World's Best Roast Beef Sandwich with Tiger Sauce!

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hey everybody hunter Fisher trapper trader guide scout and interpreter and just a country cook Steve Hall here in Nashville Tennessee along with pretty much Sheila right on that camera hi Shelley I am so glad you guys joined us on this recipe today because we're gonna make the best roast beef sandwich with odd juice and Tiger sauce all kinds of neat goodies and what the Bass Pro and bought me a meat slicer so I can slice it so thin that you're gonna read a newspaper through it it'll be just delicious temperature is everything we'll talk about that a little bit back they had three slicers at Bass Pro one was 99 one was 129 what they call their premium and then I think they had a commercial grade 249 well I just bought the one in the middle cuz it works fine I've already did a couple of tests cooking's because temperature is so important to this recipe and hiding down in here look what I got Private Selection Angus I have round roast now you can use the top round or a bottom round or an eye of round and I use an eye of ground for a specific reason come on over here let's get started and I'll tell you why now to make this homemade roast beef we're going with the eye of round and the reason I'm doing that when I'm at the store and this is just my observation if you get a top round or a bottom round and you can use those don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with that but the fibers or the grains of the meat kind of run in different directions a little bit but the eye of round it seems like it's all straight and when I put it on this slicer over here and cut this way I want to go against the grain to get the most tenderness possible now we're going to season this up even though I trim some of the fat off I'm gonna leave this flap on the bottom because it's going to become the top now what I got here is pepper onion powder and garlic powder but not salt and I'll tell you why because I'm going to use some stuff that was given to me by a young lady out of California and I don't know any other way to introduce her but say hi Jerry thanks for this she is my girl singers dad's twin sister does that make any sense that's the only way I can think of it and I a big mistake the last time I did a recipe and showed this seasoning that I'm going to show I gave credit to Gary because Gary her brother which is my girl singers dad obviously always cooks tri-tip out in the backyard anytime the band comes over there and and we have a cookout and he's so delicious all right remember there's no salt in this this is just a mixture and you can put any amount you want on but just create a mixture of even amounts pepper onion powder and garlic powder on there because how we're going to salt this is by using this right here let me see if I can move this over to the side and get this on camera is that on camera Sheila its Suzie Q's and it's a seasoning out of California that they reuse for tri-tip and it's so delicious but like all seasonings it's mostly salt and I didn't want this to be over salty because I'm going to use the drippings to make my odd use and I don't want it so salty that it's no good so we're gonna salt it now but this has all kinds of other delicious flavors in there you can see the big crack pepper on there and all that stuff and I don't care if it has a little extra pepper because you know me I love pepper so we're gonna turn that over and we'll put a good dose even though a lot of people say you shouldn't season the fat of the meat we're gonna put that on top just like that and we're gonna use that as our salt for this roast and one more time just to make sure this seasoning was given to me as a Christmas present by Jerry Gary's twin sister out in California I gave the credit to Gary in the last recipe and he didn't give it to me she did so I kind of made a big goof now we're gonna stick a probe in here and I bought this neat little therm pro on Amazon for 17 dollars and I've got prime so it's 2 days you know free shipping that kind of stuff and I'm gonna put this in this roast at an angle and this is so important the three most important things to make in this roast beef is temperature temperature and temperature we want to put it in at about a 45 degree angle instead of going in straight we're gonna put it in here till we get estimate that we're about in the middle I think that's about right right there now if there's one thing that I don't like about this little thermometer thing it's got a little flip out thing on the back you turn on the gauge and it's so lightweight that it slides around pretty easy I don't know if you can see that Sheila that can you see have a thermometer if you bump anything outside of the stove because I'm gonna run this in and leave this in the whole cooking time it wants to drag that around and this might shock you because there's so many recipes on YouTube that cook these roast beef chunks of roast up to 140 145 by that time it is so dry and so nasty and it's just absolutely unbelievable you want an internal temperature of about a hundred and 25 degrees when you slice it which is nice and rare and we can still make it medium and well-done for everybody else we'll show you how we do that but we want to leave it rare when we slice it and the only way to do that is do what all the chefs up in New York and a lot of them big famous restaurants do when they make these roasts for roast beef we're only gonna cook it to a hundred and five degrees internal temperature that's right a hundred and five and I'll show you why after it comes out of the oven so we're going to take this put it in this roasting pan right here put it in the oven at 300 degrees until this little alarm goes off on here at a hundred and five degrees I'll run her down there and we're only gonna cook it at 300 degrees to a hundred and five internal temperature you're gonna love this recipe when it's done all right we transferred it over to our little roasting pan here it's got a rack in