Tinder Love | Talks with Tony | Online Dating Chronicles

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hey tony guys here popping in for another episode of talks with tony now i'm gonna try to run off some of these videos and post them how i can maybe one a day maybe two a day so just you know click the little notification bell up under the video after you subscribe so that way you'll be notified and i put them all in the talks with tony playlist so if i'm pretty sure you're missing some of them so you'll be able to just catch up when you can now i got this email here we're going to dive right on in and i only read the first sentence hey tony my name is so it's supposed to be anonymous and so y'all got to forgive me now if somebody put a name in the first sentence i slip up and say it it just they want to be known but i caught this one wow this i this anonymous all right susan thank you god bless you see just being polite though i met a guy online three years ago all right three years we met on hinder okay on our first hangout we met at his house okay he lived with two other roommates at the time okay didn't sleep together and on the second night we were together we did we get to talking and still sleeping together no commitment and no dates i start to feel like i'm getting used so i ask for more and he says i'm glad you communicate these things with me so i can do that nothing changes i met him at 19 and at the time i was 23. it ended with me leaving him twice because i always felt used for and money he asked me to borrow cash often and i would always give to him he never paid me back and he'd always ask for car rides i left him and now on our last conversation he said i should have just had a baby with him because i said i would and he would have been a family and would have been a family and i would have been his girlfriend if i had the baby but one year ago we had unprotected and i took a plan b because i felt like he didn't love me and i was being used i know i made the right decision to leave yet why did i allow myself to get used like this and why did i accept that kind of behavior for so long i just want to know tony what to look out for in the future so i don't get played like this again and just any advice with this whole situation please thank you so much for your videos it was because of them i left him god bless let me let me say something okay let me tell you something let me tell you something so all right listen get youtube premium if you need get youtube premium okay go to the talk switch that's 14 a month all right they go to youtube i don't know if they get me into that it might be 12.99 it might be 119 i don't know what it is but get youtube premium so you ain't got to worry about no advertisements okay make sure your phone has unlimited data upgrade to the unlimited data plan if you don't have unlimited data go to my channel all right when you click on tony gaskins it going to take you to my and then you click view channel it's gonna take you to the home page you should see my banner up there at the top in my elbow action y'all forgive me for elbow acid you should see my banner up there at the top and then across up under the banner you'll see you know videos community membership make sure you subscribe for one make sure you don't hit that button and then when you you'll see playlists click on playlist go down to talks with tony click on that playlist and click the play button click the play button and just let it play let it play all day long let it play all night long let it play through the night while you sleeping just get it in your subconscious get it in your conscious mind stop listening to the radio start watching television and all you do is just watch these talks with tony in every relationship video cause so start listen you talk for one i don't know why you did all that you know you asked me why you did all that i don't know why you did all that because that's the absolute for one okay see y'all i'll be like huh for me for me this stuff it just be i'll be thinking like everybody know this but that's what i try to tell y'all not everybody know this for one never do online dating again never do online again you at 19 years old you is a hot pocket you fresh out the microwave you ah you get any man you want at 19. it don't matter what you look like you know how you built at 19 you could walk from the door to your mailbox and meet men at 19 years old at 59 things have changed you might could do online dating because you mature enough i don't approve online dating for any of my clients under the age of 50. at 50 years old lord willing hopefully you've seen enough heard enough learned enough that you can brave the uncharted territory of online dating if you are under the age of 50 never in your life date online again never in your life sign up for a dating site meeting a man online in the instagram dm in the facebook inbox in the twitter dm is different than signing up on a dating site and yes don't do facebook dating look out they got now too i only know it look like but people keep adding no that on anything where you signing up to meet someone to date do not do it do not do it because more often than not you're gonna meet this kind of man a bomb this man asking you for money and you're giving it to him he asking you for rise you're giving it to him he asking you to become his baby mama because he does not care about his life he's so sorry he's so lost he's so broke busted in the gut disgusted what kind of grown man has two other roommates a lost one that's still in college hopefully he's in college that's the only time you ought to have roommates is when you in college after college you need to bust your butt as a man to be able to afford your own place to stay if you got to work overtime when you're getting a higher education the only time you need to have roommates other than that if you got to work at the lumber yard the timber yard the concrete yard the warehouse wherever you got the work to be able to afford so number one do never never online date again number two never in your life date a man with a roommate never in your life date a man with a roommate number three never in your life give a man a dime that's