Smothered Pork Chops! (Sent in from Wisconsin)

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hey everybody hunter Fisher trapper trader guide scout interpreter and just the country Cook Steve Hall here in Nashville Tennessee along with pretty miss Sheila running that camera hygena thanks for the haircut Sheila cut my hair got looking good even through a little Steven Seagal hair color in there got me lookin terrific for today I got an email from a guy dear Steve Hall and miss Sheila this is Sam puzzle from Jefferson Wisconsin I greatly enjoy watching all your cooking shows on YouTube your videos are very entertaining and always make me hungry by the end of them I'd like to share with you my dad smothered pork chop recipe I remember him making them for me and my brother when my mom would go out on ladies night out he would end up doing the cooking not sure where he got this recipe from but I made it and it's just absolutely delicious and he's got some ingredients here some pork chops some stovetop stuffing we're gonna do a lot of stuff with this and here's how it works I went to the store to get six pork chops and I like bone-in pork chops just because I like non the meat off the bone tastes a lot better to me and all they had was packages of four so I took my little vacuum Packer and I vacuum packed up all eight of them because they're only like 5 cents a bag if you go watch that video on our channel and I'm gonna put two of them in the freezer and use the other six to season up and sear and get ready for this recipe so come on over we're gonna make this guy's dads smothered pork chop recipe and it's very interesting the way that everything goes together and it's got some neat ingredients too let's get started all right let me get the last pork chop out of here now according his recipe he seasons them up with lorry seasoning salt and I've got some seasoning salt but it's just whatever the brand was over at Kroger's I'm gonna put a little bit of oil in my pan here and he wants a sear on these before we bake them so I'm gonna hit this with a little bit of seasoning salt and a little bit of pepper that's what he says just those two ingredients on there I'll do the other side in the pan you know I've been using seasoning salt more and more it just has a nice flavor and has a few other ingredients in it almost like some Cajun seasoning flavors I got to do a little investigate and find out what's in seasoning salt this looks good we're gonna get these seared up real nice and it's just like if you're gonna put something in the slow cooker or bake it in the oven with a recipe like we're doing today you do want to put a sear on this meat first get a little black pepper on here you know me I like pepper so make sure I got both of those let me get these seared up a little bit and I'll turn them over and be right back with you I added just a little more oil about three to four tablespoons total cuz I wanted to get oil yeah look at there I wanted to get it up around the edges just a little bit I don't really want to deep-fry them but I do want them to be sitting in that oil and you get this batch done they'll move to the next pair all right Sam I hope we're doing your dad proud there's the first two got a nice sear on them throw a couple more in there and add just a little bit more oil give it a second to heat up and kind of slide the next one in there how am i doing Sheila all right let's get these browned up we'll get the last two done I was getting ready to turn the second two pork chops and I just didn't want to leave you guys out man and that looked wonderful I just had to have Sheila turn the camera on long enough to get a shot of that let me get the other side done and we'll do the last two all right time to put the last two in here because I really need to get started on something that he said to do in the beginning of the recipe I was so concerned about steering these up but I kind of forgot this next step here well thanks for getting the close-up Sheila I'm gonna move these pork chops out of this frying pan I turned it off and they're done now I should have actually done this stuffing mix to start with to give this water and butter a chance to soak into this now he said you can easily use the corn bread flavor or the pork flavor of stovetop stuffing mix a six ounce box I bought corn bread because they didn't have any pork on the shelf but it'll probably turn out just as delicious we're gonna dump this in the bowl and you notice this bag come right out of this box I did a recipe here a while back where I used some what was it jiffy cornbread muffin mix or something to make a recipe and this was glued in the box and I got so many emails that said they glue it down in there not all the time cuz this came right out of here and I ripped and ready-mixed flew everywhere so with that said now I know that they glue the bag in the bottom of the box so you can stop mailing me stuff we're gonna pour in one and a half cups of warm water and a quarter cup of melted butter and I just use salted butter just regular 1/4 cup now if you take a stick of butter that's four ounces two sticks makes a cup 1/4 cup would be half a stick so you can either put in a half of you know a quarter cup of melted butter or just take a half of one stick and melt it it's the same thing let me grab a little spoon here and stir this up and this is what he was wanting to let sit for a while and kind of soak up all the warm water and puff up the dressing and the butter boys that look good Sheila can you see that yes looks yummy done then this is a very unique recipe I love this now I'm gonna move my pork chops over to one side I'm going to move this frying pan out of the way and I'm gonna move our 9 by 13 baking dish on this board so I can show you a base layer that goes in there that's even more unique see in a second alright let's build this recipe to put it in the oven and I got thinking you know what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna copy his recipe right off my email and paste it in the description box under the video just the way he put it together so you can do it that way and one thing he says is you take a 28-ounce can of Bush's baked beans he said you can use any flavor you want we just use the traditional kind and you pour them on the bottom isn't that unique you pour that on the bottom a better baking dish and he says in there to go ahead and schmooze him around a little bit oh I should steal that little teeny piece of pork there but I'll do it when the cameras off then he says and this was easy for me he said put 1 cup of sweet onions diced sweet onions on top of these beans can you see this real good Sheila alright and this was easy for me because I keep sweet onions in the house all the time now if it calls for white onions or yellow onions or red onions I might have to go to the store but if it calls for sweet onions I've already got you covered there so 1 cup of sweet onions I usually buy sweet Vidalia is because a lot of those guys from down there in sweet Vidalia area coming bring us those on those bus groups all right now we lay our pork chops on top of these beans in this unique it's very different wonder if we can get all six of them in there we might have to kind of lip them over the next one next to it so to speak boy doesn't it look yummy