Shopaholic Could Lose Her House to Her Addiction | Spendaholics | Only Human

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[Music] the malls of Beijing stoke home to 28 year-old Nikola Everage and a spending habit gone wild Nicola shops so often even the window displays are familiar friends despite earning around 30,000 pounds a year as an IT Account Manager niccola's compulsion to splash out has landed her in hot water she's also been shopping around for credit racking up a whopping twenty thousand pounds in debt now it's not like I saw the expensive things it's just I tend to buy little and very often debt doctors Jay Hunt and Benjamin fry have just four weeks to put Nicola on the straight and narrow lifestyle expert Jay will show Nicola how to get the most value for money it's just starting to think in a different way and if it ain't doing two jobs ain't going to be bought psychological coach Benjamin will help Nicola pinpoint the reasons behind her compulsive spending you're actually sabotaging your financial security which sabotage is your emotional security and even threatens the roof over your head Benjamin and Jay have got the tricky job of persuading Nicola to change her ways there will come a point where you can't pay everything and that is the point I don't want to get too I don't want to get to the point where I am literally running and hiding from things [Music] Nikola lives in our own house in Hadley near Beijing stoked with her boyfriend of six months Nick over the last five years every time she's run up a big debt on her credit cards she's cleared it by remortgaging her precarious finances and growing debts are a real cause for concern and starting to threaten her dreams for the future I don't want to bring children into world with debt round my ears and at one point in time I have a family or whatever so I think you've got a you gotta rein yourself in at some point and it's definitely my point in time where I want to think about doing it while she's out Benjamin and Jay have borrowed the keys to her house to rustle up some inside information Jay wants to find out where the money goes and Benjamin will be looking for psychological clues that may reveal what Nikhil is really like I think this may tell us more about the man that lives here I'm feeling these kind of black units and large telly a pretty male Nick moved in two months ago and is fighting for prominence against Nicholas ornaments there's a confusion of style here almost like two people live here and they haven't really gelled yet I'm not very good at throwing things away generally I think maybe having somebody else in the houses made me realize I can't just have my stuff around everywhere judging by appearances upstairs Nicola is not rushing to make room for Nick boyfriend games the boyfriends full of her stuff there these drawers can I just say to you are absolutely packed all this stuff but it's where's the bloke I take we've seen six shirts from the bloke doesn't exist lots of product sorts of products it's the products up here look more what's all that stuff about collagen retinal eye perhaps therapy don't you know she's only 28 these are the sort of things you find in somebody's bathroom it's sort of 45 anti-aging she doesn't kind of need it I wonder whether she's just sort of heard about it and thought it's cool my next little adventure I would actually like to have Botox injections is that the top stuff for ladies what is quite interesting me is that she's obviously obsessed with this whole anti-aging she's spending a fortune on anti-aging well that's not going to help statement some financial information finally debts that's debt I don't want people to think I'm like God you know she's completely completely irresponsible it's not that I've been frivolous with you know and completely off the rails it's just that like them been offering a lot of credit I've got it all phone bills stole cards goodies for the house sixty four pounds goodies flows wide 1998 clothes twenty five pounds more goodies we should take these with us and start to investigate her financial situation what becomes immediately clear from Nicholas financial records is that virtually all the money she's borrowed has gone on bargain clothes and items for the house [Music] candles definitely she loves our candles picture frames I've never known a girl so make picture frames normal life I can tend to justify small amounts there may be a few of them because I feel like I've I've done better that way than buying one big thing I just think I'll that's okay and this is my downfall and this is what has been said to me by many people and that is that Nicola thinks all right spend eight pound ten pound three pound five pound it's the fact that they all add up at the end of it that ends up getting me into trouble [Music] keeping up with the latest gear is an all-consuming pastime going shopping on a Saturday with my mum and my sister has pretty much been in the institution since I was about 18 you know I'm sure if we won the lottery we would definitely be happy being ladies at lunch and going at the nails down and go for a few cellulite treatments and that kind of thing Nicola can of course always rely on her mum to go shopping with them we have laughs while we're shopping can just be anybody you want to be by your shopping I think also we communicate while I was shopping I think it's a good way of communicating in fact carefree shopping is a family characteristic it's the way we we all are you know we're just as