what his mama for and if she has gone to meet the lord he got to get it on his own never give a man a dime in this day and age 1980 okay and if you give him a dime that's what it need to be a dime 10 cent because he want 10 cents so he ain't got to bust a dollar because it's 110 and you got 10 cent and he got two dollars and he don't want to bust a dollar and get 90 bikes so you get him that 10 cent that's all you do for a man a man is the protector and the provider do not give to a man unless you willing to flush that down the toilet okay if god ain't busy that you you need walking with god with you not walking with god because you on your back on the first date that's the other so let's put that to number one get to know god okay get your holy bible open the holy bible read the book of proverbs read the book of proverbs p-r-o-v-e-r-b-s proverbs read it read a chapter a day read it again two three more times okay you can get the bible app if you ain't got a bible it's a bible app it's called a bible call the bible out get the bible out read proverbs and then go to the new testament and read the book of john you know or matthew read the book of matthew learn about jesus get know jesus get no jesus get no god and then you read on through that new testament and when you get up the revelation stop at revelations don't read the book of revelations yet it ain't really going to make sense to you at this stage because you're on milk okay get to know god get to know them teachings and the laws that was put in place the rules put in place the instructions put in place by apostle paul through god god spoke through apostle paul get that in your spirit one of them gonna be don't fornicate one of them gonna be stay off your back that's the next thing don't ever sleep with a man until he your husband and if you sleep with him before that that's a gamble and you got to be willing to lose your shirt no pun intended you got to be willing to lose everything if you sleep with a man because when you sleep with a man that's not your husband you can catch eight all right sibling honor club media h e all right herpe general warp okay is so much out there that you can catch and so you got to be willing to catch any kind of disease and you got to be willing to get pregnant all right and you got to be willing to be emotionally tied to this man for the rest of your life that's what you are signing when you sign that dotted line when you get ready to sleep with a man if you don't want all that then stay off your back oh what tony he gonna leave okay and it's other men in the world well oh tony he gonna cheat okay and you're gonna catch them it's other men in the world go about your business do not compromise your body to try to keep a man and that's honestly the reason why i moved on in my life with every woman i met because i was i didn't know no better so that was a test for a lot of men to sleep with you is his test on if you are wifey or not and yes is it fair absolutely not because he's sleeping with you so if he's sleeping with you why are you sleeping with him and if he's saying if you sleep with him that make you not wife material then technically that make him not hook the material is it fair no is life fair no does life play by your rules no so if i'm telling you this his rules that if you sleep with him you not wife material and you sleep with him and that's how he judge you okay that is life so it ain't gonna be what you want how you want it when you want it oh well that's a double standard it don't have to be if you make it your standard because you could say if this man willing to sleep with me before marriage then he ain't husband material and and if he asks you to sleep with him then you say i don't give my body to a man that's not my husband because and if you giving your body to women that's not your wife you ain't hugging material because that means your thing's so dirty and you can sit there and tell him that you can have a conversation do you understand when you stick that in there you could come up with anything that you could catch anything is that how you is that the way you value your body see what the day is the day of you got to make a man feel stupid you ain't got to yell you ain't got the curse but you got to put the mirror in his face and make him feel stupid because if you don't make him feel stupid for his ignoramity then he gonna make you look stupid for your ignoramity and like i said i don't know if ignoramity is a word but that is what we're going to use okay ignoramity oh it's in the urban dic dictionary okay ignoramity a made-up word for use instead of ignorance just to make the person who said it sound like an intellectual so february 17 2010 hey they lie cause i can't help that on intellectual okay witnesses ignorantly so this is a word wavy grave february 17 2010 so somebody already came with this word and whoever wrote this you need to get your life together talking about to make people somebody's trying to sound like an intellectual okay answer you got a problem that you come up with the word all right that's what it sounds like it normally so what you have to realize is that you have to set standards for yourself so now let me see now again on our first hangout we met at his house listen man y'all ain't got no dad no father okay first i want to introduce you to father god and then after that i'll be your other father if you got a father you got no brother i'll be your other brother i'll be your brother if you got a brother he can give me the gang i'll be your other brother you need a cousin yes whatever you need to call me that's what it'll be but listen to me listen to me somebody had to teach this now somebody got to teach y'all on the first hangout we met at his house man you met him on a dating site you met him on a dating site okay this could have been ted bundy reincarnated junior ma'am you could have been chopped up and put in his freezer do you understand that you did not know a man inside of 10 dates so whether you meet him on a dating site because what i'm telling y'all y'all say oh watana he can do that tell you if you meet him in person at the grocery store duh but when you meet him on a dating site that is 10 times worse