Learn the Heavy Division 787 with a Real 787 Pilot! Full Flight Tutorial MSFS

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to another video with me 320 sim pilots and today i have something really special for you i have managed to convince a real world boeing 787 airline pilot to come along and guide us through flying the 787 in microsoft flight simulator we'll be using the fantastic heavy division mod for the default 787-10 in microsoft flight simulator premium deluxe editions so uh we have our colleague steve who will join us for this flight and i'm going to be flying the aircraft and steve will be guiding me through and showing us everything we need we're going to cover a walk around a start-up taxi out programming everything taking off flying there some enroute things some systems pages and so on and then the descent and of course approach and landing so yeah a pretty all-encompassing tutorial it was great fun to do let me know what you think in the comments it's also going to be a very long video so the um the time cards are in the description if you would like to jump to a specific section at a later date right let's jump into the video okay so here we are in london gatwick in the heavy division 787-1000 and we are parked up at as you can see gate 102 we've got a flight plan we're going to head down to ibiza very shortly there's the runways over there you can see our manta 320 sitting proudly on the other side of the terminal and what we're going to do is get steve our valiant 787 airline pilot to come and join us so hello steve thanks for joining us see ya how how are you doing so like a chat room or a chat show uh right on the show um yeah welcome to the show um yeah so uh you fly the 787 um i do do you like it yes great aircraft yeah it's brilliant we're well put together it's comfortable and excellent designed yeah easy to sit in for 12 hours doing not much i imagine exactly yeah perfect so what we'll do is we will jump into the flight deck and get it powered up it's currently sitting here cold and dark i'm using the heavy division mod and steve is going to take us through what needs to be done anything on the outside that uh while we're here i suppose that stands out to you from this this visual model you let me know um is it look pretty it looks pretty accurate that's a dash 10 um yeah the 800 900 thing uh sort of ended when they bought the seven eight seven oh i see 787-8-9-10 oh there's no it's not an 800 or 900 it's just a yeah it's just dash eight i see like the max is it yeah yeah exactly okay okay so excellent you match yourself if you call it the 800 yeah yeah that's what i've been doing good okay um uh but yeah the big length that's a 10 which is the longest one yep uh so it's quite a big difference between between the eight and the ten it's quite a big difference in length yeah i mean it's not even fitting in our gate here so it's nice yeah exactly so the uh yeah it's pretty prominent when you're taxiing right other than that it's identical okay nice anything you do differently while taxiing it um no the the ten has a little this momentum is a bit different uh when you're taxing sort of could run away with you a little bit more okay uh but a lot of us just go around corners right for the pure length of it well we've got a bit of a chassis to do today so we'll uh yeah talk about that when we get going then so i wanted to ask steve what he thinks of the external model now and this is the 787-10 that came with the premium deluxe version of microsoft flight simulator so i don't know if heavy division have modified it at all but um you can see it's not really parked on the line classic long-haul pilot parking that looks like to me it's just too tired but there we go um yeah yeah so um standout features of the 787 and you let me know if there's anything wrong i see the wipers are vertical i mean i assume that's right yeah it's very quiet um so yeah they're parked vertical so that keeps it keeps the noise down not bad there we are looks like quite a small flight deck at times is it how does it feel do you want it any bigger than the sort of medium horse no it's a good size i think can we talk to guys who through other long-haul aircraft and they say you know it's it's smaller right it's absolutely sort of the economy's built in mind but yeah no it's a good size it's got four seats inside four seats that aren't very good yeah uh we can have four and a three twenty so there you go but it's uh yeah if there was a 320 you'd see all the faces sort of right next to each other here and here all crammed in okay so nice um and what else have we got so yeah quite a quite a sloped nose one of our livery designers paddy he thinks it looks just like the comet uh which i can't see seems to be the new trend doesn't it have this lowered nose down at the front yeah um great walk around i guess you start here and then go around this way oh there and go here same as that towards the wheels every airplane on the inside yeah okay so this all looks very nice all very shiny isn't it look at it you can see the reflection of the wing that's cool shiny and clean