MrBeast Gets Flagrant and Walked Away from $1 BILLION DOLLARS

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I know all about YouTube analytics do you want me to help you with that I could use the help that's you yeah are you logged into the show's channel oh [ __ ] yeah hold on hold on hold on uh oh God that one was uh no the mile highs I was going to Antarctica a billion dollars if we could own the channel and the companies and stuff like that like that sounds enticing but but you've been offered a billion dollars for your YouTube channel with all the companies yeah what's different about the squid game video what did you tap into I I most spent like two million dollars on a video up to that point that one we spent 4.2 million that Sky up there is not real starting at the end of the blue is all CGI yeah all CGI and I swear to God I thought this guy should be president is that something you thought about it is appealing yeah when I'm like 40 or 50. really if I was a billionaire and I just gave away all my money I was like I can't be bought I just gave away every penny well there's literally zero dollars in my bank account vote for me I feel like that's a pretty good campaign thing and then I just do what's best for people I like this yeah [Music] we're checking out bro you got 2.3 look at you this guy's crazy good job your parents loved you when you're younger okay you don't no one's an elf did you just call me an elf it means if we gave you a bow and arrow you'd be nice [Applause] should we fake your death he's trying to tear this whole thing apart like I had one for you if I can pitch you hit me okay I played uh Michael J fox and Jenga um like is there any steaks I said shakes or steaks what's up everybody and welcome to flagrant and today we are joined by Mr b6000 yeah it's funny because I don't have that name anymore wait why don't you have it did you abort it or something oh my God this is a great one uh yes welcome to flagrant I'm here because I had nothing better to do good that's the best reason to be here and uh and we're happy about it and we're just hoping that by the end of this episode I make the same amount of money as I did coming into the episode yeah I mean ideally but I'll just take the same fair enough you know we just don't lose a brand I mean you actually operate at a loss though based on your Rogan so we can do that oh yeah we can do that no problem that's true yeah but that's why if it dips it's a bigger loss you have the most brilliant way of saying that you make lots of money I agree but how no you say I make all this money and then you're like but I spend it all yeah but you still get to say that you make it yeah yeah so no one can really [ __ ] with you when it comes to making the money well I don't spend the money that's to you know for that reason but I guess that is true yeah if it does make it easier when people are like do you make a couple million a month like yeah because I just spend it all so it does make it exactly because if I did it if I was like oh yeah just make a couple million and that was the end then I just seemed like a douchebag exactly yes I do agree but I never really thought about it that way I did thank you you're like Adam Sandler in that way it's not like a multi-millionaire but you're like one of the guys still oh I like them like usually like really rich people you know we want to eat them yeah they buy speedsters and uh yeah and mansions and go on vacations to them all fees twice watches yeah and watches yeah yeah it's a replica right gambling degenerative are you one of the rich people they want to eat are you I'm not that rich not yet you are way more Rich than me uh but I I give my money away I'm poor yeah I give my money to my wife so what's your matter I feel like your fiscal policy is going to completely change once you get yeah yeah yeah yeah just giving away stuff all the time like yeah do more reaction videos from the kitchen yeah that's the reason is there a uh Mrs Beast there is we've only been dating like six months okay my boy how long have you been married don't do that it's media training yeah that was very good uh I've been married since the 18th of December no no December 18th I got married right decision really yes I recommend you do it and you don't need a place because you don't make any money okay did you get one did I get a prenup yeah she got me gonna regret that whatever something happens I know at least like three people who got one and I was friends with them when they got married and then like two of them you know didn't work out and every single one it's just interesting to see it go from like yeah we'll be together forever to like [ __ ] this is the worst decision of my life did you did you think about giving them some money uh because that'd be a great video this money yeah yeah just helping my friend who just got divorced tell you know the people at our food banks like less money this month gotta help my divorce they would actually get it they'd be like yeah they probably would he needs it he's probably waiting in line next to them yeah yeah is one of your friends that got divorced here uh no definitely not these 18 year olds no children Tara could have a child bride or something like that no not exactly sure [Laughter] um now you brought your son here bring your kids to work day yeah yeah now is that uncomfortable at all for you about to have my kids here yeah no and bring them back to work this is getting so uncomfortable we just wanted to give Carl a shout out we love Carl we're Big Carl fans here okay so you make millions and millions and millions of dollars who cares right yeah sure I make money because it's so much money you make just tons I don't know what to do with it you don't even know what to do with it no greed okay we don't I don't know okay but that's the fun thing yeah so it's just so much [ __ ] money okay and then you're giving it away constantly yep right and then More's coming in yeah and giving it away it's basically what I did like we I just had this Theory what well hopefully the Ponzi scheme never implodes got you like you know positive schemes are great up until they just go bust but no I had this idea when I was like 18 I was like when I made a couple thousand dollars a month I was like What if I just give it away and just try to make a little bit more than a couple thousand and then I just was like oh that worked and then I did it again yeah and I've done it every month ever since and I'm just like oh well it just works and it's like a couple Grand turned into 10 turned into 100 turn in a million it just keeps going up and I'm like oh now when when you ever did like the challenges where you're giving away to your guys if they win yeah were you ever worried that you would make them not really want to work that should be stimulus no no uh no especially when we were doing a lot they act different when they make like 150 grams yeah we're doing a lot of them hey they were like 10 grand or 20 grand and this was like Chris just left his job at Best Buy Tariq literally got I tried to hire Teri and he said no and then he went to work at a hospital then a year later he's like I'm depressed and I was like come on over most of them though like were just new and had like no money so like back then when they were fighting those challenges like that was like basically at the time so that's why uh but yeah you do see as time went on they didn't go as long the challenges and that's when obviously we transitioned to people like random people like at the start I wouldn't hook the boys up and then once they were good we're like okay let's start doing we can just start doing other people okay talk about hooking up uh when you're on Rogan you no no no you you brought up the fact that when you posted your first video it was when you got hacked playing uh Pirates battle pirates yeah whatever yeah have you found out who did it no I didn't but I should have they not reached out how would they Mr b6000 is their username right yes what are they gonna tweet me on Twitter like yeah you can do a YouTube video about it I'm Olivia's highest viewed video okay because because the story don't tell the story about like all of five people listening we're gonna [ __ ] the algorithm up already yeah you did [ __ ] your attention you know what um it's fine you know if you don't want this to your views that's up to you so um you're his son you're so true he starts this off with like oh by the way Joe Rogan got 10 million views and you know what goes through my head when he says I was like well it's completely up to the topics you bring up on whether or not we do it no I mean if this gets like a 40 minute retention we're passing that if this is like 25 minutes we're screwed yeah yeah so now we're down there okay so make this story I guess you know it gives a [ __ ] about a guy that hacked me when I was 11 years old on Facebook [ __ ] them our audience is actually uh older than 17. so why don't you go ahead they're insistent okay so when I was 11 I was playing the game a guy just started just destroying me absolutely crushing me every day he had to come through and attack my face and I got pissed so I made a video saying [ __ ] this guy although why there was no words I didn't know how to record audio I was stupid but it was just like him I just sent it to the devs and I uploaded it to YouTube and then it somehow got 20 000 views first video ever gets twenty thousand that's crazy because people who played the game would just watch it but they were trying to figure out how to hack and then like all the comments were like oh so there's a guy out there that's responsible for you posting on YouTube yeah for making pissing me off when I was 11 and then inadvertently making me make a video and he could be listening right now what do you want to say to that guy um thanks for making me Rich he needs a royalty name something I found out who he is would you break him off with a little something yeah of course I give him a couple thousand dollars what do you mean couple thousand that's at least a million right yeah no get him on it dude [ __ ] that guy oh you want to play Pirates now watch this that's a great question when when you're buried alive like do you guys ever think about like him being mean as a boss oh tell them your plan for if you die oh yeah they want me to die oh yeah 100 great video big time they do because the second I died yeah um Carl Chandler Chris the three guys Nolan maybe he's a little newer we haven't decided if he partakes yet or not yeah uh they all put their hand in my Tombstone last take it off gets the channel Everything 100 everything oh what about it dude you just left the brown guy out of this he's not on care he's the camera guy so like most people haven't seen him I mean I don't know what do you think Tariq gets to put his hand on the tombstone yes I think so as of right now it's just written in the like little plan it's just those three we have to update it and put Nolan and maybe Tariq in it yes it's like because we have a little gameplay so you know they can film the video yeah that is happening mark my words I don't even know if I've really said it publicly I tweeted it one time but I'm serious I don't give a [ __ ] how much you guys are cry right put their [ __ ] hands on the tombstone and give the channel to whoever wins okay and don't bully them for it they're just doing what I want and and you guys think you could do without him right like an interesting experiment I'm down should we fake your death dude oh [ __ ] no just like I want to do this the next 10 years and if I do that then like if I fake that did I pick count to 100 000. good point good point you can't take anything okay uh hold on real quick real quick most illegal go for it no uh most illegal video honestly I try to brainstorm legal videos so yeah that's probably a better use of your time okay um what about what about like a competition like I had one for you if I can pitch you hit me okay is that the notepad you're flipping yeah yeah yeah yeah go ahead rip it up three that I for the podcast he's just slide through okay um this is a good tell me if you think this has good one retention and good like uh click through okay I played uh Michael J fox and Jenga that could work um like is there any steaks say again like anything on the line uh I said shakes or steaks I just got Invisalign all right my s's are not gonna come off correctly like maybe if it's like losers car gets hit by a meteor or something that's a good one that's good I like that okay oh okay wait a hundred kids go to an island last one leaves gets an internship with Jeffrey Epstein thoughts right he's dead or is he I haven't seen the body um yeah it's a banger that's right I don't know but yeah for the right reasons but you know get clicks it's probably by the FBI okay you were investigated by the FBI was that well that's what we're wondering oh no I was hunted by them for a video were they really hunting someone else in your crew you want to inform me do you know something I don't I think we know who he's looking at I don't know he's looking at Carl I was looking at Carl I was looking at Carl's dad and nobody else hey hey bro I'm gonna need you to respect Tariq yeah I do okay all right I'm gonna have to walk up yeah yeah you respect to people were spectators one trillion dollars I give you right now uh okay I have to spend it on the video okay what is it uh I bought everything I wanted in life and I just buy everything everything I don't think I get you to a trillion dog I'm gonna be honest now humans are expensive bro like oh I can figure it out people are like you couldn't spend a billion a day if you wanted to [ __ ] 10 super Yachts problem solved I could I could spend a trillion okay I'm just calling up like people who own neighborhoods buying entire neighborhoods you know wow I could figure it out one trillion you buy everything you want in life yeah I would just literally buy like half of America why not have you look into buying a planet uh uh no I mean like they're so far away you know how much cooler it is if planets weren't like 500 000 light years away there's like a realistic way we could visit them in our life yeah I feel like we'd all be way happier yeah yeah we'll just get out of here for a little bit it won't just stress Our Lives it's more fun yeah yeah but it's like you have to like build a ship and send it off and people have to have kids on it and kids and their kids will maybe see that planet it's kind of lame yeah yeah thing I mean that's what your boy's trying to do at least yeah Elon yeah yeah my boy did you believe him when he made that offer what offer if something bad happens to him oh on Twitter I love dude you did your research you think that you're gonna come on this bro my journalistic Integrity oh yeah he thinks he's a journalist but I'm a journalist bro really yeah well then you need to make up some lies that sounds good yeah yeah well first he has to buy it and then yeah I'm very confident if he bought it and died he'd give it to me totally and not the ambassadors that have tens of billions of dollars in it hmm that's a bad enemy to make though I wouldn't have made that deal with you what that oh if I I own Twitter if I die if I die then you get it the guy that is making videos and doing crazy could you imagine someone assassinates him but then like the holy motive I wonder who it could be okay and then they just want to assassinate him yeah they get a [ __ ] YouTube channel but what would you even do with Twitter I mean I don't know sell it's worth a lot of money Give It Away give it give it to a subscribers get some money oh no you stop being poor help him okay because he doesn't need help he he doesn't believe in philanthropy oh no I do believe no no you don't believe in places we've talked about this word on the streets you hate plenty I don't hate it I believe in it um what do you donate to say again we've talked about this a million I donated to Catholic Church I donated sperm for like the first maybe like no it's not three years [Laughter] I believe in philanthropy you've literally never done it I do believe in it he believes in it as an idea he just hasn't gotten around to it no I think I believe when you do it I think you do it yeah yeah wait I believe it you believe him I believe people do it what do you mean I don't know can I believe it and also not do it look I'm saying Jimmy donates millions of dollars every year he plants trees yeah he helps people yes food pantries yeah and you also have a lump of money yeah that you could use to help other people and why don't you um I I feel like you're doing a good job like if everybody what if I have a burger and I have chocolate and I'm giving everybody money and I'm giving everybody Islands you know what I mean your changes how many [ __ ] white oprahs do we need there we go I should give more man yeah agreed why why when did you start giving when I was like 15. oh you started young yeah that's the problem The Habit has been built yeah yeah exactly we're too old to start we got money ladies yeah yeah perfectly logical reason more importantly yeah everyone always talks about obviously you yo yo yo can you stop bullying us no He's a Bully but I love it this guy's a bully dude yeah yeah bro you're a [ __ ] on his side well I'm just saying I didn't realize son of a [ __ ] did you realize he's taller than you two he's the bullet everyone how tall are you wow all right okay your Netflix special that you you know sold on your own and you made more than they would have paid you yeah have you ever was with Netflix but yeah yeah have you ever like said how much money was publicly or anything like that no I haven't do you ever plan on it just every time I hear it I'm always curious like even on the car right over I like was thinking about I was like uh just how much did you [ __ ] on Netflix you know well this guy's good it's not I didn't say it was Netflix Oh wait really yeah I thought that was the whole thing everybody found it was Netflix I never said which one it is he's never revealed that bro I was beyond certain it was Netflix I don't [ __ ] know because he looks at the stock market Netflix is like here's a three million bang yeah delete some jokes and you're like [ __ ] you and then you made like 20 million and you just shat on them I didn't make 20 million yeah obviously that was just the number I put on my head but yeah what's happening yeah if I want bro do you plan on telling us how badly you should on said streaming service I I plan on just taking a moment [ __ ] an [ __ ] dude you just threw out 20 like it was nothing bro I apologize yeah I'm gonna talk [ __ ] man that's it now I'm putting it on YouTube because you said that what the number I'm gonna put the whole special on YouTube there and he's gonna donate his money and I'm gonna donate the money hold on to it hold on to it I'm gonna donate to who you said I'm gonna donate it to me and my wife I'm gonna donate to us and then when you get a divorce you'll get half of it [ __ ] [Laughter] [Laughter] any other [ __ ] questions no but I want that story we were talking about beforehand yeah about the yeah so when he was uh going through video ideas it reminded me of someone who just I can't remember if it was Dubai or somewhere in the Middle East this guy hired a private investigator in North Carolina I have no context to find me um and this is just something that happens yeah someone this happens a lot so whenever people call local private investigators they just let us know because a lot of people just want to know where I am for whatever reason oh the private investigators call you directly yeah it's usually which now I'm giving away my secrets but oh well I'm In Too Deep but yeah um so he calls us lets us know he's like this time it's someone from like Dubai we don't really know what he wants but he's just flying to North Carolina tomorrow and he just paid me to find you and we're like okay cool um and so then the next day he gets there and then with the private I have security somebody's security woman to private investigator to meet him and my Security's just like why the [ __ ] are you here why are you trying to find Jimmy and the guy's like I just have video ideas I really want to give them and my security is like [ __ ] you why are you actually here he's he just kept saying it like 30 times in a row he's just like I just want to give him the sheet of ideas so it's just a piece of paper with video ideas flies across the world private investigator everything instead of like we don't believe you and so they like he let them my security search his hotel room couldn't find anything nothing in there just a suitcase of clothes um and he's just literally just did all that to give me a list of ideas and then and then well my security was like oh Jimmy's out of town for three months did you ever get the [ __ ] yeah well then just get took it I was like I'll give it to Jimmy and then he gave it to me and it was just like it was like open up a free gas station like open that's actually that's a very Middle Eastern idea yeah he's trying to make money off you it was like 30 ideas like that and I was just like this is actually a lot of women read in public or something like that we we did get squid game out of that [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] I sold a guy from Dubai's idea this is before the real squid game that's the game yeah no he wrote it all out yeah this guy just hired private investigators flew down there all this muddy camped out just to give me a list of video ideas and none of them were good none of them were good I got I got plenty of ideas yeah yeah I need ideas give me the Dubai ideas it's much easier to fly here at the North Carolina do you have a lot of people uh doing that like uh just okay you hear the stories of people going like I risk everything to be here like I saw Carl's story of like I spent my last dollar and then I ended up working out and that kind of inspires every lunatic to take their last dollar yeah to just show up I just I live in my studio now yeah so it's like fin stand and stuff that's and most people know that so they don't but sometimes you know the gym in the bedroom but sometimes I'll go out and they'll just be like yeah this guy's just been camping behind a gas station for like a month waiting to see you and I'm like lovely and how do you say I just like tell him I'm just not interested like that's not how you know I like to meet people but that's still like occasionally happens and it's always like that never pissed them off because you're not like I mean that's not the nicest I'm not I don't think anyone expects me to just go and be people who just can't battle wait for my attention because you don't know like they might be trying to kill me they might be whatever yeah so it used to be it's weird I like hostiles sometimes it's like a lot and then sometimes it's not as much yeah have you ever had a dangerous moment like with your security where they had to intervene and like get someone off you um dangerous car can you think of one uh not really no nobody cares enough yeah you know Baxter's ever a crowd of five people is it ever women waiting to see okay Mr Beast no I usually um no but we've never had any like crazy issues it's actually kind of weird like with the mall one like that went really well even though like crazy yeah at one point there's like 20 000 people in there yeah and girls showing tits and [ __ ] these are jokes these are videos these are children really they're screenshots in the video of like of girls like flashing I hope not yeah no that was nuts it was crazy yeah and they had like the the American flag like pasties or whatever like that this is not true you didn't see this it's on it's there was a whole quibby series that they made about is that what it was nope turn the phone when within five seconds of using quibby I want to watch the show and I was like this is garbage I went to screenshot and the screenshot was black yeah and that's how I knew it would fail because you can't make memes they made it where you couldn't take screenshots of anything Netflix's problem too yeah well at least Netflix like you can watch it on your computer and it's easier to screenshot yeah clivia was phone only and there's zero way to take a screenshot okay so it's like how the [ __ ] do you expect these shows to go viral yeah like that was the same time of baby Yoda and all this stuff and then quibby's just like no no memes yeah and it's like no one's ripping your [ __ ] shows can you explain that a little bit more about how like memes Drive the culture of 100 yeah like the Mandalorian you get rid of baby Yoda memes it's like nobody even talks about it exactly I I never would watch it now when you're creating videos here you also going like what do you think will be memeable in this uh I probably should but no but no yeah right now I'm just film and TV like film TV it's what is memeable no not only it's just it's just something that happens naturally if you're just kidding or no one can take screenshots and you're just an idiot you know I mean because that's how you just get attention on Twitter it's like cutting one of your legs out for money yeah if you try to make a meme then your cringe like memes just happen yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you mean like if you're the creator of the TV show like The House of dragons is going this is the memeable moment exactly you I don't think you can ever do that you can't force them you can embrace it though after it's like organically possible lean in yeah yeah I think you have to yeah that like what is that movie morbius or whatever yeah movie that got absolutely destroyed yeah did you see there but it still did well right I don't know I'm pretty sure like the destroying it caused it to they put it back out in theaters oh really it went viral as like a meme and they're like we're re-releasing it opinion says well with the like people actually I was enjoyed though yeah you did that you did yeah we did we bought every ticket in a theater and then we just flooded with people in suits oh it's amazing it's great and I heard they made that [ __ ] illegal yeah like they did a few places yeah it's like for the first seven three years I go to a movie theater and then like three days later it's like no you can't do that also like uh the most mature way to dress yeah right yeah it has a very cultish feel to it though just a bunch of young white kids in suits and whatever yo yeah this is scary you're saying if there's like a bunch of white people all dressed the same you would like to make you feel uncomfortable a little bit I wonder if I walked in and it was just a hundred black people in suits how I would feel yeah Men In Black because I think the New Mexico Studios what's going on yeah that is wild I don't know why that is concerning it shouldn't be illegal but it does make you literally because some of them started lighting firecrackers in the movie theater and one of them like blew up a couple seats I told you man it's a dangerous thing you can't trust that many white people just the same why we get out of it we get out of hand you get yeah you get one group thinking it's just a it's just a mob also yeah yeah but it is fun see me and then we break it up so it's not too much white boy [ __ ] going on yeah yeah so every time Mark and I are starting to get hyped about things yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's not good that's actually a really good idea that's why fatic is a part of the team so that's it gotcha too much fun he's not good we keep his camera off he's like Sid Vicious we don't even use it yeah you're content made it but just in case you guys start going you want to go to Charlottesville he's like everybody chill out this is very important that's how you build your team oh that's smart Teresa Foundation right yes okay this is good are they allowed to have girlfriends is the team allowed to have girlfriends I wish not but you know if they want to are they just drowning in strange or what oh my gosh let's cut over time boy [Laughter] dude okay girl I didn't know you had it like that my voice [Music] [Laughter] Nola's got a little something going on I know 100 right chain out by the way yeah oh I love it some wild [ __ ] boys you got over here oh [ __ ] crazy again what are you guys do on a Saturday like split a six-pack of white claws dude all right well I don't I just work all the time yeah yeah so I usually see them when we're filming but outside that I don't see them too much anymore okay how do you split the work balance with your girl you've introduced this relationship in last time yeah that's what US married guys want to know yeah I got you guys the answers you've been needing she's actually from South Africa so she can only come here 90 days a year anyways so it just naturally Works itself out [Music] African-American uh I'm working on it a white woman and African-American oh there's your video wedding episode it is a little weird that like like she makes good money she's like gone to college multiple degrees everything you would want you would want her here yeah but I still feel like there's just literally no way to get her in America like you why don't we like reform our immigration process we're like yeah we should