Wisconsin Butter Burger Recipe! (Solly's Grille Milwaukee)

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hey everybody 100 Fisher trapper trader guide scout and interpreter and just a country cook Steve Hall here in Nashville Tennessee along with the prettiest camera girl in the world - you always do a great job on that camera today we're gonna have some fun we're gonna make a burger we're gonna make Wisconsin's number one ranked burger the butter burger from Milwaukee Wisconsin and the number one place to get it is at sally's Grill in Milwaukee not Sally Sally's Sol L y apostrophe s they're known for the butter burger in fact they even serve it for breakfast up there check them out online you're gonna just love it so we're gonna make it we're gonna try to get onions close to theirs and everybody on YouTube tries to make onions close to the ones they make but they got a secret recipe we're gonna try to get close but the only way to really get that genuine taste is go to their restaurant and of course the star of the show from America's Dairyland in Wisconsin is butter butter and butter come on over let's get started on our onions and we're going to make Wisconsin's butter burger today one of the components of this burger is there stewed onions and I'm gonna turn this burner on now for the first time it's not hot I'm going to pour in three tablespoons of olive oil in there and I'm just going to kind of dump everything in right away and incorporate it I'm gonna put in one full stick of salted butter because I'm not going to salt it I'm gonna let this butter do this Alton I'm going to pour in a little bit of white wine maybe a eighth of a cup and about a quarter of a teaspoon of black pepper looks like I'm kind of just getting ahead of myself doing it but that's what I'm gonna do let me snag a spoon over here and as soon as this stuff starts to melt enough so that my onions aren't gonna be touching the bottom which is about right now I'm gonna dump in two diced up sweet onions I love vidalias but you can use any sweet onion you want now I got to tell you we're just trying to get close to their recipe nobody knows what it is because it's a secret family recipe how they do their onions and we're going to stew these or simmer them but we're not going to caramelize them we're going to just get them real nice and opaque and nice and soft so once as soon as it starts heating up we're gonna start reducing the heat way down to like low medium as soon as I start seeing any kind of little simmer here and then we're going to simmer these things for about 20 minutes they cooked their onions for a long time 20 to 30 minutes and you'll see how delicious these look once we get that let me warm this up a little bit and we'll get to the next step alright these just barely came to a simmer I'm gonna reduce the heat way down to like medium-low and to give these something to kind of simmer in for the next 20 minutes we're gonna add about a quarter of a cup no more than that of chicken broth right there stir that all in I'm gonna bring my heat back up just for a second just tell it starts to simmer then we're going to turn it down and we're gonna let this just simmer and simmer and simmer for about oh I would guess 10 to 15 minutes in the last five minutes or so we're gonna pull the lid off and let some of that steam come out so it'll reduce we'll see in a little bit look what this reduces to man oh man that's after 20 minutes fan tastic let me unplug this thing here and I'm actually gonna drain these a little bit I'm going to pour them in this little collar over here I'm probably blocking my camera shot I should have did it the other way around but and I'm just gonna kind of stir them around perfect man those turned out fantastic can you see that Sheila yeah they look great don't they now it's time to work on the burgers let me show you my little tip here Sheila if I can hand this to you thank you very very much let me grab these guys let me show you what I did you're probably thinking I went out and bought these nice little store-bought flat burgers but I didn't a lot of fancy restaurants cook burgers that look like hockey pucks but they don't do that up there Solly's and make them nice and flat turn them over once that's how they normally cook them in these fancy-schmancy places but if you're trying to flatten this out you notice the edges always get these cracks in them and you got to keep trying to push and do the thing well I came up with a little system here Sheila helped me a little bit she says first of all spray that wax paper let me put this right here let me show you my next step now I will tell you we used one pound of burger and cut it in four chunks so these are quarter pounders but we're actually going to get five out of there I'm going to take a little bit of this spray and put it around the edge of my little bowl here let me show you what I did I just laid this down between some wax paper and kind of mash it out till it gets nice and thin like a so then peel that back put this little bowl right where it's not touching any of the edges like so and this is the fourth one that we did because I got three over there and this is the little trim pieces from all four of them so it's big enough to make one more out of the deal then I also do this I grab this and kind of just go make little circles and it'll compress the edges you know how they tell you when you're making biscuits don't turn it because it seals the edges turn it because we want it to seal the edges and bring it over to the edge so you can get a hold of Bowl here and voila look at my perfect little hamburger to flip on to the griddle and all the edges are nice and solid so let's get the griddle out here and we'll start cooking them I just wanted to show you my little way of mash and I'm flat in between the couple pieces of wax paper and cutting it with a bowl so all right let's go to the next step all right we're gonna grill our buns first we're putting real-deal butter