Shrimp Fried Rice! (Great Stir Fry Sauce)

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hey everybody hunter Fisher trapper trader guide scout and interpreter and just the country Cook Steve Hall here in Nashville Tennessee along with the prettiest camera girl in the world - I today we're going to make shrimp fried rice I went to the store and all I could find was 10 ounce packages and I really liked to use a one-pound bag for this recipe now these are raw shrimp tail or remove the tails off they're peeled and deveined so I've got two ten ounce bowls of that raw shrimp with the tail off devein and cleaned up and everything and here's the thing you can use just ten ounces if you don't want very many shrimp in there or you can actually use both of them if you want a lot of shrimp but I'm gonna dump one Bowl in and then part of the next Bowl then I'm gonna save part of it to make a shrimp cocktail for Sheila because I got to kind of make amends here we had this recipe yesterday for dinner last night it was delicious wasn't it Sheila we fixed the whole thing and Sheila does a great job she runs the camera she does all the still shots for the thumbnail at the beginning she does the close-ups all that stuff and I have one job and that's to turn that microphone on up there because it's powered with a little battery and if you don't turn the microphone on you'll fix the entire recipe and go into editing and it looks like this and there's nothing because I didn't turn the mic on but I have a turn on today because I seen the little red light come on so come on over and let's get started and I got a brag I got my new lodge walk here cast iron walk from Lodge and I only buy Lodge cookware cuz it's not only made in the United States but it's made in Tennessee come on over I'll show you what I'm talking about man would you look at this cast iron walk from Lodge manufacturing this thing is not light it is so well made and because it's magnetic beans it's cast iron it'll work on this induction cooktop when I got it out of the box it had two little tags hanging there and I kept them this one here says you know like each time to use it hand wash it and then promptly dry it and then rub it down with cooking oil and over on this side make sure I got this right side up this sticker was over here made in the USA i'ma do a little bragging on this company because this is so cool where is Lodge cookware made yeah and at the bottom it says and it's still owned and operated by the descendants of the lodge family that's right South Pittsburg Tennessee up the road from us founded in 1896 this company didn't leave the United States then come back they've always been here and this isn't brought in from overseas and then boxed up their foundry is over there that's where they pack the sand together pour in the cast-iron grind them and they even season them a preseason it it's not quite as seasoned as the one grandma gave you but it gives you a good start and I am so proud of this american-made company that I don't use any cast-iron unless it's Lodge now it's time to make our shrimp fried rice let's get started all right I got this thing on medium heat and Sheila always has me spray a new cooker with a little of this nonstick spray plus I'm gonna put for flavor in here I'm just gonna put in a little bit of butter not a lot about that much right there and then we're gonna put in three eggs now some recipes that make shrimp fried rice use one egg some use for I like three and I kind of like to crack it in a bowl ahead of time to make sure we don't get too many shells in there because that'll put grit in your spit all right you're basically just making scrambled eggs now you can do this ahead of time on the stove but I wanted to cook it in this wok all right pour this down in there and I'm going to because I like seasoning and hit this with just a little bit of salt and pepper just a touch I'm gonna just kind of fool this around as it gets cooking here let me cook this for a second be right back with you all right I turned it up to medium-high I'm just gonna kind of fold this around in here kind of take my little wooden paddle here and kind of chop it up and we want to soft scramble these scrambled eggs just so they're just barely done in fact I'm gonna turn off this heat right now so it's just barely done just so you don't see any liquid in your eggs at all I'm gonna move these off perfect to a bowl be right back with you all right I got my three soft scrambled eggs done I'm gonna sit them over here I got this wiped out I'm gonna turn the heat back up again medium high and I'm gonna add some peanut oil about a tablespoon let me warm that up just a little bit and be right back with you all right this wok is heating up kind of pushing that oil up on the sides to coat it a little bit now you don't need to use a wok to make this recipe just a big old frying pan will work just fine here's that shrimp it's thawed out completely it is raw and this is the one 10 ounce bag and here's the other 10 ounce bag so if I put about half that in I'd be about 15 ounces and I can save Sheila a little bit of shrimp for a shrimp cocktail now you can't actually take the time to turn each one of these over in a frying pan if you want and I use small and medium shrimp only because they're bite-sized when it's time to eat you don't have large shrimp in there