let in the good ones right who said that why are you making it bad why are you making it bad you're twisting I don't want my girlfriend you've been doing this to him for an hour okay um but you can marry her and then she's in yeah I'll just marry her yeah that seems like a reasonable way you could actually have Nolan do it no one could marry your guy it would be a great video is that like a company could I just pay someone to marry her yeah yeah really is that like it's not a company but no one can do it are you thinking about I don't know what like if she has to marry someone I see on it you know this is a little bit but if it doesn't do anything but it feels just like some guy that I'll never see again and they just like marry so she can move here like but he might try something no no one's an elf look at that like he's not gonna do anything yeah but the problem is no one will make fun of me but the thing is because there's a lot of the Rings call me an elf yeah [Music] it means if we gave you a bow and arrow you'd be nice it's a compliment cookies in a tree that's what he's saying no Lord of the Rings bro I've seen Lord of the Rings I just don't know what I look like you know the people that you're like my family no no not your ears your [ __ ] head and your skin and your yes your beauty [Laughter] married to my girlfriend maybe he's not doing nothing yeah but he's got that over himself no he doesn't win a single argument anymore that's it why what happened because I'm married to your girlfriend but then you can also look at that do you know who that is Legolas yes yeah yeah yeah [Laughter] wait what else do we got in here yeah yeah yeah I was surprised you're not grabbing your phone back wait you're gonna let him look him look at your photos yeah yeah yeah it can't happen no yeah okay you you guys should trade phones that'd be fun oh me and you yeah do you want to do that ah I feel like he's just gonna like go through my YouTube analytics and start blurting out numbers well I maybe that's actually a great idea actually probably he wasn't good do you want me to help you with that I I could use the help that'd be great I mean we could work on some TMS are you the behind the scenes guy no it's all it's awesome [Laughter] yeah are you logged into the show's channel yeah what are we doing right now wait hold on hold on hold on what are we doing here we're checking out bro you got 2.3 look at you this guy's crazy bro no you're killing it crazy guys he's a good job I keep up the good work you know what I will not compliment you the rest yeah he's gonna give you advice and then you're gonna give him your parents loved you and you're younger you don't know someone abused this man and he just doesn't know how to take us off I'm proud of you for having two million subscribers wow and he's like what the [ __ ] did you just say I was like I'm proud wow okay Solomon over here bro yeah you could tell the accuracy by how fast we both did Jesus Christ my Dad loved me at least you know hey Mom still stepped it up a little bit so it's RPM's a little how do we get that up yeah yeah what'd he say RPM RPMs yeah I've been working on those yeah yeah you definitely I love the RPM so you swear a lot in the video say again you swear a lot in the videos I I wouldn't no you did I could tell you dude just look at the revenue I don't swear you have to I don't swear it wouldn't be this love you didn't swear racist a lot but that's not cussing gotcha do you know what I mean yeah a substitute like you know oh you're saying say things that are wrong yeah you say things that you know advertisers naughty yes but we have great advertisers the numbers it's just funny that like I could never looking for a chocolate bar sponsorship actually can we sponsor the next one yeah how do you charge an episode for you yeah free oh philanthropy thank you yeah you almost said Felicia it's only one other time okay palette of chocolate right there matter of fact we need to replace the trees we will replace it with a paddle of chocolate matter of fact matter of fact I've been wanting to try your burger let's see how fast are the Beast Burgers usually come go Mark uh uh probably 30 minutes 30 minutes well we might get them a little quicker uh what are they here is it only hamburgers or do you have anything for people who aren't going uh yeah he doesn't eat beef we have a grilled cheese oh that sounds fun I'm working on oh no we have impossible meat as well okay I forgot we launched that it's just like three percent of our sales like no one gives a [ __ ] I was like really expecting people to [ __ ] with the plant-based first we were friends you know what I mean I thought we had a thing and we just [ __ ] on him together no what this that's nothing it's just in general America just doesn't give a [ __ ] thank you yeah because I was like really hoping that would like explode and like no one cared about the impossible me yeah and we also did like lettuce wraps where you can substitute the bun for a letter that sounds great like that yeah that sounds fun when people want a burger they want a burger that's what I found out the hardware what's up guys today's episode is sponsored by surf shark surf shark is a modern VPN design with the user in mind their utilities are powered by a robust security mechanism but designed to be simple intuitive to use enjoy all the freedoms of an open internet safely and anonymously with no device limits okay remember there's strictly no logs means that they 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say these are bad it's not my fault no we got some real Beast Burgers okay this is it Mr Beast that old ass packaging oh oh God here we go wait a minute okay this is weird that looks awful like a Big Mac s Special Sauce it looks like a Big Mac dude I mean when you order we order from McDonald's cheese lettuce onions oh what is this it looked like two old beef patties mustard sauce pickles cheese lettuce I just thought it says hasn't been opened yeah so this is a Big Mac then you guys really move it off how are you going to use my card and not get an impossible Burger you can eat beef why not oh I mean it's impossible this is a beast Burger this is what happens when you hang out with comedian yes okay so these do look like Big Mac so that is a big mac oh that is yeah oh so that's what the Beast burger no you can't help your [ __ ] you but no don't know what's going on let me see this he uses ghost kitchens right oh this one though that looks more like her that's what hold on let me okay that's it hold on hold on hold on dude do you have like a do you have like a team that we could call like an HR son that's crazy because we didn't do that you did no we did not swear there's not a coincidence that the ones without the stickers are Big Macs and the ones with the stickers not opened aren't [Laughter] yeah it looks like it's been centered around a little bit but it looks good I'm gonna take a bite right now it's not my fault if it's been sitting out for an hour is there money in there oh no I'm not gonna lie I have fire it's got fries on it um that's bar hey that's Chandler so whoever's on our marketing team make an ad of him saying that and just run it all over that's fine just Target everyone within 100 mile radius of this or anyone that goes to a show just hit him with Instagram ads if I'm going that's far I think that's [ __ ] fire right there what do you rate that one out of ten burger burger review honestly down down honestly no not honestly guys while you're ready I'm honest with you right now this needs a little more sauce okay probably because it's been sitting around a little bit it's dried up oh yeah you this this the version they ordered is the one with no sauce well you don't need to throw it like that that's the old factory they need to update it they need to update that [ __ ] yeah agree [ __ ] that package agreed what's wrong with Angry Birds Packaging Patty yeah excellent I agree Patty is excellent dare I say the best you've ever had for fast food okay dude I'm an in and out Enthusiast I feel the return retention you know just give us the rating so we can love it holy [ __ ] that's reduction step it up bro miles the single please one out of ten all right you know what I'll take it if it saves the podcast it's just hardwired you can't spend a decade of your life studying how to go violent how to get people to watch the video and then have it fire bomb in front of your eyes to not like hurt your soul yeah so you think about that with everything yeah it'd be like the same as if I started doing stand up there and it was just god-awful you would be like I gotta like what about during sex do you ever be like oh my God I'm starting to look around the room a little bit like Africa would be nice to be back right now it's been more than three minutes I think we got enough RPMs so is there a collab burger or food product that we the flagrant Beast products yeah I know [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] so Jimmy gave you some advice on your channel we'll suck less yeah um what is uh what's your advice for his channel oh number one uh plane crash video very close to 911. I intentionally made sure we did not upload in September they were like you know we might need more time I was like you don't have more time [Applause] I was like this is like we're a couple days away from September like that's so funny it's like no one gives you advice on your channel so this is gonna be a perfect tons of advice every time I upload I get like 40 phone calls from people tell me how it could be about it is there somebody you watch that you still learn a lot from on YouTube that you're like oh that guy I could learn from uh I mean everyone like even like anybody more than anyone else anybody no it changes it's just like I just like watching random Youtube videos and like even like a homeless person on the street you can learn something from like how to be more humble or what what it's like for someone who's struggling so like if you apply that same mindset to videos like every video you watch there's something you can learn especially if it has a million views like there's a reason it got a million views okay I could give you the dumb dick joke answer Alex didn't believe that you got buried oh you didn't no interesting he had a whole reason for why you didn't get buried I kind of forgot you don't just forget yourself this is the most viewed video You're questioning my existence yeah exactly I'm just saying the camera angles made it seem as though oh I could have fixed it I remember this whoa I know and I think you're you're worth too much to take that risk uh yeah my mom was like crying when I filmed this video I was like Mom I promise we did the math um let me skip to over here to show you there's a scene where the boys literally dig down and yeah see that penis sign yeah they literally dug down and put that there yeah uh so you you could have planned wait wait right here oh Carl wait wait for the cut right here look you can literally see where they put the sign there and how deep it is underground or that could have just been shot at a different time where whoa Carl is on to us what if like to Arena like Brandon here it was like hey Jimmy I need you really uncomfortable yeah okay with this video specifically okay yeah um well there's two I'm curious about for the same reason this the one where you're in the the outdoor pool and you're under underwater yeah the thing bro that was done like five years ago this yeah the headache yeah have you figured out what that was about yeah it's because uh I was an idiot back then in the like we were pumping air in but the CO2 or whatever the [ __ ] you it doesn't get pumped out yeah getting pumped out yeah so you're just inhaling your own carbon yeah and so then when I started getting a headache I was like oh [ __ ] and then dioxide yeah yeah carbon dioxide so then we like called someone who know what they're doing they're like yeah you're an idiot yeah yeah okay and I just got out immediately okay and then when you're buried under this is what we learned from it so we had a pump that was pumping in air and pumping out the old Air what was the most catastrophic thought you had while you were completely buried I uh tried there was a camera at my feet three could also talk about this too uh and I went to like go adjust it and I couldn't so I like literally turned around and I'm you know not super flexible so I literally like was going to turn and so like I'm laying like this and as I'm like Disney I got caught like halfway and I was like [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] I'm fine I was literally like guys if I can't get out of this in two seconds you start digging right the [ __ ] now because I was like cotton is super awkward position like in the thing and I just like I'm gonna give it one last try and I just pushed as hard as I could and I popped out the other end and then I adjusted the camera and then you had to get back exactly because have my because it's like the thing got Slimmer this way yeah it was so uncomfortable on that side yeah so then I had to do it again and I almost got stuck again like what was going through your head when you were watching it Mike this was the first time he like panicked during the whole situation yeah we got really scared no did you calculate how much time it would take to excavate yeah they knew that because uh I mean it was like they could get me out in under five minutes if I really needed to be I okay I started practicing with my hand on the tombstone [Laughter] I see you this feels good it feels real good yeah so any of these other ones up here you think are fake no I just thought that one I think you counting to 100. he set his sights on you he's about to start [ __ ] on you well he's like I think your [ __ ] shoes are fake or fake easy so subreddits would go crazy exposing me and I just didn't care and I thought it was the funniest thing ever that's so smart and then I wore a fake Supreme shirt in a video same thing Reddit just lost their mind and I just I just love doing it to piss him off I mean it also keeps you in the conversation even more though no it's just funny to like watch them analyze the box logo and why it's not real you also save money you don't have to buy that's true yeah I'm still terrified about this buried alive dude I'm I'm severely claustrophobic wow oh yeah severely close so the nights before I slept in a coffin in my garage to like oh you get used here yeah emo phase too so you put a little effort in so there's just this coffin in my cold ass garage and I just lay in it close it chill there for a couple hours do you like consult with people about this first that one David Blaine yeah interesting because he did a week so I was gonna do 24 hours Bear live and then I called David and I was like I'm gonna bury myself for 24 hours and he's like that's it and I said all right I'm doing it for 50 hours and that's why it's 50 hours instead of 24. yeah but did you see his dumbass balloon thing who is he to judge I mean that's pretty cool whatever the balloon oh he just flew in a balloon it was like upper he held on to balloons flew up and then popped him came down yeah it was pretty cool but yeah that's so I I had to double it because he just basically Shadow my entire existence I mean we would have been fine if you did 24 hours just the Buried Alive thing like what is the the oxygen tank malfunctioned I couldn't handle being stuck in an elevator for 24 seconds there's enough oxygen in there for five minutes yeah I guess you're right we had so we buried that cop in like five separate times we had you know David Blaine Consulting a bunch of other people Consulting I was probably safer under there than I was above ground I think that's what they told me yeah yeah I don't know if that's true the dirt on the glass and you realize it's like this much glass between you and just thousands of pounds of dirt then it's like well [ __ ] oh that's right if it eats a little bit of a crack did you hear any weird sounds so terrified I'm sure I heard tons of stuff oh but we tried to keep it upbeat and not like I was super scared so like in the video I don't think we really put that kind of stuff did that help you get less scared knowing so many people are watching if you get scared it's kind of embarrassing whatever so that kind of blocks out that no that whole time I was just like for the love of God don't crack like because all I did was stare up at that dirt and so I just saw six thousand ten thousand whatever thousand pounds of dirt the whole time for like 50 hours straight and it hurts like [ __ ] like the bottom is just wood so you're just like that in of itself is a gem like you're just like laying on wood it was it wasn't fun but you know 194 million views not that bad I would do it again yeah what was the worst one to do the one you would never do again um that's a great way let me flip through these no buried alive I do again a heartbeat that wasn't like in the grand scheme of things it wasn't too crazy uh 50 hours in solitary you can find me don't seem that bad no well after you're married that seems like a kind of a vacation yeah now you have the [ __ ] Goofy Goobers over here torturing you and they won't let me sleep or do anything uh okay no Carl what's the hard one there's what I I say all the time but I'm just drawing blank well it's not counted before I was nice maybe yes I spent 25 hours a night that was miserable I you couldn't pay me to do that anymore what do you mean we just built a house that ice and I just spent 24 hours in it were you wearing something they would like pants like this and like a short sleeve shirt it was brutal I was like shivering all night it was one of those ones like 10 hours in I was like I'm too invested to quit but currently wouldn't do it that was like Peak grind me where I was like you know I'll do things as long as you know I'm not putting my life in danger like which we had man that's the widest thing you've done really love not being cold it's like a thing I've noticed is why people walk around yeah yeah let's go yeah that that's your whitest sitting in ice for 24 hours yeah yeah that was fruit how many views did they get uh like 100 million it kind of flopped I'm just kidding what is a flop for you now um if a video doesn't get like 50 million views it kind of sucks so but that's in English and then we dub them in other languages I love this yeah have you seen the Espanol Channel yeah yeah you should do that we yeah yeah so that one's been crushing we just hit 20 million you know what's weird is I bet people already were doing that for your videos yeah they were especially in like Japan for some reason yeah people used to upload their videos like crazy and they get millions of views yeah yeah so then that's why we just started doing it but the way that you guys do it is smart where you get the actors that are known the exactly well there's a huge secondary market for Mr Beast videos so like we'd come up with an original idea whatever like I don't know press this button 100 Grand and then the next day you'd see people on Spanish-speaking communities Japan Russia all over the world do the exact same video so part of this as well like everyone would just rip off our videos around the world because that was like a huge strategy like people at all these countries or just see who can copy our English videos first in their country and now that we do this like the rate of that has decreased a lot wow I wonder fake Supreme t-shirt exactly yeah exactly if people do that with our stand-up oh 100 they do There's a comic I'll leave his name out but um it was like huge in France and apparently he was just using Seinfeld's material I'm talking about oh but I'll tell you after I think he was just like using Seinfeld's material and then they became friends really yeah because Seinfeld is such a [ __ ] Maniac he was like this guy's got great taste like if he's gonna if he's gonna steal something he steals from the best and then they became buddies but he was like a huge comic there how crazy is that I've never heard Seinfeld I love Utah no no no I love you dude yeah that's the best thing you've said on this whole podcast do you know who he is even well I know because you got Tariq talks about comedians all the time yeah but but you but whatever right no he's a non-factor right like explain like to me like like a non I'm pretty he's in um he has a show that's that's on no no but no no he does I know you're [ __ ] with me you don't know how much you hate Seinfeld yeah yeah yeah I don't hate him but I just think he's whatever but the fact that the fact that you don't even know keep going about this like talk me through this like what are you feeling about emotionally retention through the roof right now this is going okay guys just like Drake talks about him and that's about it but he has a show or like what is this thing like isn't it I think I'm gonna sound dumb isn't it like Better Call Saul or something like that or no yes yes what is wait the show is Seinfeld yeah okay gotcha but that's okay his show is actually called Breaking Bad yeah yeah yeah yeah but go on go on go on but yeah okay yeah no Andrew I need you to ask him about movies he's never seen an entire movie in his one movie in his entire life I grew up on YouTube this guy's never seen movies yeah it was because he was homeschooled this was different with you right uh yeah no I just thought it was waste did you have chickenpox as a kid oh my gosh probably you just had shingles like a couple months ago so that means shingles means you've had chickenpox oh yeah it's the same virus though yeah yeah so there you go yes Mark just had chickenpox at the ripe age of 25 years old who are you to talk what are you talking about a compromised immune system I know same same way oh really no it's Crohn's oh you got Crohn's yeah can you eat your Burgers uh yeah those are fine it's mostly just I don't know I'm just so heavily medicated it's like in remission right now but if I wasn't on medicine it would be different oh what type of meds uh Remicade not that anyone knows what that is you ever do a Remicade at a party one time no but if you ever tried a Tesla ecstasy pill because that's [ __ ] amazing are you public about doing drugs dude love them literally I was like yeah I'm on my way over he's like is it like an X that's what is it ecstasy Etsy that's where people make [ __ ] you drugs yeah I'm a Christian boy I don't do drugs he's like okay okay I didn't know if you were [ __ ] with me or not because like you'd also like he's going back and forth with like being very sarcastic and then like very serious in the text so I have no [ __ ] we've never spoken on the phone before at all and like so we're on the phone we're on the group text with Tariq and he's like listen we need to kick Tariq out of the room immediately after he comes here I go okay that's fine and then he messaged me on the side he goes I would like to talk to you privately but the joke was that Tariq just loves you guys and so I was all that stupid [ __ ] I was saying and there was to embarrass him because he is he cringing in the back of the car and I remember so I just say some dumb [ __ ] to you like yeah I don't [ __ ] care or whatever and then I just looked back and he's just like hey hey you're a good guy dude Tark you're a good guy hey thank you and we're gonna pronounce your name right every single time yeah okay appreciate it guys appreciate it 100 you are a good Christian boy though is it true that your old YouTube Banner used to be like a Bible verse it did I used to go to a Christian School back in the day oh yeah but now it's like it's just kind of hard to tell what's right or what's wrong like religion wise there's so many and I don't know I believe there is some kind of God but how do you know damn Mark just got so sorry right [Laughter] because he's such a [ __ ] Catholic oh is that why you donate to the Catholic Church yeah yeah he bullish you no he calls that my paycheck that's what it is yeah yeah he gives me money hey I have his Revenue up here I mean he could probably make some more donations I think so donations right but for so so have your feelings changed since tark's been around or like has he are you expanding the caliph oh my gosh Jesus it is admirable to see how devoted he is though yeah like he doesn't he doesn't drink he doesn't do anything he he's actually he's not one of those people that just preach it he actually follows it sometimes it does make me go like damn like there's something there like he really cares a lot you know it's easier we're busy guys okay five times a day he gets his five minutes I'm just saying this guy Titanic have you seen it no I haven't seen it at all was it that before I was born before I was 18 I didn't even listen to music because I was like this is a waste time I should watch more YouTube I'm an idiot are you like a I'm not even are you like on a spectrum of some kind probably a little bit I've never gotten tested but it's just like if you want to make great YouTube videos you just watch YouTube so like a two hour movie you can watch like 20 YouTube videos and you get exponentially smarter doing that you know Mark just Wikipedia's movies so he knows what happens and then uses codes from them you know I actually thought about paying someone to like just give me a synopsis of all the biggest movies because like I have never watched Harry Potter or Star Wars or any of it and the amount of times in my life people just you know are like what you've never seen it yeah like it's it used to be funny now it's getting to the point where it's like it's kind of sad so you didn't even watch squid game uh no that I did watch before we filmed it of course and then after watching it were you like wow this is fun yeah we should recreate it but in general we're like whoa like TV shows are cool there's a feeling you can get from a long form series it's really good this is the thing where people misconstrue I don't think movies are bad I just think I want to be the greatest YouTuber to ever live and so like I should just focus on my thing you know I think you've achieved that already uh yeah which is why now I do watch a little bit more let me ask you that about being the greatest YouTube ever what's next because I was listening to your Rogan and I swear to God I thought this guy should be president I know I'll say that'd be fun is that something you've thought about yeah the only thing political aspirations um uh yeah I I would love to I just feel like you have to do a lot of politics leading up to it and I don't know like if you could just go from you know no one ever has done this just being a celebrity to just being president that would be great but if I have to like work my way up and be like a bear I think we've realized you don't have to yeah it is appealing yeah when I'm like 40 or 50. really yeah that'd be bro if I'm telling you if I was if I was a billionaire and I just gave away all my money I was like I can't be bought I just give away every penny literally zero dollars for my bank account vote for me I feel like that's a pretty good campaign thing like you're voting for me yeah I like I have 10 billion dollars give away every penny can't be bought because I you know I gave all my money and then I just do what's best for people and I like this yeah and just ignore lobbyists or whatever I like but you need to keep money in order to ignore the lobbyists because otherwise no I give it all away and we're good well there's freedom and I get 400 Grand a year of this President I'm good oh yeah you can live off that 100 and the taxpayers yeah dude I like this I think that I hear you I think if I wanted to like 24 right now yeah so it didn't feel okay yeah it'd be like three more Cycles but I wouldn't do I'd probably do it in my mid-40s yeah yeah I think I could make it interesting enough where I could win okay well how what give away all my money and just like you know I know how to give people's attention I can't say too much because I don't regret it in the future I think yeah I'll just trick all the [ __ ] idiots and before you do that PornHub would you take over that oh my God I would like to do the thumbnails and you know just boost the CTR yeah more saturation yeah you said uh I bought YouTube early on in the interview you said this is what I'm gonna do for the next 10 years of my life you have it's 10 years you're doing YouTube and then what you said a very specific number yeah um well I don't know it just kind of depends how things go like if we have thousands of Beast burgers and feastables go as well when we start mobile game company and other stuff like that I don't know there might just be a world where I run those companies uh yeah it's just let me just see it what do you like what do you like better you like creating or running the companies I love creating and I also it's weird I like both but you like running the companies yeah I do it's a lot of fun it's like being like it's much easier to run a burger joint than to have to like break the internet every week you know I made our to run feastfuls you know I mean because you just get a kick-ass team and you just kind of like Point them in the right direction whereas like this is like I gotta do just