yeah nice big windows um no skier nothing nothing there's nothing fancy about that they haven't managed to change that have they so here we have what i assume is to do with the air conditioning because it's something that sticks out and uh it's quite unique to the 787 so yeah what's going on here steve yes that's the uh cabin air compressors okay they're spoo the 787 doesn't draw air from the engines no to pressurize the cabin in a sort of traditional sense which uh generally gives you a fresher cabin environment uh and reduce the risks of oil smells and things like that in the cabin yeah so investigators do that on the 320 we just we either use the little apu jet at the back or the engine bleeds to get air both on the ground and in flight but you're saying you don't need any of that you're just going to use these these just yeah so it doesn't come off the engine yeah so it's uh yes it goes through there's the um compressors and obviously effectively what's inside the engine to compress the air pressurizing the air but on a separate system right very nice very clean um what is this dude because i've seen this open a lot and blocked the thing on the white there yeah that's um it's the doors that block the intake to the compressors on the ground generally and so it stops deadly getting sucked in and causing any sorts of issues very good as they're generally open on the ground and in sort of landing stages of flight uh but closed uh in normal conditions we'll come and have a look when we powered up and see if that actually works because yeah i always see that i always think well why would you have an inlet and then block it straight away it always seems strange to me but there we go right massive great engine quite a nice model is this good it looks right what engines are they trend are they uh well yeah trent one thousands uh there's variations on that it's quite a nice model of one really it's all right isn't it um yeah and it's got this honeycomb not honeycomb and this sort of serrated rear i think that's to make it quieter isn't it yeah noise is the big thing yeah yeah they are quiet fuel burn it helps as well really yeah how does it do that good question it does right to the wing anything unusual about the wings i mean they're composite aren't they yeah well the whole thing's here i think it's copper file like a formula nice well that's a nice way to put it aluminium inside no yeah so no no sharklet's got this sort of blended wing thing at the end no that's the fuel dump things on the left there oh fuel dump there okay yeah you dump the fuel for quick returns that goes out there rarely used i suppose yeah no it depends how fast you need to come back in really yeah um so only aircraft anyway so yeah yeah exactly yeah um cool and what else have you got these are the inboard sort of aileron things aren't they up here with the uh that's right yeah yeah they do sort of all wacky things when you're trying to take off i've seen so when it's not specialized sometimes that's pressurized a lot of time they're little droop down they droop down normally when you walk around normally yeah on the ground you pressurize that all right okay nice yeah yeah aida runs as well i suppose yeah yeah yeah it should be good now um just four main gear is that right on all of them they just yeah that's it it's not not uh the so there's the dash ten because it's a little bit longer has a tilting uh wheel thing which the pilots don't really know anything about but all right this avoids tail strikes and that's the intention so what does that affect that affects the main gear does it yeah yeah the main gate so it stops it from tilting too far does it it just yeah means when you're rotating it just gives you a little bit of a push off the ground just to oh goodness uh pivot around a further a point further back clever staff clever stuff then we leave the gear very good this is what happens when you make airplanes longer and longer they always end up having to fit extra things to them don't they um and here we go rear fuselage very standards 787-10 as as you said apu at the back i assume nothing exciting about that no usual sort of setup there oh very sleek and shiny this funny like every every airplane ever has the apu at the back but the dreamliner just couldn't have one nav light and the tail they had to have well these are the anti-collisions aren't they they sort of flash at the tail either side it's just yeah that's fine nice all right then so that is pretty representative then you think this model is not yeah it looks pretty too fast so that's pretty accurate that's what you see every day so let's jump into it every day yeah no too much all right let's jump in and power it up right so here we are on the flight deck and i have a little bit of a checklist here um which is pretty generic so i can either run through that one but or you can tell us what you think needs to be done how about i run through it and you you interrupt if you think or you've got any thoughts on what i'm doing yeah i mean initially looking up the overhead panel yeah something jumped out there a second ago uh