Homemade Spaghetti and Meatballs! (Great Special Sauce)

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hey everybody hunter Fisher trapper trader guide scout and interpreter and just a country cook Steve Hall here in Nashville Tennessee along with the prettiest camera girl on the planet pretty miss Sheila running that camera hi man today we're going to make homemade spaghetti and meatballs we're gonna make a special spaghetti sauce we're going to make meatballs a special way and then we're going to put it all together but first of all come on over and let's get started all right in our fancy little bowl here we're gonna pour in 3/4 of a cup of bread crumbs along with 1/3 of a cup of milk we're gonna kind of mix that together a little bit get them bread crumbs all soaked up with that plus we're gonna throw in 1 egg lightly beaten give us a little more liquid there alright that's looking really nice we're also gonna add a teaspoon of minced garlic in there and about a quarter of a teaspoon of red pepper flakes then we want to spice these meatballs up just a little bit not enough to run off the kids or anything but just to give it a little flavor so to speak anything we're also going to put in a tablespoon of grated Parmesan cheese I'm gonna save some for the top of the spaghetti and meatballs when it's done so put in a tablespoon in there mix that up alright we're gonna put in a half a teaspoon of Italian seasoning in there along with about a half a teaspoon of olive oil get that Stern around and now we're gonna add our meat and what I did is I took a pound of ground burger and I chopped it in half then I chopped each half and half to make sure that I had 3/4 of a pound of burger meat left over here and the other quarter of a pound along with a quarter of a pound of breakfast sausage is browned up in another frying pan which is going to be in our sauce oh so good I'll show you that in just a second and I kind of like to break this up instead of just plunk it it in there I always like to do this it helps when you're mixing the meat with all the seasoning and stuff all right now let's mix this all together to make our meatballs alright this is all mixed up nice and why I was doing that off-camera I added a quarter teaspoon of salt and a half a teaspoon of black pepper I'll put all the ingredients in the description box below but I forgot to put it in when I was putting in the other stuff and I'm gonna kind of work this into a little bit of a ball here and let it just sit and rest let's move over here and start our sauce all right in our little baby Dutch oven here I want to get this big enough so we can plonk some meatballs in there later and I'll get to that we're gonna put in about a 15 ounce can of diced tomatoes in here and just save you from watching me cook all this stuff let me tell you what's in here it's that other quarter pound of hamburger that I stole from that little meatball recipe over there put in here and I also took some regular breakfast sausage and I took 1/4 pound of that so I would have a half a pound total half of it as hamburger half of its breakfast sausage i browned it all up drained it and I also cook some real fine diced up mushrooms some red bell peppers because I didn't have a green bell pepper you can use either one of them and I put in about a half an onion chopped up and got that all going and that's what's in here right now and again I'll put all these ingredients in the description box below but let me get this mixture all this stuff smells so good on the stove you have no idea now what we're gonna do is we're going to take a nice big can let me see how many ounces that says on there anyway it's Hunt's whole peeled tomatoes and we're going to put them in our blender over here and we're gonna get them kind of chopped up as long as I got this can out yeah 28-ounce can of hunts whole peeled plum tomatoes use plum tomatoes they got such great flavor when it comes to spaghetti sauce are you ready only hit that for about seven to ten seconds and then that's going in here Wow we we're gonna start that we're gonna add a little more liquid as we get closer I'll tell you about that in a second but first of all you turn that on high and get to simmer in it and we'll be right back in a little bit Oh our spaghetti sauce is looking good down in here I brought it to a boil and I turned it down to a simmer I might have to turn it down just a little bit more and it's time to add some seasoning I'm gonna add a half a teaspoon of Italian seasoning in there two teaspoons of sugar believe it or not that first thing I just put in there was one teaspoon of Italian seasoning kind of get my halves mixed up here now even though we salt and pepper to our meat over here for the meatballs we're gonna salt and pepper the sauce as well so again 1/2 a teaspoon of salt 1/4 teaspoon of salt and a half a teaspoon of black pepper again I'll put everything in the description box below you think I'm probably saying that just so you look at the description box you know I'm saying to make sure you got all the amounts right but time for a nice tablespoon of minced garlic got to have garlic in there big-time 1 teaspoon of oregano let me smell that oh that smells so fantastic and we're gonna put in we've got a heaping tablespoon of basil and I'm only gonna put in about half of it so it doesn't cook away now you can use fresh herbs if you want but if you simmer them a long time they kind of just destroy themselves in there so I'm gonna put in about half of it and then we're red right at the end of the cooking process we're gonna add the rest of the basil and give it some body we're gonna put in one small can of Hunt's tomato paste in there oh boy this is looking fantastic let me turn this down on simmer and let's work on our meatballs trust me this recipe is worth doing it it is so delicious all right let's get the meatballs happening over here all right we got our little electric fry pan pretty hot here so we're gonna add some olive oil in there gonna take this meat that we've had resting over here what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna kind of split it in half then I'm gonna split the half in half and then I'm gonna split that little half in half and that's the size of the meatballs that we're gonna make and normally people just drop them in their sauce and cook them that way because it takes about 20 minutes to cook but I don't know I just I like to put a little sear on the outside of them give them a little crunch on the outside soft and meaty and seasoned up on the inside that kind of thing and by doing it the way I'm doing it you're gonna get about eight meatballs out of this split it in half and then break the halves in half that kind of thing you'll end up with eight of them that way it serves kind of a family of four and everybody gets two nice big Italian meatballs on their spaghetti plate all right I got them in there my turn this heat down just a little bit is it searing them up just nice we just want to put that one there I didn't get quite turns in time you got a little bit dark on one spot but that's alright I'll leave him just kind of keep rolling these around so whatever side doesn't have a sear on it waiting Sheila I do too I think they're ready to take a little bath here voila over here we have some seared up meatballs just a little