prod suppose it's a case of what he'll really bend it and spend it she does much to her mates amusement she buys clothes and she won't wear them I mean she's given me a couple of tops that still have the tags in them you know that's how bad she is we can we borrow things there when we go home I see something we've always gone out in its fur that when we get my tea that's how we get my dear hi it's me Chris Sabo critic she's a big big spender clothes shoes magazines and I'm a father I mean when we were on holiday last year I think we went out with about five bikinis for the whole two weeks Nick had a platoon of every day plus a couple of others just in case you change their mind throughout the day I guess I don't want people thinking that that's all I've got if that makes sense I like I like saw a guy in something new all the time boyfriend Nick is seriously worried about her spending and it's putting a strain on their fledgling relationship I can think of better things to spend ten pounds on to be honest and a bunch of sticks tied together with a ribbon if Nick gets cross or not even cross it's more disappointment its disappointment in a man's face when you've bought something that they know you don't need but you desperately want and it just makes me feel like a child Nicola may have hit the limit on her credit cards and bank loans with her twenty thousand pound debt but that hasn't stopped her borrowing a further 28 thousand on her mortgage in the last year nine thousand pounds of which has gone on this naughty little sports car I have actually thought selling it over LA I said to my boyfriend a couple months ago I need SELEX I need the money and then every time I look at it I'm just like now calm if she carries on like this she could lose her house it's time for some home truths Benjamin and Jay want to show Nicola just how much money she's been throwing away with a shock tactic it's time to air Nicholas dirty laundry in public Nicola loves a bargain she thinks nothing of spending over 200 pounds a month on dozens of tops that she happily wears once and then discards 200 pounds a month which is two thousand four hundred pounds a year I'm sure that's not true but I'll take your word for it so my word yeah that's shock too absolutely it's though all those things that you're buying in your lunch hour thinking or little tree it quite a lot now come inside because there's something else that we want to show you in here come with me Nicholas passion for buying bric-a-brac is more out of control than she thinks these candles represent the money she's burning on gifts for the house the total expenditure for these hundred candles represent us three thousand six hundred pounds per annum okay it might be the time to disco do you know what halt all the sort of stuff that you have lying around here doesn't necessarily contribute to the essentials of life well I like candles and things they do contribute to my quality of life so but they're not essential if nicola is going to snuff out her spending she will need a little perspective radical measures are needed for this shopping addict how much do you think you spend in a week at the moment I can per figure on it maybe I know 100 maybe 200 a week well I've got some disappointing news for you Nicola it's not a hundred quid and it's not 200 quid it can't be more than I'm afraid it's not even 300 it can't be more than that no ray it's 435 pounds and that's a non-essential yeah I'm afraid it is 135 pounds actually looks like that not just a week every week right so that's quite a lot of money to get through why do you think you're spending 100 to 200 pounds hmm part of the reason for doing this is for you to identify what you really need and what you can't live without so we'll set you a budget for that I want to discuss with you how much you think that could be I would like to think that I could live 100 pound a week definitely well that was the first number you say anyway try again they try bit harder less than 5000 we spoke just for one week just for seven days 40 that's not bad all I want to do is give you enough money that it's not ridiculous so that you're just not going to feel it on day one what's the point of this it's never gonna happen anyway I can't do this it's to give you a challenge to rise to but that is realistic your prize forty pounds in cash you look a little bit miserable you all right with this yeah it's fine the only thing that worries me is the cigarettes because if that is including this then that will literally be before we pound for seven days but forty pound is is definitely not a lot to to live on it's not even a night out if I don't want to spend any money I have to do other things that don't involve going into town cuz I is my main weakness any town doesn't matter where it is can Nicola resist the shopping malls of blazing Stoke she'll need all the willpower she can muster to stick to her forty pound budget it's time to go cold turkey [Music] it's day 1 of Nicolas cold turkey week a rather than exercising her store cards with mum it's out to exercise the dogs with boyfriend Nick I don't think she's there I think it'd be gone by Tuesday and she's run out of cigarettes so and she always buys five packets at once so that'd be it all gotten it straight like really approve me wrong and she'll do it is hard it's not a lot money I've bought a magazine and some headache tablets and that's taking a fiver up already that's like one day so there any new magazines out during the week hopefully not so I need