so going left to right it's basically electrics hydraulics fuel than air right and so we said about the hydraulics earlier it looks like they've actually pressurized there where's the hydraulics uh so sort of center left column and down towards the bottom there's four hydraulic pumps here we go yep yep uh so they'd normally be off yeah so that will water at the moment but on the ground yeah that's the one yes they should all be pointing off towards the left so they don't seem to work so okay so they would be off and that's the first thing it's jumped out yeah okay would everything else be off normally like would you turn off a very yes yeah it looks like it's pretty much cold dark aircraft otherwise so would these normally be on or off uh what's that the windshield like would you like and things like that yeah they just leave those on unless you're missing hot uh the only thing really is off is the hydraulics and the fuel pumps uh possibly the packs packs as well so uh depending upon whether you've got ground air or anything else coming in a few of these things don't work yet in this mode i'm afraid but uh that's interesting to know because a lot of the other boeing's the checklist what the cold and dark setup is everything off you know when she gets off peter pretty good because we've been flying a few of them on the channel so um they've finally finally moved on from that and we're into the airbus we need everything on like you just turned the thing off you just cut the power with everything on the only thing it's the same as fuel pumps will go off and you turn off the irs's of course which are up here but uh yeah nice all right then so this is pretty representative of a cold and dark cockpit um right i suppose i'll i'll start the flow i'll get rid of that yolk um those pedals i don't like so i'm just gonna say that as well look at that why are there holes in them uh okay so parking brake set which is this weird thing down here down the bottom left yep that's set by being pulled up yes yes that's set as is great um battery switch on so that's not there no cover no nothing just give it push don't worry about it okay battery on so uh let me see there yes ap so you've got um it says three available external powers oh yeah uh generally she's uh forward two uh we need two on to get the full range of services in the aircraft really right but the apu can provide that otherwise so what it says available will avail uh that means it's plugged in and ready to go so if you push it or turn on ah so you just use the forward two just before two yeah how interesting okay very good oh i can hear some fans starting up some yeah things jump to life but yeah otherwise you can just turn the apu on which is just to the right there uh and if you had uh just flick it round to start just around to start yep which will give you and it just goes back to the box and sit there okay yes success is there anyway yeah if you go um system so just left uh sis yeah uh and then left to go to stat status uh-huh and then you see the apu's running up very good i i had not used this mod at all but i did try and turn it on to make sure i could you know it worked and i couldn't find even this page i was searching through um okay then once that's running once it gets to 100 uh you get uh on the icast you'll get ap running should appear shortly that's running this is the icast here uh where you go down yeah so i can see your mouse yeah yeah it's where the landing gear leave it down there yeah just left it on the screen oh i see you here here yeah yeah okay it might not be you know this is a early days for this mod but yeah yeah yeah normally apu running there okay great well that looks like it's working um still getting hotter and hotter but uh goods so that's the apu online and then would you go on to those ap generators at this point so yeah again they'd normally be left on actually yeah yeah whether you're on or off you just yeah yeah there's one question okay um generally there's nothing to look at if there's no lights on uh on the overheads then everything says it should be so see the ac buses you're offline but the ap you're pushing the beyond so yes right okay okay uh and actually when the apu generators are on then the external power guys are available so you could take it away ah that's a bit different because that would switch yeah so you should do that automatically really okay then you know you can take the ground power away then so it automatically changes to the it it prioritizes the apu generator yeah exactly okay but not in this module okay uh good so we got rid of the external power then we'll check that the landing gear lever is down uh flat leave it up which is working good speed brake lever retracts very old-school speed rate lever engine fuel controls cut off that's these two down and cut off so this is just like a 757 really at this point isn't it it's uh yeah hard to tell the difference um fuel pump switches off it says so they would be off at this point they would be off yes as it as is there which are all of these ones here they're all off engine instruments check um fine uh