of a man because real men do not get on dating sites yes you're gonna have men come on here talking about they get no no when you get on a dating site as a man you operating from a weak state of mind you're operating from a weak state of mind you're operating from a weak position and you're operating from a place of insecurity immaturity or ignorancy okay point blank period i'm a man i could define manhood because i'm a man in every sense of the word and protecting providing leading loving all love i know what a man looked like because i've become a man and here i'm trying to tell you if a man is online he's not operating as his highest self yes he could be a decent guy uh what quote unquote good guy yes you could get married yes y'all could live all y'all days but i'm telling you when he got on that website he was operating from the wrong place because a man who is whole and loving himself and pure with a good heart and a good mind in the right place is not going to get on no internet to meet no woman listen to what i'm telling you not no dating site no dating out none of that okay listen to what i'm telling you y'all keep arguing that and i'm trying to tell you that's why you had no success with meeting men online and then some of y'all you meet a man online and you say oh i met my husband online and we doing amazing your husband is gay okay a lot of y'all who you were married to a man that you met online and y'all doing good he liked me 9 out of 10 of them and he needed you as a cover-up so that's why i treat you like a queen so you don't go digging and searching for nothing because he got a boyfriend on his other phone that he leave at work i'm trying to tell you a man who get on online dating he is he has a degenerate mindset in that space now i know good men personally who have dated online and they realize that when they did that they was in a state of desperation the men who are good men they could tell you i was being weak i was being desperate for i was about to get greedy and secretly my flesh was looking for a come up my flesh was looking for a woman that i could meet create a new character for sleep with her and she would know the difference that is not the same mindset that women that 90 of women get online dating for that is not the same mindset so what i need to understand you're not the same person a woman that's why women cannot fathom what i'm saying because they're saying well i'm not like that i'm a i'm nowhere near that type of mindset that type of person you are a woman what you have to understand is that you different from a man the way you see the entire world is different the way you experience the world is different you believe for five days out the month a man don't do that either you carry a child for 10 months a man doesn't do that either your breasts produce milk a man that don't produce milk so what you have to understand you are different the way you built so so many women come on here and say tony well i smoke weed well tony i get drunk what's on it i curse and i'm not that you're not a man so the way it looks for in a woman it's gonna show up differently so listen what i'm trying to tell y'all never online date unless you are desperate and the only time you ought to be desperate is if you just don't care no more and it's the wrong place for you it's the wrong page for you and i say 50 and over because that's when a lot of women get desperate if you fit then you ain't desperate don't get online just cause i said oh if you that age because it's a lot of women they 50 still learning men still falling for eighth grade games because i see it every day so listen to me stay off the line all right do not online date the next thing don't ever go to a man house inside of 10 days you need to have 10 dates outside meaning you act down you downtown you downtown you in a public area you're in a public establi establishment don't go to the state park that's empty don't do that you need to be out and about so that if this man is crazy and you need to do 10 days if at 10 days you're not 100 sure about if you know this man then do another 10 dates and in out in the public public dates not in his house not in your house not enough his friend house not in your friend house in nobody house you do it in public y'all meet downtown at the hot spot okay the bowling the skating the i fly the top golf you out and about the restaurant you downtown you get there you park where you want to park at let him park where he parked at unless y'all in the city like new york and y'all or dc or someone y'all bringing the subways in then you do that when you go home don't let him walk you to the to your car no i got it i got it i'm good because you do not know him because if he see your car now he know what your car looked like if he see your tag now he know your tag number and if it's a way for him to look up your tag then now he know where you where your tag is registered to you see what i'm saying you have to be extra careful when you dating men today because the world is being turned over to a reprobate mind you mean we just had a president in the white house with a reprobate mind when the leader has lost the absolute mind that show you where the world lack and when that leader who has lost his mind was voted for by millions of people that show you where the world is at okay later coming here to update uh you don't have to be racist or vote for tron i voted for trump man get you some help okay get get on my mentor.life because let me tell y'all something about yourself it don't matter what a person's policies is it don't matter what the party says they believe a lot of a lot of black folks vote republican because republicans against gay marriage and republicans against stuff that the bible shuns none of that matters because they could say republican and still be doing everything against the bible you got to look at the person if this person tell you that they could grab you by your private area because they famous if this person called people who look like you pigs and slobs and all of this that's what you're voting for you ain't voting for your religion you vote for no problem you vote for the person you vote for the person so if you vote for somebody