How to make Sweet and Sour Pork! (Homemade Sauce)

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hey everybody hunter Fisher trapper trader guide scout and interpreter and just a country cook Steve Hall along with pretty miss Sheila making eyes at me over there running that camera hi she does a great job and today we're gonna make sweet and sour pork we got all the goodies laid out here I've been waiting to do this recipe but I needed a pork tenderloin and I only want about 1/2 to 3/4 of a pound a single pork tenderloin not a pork loin but just the pork tenderloin so we're out here running around by Publix over in Hermitage and I went in there and I want to give a shout out to two guys that I run into I'm back in the meat section and I'm looking around and I never said anything to anybody a guy came right over to me and he says can I help you sir his name's Kyle he's the manager and I said well I'm looking for some pork tenderloin well he handed me the packet and it had two of them in there side by side and I'm looking at that he says they're a problem he said well I don't really need to I only need one and just hearing that another employee walked up his name's Brandon he said Kyle can I help you he said split this up for this guy he took the package went down went in the kitchen wrapped him separate and come back and handed me both of and said take your pick well I picked this one here I said you guys just split that up and wrapped it separate just like that I only I only suggested it I needed one he said well you said you only needed one they ought to clone those guys and put them in every store in the country because that is customer service Kyle the manager Brandon the number-one employee you guys are on the top of my list for people I want to deal with now we got a pork tenderloin just one wrap separate by Brandon with the help of Kyle pointing out everything that we needed to get I get off on a tangent but I just love great service come on over let's start our sweet and sour pork now that we have one pork tenderloin here from Publix all right we got a good-looking pork tenderloin here and I was just kind of trimming off this one little piece of silver skin move that out of the way and I'm just gonna cut this thing right down the middle because we're gonna deep-fry chunks of pork and we want pieces no bigger than about a one-inch cube that's perfect we're gonna move these over to this bowl and then we're gonna marinate it in some goodies I'll show you that in just a second how am i doing Sheila all right got one more cut here all right so you want about a 1/2 to 3/4 of a pound of cubed pork we're gonna put in 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and 1/4 of a teaspoon of salt and 1/4 of a teaspoon of baking soda now we're going to use pineapple chunks that we're going to cook up later in our sweet and sour pork so I poured the juice out of the can and I'm going to put a little bit of that pineapple juice in there too just to kind of sweeten the pot as they say I'm gonna mix up the soy sauce salt baking soda pineapple juice we're gonna put this in refrigerator for a couple hours let it marinate and we'll be right back with you now you can make it really easy on yourself and just go buy a bottle of sweet and sour sauce for this recipe but you'll like this stuff if you make it and it's really easy to remember because we're gonna use 1/2 a cup of ketchup 1/2 a cup of rice vinegar and 1/2 a cup of sugar now a couple of things I want to mention first of all I use Hunt's ketchup they don't sponsor our show but I like Hunt's 1/2 a cup of that 1/2 a cup of rice vinegar wash off my spoon with that then a half a cup of sugar now you can use white sugar or brown sugar some I thought I'd have a little fun I made it half and half so it's a quarter cup of brown sugar quarter cup of white sugar which is our half a cup of sugar in here we're gonna mix this up then we're gonna put in a tablespoon of duck sauce you just buy it at Kroger's it says duck sauce just like quack quack and it's got a real sweet Asian flavor to it we'll get our duck sauce in there and then we're going to put in just about a teaspoon of dark soy sauce in there you can use regular soy sauce if you don't have dark soy sauce we're gonna mix this up then we're gonna move this onto the heat after I pour in a little bit of that pineapple juice I'd say Oh about two tablespoons remember that pineapple juice that came out of that camp I'm using it to marinate the pork and putting it in the sweet and sour sauce it's kind of thin it out a little bit fact I'm gonna add a little bit more of that most recipes call for water in here like about a half a cup of water but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna thin it out with water when we can use flavor all right let's put this on the heat see you in a second all right we brought this to a simmer but you notice it's still pretty thin we're gonna simmer it for just a minute here but to thicken this we're gonna make a cornstarch slurry what is that about a tablespoon of cornstarch about an equal amount of water stir it up and we're only gonna add it a little bit of time because we don't want let me turn this down here we don't want this too thick we want it to have that perfect sweet and sour sauce thickness and I'll show you what that is by the way Sheila made me get that spoon that scratchy spoon out of there go to this wooden paddle so and me you know that drives are crazy and probably a lot of viewers out there too so good call Sheila all right we're gonna add just a little bit of this cornstarch slurry not much start out with a teaspoon in there and it's gonna really thicken our sauce up all right it's starting to thicken up here I think we want it just a little thicker than that so back to our cornstarch slurry which is just equal parts cornstarch and water now they say equal parts but you really need to put a little more water in there to help it dissolve better cook this cornstarch in here for a minute see if this thickens it up alright I turn this down on medium heat it's getting a little thicker looking pretty good now but I'm still gonna use the rest of this slurry so one tablespoon