what am i checking uh generally it's this clever airplane so that nothing's yellow effectively okay yeah sort of white and off that's good yeah um anti-ice controls auto what does auto do uh auntie i so so they'd be in auto yeah and again you normally walk away with them in auto really uh so it knows when you're in cloud or anything like that the engines and the wings just heat up and do the right thing you're joking huh normal normal motion after anything so it's only if you have a problem you have to turn it on or off so you're generally in auto and you need them that way well that's outrageous okay fine there's actually leaning out to the engine anti-ice every three seconds in the winter great okay uh antioxidant auto window heating as required so you were saying earlier they could in really hot conditions you might not yeah in sort of yeah desert conditions things like that you might have it off uh but generally they're otherwise on and kind of as you see there and what have we got we got backup which is always on is it or yeah if you have a push the backup doesn't work but the normal ones do okay yeah yeah so generally and like i said when you look up there yeah there should be no amber lights in normal conditions fine okay there we go um altitude setting well we'll do that we can cheat we can just press b in microsoft flights which is great this is live weather by the way so the uk is sitting in basking sunshine so these passengers are very unlucky we could probably take them somewhere a bit colder for the first time but there we go um i have our clearance fuel quantity beacon and light so let's load on some fuel um i think we need 17.3 tonnes of fuel is required would you take i mean what's sort of that that's minimum fuel so would you add any extra to that or yeah i mean that's the european really no particularly you know about four tons an hour is that that's not bad it's pretty efficient because um 320 is two tons an hour in the cruise so yeah the fact that that's that's how right the size and the weight of the thing yeah although i suppose it doesn't hold you know in some configurations it doesn't hold many more passengers than a 321 neo well no that's true your economy one would i guess right so we're going to get some fuel on now i think we can do some of that through here let's see though uh i might be knocking talking nonsense so there's our payload fuel on board oh it's in pounds oh no like that uh we can change it to metric there we go that's probably gonna mess up some other stuff um so how much fuel do we want that's 50.8 tons how much more does it take quite a lot 50 10 yeah that that sounds more a reasonable figure 17 sounds quite low for any flight really do you think because it says i've got a final reserve field of two tons which does seem incredibly light yeah two times that's half an hour wow all right then well that's that's well let's drop it down let's see if it works i mean we're only going to ibiza that's that's the reason um let's go yeah that's probably 20 tons yeah something like 20 tons get there executes and if i look up here oh here's a little fuel gauge 20 tons of fuel gross waste weights changing around rapidly going up what is going on payload 13 tonnes of payload 169 ton takeoff is that reasonable yeah sounds good cool all i right then executed that uh okay so um fuel system by the way how many tanks have you got is there a way to see it can i see it up here yeah again there fuel so we'll go here wings and center again all things fairly automated if you uh if you put more fuel in you'd see on the eye cast you have a fuel incentive message okay uh which means you turn the center pumps on yeah so you have to turn the pumps on when you at this condition with a low fuel load you just uh you just turn the wing pumps on okay should i do that now or later no no no later on later okay um did you see this it's not quite accurate but you see on the fuel page there it's just drawing from the uh back to left part yeah apu yeah yeah oh yeah picture's not quite as it would look but yeah is it it seems to be a standard rule that the left tank supplies the apu it's over again i see that well okay good um so we've got a fuel um irs's i'll do next looking at that yeah yeah they're going to be close eight minutes to get going this checklist i've got here doesn't seem to be very good so let's go irises come on so we'll put those on um heading ref norm is that fine yeah it's normal the alternative is true true yeah so for those who don't know um that means magnetic then in normal and true would be not pointing the magnetic north pole it will point at the true north pole um that's going to be used more in like polar regions things like that um you do fly probably pretty north heading yeah you stay on um generally yeah it's down you still magnetic all the way through okay uh it's kind of it's quite specific reasons approaches and things like that but other than that yes generally stereo magnetic air traffic always expects you on a magnetic really don't yeah okay right um so that's anything else you think we need to do to power up the airplane