to speak right now [Music] hmm Nicola was all set to have her hair cut and died this weekend at the cost of 85 pounds but lumbered with cold turkey means she's gone from die to DIY my head I was a 5-pound and obviously I'm tearing it so it's free and I'm not getting a car so no takeaways no nothing Nick said right you're on a budget I'll cook and you know you can have it you can have a cheat night in thanks the next day unable to resist the lure of the shops nickel is meeting up with her mum with 30 pounds to last the next five days it looks less like a test of willpower and more like mission impossible [Music] I also need to get Sanjay as well this month but obviously I can't do that access to a pound that they'll fight turning things chute yeah she'll come but I think there would be a certain amount I'm Rhonda Lee and when she gets home and she hasn't got any shopping and it'll be got any new things yeah I think yeah because going home from town with no bags is like kind of a lost trip really it's like that's the whole reason that you come in I'm hoping I won't buy anything today and to be honest I probably try and exert some kind of discipline tempo velvet's throws look at those all these 695 it's doable and I really really like it in actual fact I am gonna buy that everything's gorgeous in here that's lovely thank you with only 13 pounds left and three days to go Nicholas decided to work from home with an office right next to the shopping center and a budget next to nothing she can't risk the temptation today was a bit crap really it feels worthless you just think oh I'm staying in okay I might have saved 50 pound this week so that's 50 pound off of however many thousand pounds worth of date you've got and you just think is it worth it because I'm still going to be sat here when I'm 50 paying off debt so I ran up when I was 25 [Music] it's the final day of cold turkey and Nicola has cracked she's just blown her 40-pound budget unable to kick her habit of buying in bulk Nicholas bought five packets of [ __ ] they were non-essential items in some people's eyes but not wine Benjamin and Jay checked out Nicholas home life got her all shook up by her spending and gave her a slice of cold turkey but despite the freed of walks she couldn't resist the China from the facts self-help right her Benjamin fry takes a psychological approach to solving people's problems he's interested in discovering what issues from a person's past might be affecting their present behavior it's time to step in and try to figure out what is driving Nikolas spending yeah I get the sense that it does feel a little bit kind of compulsive or addictive to you and often any kind of compulsion or addiction is usually symptomatic of something underlying emotional issues shall we say usually it's a kind of Defense of some kind maybe we could think about what you might speculate it could be going on underneath the surface if you like it's not yeah it's not something isn't definitely not something I can pinpoint there isn't anything I can tell you that we're showing like I'm convinced that Nikolas holding back Benjamin tries a softer approach so let's talk about what happens when you go into a shop and you spend money with clothes it's a case of if something if I feel something looks nice on then I will in a way I'll kind of be grateful that it looks nice on it's like oh wow that doesn't make me look like an elephant there's an implication in that there you go into the shop and part of you is already thinking that you look like an elephant most of us are yeah maybe there's an underlying feeling of did you you'd be grateful to pretty yourself up on any given moment yeah if anything that I feel makes me look more presentable and and looks better I will always be tempted to buy it you see that can help to explain the compulsive nature of really feeling you've got to have it because if you think about it if you take a step back anything nice-looking woman walks into shop see something she likes buys that even though she can't afford it that's a bit odd but if you think nice-looking woman walks into a shop thinking she doesn't look nice see something that makes her feel she looks nice you can kind of understand more of the emotional connection of needing to have something what I worry about that is that it's in the moment of transformation that you're pleased but the not in the lasting results of the transformation maybe we could think about what you might speculate it could be making you feel that you need a transformation mmm for a little while I was a little bit not oh by no means was I like overweight but I was a little bit bigger than the average person which which obviously at that point in your life it is a major issue what's like 13 14 12 13 and that that sort of was all I was always conscious of that and I think I've always felt sort of a little bit a little bit less classy than most people I learned that I I admire people that sort of hold themselves really really elegantly I think what you should think about is how you think about other people when you meet them do you really value their appearance very highly for very long time do you judge people do you take people into your heart because of what they wear or what they look like so how can we make you remember that when you're tempted to buy stuff I don't know well you're gonna have to do it not me okay I don't know well the challenge as I say is for you to remember that other people are just like you know they feel insecure about the way