with no integrity who is slapped crazy that make you ha that that means you have no integrity and you slap crazy and if ain't nobody got no integrity guess what they get my vote i'll vote for jesus and whatever they implement that's on them because i serve the lord so i'm gonna do what the lord say do and nobody's gonna have my vote you hear me because i'm not of this world i'm passing through this world can't control nothing anyways on this world i'm serving the lord i'm thinking about eternity not the here now you hear me so understand that right now so you vote for an idiot that means an idiot all right i hate this i hate to break it to you but you got to look at what it what it say and it's one thing is one thing if i look at this person i can tell that this person called me the n word when they around me man get my vote i ain't even get my oh that's not so understand that right now so you have to realize that you got to be extra careful and so even when you go to your car by yourself you got to make sure that ain't nobody following you on your last two three terms before you get home you've got to make sure it's not a car behind you and if this is a car behind you then you pass your street and you circle back around you've got to be extra careful today okay we live in a different kind of world the next thing is so what we said don't ever date online don't ever give a man money don't ever give a man no ride in the sense of you become his chauffeur he need a ride one time okay cool but you're not his driver you're not his daily driver listen sir you have to get on your grind you have to get your credit fixed you're gonna have to get your record expunged you're gonna have to get what you you're gonna have to call on your family you have to ask your family who brought you into the world who got the same bloodline flowing through their veins as you that's who need to be giving you a ride as a girlfriend it's not your place to be giving no man no ride and to be let no man use your car and to be let no man live with you so he ain't got to stay with roommates and to be sleeping with no man and to be giving on man money that is not the role of a girlfriend that's not your plate don't ever do that if when you meet a man he needs to be a man meaning he can drive himself or transport himself he could feed himself meaning he could pay for his own food he can pay for his bills he can pay for his cardinal a man should not ask you for anything but companionship that is it companionship if a man needs you for anything more of than that in this day and age in this day and age she's telling me well tony yo i ain't gay to 1600 for one i did not ask her that for two we had a child together three we were getting married in a month four it was 2006. so that what you need to understand we in 20 to 21. that mean a man ain't got to leave his house and he could make a million dollars you know how i know cause i did it we in a new day and age it is too many ways to get it for you as a woman to have to be taking care of a man in any kind of way you hear me all he need is your presence your conversation communication you hear me mental stimulation you hear me and then when y'all get married that's when y'all could get in the bed other than that y'all are friends with a romantic interest and title but building on pure friendship through courting that's it that's what you got that's how you got the move today because 50 of people today have a std now by so when you sleep with antibody you got to know that you love this person enough to take on whatever they have if it is transferable if it can be contracted so and even the people who carrying a disease a lot of those people are women who caught it from a man that they did not even love or they love him and it was deceived by him and now a lot of women are feeling worthless because they caught a disease from a man listen don't feel worthless you ain't got to feel worthless it's still love out there but you got to from here on protect your body and you got to make sure a man making love to your mind and then when y'all fall in love guess what when when he knows that you're the one then y'all going to be able to talk about this other stuff that has been happening in your past and he's gonna be able to accept that because he loves you he loves now you don't go tell that on the first date you don't tell it on the first date oh yeah i contracted this that's not a first day conversation because you don't know this person look at how your business on the blog the next day so you need a bill and yeah some some people say oh what does the person feel like you to see them you let them on never been a good time anyways regardless but if a person know about something before they love you you're not gonna have a chance but they got to love you if they got love for you and they they've had enough time to get to feel your spirit and you could judge that because that might be the third date if each day is six hours long you said i mean that might be in the second month if y'all spent x amount of hours but you don't tell your business to no stranger and you don't let a person get all up in your life and be using you and doing all this so listen so you left them you did the right thing look at everything you did and never do none of that again never get on delete your account from all social social dating apps and sites today delete your account today never go to no man house no sleep with no man before marriage if you sleep with him before marriage if you absolutely sleep with him for marriage and now he'll go to hit go to christians oh my god i cannot believe you condoning that listen i'm not condoning anything but i'm also wise enough to know that people gonna do what they want to do because you can't force your belief system on anybody so i do not condone sex before marriage i do not promote it but if you're going to do it i want you to do it the best way possible as safe as possible to minimize your risk understand you still heavily at risk and it's still a gamble if you sleep with somebody before marriage but if you are going to do it make sure it is not inside of six months not inside of six months and not just six months but six months of