the bottom that'll hold it up about an inch so we can get our drippings even though you can't see it the fat flap is on top we'll trim it off later before we slice it but we want that juice to run down over the meat let's get it in the oven at 300 degrees until this alarm goes off at 105 I know that sounds early but you wait till we get done and I'm going to show you what it does see in a little bit well all right our Angus I have round roses in the oven we're listening for that little thermometer to go off at 105 degrees but in the meantime we're going to make a tiger sauce to go on top of our sandwich once we stack it up with that sliced roast beef you are gonna love this tiger sauce recipe I can't take credit for it but I also can't tell you what restaurant it came from because I'll get in trouble so let's get started first of all we need 1/2 a cup of mayonnaise this stuff is so good you can put it on your prime rib roast beef sandwiches you could even you know grill up a steak and smear a little bit on top we're gonna put in 1/2 a cup of sour cream and as I always mentioned we'll put all the ingredients below the video just click on the words show more and it'll pop open the whole recipe you do not need to go to a website to get it then we're gonna put in 1/2 a teaspoon of dry mustard 1/2 a teaspoon of garlic powder and 1/2 a teaspoon of chives in there let me get that all mixed up alright now we're gonna add 1/2 a teaspoon of fresh squeezed lemon juice in there mix this up you wait'll you try this tiger sauce it is outstanding we're gonna put in 2 tablespoons of prepared horseradish just regular ground horseradish man so good you can always add more but let's start out with 2 tablespoons that way just about everybody will eat it and it won't be too spicy this is so good now in this little cup right here I have a little bit of Dijon mustard maybe a half a teaspoon and a splash of Worcestershire sauce in there and I mixed them together so let's go ahead and put that in our new Jean mustard and we're Chester Shire sauce which they've renamed it so everybody can pronounce it like me and then one more ingredient as I've got just a pinch just a pinch of salt and pepper I mixed it together here just a little bit of salt and pepper in there not a lot just a like a little pinch of salt and pepper you're gonna love this stuff and it's so good all right this is all mixed together let me check my phone over here you know what I do every time I get a recipe that I really like I email it to myself then I just open up the email and it's there for sure so everything is in there because once in a while you know me I forget stuff and I gotta go back and tell you oh by the way don't forget to put in this or that with this here let me give this a little bit of a taste and I won't put the spoon back in there I know there's some people that watch make sure I don't do that Wow that is absolutely delicious and that's how you make the best tiger sauce on the planet right there now when our roast gets out of the oven we're gonna slice it up we're gonna put this on top with some raw onions and a few other goodies we're gonna do something of the buns that's all coming up but now we just got to sit and wait for the roast to get ready all right when this hit 105 degrees we pulled it immediately out of the oven it's already up to 106 you can hear the a little alarm going so I'm going to increase the alarm to 110 so if it did happen to raise to 110 it would go off again I'm gonna move it over here and let it rest and then we're gonna make our own juice down here but it's at 106 and I'm gonna take you on a little temperature trip you won't believe this see in a little bit all right we got some drippings down here in the bottom we're gonna add just a little bit of beef stock maybe about a quarter cups tennis around and my flower is over on the side I don't really want to make a roux I just want to pinch a flower I'm going to step off camera and go get it here just a pinch of flour not even enough to say a quarter of a teaspoon just a pinch in there is all I want that's gonna react with that and make it start to thicken up some let me turn this baby on high here yeah there's no one that's so excited about that I forgot about that cooktop [Music] we got our roasts resting over here on the side we got our little thermometer set at 110 degrees so wet if and when it hits that the alarm will go off again [Music] and now in this little beef broth and the drippings and a pinch of flour we're gonna add see see the alarm go off it jumped clear to 111 degrees can you see that Sheila went to 111 so I'm gonna move I moved it up to 115 so I'm basically telling the probe tell me when the internal temperature hits 115 remember we pull it out of the oven at 105 and it's already a hundred and eleven degrees let's see if it makes it to 115 I'm taking you on a little temperature trip here with this roast because I want to show you something very important the next time you make you roast beef sandwiches they're gonna be fantastic but what I was saying is in this little not Roux but in this broth I'm gonna put in about a quarter cup of onions a quarter cup of salary what a little guy in there wants to hang on all the time and a quarter cup of real fine diced carrots they're all diced up real fine but I'm gonna put them in there and I'm gonna start simmering these vegetables in this broth because we're gonna make a nod you to dip our sandwich in out of this drippings and broth and a pinch of flour onions celery and carrots now as soon as we get the simmered for a good 5 to 10 minutes a really start to get it thick and then we add some more beef broth to get the consistency we want we're going to strain it through this strainer into this bowl over here and just save the juice and believe it or not I might take the vegetables and put them in a in a bag or something put them in the frigerator and put them in a soup or something cuz I hate to waste anything we just want the flavor out of these veggies be back in about five minutes when this