on here don't use margarine that's a pity pata poison if you look on that margarine tub in your refrigerator if you use margarine man oh man some of the petroleum products that are actually in that margarine are the same petroleum products they use to make the tub that it goes in that's true the same plastic is in there so get some good old-fashioned Wisconsin butter or any butter anywhere look at the ingredients on butter you know what it is cream and salt unless you use an unsalted butter then it's just cream so that's it but the other one you got to be a scientist to read all the ingredients but let's get these browned up real nice here then we're going to let them kind of cool off to the side because when we slather the butter on we don't want it melt until we put it on top our burgers let me get these done first see in a second now the center of a bun never wants to get brown so you got to kind of push down on a center of the top so it looks a little wrinkled later on when we have it plate it up that's because I'm pushing down on it you check these guys in the back here oh yeah Sheila likes her buns toasted top and bottom so we're gonna turn this over I wonder if I should hit that with just a little bit of butter on top if she wants the top toasted as well okay all right Stacy I knew it take a peek oh oh yeah that's perfect look at that one this guy here I think I'm gonna move him off to the side there's our bottom halves see he could've used a little more in the middle I'm gonna go ahead and do the top first let's see if we can't get our burger started we ended up with five burgers out of that pound of meat but we're only gonna cook two of them for the recipe so we can show you and I am gonna hit these with just a touch of garlic powder I don't need any other season because we got plenty of seasoning in the butter plenty of seasoning in the onions and we're gonna put some cheese on here now they make several different burgers or butter burgers up there some with cheese some without so let me go ahead and turn this guy back over no he's still could use some more so I'm gonna leave this on here I do want to get that bottom sear it up now it's time to break out my connection with Wisconsin as long as we're frying these this baby's been hanging back here on the wall for a while I got this from my grandkids Packers flipper flopper here man oh man that's the time to get it out to do this Wisconsin butter burger I've got to finally break the statue that looks good Sheila all right let me turn this one back overnight day that turned out good in the middle let me hit the top a little bit more now I'm actually gonna turn these a couple of times I think they turn theirs like once and I smash them just like that Green Bay Packer defensive lines see people at the Sandy you're from Minnesota how come here for Green Bay well my dad was a Packer fan so if you grow up in a family of Packer fans you'll probably become one too and I love the Vince Lombardi story that I seen years ago Ernest Borgnine played in it showed how he passed up a chance to be a head coach for another team to stay with the Packers and took them to the first Super Bowl all that stuff what they used to play in Wisconsin Jerry's country sound in Shawano Wisconsin and we used to go up to the Menominee Indian Reservation and if you check out our channel you'll see that we do have a fry bread recipe on there and my first experience with fry bread was up on the Menominee Indian Reservation and those pretty little Indian gals made fry bread and chili and it was so good I had to figure out what the recipe was they won't really tell you it's just a little salt a little milk a little flour a little lard a little few other little things but I finally wrangled a recipe out of somebody and it's on our Channel and then my other connections that's Green Bay talking about the Packers but my other connection other than green bear shuttle with Milwaukee is I rode Harley's when we were kids in high school I had a 58 pan head believe it or not that I bought from the Harley dealer in Saint Cloud for a thousand dollars back in the early 70s when I was in high school that's right they sold it for $1,000 cuz it wasn't worth anything back then now it'd be worth about thirty five thousand dollars and I sold it about a year later for a thousand dollars second buy a car because it's hard to date girls on a motorcycle all right it's time for this but I had a 58 pan head my brother had a 71 xoc 8 Sportster and my old man had a 67 Electra Glide we were all Harley family and I remember that the neighbor kid he wrote some other kind of bike cuz al Kerr was the guys name he had a 500 Kawasaki says you think everybody's that crazy about Harley Davidson I said have you ever in your entire life ever met anybody with a Honda Goldwing tattoo they said me neither I wrote some of that Milwaukee iron when I was younger back ahead of 91 and a 92 Harley Fat Boy also I want to make sure these got done all the way through and now it's time for their magic yNN's drained out of here we want to put the onions on first a lot of recipes I see they put the cheese on first but that's not how they do it at Sally's they put the onions on first and they let them onions cook down into the meat and they put the cheese on top the onions looky here looky here I just want to take them off all that money ins they are so delicious and again kind of like poking and hoping I'm not sure that this is even close to their recipe but I do know that they kind of maybe do some wine and they do a little this a little olive oil and that stuff so I'm just trying to get close but if you want the authentic flavor of that burger you got to go to Sally's she'll I need to run in the kitchen and grab my cheese no it's right there it's right there I'm sorry thank you very much she'll I appreciate that I thought I left it in the kitchen I laid it off on the side here now it's time for the cheese pop a little lid I'll need to help steam these Rascals