6 Rappers vs 1 Secret Fake Rapper

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today on beta Squad these are rappers and we're not we're going to take on 30 rappers and singers and try and convince them that we're rappers and singers as well this is beta Squad 6v1 thanks Jubilee for the idea we loved you the groups will get blindfolded and if they discover us to be Liars they win however if we survive all the way to the end we win let's see who's the greatest imposter in beta Squad first up is Chunks I'm gonna go down the niche market Bollywood all of a sudden I'm gonna Allah it's a singer from back in the days and uh hopefully they don't trust me out your time starts in three two one action number three what do you do on a weekend probably in a studio I have a home studio in it so yeah still what do you guys do number number six I'm an artist I'm a singer-songwriter I'll take you little rappers and singers I actually sing in Bollywood movies [Laughter] someone laughed is that funny I know I don't know number five when was the last show you did I don't do shows I do loud movies so I'll record in the studio it comes out in the movie how the hell if you're listening yeah okay number one are you a rapper a singer singer okay cool what type of stuff do you write about experience is my own my friends um I'm influenced by like 90s 2000s r b who's your favorite controlling it's controlling it I grew up listen to Drew Hill as yet oh yeah so it's that sort of vibe and that is time guys so I'm going to ask you one by one who you think the Imposter is and who you think is not okay so I think it's two three or five out of those I think this I'm gonna say three I think it's number five [Music] number three can you please tell me you think the imposterous number one I'm going to go with number five oh sure Flames um I think number three it was a bit nervous I think it's number one do you know what I'm gonna say number three yeah wow number four yeah I can now reveal that the Imposter is still among you okay your time starts in three two one I think let's do a freestyle and just go down and bounce off and see who messes it off I'll go I'll stop all right look flip that burn it all these straps wanna earn to It Go on war like a zebra but my sucker's close to my heart when did you write that when did I write that yeah last year I'm just gonna sing because it's just easier oh okay oh whoa that's number one if you don't believe you see I'm a producer yeah and I'm hearing number one number five yeah number five number five [Music] and you only ought to get quicker with age yo that's I don't know you know there's a lot of meaty men on this one sometimes thank you your time is now up so starting with number one four is number one man said Drew Hill and they come with their next team I think it's number seven still I don't know you know could be anyone um it could be me it could be number one yeah why would he say that you know what it's giving me number one Vibes I'm honest I think it's number five yeah it's doing too much man exactly I think it's number one and I read your vocals as well thank you [Laughter] they keep tripping over there okay guys I can now reveal that the Imposter is still among you your time starts in three two one action your number five You released any music before um like yeah stuff on my SoundCloud but nothing like got official oh yeah yeah so I bring in cat cat okay he's got him he's got him he's got him he's got him he's got him he's got him I told him so do you release music did you say yeah on SoundCloud SoundCloud what's the your latest release I haven't released a lot since 2014 yeah change it to Bollywood but I used to do covers on Soundcloud nothing too serious and obviously switched over because I met my managing them and he actually introduced me to the Bollywood team and that's why I started making songs and then YouTube up with that yeah you know what's happening with you I realized you're coming with pre-written list yeah Freestyle right now I'm chilling a 1v6 look wanna check my six that goal Jesus six but I can't lie chunks is number five we should vote him out real quick oh he's done he's done he's done and that is time guys number two can you please reveal who you think the Imposter is it's chunks man yeah number five you've been exposed it's time yeah I thought so I must say though it's why you did well in the beginning please I ain't got no blindfold man rest of you because you also please I got six man well done try my best fair play fair play I wanted to be enough for a little bit longer man oh my God fair play what can I have done bro you know the thing is you didn't try hide the fact that it was you you at all but you did yeah why did you vote for number five because I watch YouTube I know that voice man that's chunks but I'm not gonna lie at the start I heard his voice I was like that sounds like chunks and yeah but I wanted to keep it going and give everyone a bit of air time but yeah no I I I'm the freestyle I had to call him out my bad so trunks managed to last three rounds you know a great effort considering he didn't even try to hide that it was him up next is me so my tactics is uh you know try and be a rapper I'm gonna try it freestyle my way into the later rounds you know just like a rapper would um there's really no game plan I'm winging this and hopefully I can make it to the final round your time starts game three two one number four yeah uh I've colored with a little Drizzy there's a local rapper from where I'm from from Watford yeah yeah number five what's been your biggest performance um probably just come in here on the way here like yeah I mean a little parkour on the way down yeah and where did we find this guy number five what sort of music do you make um better despair that what does that mean all of the above what about you I mean rap music that