crazy [ __ ] that's never thought of and it's a coin flip and you don't even really know of people who care yeah you gotta do that every week and it's all got to be me yeah all sitting around me every week forever yeah um but I enjoy both I think like yeah um like we just opened up our first physical piece Burger which is crushing it um that one's doing like 30 000 a day right now wow and then feastables is in every Walmart now and that's crushing it so it's it's interesting I I'm so impressed by your ability to scale I think that's the toughest thing for a Creator scale like scale your business so like hire a team train that team yes to do those roles so that you can create more time for yourself yeah and I think that's like an unbelievably difficult thing like for me I find it incredibly different I often find like I'm the bottleneck for the things that we're doing 100 and that's not to say that all these guys aren't unbelievably talented and better than me in every single thing that they do yeah but a lot of times it might come down to a decision I have to make and then all of a sudden we're Limited in an output 100 and yeah I'm just like the way you should see it yeah is like you know if hypothetically like for creating content you have like the making the video having the production the editing camera work or whatever writing stuff like even if you split your time evenly you can only put 25 of your time to each whereas like an editor can put 100 of their time into it so like even if they're the same skill level as you they're just gonna [ __ ] on you because they have more time same with the camera guy or writer or whatever and so I think that's where a lot of people just don't realize like they're like well this person isn't as great is me or I can make better decisions yeah but you know 25 is generous so you can probably spend like 10 20 times more time than you can doing it yeah and so due to the sheer extra time they're gonna [ __ ] on you at that job or they [ __ ] on you mean just do it way better just do it better because they have more time yeah yeah like if I had to edit a video you know I just I'd have to put in literally one 100th the amount of time you know what I mean so they should be able to do better tricks should be a better cameraman than me because he could study it 30 000 times more than me now did you find initially I think this was our issue as we were starting to grow we've tried to rectify a bit but like uh that you were hiring people who could do a bunch of things when did you start getting specific in your hires um almost right away that's smart yeah yeah because I feel like what we did is like everybody did a little of everything and then it's hard to [ __ ] scale because we're all doing a little we're trying to pay less salary quite frankly oh really I mean one guy you can hire to do everything no no no I'm not a Chiefs game did you hear me beat Netflix with this special so so you immediately knew you're like okay just need these guys camera these guys editing yeah 100 yeah because you wouldn't hire a guy that box your floors to edit a video obviously yeah yeah we didn't do that we didn't do that we got the guys to edits him off the floor you understand absolutely literally yeah literally yeah yeah no yeah it is crazy thanks like because our main channel is killing it the gaming channel is killing it all it's it's wild part of the process makes you the most like gives you the most dopamine 100 uploading the video seeing like the real time in like the first five hours it gets like five million views it feels so great that's my favorite I always tell them my my favorite part of the day we drop an episode or like we drop a clip I go to the gym right when it drops I'm working out listening to tribal music watch like just refreshing YouTube studio and then you see it hit one and you're like oh what's that drug I imagine that's what it feels like Tesla it's the closest thing it's the closest thing it's so funny exactly that's that's my version yeah he still said Tesla was better because he said that's the closest thing well yeah I mean opposed to like artificially implanting your brains with chemicals yeah the closest the sand is like the the artificial hunt you know what I mean that's what it is yeah seeing the number just go up minute over a minute yeah back in the jungle I'm working out I'm running I'm on the treadmill trying to get the food and all of a sudden the views go up ugh the best best thing ever now is it equally painful if it doesn't do well no at this point are you like unattached to yeah you just look well because why what me getting depressed doesn't do anything you just look at it could should we change the thumbnail change it doesn't work better okay look at the retention graph why did it too bad take some notes move on you know what I mean like being super emotional over it doesn't really do anything it's usually uh which I used to be like if I had a bad video you would know like I'm like I would literally like cry you know especially when like I was betting the farm on every video like that's it you know then it was like [ __ ] like you know I can't pay Tariq if this doesn't do well wait did you ever have a week like that uh yeah but I would just take out a loan and then the next video all right we're gonna spend a little less guys um but now that we're like not as Reckless it's like yeah it's a lot easier to not care as much so you took out a loan to make the next video so yeah you went like uh yeah there was one month where I had to take like a 200 000 loan because we were just like we were just against what your house or something like that uh well the way it works is you make money but it like sometimes like a brand if so if I did a brand deal for [ __ ] Lord's mobile yeah like sometimes they'll pay for 90 days so unless you had money coming in yeah it's like hey they owe me like 200 Grand but I don't [ __ ] know what it's going to get here yeah I'm you know I gotta keep spending money I'm a goddamn DJ like we got to keep making videos and so I'll pay you back yeah so a lot of moments like that I'm just wondering sorry go do you still have moments like that uh not as much no because now they still have millions a month it's like that that's a little too risky because I have hundreds of employees right so I can't it's a lot easier to bet tariq's job than hundreds of peoples with family shops you know now you don't know every single person that works for you just gonna ask um in which company in all of them together they go right of course right I don't know the guy who's like packaging feasible bars or whatever of course gotcha got you do you make an effort to connect with every person that is a full-time employee well that it just depends like Beast Burger we just hired 40 people for our restaurant like you know and it's like hours away we're gonna go open other ones I might never even visit you know what I mean so but on the main channel of course yeah people who are help making my baby 100 yeah so everybody who's making the creative decisions with you you know because they have to because like right the channel is just an outlet of what I think is entertaining so if they don't really have much interaction with me then then it's hard for them yeah [ __ ] and is it true that you train somebody to essentially be you oh 100 and where is that person the CEO it just runs like the hiring and basically well I'm here just having fun he's what is it Monday he's over there working how did you know he was the guy to be you because you are I don't know if you're aware he's a lunatic you are a historically impressive human being thank you I don't know if you're aware of this I agree but no good I I have a feeling you know this yeah but uh how do you find somebody there you're like no that guy is special because the big things are are you coachable do you see the value and like do you believe in what I believe in like those are like the three things where if someone has those traits are and are you obsessive those four traits then usually in the long run you'll work out like if someone's skill sets here and they're like growing like this and then you meet someone here but they're coachable they see the value they're obsessive after a year their skill set's gonna be up here and this guy's gonna be here obsessive is Big yeah so it's like people who are willing to just like follow me around for six months learn they think we're gonna be the biggest YouTube channel which isn't really a problem anymore but like remember Tariq when I used to pull you guys in a room I'd be like give me three years I swear to God and they'd be like you're [ __ ] crazy um yeah he used to literally when I first worked there it was like what 10 million remember the Whiteboard session yeah I would be like this is you this is your house this is whatever car making a [ __ ] Lamborghini just if you're here in three years this is you and I would like do that and they just say what is wrong with you and out of three years have passed how do you keep kicking the can down yeah um yeah so it's like people who possess those traits always do well um and so he was all those things he just lived with me for a couple years we like literally we would we'd work we would talk until 3am get up six hours later do it and after two years it was great and this is by Design you're like you live with me and oh yeah this beds bedroom side by side when did you get this idea and where did it come from because if we weren't talking at all times we'd just go bankrupt like no no I mean like where did you get the idea I need a clone of me so it just kind of happened right because it's like now we just naturally we were working and working and working and it was like well we don't want to just stay in our shitty little tiny Studio we had at the time 24 7. so just live with me and then we live together and we're just Inseparable and so for like two years every morning all day every night we were so this organically happened okay I thought that you plotted this and you're like but now I want to do it again I just bought a new house and we're moving uh all their heads to the company in so they can get more like time with me because at the end of the day the more that they know you the better they'll do because these videos are literally just like my creative extension like if I show up and I don't like it or something's off then we just scrap it doesn't matter how much we spent is there a time where the Mr Beast channel is running and you're just not in the videos oh [ __ ] no yeah you always got to be there yeah 100 okay and how sure you have every little piece I know you're particular but like once you're in the edit how confident are you like oh this intro has to be like this or are you still kind of doing gambles you're like I'm not really sure it's weird what my threshold has always been do I find it entertaining and do I watch it it's and so which this is gonna sound dumb but I've just spent so many years just studying what does well and I've seen so many hundreds of thousands of videos probably at this point because I don't watch movies I don't didn't even listen to music until I was like [ __ ] 20 years old I would just obsess study retention charts you know we'd scrape a million videos see where the dip is like I know everything like if you pee like how it hurts retention if you sneeze like all that kind of stuff and so I've just like my brain have just been programmed to like just know I don't know it just comes second hand like I can just tell you no retention is going to drop there if we should probably yeah peeing hurts retention for it's a turn off people just don't like to hear uh well just In some cultures it's not as except as I mean that makes yeah you're saying that like it's weird uh sneezing is just like it doesn't progress the story it's kind of like anything where like the story comes to hold without a reason just kind of hurts retention so and like all those things just are second nature to me at this point so I just watch a video and I don't know my brain just goes alert alert and then I just pause it and like something's wrong here just fix it how much have you studied story in general a lot more than I said that's my whole life yeah I mean I guess like you know when you talk about optimizing an intro and hooking people that is essentially a story yeah so like probably 30 40 000 hours of my life isn't that crazy wow but at the end of the day like I even look at that with like stand up the things that we remember like the most iconic jokes a lot of times they're not necessarily just premises but they're stories that a comic told them and there's just so something about humans that we are drawn to story maybe our brains organize information in that way I know you said something stories you can tell again yeah like stories you want to relive like if you do a stun oh I explode in an airplane it's like okay that's I that's cool to see once but once there's a story where it's like I can that kid lived in a in a place I was about to bring up the same [ __ ] video like that Arc you can watch a million times because you're not I'm not watching something happen you're telling me something about myself yeah it was that video was great it kept flipping it kept misdirecting it kept Mr you know what's funny for that video we had someone else lined up and we we were like hey quarantine before this video this was when Kobe was a little bit more of a thing quarantine quarantine quarantine it would suck if you get coveted shows up to set that day and he's like I haven't seen a human in like three weeks I'm good they test them positive no and we're like come on dude you just blew your shot and so then the guy in that video is actually my editor because I was like he killed it yeah it was great so it was literally our last minute I was like anyone want to do this and then Josh my editor's like I'll do it and so we just threw him in there puzzle and that was just we didn't even know Josh was doing it until like an hour before it was so perfect as far as Story Goes I was like they had to express I swear to God we didn't we had so the reason there's an astronaut blanket and Astronaut stuff everywhere is because the other guy was an astronaut and he was going to use the money for astronaut school and so that was that was gonna be our story was like you know we're practicing for you in space that was the whole theme we're practicing for an astronaut in space and then the day before he's just like yeah I haven't seen a human in three weeks okay but I got covered somehow okay this is really interesting to me so so story can you break down specifically what it is humans want need or interested by it's infinite there's so many different ways you could tell a great story but is there is there like a specific way it needs to start is there some sort of stimulus that needs to happen like really so it not there's like you can look I mean literally billions of videos have gone viral on YouTube and there's like yeah I mean there are certain things like you hook them at the start but how you hook them is is whatever I mean culture there's different things whatever's relevant at the time like different things would hook him than him you know what I mean like a Catholic joke or something would get him watching but I might not understand it's like literally infinite you know right right right right right so I just wonder if there's some sort of structure that we're drawn to like because the only structure is really at the start of the video you got to get them interested and get them watching and then basically I mean it sounds obvious but just don't have any moments where you Veer off story unless there's a really good reason and just end it really quickly like those are the only things that are constant and then how you do those are really up to you end it really quickly yeah meaning the entirety of the videos you're like thank you for coming out to the podcast they're clicking off and then and so as you're saying that I go no thank you all for coming out to podcasts and then we do that for like a minute you're just like nuking your attention people already gone so like yeah like if buried alive if at like the 49 hour mark I'm like guys this was a great video they they're clicking off and then I go back to another story so the second you want to Story down end it boom quickly yeah on YouTube a movie is obviously you get more lead way do you think you could apply this to a Hollywood film yeah did you have any interest in that oh yeah 100 I want to make a movie are you aware of the fact that you were destroying Hollywood I don't like obviously they're great films out there so it's like it's not like I think they're all terrible but just a lot of times there are parts that are boring yeah yeah and I'm like you know I got a 2xd you to me you're like a threat to Hollywood Studios what you're doing is like a completely different thing that [ __ ] their whole model maybe I think I think they should just pay me money to promote their movies oh yeah sick idea uh yeah after what happened with Squid game why is every single movie not asking if they did it the reverse imagine if the video came out and then squid because you got more views than the actual squid games yeah that definitely says subscribers yeah yeah like imagine that video okay and then it's a good game on Netflix I know I agree I agree I 100 agree I think like people are coming around and it's getting there it's like it's weird how slow it is they still would rather like buy a Orange Bowl commercial and it's like how many people are even watching this football game I don't know you know like well I mean it's probably like four or five million but is it probably it's like every old person home they just leave the TV and they're opening up Tick Tock and commercials I agree like you know it's low that's what I'm saying whereas this one it's like it's literally the equivalent of you getting a football commercial and Tom Brady in the middle of the game going pause let me tell you that experience today all right you got Experian okay hike the [ __ ] ball you know what I mean yeah like whereas on commercials on TV they're like okay go ahead and pick up your phone right now go open Tick Tock we'll see you in two minutes we're gonna bore the [ __ ] out of you yeah you know but you know and on YouTube That's What You Get so it's like it's more eyeballs and it's like the person you're there watching it's just this is an age thing I remember when I was I don't even know like yes it's an age thing no no I'm telling you I I realized this I was at my cousin's house and my uh my cousin's kid whatever that is to me second cousin or something like that it was like seven years old and I asked him to turn on the game yeah and he goes uh I go it's on uh I remember this I was there no yeah yeah you were in DC he goes uh I go it's on ABC and he goes uh what channel is that and in that moment I was like TV's done oh I didn't yeah I wouldn't even be I actually don't know what channel ABC is it okay so ABC is there's like a few channels we just all knew growing up yeah it's on that channel one it's it's their first time basically there's like there was like seven channels that every team CBS okay that makes sense exactly it was one of those channels no I'm 38. [ __ ] I think you said 20 years holy [ __ ] that's a compliment though that's a compliment oh [ __ ] so I'm watching this happen and I'm like oh TV's done it's over there's no way they didn't even have a chance because the user's not watching it so you're going into this as somebody who had no value in TV these Brands meant nothing to you and TV means nothing right all these things I mean maybe HBO or like Netflix do based on like certain shows that they have that are popular but outside of that the brand isn't as valuable because you're seeing all the views on YouTube older people are finding YouTube still crazy I know yeah so like when these young people look at you they go oh my God that's a star on the only thing I watch yeah whereas my mom goes oh YouTube that's kind of like uh MTV or like ABC it makes perfect it's like poor TV well the most like uh the best encapsulation of that moment was one time I was filming for Shark Week or whatever I don't remember why but I was with the host of the show like the shark guy I didn't really know who he was but he was really cool super fun and we see a dad and a kid they're walking this way and they both like light up and the dad goes up to him it's like holy [ __ ] I loved your Discovery show and the little kid comes over and say holy [ __ ] I love you Mr Beast that's funny and that me and him both lifted each other and we were like that just sums up America right now perfectly yeah yeah and it's gonna flip it's already flipping okay [Laughter] but it is it is just crazy yeah I remember there was some interview that you were doing where you're like I'm just all in on YouTube was it Rogan it's every interview I sound like a broken record no but but you have to you have to you have to say it man it's it's so true it's like this is the spot this is the the place that does the marketing for you I tell Comics all the time I'm like if the bit is good it will find the audience for them 100 Netflix can't do that even if it's not done well think about your early content yeah like it was like don't nail trash it was filmed title nothing one shot yeah and it was the only stand up on you and the bit was so solid but I see you all over Tick Tock you're all all over myself but it's like yeah when we were first doing it we were just putting things up and it was so like new and novel and I had this feeling I'm sure that it was something that you were already doing but like I was like oh wow this is where the people are they love stand up and we could do a type of stand-up that you couldn't do on TV you could be way edgier on YouTube because there's no rules back in it now there's [ __ ] rules I was not sad I don't know this is before the [ __ ] uh you know there was an apocalypse yeah exactly they were putting like a Charmin ads on like beheading videos from Isis or something like that right and then that guy was freaked out before that you could say whatever the [ __ ] you wanted so you're getting like the real raw commie 3x this number here yeah I know yeah different time [ __ ] Isis bro yeah dude who's it for everybody that's the worst thing those guys did yeah nothing worse yeah I hate those guys now you talked about there was a group of like YouTubers that you came up with that you guys all like shared advice with early on and then you kind of stopped yeah what happened to those guys oh boy so yeah the story is when I had 10 000 subscribers I met four other people 10 000 subscribers and we just talked every day for a thousand days in a row uh I don't know who to look at why do you guys all go on different times because you're the center of attention yeah but it's like I gotta look back and forth but um [Music] he's right here the Beast Burger is Asperger it tasted good but regarding this um yeah so we started talking every day and we just nerd out and [ __ ] on each other and we all started blowing up we all hit a million subscribers like a year later we were crushing it and then the reason we fell off which is what he just asked is one of them he started doing acid and he had a really bad trip and like thought the devil was like cutting his arm off and it was regrowing and it would never end so you know it was it was bad so but he's good he went to rehab and then another one went back to high school of all things um and then another one left the group to go become a pro fortnite player and it didn't work out and it was just like it was sad because we were all on this crazy growth trajectory and we were all like went from making like 100 bucks a month to like a hundred thousand and then I just kept going and they all just got bored and whatever just found reasons to self-destruct and do you keep in touch with them do they ever hit you up like hey can you help me anymore uh one of them does who's crushing it he he went on a bodybuilding phase and just got jacked and for three years did nothing but lifted every day and then uh then you just jumped right back on and now he's crushing him but the other three I lost him oh that's wild do you feel like there's a personality type amongst YouTubers that make some successful 100 you to be a successful YouTuber you have to sit in your room and just [ __ ] have little social interaction for a very long time like probably a solid three to five years minimum of just being a [ __ ] loser and sitting in your room and just filming videos and if you're I that's what it is I mean for the most part like because your first videos are gonna suck like they are it's gonna take you a couple years to make them good and it's just like a lot of Logan Paul like Logan's like sociable like he's he's personally he came up as like a Vine star so it's like a little different um and then transition it over but sure you have exceptions like him and Emma and people who are just naturally good personalities but if you look at like a lot of the top tier YouTubers it's not that way you know what I mean I would say you have these little unicorns who just they're naturally funny but most of us it just you just gotta beat it in our heads over the course of years like [ __ ] be entertaining which is also different than TV because TV and movies the stars are almost like ethereal qualities you have this Charisma and this thing that the better more features the more features you get that kind of stuff yeah yeah so it's a it is a complete opposite in that way yeah and now you have all this knowledge we have all this information like you can look at a channel and overnight get it to a million Subs like and I know you help a lot of people I think you said that on Rogan you're like I just like consult it's definitely your data Guy come on yeah let's see what he pays [Laughter] that's the writer right there you're like I need an iced coffee a beast Burger analytics but like what is your criteria for okay I'm gonna help this person and potentially change their life with these little pieces of information yeah there's a lot of power it's not as deep as you'd want but it's usually just like don't make [ __ ] videos most people think their videos are good but they just suck you know what I mean like if we go watch my older videos they're just garbage but at the time I thought they were great no I think he's asking how do you decide who to help right yeah exactly oh usually it's easier to teach people how to make better clickbait than better videos like if you're not an entertaining person it's like that's too much work yeah but if you're making great videos and it's just poor packaging I can fit that fix that in a hardcore it's like interesting this nerd right here just hire him let him do it and you're good yeah yeah oh that's interesting ah so you even have people that you can Outsource for all these things like oh yeah I mean there's a whole community of people that just you know obviously they're working on thumbnails yeah there's unlimited money here they know unlimited can you can you tell them what you what you invest per thumbnail uh yeah well we'd probably spend around five to ten thousand dollars a thumbnail just make sure you get the right image and it's good because like the thumbnail makes a difference between 50 million views or 200 million so and how many thumbnails per episode around three yeah yeah so like uh so 30 000 in thumbnails no that's ten thousand for all three okay we're not that crazy like uh this newest video um isn't doing as hot so we like swap the thumbnail I hunted 100 people for a million dollars we're working on it I don't like this new thumbnail we're in panic mode just switching it out um is that you yeah yeah 30 mil I don't think it looks like you enough yeah 30 million views you're a [ __ ] loser I'm gonna hide it I'm watching this podcast anymore yeah I know and do you ever look back on Old content like I know you had like that Logan Paul where you said his name a million times and now you guys are like hanging out at nightclubs together do you ever look back on your old content and go like Ah that's I feel like embarrassed by how I got oh [ __ ] no I'm glad my old one what is it that was a setup that's why you hate his old videos but I think it's important because I think it shows like I started making no money and like literally making a dollar a day and now we're the biggest YouTuber in the world so I'm glad the old videos suck because it shows like other people that they can do it as well I think it's the perfect example that you can just like Kamikaze your way to the top just reinvest the money give up all your social life and just [ __ ] go hard and you can do it you know you know don't you don't really need tons of how many videos have you taken down not many if any what okay here's a question off of that I had another one here's a question off of that what's the like craziest video coolest video that you did you thought was gonna be good and then before you put it up you're like this yeah let me find oh scrap I don't know but I know of like ones that I thought was anger that didn't we did this one video where we like saw 