good I got to uneven pans here but I don't care I'm gonna pour a little water alongside of it and this is gonna help melt that cheese so good let me go ahead and turn the burner off here this griddle doesn t need to be plugged in the markings it's done take a little peek in there pretty close Oh looking good looking good look at that man the butter burger from Wisconsin is getting close to being completed but here's the part that doesn't need to scare you off let me move this out of the way and get this plate back here now remember I told you that I let these cool earlier and here's the reason they really put butter thick they slather it on I mean thick thick on top of their quarter-inch minimum on their butter burgers and here's something else I see a lot of people when they do the recipe they pop it on top and they stand there and talk for a little bit and tell you how it soaks through and all that stuff I want to cut it right away because I don't want anything flying off to the side so as soon as I put that butter on top I'm going to cut this burger in half and then I'll still let it sit there and ooze together I just don't want to get that butter a chance to soften everything up before I can turn it like this open this up like that put it like this open it up like that mm-hmm let me get my little fork over here mmm I'm sorry that is fantastic and look at the butter and the cheese and all the only nuts going down through there cooked with my little Packer whopper whopper it's time for some chips they're over here to make our little plate [Applause] well you think Sheila it does look good you've been so quiet during the process of this of course I've been talking a lot about my connection with Green Bay and Milwaukee and Shawano and toured a lot worked a lot of them beer joy a night clubs up around that neck of the woods had some good times and what do you think look at the butter let me get a shot of this real quick hmm I keep nibbling and that's the funnest part this recipe you have to go to Sally's in Milwaukee Wisconsin and go in and even serve them for breakfast get a butter burger and they'll give you lots of napkins can you get a shot of that Sheila oh what's crooked the sandwiches okay what do they need to be over this way like this and like that that any better okay that's my little director girl right there boy I've been waiting for this and I got some paper towels ready this one looks so good over here this little half a burger looking there with the cheese and the butter and oh man Wisconsin Solly's grill from Milwaukee Wisconsin butter burger oh my lord if you love butter and you love onions and you love cheese and you love hamburgers and you love Wisconsin you're gonna love this Wisconsin butter burger from Sally's grill and one other shout out to Green Bay Wisconsin once you're there a few times back years ago and the number three ranked tattoo artist in the world his name is Rick Karnowski and it's tattoos by Rick in Green Bay Wisconsin let me tell you how good is he tattoos about half of the Green Bay Packers go in there to get all their tattoo work so I stopped there years ago and he put a little shotgun red over here and my cousin Jeff Hall always had a beautiful peddled rose on his arm so he put a big beautiful peddled rose on this arm with a rattlesnake wrapped around it kinda shows the good and the bad of everything man it just looks beautiful he took third by tattooing a harley-davidson v-twin engine on a guy's back all the fins all the push rods all the screws on the primary case everything tattooed he speaks with an accent because he's Rick Karr now skis either from Poland or Czechoslovakia but it's tattoos by Rick from Green Bay Wisconsin no one else will put tattoos on me but him but you say hi to Rick you get in there stop at tattoos by Rick say hi to him Rick Karnowski and if you're ever thinking about getting the tattoo he is the best well he's ranked third in the world that's close enough for me man I'll tell you I hope you enjoy our recipe I hope you enjoy this Wisconsin butter burger and we really hope you subscribe to our Channel a little shocked and red-faced will pop up over here in a little bit when it does click on it when it says subscribe right next to it'll be a bell when you click on that they'll notify every time we come out with a new recipe we're gonna put another series of recipes over here you can click on this playlist it'll drop down and is this the most delicious butter burger from Sally's grill in Milwaukee Wisconsin you ever ate in your entire life boy if it ain't it ought to be this is Steve hall in Nashville Tennessee say and always remember that our recipes are right under the video just look under the video where it says show more click on that when it drops down highlight it and print it out but if you are snooping around you never have to go to a blog or our website to get those recipes it'll always be real handy for you right there but if you are snooping around stop it shotgun red.com and check out our little shotgun red dolls and our videos and all our other goodies and we'll see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun red are you ready to have a butter burger Sheila these look so delicious we'll see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun red go Packers man this just flattened them just like that defense from the green maple see you next time
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 755,451
Rating: 4.7949767 out of 5
Keywords: Butter Burger Recipe, Steve Hall, Shotgun Red, Shotgunred, hamburger, butter burger, cheese, bacon cheeseburger, cheeseburger, recipe, cooking show, wisconsin, burger recipe, how to make a butter burger, wisconsin butter burger, butter burgers, best burger, butterburger, how to, butter burger recipe americas test kitchen, wisconsin butter burger recipe, cheeseburger in paradise, solly's grille
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2018
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