all right I kind of cooled the pan down a little bit let me get it catching up with itself first I'm gonna hit that also with just a little bit of salt and pepper now you can salt and pepper your shrimp and let it sit for a while in the bowl before you even do this I'll just season it up in the pan here and give this just a little squeeze of lemon juice in here this is really key this is probably one of the most important things other than the rice in this particular recipe is not to overcook the shrimp now because I have little ones medium-sized actually it's it on the bag they're kind of small mediums but you can use small to medium that way you can kind of just tumble them instead of trying to sit there with a pair of tongs and turn each one over when it gets pink and all that you know me I'm not that patient this is looking good isn't it Sheila yeah it was delicious yesterday too but we didn't quit but we didn't have the mic on that was my job to turn on that microphone testing 1 2 3 outfits on today I'll find out when I get in the editing Bay now see this is starting to turn pink and we only want to do about a minute per side so tumbling around here is about 2 minutes total 3 minutes at the most with the smaller shrimp and we're gonna pull them out of here because we don't want little rubbery hockey pucks we want delicious tender shrimp and I think because we're gonna cook these again when we get all our rice and stuff done I'm gonna pull this now so let me go ahead and get these out of here I've got a fancy-schmancy little walk over here little walk Turner I bet I can get them to take a dive off the side here what do you say and in this juice I got going I'm gonna put a little bit more of that butter in there all right I've got vegetables over here that have mushrooms and onions in it but I'm gonna use just a little bit more kind of saute these up saw a little bit of sweet onions I don't use nothing but sweet unless I have to use like a white onion or red onion to the recipe these are sweet Vidalia I'm gonna get these stirred around get these kind of soft I got a pop maybe about 2/3 of a cup extra because I just want some extra onions and mushrooms in here all right these are starting looking really nice just a touch of salt and pepper on them as well and a little bit of garlic powder not much just a little bit on those just want to touch it garlic powder on there now it's time for the rice and I'm gonna add that rice right in here now you want to make your rice the day before and I'm actually gonna turn this off so I got time to explain this all right I took just a second to get my rice over here this is just minute rice now it's already cooked and you can actually just take these and put them right in the refrigerator just the way they are in the cardboard and everything then bring them out the next day so they're nice and cold then take them out of the refrigerator about 30 minutes before you're gonna cook this recipe so they're just cool the one thing you don't want to do is make rice at home and you can because one cup makes three cups you'd have to use about one on the third cup to get four cups of rice because that's how much I got in here I got four these little containers and each one makes a cup but you don't want to dump it into this recipe hot so if you make your own rice at home instead of using this Minute Rice stuff let it cool put it in the refrigerator overnight then kind of break it up with your fingers so just see how nice that is and then put it in cool the next day and that's what we're gonna do all right I turn my heat back on and I'm gonna add this rice right on top of these mushrooms and onions in here start to fry this via the named shrimp fried rice while our rice is starting to fry I got to tell you what I discovered at the store it's fantastic there's a sauce you can make and it's on almost everybody's recipes out there for shrimp fried rice they take a little dish and they put in some soy sauce some oyster sauce some dark oyster sauce all kinds of stuff I found this little bottle can you see that Sheila and this stuff is mr. Wong's sesame stir-fry sauce gourmet and I'll tell you what's in here is soy sauce oyster sauce mushroom soy sauce it is so fantastic you can see how much we used yesterday about a third of the bottle it is so fantastic and it also has orange juice and pineapple juice in the ingredients it is so wonderful I'm gonna put that in just a little bit the first thing now that I got this rice warming up here good but add my veggies that's something else I discovered now traditionally shrimp fried rice has peas and carrots but I found these at Kroger stir fry starters and it's got a lot of neat stuff in there it's got let's see here broccoli sugar snap peas green beans carrots celery onions mushrooms and red peppers why would you dump in all that flavor and I just took it out of the freezer and thought it you can actually go from the freezer right to your rice but I kind of wanted to thought a little bit first look at that color is that fantastic or what we had this yesterday and this is just the way to go I got one more thing in the refrigerator that I'm gonna grab here that Sheila ran all over town to find yesterday as I stir this up a little bit she's sneaking off camera into the kitchen to grab it and I wouldn't dare forget to put it in there and I'll tell