20 000 magnets we catch a cannonball where the [ __ ] is it and it just bombed no one cared um and I thought that was like a game Ender video wait what do you want to say tree into the into the mic yeah that was the one I was gonna say bro where the [ __ ] is it what was it twenty thousand what magnets can they catch a cannonball yeah oh that's interesting oh we also saw 20 000 magnets stop a car yeah yeah no one gave a [ __ ] yeah you had a real thing for magnets yeah well so I did have one video that did really well with magnets yeah so oh so you were playing off on the map yeah so we basically I bought every magnet I don't know I bought every you would click this every match every magnet in my state and I covered a wall with magnets okay and then we we grabbed a gun and we shot a metal bullet in front of it and can like 20 000 magnets yeah if they're all pulling on it will it catch the bullet yeah that that's a banger that's interesting yeah so that that video went is there a person at the end uh well it'd be cool on the video we just shot it but yeah um so we did it targets at the end with an apple on his head exactly do we want to make America safe oh my God see do you make say this racial things I want it to be safe without Carl Carlson what I'm concerned with what is Carl done he's a nice gonna shoot up a school when he gets it but but I think I'm 17. [Music] 24 hours in the desert that's what I would click uh yeah we did that I know I saw it okay yeah yeah that's why we did it but legit 24 hours in the desert come on bro it was We There are deserts that aren't super hot is that again there are deserts that aren't super hot oh well that doesn't count you were just in a desert that wasn't super hot what do you mean yeah they had an RV okay yeah I had Persian food when are you gonna come to Burning Man uh I actually not to change the subject but I was about to ask when are you gonna just be in one of our videos whenever you want let me run some of these but is there a camera behind us I just want to let you know I do get uh I do scare not what yeah I do have fears okay [Laughter] the next flavor the daily booked you can't come damn it it's less to take care of private jet keeps it last to what take handoff private jet keeps it take the hand off a box yeah dog that's a banger but he would lose like it's not even like yeah I would I wouldn't you don't want to give up so fast but I mean like the thing with the private jet is it's the costs of like how to sell it yeah I guess yeah [Laughter] see how I got myself back in the video the one after that we're testing like crazy experiments so we're seeing if like a brick wall can stop a train um if like a Tango wall can stop but like you know if like if you a tank with like um whatever connected to a train which one pulls each other oh like that's interesting what about a tank and like a Chinese person no see he does this he does this that's a historic event I thought we got you yeah that's a historic event dude this is why your ad revenue is low [ __ ] we're losing money we're bleeding money bro this podcast could have had great you have me yeah the family friendly guy here yeah we could have had great RPMs and you just hey you just said no to thirty thousand dollars you know what I do I reinvest the money bro I give the money back yeah yeah all dozens of those dollars exactly we don't need those dollars yeah content but so we're okay it's stuff like that so Experiment video I don't know if you want to come the one after that we're gonna try to fix a thousand people's eyesight because I think it'd be cool I like that yeah because like just a lot of it a lot of people just can't see yeah the only reason that it is because they just don't have money which kind of blows my mind I love that yeah so that's beautiful that's philanthropy yeah you can come down if you want so what's the next one see the problem is like if I go any further sometimes like I was just say an idea and then like these like there's 30 YouTubers watching they're gonna go do it they're like oh you're doing that in November all right guys we gotta get up in October they do so I can only give you like the you know I'll be honest I am down 100 down I [ __ ] love what you guys do I think it's absolutely amazing I'll be honored to be in video so whatever one I think it would be funniest if it if I was really afraid okay and there are things that I'm quite well we are we are going to Antarctica later this year I'll do that okay everyone says that we got like I will are you up I will go to Antarctica okay if we gotta tariq's our uh person picker post is wanting to go we might get Logan okay holy [ __ ] we gotta see how many seats are on the plane yeah does he get to go over post Malone yeah oh you know you don't have a white Iverson come on you don't have one song you know what I want to like rip post but he seems like a really sweet guy he seems sweet but I don't think he's gonna lose let's bring everybody I think we got to bring everything yeah you need a bigger Jack do you mind sitting on post slap oh which way can I face him yeah one of the things we're gonna do while we're there is like there's tons of mountains I've never been climbed so we'll climb a mountain in Antarctica be the first people to ever climb it we have to be the first person to do a podcast on Antarctica I know that means I got to bring the boys thanks brother I'm planning on doing an impulsive there so yeah but nobody wants to watch that watch all that listen same time and let's just see whoever just like the YouTubers watching that's with all the ideas they're like let's go yes we'll bring starlink I'll bring starlink with us so that we get it up first yeah that's smart genius I like that this guy's got it yeah okay we got this I think so okay we're gonna land all that effort we gotta really optimize it talk to me like you know less going off tangents a little more structure probably just really get that retention some type of like story at the end that people watch the whole way we're gonna be taking the essence away from this podcast yeah no what is the essence to keep it random [Laughter] when British people ask questions they're really just [ __ ] on you yeah I'm not I'm trying to help I care about you are you trying to have a successful show like that I'm trying to get your attention up so you get more views so you can [ __ ] on Netflix more let's go no but we like Netflix Netflix is good now we both we both use them you know yeah but you make more money on your own that's facts yeah how much is that [Laughter] that would keep them interested actually okay okay title and thumbnail for this episode uh what are some interesting things you were talking about uh sexual positions I think you were talking about it okay there needs to be like why Mr Beast stalker or something like that story I was talking about Dubai Mr Beast drinks alcohol for the first time yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's not I I think that won't get used yeah that was good no was that a good one yeah that was pretty good yeah yeah yeah he's pretty good in the bad bucket in the bad bucket yeah that's gonna work we're talking about the good ones oh we don't want to do good about it okay talk about the ones that you know keep I've never done anything bad in my whole life ever once never once oh dude I'm just a perfect person yes Christian no I okay um how Mr Beast is making more African Americans okay that I don't know I don't think though am I what's the best remember the goal here was to keep the money the same as I came in yes sorry wait wait what do you mean by that I don't know I just feel like you're gonna just keep taking this and run with it yeah yeah we need to tame tame one tame it okay I mean here just come up with you're the data guy come up with something great and I'll just tell a story to give you the title yes oh so start with title and then like ideally we would have done this before the podcast so we could have tricked them oh no all right Mr B slaps Andrew Schultz that would be pretty good is that a good one can I do it let's go let's go baby oh I don't like did he grab his nuts yes they were hanging down like a bulldog yeah but then when you grab the nuts well you could have slapped my butt hit my nuts I'm trying to have a baby with my wife gotcha so I gotta be careful here can we get like a freak three can you grab like a free roaming camera we can get like we got free up there okay do you just punch in on his face I don't actually have to slap you I just need okay no face me okay and I'm like yeah no I go with it bro my hand's so cold just deal with it so now act like I'm slapping you and look at that you have a cold hand yeah he's a robot so act like I'm slapping you look at the camera okay the eyesight makes them click [Laughter] you know my favorite moment of your Rogan was Rogan is getting all excited or he's like watching somebody climb a mountain or some [ __ ] and he was like oh freak dude I'm getting scared just watching me look I'm nervous feel how sweaty my hands are and then you just Jimmy just goes no I'm good no it's like no please get the sweat on my head I was like I really am good at you I don't I don't need to feel it I I was I think it was like I can imagine what it feels like but you felt it though did I I don't remember no you didn't I really don't that was the most Alpha [ __ ] that's when I was like yo Rogan you're on Rogan you're like yeah yeah sure yeah I just and you were just I just goes she literally go I don't need a feeling he was so insistent on he's like feel it yeah like if we were this close he would have been like feel my hand dude I want to look in your hands we should look into that you think yeah what is this is the problem it's freezing this is a very serious problem yeah is it Crohn's no for real like can you beat off or is it well then you jerk off what is very weird and I don't know what's going on yeah my right hand isn't freezing but my left is I wonder why one of them I haven't jerked off I've been sitting here yeah exactly that we know dude you would have saw my dick yeah well you were looking at the analytics yeah I saw that the analytics that's why this is here I'm like oh my God there's a hole in the keypad let me take it there's a dent at the bottom of the computer look at that bro okay all right I have one question about your content as your audience gets older with you how do you plan on Shifting the content to retain them ah we'll just make it better I don't know I feel like we need to do something we've kind of been doing like like every idea is innovative but it's like how we go about it's kind of the same format and so I'm ready to switch it up any ideas anything you're thinking on um no that's honestly when I got home that's what I was gonna do just lock myself in a room and try to figure it out I just it was it's been a while since we like innovated but I guess yeah when when the audience is older I don't I don't know but it I don't know I kind of see that happen almost naturally like you doing the squid game thing the thing is like I don't really make like content for kids on purpose or whatever I just do whatever I think is funny so like you know maybe right now my humor might just be childish but I think as long as I do things I like because I've spent so much time like refining my taste just to be what I think does well that just that's what I'll do you know what I mean so I don't really try to Target anyone I just make videos that I think I would like to watch yeah so okay I'm curious who's the most famous person you have their contact in your phone oh it's a sick question uh uh um that's an interesting one okay I would have to scroll through it I'd like I have a weird habit of breaking my phone so I get a new phone like every year just like dropping in water or whenever we're filming a balls out of something uh but just a kid from North Carolina you know what I mean the rock all of a sudden you get a contact in your phone you go wow I'm doing it Michelle Obama no no Obama's Malia Obama I'd have to scroll through I don't even I don't know Sasha Obama Drake who's the most famous person we met I'm drawing blank like or I don't have their number yeah well if we met him we probably connected with yeah right um yeah is it who Leo oh my God as soon as we bring up again in one year he's gonna stop hanging out with you no I have a dip for good wait so how did you meet Leo what happened um all his girlfriends love your videos [Laughter] there's just this like uh when you go to Leo's house and the girls are all like popping out their retainers like oh my God [Laughter] I met him at an event there's just like I don't does I don't know how much I can say but there's just like this super exclusive event with just all these really rich and famous people yeah and I just did not belong there at the time yeah yeah and yeah he was just one of them and how did you get invited to that event I love island in the Bahamas well I think it was here it was like they're like I remember pulling I just can't say too much but I just remember pulling up and there's like dozens of guys with just like assault rifles and stuff and I was like oh it's like it's like that high level yeah of an event and um yeah and he just was like I I so I ended up talking up there so it's like I don't even know how to put into words like everyone there was either like Ultra famous or just like a billionaire they're like very it was crazy they're having all those people in that room um and then at dinner you just they just pair up with random people so you meet new people and he was the one at the table and we just and did you give a speech yeah it was because a lot of them run companies and things like that so it's more just like hey invest in YouTube you're like TV [ __ ] sucks that's basically what my speech was yeah yeah that's great and do they know what you're doing like when you meet these [ __ ] and you're like yeah 200 million people watch this video yeah most of them know uh because of their kids to be honest so they're like you know my kid and one of the most powerful influencers in Hollywood by the way I I believe that's a good thing if we call them we need something and they say no I just go just ask your kids yeah and then five minutes they're like holy [ __ ] yeah it's like and and but then if they're like oh I don't have kids it's like [ __ ] when I get a show that I got green lit when I was at MTV the woman who green lit the shows her kid was a fan yeah it's yeah yeah um because so which I lived for the day where it's no longer oh my kids love you I love you yeah which is like every time they say that I'm like [ __ ] another one um but wait what was even the question oh yeah most of them knew me because they're kids yeah I'm just wondering if these people like these are people that they would cry if their TV show got two million views they would it would be the greatest day of their life and you're putting out weekly hundred million 200 million that's bigger than the Super Bowl I'm pretty sure yeah so it's like are they looking at you with are they looking at the way that they should or are they purposely trying to ignore what you're doing because here's where I think it is right now I think like we're still you know I think in like five years there's gonna be a lot of YouTubers that leverage this influence and just spin off wildly successful companies and just kind of [ __ ] up the status quo I think we're still at the antithesis of it um because like if no one's going to buy these videos or pay what they should we'll just start our own Brands and it's already showing like what you're doing burger and peaceables and stuff like that so I think like there's just there are people who by big YouTubers and now the new wave are big YouTubers that understand how to you know use it to leverage it to sell products so I think it doesn't matter at this point anything that's commoditized or like like a water bottle or things like that eventually influencers are just going to sell it I love that is your pitch to a company you're you're you're offering them salvation yeah they're not going don't buy an ad you're going I will make you obsolete I mean that's kind of what that's a Rockefeller that is yo like McDonald's you better buy an ad with me yeah or you won't exist yeah join standard oil or you or it's over it's like it's just I don't know anything that's commoditized and not that hard it just the influencer can do it but just make it cooler yeah I think of smart water and this other stuff that popped up yeah like you know death did a great job yeah but you have hundreds of these people that are just getting bigger and bigger every single month on social media and eventually it's just gonna be more of a predominant thing I am telling you dude historic human being and that's why I love that you seem to still have this Goodwill running through you of like I want to donate Etc because most of the guys like you are [ __ ] Carnegie or at least people who build these uh Empires and don't do [ __ ] and that's why I look at you and I'm like yo this guy should be president well that's let's go that's no and I mean this is a huge compliment to you and Rogan it's like it's rare that people that like have that much power success and influence are benevolent thank you I mean the thing is you can make tons of money not doing good making content or you can just make tons of money and help people yep and so it's like this one's just a little bit more fun to be honest so yeah why not yeah is there a group of people that you're like I don't want to help them you don't have to answer that you don't have to answer that yeah like a color people or like he's trying to bait you don't answer that yeah okay wow your ad Revenue that's good that's good right there okay that's good wow what is something that you want to create orify that would be like 20 years down the line like a university an iPhone like what is that thing well right now all I'm thinking about is like selling burgers and chocolate bars like I gotta build inventory and it's kind of a pain in the ass so I just next thing I want to do is software related because it's like if I build a mobile game I can get one download today and 10 million tomorrow infinite scalability oh you have to worry about getting buns and [ __ ] exactly and so that's like these things are crushing but it's like you know you gotta manage the inventory of the chocolate bars now we're doing cookies and we want to do this thing it's just like a [ __ ] ton of money and all this effort whereas like software is just simply scalable no matter where you are in the world so the next thing I really wanted to do is get into software yeah does it have to have a Goodwill angle like is there a Goodwill angle to Beast Burger is that what Drew you to it I want to make a burger that's a little less eventually well uh honestly I was really hoping to get it where it was plant-based but people just don't seem to give up I will buy it with my face I know so I'm trying to like my long-term goal is to switch it where it is all plant-based um 3D printed meat that's right I'm just like trying to find one that like doesn't suck like a lot of people still like I like impossible meat but for whatever reason like a lot some people don't um and some people don't like Beyond and like they're synthetically grown meat I'm like I'm just we're we're like always studying it I'm waiting for someone to get it where just taste the exact [ __ ] same the second they do they will switch it out agreed I think it's only a matter of time 100 yeah yeah within 10 years future is faster than you think agreed yeah I'm another thing I'm curious about I know you want to be the greatest YouTuber of all time who is the other great in a different industry that you look at and you're like I want to do to YouTube what that guy did to his industry I mean obviously great question you have Elon Musk that's the one yeah I mean it's he's just the goat and why why Elon why not Bezos why not Gates um well Elon is just doing cool [ __ ] I mean like taking on fossil fuels and winning us off we've heard this a million times until electric while also taking us to a different planet also coming up with the company to put a [ __ ] chip in our brain so we can talk without having to speak words yeah it's all badass and doing it while also becoming the richest man in the world is just [ __ ] crazy you know what I mean he won yeah there is no better person he's Tony Stark yeah basically he's doing all the cool [ __ ] and he won you would do that and give it away yeah of course which is cool what's the point like the point is to be the richest but you yeah but exactly but like what money money is just to me like a means to go your company and help people and things like that but like I don't really care to have a mansion yeah I remember you saying that on Rogan what's the point of making more money just to buy a burger which is why like Jeff you know about that 600 million dollar boat like why you know that's why it's I wouldn't look up to him as much because who cares right um I don't know like houses they are take down a bridge for him to get the boat out yeah did you see that yeah they had to deconstruct a bridge that was built in like the year 1600 yeah what into the Spectrum do you fall on like if you the kind of guy that's going to own five sports cars sports car are you the one that's just gonna live in your studio I have a wife so that changes things she can live in the studio with you no she can no she can't she does not live in studios um but I don't care that much about money I like what about material experiences I like experiences and then every time I buy some material [ __ ] I get into it and then once I am able to have it I go ah I didn't really like that yeah 100 which I think everyone needs to go through that little phase to like communal experiences that's why I'll spend all my money on yeah and we went to Burning Man as a group and we had this [ __ ] amazing time I would love for us to go to [ __ ] Antarctica I want us to go to World Cup but let's say you become a billionaire a cup of cricket yeah tons of those experiences when you're not buying like a mansion and 10 supercars no my wife is going to buy a mansion my wife is going to buy all these that's a good Escape anything that he is I I don't need it I'll be honest I really don't need it but my wife will buy all these things and I like them they're cool yeah but I don't need it agreed you know so it's like but I liked it these things might make her happy so that works and you just want her happy yeah and I love making this woman happy I know that sounds corny but I genuinely [ __ ] love making her happy so that works but in terms of me I love great unique cool communal experiences communal Joy everything I've done has always been collaborative like this podcast we just keep on adding different people and characters and it's just been awesome these conversations we have even stand up to me is not it like you know I like talking to the crowd I like them playing a part in it yeah you know it doesn't need to be just me everybody shut the [ __ ] what I want to know about you I'm curious about you so for me that's what I'll spend my money on I think and obviously my children have given them you know God willing the you know the greatest opportunity that they have to live whatever life they want to why do you have a Detachment for money like did you grow up in a way that you weren't as like connected to where you're like yo I need to have this amount to be happy uh well I think well money in like materialistic objects are different like materials to objects I just don't they're just pointless like getting nicer cars or things like that what does it even [ __ ] do right you know what I mean and why do you think that because you've got cars and you didn't fulfill you uh well that's Burger uh I think Bill like what's more fun than building a business yeah you know what I mean like the less liabilities you have the more risk you can take on like it doesn't matter I can live off a couple thousand dollars a month if I need to is it rare that people feel that way about like material Goods without having them agreed so that's that's rare I did buy an I8 for a couple months and you know and then you realize you're like oh this is annoying to get into and to like bend down so low well it's just like it just doesn't matter yeah and then um I also bought designer clothes at one point which is funny because right when I was like this is [ __ ] dumb after I said this on Rogan someone broke in and stole all my clothes is Ellen I I like over my closet after I got robbed I was like oh this is perfect I was going to get rid of them I don't think that's a good bag for his buck when he sells those yeah I had some Supreme shirts some blame this [ __ ] right there you're like yo the candlesticks take them yeah man um oh and he also took my Bitcoin at the time too but he's a [ __ ] idiot um he didn't so I had like a laptop like this yeah like right here was just written by private Keys [Laughter] come on laptops and I was like I thought that's why my house got robbed like the second I saw that front door kicked in yeah I was like oh they just stole my my Bitcoin yeah um because I also just recently tweeted about it and it's like [ __ ] and I go in there I can't find my laptop I'm like God damn it they just stole everything I own um and then I just run over to my desktop which they didn't steal but my laptop and I just like I had also a screenshot of it I pulled my private key up there and I'm like crying I'm like [ __ ] it's not gonna be there it literally says Bitcoin private key on my laptop he said and I'm like he did just took it there's like two million dollars which was every dollar to my name at that point because I like took like a couple like 100 Grand one month put in Bitcoin Bitcoin like skyrocketed yeah and I was literally just about to sell it and fund a bunch of videos and then that [ __ ] went down and I'm like crying as I'm loading it up and my heart is pounding I'm like please it's there it's all there and I moved it real quick and like that Robert's a [ __ ] [ __ ] he's busy shooting my TV my [ __ ] blanket yep instead of the [ __ ] Bitcoin that was sitting right there [ __ ] idiot [ __ ] you so I didn't want those anymore yeah just because he didn't like any of your ideas guy from Dubai oh that's crazy but yeah [ __ ] it I think it's great that you realized that so early I realized that later but I also made money later in my life yeah and I think that yeah I don't know I think but everyone's different I think like they're just people who are very entrepreneurial if you're entrepreneurial money is a means to grow your business and just you know hire more people and do more fun exciting things exactly and I think like I don't think that's for Freedom though I know that's how I always took money I'm like I just want the amount where I don't have to do anything I can do the things I want to do I see it as just being able to hire more people and do more fun [ __ ] uh but don't you ever go I want like security I want enough where everything can be okay and all you guys can be okay and no what you're responsible I don't know I feel responsible that's why we grow the business so I can keep so you can do it yeah yeah what is fuel to grow business but I don't think that's how everyone should view it all right guys I'm gonna take break for a second because today's podcast is sponsored by incogni Okay thousands of companies are collecting aggregating and trading your personal data without you knowing anything about it and you have the right to request that data Brokers delete what information they have about you and protect your privacy here's the bad news though it would literally take you years to do it manually almost impossible to wipe all of your own personal stuff off the internet but good thing for you incognit can take care of the mess for you automatically incognitive helps you protect your privacy and take your personal data off the market by reaching out to the data Brokers on your behalf of course and requesting your personal data removal and dealing with all their objections now let me tell you what some of these companies have your full name obviously that's no-brainer your email okay obviously they got your email here's where it gets sketchy they got your home address they got your shopping habits they might have your social security number it's ridiculous the amount of personal information of yours that exists on the internet and it is so easy to get rid of it when you use Incognito okay I'm telling you right now if you subscribe for a free newsletter shortly after you're gonna get some messages that you have no [ __ ] clue where they came from and that is exactly what Incognito is going to help you with it's going to remove your name from those email blast lists okay some of you don't know found out your home address your phone number and personal information about your relatives and cognit is going to make that impossible to happen by just searching you on the internet now listen here the first 100 people to use the code Schultz s-c-h-u-l-z at the website below should be right here we'll get 20 off of incogni okay protect your