before we start the engines aside from the cdu uh yes there's a few button presses and things to do yeah the overhead panel yeah the irs's are on generator setup uh so yeah the hydraulics have already got an auto you know that's not working feels fine uh packs no that looks good that's good let's talk about while those irises are lined so we've done the electrical system so we've got the four there's two generators per engine looks like yeah um apu's on it's pretty explanatory um irs is very simple so literally just on or off um and we've got some flight computers so it does have some interferences it is a fly-by-wire aeroplane ultimately isn't it yeah it is yeah you can there are some backups and things like that um we've got normal little lighting lights yeah lighting your seat belts yeah again uh so on on and then to water is normally the way it's done they're yeah below 10 000 feet and when the oxygen masks drop and things like that right automatically turns them on yeah so we go on and then to auto normally okay um is there a flow like is there an order do you do flows like yeah generally um going going down in four lines basically so from the top left down through the ios is down through the electrics and then starting right at the top uh by the ccr's and all that working your way down straight line there so four straight lines down basically so this all looks reasonable oh yeah to the point where you don't get any orange lights apart from the obviously the generators the hydraulics and the fuel yep great so as it is it looks good yeah yeah so uh cargo fire and then we've got the engine eec so what what's this talking about i've seen it in the other side it is an electronic engine control so normal modes the one you want and then various failures would lead you down to press those buttons that um for how you manage the engines effectively okay and it's to do with fedex and things like that okay yeah we've got um and the ie engines which use epr on the airbus we can swap between n1 mode and epr mode so yeah it's right yeah cheaper than one right yeah cool great so they're normal that sounds right um starts which is left in norm as opposed to start i suppose norm yeah so they're kind of uh yes leave me norm when you're starting flick them to start and then they'll ping back to norm once the engines are running great simple that's a nice symbol again yeah nice it's a simple airplane um fuel jettison oh it looks like you can actually yeah so there's uh again yes we would talk about if you want to get rid of fuel press arm you work right to left basically press arm and then you can turn that dial to how much fuel you want to be left with yeah and it automatically goes to max landing weight i just i could say if you want to go lower than that yeah and then when you're ready you press the two big buttons so yeah so obviously you get some fuel to get back to your maximum lighting weight so you could just press arm and it automatically knows that and just chooses how much fuel and then if you want uh yes as soon as max landing away unless you tell it otherwise clever staff yeah that's good i like that um fuel pumps we're leaving off for now balance system does that go on now or no that's uh that's off that's just if you're it's um it's just a temporary button push basically when your your fuel ends up in balance for whatever reason oh clever right um yeah watch it it's a fairly normal reason you press press that and uh balances the fuel and then pretty turns itself off afterwards i'm liking the sound of this airplane more and more because again on the airbus we balance it by turning off the pumps on one side and you can just sit there forget about it and you'll end up is that about it yeah tesla doesn't work turn off lights off taxi and strobe should all be off i'm guessing yeah for now cool it's quite quite a lot of lights this independence choice really is how much you want to be lit up as you're taxing around they're all pretty bright leds aren't they as well yeah let's say you've got to do quite long corners and things so nice uh humid what's this i don't know about that that's a new one of me could be just a uh option i think yeah yeah um cargo temperature is that fitted yeah again so yeah that's the bulk cargo's got auto mode and then the forward cargo depending upon your carrying you need to carry fish or pets or fruit or anything like that they could uh might have a temperature that wants to be set at might be six degrees or eighteen degrees and you change the flow of the air as well so you turn that round and then if you go to uh the systems page you looked at earlier with the apu and then press air oh systems then here yeah and then at the bottom left you go forward yeah yeah so 75 commanded 74 is actual yeah um okay great nice so we'll leave that as it is assuming we haven't got any things to worry about with that air conditioning then also getting all auto for the automatic system yeah so i've turned on the airplane i've turned on the apu i haven't turned on the apu bleed or anything like that is there air conditioning coming into the cabin now