is simmering real good all right I'm trying to work on my odds you over here but looky here the alarms going off again it's up to 115 degrees internal temperature that's right just sitting out here on this plate cooling off at room temperature we're letting it rest do not cut into it so I'm going to run this up to 120 certainly it wouldn't go from 105 clear up to 120 would it well we'll see in just a little bit I'll set this back over here and in the meantime I'm going to add a little pepper to this oz you but I'm not gonna add any salt because I got quite a bit of salt from that seasoning on the outside of the roast and with the drippings and any salt that's in some of this beef broth we want to be careful not to get it too salty now you want to use the best quality beef stock not you know beef with what's the other one called beef broth yeah yeah we don't want to use beef broth you want to use beef stock which is real good for cooking and making a stock what we're doing and by the best and most expensive one on the shelf or you can make it at home make your own beef stock if you want but you want a good quality beef stock because the better quality this is the better quality this is going to be and same with your wine that's right we're gonna give it a little splash of shotgun Reds touch a sweet wine in there maybe about 1/8 of a cup you want to have a wine that you'll drink with your meal well we'll drink this with the meal cuz it's the best stuff ever did you go to a shotgun and click on the wine link you'll find out where you can buy it in Tennessee and I'm sorry but unfortunately it's only available in the state of Tennessee we're in about 50 or 60 different locations right now but I wanted to get this in here when it had only been simmering about 3 minutes because I want to let it simmer for another four or five maybe six or seven minutes get all the alcohol out of it but boy you ought to smell this coming up out of here it's wonderful again we didn't put any salt in there because we'll taste it later let let's let this simmer for another four or five minutes and let's keep an eye on our little alarm over here and see how high our little Rosco will see it a little bit well all right I poured the rest of my beef stock in here and I'm gonna let this reduce for a long time to see if I can't get it to reduce by at least a third but there is that annoying little beeper again looky here it hit a hundred and twenty it's just laying on this plate at room temperature and it's already went up 15 degrees from when we pulled it out of the oven so to make this thing shut up I'm going to turn it up to 125 degrees on the alarm so on the internal temperature if it does it'll go off at 125 and we'll see what we will see let me get this little lightweight thermometer back over here and we'll get back to reducing this broth see in a little bit all right this is cooled down enough that I can touch the outside and run them juices that have came out of that roast into our Anshu all right let's take a look at our thermometer Wow 122 degrees can you see that in there you want to get a close-up that better can you see it in there 122 now remember we took this out of the oven at 105 degrees and it's already 122 degrees that's 17 degrees more than when we took it out of the oven this proves two things all the roast beef recipes that you see online that say cook it to an internal temperature of 145 well that's going to be a hundred and seventy by the time it rests or if you got your Thanksgiving turkey and you cook it to an internal temperature of 165 it's gonna be a hundred and ninety and you're gonna eat dry turkey take it out at 150 155 at the most and I guarantee you if you leave a probe in your turkey it'll go by 165 which is your safe temperature 122 now I was shooting from an internal temperature of 125 degrees and if it stops a couple degrees early that's close enough for me because I want it rare I don't want a medium rare I don't want a medium I don't want that medium well all that stuff can be cured later on and I'll show you right now we're at a hundred and twenty-two degrees oh this cord what now can you see it is that better all right can you see it now my little director over here she's telling me exactly how to tilt that I know well hey you're it on the camera side girl you tell me you're the director all right oh it's see now it's cooled down to 120 so it's on its way back down again and that's what you want to do you want to wait till it Peaks and then go starts to go back down before you cut it because if it's continuing to climb and you cut it it's still pushing out juices from the inside until it reaches its temperature and starts back down well no wait a minute I don't know what I did it's back to 122 again must have been something must've been my hand touching something but anyway it's at 122 degrees I'm gonna simmer this odd you a little bit and we're gonna strain it and then we're gonna slice up this 122 or 124 degree whatever the internal temperature is I have round roast and I'll show you what it looks like like what it's supposed to nice and rare all right we got all of our carrots and celery and onions strained out of our Oz you you stir this around a little bit I got to tell you something back when I was playing clubs years ago I was only about 19 years old man they gave us meals and rooms and drinks free it's part of playing there and we had some prime rib one night they served it with this odd juice I thought that's what the waiter said odd juice so for years I called it odd juice could I get some of that aw juice for my prime rib and they bring it never say anything but it's odd you which actually stands for with Jews I tasted this it's kind of just a touch too much pepper maybe just a hair for Sheila it's okay for me but I always try to cook for her as well I had to add a little bit of salt to taste and I'm gonna give it a pinch of sugar that's just me because I like that kind of stuff wakes it up you know what I'm saying let me dissolve this sugar a little bit oh yeah all