they look and actually they want a friend rather than a mannequin to be with them which are cool some people actually resent yeah it doesn't always make people like you if you look wonderful no I guess not so it was quite resistant in person particularly I didn't feel it was appropriate to go very deep with her into that process but she was interested in some of the more superficial aspects we talked about and that should really help her when she's shopping understanding how her minds working those situations while Nicolas de reluctant to tackle the inner workings of her mind she is more than ready to confront the inside of her wallet even she realizes that her 13 credit and store cards are far too tempting we've got one from art one with one for our boss warehouse card new look card Debenhams card my full back credit cards for my work credit card my joint credit card I'll keep that one and I don't mind getting rid of those [Music] six down seven to go [Music] having made mincemeat of the week-long cold turkey spending 20 pounds over the 40 pound limit it's time for Jay to map out a more realistic budget for niccola's new regime this is the results of your new budget here loads you were spending 250 pounds a month on all your sort of little purchases here and there that's gone down to 50 pounds how do you think that's going to feel fifty pound a month is is fetching nothing really for clothes hairdressing you see that's been cut down 85 pounds a month that's gone down to 20 how would you feel about that I'm just got that I've got to this age when I should be able to go into the hair salon and the beauty parlor and go and have facials and stuff and no one there literally written out hell no of course sticks there's even if I just do it for a few months but I think what we should maybe do is look on the positive that you still can make some choices as to how you want to spend your money it's just there's slightly less of it to spend there's nothing to stop you cutting back on smoking to pay for a top deciding not to go out you know all of those things sort of things for you to make up your own mind about really armed with a new clothes allowance of 50 pounds Jay wants to show Nicola a new way to shop it's about quality not quantity the concept totally alien to Nicola who loves to spend less on more entering in a calm state of mind who knows when it comes to shopping here - the Pearl Nikola loves a bargain but hates buying just the one item which means a bigger bill which outweighs the savings instead of spending a hundred pounds on eight tops she's got to spend just 50 pounds on one something like this what would you think of something like that 45 see I wouldn't spend that on the top you wouldn't spend that on the top that's not okay well we're going to take it down today we're just going to have a look don't freak yet okay maybe it's interesting that you need to you need to have more volume of material to make it if Nikola is going to slash her clothing allowance by a massive 80 percent she's going to have to shop wisely again it's a small top 60 pounds it's not money this is coming with this Oh 65 pounds roughly go yes now what do you think when you see yourself in that and maybe bought this for going out I think the thing with this is is that you're used to wearing something once and you get a compliment and then you don't want to wear it again and I think maybe if we thought about dressing up things you know like a neutral black and white in different ways so you get compliment for your whole look rather than focusing on the top if we put like one of these little scoffs you know around like that it looks contemporary or you know statement handbag yeah this is kind of brightens it all up it's a bit of a statement but just in the bag I like this but do you see what I mean about getting it to do two jobs it's just starting to think in a different way and if it ain't doing two jobs ain't going to be bored I'm actually really surprised I really like this I think it's quite it doesn't quite grown up I'm gonna get this there's endless possibilities you see leaving with one versatile piece excellent going cold turkey has taught Nicola a valuable lesson about paper and plastic I'm interested to see how you're gonna pay I'm gonna pay with cash oh I might help me see where it's going as well have you started to do that use cash a bit more would you have spent more do you think if you were using a card to pay today yeah cos cards just don't really seem like real money there you go thank you thank you I'm gonna just one thing and no guilt which is a bonus well yes [Music] Benjamin's travel to Beijing stoked to visit niccola's mum as nicola was so reticent talking to him he's keen to find out some more clues now that was her at the caravan she always today she was that wear our sunglasses on her head yeah Nicholas father died when she was a teen of asbestos poisoning was he a good laugh with the kids yeah he was always in the paddling pool with him yeah yeah as well as her sister Jess Nicola has a brother Simon who's severely disabled he went into foster care when Nicholas father died if I thought Nicholas suffered because of something that Simon was up to playing up I would always try and do something for Nicola so she did little - oh goodness buy her something the retail experience or the going-out experience translates into I think that where she came out in both of us yeah she used to be so careful as a teenager she was she worked really hard but she was also very