Pickled Watermelon Rind! (Sweet, Spicy, and Crunchy)

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hey everybody hunter Fisher trapper trader guide scout and interpreter and just a country cook Steve all here in Nashville Tennessee along with pretty miss Sheila always doing a great job on that camera hi oh man you look so pretty today and look what I got I got a little baby watermelon here you know why because one of the number one things that people watch on our Channel is pickled stuff pickled fish pickled shrimp pickled vegetables we got off with pickled chicken gizzards how about pickled watermelon rind man it's going to be so delicious and all you pick them crazies out there that love that kind of stuff come on over let's get started you're gonna love this recipe well alright let's have a little fun here first thing I like to do is chop the ends off of any watermelon so I can stand it up on end and have a nice flat surface to work with so we'll move these little scooters out of the way here stand up like this and we're just gonna cut it in wedges this is how I kind of watermelon for me and Sheila it's so easy to do this and I got thinking man every time we're doing this we're just throwing the rinds away not anymore we're gonna pick them easy now don't go running off on me now and the last one bingo then what I do I don't know if we got okay if you can see that in the front what I do is I normally make some little cuts like this here and then I cut it and we got a nice little diced stuff but you see that little bit of quarter-inch left we want to leave just that much on the Rhine so I'm gonna make my little cuts here this is the only time I cut towards my hand because the Rhine stops it I just don't go that that deep just leave a little bit of redness on there that's what you want let me get the rest of these cut up here I can always cut it by the board there too to be safe and this is what I this is what I bring into Sheila with a little sprinkle all down there in a couple of toothpicks and she loves that all right well thank you babe let's get to the next step I'm gonna finish chopping these up and then you got nice watermelon probably can you see that over the deciders that out of frame Jim okay all right we'll be back in a second we'll show you the next step and look what I ended up with this is Sheila's Bowl and this is mine like I said she loves watermelon I kid neither am i Sheila look at the backside of these look what I've been doing just like peeling the cucumber you want to peel the backside of these little strips instead of peeling the whole outside of the watermelon I kind of like to do it like this I can kind of get a hold of it and cut each little strip I know I'm trying to just making a mess here but let me get these all peeled and I'll be back to show you the next step here how am i doing she'll all right all right all right I'm working on the last one now I'm gonna clean this all up and show you the next step you know I've been having so much fun over here that I forgot to have Sheila turn the camera back on and she's been busy over here look at her bowl it's almost as level as mine now because she's been eating that watermelon I told you and here's what I'm doing with these rinds I saved the last couple to put on camera and this one little teeny melon is gonna make two perfect quart jars I'm cutting these strips about a half-inch thick then I'm turning them sideways and giving them another cut this way so that I've got just perfect little half inch cubes and remember just leave a little bit of that red Rhine or a little bit of that red watermelon on the green Rhine look at there look they're not sure if I can get the last one in there or not we'll have to see I don't want to fill it too full because I want to leave enough room for the brine to get in there don't all these watermelon rinds to the garbage anymore when you can cube them up real small and pickle them and all you pickling people out there that love to pickle stuff I'll bet your mouth is just watering thinking about doing a batch of this I think this is pretty close like I said I really don't want to fill it that fuller I want to leave about a about a good inch head space so I'm gonna believe it or not I'm gonna throw these little guys away cuz this is gonna get that spicy sweet brine in there it's a little different than the one we use for shrimp and for fish and all that stuff and let's get started on it right now well hold on a second I have to do an edit right here because Sheila won't let me throw these away she went over and got me this little baby jar and I bet there was a bunch of people out there saying we'll put them in a little teeny baby jar and Thank You Sheila look at that this will be your little batch right here because I know you love watermelon and to have pickled watermelon rind is gonna be awesome now that we got the little baby Sheila cup for the rinds and in throw them in the garbage let's get making our brine that we're gonna put in here all right the first three things I'm going to put in here are easy to remember because it's one and a half one and a half and one and a half one and a half cups of water one and a half cups of apple cider vinegar and one and a