privacy today go to Schultz Schulz use the code Schultz to take your personal data off the market right now let's get back to the show dude oh yeah we kick them out after a certain time yeah yeah am I just not doing good is your attention sucks the black ones did you have to take a little pee break I did um what made you do the food pantry uh oh it's a good one like started or yeah like did you grow up poor like why why that of all the things you can do well so I I do plan on making uh how do I say this word doesn't sound weird I just like I feel like there's a coin flip chance I make a ton of money throughout my life it's like I hope to one day be a billionaire and when I do I do want to do just whatever star Charities ideally find ways to like start a business that's ran by homeless people we hire them and they make product and like it's a kick-ass business but just figure out all these things and so that was just kind of my way of just like starting young and just trying to figure it out now because there's even that like I'm learning new stuff every single month about how to run a food pantry so it's not like when I have all this money it's like okay let's start now I'll have like Decades of experience doing that kind of stuff if that makes sense uh I don't know like my mom paid 40 Grand a year and there's three of us so whatever that is um but is yeah it was interesting because it was just my mom my dad left so I don't know have you talked to your dad since uh anyways new topic you think that guy who didn't get your Bitcoin was a [ __ ] this is the Bitcoin yeah but uh no I mean like that's where when I first started filming videos it was just like a shitty shitty laptop like a 100 laptop that's why like here we can we can go listen to him I didn't have enough money for a microphone I didn't have enough money for anything so like the first three years of me doing it was just like scraping together money so I could buy equipment so like like look at this [ __ ] horseshit quality oh God is this how you're going to take our ad rep what don't ask I'm an 11 year old kid here it's like a small Minecraft trap but this is like running at two frames per second I didn't have a microphone and I have a bandicam watermark because I couldn't afford to buy the recording software exactly yeah I just did this for like can we listen to the ASMR thing that you were just doing it and do you keep these up intentionally as like of course a testament yeah so people can watch it so I did that and then I saved up for like six months I bought a microphone saved up for a year bought a computer saved up like so I actually had a hundred thousand subscribers before I bought a camera because I just didn't have the money and so people were like roasting me they're like this [ __ ] quality is dog [ __ ] and I'm like bro I I just I don't have the money to buy a camera like so I would record them on my like really old hand-me-down iPhone yeah and like that's what I use so uh which that was hard I saved up a bunch of money and I got my mom to pay for like the other half and then that's where things really took off because I went from this 30 webcam to like a nice iPhone like nice at the time yeah um and then yeah shot up to 100K and everyone's like get a camera I'm like I'm trying okay me a couple more months yeah so that was like the beginning of it and even then like when I graduated high school I wasn't making enough money to move out and that was a huge problem because my mom was like go to college or move out and I was like well I don't have enough money to move out wait what the [ __ ] do you want from me so she made me go to college which this I did mention on Rogan yeah and I was faking it blah blah and I'll never forget like one day I came home and she's just like you never do any homework it's like yeah cause I'd rather [ __ ] die than do it I just straight up asked her I was like can you just do the homework for me like I just it's just not fun this is like straight up torture and it was like that every night and that's when I was just going really hard and then I had that month where I made twenty thousand dollars and then I but the paychecks are delayed 60 days so like whatever you earned this month you know so I'm like you know I want to move out but like I only have like 100 bucks but I have 20 grand coming up and it's just like super weird so I moved out and borrowed money so I could move out and then pay it was like all this just so I could like let my mom down and she thinks I'm gonna be a failure yeah um risk aversion for you oh no I don't it's weird I don't really feel risked it's funny that like Alex Honnold was brought up in the Rogan convo because I wonder if you guys have a similar 100 my wrist is like yeah but it's also like at that point I had spent seven years of my life compulsively studying YouTube studying what does well so yeah exactly I think it's a little more confidence and probably what he has like I don't know it's like this is my whole life yeah either it works or I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm doing okay yeah and then you paid off your mom's house right oh yeah and then she's great my mom has multiple houses whatever she wants have you guys had multiple moments like that like any other moments where you guys kind of look at each other and you're like oh God mama like yes I'd love to tell these stories like especially once we started making like good money like 100 Grand a month is coming in what is that well I would be like okay good next month we're spending 101 000 on videos and she'd just be like can you just spend 90 000. and I would be like no that's like funny is a means to grow the channel and make better videos and it just like broke her heart because she also like lost everything like the 2008 recession and that kind of stuff so she's like super risk adverse and I'm like I don't give a [ __ ] let's take out a little let's keep going yeah yeah and so we just did that for like two years because she had helped me with my taxes and stuff like that um doesn't she work for you now yeah she does well she does whatever she wants but at that time it's like she just was like please like she was even like she would be like because she loves me she's like you know if we got a million dollars that comes in like hide 100 Grand as a rainy day fund in case I just blow up yeah and then I'd find it and I'd be like oh no perfect we got an extra 100. he just hated it because I just went all in all the time and it's like oh we gotta take another loan out this month and she's like why and I'm like but I don't know it's not like I was trying to show stress her out it's just like that's just who I am maybe that's the confidence of coming from zero exactly I just I was like oh you could build it it's either this yeah or it's like the thought of money sitting around when I could hire more people or do better videos or give away more money just literally would drive me crazy yeah no attachment to material things so like if I lose everything okay who cares I move back in at home but she's already lost everything so she's completely different but yeah there came a time after two years where like she just I kind of just broke her and she's like you know what I trust him it seems to be working yeah and I just told her I was like either you believe in me or you don't like either you think I'm gonna make this work or you don't and she's like I do I was like okay just let me do my thing and now we're great and after you paid off her house and like the camera's turned off did you guys have a moment like holy [ __ ] yeah well that's where eventually I was like all right so you don't have to be stressed out I was like we'll pay off the house we'll buy you a second house if you want it here you're now no longer debt-free now she's great because like she doesn't have to worry about this imploding and you know it's like she made tons of money like she still had 20 years left on her mortgage and stuff like that but now that that's not like a problem it's great yeah because like at least not only my life's [ __ ] because I [ __ ] up yeah which is what I wanted as well that's yeah that's huge you're willing to risk your life yeah you don't want to risk my mom's side exactly and so even though I kind of wasn't scared but that's when I took a step back and I was like you know there really is a chance to just implode so why don't we just take care of you real quick yeah and then I'll go back to like something off your back too now you get to create more freely yeah you're not going into every month I was anyways because I just believed in it there was no world where we failed if we if we're filming 10 times longer we're spending 30 times longer brainstorming ideas we're reinvesting every dollar plus extra because sometimes we're out on loans and we're just not working everyone why would they not watch the videos that was just my logic it was like foolproof there's no way it's going to fail you know now here is not the correct logic and you shouldn't but I was naive and I just that's what I was convinced I think that is the correct logic if you're working that much harder yeah assuming you have the right knowledge of the algorithm because I've seen [ __ ] work really hard reinvest everything and just end up with nothing you know so but I had that confidence because I spent seven years prior studying and obsessing over it some people like to just jump in and you know basically skip the knowledge stage and do it and you know I I see it happening and I'm like you know you I don't think you know as much as you should like you really shouldn't reinvest everything like maybe you dial it back a little bit Yeah like because you can kind of tell when people get lucky or like when they actually know what the [ __ ] they're doing yeah and sometimes people get lucky and they think they know what they do exactly and it's like that's the worst spot to do I I would just maybe reinvest half the money like it's like every every crypto investor yes until the crash exactly that's it yeah but it's not just crypto it's a stock market too it's like everybody was like I'm a genius and then it crash and it's like oh here's Real Genius still you're not yes or actually I like it the better phrase is like you're like you're an idiot until you're a genius yeah or like you're a loser or whatever if you're super obsessive like it's funny how like if you have a hundred subscribers and you're super you're a [ __ ] idiot you're a loser get a life but if you're that same person with five more zeros on the end yeah you're a [ __ ] genius it is so funny how it changes if there's one thing how do you think it's supposed to work I don't know but I just know it's like when I was younger this is hell like because I didn't relate to anyone I didn't watch South Park or any or movies or anything while everyone else did yeah and like people at the age of 15 just can't comprehend having drive and wanting to work yeah you're just like this little Outcast yeah yeah and now you're probably surrounded by all these people who are just as driven oh and those same people now will call me up and be like holy [ __ ] you're a Visionary it's like yeah well back then why would you you know make my life hell because I didn't watch whatever the [ __ ] was on TV you know so which is I'm fine I don't care but I feel for the younger people that are like that like our system basically beats it out of you almost in a way where no conforms like bullying for like just you and your obsessiveness from people bullying but I just like I you didn't fit in yeah 100 ended like I would talk about YouTube and it was just an ongoing thing where they'd just be like do you know anything besides YouTube are you capable of anything and I'd be like well no that but back then I just I didn't know what to say so I just didn't talk like there'd be days where I just wouldn't say like a single word in school because like all I knew was YouTube yeah and since no one cared and this was way before YouTube was cool before you even knew you can make money like I just like what do I talk about what do I say do you think that do you think you got lucky and that you were obsessed with the thing that became the form of entertainment in the world or did you know that it was going to be like were you looking at this look 100 because I that Obsession very well could have been Vine or being hosting a TV show or whatever so yeah or Vine exactly yeah so agree the best thing that ever happened to me is I fell in love with YouTube at a young age because I also think it takes 10 years to like really Master something yeah 10 years and like 10 000 hours is kind of the start you know like more like 30 40 50 000 hours yeah and so I just started mine when I was 11. so you had that early yeah most people start theirs when they're like 20 25 whenever they go to college yeah and so but what's op about that is the earlier you make money the more compounds the more the knowledge compounds because now when I'm 30 I have like a whole 10 years of obsession on them yeah so it's like really hard for people to compete with you 100 find it young and you're always going to be compared to the people around your age exactly like why the [ __ ] is this kid 24. exactly they just graduated college should grind it since 11 so I'm 13 years in this [ __ ] you know what I mean like good luck so but that's the thing like that's an anomaly and you're like ostracized from society and you're a [ __ ] weirdo loser every step of the way up until you know it works and so I wish we could like I don't know have us I don't know the answer how you would do it because like what's the difference between that and just actually being a [ __ ] obsessive loser over something unimportant I don't know but I do wish there was a way we fostered it a little bit more and like didn't beat the [ __ ] out of people who you know yeah maybe that happens now though I mean it's so commonplace that these kids are going to have every kid is a YouTube page YouTube aside I'm just talking about everything in general uh anybody who's a little bit outside of the box yeah I think like obsession over things like we should allow and we should encourage people to be obsessed if you find that thing that you're like yeah it's like your Soul's way of guiding you exactly I mean yeah yeah and some obsessions are okay and then some are weird that's an heroine you know maybe not but like yeah but like if someone's obsessed with the guitar at a young age people would be like oh that's cool but if you're obsessed with YouTube they're like oh you gotta go outside or you have to play more sports but again I think that's also exposure now that we see you guys like this we're like oh that there's no it's normalized there's a means to that there's yeah exactly but you needed one person to break through exactly you need the person to break through I mean like Tony Hawk said the same thing about skateboarding I know that sounds crazy Tony Hawk was like yeah I was bullied for skateboarding yeah skateboarding wasn't cool like they made fun of us like they were calling them names and [ __ ] for being here I've never heard that stuff we couldn't believe it I mean we're all sitting here like wow skateboarding is the coolest wait you've got Tony Hawk on here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah for you but yeah so Tony was there and he's just like and he was like yeah it wasn't cool at all but I was so upset it's really interesting you see successful people and it really I hear this kind of story from all every single time right yeah it's it's crazy you have to like your obsession outweighs the insecurity of being an outsider exactly well you just like if you're not doing this you might as well just be dead yeah what's the point of life and most people the insecurity of being an outsider will make them push away their obsessions if you're young and you're not like slightly being made fun of for your obsession you're not obsessed enough yes like 100 and that's [ __ ] that's not how it should be yeah that is just Society it's okay to not be that obsessed like not everybody needs to have a singular Focus like yeah but but if you do have that and people are making fun of you yeah and that thing might be able to make money don't be afraid of it you're gonna be all right but yeah no matter what it is yeah yeah you know it's like what is it like if you make just like a hundred dollars when you break it down you really need to make like a hundred dollars a day to live off of it and yeah which isn't like crazy crazy depending on the obsession it's like if you actually think about something every day for you know 10 years yeah it's pretty hard not to be able to find a way to like for that to be valuable not to mention with the internet whatever your Niche is there's at least 10 000 other people that are willing to pay for you to be a part of your Niche so we would say this about drug addicts all the time it's like if they applied that effort towards anything else in life like 100 a day is nothing that's like a real drug natural addiction like that's the thing you're looking like that's what this is and every every second of your day is how do I make some money so I could have that thing I love yeah and what if every second of days how do I figure out this YouTube thing so I can exactly Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah with that Obsession are you ever gonna not do YouTube um well I think you know you it's pretty crazy how most people you know they you have to they spend most their money on like ads or like startups or things like that getting the company off the ground I think it's a pretty crazy place we can be in I mean look at all let me switch the newer videos like I can launch a company and you know obviously I love it this is what I I was put on this Earth to do I like I couldn't stop if I wanted to but it's also just like probably the most lucrative position I could be in because I can like do anything I want and instantly show 100 million people which I like there's never been like someone in this position ever before it just like Beast Burger is crushing it like it's gonna do over 100 million this year if you still just crashes [ __ ] crazy and like all our other stuff as well as crushing in so and that's just like the end we're just getting started and so um how many sorry go on I have a question after about this how many of these companies do you think you start and become successful before the big companies start going [ __ ] advertise with them advertisements like well I think you're gonna see I know a couple people who are just Crush hanging out with companies and like next year you'll probably see a couple people who become billionaires off of YouTube and then I think that's when they'll turn when did you say next to it next year probably probably towards the end of next year though can you say who those people are yeah yeah but I think like other ones like I'll tell you after um but yeah there's a pro there's at least like three people that like in the next year will probably be YouTube billionaires and that's when they'll start to turn the heads and then when people start making like 10-1 10 billion dollar companies or whatever they'll realize it like the power of it Ryan's toys no [ __ ] up but um yeah and like it's just so no one's like hey no one's ever had this large of an audience on YouTube and other platforms as well before and then a lot of the people who are getting it are very entrepreneurial and so I'm it's it's gonna be crazy to see what happens over the next time what I understand is oh these app companies are gonna be like yeah we have to advertise with them did they miss the boat and now it's well not every YouTuber's entrepreneurial my end goal is to get it where obviously we're only ever promoting our products and like we have mobile games for one video the next is our snack brand the next is Beast Burger the next is whatever other thing we do because it's basically like our Super Bowl ad every video and so I can it just gets pretty op um and then on top of that like feastables we just launched in Walmart and I haven't even mentioned it yet because it's not in all of them but it's selling like crazy just because people are like oh it's Mr Beast I like that guy same thing with beastware before I ever promoted it once before people even knew it was a thing we were doing like some days like forty thousand dollars because people are just like oh [ __ ] a guy from YouTube when they open up without you even saying before they didn't even know what it was and they're just ordering it and I'd see people on Twitter like bro someone's stealing your branding and I'd be like oh no no just wait a day um really because because you needed everything set up before you were gonna drop it because we needed like to test and train the kitchen but the point is like they see the Beast logo and they're like oh order same thing that's happening in Walmart I haven't promoted it yet and we're still selling crazy volumes like today it was pretty wild like we're only in a fraction of them we did over 100k today on Walmart and we're like not in all of them on just feasibles so that's just pure branding alone so that's the thing like you get a promotem here and you get a drive to sales and then also just because everyone knows who you are which was kind of my thesis like every time I walk in Walmart I have to take like 30 40 pictures so if I had a product there those same people would probably buy it yeah you know which is is working and I also think you specifically have Goodwill with your audience yeah exactly I think that there are certain people who make content and I don't think that the people like the creators exactly they know by buying it it's not just going to pay a Lamborghini or whatever dumb thing so yeah so like they're crushing it I'm like we're just getting started why would someone not want to support you they're giving you money away okay you know what I'm saying like I'll never use it to buy like a Supercar or a mansion it's just to pay my employees and you know in the end just give it all away so if I'm gonna buy a Hershey chocolate bar which is horseshit which is horseshit or a feastable great great and the Hershey is gonna go to what what is that gonna go to some rich guy some [ __ ] Rich dude yeah [ __ ] that rich guy [ __ ] him dude five festivals everyone but no so it's like crazy so and if you extrapolate that assume if we can be relevant like this for the next five years maybe even ten if I just kill myself you know it's like it just gets crazy you know what I mean yeah so yeah so somebody being obsessed with YouTube it doesn't like um bother you that you don't tap into other markets that like just don't know about you yeah because like before Mark and I'll be honest before Mark brought you up I had no idea who you were 100 what kind of entertainment do you consume and it's like I don't think I know anybody who knows you unless they have kids and then their kids know you yeah so it's like I I'm sure as somebody who's obsessive that must bug you a little bit Yeah well it doesn't bug me it actually gets me more excited so my big thing recently is like you know YouTube is the the platform that every month that has the most people come watch it more than anywhere else so I really did want to try to get as big as possible and number one on that because there's just kind of a no-brainer because no one has ever captured the audience that is YouTube so that's kind of step one I agree we are getting to the point now where it's like not gonna like there's no way we're gonna wake up and have 500 million views of video like I feel like 100 million views of videos where it's like it's cap yeah you know like yeah um which is where I do eventually want to do that stuff I want to have like I don't know people like the rock or whatever people you might know in videos and also do things that appeal to more people um but it's just like one of those things where if you try to do everything you just kind of suck at everything so like it's like YouTube Google owns YouTube every time you search on Google funnels to YouTube comes pre-installed on Android it's like YouTube's just [ __ ] cheat codes and YouTube is the biggest platform ever and it will be it's the second biggest search engine behind Google it's just [ __ ] massive and it's growing like this year every year so it's also like if I'm just number one here and it just keeps growing year over year then it's that's interesting that in and of itself is just beyond lucrative like um yeah treating yourself as the YouTube show that's what that's always what I wanted to be like that so that's your question it doesn't really make me feel bad if any I like I'm in the best place to be and I'm very excited because I see YouTube growing and if I can just maintain what I have I'm beyond ecstatic because I don't I don't need everyone in the world to know me um I just need to be the biggest YouTuber to be honest and you don't have any reservations about Google's plan for YouTube in the next 10 years oh you just adapt whatever they do you just go with it because I trust their ability to make a platform yeah but I don't necessarily trust their ability to know content yeah they might change the algorithm whatever but you just adjust that's the thing I'm not hard to set on anything and you don't mind adjusting yeah I don't give a [ __ ] do they call you do they ask like advice is that crazy wow the arrogance why would they because you mastered it it's like with [ __ ] Catch Me If You Can with Leonardo DiCaprio it's like you hacked the FBI we're hiring come on we like well I mean everything I believe is out there on the internet so you probably will watch all my podcasts and stuff if you'll have a phone call every once in a while and you are their number one brand ambassador nobody at your level speaks about YouTube as glowingly as you do yeah I mean that we have a great relationship don't be wrong like if I have problems it's not like they disrespect me YouTube's great um okay but it's just one of those things where I just I'm just kind of doing my own thing and then I love the platform I think they should change nothing and just keep it how it is actually I think what's kind of smart about them is that their algorithm gets to be honest because they don't have their own content is there as like a Netflix algorithm is not honest they're gonna promote their own [ __ ] supervised yeah I love the fact that they have almost nothing I guess they partner on certain things but they're not anymore so whatever they push out that's the thing there's no feedback for me to give I love the algorithm yeah it gives you what you want to watch yeah I'm very happy with it yeah um but no eventually what should say your demo is like even stuff like this gets it out to a lot of older people I assume your audience is like hi yeah Mark 55 60 55 60 yeah yeah what is it like mid-20s right it's like 25 35 yeah exactly so like that's why I want to start doing stuff like this in the future um you're welcome dude what was different what was different about the squid game video what did you tap into that it's just uh well there's a lot of things because a it was a mega Giga crazy Trend but that was also the first video we ever used CGI I was like I I most spent like two million dollars on a video up to that point that one we spent 4.2 million so like we took it was like a mega [ __ ] Ultra trend supercharged with our biggest budget ever I we scrapped all our videos on all hands on decks 30 minutes of just everything I poured my heart and soul into it and like that I think it was just like a right combination of everything more money more effort more time super Trend stir it all together the only ad you did was for your bar I'm pretty sure on that episode right yeah there's a mobile app yeah okay I thought it was great the way you guys did the uh the integrated yeah which I don't understand why more people don't do that make it part of the content so it's not boring yeah yeah and how was that day like that day this the squid game video comes out you push publish oh it has been next for like 12 hours it's crazy because like that month we gained on just the English Channel 9 million no actually I think we gained 10 million subscribers yeah [ __ ] crazy across all the platforms that month we gained like 25 million this [ __ ] warm handles [Laughter] like most views uh on a single YouTube video in a day did you know within the first hour you were like this oh 100 yeah before you posted it oh yeah uh before I had a so what I did there which I don't normally do is I was hyping it up on Tick Tock which actually worked really well so like I was showing the sets before yeah that's true you've never did a promo really exactly because like I don't know but that one we were just so [ __ ] balls deep money spent like I needed this to do well or I'm [ __ ] yeah yeah this is like Ben the farm on the video so we were like showing the sets giving people hype and like we were getting 30 million views on a tick tock just like of people just showing them parts of the video not even showing the contestants just like hey look what we built and they were like exploded so like by the time we uploaded there were like millions