is time ladies and gentlemen so I'm gonna go and ask him one at a time who you think the Imposter is um I think it was five you know yeah five minutes he goes out like this six they say number six number five yeah number five number five number one because he he stopped me in it I'll say number three I'm gonna go for number one you know I can now reveal the person with the most votes he's number five number five do not say a word and please take off your blindfolds and look around the room he's the only one giving us content is up it's gone I can now reveal to the Imposter is still among you your time starts in three two One Number Four what's your rap name Randolph at number four why did you pick that rap name I just thought it meant a lot to me you know I used to get called Randolph as a nickname as a kid and we still got number six yeah I'm here I call him here a quick four bar like a freestyle while I'm blindfolded because my mind's focused and I'm smoking on some high potent oh say I ain't an artist I start knife throwing well I like it number four yeah full bar okay young win a young scene at Pizza when I'm done here it's been a cash printer brother I'm the breadwinner hey Google number two over there yeah yeah you're there yeah I'm here you've got a bathroom man pretty girl I think I'm ready to be the next one one no matter because we both know I was the best one like the way I used to be they love like an x-com but me loving you was too hard my erection now last week number seven can I hear what you got yeah first time I ever rode her back I was four second time I ever rode her back I was seven [Laughter] they contest me and number two which is weak cause of erection oh he's horrible as well he stinks okay okay seven yeah it might be seven if I was acting I think it'd be number four not based on talent but number four seven two I'm gonna say four I can now reveal the person with the most votes that round is number seven number seven please take off your blindfold and do not say a word idiot I was even stopped out of that I can now reveal the imposter is still among you oh come on okay guys your time starts in three two one action number four when's it when's your next song Drop it next song is drop in I don't really have a drop date yet I've just got like music in the vault so we haven't got a release date yet all right she ain't gonna release that he's weak just me and obviously my producer like we work together he's your producer uh Little James yeah James Little James and Lil Drizzy number two what do you rap about other than your erection thank you I forgot he was referred about his Direction almost just laugh lessons life lessons wetsuit okay that is time number one number two I think it's number four I must say number two do number two yeah yeah number two wetsuits are crazy that's a crazy name come on man uh I woke up not before it's still close I can now reveal the person with the most votes is number two and if you're blindfold do not say a word and look around the room I can now reveal that the Imposter is still a moment are you kidding me I know who it is around this round is done time starts in three two one number four how much do you pay for your mixes pay probably like three four hundred because my boy that does it so he doesn't really charge that much I know he can get go higher um number four oh they're all loaded they're all good man who would you like to collaborate with in the UK oh in the UK I mean if I had my way obviously stormzy yeah how about you who would you like to collab with Angel oh yeah I listen to Angel as well why am I stressing what you don't know that song yeah I do I thought you were going to sing with me and that is time number one I think it's very clear that it's full if it's not four it's a problem I think it's number one I'm not gonna lie I don't want to hear stormzy featuring Randolph was crying right now I can now reveal the person with the most votes is number four number to remove your blindfold and the rest of you can you please also take your blindfolds off and look around the room got me man you're giving up too much insult well you got me man at least I I got [ __ ] this one it was definitely clear that um it was number four because he said that he pays 300 pounds for his mixer Master for his songs and he said that's his boy when he did his wrapping the first time it was a bit um suspect it was uh cut short and it was really fast and not clear yeah four rounds I'll take it it's a decent score shame I had to rear Randolph's chances of a collab with stormzy to get there though but you know what the game's the game up next is Nico music in general Rhythm it's not my strong suit but that's why I have a master plan I won't be speaking like this as a Romanian and hopefully hide in plain sight just wait I'm sure it will work your time starts in three one at number seven how long you been rapping uh nine years number seven uh what country for Romania Romania he's getting away with this number five what's your name impact today number one one what's your last name Pedro and that is impact because I've wrapped with him before I've actually battled against him so yeah I don't know who this guy is that you're number two can I get your number no whoa this is turned into a dating show number seven when was you when was your last show my last show I have never heard a show before I've come in number seven what do you do I'm a rapper he doesn't for how long very little in English very little number seven what country are you from Romania no you're not blood you do not sound like you're Romanian bro what I was trying to tell you guys it's hard being out there you guys didn't understand he loves doing accents yeah that's the problem just be normal so number one seven number two number seven I'm leaning towards number seven he's done he's done seven he's done