yeah so packs you see it says also there and if you give one of those a push it will go off they don't work but they don't work so if that's it off then the packs aren't working or there's no air coming in forward but you would leave these on so you know when you ride the airplane and you turn it on then you're going to get power and yeah like power and air and once you get used on you get through the packs that's great isn't it so you you nearly never don't have airflow i guess no exactly it's not a huge strain on the aircraft because obviously ap bleed when we use a bleeder on the apu on the airbus it uses more fuel so we don't use it all the time but um yeah it's more of an electrical constraint than i think it's not so many of the ground power you won't get um airflow packs because the because the power it does yeah right okay very good um so that's on we're getting air ventilation norm pressurization again auto yeah the whole thing it knows you're landing altitude and everything through the um the route you set up yeah does do that there we go there you go you've got that finally uh max delta p um letting out shoot if you need it i suppose that's a manual thing in case you want to override it is it yeah again yes the reasons you'd use that great and then some hard brightness we'll talk about the hud when we get going okay so the other panel's done the irs is probably need a lining so sort of sell the mouth page uh so we press nd on the top right there there you go uh does it say time to align still yeah it doesn't the top left 22. very good so it tells you nice so this is about eight minutes it takes eight minutes it's not bad is it not bad at all oh yeah that nice little clock here as well and then when it all jumps into life you get nice pictures and things to look at so should we um jump into the scene yeah there's a bit more yeah are you any more straight tell me uh yeah it's the at the top there as well yeah the glass shield bit of that how would this be at this point uh that's a flight director do you want to turn on there i don't know if the recall works get that push up tell you what you've managed to lose me straight away um oh sorry yeah oh there's a player let's start at the top start the very left so accept cancel reject that's um that's for the cptrc okay yeah that's talking to our traffic control through the the screens isn't it yeah that's it yeah and then you've got a bit of uh barrow set and things like that minimums so for the approach we're not worried now um barrow we've set the correct q and h it's on 30.15 it would be on a q a of course but oh i can swap it over there there we go switch over and where you going to and then we can just push for standards and push it back nice what's up uh uh then system so you've got sys cdu info checklist common nd yep uh this is quite a clever setup you can basically put any screen on any other or any picture on any screen you want okay see if you press um sis or cdu you can move the cdu up to the one of the top screens there we go checklist nd and then if you wanted to you can i don't know if it'll work again press nd the bottom you've got a copy of that down below next to the fmc same sort of things oh yeah cdu info so you can press those buttons there and bring the nd down all the checklists down because you can move any screen around where you want it it looks like it's not working which is a bit of a show here but yeah so so on lower mfd i can press nd and have the navigation display here yeah exactly right okay so that that just covers in case any of these gets broken i suppose yeah yeah that's it uh the icast button there that switches the engine displays from the left to the right side ah very good anycon who wants to look at it right oh so how we got survive what have i got so you press and so above that you've got left and right so yeah the left side is correct at the moment so that's the side of controlling if you press the r on that then the white light should come on there and then that means you're the buttons you're pressing could you pull the right side of that screen so you press nd now then you get a big nd screen right oh it's is this it's page isn't it you can have every screen any possible setup you want goodness me i didn't expect that to be quite like that okay instead press the left side again now you can and within the systems page you can have doors and air you have all sorts of different setups goodness me so um what if i want a navigation display here how about that for traditional how do i do that from here so i need to see that so if i want this whole thing to be a navigation display i've got this is navigation and this is system so if i get rid of systems we get your one big md press if you want um if you press mfd left yep then uh you can move the system you press system again and that happens on the left side of the screen or the checklist or whatever i feel like yeah exactly so it's certainly not working but there you go it's quite a complicated way of moving screens around it's not bad is it so that's what the issue is there is every option listening well how would