bit and over here we have our tomato sauce spaghetti sauce and we're gonna plunk them down in there remember that batch that we made over here makes eight perfect for this get them in there I'm gonna gently take a spoon and kind of cover them up a little bit each one of them in there can we turn this down a little bit it's kicking pretty good push each one of them down into the sauce down towards the bottom there now we're gonna sit this off to the side this little cooker here and we're gonna cover up our little pot we're gonna turn this down on low-medium we've already got that little medium heat and we're gonna let this simmer in here for 25 minutes and then it's time for spaghetti fresh back from the stoves but Yeti we put that in a pot of boiling water brought it to a boil threw it in there hit it with a few shakes of salt stirred it so it wouldn't stick to the bottom that kind of keeps it from sticking and about 10 or 15 minutes later it's nice and soft to the touch and if you want to save this after you use it for spaghetti if you got some leftover because we cook a whole box at a time when you got some leftover hit it with a little bit of olive oil toss that in there put it in a covered container put in the fridge it's nice the next day now what we're gonna do right here oh man let me turn this off because our sketti is done and what I'm gonna do here is I like to do this I like to put a little bit of sauce from the bottom of the bowl like so then get the spaghetti out of here get it to fall apart there we go and I like to toss it in the sauce get it nice and red so it's got a little color so you're not just putting white spaghetti on a plate you see about how much Sheila would want I don't know we'll see here maybe hear more yes seeing we're tossing that spaghetti sauce all over the spaghetti to make it already a nice red color see you in that pretty yeah that's really nice that way you're not trying to get the sauce off to the side we'll put this over here for a second now we're gonna put some of this delicious sauce that's got tomatoes and peppers and mushrooms and onions and most of all once we get our sauce in here remember we each get of course I might get three but we each get two delicious meatballs on top and Sheila loves meatballs we go out to have spaghetti and meatball she's got to have meatballs on her spaghetti what do you think Sheila that looked great hold on a second I ain't done let me hit it with a little fresh Parmesan cheese Oh doesn't it wait wait wait now this bread right here is in another recipe that we have we take butter and olive oil 50/50 mix it up putting a little bit of garlic paste and brush it on both sides of these look what I got for you Wow how's that look all right now let me make me one of these plates of spaghetti I'm gonna do the same thing I'm gonna put some spaghetti in this bowl certainly can I'm serious all right again let me get some sauce in here and let me tumble this sauce on the spaghetti so I'm not serving our guests white spaghetti just get a little sauce in there stir it around then pour it out on the plate like so I might have a little bit more on my plate I don't know I think I got too much there tell you truth me rob little bit back out of there people are gonna see that to see he's eating twice as much spaghetti as she is but let me get this lined up nice and hit my spoon back it's time for some of that delicious spaghetti sauce that we made now you can make that earlier and let it simmer and simmer and simmer before you ever put the meatballs in there if you want to get some real traditional long cook sauce stuff oh man hold on don't count me out yet a little bit of this Parmesan cheese on top and I made me two pieces of that wonderful bread course there's about three or four more of them in the kitchen but I'm telling you what do you think Sheila how did we finish up here pretty good let me move this over out of the way cuz I know the first thing Sheila's gonna do is take a picture now before we go any further I am gonna hit this spaghetti sauce that's left with some olive oil I'm gonna toss this around in there makes it nice and soft I guess I could have did a little bit of that before I even put it I was pulling it out of there I guess I could have put a little bit before I served it up over here did you see one piece of spaghetti fly clear out and go clear pass the camera tripod man that's for the cap we don't even have a cab yeah there we go now you can store that in the refrigerator cover it up it'll last great for a few days and it won't here but it'll last great for a few days but check this out what do you think Sheila awesome you know this is one of those recipes that smells so good you can't wait to turn the camera off so we can sit down have dinner tonight because we made this for dinner and we made it for you and I know she loves spaghetti and meatballs does it smell good over there Sheila okay I will and don't forget when you serve a beautiful camera girl like I have spaghetti put it a little bit in a bowl first and put some sauce and tumblin so when she looks at the plate is a white spaghetti it's got that nice little golden tint to it that red sauce make a double batch of this sauce so you can freeze some for the future and by the way don't throw your spaghetti away get it with a little bit of olive oil put it in a container put in the refrigerator you can use it tomorrow because you'll have a little of that sauce left over I hope you enjoyed this recipe and we really hope you subscribe to our Channel that's really easy to do shocked and red-faced will pop up over here in just a little bit when it does click on it it'll say subscribe right next to the word subscribe in that check mark that shows you did subscribe is a little bell you click on that and add a couple little lines that means it's kind of notifying you every time we come out with a new recipe we really hope you do that over here we're gonna put up another recipe that we think you'll enjoy you know what I'm gonna do I think I'll put the recipe over here that shows you how to make that bread with that bruschetta recipe we did because that's so delicious and is this the best quick and easy well I'm not really necessarily so quick and easy but is it the most delicious spaghetti and meatballs recipe ever made if it ain't it ought to be every now and then I go a half a teaspoon I mean a quarter teaspoon I mean a half or a quarter and I always put everything in the description box below so you'll never have to get the wrong recipe if you just look below the video and we never make you go to a website to get our recipes they're always right underneath the video did I say if it ain't it ought to be okay is this the best say with me Sheila if it ain't it Auto V we'll see you next time right here on cooking with Jacques and red give us a thumbs up share it with all your friends and I hope you enjoy all of our recipes see you next time bye bye
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 111,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steve Hall, Shotgun Red, Shotgunred, spaghetti, spaghetti and meatballs, meatballs, spaghetti sauce, homemade spaghetti sauce, italian seasoning, italian meatballs
Id: woY_ezk_678
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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