I’ve Turned My Home Into a Rubbish Tip | the Hoarder Next Door s1 ep1 | Only Human

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[Music] all across britain ordinary people are keeping a shocking secret and their numbers are growing look at this room nigel over a million people now live in mountains of clutter it's quite good actually it keeps the whiff down that's our rat and when a horde takes over how would you feel if you had more space like i could breathe it can turn the lives of ordinary families upside down mum why are you not listening [Music] you can't live like this i know but help is at hand this is the bathroom yes i would have never guessed psychotherapist stelios kiosis has been treating hoarders for the last 15 years and he believes he can help anyone in just six weeks they're not freaks it isn't a choice i just want to get out of this room before this room kills me there's a little hoarder in all of us when it's out of hand and that's what makes it different [Music] this week has stelios met his match in tina i use all this stuff when was the last time you used it will she ever declutter i still feel like i can't get rid of things [Music] in trendy east london vintage obsessed tina can't resist bric-a-brac and retro so there is that kind of magpie hoarding thing going on from clothes to ceramics even leaflets tina just loves collecting stuff i'll take these on with good intention to read and do these things and i might do but often they're not they end up sort of like in a little pile with another pile on top another part and then just they just get forgotten but tina's collecting has got out of hand and behind the door of her one bed flat tina's hall of clothes magazines and flyers has turned into a sprawling horde [Music] i feel like i'm on a rubbish tip i feel like i'm one of these people like searching through the rubbish for something to sell or whatever 44 year old aspiring artist tina is fighting a losing battle with a collection that began over 30 years ago this is like my own personal spaceship spaceship tina where i'm living in the 60s protecting the last remains of these items you know to take off to another planet and grow them there or something i started collecting amazing things of the 60s possibly as young as maybe 8 or 9 because i just love the whole thing of it music was number one then it would be fashions and styles and then rock paraphernalia this is like pop 30. i've got a date on it april 82 it was so important to know your top 20. so this is definitely worthy of keeping tina's parents moved to spain five years ago now the only family she has left in london is cousin tony well it's quite fun to come around here and just look about the museum like she's got stuff here when she was a kid and like like the weebles up there i don't know i just think it's just swamped her tina's hoarding is now preventing her from realizing her ambitions of becoming an illustrator the holding is holding me back now because i've become so attached to things that it's become more important than to live my life without help i see myself just sitting in my bedroom tears rolling down my face just looking ahead and seeing what's the point you know feeling sorry for the me should have been and haven't because these things took up my time instead tina is not alone it's now estimated that up to five percent of the population suffer from problems with hoarding i am a hoarder handbag shopping bags hot water bottle covers i've got 35 000 but collections don't have to be hordes for some they're life enhancing and others have even managed to turn their passion into record-breaking collections i didn't expect it ever to get this far if i'm honest with you we applied for guinness world records and we counted everything out and we got confirmation then i was the new world record holder for the largest collection of pokemon memorabilia it's when a collection loses any sense of focus and turns to clutter that the problems begin one man who thinks he can help is psychotherapist stelios kiosis who's been treating hoarders for the past 15 years a lot of hoarders are everyday people who may be looking okay on the outside but once you go into the house you will see a hold that has taken over their lives today stelios is visiting tina at home in six weeks time he wants tina to be ready to work with his team of declutterers to clear out her horde my first task is really to identify how severe her hoarding is and how it's disrupted her life [Music] hello hiya hello mr elliot nice to meet you too cool absolutely can i come in yep yep thank you tina you're not allergic to cats no i'm not no i've got food oh brilliant do come through and yeah it's uh it's kind of like it's almost organized mess stelios is looking for clues as to why tina's so attached to her clutter how long have you been collecting um well i think i've always collected stuff and then once i kind of got really into like this 60s thing then i guess that's that's where it really took off i started collecting anything also on top of that there were things people give me stuff there were things which were for my family and i was like oh no i can't throw that out so those are items that prove to be a problem because then i don't want them to go this is my bedroom and it's kind of actually the worst room because it's a dumping ground so what are we looking at well mostly