careful she would never spend more than she had or this came after her dad died interesting when was that 10 years ago she didn't actually bring that up she won't she won't talk about that the only place she is happy now is abroad in the Sun on the beach which is exactly and she's do loads of underwater swimming with her dad does he snore clean and all that she do that yeah she loves it I just don't think she ever talked about losing her dad you think as a family you could you could if Nick don't want to talk about it you don't talk about it yeah I remember phoning Nicola one Sunday and screaming and saying where I want I want them back and that was my husband and Simon and I think it's the most normal thing in the world for you want to scream at somebody I want them back and when is Nick over picked up the phone and screamed at you I want him Batman you know she seems like she's never had that moment no I don't think she has so instead she something has to be done to replace that and you've talked about the for you maybe it was spending looking for something that cheers you up or makes you feel powerful its second and it is a split second isn't it it's a second well I thought June was a sweetheart actually I thought she was a really brave woman she's had a lot of misfortune in her life except the whole family and I think she's struggled with it as people do you know I was impressed by how she now seems to be opening up a bit and I think that that should help Nicola if Nicola decides she wants to open up a bit then at least she can know that her mum is going through similar things and is opening up a bit herself [Music] Benjamin's come to meet Nicholas boyfriend Nick to get a better idea of why her spending is so out of control and how it affects their relationship to start with she's very self-conscious yeah that's what she is very self-conscious so clothing plaything mais she she wants all the latest looks she wants things to make it look slimmer she does yeah and obviously she gets all the clothes and ideas from all the magazines she buys she buys a lot of magazines magazines yep she does buy a lot she can't possibly read them all do you feel that her money issues kind of impinge on your relationship or your plans or your future I see I get depressed and when she's down I know there's nothing I can do yeah that's probably true I'm not in the position where I can pay all her debts off and make her happy yeah I do think that she's communicating something through sabotaging her life financially because everything else in her life is great this is well educated - good job yeah it's got a nice boyfriend you know the things that women look at as being the things on the list of a happy life she's got many of them but she really is doing her best to sabotage isn't she she is yeah she does have a big dark cloud over that perfect life yeah I really get the feeling having spoken to a mum that it would help at least to talk a bit about the loss of her father so I just see a connection there between that and the money I think also with the with her losing her dad she hadn't really no one to turn to as much as she trusted her dad so that's probably affected a little bit yeah it's terrible to lose that one place that you feel you can go where you really feel you trust the person if you're safe and secure and protected Benjamin suffered his own loss when he was very young with the death of his mother and understands the effect grief can have when left unchecked she may rip my head off and stuff like her mom said but if she doesn't she might come home and rip your head off Benjamin's now got a clearer picture of what's been going on in Nicholas life and Jays managed to get her thinking in terms of quality not quantity but is Nicola ready to start talking about the deeper issues affecting her spending Benjamin and Jay are catching up to talk about Nicholas progress yeah she's been very very sweet very open if I ask her a question she will answer it she's not such a flippant and defensive she does seem to be sort of taking it on board or my stuff anyway I went to see Nikolas mum and had a very interesting time with her because she actually revealed a great deal more about Nikolas spending habits and the events in her life that led up to them much more than Nicola told me herself and I think that one of the things I'm gonna have to try and do is invite Nicola to be a bit more forthcoming a bit more honest I know it's difficult for her but I do think there's a strong connection there between the way she's behaving and the stuff that she hasn't actually ever articulated reassured by his conversations with Nikolas mum and boyfriend Benjamin's planned an outing where he hopes she will feel comfortable enough to open up to him I'm about to take Nicholas scuba diving and I think it's going to be an interesting activity for her because her mother told us how much she loved the water I also think that it's a great way for her to learn about alternative leisure choices at different costs because it's not that expensive to go for this kind of initial lesson but deeper than that I think there's something about Nicholas early life when she had a lot of good family experiences while on holiday and around the water I'm hoping that perhaps the sense memory of being in the water will help her to connect some emotional issues with her family that she seems very distant from now and following the scuba-diving I'm going to have a chat with her about some of those things maybe bring some stuff