper only to tell us you aren't a rapper Papa you have bugged out differently I am so confused he was actually supposed to be stormzy oh he was meant to be stormzy he was meant to come in as stormzy and why didn't he just bugged up malfunction oh well that that would have been very funny papa but if anyone's got Papa's number send that to me car Papa I got you know we can go on a few dates for me you know when I'm when I'm a bit too busy Papa you got a future in in this stormzy business mate all right guys so we vote at number six and honestly it makes sense to now vote one more person so Kenny I was gonna say four but I want to keep him for Vibes five yeah you're wrapped in two languages and none of them were enough for me today so I'm going to vote for five I'm sorry I'll vote for number four oh yeah I don't think he said to rap for you intimidating yeah I'm gonna go for number three two votes on number four two votes on number five one vote number three storms what are you saying here's my here's my reason God one of these freeze the rapper these two ain't the rappers but he's gonna be funnier so [Laughter] [Applause] five your goal because you can't wrap in Portuguese car up in English it just doesn't sound good neither so he's gotta go and then Papa he's a fraud he was here to spend some time with stormzy he's got what he came before though he can leave both of them down rappers all right cool this is round three and we're gonna kick off this round with some questions for the so-called rappers my first question is your dream feature from any rapper could be an American one it could be a British one who would you love to link up on a rhythm I think every artist every rapper you've really got that in mind like that's something that you don't you don't hesitate on that question I thought that might catch them out yes yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah because I know when he said they said oh yeah that's where their mind went like you've got a singer on the hook who would you want to get Adele you know foreign [Music] Dion and jme it's never gonna happen how would that even work what's you guys's biggest song that you have trinkles like yours with Gizzy it's on a million streams uh track with shadows poor other core and it's basically about like gentrification in cities and how like the poor getting marginalized and stuff so yeah it is okay he said he does conscious rap so of course that makes sense marginalized and gentrification number four yeah mine is block 27. 27. that sounds like a Minecraft server so I don't really know if the best one is actually on anything at all where are you from what where Southeast where broccoli what's the job what so many questions can you wrap a little bit of the song called yeah yeah [Applause] all right guys just quickly um remind me of your rap names and how you actually got your app names so your app name is my name is Gemini I'm a Gemini spell it with a one so when you search it I know anything that comes up any artist knows that you've got to distinguish yourself from the rest so when he said Gemini you don't lie about the one everyone's hyping up Gemini with a one and I won't lie that name is horror such a bad name why is he naming himself after a star sign number one and just because you put a one in there because you couldn't get the username doesn't make it cool all right let's not Gass that stuff up my name is Manny Kim C well my real name is Malik so it was a short jump when I was younger that's good tricks my name is Patrick tricks simple I'll be honest my parents are like what do you aspire to be like as a kid I was like you know what won't be the best one still so basically I was just like you know what wait my name where I want to be I want to be the best one that's my name isn't it all right cool and that that was your last words [Laughter] all right cool let's vote let's vote I like shopping at Best Buy so I'm not gonna get him out I must vote for number three I'm one of the best one sorry bro yeah I'm gonna have a best one as well I think he's the worst one oh that's not nice one I'll say man I want to hear more of block 27.27 part two get him out man I might have to go for tricks yes for God's sakes man Nicole is an agent of chaos so he's gonna do that he's gonna keep the most chaotic person in all right best one yeah [Applause] I know I can see all your faces I'll be honest I'm happy I just want us to feel safe like even if he's a professional rapper like at least I feel more comfortable now that he's gone all right round four let's get into more questions so number one you said you're a battle rapper but you haven't shown us any battle rapping poof could you show us something yeah can you give us a freestyle and violate each man yeah can you do it on a beat or would you rather do it no I'll do it all right a squad just a bait a bunch of bait MLS chatting silly chunks you look like the Teletubby son so don't be getting angry with me figured you're the fresh prince in a club till you get thrown out the front door like jazz and then you've got to go back home to Philly [Applause] this guy even though he violating me he's cold he might actually be the rapper I ain't gonna beat around the bush you've been tapping the whole time you need to shush oh stormzy what's good bro you you tough I bet YouTube 's Nelson you give them shrubs oh my God how do you know that yeah we've gotten a lot closer recently we're living together and I've robbed this size 14 feet many times and I found that it's got a little thing he does as well that he rubs his nose with his right finger when he lies me and Sharky would never ever paint each other's nails or touch each other's feet whatever he was trying to suggest it's complete lies and slander Corner your new track that's a power song love Chris it was about four hours long foreign [Applause] these rappers they've been having an easy time I was expecting the professional rapper stormzy to be more on to them but lucky for us I've got a plan up my sleeve or more of a paper under my chair so I'm going to give you a few words can you just read the word and then basically make a freestyle out of that word um MCS they don't trust me it's money can see you know I'm only about the money keeping it cold when I step up in a place and I'm keeping it flat every time I touch the stage and it's yo deep with the rounds that I'm spitting I got this stiff chocolate girl young but you're chilling with me I keep it cold with the triple A batteries it's Manny Kim see I'll put the battery in your back and get to I'm in the mic MCS they want to try to test how I ride USBC when I flexed out the night sky deep with the SD card when I fly high convert the Rams into piece when I write mines deep every time I gone off the ripe and I'm blazing the bank trying to emcee I got the beans on the stage when you're keeping it safe when it's manic MC I keep it deep on the stage [Applause] that was my favorite movie okay I won't lie I wrote those things on the paper fully intending to set someone up and he smashed out the park so fair play fair play my friend you semester number two huge ratings to you tricks [Music] messed up the tricks do you have any tricks