clothes poles of clothes this is what i've got loads and loads and loads off actually and what they are they're little boxes or memories got loads of tickets look at this all these train tickets what is that seven oaks three pound six day how about that [Music] tina's locked in into a childlike mindset from the past but her adult is in a constant battle with her inner child there's that part of her which is very creative very childlike creative and then we have the other part that's very chaotic disorganized why is this um hidden um well that's books you see okay and apparently feng shui wise you shouldn't have books in the bedroom or something because it doesn't help you relax but i have a television so hiding hiding these books yeah but yeah because offensively that don't help you relax but it's okay i know i know mad is that i know you know what i call all this what is it visual noise visual noise oh my god you're right it is visual noise it is the louder something becomes what happens then yeah definitely definitely much of tina's hoard consists of items left behind when her family moved to spain five years ago this is what drives me mad and i actually would love to just go yep throw it what stops you throwing this away what the design because it was my nan's it's like something that i don't know it's like i haven't the right to far away someone else's things okay so we're getting someone now what bad thing do you think might happen if you do that i know it's irrational but you know just being seen as being an idiot i suppose throwing away something that someone else wanted to keep i'm anticipating some form of resistance so she will either run away or she will fight for it in terms of her defenses it's very important to be cautious when dealing with somebody like tina because she has the problem of clutter but also the problem of obsessions she's finding two monsters really and it's quite difficult and hard to do that trying to help tina deal with her hoard is going to be one of stelios's toughest challenges [Music] as well as treating tina he's also helping another hoarder on the other side of london 71 year old joanne has a hoard so extreme she's unable to enter many of the rooms in her three-bedroomed house the rooms that i use is the the kitchen the bathroom and my bedroom i have sometimes difficulty in getting in my bedroom and the rooms i don't use is the this room in the back room over the past 36 years joanne's horde has grown as a result of her compulsive shopping um oh look at that the jewelry box isn't that lovely that would go nice on my address on here wouldn't it i can't keep out of charity shops oh look oh look at this clock oh that's fantastic that would go nice in my kitchen wouldn't it it would i've collected a lot of ornaments um clothes paintings books the amount of books i have i could open a bookshop joanne tries to control her addiction by spending no more than 20 pounds a day i hardly ever leave a charity shop without getting something i can't take my eyes off that so i've got to have it it wants me to buy it i don't want to let go of it i would say spend more on charity shops than i do oh that looks so much better it's just made a whole lot of difference i feel absolutely elated now [Music] joanne has lived in the same house all her life and has owned it since the death of her grandmother 35 years ago it was such a big thing to be left this house and to be able to cope on my own that's when the collecting started but the horde has become unbearable and joanne has decided it's time to stop living in the past i'd like to change the whole place and absolutely declutter to be able to live here comfortably and bring friends here and that is my challenge in east london obsessive hoarder tina is trying to get her home back she's been adding to her horde since her early teens if i don't try and do this now i'm going to look back in another 10 years and go oh my god what have i done i'm on the edge as part of her treatment psychotherapist stelios keosus has invited tina to a group cookery session at a restaurant in birmingham cooking therapy is so important because it energizes the brain where stress and worry numbs it they can use the medium of food and cooking as a way of escaping from the constant turmoil that some of the clients feel and think when they're on the road [Music] extreme hoarder joanne is also attending stelios has asked joanne and tina each to bring a couple of friends for support joanne has brought jill and maura but tina has come alone welcome to the cookie therapy with a difference if a client comes for the cooking therapy and they're not confident they're socially isolated it brings them back into a small social group they're able to get together and create something this is nice i mean i don't even care if i get this wrong because i'm enjoying it so much yeah it doesn't bother me at all i've seen a multitude of responses from somebody's depression getting better to somebody's confidence being raised [Music] after a morning spent in the kitchen the group sit down to lunch [Music] stelios has introduced tina to joanne so she can understand the extent of her own problem more clearly joanne is a mirror of what tina could be in a few years time and it's that unconscious feel i can be like that one day and i don't want to be joanne what what's the reason you're holding on to your clutter afraid