of cornstarch with enough water to make it liquefied and I'll bet you that'll be about perfect looking good and as it cools down I think it's gonna get even thicker here see if I can get a hold of this little pot and move it over to the side that's nice thing about this induction cooktop when you lift that pan off of there it shuts off oh yeah looky there there is our sweet and sour sauce it does look good don't it Sheila all right perfect now we're gonna set this off to one side all right we got our pork back from the refrigerator we got two eggs in here blend it up really nice and what we're gonna do is we're gonna dredge this in two cups of flour seems like a lot and one cup of corn starch now I will tell you that traditionally a lot of these Asian restaurants use corn flour but it's hard to find I couldn't find it at Food Lion I couldn't find it at Publix I couldn't find it at Kroger's I couldn't find it anywhere so you can use flour and cornstarch instead and that's exactly what we're gonna do two to one on the mixture now we're going to end up double dipping this stuff and what I mean by that is we're gonna roll this in the egg and put it in our flour and cornstarch mixture here only gonna do three or four at a time so I can really cover them up can you see that Sheila okay all right now it's time for the dry hand over here we're gonna move that over into this bowl this will give a real nice crunch to this with the cornstarch and the double dipping and I'll show you what I mean by that in just a second so let me get the rest of these in the egg and cycled through this flour it's my dry hand over here and wet hand over because if you go from here to there your fingers will turn out it'd be about the size of a football they get pretty thick let me get the rest of these doctored up we'll go to the next step all right we got these all done now it's time to double-dip what I mean by that is they're going back in the egg make sure you get them wet then back in the flour well I got to be careful where all I'm going to end up with big fingers here double-dip we're gonna soak that flour that's already been on there with the egg and back in here this is gonna really make them crunchy by double dipping them now the difference between this and our recipe where we have Nashville hot chicken where we double-dip is after we double-dip we let them sit for a good 15 20 minutes and let the juice soak to the outside we're not going to do that we're going to put them right into our vegetable oil which we have heating up in this kettle over here we're going to deep fry them now remember we're using pork tenderloin which is a solid chunk of meat so that means it only has to be cooked to a hundred and forty degrees if you're using ground pork it have to go to 160 but I'm sure it's gonna reach way beyond that anyway because we're gonna fry it up so it's nice and golden brown but 140 is safe on this pork and that's another reason why we cut it up in 1-inch cubes is to make sure it gets cooked all the way through all right let me double-dip the rest of these be right back with you and make sure when you rolled it in here that you get that flour all real wet now you see why I got two and a half cups over here or 3 cups 2 cups of flour 1 cup of cornstarch because I like to have plenty to tumble it around in throw some on top keeps your hands fairly small in size and we'll be back in just a little bit all right this is the last piece and I'll tell you after double dipping this two eggs was just barely enough worked out kind of perfect but if you've got medium eggs you might want to throw three of them in there to give you plenty of egg and there it is we got them all done double-dip let me clean up my fingers and let's move the oil front and center alright our vegetable oil is at 350 degrees let's plonk these in here try to shake off the excess flour in the bowl and we're only gonna do these in small batches because we don't want them to stick together I think that might be enough right there and get out my little basket here and kind of push them around make sure that they're not stuck together and they're not when these get nice and golden brown I'm gonna time this I just put them in there I'm gonna time it and tell you how long I deep-fried them at 350 see in a minute now these been frying for two minutes and I flipped a couple of them and they're just like doughnut holes once they get golden brown on one side after a couple of minutes you'd be just giving a little Bop like this it'll turn over to the other side so let me turn these over and it turns brown side up in that slick flour kind of does its thing looky there come on no don't make me a liar it's perfect yeah looky there all right let me let these cook for another couple of minutes I want to make sure they're cooked all the way through he needed to flip over and he needed to flip over to there we go perfect look at that our first little batch is cooking I'm gonna give it a good another Oh two maybe three minutes I can kind of judge by how long it's cooking and I might even pull one out and cut it in half to make sure it's cooked all the way through alright this batch I'm pulling out at about six minutes total cuz they look nice and golden-brown beautiful you'll notice they're a little lighter color than the other batch and I think they're done enough but again you can cut them in half you can put a little temperature probe in there as long as they hit 140 we're good to go now it's time to get our little walk out here and start on our vegetables alright I got my new Lodge wok and I'm gonna put in a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil because olive oil doesn't do real good at high temp now I want to get this nice and hot and I'm gonna show you that we have all our veggies cut at about the same thickness in the same size our green bell peppers our red bell peppers I even got a few carrots here that I actually peeled the carrot and sliced them at an angle and cut them thin enough so they would be about as thick as the pepper same thing with my sweet onions I'm gonna just throw a few of these sweet onions in there in fact I'm gonna start with the onions first and when it