I'm gonna say number six because everyone else is saying seven and we didn't ask him no questions number two I don't know why you know I get votes uh but I'll vote for number one hold on he's an idiot stupid I told him I actually don't do it look what he did you're out can now reveal the person with the most votes your seven number seven can you please remove your blindfold oh my God oh my this is the fast knickers ever gone out and can the rest of you please remove your blindfold all right let's go oh this looks awesome Pedro oh my God yo yo I didn't even know you were dead blood we got guys yeah you got me you got me damn quick one [Applause] hahaha [Applause] bro for me you see when man said nine years but he hasn't done a show yeah that's true you know what I'm saying that's that's a pink flag red flag you know what I'm saying like yeah definitely so just the information really Nicole that accent was so horror did you really think that was gonna work no wonder you only lasted one round anyway up next though is AJ I have no game plan all Vibes what you're about to see next is probably going to be a calamity I'm sorry but we're about to witness your time is going to start a three two one action so are we looking for art someone is not artists gold let's go back to me smart number two what Dow do you record with um I'm not sure that's dodgy that's dodgy this is it I just go to the studio in it so what is it Daw the Daw is a digital audio workstation like GarageBand or logic which one do you use what software do you use number one number one number one I use FL Studio okay number seven which one do you use logic Pro X number four which one do you use oh he's loaded okay logic logic is the best one let's be honest now okay guys [Laughter] he's actually a rapper yeah uh maybe number two number four I'm thinking number three trust me I'm the worst number seven I'm gonna go with number two as well then it's either number one or two um two two I can now reveal the person with the most votes is number two so number two could you please take off your blindfold and do not say a word and look around the room to see if the Imposter us about love your time starts in three two one number five you wanna wrap yeah oh cool like honestly I know that he's in control they wonder how I got this flow is from the East Stella Brave you're going brazy on these beasts and sunny if your girl gives me the time of day don't be mad at me you just freestyle that right now nah that's fair enough bro no generation is genre I smell like an imposter easy to spot you because you're desperately lost bro use your style of doctor looking for a sound of foster trying to join a Congo but who's cheap dancer costume so I better rapper the boss ain't really really one call who you're trying to come bro you sound like a plonker I was thinking of this roster's feeding the hungry monster get spun around yourself like a [ __ ] helicopter oh how is AJ gonna talk this all right number seven your turn bro I'm a rap battle you got to tell me something to work with how do you look tell me how I look like um Milo from a What's that show and see babies from Sweeney's he does he does Milo yeah yeah bro give me more twice come on bro wrap something you've written then I don't have any songs you don't have any songs but if you rap about you should be able to Freestyle me telling the singer rap about me right now yeah my friends all right give me some what are you wearing I'm wearing a text still yeah black Tech yeah what kind of shoes Milo what's your rap name bro Brave yeah yeah when I look at Brave I know he's not on nothing okay grab the 40 in my pocket right in his tummy what shoes were you wearing I don't give a [ __ ] oh what kind of hairstyle yeah I didn't ask them number seven you smell like kind of a smelly right now but you're not even slammed you know where it is more time I think you're the Imposter so the traffic you're talking about it's kind of dry I don't even seeking but I couldn't be high all right cool but I'm kind of fly so why are you still talking to me what color you wear you might be wearing pink yeah from here I could tell that your breath stink s who wants next I'm gonna ask you oh I think it's number seven oh no he's the one who said the stinky thing that was a dead body that's me that's number seven yeah number seven I'm gonna go with number five I'm gonna go number five ah cool I'm going um stay cool number seven all right so sticky one still man I don't know around I'm gonna go with number four must be number five if it was a rappy would have came back harder Oh Captain bro do you want to do another one and then whoever wears leaves bro just vote for yourself I think it's number five I'm not like he's capping but number seven can you please take off your blindfold and look around the room and can the rest of you please take off your blindfolds and look around the room where's this Giza number seven hey what's up guys what's happening what's good what's happening I'm glad I got through the first round what's happening how's it going hey you look too talented man the moment you're not all performed I was done all right take care guys nice to see you oh my gosh okay they're too talented man everyone's singing crazy I can't do nothing oh my days why are you asking 17 things about himself yeah oh you know because you might ask me anything this morning yes he said he said Milo what am I going to go off if I ask you what you're wearing we'll use it I didn't ask dummy I was giving him a word and he wouldn't go off it basically the only professional rapper in the beta Squad crumbled when it came to actually rapping AJ how can you only last two rounds embarrassment which means there's only one person left Sharky so I can't rap at all so I have no tactics my tactics is to try and pass the first round and then the second and then hopefully