daily communication of one hour a day so that is six times 30 equals 180 hours of talk time 180 hours of talk time if that 180 hours is met at the one month mark two month three month mark still do not sleep with a person but if you're atheist and you don't believe in not fornicating you don't believe fornication is a sin or you of another religion or you or you as a fake christian and you finna get on your back if you get on your back with a man inside of six months he's not he's not gonna respect you 99 of the time that one percent and if that's what you shouldn't all right so that's why i tell y'all my wife and i are an exception to the rule we're the one percent my wife and i were one percent that's why i don't teach you to do it the way we did it i don't teach you to do that because we were in a backslidden state when we met we knew god we had some love for god but we weren't really reading the we wasn't reading the bible every day and implementing the word of god we weren't doing that so that's why i don't give our blueprint so stop comparing your story to my story because my story is a one percent success rate that's why i teach the 99 because i'm the one percent look at what i'm doing look at how many men on the earth how many men doing what i'm doing far far far less than one percent so you got to understand if this if it's 150 million men in america okay 150 million men what number is this 150 million times 0.01 equals 150 000 are there do you know 150 000 male relationship coaches doing what i'm doing you you could you'll be hard-pressed to count 10 to 20. that's doing it on the hill level on the hill level you hear me so my story is a less than one percent chance of it being done the same way and it working out the same way that's why i don't teach it that way that's i don't teach from where i'm at meaning what i i don't tell you hey yeah sleep with somebody you sleep with somebody in the first in the first two weeks and y'all get married because they have it uh first two months y'all to get married three months y'all to get married cause it happened for me that's ignorance that's what a lot of people say oh well i'm dating interracial and we are 100 percent happy yeah you in the one percent oh well i did i slept with my husband on the first night and we're going on 25 yeah you're in the one percent oh well i did yeah you're in one percent you said i'm saying that's why i don't teach that i don't teach one percent because that's dangerous that dangerous whenever you get into something that is outside of the scope of a relationship you know like a black woman with a white man uh a black man with a white woman that's outside of the normal because that's not the norm that's outside of that so if relationships with the same race and culture with the same upbringing and all of those things fail at a 90 percent rate and then then out of the 10 percent that get married if 50 of them fail then what percentage you think outside of that when somebody go to same-sex relationships interracial relationships relationships that are a deviation from the common thing it gets even harder because this there's not a whole lot of blueprint for it it's not a whole lot of experience for it so don't base your life on the one percent experience base your life on the night on the rule not the exception to the rule because if you go trying to be the exception to the rule say oh well i'm feeling like it's having to say i'm going to sleep with him on first night and we're going to win we're going to succeed and i'm going to do it unprotected too because i don't like the way that rubber feeling me so i need this thing to protect and it's going to be on the first night because i haven't been absent for three years and i'm horny all right go right ahead go right ahead and see what happens say let me know how to work out let me know how they work out okay and then the one person who it worked out for a lot of times it it's a woman that's saying his work not but one thing i know about a man is 99 of women don't understand men don't even know what they're dealing with so women come to me bragging about being exceptional to the rule and i can look at they hub and i said you can't see what i see ma'am i could look at your husband and tell that he's a porn addict that he doing all kind of masturbation when you sleep when he at work in the bathroom i could look at your husband and see in his eyes he cheating on you or that he like me so why are you any comment bragging about your thing keep that to yourself you ain't got nothing you got gotta brag you gotta tell you gotta prove nothing nobody if you really happy and it's working out for you you ain't gotta you don't nobody got to know about that okay that's on y'all okay god bless you okay that's it we talking about that on hill we talking about the rule to protect people so that you ain't going out there trying to be the exception and getting hurt because a lot of women who did the same thing you know then got in the bed with a man inside of three months and because they saw it work for somebody else they think it's going to work for them and 99 of them they don't work for and they're like well it worked for that person yeah you can't just go doing what somebody else did wrong because their grace might not be your grace they call and might not be your calling their purpose might not be your purpose their story is not your story so you can't just go emulate somebody else you got to do what you know is right you got to do what you know it sounds and makes sense that's what you got to understand so understand that right there now and this video it went a little elsewhere um and so why did i allow myself to get used like this because you didn't know what you were doing because at 19 years old you didn't take the time and and you didn't think to get a relationship coach you think to watch relationship videos you 22 um you're 22 now so and you just not learning this and then when you learned it you left you see what i mean that's why they say dollars is power just knowing and not doing is not power applied knowledge is power so as soon as you got the new knowledge you said oh i won't pull through that i won't do that okay let me leave