right our roast has come back down to 120 degrees we're going to slice it we're going to move this off you out of the way and you're gonna see most beautiful roast beef you ever seen see you in a second all right our roast has been resting for about 45 minutes I'm gonna cut this little fat cap off the side of this because I did want it on there why it was bacon and I did a little math instead of stopping at 105 if you stop at 108 it'll go to 125 degrees internal temperature but this is probably good enough for me we're getting ready to find out do our little bass pro meat slicer [Applause] Oh Lord that is so nice and wearing another look at this now for all of you that like medium and medium well hold on I'm not leaving Yale yet I'll show you the Sheila likes her well done for at least medium she Willie did a little bit pink [Applause] and it looks so good sliced against the green let me turn this off all right we got our Oz you nice and hot over here and what I'm gonna do first is they want to make a little sandwich this is a like a sub roll that I bought that was already pre sliced but I actually want to pull it completely apart both of them there's a reason for that show you in a minute put the bottoms right here now mine oh I got a stack at Finn rare just delicious don't cook your roast beef to death shut it off at 105 if it gets to 110 you're already borderline going past 125 now for Sheila I'm going to take this thin slice roast beef I'm gonna put it in the AWS you over here enough for her sandwich nice and thin sliced I'm gonna simmer that over here for a little bit because it's so thin it won't take long to bring it to a medium or even medium well consistency like she likes and in the meantime I'm gonna finish up with my sandwich here now what you want to do is you want to use raw onions thin sliced raw onions on top sweet Vidalia is or any kind of sweet onion will work I just like Vidalia onions then over here guess what we have we have our tiger sauce which is just so wonderful because this is as good as prime rib it deserves a prime rib style sauce on top and I move the tops over here because the tops are the ones that get dumped it now you remember that real rare looking roast beef that I got look at Sheila's it's got a nice coating on it but it looks well-done might be medium but it's so brown because it's been in the oz you silly it's camouflage that's the word I was looking for but that looks doable don't let Sheila see long as she's not biting into strips of rare meat which I absolutely love look at that and that and you can cook it in here as long as you want it doesn't matter because it's still thin sliced still tender and all the other stuff with me these are the bottoms that's why I had that over there I couldn't figure that out and let me do this here now now let me move a little this juice off to the side with some of that meat in there as well and now we're gonna give this top a dump that's what we're looking for right there see that Wow that goes on there like that now you can double dip these you can dip the bottom bread and the top bread but we're gonna cut this at an angle and there you have it the world's greatest roast beef sandwich slice nice and rare because we didn't overcook it a tiger sauce that's fit for prime rib or this sandwich odd juice made with them vegetables and stuff I know this recipe took a little while to do today but it's so well worth it and now it's time to take this little corner right here and kerplunk it in the odd you hmm that is fabulous I'm sorry I just had to finish chewing that real slow and we didn't have time to leave it on camera I hope you enjoy this recipe because we tweaked it a little here and there look for all the instructions underneath the video because I'll tell you exactly the temperatures and slicing and all that stuff and it is just so delicious I really hope you enjoy our recipes we appreciate you tuning in and watching us here on YouTube hope you subscribe to our channel a little shocked and red-faced a pop up over there and just a little bit when it does click I don't want to subscribe right next to the word subscribe click on that little bell I tell you all that every time because I hope you do it because then you'll be notified every time we come out with another recipe back we'll put some more recipes over here on the side you can click on and is this the most delicious roast beef sandwich you homemade roast beef sandwich you ever made if it ain't it ought to be this is Steve all in Nashville Tennessee along with pretty miss Sheila and you know what Sheila I forgot which one is rare and which one's medium anyway we'll find out which is which and she'll get the right one we'll see say goodnight Sheila we'll see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun red try this recipe plus you can take all this extra roast beef slice it put it in a vacuum pack bag and put it in the freezer then take it out and thought heat it up with a little bit of odd you put it in one of those odd juice like I used to say put it one of those hoagie buns and haven't whenever you want it so go ahead and cook one up and we did the eye of round not up around her bottom round which you can do any one of the three of them and it turned out fantastic I know that's kind of stretching the end of the show but I just feel good about this recipe we'll see you next time bye Sheila
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 289,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worlds best roast beef sandwich, world's best roast beef, worlds best roast beef, roast beef sandwich recipe, Steve Hall, Shotgun Red, Shotgunred, homemade tiger sauce, roast beef sandwich, roast beef recipe, roast beef, sandwich, beef sandwich, best roast beef sandwich, how to make roast beef, cooking, food insider, food, tasty, roast beef sandwiches, best roast beef recipe, how to make a roast beef sandwich, shotgun red, cooking with shotgun red
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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