the third round but I I I'm doomed I honestly think I'll go out in the first round if you guys have been watching me for a long time you know that I can't wrap all freestyle raps so I'm in trouble here number two what's your stage name still Shady same question for number seven my name is locksmith I'm from Croydon okay I don't know number six um what studio do you go to I've got a home studio I'll go um actually not go to my mates place in or Romford do you release music oh yeah yeah yeah yeah Morocco what number six what's the name of your producer uh nairas you know six Sharky should have jumped on six days because that sounds a bit fake so I'm gonna vote for think is the Imposter starting with you number one number six number seven I'm gonna go for number six as well yeah yeah number six um number yeah go on six I'll go with number four four number four all right guys I can now reveal the person with the most votes in number six I wanted to hear his raps as well yeah crazy wraps can you take off your blindfold and have a look around the room though [Laughter] your time starts in three two one number seven give your best sixteen best sixteen yeah um manifested mothers try to sell it as Freedom fina's drinking patterns thinking battles really thinking nothing matters realizing I'm the one who couldn't hit I'm checking fake inside when interacting to see if my G has been a mad thing so hate life and make music trying to write some lyrics for myself that ain't confusing ancient Blues in my headache pump from Nails I'm chewing [ __ ] looking for the Holy Grail go Armstrongs him I'm screaming hate life and make bangers Street damaged weight baggage market up a street package still managing to meet fandom blacking out on stage and forget my pain will make him raise their hands off that was Joe and number one baby you had a for a minute but that's over now don't get confused and mistake me for the Girl Next Door Baby Come Close I don't think you've heard this one before come on okay okay can anyone freestyle here number number three boxed and still showed up but I never popped this pill turned okay this stuff freestyle's top all right okay crumbling bopped and still showed up but I never popped this pill turned this to a mosh pit don't show love so they're calling me toxic uh running more bread feels so good when you make peas he ain't gonna wash this correct you know what that's all I got for now watch straight off the top that's right yeah number four has been quiet I had the plan but it just got out of hand I come from burnsboro Road in Brixton man it's a Syndicate brother this is not no gang it me back seat was a rainbow Shack okay okay can we hear from number five Once Upon a Time in somewhere you imagine I'd stay sweet and let you say whatever you wanted now I'm surfing what you made me don't complain it not money for you can handle me oh tell me do you think you think there is number three shut up I think she knew it was Philly song number five it means between five and two five and four because four could have gone off like another wrap of someone else's you know because it went freestyle I'm thinking maybe you know all free stuff me I'm full all right you won a freestyle but none of you are adding sauce already in the guru so it can be none of God knock me out and that's just bad juju if you lose the game boohoo [Music] isn't it oh that is Asylum foot one but I'm here in front of the left mad one hey I'm going full I'm going full I'm going full I'll say number one I would say number four just for that I'm sorry and I think number three number four I'm gonna give you both the song all right now cool listen yeah see the world is a dangerous place I'm like a lyrical race cello my boy yeah we're here in first base listen yo all right let's go again walking on them trees now I'm doing that that's means my boys ah bro I thought he was gonna oh listen yeah that's it yeah bro my boys number seven if we could get another beat on the Go I mean there with the three pops me and bro Ops off looking for the late Sport and the cops looking at us he's left already whoever gets caught don't talk or you get lifting a her slap Rosie can be worse it can be both of us end up in the dirt that's good that was good that was good so we're gonna do these votes again number one I'm so sorry I'm gonna have to go for number three I'm staying with number four I think number three number four and I'm joking number three no no three please remove your blindfold and don't say a word and give the rest of you could please remove your blindfolds and look around to see who the Imposter was freestyle [Applause] at the beginning when he first went he's like I'm gonna freestyle he said a lion and then he repeated that line yeah so he wasn't freestyling from then I was like snake yeah it didn't matter how many times Sharky freestyled he was never making it past that which means he only lasted two rounds as well well none of us managed to defeat the challenge today so uh yeah who was the worst comment down below do Romania Romania Play the trailer next week on beta Squad Nico gets his hands on some big red balls AJ does long jumps and chunks gets a boner jokes [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Beta Squad
Views: 5,983,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beta squad, Beta, Squad, Beta Squad 6 vs 1, beta squad 6 vs 1, 6 v 1, Rappers, Secret, Music, Jubilee, Jubilee 6 v 1, jubilee odd man out, 6 Rappers vs 1 Secret Rapper, Niko Omilana, Chunkz, Sharky, AJ Shabeel, King Kenny, 6 vs 1 beta squad, Fake Rapper, Secret Fake Rapper, rap, beta squad guess the, beta squad guess, beta squad rapper, 6 rappers vs 1 secret rapper
Id: k8Gdlbw-DIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 26sec (2006 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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