of letting go of what us voting let go of things memories and it's like as if will my parents i lost them i don't want to lose my me know my possessions it'd be like losing my parents again how's that all feel to you one of the things i started to realize because i collect so much stuff which is my family which is my friends it's like they've replaced them these things have kind of replaced them because they're not around my life at this moment and it's still like having them here or that's the illusion of the disorder that if you hold on to the clutter somehow you're going to find relief and comfort but you don't it does the opposite it creates more clutter more anxiety more more grief actually instead of letting go yes after the meal joanne and tina reflect on the day's session i like the whole communal thing of today i like i like the fact i met somebody else that's got the same thing i felt um appreciated that's i felt a bit i felt appreciated yeah you're generally appreciated and i feel very happy you're happy today because you spend a day with people yes that's true it's been an emotional day for tina as she finally realizes how isolated she has become you've got your lovely friends that you came along and i couldn't find anyone that is silly it's just i i would be like if i said it i'm your friend thank you i'm sorry you're actually opening up at last you know and saying things how they are and you can't move on in life unless you accept the reality that you know it is how it is [Music] i don't think tina's ever been able to fully express how she feels like she did today i think today is quite a special moment for tina's emotional well-being really [Music] a week later and stelios has suggested that tina visit joanne for support [Music] joanne will act as a motivator for tina and also as a good support as a fellow human being who has suffered for many years from the same disorder and that is a tremendous form of healing i'm so looking forward to seeing her and i'm hoping that i can help her before she gets into the situation i'm in meeting joanne makes me feel less sort of completely alone because i you know although i've got friends and family they're always talking as if i'm some kind of freak and to meet somebody else with the same problem it strengthens you hello tina nice to meet you lovely come in come in the house of horrors if you come in here and you might want to go out again no no well that's the front room okay but i can't remember the last time i i went in there it's a it's a warehouse oh my god you know and the bigger the place the more clutter where do you start and this is the back room there should be a nice sitting room where you can have dinners and that oh wow you can see the ground the little things i know have you ever managed to get to the other side of the room or do you have to climb over them i'll have to go from the outside and open the patio doors yeah so she'll come upstairs i've tried to tidy up one side of the stairs and as you can see the books that i've never read i'll never have time to read oh that's okay sorry um oh this is the bedrooms oh the newspapers i hate the curse of the newspapers i'm terrible are you the same yeah i've just got to get rid of them i can't even get into the wardrobes oh my god joanne's house has shown tina what her home could be like if she doesn't take control stelios hopes it will spur her into action i really don't end up being in a place where all the stuff takes over like this because i know i find it difficult with the stuff i've got already but if i carried on i don't know if i could do it i don't know if i'd have the strength oh that was lovely how yeah do you get to talk to somebody you know with a similar you know situation that i'm in it's made me feel quite positive it's lovely thank you thank you too thank you very much take care okay [Music] my regret is that i didn't start this many years ago and i feel that i've wasted quite a few years now i think the same with tina she's not in the same position as i'm but she knows that she could get in the same position and she knows she could do something about it now but she needs help tina is halfway through a six-week treatment for hoarding disorder with help she started to reduce her anxiety refocus on her goals and reorganize her cluttered mind psychotherapist stelios is confident tina is now ready for him to put the next step of his plan into action it's time to start a more direct approach to getting rid of the horde and getting rid of her clutter really and the reason for that is because we have no time to wait so it's very important for tina to give the hoarder a big kick up the ass and that's what the horde needs really stelios has asked tina to make a start in clearing out some clutter from her flat her cousin tony has come around to help what are you doing see what they are but don't look in the bag that's rubbish it's got a garlic on it it's priceless it's kind of garlic on it look at this slip magazine all this information the history is lost that's why magazines like this are worth keeping have you read everyone i haven't read them all but some of them i have but he's standing all the time but that was all in the cupboard what are you going to talk away from can't chuck nothing away because we can't trust me but it's in the way it's not in the way so far teen has refused to let go of a single