of people on the channel just like refreshing waiting for it to go live and there are like people begging for us to drop the video so which that worked really well it was like that's the thing like spoon game was us doing everything perfect with a giga Trend it's going to be damn near impossible to like recreate all that like every Factor just perfect video with the person with the perfect type with the perfect everything like I don't even know like in hindsight I don't know how we did it 45 days it was [ __ ] hell 150 people working on that video it was like [ __ ] crazy yeah even like um so and we were pulling on every connection I had like we had different YouTubers like we put squibs on them these devices so we could kill them by popping This and like so like that connected to like the Wi-Fi Center and this giant stadium that we're doing the red light green light but the first day we went to film the Wi-Fi crashed there's too many there um and then um we reboot it and now certain phones are dying [ __ ] hell so I gave everyone who came out a thousand dollars all 456 000 of them I was like hey I'm sorry so that's why I went from 3.5 million to 4.2 because yeah because basically like we had to re-upgrade the system in the stadium to handle 456 individual devices so we could kill them 450 six thousand dollars yeah so I gave them all Grand I was like all right just come back in the morning you could have given them 500 you know that right yeah oh well I and then so we did that and so that threw on more and this was like all these times it's actually supposed to be a two million dollar video that turned into 4.2 million and that's what I was like 2 million was already crazy yeah and I'm like [ __ ] by the end of it I'm just like bro this doesn't Crush game cost what the show uh I think it was like 9 million right wow and that was tennis mine was like a 25 minute video look at the ROI bro that is insane so but yeah but it's because like yeah [Laughter] it was it was a lot man because we were like we're also in bump [ __ ] nowhere so there's not Studio space I love that you stayed in North Carolina one of the negatives of North Carolina is there's not Studios infrastructure yeah so it's not like I can just go rent a bunch of like Studios so I'm like oh the wrestling green light was like in a rodeo station where they're like [ __ ] Wrangle cows and [ __ ] if they're like clear up the animals we need a [ __ ] set here and then we're like are any churches here with open because there's a lot of churches in North Carolina not a lot of warehouses yeah um and so you know you find like a church here for a set and then you like we have our big studio and you do sets here and like we're like scraping the barrel to find like space to build all this [ __ ] um and then yeah and then like you have to build the infrastructure for the Wi-Fi just even that system man was so crazy we had to build a custom which I didn't obviously we hired people like William Osmond other people built a custom app so it has all the numbers of the players so I can tap and kill them when they die so like their squib explodes yeah we also have to make sure their squib doesn't light on fire and that's it's crazy man all this in 45 days while building these sets will also doing CGI for the first time and like yeah I mean I just like I was terrified that's what I was thinking I was watching I was like there's no way that one of these didn't [ __ ] light on fire or something happened because you actually have like a mini explosion yeah it was yeah it was smoking yeah we got the real effects yeah it was uh I think it was red at first and I was like [ __ ] it like clicked like before we were about to film I was like we can't have blood we're fine which is why we switched the color yeah um it was so much so between that which we've never done before in our custom app and the wi-fi system and these crazy sets like walls like taller than I've ever seen before plus like you know the top of it's a stadium and when we're filming they're like you know we're just gonna turn it into blue sky like squid game we're just gonna CGM I'm like what the [ __ ] does that mean we're just gonna see see this room that was your CGI was the roof yeah all everything man it was [ __ ] and I'd never done this any before so I was just losing my goddamn mind left and right because where the [ __ ] that's right oh yeah there we go I like that you did 456 too yeah yeah well because I couldn't afford to do more oh my God the [ __ ] this is zooming um this is bad for retention so yeah this that Sky up there is not real starting at the end of the blue is all CGI yeah all CGI we're in a studio what we did was we took the lights so we had to install a grid system yeah and then we angled the lights in a way where it was looking like it came from a sun so all the lights came from a certain direction to mimic the Sun yeah wow yeah and then obviously those explosions are real yeah hey Carl OS they're all so quiet it made me feel so weird standing in front of all these people why they didn't talk yeah because it's like I don't know they're just they were all just staring at me it made me feel uncomfortable do you know if any of the people that came hadn't seen squid game yet oh quite a few yeah I think I'm coming up I asked one of them and they say that where is she oh yeah that girl she never saw yeah she's playing the main character and she had never seen her hilarious oh that's crazy and what is this day like you wake up this is your Super Bowl you spent five million dollars on us everything what is the pregame ritual that you have well I mean well so we do this but this is the second time we did it because the first time we had to you know fix the routers and everything but like do you sleep like okay I need eight hours I know we were dying we were all dying wow that was that was a lot that was that was the hardest thing our team's ever done I mean I was just we're I mean look at all those people in those red suits palette around the side yeah I mean like everything man like 150 people were working on this video I just those were the most hectic 45 days of my entire existence one of the red suits is just a home team or somebody uh probably like a day higher the we just I well this was the second day so the second day I think we literally just pulled in people like anyone that knew anyone I just needed people because we ran out of people to pull front wow yeah and what is your mood like on a day like this would you would you consider yourself so stressed are you easy to work with on a day I'm not talking to many people like I'm obsessing over like how do we get this the retention good what like you know like what do I say we have one shot for a lot of exactly this I can't redo if I don't like this is a real uh countdown going and if I don't like it there's nothing I can do about it after I tell that's the big thing with a lot of our videos is because they're not scripted like if there's like a moment where it's like hit the shot you make a million dollars if you don't get the shot I have to pay the guy whether or not he makes it you know I have to pay the guy if he makes it so like if we don't film it properly there's no like oh the cameras weren't right yeah you're pretty intense are you ever yelling at people like after the video do you have to be like hey I'm sorry about that oh no no obviously not I mean it'd be dumb if I yelled at people oh so you're just calm though folks just try yelling bro that [ __ ] works yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's pretty effective wait what is good if nothing else oh yeah what's some of the others he's just doing this so he can flag the interview if he doesn't like it yeah remember I like going through this while he's here this oh yeah where's the [ __ ] is this mouse bro you guys get a better setup this is annoying come on dude what is the Spike oh I know yeah where the [ __ ] is a wide shot so like none of this oh that's all blue screen all this background is like CG oh really yeah well this is black okay here but what yeah like all that is blue screen uh actually black screen uh the earlier one is blue so this was just basically what we did was it got this black mat just super black that doesn't reflect light and then that's our studio so it's like a wall covered in all black it's a super big studio and then the floor is covered in all black and then they just lowered the floor and then added poles so it's like yeah yeah I don't prefer I didn't know what the [ __ ] I was doing I was just praying it looked good this this was all blue screen none of that's real so I'm also like bro this is gonna be horseshit so we're standing in front of just these blue screens and they took this and like um cg'd it down oops down here so what the [ __ ] oh yeah see down there right below the foam pit yep that thing's there so it's like for I didn't even know what these guys were talking about so crispy are the goats the people who worked on it so we're in a different room blue screen in front of these things where we kick the balls and they're like yeah we're just gonna put it below the foam pit that's in that [ __ ] Warehouse covered in this and then we're gonna put these spikes here and and I was like there's just no [ __ ] this is Two Shots come on top of each other it's crazy and I'm literally I'm losing my mind I'm looking at him I'm like Micah you're a [ __ ] crazy if you think this is gonna look good just you're just gonna magically stack these shots and one of these shots is just straight up a [ __ ] blue screen this is one of the most impressive Parts oh yeah it's the altitude and I was like yeah I was just wondering this here can you put your hand on that TV go up to the on the left and go up higher so right there everything below that is not real so we built that wow everything above it now move it to the right uh move it to right right there that is real yeah that's the people outside the studio standing in front of blue screens and they're they CG it in so this is the last one but in the earlier ones there's tons of people there so huh they're like they're bro they're [ __ ] I don't know how is that feeling giving up all that control she's terrified terrified I was like I was certain this was just going to turn out horseshit you'd see like shitty green screen you know whatever yeah they pulled through um I felt a little bit better after we finished there was like a team of like 30 people or something crazy just in there we had we took one of our rooms and converted it to just a giant editing room yeah and once they were just like going ham I was like okay they were supremely confident when they were speaking to you about yeah they were they were which is why it's great working with professionals because I don't know [ __ ] yeah they're like oh no this will be great and I'm like what the [ __ ] um I was like this just doesn't feel good like how how how I'd look over and be like this is 10 feet in there you'd be like yeah I'm like but in the video it's 500 feet he's like yeah it's like how yeah yeah yeah yeah and he'd be like that white shot over there all right more more stuff from this video sorry we're hurting how many views no no uh probably just shy of well English or everything English and then everything uh 280 English probably 400 everything 280 is almost a population of America uh yeah uh this this scene wasn't that crazy um we gave them the bag of marbles they do it this I don't know a lot of them were very dramatic which is cool it's good content uh some of them it just didn't even feel real because some of them would play it up I feel like you don't have to yeah yeah then the ad I don't know was there anything else yeah oh the [ __ ] glass Bridge yes this was look at that this this also doubled uh no that's so everything below the the foam pit was basically sitting on the ground and it uh oh wait no no so the um what is it the tug of war one yep was just sitting on top of that and then when we went and filmed in the other studio for the marbles here they were pulling the road off of it and underneath it was this so we built tug of war on top of that top of it yeah that's why it looks similar yeah yeah yeah uh but then we just put that foam pit down but below the foam pit is it's not real it's not real yeah unbelievable but so the you jumped you do fall in a real foam pit and then everything below we just did to make it look more dramatic and then like these shots are [ __ ] crazy oh my God like I don't know how they [ __ ] did it look at that [ __ ] yeah so that's why I did well because like I don't I don't even I don't even know how we did this this is [ __ ] wild and it was genuinely terrifying when those things fell through yeah like yeah it's crazy how this played out like it did in the show yeah yeah because they just actual psychology of it was the same point no you could jump skip me I took the risk on this one you do it and I tried not to influence it too much so like yeah how much do you coach the actual contestants I mean I was telling them but they had the full authority to do whatever they want so I'd be like hey you you should really go time's running out and they better okay have you ever had that where contestant just Bosh the video oh all the time really it's annoying like sometimes you'll give someone 100 Grand and they'll just be like thanks and I'll be like anything else you want to say and I know like if they don't say something please have a dying mom please anytime I upload a video where someone's like doesn't freak out people in the comments are like oh it's fake and there's just all these conspiracy theories and everyone's like certain like if I want 100 Grand I wouldn't react the only explanation for why they wouldn't freak out is Mr B's fakes it not that this is an introvert or anything that's why part of the uh Buried Alive video I didn't believe because you didn't seem scared oh really and it seems like you're terrified Alex Bro yeah but I'm like anybody in that position would be like yeah why didn't you keep the footage of you being stuck man I just you didn't think it worked on the video no I just like I don't want to scare people just like my biggest thing is I knew factually I was safe and I didn't want to my things I don't want to deceive and so I didn't want people to think I wasn't in a safe position because I knew I'd freak out but then I'd calm myself down by being like this is it we've tested it we spent half a million dollars making this [ __ ] coffin I know I'm fine but then if I didn't portray that and people thought I could die then I'm a reckless YouTuber oh he put his [ __ ] life on the point um yeah but this part at the end was crazy uh like I don't know what the [ __ ] was going on here like right here I'm like losing my mind I'm like guys like if because and I kept saying to trick like if everyone gets out here like there is just no winner yeah but then I was like I was turning around but I was like but if there's no winner they're gonna think I rigged this to save money this is going to be blue ball there has to be a winner but I can't rig it I was like what the [ __ ] did I do as there's 10 seconds and none of them are jumping uh yeah and then I came down to here and yeah a bunch of them got out I was freaking out here too I was like God damn it like now let's make that after the story like yeah you know because none of them whatever but it ended up working out no one cared we just all the people who were still on there at zero seconds got it you got yeah yeah wow and then the very end instead of a knife fight you do musical chairs musical chairs what other options did you have where you were like okay we can't do the knife fight what else can we do yeah I just I like simplicity so everyone knows how to play musical chairs I could have made it more advanced but you know we knew this would get a couple hundred million views and so the more complicated it is the less you have to explain the game exactly I hate it yeah like ideally things are just like implicit you keep the rhythm going yeah oh that's yeah I would say one criticism about squid game is the last game I still don't know but people but obviously they made it for Koreans who do understand of course of course but it would be nice since we're watching it yeah you just [ __ ] predict your show's gonna blow up yeah why did you do that what the [ __ ] see the future with your unlimited money God damn it I mean like wow you had the right title you had a good job oh man but um anyways that that did crazy and all right guys I'm gonna take a break first because I got to save you some money it's going to cost you absolutely nothing think about that I'm going to save you money it's going to cost you absolutely nothing you're just going to get honey okay you're gonna get honey honey not the thing that [ __ ] bears want not the thing bees want the thing that saves you money every time you check out when you're buying something on the Internet if there 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and save yourself some [ __ ] money now let's get back to the show all right guys we're gonna take a break for a second because uh some of y'all are sleeping too much okay you could be playing video games 24 hours a day but for some reason you're trying to sleep why you don't have the energy why because you're not on the sups okay gamer sups has got your back okay best energy drink on the market right now is the sups that waifu absolutely amazing reselling on eBay to 300 but this powder right here not only does it save you money okay it also saves your health all those other energy drinks are absolutely horrible for you this one right here zero calories it's got nootropics It's got zero sugar it's got organic caffeine that's got no fillers and it's got six of the body's most crucial vitamins and minerals and of course it got electrolytes because your ass need that to stay up gaming okay Gamer sucks has got your back and right now even with all that that I said I can't believe I'm still gonna offer a discount for you guys I really can't believe that but if you go to gamer Subs g-a-m-e-r-s-u-p-p-s dot GG and use the code flagrant at checkout you're gonna get 10 off your order that's g-a-m-e-r-s-u-p-p-s dot g g I cannot believe I just made that offer you better go get it if you need energy or if you don't before I relinquish that relinquish it take it back you know what if I had some gamer steps I'd probably get that [ __ ] word right but I'm a little tired maybe that's the sign that I need to get myself on anyway I'm gonna get back to my Subs you go back to show peace so it's it's crazy just to see it because uh the other channels as well this video like in Spanish I think popped off and that's what's funny is I've visited um I sometimes because there are videos we end up going to places that don't speak English and it's like so interesting because before no one would see me and now it's like just like Gringo and they just run up tonight there's like hordes of them is it interesting what videos work well in specific cultures oh yeah it's like oh this video about like pizza works really good in Italy or something like that yeah for the most part though it's always the same like even here in Spanish it's me burying myself alive this hundred person video squid game this it's like so it's just tapping into basic human emotion yeah all humans react to the same thing yeah the video is not going to get 100 plus million views in English if it doesn't appeal to just a broad audience yeah so you translate it it's going to do the same thing in other cultures like because not most our Jokers jokes aren't American specific they're like anywhere in the world yeah so that's what's great because then you know it gets 74 million views here it gets are you flipping the thumbs for the different places at all or no yeah so like see how that says 100 personas but outside of just the the words on there well the thumbnail's already great so we don't really need to change them yeah they're working regardless yeah and I'm so curious are there places that you go where you don't get recognized like different countries and things like that where you're kind of like really we're not dubbed in them then it's great but that's where I am [ __ ] myself in the future because yeah then there's gonna be no Escape yeah yeah when we pulled underneath that Island bro well no it's funny too is like so we also do the same thing on our gaming channel and our reacts channel so it's just like it's doing better than I even thought because this is our our third Channel dubbed in a different language and even this like look at the beautiful video it's something you did that I thought was so clever and correct me if I'm Raw I feel like I read this somewhere but you for your reaction Channel hired someone that was high up with the Fine Bros right uh what to have people react to it that was running the reaction Channel you hired people that were working within other reaction channels for our English one are these for the English one yeah exactly 100 you mean tons of people have done it just okay what is that what is that so like you hire someone revolutionary thing we just when we started reaction Channel we just hired lots of people who worked on other reaction channels and they were already experts at it exactly yeah but it's just so clever to me like you would do that within instead of working out yourself for two years within traditional business like oh we're starting like uh you know an entertainment division we're gonna hire the head of entertainment at Warner yeah so they did it with like everyone who works on these YouTube channels they they're in goal well now this sounds but most of them want to work for us so it's usually not hard yeah of course yeah like why would you work for a Channel with the I think it's a million views of videos apple or something like that like everybody if you're going to be in Tech you want to well if you're gonna make content you want to do the one that gets the most views and so it's needs yourself but same thing with this is our reaction in Spanish and look at the views for a video this is just a sub of the channel unreal yeah that's awesome and so then you do the same thing in Portuguese Arabic Japanese you go down the list what was the most surprising language um reviews uh well French is great because French has really good RP it's like this one doesn't make [ __ ] like um I can show you because I it's like it doesn't really matter that much like how much do you let's see if uh the Mr Beast espanol channel gets 150 million views how much money do you think it makes how much how do you guess what do you think if it makes in a month 150 million views how much do you think that would bring in or let me 132 132 million views how much do you think that brought it 100 thirds in Spanish yeah it's going to be less than I think we have long videos mid-rolls everything what do you think I'm gonna say 85 000. yeah you're basically on the dot wow yeah so that's it's like because I would have guessed 110 but as soon as you say it's less than you think I'm like yeah wow but French on the other hand is like a lot like American RPM so it's like it's it's weird because when you go in these other languages the more listeners they have typically the lower the RPM right but the less listeners typically the more you make so like is you could get hundreds of millions of views a month in Spanish and Portuguese you can get like 30 million views a month in French and German you're doing like flemen and you're making more money and because like it's also more disposable income and yeah it makes perfect sense it's not like a revolutionary finding yeah yeah but that is what's interesting is like so smart to do this we were you know Mark Mark had this idea about dubbing the stand up and doing it in different languages and what we've found out is that people were already doing it like even the special that I put out like somebody had put it in Portuguese there's like a place not on YouTube they have like um like a torrent site for where people just put the subtitles on it they're not even dubbing toward Russia yeah off of a couple clips that someone put in right that's something crazy a buddy of mine who's a Russian comic told me he's like hey the Russians are gonna put out your thing subtitled and I'm like can you just ask them to like wait two weeks because we're almost done selling it he's like okay I'll ask and then and they came back here they said they weighed the two weeks no I didn't want to I didn't we were we were we were doing a window and moment house so we were basically selling the special for two weeks yeah and uh I didn't want it to also be available just on the internet gotcha yeah more exclusive yeah yeah so I was like yo just wait a couple weeks I mean let me put it up but yeah it's just so interesting like you can tap into these markets yeah man yeah I love that we got to get what percentage of your YouTube knowledge would you say is public almost all of it I just go on podcasts and say it all the time which there's nothing proprietary that you're like I don't want people to know about this very simple this little hack videos that people want to watch and YouTube promotes it it's like to a t like disgusting how simple it is and but the funny thing is people fight me on that and they'll be like no you don't just make videos people want to watch you gotta like play to the algorithm and you do this and that and it's like no you just well I mean you're very good at making videos that people want to watch because you've analyzed what people want exactly right you spend 30 000 hours figuring out stop studying the algorithm and start studying human psychology and you'll crush it yeah exactly yeah which is people are too busy studying the algorithm and they'll be like this video and this video because they're trying to chase success and chat instead of chasing like we've had a one minute that you'll get 100 million views we've had like a four minute video get 100 million views an eight minute video yeah a 12 minute video a 25 minute video we've had every range like it doesn't [ __ ] matter but I'll listen to something like you know if you want a banger it's got to be 10 minutes or above yeah yeah and all these things do you like do you ever watch YouTube tutorials of people saying how to get videos of videos and just [ __ ] laughing well it's recently it's gotten better and really a lot of people Now understand like but like three years ago everyone was just not correct information yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's kind of wild yeah it's just crazy man it doesn't matter the links or anything it's just gotta be something people are interested in and they want to watch yeah and so how many total employees would you say like are these people remote or are they in North Carolina uh they're remote because sometimes what we'll do is we'll cut a joke and then we'll we'll have them localize the joke to like so it's more funny for their culture so because of that I want the people working on these to live to be indigenous to that part so they understand speaking Spanish lived here they wouldn't understand it Mexico it is using a reference that people just don't care exactly we don't have that restaurant we only hire these people in their local countries so they can change understand the culture yeah localize the jokes is what we call them is it tough to get people to move to North Carolina uh depends how badly I want them if I want to know if if I don't yeah I mean it's just a money equation huh yeah well it's also just I mean like the housing is cheaper and yeah it's just in every way it's cool it's just like the certain type of people but yes you do have those typical people who are like but I have a private tennis membership and I'm like well you're not [ __ ] getting that here yeah and they'll be like well I don't know if I can give that up yeah yeah but usually the people I'm looking for aren't those kind of are willing to give it up how long before I just don't care in general you know what I mean how long before TV is completely on YouTube honestly I think I think the there's just a lot of easy money there and there's a lot of people who don't want it to die and are going to figure out ways to juice numbers whether it be playing in the back of [ __ ] taxi cab or on an airplane yeah and things like that in sports is the thing it would have already happened if it was it was Sports yeah Sports so like as long as they're Shilling out these crazy contracts probably another five years it's going to be really falling off ten years completely dead it might have done right the only thing that changes that is sports so and I guess it's not even worth it YouTube TV yeah like I pay for YouTube TV that's what I watch like yeah Golden State Warriors LeBron's playing yeah I'll pay whatever [ __ ] package it is you know what I mean yeah that's why you take that out of the equation done yeah I wonder if they would just make the move and just buy up the rights but if that's where I think eventually oh reached the point where getting the bigger audience will make more money than these lucrative cable contracts eventually um because if if Lakers and Golden State Warriors were streamed on