half cups of sugar I'm gonna stir this so the sugar starts to dissolve in here and this should be enough to do two quarts of these watermelon rinds that we're gonna pickle up I love pickling stuff and what a neat recipe let me get this dissolved alright the sugars getting dissolved in here we're gonna put in a half a teaspoon of red pepper flakes these are gonna look good floating around in there because we're gonna make a kind of a sweet and spicy pickled watermelon we're gonna put in one teaspoon of black peppercorns they're gonna look good in there flying around with that fly that just went do you see him go by Sheila did he come over there alright next time he's going in the brine and he'll just just have to swim and do the backstroke now this seems like a lot of salt but I'm making a double batch in the original batch for 1 quart calls for two tablespoons of kosher salt so I'm doing it for two quarts but I'm only putting three in so I'm actually backing the salt down a little bit so three tablespoons of kosher salt and let me get all these ingredients dissolved well thanks for the close-up Sheila does it look good in there and it smells fantastic I'm sorry but I love to pickle stuff and I love to make the brine because man when that comes up out of there it almost stops your breath sometimes it's so sweet spicy got that vinegar and sugar enough man just wonderful let me bring this to a boil we're just gonna simmer it for about a minute then we're gonna cool it down a little bit before we pour it in here we are gonna pour it over the top of our watermelon cubes why it's still a little bit warm but not hot hot so let me bring this to a boil and I'll see you in a second well let's take a peek oh yeah just rolling boil just nice I only covered that up for just about a minute they say a watched pot never boils so with the lid on we weren't watching were we Sheila so it took right off on us I'm just gonna leave it on high and let it go ahead and keep trying to come to a boil then I'm gonna stir it about every 10 seconds or so just for about a minute I'm gonna try something else here too in just a second see in about a minute then we're done cooking this because our sugar is definitely dissolved at this point and that's the main reason I was bringing it to a boil all right I'm seeing a little bit all right I got it off the burner sitting on this little porcelain plate here and you know how impatient I am and I got thinking what I'm gonna do next time is I'm only going to put in 1 cup of water one and a half cups of sugar 1/2 1/2 cups of apple cider vinegar then when I want it to cool down I need that other half a cup of water after I've dissolved all the sugar and everything I'm gonna throw in about 1/2 a cup of ice cubes then it'll get it down to the temperature I need to pour it in here and I don't have to wait because you know how impatient I am you know even though it says add a little bit more water to the the equation here that's all right sure disappeared in a hurry but that helps cool it off a little bit that's what I'm gonna do next time I'm gonna take like and I think it might only take it might actually take like a full cup of ice to make 1/2 a cup of water so you might want to put 1 cup of water 1 1 and 1/2 cups of apple cider vinegar and 1 and 1/2 cups of sugar and Sheila's looking at me like I'm some sort of mathematician or something then I'm gonna put in after I dissolve it and boil it then I'm gonna put in 1 cup of ice and cooler right down you're so sweet all right I'm gonna transfer that to my favorite little plastic tub over here so I'll let it cool just for a couple more minutes and we'll get it in here and we'll see if we can start the process of putting these babies in the frigerator for a minimum of one day but usually about 4 days before they really get right with the world but you'll be nibbling that a day I just know you will alright well see in a second so this cools off a little bit more I got to transfer it over to my favorite little pouring picture here let me taste it pretty sassy pretty good and believe it or not this recipe calls for apple cider vinegar I like white vinegar too you can use either one that you want but let's see if we made enough brine there's that one Oh looking pretty good I don't know if there's gonna be enough for Sheila's little baby one or not probably not I'll bet we're gonna have to skip oh wait a minute my head we might have just enough and then something and it just / turned out perfect we get a few of these peppercorns that sunk to the bottom we put a few and Sheila's over here I'm probably blocking the shot but there we go look at that did that work out perfect for those measurements you see this long that ain't too warm it's not of course you always sterilize your jars first and we're not gonna can these this is going in the refrigerator and you want to eat this up and within I would say two to three weeks at the most but it's really good after about four days and you know my little technique I snug them up pretty good and then I turn them upside down in the frigerator so the tops always get pickled first that way you don't open the jar and there's some sticking out that didn't get any juice on look at little Sheila's