magazine team you want to get rid of that though yeah no so i'll put it in the other room just in case no no take those shelves off though maybe i might need the [ __ ] oh no team please please you won't you won't wait wait wait wait wait wait wait one minute one minute one minute can you do me a favor oh don't worry all right i was gonna say the pegs are holding the shelves see if we can pull them out don't worry just take it take it after three hours of sifting through her flat tina's only managed to part with a bookcase i totally feel like i've accomplished something so that does feel good it does i suppose it's just a slow process my worry is she will find it difficult to get rid of things when she's on her own she just needs a helping hand [Music] motivated by her meetings with steli argentina extreme hoarder joanne has started her own clear-out this is all stuff to go into the auctions and there's two things here to be sorted out to go to the boat sales and then by the end of the day i want to have cleared this room to make it livable so it's going to be quite exciting today i think [Music] joanne invited friends breeda and trish over to help with the clearing i've been outside but i've never actually been in she's always put me off of coming in but i'm very determined person i don't take no prisoners hello preeta hello truth how are you feeling all right yeah yeah i'm going to get stuck in you're going to get stuck in there onwards and up yeah for hoarders overcoming the shame and letting people into their homes can be the major obstacle to successfully clearing the horde right this is uh you never believe what it was like first of all hoarding is defending it's defending her being in terms of getting hurt again so really it is a wall that hides her inside from the rest of the world but i use those i use those for putting my food in to put in the tray yeah but how many do you need i've got enough there for about a hundred years is that all you've got in the house yeah that's all i've got they're sort of sure what about the ones in the hall yes i use those as well yeah but you can't use them yeah i use them just leave those joanne has piles of newspapers magazines and books in every room of the house she wants to keep these books and she's going to read them and then throw them out when she's read them but i've told her i don't think if she lists her 100 she'll have time to read them all but she's got all the papers to read as well i mean these are things i can't physically take them away she doesn't want me to there's just a limit to what you can do what was that breeder that's funny i've been picking working through more bags of clutter in the corridor tricia and breda are becoming frustrated with joanne's reluctance to part with anything don't be putting it down no it's not rubbish look it's a shopping list it's all rotten no it's not rotten there you have it have this one instead yeah that way but you don't need them both come on no no we don't know i've got that telephone number yeah all right then have the telephone number how many there's only on the first two pages i'm getting a bit uh a bit agitated period how would you feel if we all packed up and went and left you like this listen how would you feel if we all went doing it no i think what it is i'm not so used to having people no no i think i think that's what it is uh i'm not used to having people no no and i get confused i know i know when you're confused that's why i try and help you still determined to help joanne breda tries decluttering again in the dining room you go through them i know what you mean oh this can go they've got too many i know don't cry don't get upset listen this is all for you it's for you are you loving it's for you this is my grandmother oh keep it there no it no keep it this is very emotional for you i know i know there was shoes here i know i know but it's all for you isn't it so you can walk around your own home you know what i mean nice table come down to dinner we'll have a helper's dinner yeah so that's what we're aiming for isn't it but it's it's just got to go the process is painful but stelios believes that joanne has to come to terms with the past so she can start thinking about the future [Music] that was quite a shock seen what she's gone through my worry is that she's bringing all the junk again and even go back and get what's gone out the door really but today's a start hopefully the beginning of many good days to come [Music] tina is now more than halfway through her hoarding therapy today stelios is dropping by hoping to see if she's made progress clearing her flat i still feel like i've got a long way to go here and stelius might have hoped i was getting rid of a lot more stuff but i can't a lot of this stuff is still quite in use and in need [Music] thank you thank you not much cleaner than last time disappointed tina has yet to reduce the clutter stelios makes straight for the heart of the problem her bedroom this room is just suffering isn't it i can sense it can you no but i'm suffering i know that you are yes worried tina's obsessive thinking is getting the better of her stelios decides it's time for some tough talking what is rubbish yeah it's the thing that pulls you down i mean that that is rubbish your mind is telling us straight away isn't it well there's no there's no way you tangle it's a mess it's like um