up and that might be difficult for her [Music] [Music] [Music] so how's it feel when you're underwater very relaxing yeah very nice I just feel really sick nice - there in his mouth yeah but the actual feeling itself is really lovely is it nice the way that once you're underwater do you feel like all of those anxieties that plagued you to drop away like worrying about what you look like all those things no I'm still worrying about more than maybe I should get one of these I think you look great you look sporting happening I love being in the water and I love swimming and I love going holiday but I do always feel I always feel worse because I know that the things I like doing like being in the sea and snorkeling and stuff and not particularly attractive sports how do you think they're not reactive hmm I think you look pretty cool do you feel like doing this fun stuff you enjoy everybody compromises you're extremely strict mmm that's just me well let's just try and relax enjoy it go with it and let's get under the water so you can really just zone out forget about all that stuff mm-hmm [Music] I have to say though the reason that I suggested bringing here today wasn't actually to get your makeup off it was because I went to see your mum as you may know and we had quite a chat and she was very sweet but she did tell me an awful lot more about your family than you did when we first met I do think it's interesting we discussed and speculated a little on whether or not losing that male frame of reference that you know literally your father the father figure and the security that that brings with it I don't know possibly contributed towards a sense of loss of containment loss of boundary and it's like from there you're able to just spend and spend and spend and nobody has been there say hey stop Rana in I know how many directions no advice I just think that the process of shall we say grieving and letting go of your father would have been a hugely difficult at that age and that time is not complete and where something like that's not complete we often find ways to if you like articulate it in a different way part of what happens when people die is that the grieving process involves a great deal of anger and I think particularly in this country were very bad at being angry and the reason I bring this up is because your mother actually said that she had a very significant kind of emotional breakthrough moment in her life when she picked up the phone and screamed at you I want them back remember that yeah lately she's talking about your brother who's aware in foster care and your father who sadly passed away it's just one of those things I um I uh I'm she got angry about it you see she was very depressed yeah and then through that depression burst this rage which she now acknowledges had been sort of repressed and if you think about what happens when you repress your angry a little bit of rebellion even though it's painful for Nicola after a short break and an opportunity to compose herself she resolves to carry on for the first time she's willing to accept that the past may have some bearing on her behavior with regards to the spending I don't know I it it's probably maybe mmm feels a small gap yeah maybe in my case quite a large one you come from this culture and you have the personality that allows you to be very standoffish when you actually feel quite upset and I think is that when you make that disconnection it allows you to survive but something's also lost yeah yes stink to carry on and get on with life but yeah the same time you haven't maybe you just haven't things out that maybe possibly would have enabled you to move on a journey so you leave behind a piece of you and it's that piece of you that I see screaming raising the red flag shouting at the cashier still in High Street shop hey I'm still here I want some attention but I really don't see I know you don't but that's because you're still carrying on spending the moment I'm the even better I want to give you this as an idea I'm not saying I'm right or I know anything about you that you don't know about yourself but I want to plant these ideas with you so that six months down the line when me and J aren't around anymore to say oh this that or the other and you find yourself a bit gloomy one Saturday afternoon oh look here you are in Topshop I want you to be able to have these ideas as a recourse so that if you think I cannot understand why I can't prevent myself from buying these seven matching time try to remember this afternoon at scuba centre and think you know what maybe I'm actually angry about something and I need to just go and stand in a field and scream into the rain and the wind that I'm pissed off yeah if you get the chance to talk to your mom about it maybe that would help as well because I've now had quite a good in-depth chat with both of you but in the end of course it's YouTube that carry on together anomalies yeah after all that depth Nicola retreats to the reassuring shallows of her glossy magazines I'm always attracted by articles that say they will make you look fantastic I'm always attracted by articles that say you can lose weight in a week I know that Natalie Imbruglia possibly doesn't necessarily look like that every day of the week however she does look absolutely stunning and in all of the laurio adverts for example because I do use their staff the foundations everything just promise the world I am a little bit how should we say gullible when it comes to advertising cuz I just yeah