you this she couldn't find it at Food Lion she couldn't find it at Kroger's then she went out to Walmart still couldn't find it so we called Publix and they said yeah we carry it and they probably got it at your store but she couldn't find it nowhere and it's bean sprouts man oh man we had some in there yesterday and they're fantastic and because they kind of reduce a little bit I'm gonna dump the bean sprouts to this pretty good thanks for hunting these down yesterday Sheila you did a great job with that or fried rice is doing just that it's frying up and our wok and again you can just make this in a large frying pan man use all those vegetables that are more than just peas and carrots and now it's time for the stuff mr. Wong's oriental wok gourmet Asian sauce there's several on the shelf don't buy some of them because they only have like two ingredients this is the stuff that has the orange juice and the pineapple juice in it and I guess I don't know how to tell you but I use a lot of it this would probably be maybe I'll start with just about a third of a cup let me tell you hmm this is going on chicken it's gonna go on beef on the barbecue you when you taste that sauce if it looks good it tastes twice as good as it looks look at the nice color it gives everything man I almost can't stand myself because after I add the eggs in the shrimp I might have to add a little bit more this sauce time for the eggs I'm gonna put the shrimp in last is again we don't want to overcook that shrimp kind of break up your scrambled eggs stir it around isn't this the most delicious shrimp fried rice recipe you ever seen if it ain't it ought to be man I'm telling you and now oh that looks so good and now it's time for our one pound of fried shrimp move that way let me tumble these guys in here now these are almost done when I took them out and even sitting over there they probably cooked in the bowl a little bit so I'm not cooking these very long fact I might sneak one Oh that's done I am going to add just a little bit more maybe another couple tablespoons hmm this stuff is so delicious absolutely love it man did you hear that Clank in there Sheila I did that on purpose to make sure that that microphone was up it is now isn't it and you know what we did yesterday let me turn this off we're gonna dish it up and Sheila said why not just leave it right in this beautiful Lodge walk as our serving dish and we'll eat it right out of there good call and there you have it folks what do you think Sheila let me get a spoon I got to taste this stuff well thank you Sheila for taking the pictures for our thumbnail for our Channel little bit of onions a little bit of mushrooms a little bit of veggies and a nice soft shrimp cuz we didn't overcook it I don't know what else to say that stuff is so delicious the shrimp is so soft all them veggies are in there we added a little bit of extra onions and some mushrooms to give it a little bit more body just because we like mushrooms and onions we didn't go with just the carrots in and peas because it has peas in here where are they they're inside right there inside that little pod oh what a great combination I know you're gonna love this shrimp fried rice there you have it easy to make to shrimp fried rice salt and pepper to taste I don't think so once you use this stuff you won't put anything else in there get you some of that Minute Rice right out of the box cooking the night before throw out the refrigerator get you some of these vegetables right out of the bag get some of those shrimp right out of the bag don't overcook them pick you up a little bottle of this stuff right here I'll list what it is right underneath there and most of all if you want them little tender bursting flavorful little strings in there have Sheila drive around town and get you some of these little guys right here Thank You Sheila and I had to have Sheila get one more close-up of this delicious shrimp fried rice is it the best you ever tasted if it ain't it ought to be wait a second didn't we already say that earlier in the recipe you know why we said it twice because we made it twice once yesterday with no microphone on and once today with the mic on remember all the ingredients will be right underneath the video you never have to go to a website to get our ingredients for our recipes they're always right there handy so you can copy them and paste them but if you are out snooping around don't forget we now have our shotgun Reds catfish and crappie breading mix if you want to do tilapia shrimp pork tenderloin chicken wings fried green tomatoes it's also delicious and that fish breading check it out at the site but you don't need to go there to get the ingredients they're right underneath oh yeah and the site is shotgun we'll see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun red it's time to have some delicious shrimp fried rice again today this is a recipe that you'll eat two days in a row it's that good say good night Sheila all right bye bye for now
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 105,071
Rating: 4.8913107 out of 5
Keywords: Steve Hall, Shotgun Red, Shotgunred, stir fry, shrimp fried rice, chicken fried rice, rice, fried rice, Shrimp Fried Rice, Stir fry sauce
Id: eXypEP1xygk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 28 2018
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