that's your brain that is no it is it's true that is exactly what's going on in my brain right now it's untangled mess this isn't it look at that come on i know these days we've all got these drawers and bags of cables which accumulate and then you can't get rid of because you can't remember what it's for you know how important it is and if you throw it away it'd be damned it'd be the one that you're looking for to get whatever it is you need working but you're not using it now let's let's stay with this for a minute because that's what that's what happens you're telling yourself you're going to use this but actually you know what if i come back in five years time it will still be in there but i use all this stuff um this is for like aerial tv stuff when was the last time you used it um this is so difficult with that that's all right stelios is concerned that tina is resisting all of his therapies all the things i've done with you the cooking therapy you know the psychotherapy they're all to give you and your mind a different perspective yeah to stimulate you yeah that's very true so you can come back and think my goodness there's more than just this my life is more exciting outside this exactly not being being attached to things because when you attach the things you know you don't live it's making you ill this is what i'm doing you're ill because of this stuff yeah and you'll only see it clearly once you get rid of the stuff that's making you ill that's true despite nearly four weeks of intensive therapy tina's attachment to her belongings seems as strong as ever she's actually one of the most difficult clients i've seen you can see this game the disorder is playing with her and with me in her bedroom and it's just tricking the disorder to think differently and that's going to be a battle really and we've only got what a few more weeks to go so i'm quite worried [Music] concerned with tina's progress two days later stelios sends in professional declutterers zoe and allison what we do is we give you a box and that is where you put all your memories in right everything that's valuable to you it could be a photograph it could be um a school report it could be family things that people you've lost or whatever along the way and that box we keep everything in right and that's as much as you should keep right magazines that you like magazines well one of them's got something in we're gonna have the definitely these keeps uh-huh don't knows uh-huh and the one that you're gonna part with right not if tina yeah come on calendars what's in these boxes here stuff get another box to go through come on keep going come on stop looking in tina despite zoe's strict instructions it's tough getting tina to let go of anything oh my god the ticket how many tickets have we got there's too many this is going to gilford that was probably when we went a book fair or something we went to welling that's where my mate lives do you really think you need that salisbury no no no no let's get rid of them there's this one evil though well done well done after an exhausting day of decluttering zoe and alison have only managed to get rid of one box and one bag of rubbish i've never known anybody that can have so many memories and remember so many different trips that she's had in her life but every card every book every diary every year at school every class every book tina has and much more [Music] with tina so resistant to change a few days later stelios has returned to try out some shock therapy it's a day full of surprises really for tina last time leaving her home i was frustrated and really worried about her i decided today to flood her flat with hundreds and hundreds of boxes that will cover her flat from floor to ceiling i want to shock that part of her brain that's still sleeping and not having fully realized how she can end up in five or ten years time really stelios has never tried this before but he's running out of options you would need to leave the flat for about an hour for now on yeah where am i going to go while stelios fills her flat tina nervously waits in a nearby cafe [Music] what are they doing what they're doing they said they're not touching anything not getting rid of anything what are they doing then what could they do what is possibly what they could do it's that feeling of somebody throwing out stuff i have to have the control i can't have someone else do that i'd be awful tina started her therapy out of a fear of living in a horde so extreme she could barely move around her flat sterlios thinks it's only by giving tina a vision of her worst nightmare that she will understand the urgency to start decluttering it really feels overwhelming i hope it will have the same impact on her as it is having on me at the moment two hours later and it's time for tina to return home [Music] this is the last chance stelios has to prepare tina before he sends the declutterers back in the worst case scenario i was going in there and seeing stuff cleared away that would be really awful that would make me feel sick come in tina [Music] oh my god oh my word what have you done come in tell me what you're sensing total claustrophobia oh my god this is um this is what i want to stop you ending up really can you imagine waking up every morning and being surrounded yes awful try and make yourself a cup of tea this is crazy in here my god i kind of engaged