then before we went into this step I will tell you that we let this seasoning over here sit for about five minutes just so it would kind of thicken up see now look it's got all the water and all the butter all mixed in but this goes right on top your pork chops I had to do this recipe when I read this recipe that started out with bush beans on the bottom then some onions then some seared pork chops then this stovetop stuffing I thought man that that just looks good on camera that is just crying out to be on cooking with shotgun red am i doing good Sheila all right tell me if I need to turn the bowl or if there's something on my hand or she always kind of keeps track of it to make sure if there's a fly landing on something or so far so good okay all right somebody will probably send an email say you missed a spot all right and there is our stuffing we're gonna just coat that on the top of all these pork chops need to run and get something be right back here's what I had to go get he said cover it with aluminum foil aluminum foil on here now we're gonna bake this in the oven at 375 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes now in his instructions that he email to me Sam said if you want it kind of crispy on top take the foil off the last six to eight minutes and we're gonna do that just to see how that turns out wow this smells fantastic fresh back from the oven I removed the foil the last six to eight minutes cooked it about 45 minutes total it's got a nice little crust lookin on top some of the juices if you're rolling around there a little bit of them juices from their pork chop is soaked down into the beans and the onions come on over let's plate this up and see what we got Sam it looks good and when I got to this part I looked at Sheila and I said I'm not really sure what tool to use to dish this up so I'm gonna go with this spoon cuz I want to get some of those beans on the bottom and some onions and stuff later but first I want to kind of try to figure out where the edge of a pork chop is you know what I'm gonna start over here cuz I got them laying on top of I see what I did yes there we go that's better beautiful look at here man old man and I'm just gonna leave this dressing right on top of here I think I'm gonna dish up about four of them into my little dish before I do a taste test I want to leave room that looks terrific it really looks good okay I'm kind of putting the dressing to it so to speak looky here then look at this you know it's kind of like baked beans with onions but uh that's what it is in fact I'm going to stir a little bit of this dressing into these beans can't believe his dad whipped this up when Maya was gone so the boys could eat good at the house you know when I get asked a lot how did you get into a cooking show how did you start out cooking my father cooked all the time at the house he always had a turkey going around back in the old days where he'd go down to a veterinarian's office and get a big needle to inject the turkey they didn't even know what he was talking about back then inject a turkey said that's right they'll come out tender and I remember that sound Yee outside that little electric motor with that skewer and that big turkey going around and an old thirty dollar barbecue with a windshield on one side with you know briquettes all the way around that he kept adding new ones too and when I got done it was the most delicious turkey that anybody had ever ate put a few more beans on the other side we think she only think I had to put a few right in the middle or no okay kind of looks like it's crying out for that little spot in the middle to get a few it does don't it well there we have it let me move this out of the way and get this front and center and I'm gonna give you a taste test Sam like me is a lucky young man because he had a father that knew how to cook for those boys and they were eating good in the neighborhood up there let me carve up on this pork chop look it they're all the way done and remember this because it's a pork chop and not ground pork it only has to go to about 145 degrees I'm sure this made it way past that first I want to try just a little bit of this dressing because this has got that butter in it oh man Wow I love the cornbread now I got to make another batch in the future and try the pork flavored and time for a little bite I'm gonna put a little bit of stuffing on top of the pork chop wow that is so tender I'm gonna make this all the time this way because I've pan-fried pork chops for years and you have to and you leave the little Crummles in the pan and you take it out in the juices that run out of the pork chop they stay in the pan you can make gravy out of it and that's a good thing but when you take those seared pork chops like we do in this recipe create a bed of these baked beans store-bought so it's really easy with some onions and lay those pork chops in there cover it with that cornbread stuffing I might use pork next time just for a different flavor the juices baked out of there out of the pork chops up into the dressing and down into the beans and they even leave a little layer juice underneath the pork chop right here I wish you could see this you see that it's just dripping delicious underneath there it makes it fantastic I know you're going to enjoy this recipe we hope you enjoy all of our recipes and we really hope you subscribe to our channel subscribing to our channel is really easy at the end of this video a little shock and rinse face is going to pop up over here if you click on it with your little pointer it'll say subscribe we hope you do that and next to subscribe is a little notification bell if you click on that highlight it and say yes then they will notify you every time we post a new recipe we hope you do that so you get each and every one of them I'm gonna put a playlist of some other great easy to make recipes over here and is this the most delicious pork chops you ever ate if it ain't it ought to be I gave a little taste to Sheila and what you think Sheila it was fantastic you know something Sam puzzle from up there in Wisconsin I'm glad your dad did a little cooking for you and kind of brought that tradition down to his boys because now you have that recipe I have that recipe and all of our subscribers and viewers now have this recipe my dad did a lot of cooking and that's how I got into doing what we do here on this show he made everything peanut brittle homemade caramel oyster stew the world's greatest chili we might do hauls world-famous chili someday on here all kinds of great stuff and I just kind of I kind of loved spending time with my dad when he did all that cooking and I think that was the closest that we were ever together is when we were outside on the grill or in the kitchen or having fun or just sitting around the table at dinner time we hope you enjoy this meal sit down tonight say a little prayer for your parents whether they're still here or not their recipes are here and they're here we'll see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun red
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 123,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steve Hall, Shotgun Red, Shotgunred
Id: 8f7lJGK3Bsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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