so that means that means you're not done that means you capable of learning so what you have to do is keep learning before you go dating again keep learning learn everything that you can learn so you recognize the red flags when you see them so that's what you're gonna have to do okay stay off your bike stay out of man apartment keep him at your apartment don't get no man no money don't be a man chauffeur don't be a man do girl you're not his sponsor you're not his investor you you none of that all you you are his lover meaning friend with a romantic title and arrangement meaning y'all are dating with a purpose to fall in love and get married but that does not include all the extra stuff driving him around giving him money letting him live with you letting him sleep with you it don't include all that and it's a lot of men that's gonna tell you oh that ain't realistic that ain't realistic because that's not your husband what a man will do for his wife is they don't look realistic what a man will sacrifice for his wife it don't look realistic it don't look realistic if if if i'm sitting here i'm not on millionaire but i i mean not know multi-millionaire like i ain't i ain't got kevin hart money i ain't got uh steve harvey money but i got enough money to buy what i need to buy and so what i want to buy but i love my wife so much if i tell you the way that i treat her you'll throw up in your mouth you'll throw up in your mouth you literally will be disgusted you literally will be disgusted because you'll be like whoa that's way too much you're doing way too much for her she only ain't deserve all that she only need all that no no um absolutely not that's ignorance that's ignorance let me tell you when a man love a woman it won't make sense so these boys when they come tell you oh you gonna be single till you die if you gonna listen to tony gaslin you think you finna get a hug and what if you ain't gonna sleep with a man yeah you got to try before you buy it you got to test drive the car listen you not no toy on the shelf in the store they say try me with the hole in the plastic that you stick your finger in the press the button you not no car on no light so you can get in that car and test drive and the worse you're going to catch right now it did hit 19 but gene finna catch no ftd when you get in that car but when a man get in you you catch hdd you can lose your life or you can alter your life for the rest of your life so understand this you not a car that need to be test driven you not a toy that need to be tested out use a whole human with a whole heart with a whole brain and you got to know what you were and if a man don't know what you were you could buy him a pal open toe sandals and and a box of rocks and say podi rock side and kick rocks with open toe sounders on play boy bye got to go if the lord called you to be apostle paulina then that's what you need to do if you can't meet a man that got that's going to respect your mind respect your body and love you until amer until death marry you before sleeping with you then you then write a book a month write a book a year start companies do whatever else god call you to do but don't ever compromise the time of compromise and taking the chance chances over because the world to the world too wicked today it's too crazy today you can't play around today it's serious today it's a whole new world today okay it's a different day it's a different type of men today because of social media because of technology because of all of the weakness we got going on in this world the men being mutated into reprobate minds and you got to move differently you can't move the same way you can move in 1950 in 1900 it's different they didn't have snapchat and instagram and cable tv and pornography websites in 1950 do you hear me the men is being developed differently today so you got to move different okay and when you move different guess what you're gonna elevate to be a one percent woman and then when you go be become a one percent woman that's what i'm gonna call this video one percent woman when you become a one percent woman guess what all of the one percent men will be illuminated you're gonna see them they're gonna have a they're gonna have a glow on their head and they're gonna start to attract you you're gonna attract them and y'all gonna click y'all gonna vibe and you're gonna understand this is what you're gonna understand and you don't know where you're gonna meet them you could be traveling they say it's 7 billion people on the earth all right one okay that's 70 million 700 million that's 7 billion okay it's more women than men 9 out of 10 times so we're going to say we're going to divide this by three so we finish half three let's say it's 2.3 billion men okay we're gonna do times point o one bomb so guess what one two so what that is so that means 23.3 million men out there in that one percent and their mouth might be all but it's at least that many it's at least 24 million men spread out across the world in your city it might be 2400 on okay might be depend on the size it might be uh 240 album okay if if you're in a real city like a normal-sized city atlanta houston you're gonna have 20 400 of them at least going on up maybe 24 000. probably 24 000 of them you got to get out and about but see when you become that's when you attract what you become don't worry about the numbers don't worry about the statistics you become and you set the standards for you and everything else gonna fall into place you can't worry about how god work because god's ways are not your ways god's thoughts are not your thoughts you can't worry about how it's gonna come together worry about how you gonna get them worry about how you gonna grow how you gonna set your standards and who you gonna be and the rest will be taken care of all you worry about is you you hit me listen hey get this in your spirit nah get us in your spirit all right let it sit with you okay hey this is tony gaston god bless you we'll be in touch
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 30,525
Rating: 4.9611993 out of 5
Id: AeDDiPW0g4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 36sec (2736 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.