you just want to be like that person Nicol has been spending over a hundred pounds a month on makeup and as a sucker for any product that's been endorsed by a celebrity Jay wants her to find her own style and has some practical tips to save her money welcome to girl world Nicola somewhere you're familiar with I know Nicol has been used to wearing a generous amount of makeup taking a toll on her skin as well as her bank balance do you think it's a confidence thing as well do you feel that you sort of you know you wouldn't leave the house without your makeup on as far as I'm concerned it has to be a full face of slap before I'd even attempt to put my head out the door I'm not what do you think people would be looking at if you didn't have I thought I just think I've got really awful Skinner Jay wants to help Nicola lose her mask she's hoping a natural makeover might give her the confidence to stop hiding and Trust in her own beauty I am so sorry that you've got a job of taking all this off what Kerry is going to do is use one of these products which is a foundation and I can see they're all in one but rather than do that whole sort of mask that you do we're just going to put it on your t-zone and just even out the skin tone rather than completely mask it all up okay nicholas reliance on two different foundations and a concealer normally costs her forty two pounds a month using one product that does both jobs cost just seventeen pounds now what carries using here for your cheeks is one of these three and one products that you can use on your cheeks you can use on your eyes and you can use on your lip so for sixteen quid three jobs in one tube good economizing now I know you like your lipsticks quite sort of almost traditional lipsticks don't you what we're going to do here is just show you a really really natural looking gloss just with a hint of pink so you can wear it on its own but you can also wear it over other lipsticks so again it's that thing of thinking you know it's going to do two jobs for you okay Nicola come and have a look come and see I know you'll know this is the way this is probably the worst worst of the whole thing so far change is difficult and your instinct is to not like change so the fact that you've given this a go and gone with it and been prepared to be open-minded about that you know that's been a success because you've done that now see if it looks like you yeah just live on me regrets I just alright go to take a couple of minutes I like the cheeks a little bit maybe a little bit more and I don't do like the lips I said I think the color would take some getting used to okay I just still feel that I'm just a little bit I'm still a little bit naked and that's what it is you feel vulnerable because you think people can say yeah underneath what you wouldn't want them to despite her fears Nicola manages to leave relatively unscathed with a brighter complexion and more change in her purse back at home practicing Jays natural look isn't going quite so well I think doesn't look too bad at the moment but it's not it's certainly not look that I am it's only not look that I'm interested in put it that way chin my chin yeah it's horrible smothered in spots and the idea is I'm not gonna do this on camera because I look a real player but you should sit and smile at your reflection and basically I'm gonna smile now and basically just get the just get the rounds of you cheeks now I know this because I'm reading on magazines the less is more approach could take a lot of getting used to that's that's my take on the natural look it doesn't look too bad I'm not overly not overly embarrassed with it mmm I'm not happy to go out I like it now however have long hair and hopefully that makeovers only human perfections up with her new face on Nicola tests her self-control at the shops with her sister Jess as a chaperone can you imagine this and those shoes you would look very classy I'm not buying any more James for live like I do right now that quality I really do like that you could wear that with so many things I am tempted to try them because I know that it would go to so many things I think I should know cuz I will end up rolling in so this would be more of a nice rich sensible purchase that's allowed it's not yes but everything it does not for me to be honest with her new mindset and resolve niccola's making a real breakthrough [Music] I'm quite a hoping I might see something swimming but and only I'm going to it's the final week and Nicholas taken on Benjamin's advice to talk to her mum about her dad they've come to high cliff in Dorset a place where they used to spend family holidays it's full of memories of her dad oh we haven't done this for a long time I don't think I've been to the beach for you for a long long time you were the first child you were the older child yeah dad I adored you absolutely even as a young ago you were always quite cautious about what you did and dad would talk to you about it only about what you wanted to do and your jobs and because I was probably busy with the other two you would talk to dad about it and I think that's how you university came into it because you could sit and talk to dad about university so yeah I think I think you and dad were very close yeah I remember it always seems having my days then no longer some better some it's nicer longer summers here and you're swimming and you had that in common he adored water it's how did you and there's no cleaning yeah I still see you two coming back without opportu