even went upside down we think Sheila it does look pretty good doesn't I know you love watermelon we ended up with two bowls of watermelon look at hers got yours is even less than mine is know you've been in here again haven't you so here's what you do don't throw your rinds away try this recipe of obviously our video is not over we're going to have to wait for days and then we're going to sample it for you but we'll see in four days back here with our pickled watermelon rinds are you ready Sheila alright let's pop these in the fridge rater and get this process started see you folks in for day bye-bye for now man it's been a long four days waiting for this recipe to get right okay it's been a long two days wait for this she rats on me all the time you know I've learned something I love to take Sheila fishing with me but never tell fishing stories when she's standing next to me because we'll be in a group of people I'll say man we're on Percy fries the other day we caught like ten great big slab crappie she'll say we only caught five right in front of everybody so yes it's only been a long two days best cuz I was nibbling on him yesterday and they were already delicious come on over here and check out our pickled watermelon rind they're great now remember I stored these upside down on the refrigerator so the tops would get pickled up real good and I got to tell you I've been sneaking in here already let me move Sheila's little baby jar over here out of the way and I'm telling you something I love these pickled watermelon rinds you've got to give this a try and now that they're chilled they're really really good hold on a second you can just use your fingers you don't need a fork can you hear that crunch mmm that is so yummy they're just delicious try one of these it is summertime Kazu watermelons are in season don't send the kids out on the back porch with a whole watermelon Ryan just cut off the watermill and cube it up send them out and keep the Rhine in the house mm-hmm it's sweet just a touch spicy but not spicy at all if that makes any sense Sheila will get her little specialty one right here waiting thanks Sheila aren't they yummy little rascals give him a try you're gonna love this recipe you know as much as I love pickled fish and pickled shrimp and pickled hotdogs and all the other stuff on Archie this is undoubtedly my new favorite pickled recipe you got to try it they're so yummy cold out of the refrigerator I've been snacking for the last two days not the last four days in fact they started day number one I was already in there they were so good turn them upside down so the tops get pickled first and you can even dish them up in a little bowl like this and serve them to your guests if there's any left out of your refrigerator when you're done snacking and look I even made a little baby jar for Sheila I didn't throw him away I made it for you she always says everything is cute you know I think if you take that word out of woman's vocabulary they wouldn't be able to talk these shoes are so cute what do you think of this outfit oh that's so cute it's cute Sheila's cute this recipe is cute we hope you enjoyed this recipe and we really hope you subscribe to our Channel that's easy little shotgun Rebs face will pop up over here in a little bit when you click on it'll say subscribe then you're subscribed next - it'll be a little notification bell if you click that little bell then YouTube will send you every single one of our recipes or a notification that we posted one as soon as it comes out we hope you do that getting ready to take another bite of this over here we'll put a little playlist that you can check out with some other great recipes and is this the most delicious pickled recipe and especially pickled watermelon rind yea rate if it ain't it ought to be and remember one thing the recipe is always right underneath the video you never have to go to our website but she alloys says I hope they go check out shotgun red.com then they can find out that we're coming out with our fish breading we got the world-famous shotgun red dolls there and of course some DVDs of our live show but you don't have to go there to get the recipe it's right underneath this what do you think she'll did you have a good time yeah I did too and I made a special little jar just for her and now that I'm done talking I can go back to snack and we'll see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun red guys see if it ain't it ought to be I can't remember but if it ain't it ought to be is this the basket if it ain't it ought to be it is hmm you must be able to hear me crunching in that microphone hmm these are just spectacular I know your mouth is water and all you pickling fanatics out there make a batch of this it's gonna knock you out we'll see an accidental Oh crunchy D crunch crunch
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 710,429
Rating: 4.9107823 out of 5
Keywords: Steve Hall, Shotgun Red, Shotgunred, pickles, watermelon pickles, pickled watermelon rind, vinegar, apple cider vinegar, mason jars, canning, sweet pickles, refrigerator pickles
Id: bFuidKmTfvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 28 2018
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