YouTube there's just no doubt in my mind that [ __ ] would have like 20 30 million people watching because it's easy of access yeah whereas like it might only have two million on cable dude and so there might be a time where they're just like you know what like we don't want this [ __ ] 10 billion dollar deal we're just gonna go for the eyeballs and the money will just come I found myself uh are you gonna descent I know Dove is like older I agree with it to the point right now it's happening where the actual channels like ABC will own also the production companies making the shows so while they can make it on both sides that'll still Propel it so to your point I'm just agreeing to your point but until it's completely they have no ties to it like Netflix being just Netflix and yeah eating what they kill it'll it'll I think streaming houses will still exist but traditional just like TV with ads there's no reason that that shouldn't exist on on uh on YouTube just break away and just keep doing I mean Amazon could theoretically buy the NFL they're already doing Thursday games right so like they could be the new Fox CBS which I think whatever will happen or the NFL just does their like instead of letting them make their own like [ __ ] money on cables just having an NFL package that you paid 20 30 a month for there's the uh you know it'll be the new Netflix yeah literally overnight it would be yeah exactly I mean I was watching and I do this all the time with UFC and it is just so convenient and convenience is going to propel everything there's a UFC pay-per-view I'll get home and I'll realize you know what I am kind of interested in that last fight and I'll pick up my [ __ ] phone and I'll order on my phone right there and it's so simple I don't know if I agree because I wish I wish they'd just put the [ __ ] pay walls on YouTube like it's not about saving money it's just I'm tired of making accounts like ksi's fight will be on one app and Logan and Floyd may have a different one ending the account and then USC's over here I don't I just I can't be [ __ ] bothered but yeah if they're like whatever the UFC fight that just happened if it was just like a more convenient for the YouTube Genius of Apple pay is Apple pay I just don't want to type in my email but it doesn't say it does it for you some of these things like these shitty sites which the UFC one probably has it all figured out but I think it's more the YouTuber boxing ones because they're all on different ones some of them don't like Chromecast or this stupid [ __ ] I'm buying on my phone yeah and there's no app on my TV and I would just want to die yeah I feel that's why Sports hasn't just uh detached from everything because it's too much of an a barrier for people to be like okay let me buy season passes especially old people who might not understand it right like either that or you don't love it that much to pay for it it's like I'll watch it if it's free but I don't know 100 100 it should be like uh so it's like they're always going to stay on networks well they should start like uh Netflix but for sports so like roll up baseball NFL NBA all of it and it's just like this one thing has every sport and it's just like 30 bucks a month I bet you that [ __ ] ESPN kind of is doing that they don't own every single sport but like I mean they have you got basketball football they have every sport nobody cares about yeah you see yeah oh never mind they have money and football and Disney owns them that's the thing like I think Disney's doing the right thing Disney has played it dude they bought ESPN like 20 years ago ESPN they have Hulu and they've obviously just boxes videos yeah I mean they're they're [ __ ] they're doing the right thing you want to just find me there you go make my way shocked would you cash out they have not offered you yeah it's the craziest check I have history I have been awesome pretty crazy one what's what is it um like there's people not like official term sheets but you know like people that would actually like be able to afford it like yeah you know a billion dollars if we could own the channel and the companies and stuff like that like and I'm like oh that sounds enticing but I don't know if I want to work for my YouTube channel yeah um but I yeah I'm pretty sure but you've been offered a billion dollars for your YouTube channel well with all the companies yeah but not like again not a term sheet but like people who would if I took it seriously would have been like okay let's figure it out would that make you the youngest billionaire would that beat Zuckerberg uh I think he was just self-made billionaire yeah because there are a lot of people who are handed down well and Kylie Jenner but yeah if you count her she was 21 but outside of her if you Google it's like some guy that's 26. wow yeah so you you got offered a b bro basically in passing but and I know I could have pushed for something around this streaming company or I could I could go any further than that but I mean I feel pretty confident someone I mean just look at it like I told you the Beast Burger number but it's just a time thing for 10 years it'll be five bill or hopefully more but yeah what's your number right now uh it's so crazy I don't even want to say it because it's just I'm thinking where I want to be like if we have a mobile game company and I can just you know we got 100 million people playing it and we got a thousand physical Beast burgers and peaceables is in 20 000 stores I mean it's not crazy so say What's the number that's gonna dude similar to some dumb but like probably like 10 billion 20 billion at least 100 million people playing yeah yeah but that's where if they give me the money now but obviously in the future I think we could be worth way more but not that that's like the end goal but it's just crazy you're worth more than WhatsApp right now that's your number and it's reasonable what's up I'm nowhere near that but obviously yeah can you let me [ __ ] do this get five years yes yeah wow or ten maybe I'm just shocked that Disney hasn't said can we have back catalog can we have access to back just a license just a license think about if I'm a licensing dog [ __ ] but if I'm a parent and I know that I can just give my kid an app I don't want you searching all the crazy [ __ ] on the internet you end up watching a flagrant video I haven't forbidden I want an app that has all this content that I know that'll be okay for my kid to watch and it won't be too too [ __ ] crazy whatever yeah like are you telling me that isn't worth a few hundred million just to have access to the catalog I can keep it on YouTube if you're still they also have it and they can do whatever they want monetize it whatever way that they want they can put together put it on their streaming services I think we're gonna do a Netflix show eventually we've just been busy I think after we do that that's where it'll be interesting or maybe I'll do one and then I'll sell it on my own you already did I'm kidding I'm kidding that's the Coco melon thing right yeah I just want to do one because there are just a lot of older people that watch Netflix that don't watch us and YouTube's not great for episodic content so like if I wanted to do something where I feel a stadium with 10 000 people and it's 10 episodes in every episode we eliminate 10 of them like that would fit better on Netflix then you have to do something that fits the magnitude of the space yeah one I can do episodes because people go to Netflix to watch multiple episodes people go to YouTube for like right now like that give me the [ __ ] off so I have a bunch of episodic stuff like that that I would love to do on Netflix because it's just a better platform for it um and I just love to hit a news that's right because you might not get the retention if you have an eight episode Arc of a YouTuber you're gonna open up YouTube and be recommended episode four yeah I hate when they do that that always happens part three and I'm like where the [ __ ] is it reflection with YouTube is like for scripted stuff like that like if you were to do a script well it's not even scripted but yeah right but if you were to do a scripted show yeah YouTube is prioritizing that retention the click-through rate the watch time that might not necessarily last well I also do want to do animations because I think I have some funny ass ideas I think would do really well if we made some short films yeah um like uh [ __ ] let me put one of them this one's a short and easy one obviously a banger I think I should do an animation obviously yeah yeah well if if it was like an animation where it's just me and I I fly like 100 Youtubers down to an island for like a paintball Battle Royale which is what I did before but in this animation instead of giving them like paintball guns so it's like an evil like song and it's like you know if someone doesn't die every hour I just pick someone random they die and it's whoever wins wins the island so that so it would start off with me like that's how I lure them all their 100 million dollar Island winner washed away dialing we got Logan KSI everyone there yeah and then it's just like you know like a saw level story and then whoever ends up winning oh I love the dark yeah I think that would be going I have a couple others the only problems I told you I know for a fact don't let people yeah yeah is it like an anime like I know you like like definitely would love to make an anime yeah it's like um well here just cut this part I'll tell you it and then at the end show his reaction Kick-Ass story it's a great story movie too it's like 10 episodes we're back in now yeah yeah we're back now that's fine yeah yeah I have a ton of those them sit on that I think would be great for like so these are all episodic Concepts that you have yeah exactly I want to do animation in the future like do basically like Pixar because I think would be great yeah and that would be fire has there been an episodic cartoon like a long form not like a I don't think it's called episodic uh I mean any like anime yeah everything anime is like that there's like a 10 episode infinite you're gonna look like yeah there's probably 20 million examples anything in English now that I'm saying that we grew up watching like for example like The Simpsons isn't really episodic you're not fall every episode is not dependent on the last one and X-Men like all those yeah but that's not like I'm talking about Dragon Ball Z would be one yeah there is one storyline that you're Following Season Dragon Ball Z yeah okay because Marvel is one episode you fight one bad guy then he's done then the next episode you find another bad guys there's there's episodic then there's another procedural procedural I think most of our cartoons were procedural because they knew the kids weren't gonna maybe tune in one Saturday because you've got to be able to just run it and you can't just run it all at the same I like this this episodic idea I think that's fire agreed so I want to do a lot of that and actually show that I I know how to do storytelling a lot of people confuse our lack of conforming to like what does well on this platform to like not knowing how to tell a good story and so that's what does well is that you know how to tell the story and I think uh a credit to Logan Paul and this as well like Logan's a great Storyteller too with his content the 99 Originals is so good it's phenomenal and it really separates it and you watch it and you know that there's something different and the average person maybe subconsciously is drawn but they don't know how to explain why but at the end of the day it's [ __ ] story if you're locked into outcome in any way if you're if you're like feeling relieved at the end of anything you were locked into a story yeah if you feel an emotion at the end of anything that story right there 100 biological reaction that and also if you just don't even realize you're watching it like you get in trouble yeah yeah yeah that's that's when you know you've won yeah when they just don't even realize it's going yeah watch the next one bin that's what happens with the guy in the [ __ ] um you should have been The Astronaut Astronaut yeah yeah when he lived in that in the room first message you message me and goes this is the best piece of content I've ever seen dude was unbelieved because I found myself like reacting like that that's the best compliment I could ever hit yeah I love it yeah we should bring up that text is there a way that you yeah I'll find it I'll find it I mean I was blown away by that one because it was misdirect after misdirect and I found myself I brought it up on my phone like this and I knew I liked it because I was like all right let me give it the whole screen I love it it's funny didn't you say that video wasn't planned because you had to switch the guy at the last time we switched it the day before the best thing that could ever happen the other guy that [ __ ] nerdy astronaut would have sucked it up too he's watching this apologize hey hey oh I'm sorry dude this is crazy yeah he's like damn it's bad enough he lost half uh 300K I couldn't find the exact one but can I leak another one of your attacks okay this is when he texted me where he just sent you giving the people all the money goes oh they're short Beast to go thank you wait was that Tick Tock or a short that was a short on YouTube to him wait this is the one where it's in the grocery store you want to give people a thousand dollars I love this or do you want a thousand dollars and then you reward the guy who gives it anyway yeah uh yeah I walked in yeah we um we could go do something like that after this if you want oh I'm so [ __ ] fire let's do it do you want a thousand dollars you want to give it to someone he's just gonna take it probably [Laughter] yeah but they start off at like five dollars it's like you could take the five dollars or I'll give someone and double it and then yeah it keeps doubling and there's a number that that person will take the money yeah it's like 8 500 bucks what's the most emotional reaction you've gotten where you've given someone money and the reaction was not what you've expected um it's actually early on when I tipped a pizza delivery guy 10 grand yeah and then he's just he don't really react too much but then the next day he came back and I was like oh God was he gonna ask for more money I was like [ __ ] and I didn't want to answer but I answered it anyways um and because I filmed where I slept which was very weird but that was when I was poor um and he just was like I opened the door and he just started crying and he was like I didn't even think this money was real and he's like I just took tomorrow off work and I haven't seen my kids in so long because I work every day and like I just got to spend a day with my daughter and he's just like this is the greatest day of my life I'm so happy and I was like and then he hugged me and he's crying and tears are going down my shirt and I'm like I don't even know what to like dude I was just like wow um and so that was that was like even I'm tearing up a little bit just thinking you're terrible dude it's touching me yeah yeah so like that was like the craziest reaction 10 grand you gave him a day with his kids exactly and I'm like opening my door I'm trying to be like bro I don't have more money yeah and then he hits me with that and I just like 180 like so quick I was like [ __ ] feels better than any car feels better than any shirt or any [ __ ] expensive pair of pants it's still better than what I give people a million dollars nothing beats that one yeah do you find yourself chasing that a little bit like yeah it's fun yeah it's fun it's like I think people overplay it a lot of people my situation would be like yeah I just I love giving and it's the greatest thing ever and it brings about and like and even like PR people when I do talk to them they're always like you should play it up more and actually and it's just like no just it like it just feels good like it's not like this crazy thing I'm sure if I did heroin it'd feel better yeah it's just like in the moment it feels good and it makes me happy and yeah I like it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I love that dude and and you don't have video of when he came back huh no I do even better yeah it's that but it's also like when we do that oh now I get exposed to a lot of it because our food pantry and what's interesting is like you know a lot of people their thoughts of this are like oh it's freeloaders or people who get like why don't they just get jobs or they're just leaching but like a lot of them when I this when I'm there and working on it it's like you'll see like a lot of old ladies who back when they um came up it was just normal for the guy to work the job they raise the kids and then now here they are 80 years old their husband just passes and their income's totally gone and so it's like all right I have food rent uh phone bill this and this you know one of them's got to go but if you give them free food then they can afford the other four things so it's like they're always really emotional because it's like literally like do I stop paying for my phone bill or rent yeah or food and like obviously you gotta pay for food but if you give them like 100 worth of food for free now they can you know put 50 towards rent 50 towards their phone bill and they're great yeah you are [ __ ] amazing I mean that's awesome that's so that's so [ __ ] whenever you get to Hellboy this might be personal but like whenever you get to help like a single parent or like a single mom does that connect with you in a different way because you can empathize no of It kind of hits the same it's I just like when they smile and they're really happy it just makes me happy you know what I mean um I mean it's the greatest feeling ever it's this is what I live for I'm only gonna help people I could play it up but no it just makes me feel good then how often are you helping people like personally like not through like the other branches but like off camera where you're just like do you ever like just see a homeless guy and you're like yeah right here yeah tons like I feel like people don't see that people will judge you and they'll be like can you do it on his behalf like have you ever seen him just like yeah but that's the thing it's so funny when they just like Twitter it's Twitter of all the places where the like they just make crazy assumptions and like um they're just like nah if a camera wasn't there or or Mr Beast is evil and it's like only nice guys are people who want to look nice they're all evil or whatever like things it's like what do you even mean by that yeah like I'll see a tweet sometimes like a thousand likes like you know Mr Beast is evil like no one's that nice you are rare you are a unicorn I don't take compliments while I'm like you yeah no but I think you are rare and that's good it's amazing yeah does it ever get you down though you read a tweet no it must be evil and you're like probably just spent all day building a food pantry and now I'm reading this [ __ ] not as much no honestly like if you're not getting hate you're just irrelevant so the fact like it's just part of it so I've I've actually gotten really numb to it and probably to a fault where I just it does nothing to me because it's like if you know what you're doing is what you want to do and preach you fulfillment you're not doing anything wrong why does it matter you know like I don't I don't need to prove to this guy that it is um and so yeah I'm like super numb to it right and that's where sometimes people will show me things and I'll read it I'm doing okay and I'll just keep going it's like what do you want me to do see your [ __ ] cry you know because you probably do that with a good compliment too like Mr Beast is saving the world and you're like you're taking that in stride too we're like oh I can't believe that influencers 98 of their comments are great they don't remember seeing one of those they just remember the one to two percent bad and like proportionately like a 90 plus percent approval rating is [ __ ] phenomenal yeah you're killing it you can be president with yeah you could that's like unheard of before like you know Modern Times And so um yeah I think like more people need to just take that mindset if majority like me the criticism I get isn't even valid who the [ __ ] cares keep doing what you're doing you know what I mean yeah assuming it's actually invalid you know yeah as long as you're proud of what you're doing yeah well you're not hurting people and blah blah yeah yeah yeah and you're not secretly evil when Twitter claims you're evil bro when you put out these cartoons they're gonna be like I told you [Laughter] three months from now if we he doesn't believe it we just see that as a thing Russian YouTube I have like a hateful Spike towards you forever put him in a video it's a world-renowned filmmaker doing it and he's just like oh yeah I just heard it on the shoulder Christopher Nolan's new movie is listening I mean are you upset with that Russian kid that bites all your [ __ ] oh yeah you know what I'm talking there's this Russian kid that literally copies every video Oh Well it happens really I mean it's like everyone I don't know like they could be taking other people's [ __ ] oh a lot of people not even just like other countries just like even here it's like I upload a video on like 200 people instantly do the same thing like the next day like introverbatim and everything but it's also like who I don't know that comes with success yeah like obviously it works what I'm doing works so they're gonna copy I can't be like hey stop making money I mean like it sucks that they can't put their own creative Twist on it and come up with an original way but yeah oh well yeah it's like they're better things for me to worry about like I feel like of all the problems like people copying me because I'm winning is a good problem right you know do you feel like it impacts the platform like I've heard people talk about oh the beastification I agree I I think people need to take what I do and put their own twist on it because there are a lot of people who are just exact rip-offs of me yeah it is annoying like I don't care that you do what I do it doesn't matter but it's like just in general put your own twist on it it does annoy people like these videos get enough views we don't need more me we need more original people for you yeah like take what you like about me and do it but don't just copy my intros or beta my thumbnails were random and just be a rip-off of me like it just yeah it has a whole it just makes the platform seem repetitive right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that is so it's like but also part of why it's so bad is because I don't care and I let people do it yeah but I think I've done it to a fault where now so many people do it and it's lucrative probably yeah it is like there are people who make millions of dollars just literally ripping off what I do so it's like if I'm letting get to this point because I'm just like you know I'm just gonna stay in my Lane do me like Jeff Bezos says focus on your your viewers not your competitors yeah and then I look up and now there's tons of them it's like you know yeah maybe someone should roast them a little bit like everyone's like oh Mr Beast is never gonna put us in check can you react to them bro what is the algorithm that probably helps them out because like say if somebody finds one of those people first and then they're gonna be like oh well if you like this content you're like this other video yeah yeah that's interesting you're Nike bro Nike yeah I think it would be different if they made videos on the same level but I agree like most of them don't a lot of them do fake it like I mean you could just look like the channels are making like 50 Grand a month based on the viewership and they'll give away like 100 Grand it's like no I I know you're not like were you talking you would you would be telling people there's no way you're just going in debt and just being like ah yeah it's great you know um and so those are funny those have died down but there was a point where a lot of people were Faking It and so it's like it would make mine look less impressive because it's like oh this guy with that everybody's giving away yeah a 10th or something just gave away a Lamborghini like yeah it's like you almost killed the algorithm hey bro we have him peeing we have you sneezing guys this episode dude damn it oh how long have we been Market edit that up okay oh nice um Jimmy we know we have to go do some philanthropic things maybe even eat dinner feed ourselves I know you feed other people but you can feed yourself okay we can feed them first we're gonna go buy food and give it to someone I like this guy that was just banging on my window as I pulled into here just smashing it down wait really really yeah is that a normal thing here where you just have people well we usually send Dove down to to meet the guests yeah yeah he did good it was like before we pulled in you let someone attack their car Dove yeah why don't you follow us five miles down the road [ __ ] [ __ ] when I pulled here I just opened the door and a guy just rode by going holy [ __ ] that's Mr Beast on his little bike I was like hey and I saw him turning around it's like get me inside I can't believe you don't have security with you in New York City we do but I knew we would be here yeah oh I'm good where did you meet your girlfriend uh oh God that one was uh no the mile highs I was going to Antarctica mile high oh hey yo oh you don't want them do you know what the mile high club is uh no yeah that's when you uh fornicate on an airplane [Laughter] no I was we were going to Antarctica so we're in South Africa about to go to Antarctica Logan I got Casey neistat got the Entourage we're doing it they're your entourage and then yeah and then we wake up and they're just like everyone in Antarctica has coveted and I'm just like what does that mean they're like every single person in the base in Antarctica tested positive for covet today because it's like this thing where they let like billionaires come in and blah blah yeah and so the billionaire before us was just like [ __ ] everyone we're just gonna walk over and so they're like all in and our they had to all be medevaced out and all of it and so like we were like about to board the plane fly there and do 50 hours in Antarctica and now it's just a wasteland there's no one there to like like clear off the ice Runway or anything and so we're like you know maybe we can figure it out so we're like chilling in South Africa for a couple of days and then um I was just at dinner with a friend and then her friend who's my current girlfriend and just stopped by I was like she just stopped by to say hi to her and like within five seconds I was like holy [ __ ] that's this this girl is beautiful and then but I have to go through the test because like I don't I don't really get along with women if like they don't love learning they're not obsessive they don't have a hobby they don't like like there's just certain things where if you have these traits we get along really well yeah and if you don't like it's impossible for us to hang out yeah um so I had to put her through the ringer and start asking questions yeah what do you do and then she was like I'm an author and I was like [ __ ] yeah good she has a hobby and then we started talking and I just tried to get a feel if she likes learning like you know whatever what do you like to do you know sounds cringe but you know like what kind of content you consume and it was more like documentary educational yeah and like the type of stuff she does and she has multiple degrees you could tell she likes learning she's about to get a neuroscience degree just for fun not even get a job that's amazing because like she invested in Bitcoin and did well so she doesn't even like need it and ever she was like checking all the boxes and I had like these 10 things where like if I meet a girl that's like beautiful and they have the these 10 traits like we're going to be literally best friends right check every single one of them nice feet nice feet uh no that was 11. okay I could give on that one yeah I'm here yeah that's where I come in I'm like the true definition of a nerd like I just need a partner who loves learning you know and just wants to improve like for us now like an idea of a date is just to like take an IQ test and then study and see if we can get a higher like this I love it and I love watching documentaries I'm like we'll go buy two books we'll read it and like quiz each other absolute nerd I'm a [ __ ] nerd but that's what I needed someone like that yeah and it's like very hard to find someone like that that's also like obviously very beautiful yeah yeah yeah um and so yeah the second she like checked all those boxes this is probably like the like 40th different girl I had talked to since my ex and I was just waiting until I found someone that like moved out all these criteria the second she checked them I was like that's it yeah wow so then I waited a couple of days and then I just dm'd her I was like oh so your book can I read it she sent it over read the whole book and it was just like