because I'll be honest with you any party tricks just let me know I mean yeah I can do like party tricks that aren't rapping but yeah yeah okay yeah number one smashed it with the battle rapid number two smashed it with the freestyling number three what you got in your locker my friend That Trick sorry tricks trick sorry bro tricks I told you man the other guy but just not for this one I don't think I can't save you bro four votes Universe you know I feel bad because every last guy looks like I can save it [Applause] tricks it's a clean sweep mate six out of six votes It's Time to Say Goodbye but you know what you've been great and we like your handstand as well so this is round five um the final round we've decided that we're gonna make the two MCS go back to back in the Sci-Fi and let's hear it yo all right I'll just try to keep my feet in the ground but wait on my voice when I speak to the crowd every night we give out a piece of our soul now somehow we got the keys to the crown seems like we got the keys to the crowd when the lights go up and the speakers are loud so their eyes roll back for the living that's about every within my attack and I'm beating it down stood through my palm to the sky on the darkest night trying to find my way right now be existing the smoothest and leashes believe that I'm trying to find my space ain't trying to spend my life in a cage I used to spend late nights right in a wave every time that I sit for them yo I don't want to flow that yours yours I Really Wanna John like yours yours looking all caked in the face but you got a shape like a four by four I know my brothers are no war but it's not my buddy your brothers are unsure said my things blessed your thing stressed tell me why I would have won sat on that your cinnamon on my talk but they don't back that chat see we're together when I back that chat bro man shot can let the thing goes together for my guys you're talking this night night I'm coming just my time you can spit the mother with them all right [Applause] I don't know I don't know there's no I can't like you I don't know before I had like an idea now I'm close I swear to God this is the hardest one we've ever done I dare go in mad I told you they're both rappers is there two rappers that was one of the best things I've ever seen in my life that both of them went in number one actually kind of stumbled a little bit but even more impressive that he managed to catch the beat again and carry on going this is might be the hardest final we've ever had what's like a day in your life let me know get up go to the gym then I will go straight to the studio or I start riding the yard I try to spend at least five days of the week in a studio um like like a full-time job like you said like a full-time job isn't it your full-time job yes but exactly actually the same kind of hours interesting that you said like gotta focus on the language that was used and the guy said lack of food job wearing it your full-time job why does it like your full-time job that was a great detective work by AJ wait wait wait let me hear your story though Broski I've got a studio at home I've got um hs7s I've got a SE 4400a I'll record it home and here's the internet he's not only a rapper he's the engineer big Michael please tell me what this means that was some okay you engineer yourself I do demos at home I got Studio because I can't engineer the best oh this is this is tough if this was guess the black man that's easy stuff this is I can't lie you're not done I'm good picking I can't laugh I ain't got a clue okay so I can't last extremely tough I think furthermore I know I feel it in my spirit I'm sure I think I think I've got it okay okay I think I've got a size but this was I'm never any I've been dishing you about about you okay also this is probably the hardest one yeah since I'm a rapper yep I hope you're gone first my my vote is [Music] number one Gemini interesting seeing someone has done it for longer I could potentially think it's number one just because he knows the equipment and stuff that's probably the only reason I think both of you guys on a track are great oh my God it's hard you had me until you said the last thing you said which is just like it's a job would you ever see yourself I'm a full-time YouTuber what's almost my schedule say oh I work everyday number one is there a rapper I was speaking to Sharkey off off camera oh before you guys voted I think number two I think manic is the rapper oh wow you know what I feel like it's number two as well so yeah I have no idea what do you think it is think about what you think with your heart honestly I thought was number hey I thought it was number two but the number one is be more specific about stuff in the studio so that's the only reason why oh wait wait so who are you voting for I think this is number one okay stop stop stop stop does that mean specific there's four votes on number one two votes on number two all right so let's just cut the it's Gemini it's Gemini these are bought me here as the professional rapper to put it as Gemini it's easy all right it's time for the results bring in the rest of the contestants my brother [Applause] all right so guys you're all back here with us thank you very much oh we have voted for number one you could be wrong but please guys if you are the real rapper please step forward that's why I'm so nervous I'm shaking oh oh what's going on there's no we know it's not you Papa I know it I know way more than rap nerds like stormzy chunks Kenny and AJ it's not Gemini okay um dark I had the inkling I had the inkling it was number two I knew it was number two from the beginning are you sure it was definitely number two definitely number two number two professional rapper Gemini's no rapper okay I knew it was too I knew it was two I had the feeling it was two I just thought I'd you know yeah why can you rap like that I'm Gemini I'm a battle rapper I do that as a hobby and I've been rapping just since I was young but I do Adventures oh my God hold you guys bad players anything you want to say right now please I want to say that I'm sorry who wins the money I thought I saw uh bro man please that's a bag did you have the um the bars prepped about me Teletubbies and not really before no no I just thought of that when I looked too oh you said that um I looked at the Teletubby son I thought we could like create a friendship after this but I won't be talking to you after this all right so we failed uh guess the rapper well I failed yeah yeah you failed you felt I'm really disappointed in myself yeah you should be yeah yeah um but now you can watch the trailer today on beta Squad we're gonna be making Big Macs but the catches we've got to do it without a recipe [Music] let's start
Channel: Beta Squad
Views: 19,409,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beta squad guess the, guess the, guess, the, beta squad guess, niko omilana, chunkz, AJ Shabeel, sharky, king kenny, guess the rapper, rapper, guess the musician, stormzy, stormzy rapper, stormzy shut up, stormzy album, guess the rapper stormzy
Id: DYYY5S8F1rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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