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welcome to sidemen darts today myself and harold will be the captain yes we will be playing a game of 501 you have to check out on a double uh let's play rock paper scissors to see you guys rock paper scissors shoot right hard sorry can we just clear up to him i don't i don't know what you get down to like 30. so just try and get as high as score as possible if you get down to 30 you have to get double 15 to check out if you miss it if you're missing get an eight and you're on 22 you'll get that 11. we'll just tell you what to go for okay yeah don't worry about it don't choose him there's so much guy harold is picking first yes harry what's your team name first oh this channel is the shambles but they love it yeah they do the darts don't think about pubs pops lads beer the dart destroyers nice all right uh oh virgin uh now you're being like you know what you know what they did in school when they put the people on the cover of the magazine you called me a poster boy i didn't say that randy you're going to dance no that's a lie randy what is he good i want to tell him [Laughter] seeing as howard got first pick please go for it okay 180 breakfast boys oh that's a full grain we need a bit more than that oh double 18. that's big that's trippy oh my god oh my god this game is vic that's triple 80 triple yes oh 26 it's not great harry i did expect yeah 26. oh great it's not great you know what right go and order them toby show them how it's done there's no strategy here i'm copying what ethan did beat the english at our own game oh oh 34. that's good that's good i know why i tried for double 20. you hit 20 though like the number should hit georgetown thanks zach is like a father figure he should be good at that he's the only one you two are the only people i've seen throw darts here today i'm vic and randolph did i see it uneven my statement stands correct all right come on oh yeah 12 12 3 15. lean into it yeah [Applause] [Applause] randy you have 444 remaining okay i'll get it i'll get it this one whereas we have 350 remaining so we need a solid hundred right don't worry until the end okay just get it you'll get 200 apparently yes spin it man yeah yeah yeah not you knuckle ball and darts i know about the dark man like you're in all though he's got i actually it's going to be a secret he actually might be yeah let's go with it yeah oh what was that it's like a triple it's just 12 right bro vic [ __ ] women oh my god victory it is far good look his arms are on the board his arm reaches halfway through five it's only literally at the board he's placing it it looks like a four from here we can't see it i'm not gonna cheat for 12 points we should speak for yourself [Music] all right round two of the dart destroyer destroyer we're what's the current score we're on three seven four yeah yeah they're on two nine four okay it's not bad 80 points it's calm [ __ ] dark destroyer oh yeah oh what you got 39 39. yeah we gained 10 on them all right all right let's go okay oh yeah 18. oh this guy's so strong bro what's that twenty seconds 27. what's a good place to aim of your [ __ ] that question is just happened for the bullseye because like 20 is around about five years aim for this aim for triple two triple 19 looks quite nice if you hit triple 19 you're deed dot by the way jj that triple 20 is the highest score on the board by the way okay there's no point in getting bulls either okay triple twenty sixty killings please [Laughter] i'm gonna get the date of birth of my daughter yes i don't know right here watch this oh close three oh my god oh my god to clear up the scores right now you were on two four eight we're on two five two yeah yeah i pulled it back like i pulled up come on baby yeah you're a member of my facebook page why not bro is it illegal to throw all three darts at once yes yes oh i mean some countries oh that one is oh no oh no oh that's a 19 right now that's good yeah literally like on the wire that's what he's looking for [ __ ] harry's got it dark destroyer oh take one go for two [ __ ] twelve eleven two one it's nice nice oh yeah twenty-eight oh it's right because this is the 60. oh my god it looks like it could be 20. yes you've got the 39. 39.99 yeah 39. that's that's good that's good that's good yeah oh 15 26 total what's that 12 38. he got his age if he gets triple twenty triple twenty double eight we can check out oh you can check it out let's see imagine ten grand if he does it oh you know oh yeah he's [ __ ] out oh what is that 18 i think i didn't quit 18. 33. 33. oh no jesus christ accidents do happen so if you've been injured and it wasn't your fault call us now that was you that was you you just happened you're done in the room [Music] right this was like if this was like a workplace randy just so you know we can win let's go we can win you can triple 20. yeah yeah triple 17. yeah double 18. easy for you easy show us how to do it so 20 first off shout out to it at the pub okay where is that it is a five yep okay [Music] okay yeah three just a regular three yeah double 20. that's a nice one that's that's nice use discount code at checkout all right that fell oh 90. i'm just getting scored i agree yeah yeah it's not doubled i'm blind boys yeah i feel like everything is doing 24 plus nineteen forty-three forty-seven what you said yeah okay that's my reese's oh i'm defending you i said you didn't mean it like no that's my memory yeah [Laughter] triple 20 double eight come on simon basically place it man no oh he's already halfway there he's so close to the ball right yeah [Music] you need a 16 and then a double 20. that's doable that's doable great wait so that would put you on 45 so 5 and double 20. easy yeah you just need a double 15. what are we on we need a uh yeah just get a high score okay is that camera got slow-mo by the way because it bounced out of the five i'm not gonna lie to you because i think it bounced out of the top of the board no no it was fine i thought it hit the wall 23 13 is it um uh 31 36 36. that's not bad all right toby toby double double 15. come on double it's right there in the bottom right of you yeah yeah so he double 15k that's quite cool oh yeah two two so you need a double 14. yeah number 14. 18 double a i just want you to know if anyone checks out above a 30 i'll lose my head should we eighteen triple eighteen double eight show your main team for the first shot and then we're just yeah sure [Applause] the outside ring yes [Music] honestly yeah we're back on 63. is that what happens that would have been elite earlier but that's a hundred yeah but good good shot though guys if it gets like a 20 yeah your goals done oh wow oh oh i see yeah yeah double eight double a double a come on [ __ ] anything higher than 16 and you're out [Music] [Applause] is [Laughter] [Music] um he's the time guard to do it [Applause] he's so close to the board 29 yeah oh you might do this you know do we in darts if you get it do we get a go no to draw that's it okay double seventies easy [Laughter] it's a tough sport well i just like watching dance it's hilarious oh my god he's got a [ __ ] bull's-eye that's a one it's 25 is it in 25 yeah are we buzzing five so that is it would be nine nine seven one or bust one do you what is that seventeen i'm telling you now this will go down until we're live oh [Laughter] oh yes oh [Music] harry double nine double knight you lost the fingers double nine just harry potter honestly oh my god oh my god he's the one that's doing it oh my gosh that's fine ah oh you know i feel like if we had a couple of pines here we'd play a lot there i agree let's do it is the hand yeah [ __ ] and they actually drink parts yeah some of them are steaming oh my god is that in no maths [Laughter] [Laughter] yeah you have to do that you have to get number one you have to go aim for the black double one or nothing all right fantastic fantastic we're gonna have to start quick rotating yeah he's [Laughter] [Music] he's gonna do it oh oh that's the floor this floor is dilated just throw the other one no this guy you just think someone's just damaged the other one yes oh my god he's about an inch away he actually cocked us yeah yeah yeah you got scored that nice deal yeah i'm trying to [ __ ] check out this one check it out it says good groupings they were the most consistent of the day i shouldn't win it now you're bored here we go just leave that one it's not that deep it was me just a bunch [Music] double two leave us on instagram you've got a you got one more three yeah oh yes oh my god we can do this we can do this easier he comes along he does this oh come on bears [Applause] [Laughter] oh oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 5,724,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: mUmJwJ40Sys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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