acting like it was the greatest book ever asking your questions until we hung out again yeah and then you officially ask her you go do you want to be my girlfriend are you guys just talking well that's where it's weird because she's in South Africa yeah which is like a 30 hour flight away she can't come to America because she doesn't have a Visa yeah so like this is how you know I'm Mentor because I'm like a 30-hour flight there a 30-hour flight back to go hang yeah so I just fly out there to hang out there and show that like I'm a real human because I literally saw it for like 20 30 minutes at dinner yeah and then I instantly flew back because the Antarctica shoots canceled yeah and so it's like it was a little weird at first because it's not like oh let's just hang out it's like hey can I spend 30 hours on a plane to see you yeah and then I instantly have to spend 30 hours the next day fly back because I have a company to run to yeah and just flying there takes three entire days yeah [ __ ] so then like the Visa Pro oh this is where it gets interesting uh to get a Visa they're like oh it'll take two years like even like a tourist visa yeah same with India to hear yeah it's brutal yeah but one thing that's interesting is if you when people can't so it's the website you see all the dates it'll be like the first dates eight months down the road well when people cancel it's first come first serve and so when we found that out so like well we had our appointment like eight or nine months out but when someone cancels six months out we just paid someone to sit there and refresh and then book it for when it came out wow so like someone would cancel six months out yes ours [ __ ] ours now it's like so it's like great all right now I get her in six months yeah [ __ ] perfect [ __ ] flying over there yeah like two days ago like we just yeah we just hired this uh person to do it that's all they did like really all day just refresh that page and then we get it four months out I'm like [ __ ] kids it's great three months every day I'm waking up and it's getting a little shorter and then it's like a drought like no cancellations no nothing I'm like God damn it I still gotta wait three months that means I gotta fly to South Africa like four times to hire her and sponsor a Visa copywriter I don't know all that [ __ ] takes time um but this is a ticket it seems like a great solution [Laughter] those were options they just take longer yeah yeah um [Music] unless you have to pay him to lie to your girlfriend she comes over just a bad date and I'm like you know what hey tell her she can't come back oh tell her the borders are closed I can't think of that because like I can fly over there and if things didn't go well I could just stop answering her calls because nothing she can do about it which I did think about that at one point I was like if I just like just didn't respond to her text like what's she gonna do it's over she can't fly it over America yeah um but anyways I wake up one day to like 20 missed calls and the person's like yeah we got an appointment like five hours from now but she needs to go there and she was still asleep so I'm like calling her family to like go wake her up and someone literally canceled like that day and she got in there and oh she got in yeah she got in and then we it was like nine months down to like two weeks because we just took spots when people canceled it's great um and then there you go so now she's on the way uh yeah but then we used up like 80 of the 90 days to get into the tourist visa so now we're having to figure out something else because now she can't really come because yeah I we're trying to save some days for Christmas and I I just can't fly to South Africa it's so far away as far out here because she can only come here 90 days a year oh tourist visa but they don't really well I know yeah and so that's why we're about to push it but there is a chance like she could come here and they're just like nah [ __ ] you go back to Africa you don't want to risk that you go a few days over they check the books and they're like oops you can't come in yeah well the worst part is you don't know till you land so she can land go through everything and then the Border age is like no go back to [ __ ] house yeah but at least she's flying yeah that's true yeah yeah you know what yeah do you want to see me or not like that's what you got to say that's what I'm currently doing like miles oh man that's crazy yeah just like I said she's a nerd like me so like yeah it's perfect so you guys do like Zoom dates and stuff uh we honestly we play Scrabble on our phones and try to increase our humor it's it's dumb I feel it now that I say it out loud I'm realizing how bad it's gotten no but this is like when you describe Game of Thrones as someone who's never watched it and you're talking about what you believe is the coolest show ever yeah you're like dude it's dragons and like castles and like and I'm like what the [ __ ] are you watching bro I remember what it is someone to just read books with me watch documentaries and just like learn with me because then if you're not learning then it's like I can make 100 Grand an hour or whatever so it's like how can I justify spending an hour time with you yeah if I'm not becoming a better person that's why it's like I have to be getting better with my partner yeah or how the [ __ ] am I gonna invest 20 30 000 I literally know the value of your time yeah basically like every time you go on a day with her you were spending an immense amount and that's why I was so particular because I would it's hard because I've optimized my life so much in a way where down to the numbers I can't just shut it off and be like oh well this doesn't count I know the value of that two hour date at [ __ ] Red Lobster I know it and so if I'm not getting smarter it's just like it just literally destroys my entire psychology yeah and I just like I like lose my mind I'll have a mental like [ __ ] breakdown I'll be like this is not like if I extrapolate this out over 10 years I'm [ __ ] like what am I doing yeah but now that I have someone that makes me smarter and we like learn together it's great I afford extrapolate I'm way smarter and it works how serious does that get like when you go to take a pee are you like calculating right now the problem is like we're not robots so we can't work all the time so the way I said that's a problem yeah it's annoying I wish you could so you gotta you gotta basically when you're not working you have to be full decompression so like you're either working and going 100 miles an hour or you're like doing nothing you don't like Outsource everything you shouldn't click you shouldn't touch anything and you shouldn't go shopping you should only do what you feel like doing so you quickly recharge and then you can get right back to it you know what I mean so like there are certain things that are just necessary because you have to recharge um like just having fun and not working what is big impression for you um weirdly enough watching documentaries reading books that kind of stuff like that's the kind of stuff I enjoy or watching anime and things like that yeah and when you're decompressing you need to be fully decompressing yeah so then like there's time between you working is as short as possible so you can just keep going what's the best documentary you've seen um I mean the last one I watched was like on Alexander the Great because like at one point he ruled half the world and the other half was owned by like the um Persian king at the time and they bodied him too yeah well and they were like and he was 23 and they were like hey let's just split the world 50 50. you can own half the world I'll give you all this money and the [ __ ] was like [ __ ] you I want it all right and when I heard that story I was like that's crazy so I just like went balls deep and like learning about this crazy ass mother she looked at the moon and wept for he could not conquer it agreed yeah agreed it's [ __ ] crazy and he never lost a major battle just such a badass yeah in every way um and so yeah he died in Persia right he died in a tent of a disease it was whatever he was like 24. yeah that's right he died young exactly if he didn't history would be different last one take it off yeah and crazy thing about Alexander the Great um from Macedonia in Italy no Macedonia is its own country not even part of Greece anymore so we imagine the most famous Greek person isn't even Greek crazy in that wild I must have skipped that part I didn't know he was considered Greek I never had no I just left the Greek Empire we look at that as well what year is Alexander the Great this is like early Antigone you know yeah I think so I love you know your history I like that I like it a little bit yeah I just think it's so fascinated like the way that we learn the world is not reflective of how it is now yeah so it's been carved up since yeah it's done by the the winner and whoever yeah wants to tell the story yeah like Napoleon to us is this french guy [ __ ] Corsica yeah he's an Italian yeah so when he like takes over Italy they're like well yeah you're from here well you know it's like one of the boys Hitler the German who's also Austrian originally like yeah yeah like it just doesn't make any sense as you reflect back because yeah we keep carving it up and we also yeah we think it's done but it's not done at all Russia very well just take over Ukraine and now that's Russia again yeah the USSR split what in the 80s like this might take over South Africa now that's just its own country it is yeah next time we open a beast Burger we're marching the Canadian border let's go baby I was thinking about that when I had all those people there I was like if I really wanted to I could oh that's the crazy part this is in front of a sea of 20 000 people and I could get them to do whatever you can be president dorm a little building no you tell me like oh if you don't have religion you'd be a psycho yeah yeah that's a little bit if if Jimmy didn't grow up with Christianity bro he'd be leading an army to Canada like think about that like that's crazy what have we got what do we keep saying president uh when I filmed this clip right here it looks like I'm trying to become president I don't know if you saw this one wait how do I full screen it yeah does that look like I'm trying to be president of the handwave yeah I'm watching that back I was like God damn that's so French the Queen's the Queen's not dead bro he's right here baby let's go crazy isn't that wild that was after we shut it down and kick people out we couldn't let anyone else in the mall just I mean is this surreal to you like you look back at this and you're like who is that guy in the video no I mean it sounds weird but I always knew I would be a YouTuber because I was just like I'm gonna do it or I'm gonna die trying this young no but I was like I don't care if it takes 40 but this didn't exist when you were starting YouTube and Casey neistat was vlogging like it wasn't like this yeah agreed this is wild well I have a video coming up so did you see that video where I did hide me in a year hi me in five years yeah so the next one time me in 10 years goes up three years from now so I filmed the video and had 8 000 subscribers I'm a teenager in high school and I did a video High me in 10 years um and that video I think I'm like when this goes up I'm gonna have a million subscribers and that goes up three years from now oh wow collectively we're on like 250 300 million now wow um what if you have a billion subscribers oh man if I was logged in I would show you the video um this isn't my computer but yeah it's like I'm literally like guys I got a history test you know my mom's making me study I don't want to [ __ ] study like I and then I turn it around I have 8 000 subscribers and I was like mark my words in 10 years I will have a million subscribers I just don't care I don't care it's going to happen I'm going to be a YouTuber I'll see you in 10 years also sorry Mom I'm not studying for this [ __ ] I did that I literally just plugged it into my computer just no edit just raw just threw it up there and then I just hit the schedule button I hit 10 years later I've already scheduled it yeah so I filmed all those videos like clockwork it's going to go up in three years whether you like it well obviously you could change it but whether you like it or not it's going to go oh are you still making them are you making them I did them all then so I did hide me in six months High me in a year I mean I think three years High me in five years which just went public and I'm having intent we'll be this in three years from now yeah and then I did hi me when I'm 69 years old and that was just like a [ __ ] crazy I was teenager and no funny number yeah that comes out mid president 69 is sick dude it feels a little sloppy eighth term yeah I know crazy wait Mr Beast hi me and yeah five years oh it autofills yeah this is me so the same thing but it's for 10 years is the next one that goes up uh yeah yeah yeah so it goes up on October 4th 2025. the [ __ ] is this music numbers to whatever you watch subscribers what's up guys it's currently right now that's a little baby me probably like a freaking grown man when you see this I'm still in high school right now and easy it's 2015 for me right now dude if I don't have a million subscribers when you see this video my entire life has been a failure I better have a million and I'm just 8 000 subscribers here at 8 000 subscribers no no one talks to me everyone tells them I'm too obsessed everyone tells me to get a [ __ ] life this is that it's just like I'm a [ __ ] small school in North Carolina that's not how the world Works shut the [ __ ] up and then I scheduled up these videos upload them and I'm like [ __ ] you guys oh you're so sociable when you're talking yeah well yeah it was great talking to a camera you were excellent at it for someone well not bro watch this bro I sound like a little [ __ ] hold on hold on I'm not talking about your voice I'm talking about how comfortable you are looking into a camera and just having a conversation yeah that is a that is a weird thing to do that was that was the only social interaction I had in my entire life surprising to me yeah which I would that was the problem back then is that I could talk to a camera like crazy but then you could talk to people I couldn't talk to people it was literally your practice my like yeah like when I go to social Gatherings or like my teachers like they would legit be like is he deaf like they would ask my mom that like because I just wouldn't talk in class or like anything as I just like you just you get so beat in your head that like no one gives a flying [ __ ] what you think about or like what you care about YouTube yeah that's like you just don't even talk and then after a while you just get used to not talking and that was kind of my life back then which is weird wow so the only social interaction you have was mostly the camera back then yeah and so like me and my mom didn't have the best relationship because I didn't know how to communicate with her and I didn't know how to communicate I just didn't know how to communicate when do you learn how to communicate uh did you go to therapy what uh no no I should have I should have but we did we couldn't afford it but I guess once we started having the boys in the videos and that's that's most see it yeah yeah but up until like probably like four years ago it was just like it was fun even those phone calls every night were probably yeah no that's when I came out when I met these other [ __ ] Psychopaths that's what my entire life changed thank you for arena when I met these four other YouTubers 10K subscribers that's when my whole life flipped on its head and I went from like I was 19 I don't know it was a 19 I was probably like 17 18. and I was like I went from like I just don't know how to speak I hate people people are the worst I'm a [ __ ] planet I feel like a loser to like oh my God like these guys are talking is fun yeah like it's not like oh I'm talking an hour day yeah it's like zero to 18 hours a day talking to these people like I fit in I found my people this is great one of them I saw their videos one of them come weirdly enough one of them I made a video of talking about how horseshit his videos were and he threatened to sue me wow and then I was and then we just started talking and then I realized he was smart I was like oh you don't have to sue me he's like yeah I don't have to see you we should just be friends and then it was like so funny because I just like made a little I deleted it made a video just saying this YouTuber's videos are ass because I could tell he was trying to gain the algorithm yeah yeah but then so what happened was I met these four guys who all were just like they just made great tiles and thumbnails but horseshit videos horrible horrible horrible videos like they're just the lowest of the lowest effort and they would just do the minimum amount of work possible to get as many views as possible and I'm the opposite I make the best videos possible but I had no idea how to click this interesting so then you just like throw us in a room and they would just be like bro these thumbnails are dog [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you're doing I'd be like well your content's dog [ __ ] and then I taught him how to make good content they taught me how to make good videos and all of a sudden we it was the missing pieces we all blew up together wow and um yeah we talked every single none of us like that we had three College dropouts a high school dropout and a guy who like literally worked at McDonald's none of us had friends none of us fit into society and the second we all met each other we were like that's it we found our people and we just we didn't have anyone else to talk to everyone else thought we were freaks in nature how how weird was it to go from feeling like a freak to feeling like you had so much to share oh is life-changing that's when it clicked in my head that I'm not a freak it's just these people don't care about what I care about yeah and they just don't have ambition and once that clicked in my head my whole life changed because that was huge massive for me yeah but it's like I didn't have anyone telling me that when I was younger so it was brutal man did you have any Mentor that came along later that was like yo Jimmy you're not weird you're just focused I had to figure it all that's why it took me 13 [ __ ] years yeah so you started so young I think a lot of times it happens like uh when people when kids go to college they break out of the high school mindset which is cool guy dork geek whatever College everybody has their own little crew yeah and you were locked in on this at 11 years old so you didn't even have the opportunity to go away and find it luckily you find these guys what a [ __ ] God isn't agreed it was that was the greatest thing that ever happened to me and that's where the you know trajectory was like this and you just you go and like now all of us went from like [ __ ] deadbeats working at McDonald's to like yeah like but does that help even like you communicate with your mom and like everything changed like it just helped me understand as a person I'm not a freak of nature that's just gonna die with no friends I just need to find the right kind of people that it's actually it's a good thing it's not a bad thing and that's such a good lesson too that these people are not your competitors that you're not trying they're taking from you yeah it's that you're all collaborating to all be better that's probably the foundation of you being so collaborative and 100 given because it was like eye-opening when we all hit a million subscribers in the same month we all started 10K and a year later we all had a million in a month and it's not a coincidence that we all grew at the same rate right but it also it sounds so like like cool in the like looking back like oh he was so driven he he didn't have friends and uh it's [ __ ] hell yeah like we're like glamorizing it but it's [ __ ] hell to think like you know that no one in the world relates to you and you're just this [ __ ] alien it sounds like hell I just think like yeah to be clear it is not [ __ ] fun and I wouldn't wish it on anyone because I just got lucky Meeting those people if not I don't think I ever would have blew up and I I don't know what I would I think I I just can't imagine the Euphoria you feel when you finally feel comfortable talking to someone like yeah because well you talk to someone and they don't instantly go can you talk about anything else besides you or can you just stop talking exactly yeah the person who listens to what you say and they go say more exactly exactly I want to know more I I would say that the the moment I I've realized I wanted to marry my wife is I I really love sharing with her and I wanted her to share with me and but it was that it was it was like that's what we're gonna do for the majority of our life we're gonna share yeah and even all your resources [Laughter] but no but there's sort of talking to feeling like they value what you say 100 yeah it [ __ ] lifts you up and to go like years without feeling like anybody cared about that one that's resilience that takes a different level of resilience yeah a lot of people would equip a lot of people break but there's just no the problem is like shot your whole school you're just about to actually like what's your thoughts on like in sales like do you empathize with them you could see how they get there like people who [ __ ] her sisters or like the people who maybe they have no friends they don't have much community and then sometimes they hurt themselves from society women don't like like it depends like is it because of extreme passion for a certain thing or what because I I don't know not not because necessarily of of passion but more just not feeling that they fit that's where it's it's hard because I mean mine is from a place of just extreme passion other people I couldn't tell you because obviously it's and you don't have to study it any and it's like asking like uh a person in Walmart like why you have a lump [Laughter] I'm telling you I'm a [ __ ] loser because I did one thing with my whole life and you just asked me something else in the right feeling like I don't know what's Game of Thrones is that they showed all the insults so sorry you're asking for an in-depth analysis of them but you didn't have any animosity like once you made it and the people that kind of rejected you or told you to stop talking were like oh that's really cool you didn't feel like any anger you didn't want them to feel the pain that they made you feel [Music] it's not like they're purposely being mean we just had different wiring like why why isn't my like why would I hate them for just being there I mean weirdo like it's not their fault I was wired like a weirdo I am a weirdo yeah and just not a weirdo when you put me in a room with other weirdos then I'm normal which is what I started to do is be surrounded by weirdos yeah exactly like people who chase you know making videos and Entrepreneurship over happiness yeah like that's not normal yeah yeah but having a bunch of other people that feel the same way feels pretty good and you just sit there and you just jerk each other off and yeah every day you're just like ramming each other up like yeah I mean Comics after shows especially when they're younger they go to the diner and it's the same kind of thing but do that 18 hours a day every day for a thousand days in a row the same people um yeah it's great but even the thing is like that wasn't even the goal is just like we just had nothing we didn't drink we didn't do drugs none of us dated yeah we were just literally like we're gonna do this until we're like big enough where like we can have lives but you are like ostracized if you had a life yeah like we wouldn't even like I wouldn't even do Christmas or like anything which this was too extreme but I would be like oh that's Dave people are taking off we can get a day ahead and we just like amp each other up if we work all day Christmas and we're [ __ ] idiots I love it though every day thousand days in a row I [ __ ] love it and then yeah and then that's when you know most of the boys were millionaires had tons of money and and they started to fall off um and yeah but still yeah that's where it's it's hard if you can do that and then go from nothing to millionaires to like tends to keep going and like because a lot of people like that's their goal like not everyone's goal is to like be the biggest YouTuber be an entrepreneur most people it's just make a comfortable living yeah and so Financial Freedom yeah exactly that's where most of the group was and then that's when they got enough money to buy that nice car and stuff they're like oh why the [ __ ] am I working 15 hours like the life cycle of a YouTuber is like five years yeah if you're lucky I'd say most of them it's like two right because because most YouTubers blow up but they don't know why they blow up so they like have to cling on to that one series and they can never create a new one yeah and after two years it's boring yeah like the ones that are five years are the ones that understand intriguously how to do well yeah but there's like very few people yeah I've done that yeah yeah yeah it's it you need to have the balls to change it up you have to or you need to have in your experience the confidence well yeah the understanding of what the thing is like it's like Steve says like people don't know what they want they think they do Steve Jobs oh okay yeah they never heard of them yeah [Laughter] yeah yeah Steve we're gonna first name base I thought he was talking about Steve it was a little weird that you said Steve I mean you guys weren't friends with Steve no I wasn't anybody I swear to God in my life I thought you were talking about the the Jerry Springer security guard who the [ __ ] shoes welcome Carrie Springer who's that cheers he was a guy who would uh don't bother yeah did Jerry make the most successful product in human history yes really yeah paternity test okay remember what I was saying you've said he said people yeah people don't know what they want so like what you probably do with your show are you looking at your phone no no it's a boring bro this motherfucker's got crazy notifications I know they're going wild but gone they're going well um well let me see about it damn you have more than me we're not competing bro no we are text me something I don't even I don't even care anymore Steve no it's what was I even saying he said oh people don't know what they want or whatever so you got to show them what they want yeah so like an example would be like we used to have this series where we'd go to random people that are streaming and just donate ten thousand dollars and film their reactions um it's like so I just like pick a random streamer that's like has five viewers and just donate 10 grand and it'd pop up and they'd freak out people love that yeah and then we would do another one where we just donate a thousand dollars every time people blinked but we wouldn't tell them and so they would they don't know why these don't and we just did like 12 13 of them they all went super viral and people [ __ ] loved them and they were crushing but then we stopped doing it and we pivoted to doing like last sleep Circle and we did another thing and that's an instance where most YouTubers probably would have done like 100 of those like they were getting 10 20 million views to pop at the time um but the thing is if I was still just doing that to this day I'd be a nobody I wouldn't be sitting here like you have to like you have to like see the future and be like you know I can't do this forever over this you know 12 13 that's probably enough sure I can milk a few more but we need to start innovating and find the next series what's the level up yeah exactly um and so that the I'm [ __ ] five hours ago when we were talking about the life of a YouTuber like that's how you stay on top but it's a lot of risk and you have to it's a lot of guts you know what I mean because like very well it could go the other way you try this new series and you have this good thing yeah and you have this good thing going for you but that's like if you want to it's almost like this like it's not really like a straight up curve it's like you have a breakthrough and then you do it and you have a breakthrough and that kind of stuff and most people they just have a breakthrough and they just milk it till it dies and they can never recreate it I love the idea of innovation I love the balls to do it and I'm incredibly impressed by you and A wise man once told me and the video as fast as you possibly goodbye
Views: 13,970,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, Mark Gagnon, comedy, comedian, stand up, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, interviews, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alexx media, alex media, eddin, eddin media, thankyoueddin
Id: WGrk7Mzm4uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 29sec (13469 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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