first trip minute octopus yeah I was fearless then I'm a little bit more wearing now but I think if you were going for adding do though is then you know it's a lovely thought when you come back though it's strange it's always so I was quite young for somebody to be snuggly now and a bear I suppose when you're really a dad you don't actually think danger darling if somebody else is leading you along and then that's what you do because you don't you don't worry but I won't go out that far on my own now and I do get a bit panicky now don't you think that's part that is possibly what happened to us when dad was there we were protected when Dad died we were very vulnerable [Music] and I bet it's absolutely freezing yes although not as cold as I thought no I think I shall have to come down to the beach again it's the end of Nicolas four-week trial so what lessons has she learned over the last month hi cliff was nice it was nice to go back there it hasn't changed so I don't it was nice just chatting and reminiscing a little bit I suppose if you do go through a bereavement you do tend to adopt the theory that you could get hit by bus tomorrow and I'll have a doctor that for a very long time that's why I'm smoked too much that's why I spend too much and I think possibly me my mom my sister very much the same but I guess the difference now is what I could have done with all that money and what I'm gonna do in the future so it's kind of like yeah I appreciate that I could actually get knocked down by a bus tomorrow however I would actually quite like family and I would actually quite like a house with a bit of land and that kind of thing so I guess in a way that's it's probably helped me to think more that way I'm not so focused on here and now four weeks ago when Benjamin and Jay first met Nicola she was spending 435 pounds a week on stuff she didn't need and more importantly couldn't afford all her relationships seem to revolve around spending and looking good Benjamin and Jay have come to say goodbye to Nicola and to see what changes she might have taken on board during the time they spent with her Wow nothing really nice for diving yeah this is a nice use of the spacers before I can't really remember there being anything in here that was really functional it was a dumping ground oh yes it's not we're really going around so sad this feels three much more homely mm-hmm when we first met you you were spending 430 pounds a week on completely unnecessary items do you sort of think now you could remember what you were spending that money on no I can't I I don't know where it went so getting back to the brass tacks of all this how has this actually manifested itself in your financial position I I asked the bank to decrease my job for five hundred-pound last month and I've used half of that I've draft this month so my overdraft has actually gone down Western 2/3 Wow which is a huge difference and it's a weight of your life yeah absolutely I've kind of got to stage now where I think there are probably slightly nice things I could be doing than going into a completely packed shop on a hot you know in a hot environment and having I guess to really think about whether I need something you know longer seem to be worried that once you're in a shop you're gonna be incapable of coming out without something I think I'll just reassess a little bit as to what's important and I would rather spend time here or I'd rather spend time with people because the more you connect with other people and the more you enjoy those free experiences in life there's natural experiences there's natural highs the less you need the student and simulate them for example by shopping mm-hmm it seems a very positive development hopefully I like talking to people I'm not as comfortable at keeping things to myself as I used to be so obviously something's changed I now feel the need to talk whereas before I felt the need to shut up one month on and things are looking good rather than stirring up unwelcome tension between nicola and her boyfriend Nick money is no longer a thorny issue in fact they're even looking for a house to buy together now because spendings toned down she's more sensible she's surprised now when she sees actually how much she hasn't spent which it which is good which is you know it puts a smile on her face straight away so there's not that bit at the end of the month where she gets a little bit depressed now it seems almost as if she's looking forward to a statement see how good she's being a month which is which is nice [Music] I've got a week and a half left your payday and as it stands I'm 200 pound overdrawn which is bloody good bloody bloody good in fact click on screen for more videos of extraordinary humans you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 162,315
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Keywords: spendaholics tv show, shopaholics, shopaholics full episode, shopping addiction full episodes, spendaholics documentary, spendaholics youtube, shopaholics documentary, shopaholics bbc, shopping addiction documentary, shopping addiction debt, shopaholics uk, shopping addiction recovery, spendaholics full episodes, spendaholics uk, spendaholics, shopping addiction help, Only Human, Only Human channel, only human documentary, shopaholics anonymous, shopping addiction true life
Id: fsejb2MPaTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 16sec (3376 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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