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nobody ever asked me how to do good fry rice Here I am today guys showing you the best fried rice recipe ever don't play the first things first how to cook fried rice you gotta get all your stuff ready Kay you must I repeat you must I have someone around T it's all good guys you must get everything ready okay second step in making fry rice you need a really good season wok next flame keep this up push you guys in guys don't sleep on this recipe day it's the best fried rice here have oil as every time make fry rice I get I get like a slight heart attack just because how fast I'm going you know but this wok guys want some heats up its goal time [Music] we got four eggs here Walsman powder light gas furnace hey guys in a bit don't you get it out a bit there you are [Music] [Music] [Music] got a bug in there guys this guy's like [Music] see that [Music] next we got oil again there need chicken here just leftover marinade can you guys [Music] [Music] I'm not I'm not even sure about you guys but the sound of the walk and the sizzling music to my ears [Music] [Music] picking complete it out [Music] now Street my walk we got oil [Music] Venus shallots we got green onions we got garlic [Music] [Music] next peas and carrots just a tad bit [Music] [Music] next some right being year old right I got half a teaspoon a tomb race just for some color 1/2 teaspoon of white pepper top teaspoon of salt tablespoon of this awesome top tablespoon of soy sauce [Music] half tablespoon sugar [Music] [Music] [Music] we're gonna have to get more oil in this that's an age the mix got a chicken I ate here nicely [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a big workout here guys get guys you got it we lose when your fries don't move it that chicken fried rice for you guys let's taste this just for seasoning you guys kind of come through wait up I got you guys who wants one for take-out [Music] it is chicken fry rice you can't get just drop your address I'll come through guys I got you I got you I want to say this guys there are levels two fried Rice's there's levels so you got to know the levels you see what I did there just follow the level cuz and you guys would be in a good place guys but it is fry rice or chicken fry rice or top that's got it nice super pop for this do not skip any step you guys see what I did there do not I repeat do not skip any step okay the chicken guys you guys just got to need to season with or just marinate any chicken in some soybean sauce or soy beans or sweet soy vay sauce and you'll be perfect most beautifulest thing ever and if you plan on making progress this is the crucial step get invest I say again invest into a walk you can't make fried rice without a wall that walk is special that is that what has this special taste to us which makes that really nice guys very nice Kinji you balance all the flavor guys because I'm not always gonna be a fry rice fried rice fried rice later you gotta get something piccoli or spicy stop mmm-hmm now right mmm probably the best fried rice I ever taught my mom I should've showed you guys love chicken restroom but you guys want this chicken recipe the chicken recipes on my Vietnamese channel but only bad thing is I didn't put the recipe on in the chat or on the video I found just said at all the chicken recipe guys mmm it's pretty much on video means marinade I said let's take 10 here are you guys writing this down take 10 dark meat chicken all right are you writing is go time document skinless boneless do have no not do 1/2 a tablespoon 2 tablespoon of fish sauce tablespoon sugar then up to lambasted for garlic 1 tablespoon of sugar now 1 tablespoon of ginger then do 1 onion a small onion chopped it up burn it up all go toward him throw 2 tbsp oil in hmm I have 2 tbsp curry powder there this let that man named for 5 hours the most amazing thing ever know that to Mike is just there for the color guys if you didn't add the clue wreck or if you didn't have the to brick there was just a nice plain my gosh 10 yellow if I get really hot today I want to get over your mouth just because this fried rice is beyond delicious fried rice is a perfect dish to make when you have leftovers it's just a perfect model everything in this guy's perfect mount chicken perfect amount of veggies just a perfect amount of everything as simple as hmm Monica progress you better move you buy walk that fires on you better move so you guys enjoy this one don't forget to subscribe you have it also don't forget to pick up on your I don't trust you sure let's share this piece
Channel: Quang Tran
Views: 3,313,598
Rating: 4.5918217 out of 5
Keywords: fried rice recipe, how to cook fried rice, fried rice, eating fried rice, chinese fried rice recipe, how to fry in a wok, how to cook, cooking video, cooking channel, food channel, mukbang, mukbang eating channel, mukbang eating, cooking, eating video, fry rice recipe, eating, food, asmr eating, relaxing cooking channel, dinner ideas, dinner recipes
Id: c4IjDL4d99o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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