we have it tell us what would you say so something like that would be typical for actual flying navigation when you're on the ground you might want to look at the doors or air or wherever else is going all the time so you can have a different set up completely oh what's going on here why can't it let me oh i can't do the right because i've got the ecas on this yeah because you've got yeah so if you have to you have to move the ice to the other side first right so someone's got to have the icasts and then between you've got three different choices if you press uh right side for the mfd now yeah and then press system again hey oh there's a flight yeah flight some difference but yeah normally you could you could have doors and air or hydraulics pages yeah the system pages up yeah i don't know who wants that yeah that must be anyways you've got quite a choice right i didn't expect that let's leave it there uh just give the recall a press below that icast uh it's got cancel slash recall um there we go nope sadly not that's for cautions and warnings is it yeah so again that would appear where it says down gear on your cast just above there you'd get you're saying yeah you can tell your engine shut down doors open all that sort of things at the moment nice and then before you're going you'd check that everything's set up quickly there's a bit of a catch-all great um goodness yeah didn't think all that was coming out of that panel meters obviously you can set that to meters flight passes you get a plan and then you can step through your route and look at your destination and things like that but okay so this is letting me click on it on the screen i assume they're not touch screens uh no so you've got a mouse pad down on the left there that's using this is it yeah so that would do so you could just choose to scroll around on this screen you can uh yeah you can just see the buttons the knob so you can go through the touchpad what's easier what do you normally do um i bet both actually really okay what you're trying to achieve here menu press menu yeah and then there you've got more choices of terrain weather data you want to have airport yeah affects tcas vias and then there's normally a vsd but it looks like that's not available either that's a vertical situation displaying it stands for okay uh which sits on the bottom of the nd there which shows your picture oh there it is bsd uh yeah yeah it's blacked out for some reason maybe we haven't got a roof or anything perhaps i don't know we'll find out yeah possibly it might not be worth it it's quite good okay might work later yeah we'll see right so the rest of it looks okay auto throttle arm switches are on those on they'd be on yeah before starting yeah should be on yet flight directors yep those are on very old school switch that yeah and then the rest of it's uh you know things to do later on really just engaged leave that up and then there's just your same for the probably feels nice yeah great uh while you're there yeah just in the middle there just auto quick to while you're at it you do that now doesn't matter yeah yeah scan around really oh this is annoying i've got um i've got some hardware that's not letting me do that there we go okay there pedestal there there's probably not a lot to look actually no we've got stab trim norm and fuel cutter i mean this looks just like a 737 yes um standard boeing things really um so this is going to be this is uh what have we got we got so there's yeah there's a captain's one fos one and then uh for the heavy pilot effectively the guy at the jumpsuit behind you or back up or so between yes if someone sat there yeah they could they've got their own one so they can do company calls or talk to the cabin or whether it needs to be done very nice we got an extra person very straightforward uh the lines at the top of vhs hf cab his cabin yeah so you can talk to the cabin yeah yeah yeah gpws looks like they're working but and this is where your transponder we can do our codes and whatnot that's it very good uh yeah just for just in the middle while you're at it the transponder between the two fire handles there that's the transponder just to get cast to our anything like that uh so we leave it standby for now of course yeah yeah then you get to transponder and then eventually very good and this here is oh this is oh i see this is the third radio panel right so yeah the the three copies of all the same there's literally all this down here isn't it that's it like access and a couple of bits and that's got it yeah great house very good yeah it's it's a really minimalist sort of cockpit isn't it it's not yeah it's too bad to look actually um over here what's this so that's um depending upon the airline configuration that's manuals uh performance okay you can do on there uh performance is the main thing really and then it's got a screen video screen to look at the door right the door things like that again that's not working there's a tiller on the left is very good um and then obviously the standard very normal oxygen mask is exactly the same as yeah it's that screen you have to