it and that's what happens you can't start you can't use a kitchen you can't use the bathroom you can't you know suddenly you're restricting one little area you know where to sit you have gold paths oh i couldn't stay in this flat i'd go mad stelios leaves tina alone in her temporary horde to allow the effect to sink in this is my staff and it's mingling in so it's like it's happening already it's more of the realization of where my life is heading she will have faced her future in the here and now [Music] hopefully this will give her an ultimate push to get rid of her stuff that she doesn't need i feel really pathetic what donut you idiot gosh what am i to do i still feel like i can't get rid of things isn't that terrible compulsive hoarder tina is in the last week of her therapy in a final effort psychotherapist delias kiosis has sent declutterers zoe and alison back with the specific task of clearing her bedroom we've come in to help you make the bedroom work for you yeah so that everything's got a place rather than it be a mismatch of things that should be in your lounge and things that are in your lounge that are in your bedroom so it's to try and make sure that what you've got in your bedroom are the things that you actually want in there and that you're going to enjoy in there tina's bedroom is littered with piles of clothes so zoe is keen to make room in the wardrobe it's their clothes that you really really could lose i don't know because i do actually wear everything don't you think it would be a good idea then for us to put the bulky items which are taking up an awful lot of room into this cupboard no because i'm wearing them and then why can't i put them away and we could put your coats this side no definitely not that side either because that would be well my dresses are my skirts tops tina's resisting zoe's effort to reorganize her clothes so zoe changes tack and focuses on tina's shoe collection do these capers or yeah they need a bit of attention to them what about these yeah they're like when it's snowing and really bad whether it's perfect yeah because they go with certain outfits you don't need to keep everything tina these keepers oh gosh yeah but the trouble is because they've got little stiletto heels i don't really do little stiletto heels so why are we keeping them there yeah because they're comfortable to walk back in keep focused tina because i know these were lovely these they were i worked in the shop at the time and that's how come they've got the these and the brown ones after nearly a day spent going through tina's shoes almost everything is returned to the cupboard we wouldn't want anybody to part with things that still had a purpose and a use but unfortunately tina sees emotional attachment to absolutely everything and a reason to keep everything alison and zoe are experts in getting hoarders to let go of their hordes but in tina they've met their match i'm just fed up having to explain why i'm keeping these things i'm fed up with explaining sorry that's what i'm like i know it's not brilliant i'm sorry i've got too many clothes and shoes and hats and coats whatever i'm sorry that is what i'm like i can sit there on my own and go what do you want do you want to live like this or do you want it to go and then i can go okay it goes but i can't achieve that if other people take that decision away from me otherwise i'm not going to beat this never going to beat it okay so quite basically you've turned into my parents and that's not working very well because it's bringing up too much of my stubbornness with them when i was younger you cannot rush somebody with this kind of problem because it's such a deep rooted part of who i am and what i am it's just not that easy to go oh yeah i can get rid of these clothes i'm not wearing them recently all this stuff's been collected and hoarded by me and no one else and i'm the only one who can kind of get rid of it tina has decided that she alone will continue at her own speed i think the reason that tina got upset was that she actually thought she was losing the battle and let's be honest she's had two of us trying to help her steer her into making some sound decisions however tina is happier now and tina is happy now because she's still retained and held onto her stuff having tried their best zoe and alison leave with just three bags despite finding it almost impossible to clear out her own horde tina still feels she'll be able to help fellow hoarder joanne i just want to help joanne help us shift some things and you know let's see some carpet let's let's make our dining room come true [Music] hello hiya jill and breeder at the back room oh they're they're all ready are they and just anxious to what they're throwing out you know i can imagine so i just wanna all right then go on tina replies the lessons she's learned from the declutterers this makes great sense take the ornaments off of here if you want to wrap them up or anything they've got loads of newspaper anyway we put those ornaments in that box and then we just leave this purely with books yes this is not to discuss what's staying what's going it's just to make some order so for you you can see a little bit clearer on yeah that'd be great on how you want things to be why i couldn't have done this before listen this is i think this is only what i've tina is being absolutely incredible and i think that