comes to the pineapple you can actually take a big chunk of pineapple and cut it up but I just bought the stuff in the can save the juice to do that marinate and to make our sweet and sour sauce and that's going in and a little bit [Music] that's nice and hot stir these around a little bit to start to soften them even get a little char on them is okay alright I broke up a couple of those little pieces looking good now it's time to add one red bell pepper 1 green bell pepper all cut into about the same size let that cook for just a minute all right these little carrots are pretty solid let me get them in there and I'm not going with a lot just a little bit for color I'm gonna add our pineapple laughs man that's looking good absolutely terrific all right he's been cooking a good 3 to 4 minutes on high heat still want a little crunch to them and we serve the dish you'll notice you see how that's got a little sear on that red pepper that's just about perfect you want to soften them a little bit but not too much time for our pineapple I got about 4 or 5 rings that I took out of there cut up you can put in more if you'd like [Music] we're gonna stir that around for about 30 seconds to get that pineapple kind of hot and look at that did we do good on that or what time for our homemade sweet and sour sauce we can always add a little more so I'm only gonna put about half of it in there remember we made a batch that was a cup of ketchup attach a cup of rice vinegar a cup of sugar we mix it 50/50 with brown sugar and white sugar all that looks so good now it's time to add our pork in here and we'll see once we stir this if it needs any anymore sweet and sour sauce now I'll tell you I looked at that sweet and sour sauce bottles every brand in the store and almost all of them are high fructose corn syrup and I use that Hunt's ketchup making ours that has no fructose corn syrup in there looking good but you know me I like a little more fantastic now because we double-dip them and they got a little bit bigger you could have actually started out with like three-quarter inch cubes for our pork you wouldn't have to cook it as long oh man this look good or what alright let me turn off the heat we're gonna dish this up you'll notice the heat is back on cuz Sheila said what are you gonna do with the rest of those pineapple rings in that can I said I don't know she said cut them up put them in there I likes a lot of pineapple so you'll notice that it now has a lot more pineapple in there than it did when I first turned it off and that is a I think it's by weight and not by bime it's a 1 pound 4 ounce can of pineapple rings and it's all in there and you'll notice I cut it into little bite-sized pieces for a chichi let me turn off the heat now and we'll ditch it up alright I turned off the heat let me get a spoon over here and put it on my little bed of rice which is no more than just minute rice right here that I popped in the microwave for a minute that stuff is so handy I just almost can't get myself to cook rice the regular way anymore let me get some more of these veggies out of here put on there how's it looking Sheila and let me get a lot of pineapple so it's got to go on there and I think we have us a delicious bowl of sweet and sour pork with homemade sweet and sour sauce in there not that store-bought stuff and about 90% of that says nothing but high fructose corn syrup little more veggies I think that looks terrific what do you think Sheila it is colorful in it let me put one more little piece of pork right on top homemade microwave rice all right I think that looks perfect right there what do you think awesome let's take some pictures for the channel all right Sheila just took our little thumbnail picture that's the little picture that you see on the channel that represents what we did here good job Sheila I'm gonna try some sweet and sour pork wow that is so tender mm-hmm see them veggies don't mean to munch in your ear but still have a little crunch but they're soft around the edges so that's just perfect I got a try Sheila's pineapple here with a little rice Oh what can I say that is perfect you know I thought those 1-inch pieces might be a little bit too big but I don't think so now hmm they're so tender I think it's perfect Wow we might have to do an edit here because I have to have one more piece of pineapple to good call on the pineapple Sheila okay I'm all done munching now but that is a great dish you're gonna love this sweet and sour pork recipe don't buy this store-bought stuff we had actually about half leftover that I think we can put in the refrigerator and use it for another batch coming up down the road or maybe some other stir-fry stuff but this is terrific well we thank you for watching our channel we hope you enjoyed this recipe we hope you subscribe to our Channel that's pretty easy a little shocked and Reds face will pop up over here at the end of the video if you click on it you can subscribe we hope you check that little bell too because then you'll be notified every time we come out with a new recipe I'm gonna put some easy recipes over here that you can click on and look at a playlist and is this the most delicious sweet and sour pork yeah rate if it ain't it ought to be great job on that camera Sheila remember the ingredients will be right underneath the video you never have to go to a website to find any of our ingredients but if you are out snooping around check out shotgun and we got our new fish breading there and a lot of neat stuff for Christmas like shotgun red dolls and DVDs and all kinds of stuff but man I'll tell you what this has been a lot of fun can't wait to break so we can have us a little lunch thanks Sheila say goodnight Sheila there you have it sweet and sour pork see you next time
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 91,555
Rating: 4.9425135 out of 5
Keywords: Steve Hall, Shotgun Red, Shotgunred, sweet and sour sauce, sweet and sour chicken, sweet and sour pork, stir fry, sweet and sour, fried rice, bell peppers, pineapple, sweet and sour shrimp, sesame seeds
Id: 9davyyvB0eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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