she understands the problem and she's looking at it from their joint perspective don't worry about any of this for now what we need to do is get that table okay with tina's insight clearing joann's hoard has become a lot easier bring it all in are you feeling confident with me i'm feeling confident very confident he wasn't before i was here before but i'm feeling very confident and i couldn't have done this without your help you've done so much you've given me the encouragement incentive that's good and everything okay and i'd like you to come again maybe we can tackle the front room that would be brilliant brilliant in teaming up tina with joanne stelios has given them both the support they will need to begin tackling their cluttered homes see you soon bye i wish i'd met tina years ago you know i really do but she's been my savior today absolutely after helping joanne tina appears to be turning a corner it felt really good that i was organizing something but also someone trusted me to do that and that was an astounding feeling so i said to joanne if you can do it then i know i can do it you know i must be able to give myself the same good advice as i've given joanne because it comes from me therefore yeah i should i should be able to listen to my own advice motivated by her visit to joanne and the efforts of the declutterers tina is tackling her horde with new determination [Music] well when i go through the boxes i come across something i remember getting as a kid and they used to really like it blah blah but i have to make that decision it's got to go and before i couldn't get rid of this but it is horrible look at it there's no saving it it's going organizing her flat has brought other benefits to tina's life i hope stelius notices i'm a bit more calmer not as anxious i definitely i definitely feel a lot of that angst i first had has definitely gone and tina's finally discovering a sense of self belief of confidence in my own artwork and that that is a really big difference because before i didn't have that [Music] it's stelios's final visit to tina over the course of six weeks he's tried all the tricks in the book to deal with her obsessive collecting and he's anxious to see if they've worked what i'm hoping to find is that that visual noise has been reduced by tina's efforts to understand her problem and reduce her clutter that is so important because if she doesn't and if she hasn't it will continue affecting her in a negative way two weeks ago the declutterers were stopped in their tracks and tina made the decision that only she could clear her horde hello tina how are you hello hey yes indeed come in come in how have you been very good you're looking well oh thank you yes i was um well i was up late last night trying to make sure everything was perfect for today oh i'm sure it will be come on and that's where we're gonna go first oh just through here this is really good well i can actually walk in here now before i wanted this to be the main thing to work on because then i could sleep get rest how does it feel for you now um it feels really nice actually yeah it really does the visual noise has definitely quietened down it's a more organized you know there's a place for things now do you feel calmer i feel a lot better definitely that's really good before starting the treatment with stelios tina's flat was a scrapyard of old furniture piles of clothes and heaps of boxes reassured that tina has started to reduce her hoard stelias wants to make sure that the therapy has enabled her to continue decluttering her life you've had six weeks of treatment what is it you can take away from that i have to look upon something that i've had for ages and then i have to re-analyze why i'm keeping it it's like retraining your mind when i get that feeling i don't need it why am i keeping it and i and it just goes just like that that that was that's amazing i suddenly thought i can see what i've achieved okay okay thank you the most evident thing that i saw was the changes in her and then changes in her environment well done yes take care of yourself yes okay you've done really well thank you i know you've got a long way to go but don't lose hope just move on okay take care thank you very much i've seen today two fundamental changes one is the fact that tina doesn't present herself as anxious and she's not as depressed the improvement in teenage self-awareness and self-confidence are major and i'm happy with that i am very positive about the future i don't want to feel this positive energy in me phase out once you visualize what it is you want to do and achieve then you can work towards it i've started this stelius has shown me the way on how to deal with this now the rest is up to me [Music] you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 441,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only Human, Only Human channel, The Hoarder Next Door, hoarder, hoarder next door, britain's biggest hoarders, 2016, hoarders (tv program), cartoons, stelios kiosses, rubbish, tv, day in my life, hoarders buried alive, collection, purchase, shopping, school, nails, collectibles, only human documentary, shopping addiction documentary, hoarders full episodes
Id: JjVSTlaIe9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 27sec (2847 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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