look at that while you're at it oh i don't want to talk about it and shoulder heated so what does this do pump hot air to your feet or uh no the foot one's an electrical panel just underneath the water goodness electric panel heats up the shoulders goes up the side fencing keeps you toasty at three o'clock in the morning how does it do that just that side then by the window oh it's that one yeah so oh right so it's a very fancy sounding switch [Laughter] fine what's uh yeah you're another event here lights yeah there's a transmit mic good all right then uh work table where's that you have a table it's down the left of the tiller where uh yeah there's a pop out blow the oxygen mask there's a little handle you give that pull and table pops out really does it is it is it useful just for eating yeah it's nice you can't eat your dinner off it like the air bus no okay very good all right then so uh next thing we'll do is the cdu right so the airplane now is powered up we've got the overhead panel sorted we've got the fuel on board and the payload so our next step is to load in the cdu is that right steve cdu yeah that's it cdu what does that stand for fmc cdu fms mcdu right okay so let's um oh i don't know what i've pressed right so this is a screen then it's control display unit yeah very good thank you uh so init ref is a good place to start is this how would you do this is this touch screen is this the beginning no so again yes the cursor so you see there it says efb lr and lower yeah um so that's like there was with the uh mfd earlier that determines whether the ops goes effectively so at the moment lower would be lit up because the mouse is on the lower on here and if it was efb that would be this thing over here move it over there and you can move it to the um screens right okay okay um that seems like a pain compared to actually buttons is it worse yeah i think um it's got pros and cons i think it's it's so versatile and what you can do with it right in the in terms of having i would say all sorts of different screens different places yeah which actually is oh i see quite handy yeah and it's quite a clever setup it elite especially with the checklist it leads you um so if the curse is if you're having to move the cursor in the checklist you have to think about why you're doing it i don't know if the checklist works on him doesn't it but no not from what you see yeah so it's quite it's it's more clever than it initially seems right okay yeah i think i think the plan was for it to be touch screen at some point in the design but right yeah it feels like the cold stream would be nice yeah yeah but uh it would just be greasy in a second i'm sure yeah yeah exactly a lot more flights uh okay so init ref let's do this here we go uh and then idents in the top left yep that's kind of yeah uh so that's a database it's got there and various other bits and bobs g recording issues a couple years ago certain ones that weren't right it just seems to be a running theme in the industry yeah there's some engines going in that favor um see the bottom right of that so a lot of that's uh database things but then pause it on the bottom right so it just leads us through it yep leads you through it uh it's uh it's got a gps position so normally it would know its ios position right oh it does that is it yeah so you can't if you click on uh gps position yeah uh and then you can move that down there dump that in there there we go yeah right for gatwick ref airport probably get away yeah again i think that just gives you a reference a lot it's automatic in the real airplane but okay if you if you did gay at gatwick it would tell you you could compare the two and make sure you're in the right position the chances of this working are about yeah see there's a heading there it says 171. do i need to do anything to this i've seen yes that's about right then wasn't it sorry we're back again uh just leave it like a plane yeah if it will ever think you have to do this um okay see if it if it looks at that right out of the window then yeah stick with it i won't fiddle with that then uh roots looks like it kind of leads you through like i said i need to do this page two and three yeah normally give it give it a next page to see what it says oh i see it's just a little yeah extra info isn't it there's extra bits and bobs about what yeah so it's got uh there's three rs's gps it has different positions if you have an issue there's three rs's but we only turned on two that's interesting yeah boeing ism don't touch it okay so next is roots yeah just see if the request works shut me off that's not gonna work but why is it go it should work uh okay let me check why not if i go too heavy heavy is the name of this mod i don't do you have that you don't have that button so that's the name of this mod if i go to config sim brief oh it's lost it i i maybe have to type in every flight let me put in my info okay so enter the information all right so we were on a nitref um and we did ident poison it and now it's roots we've got to there so it's now available the buttons there which is quite cool so i click that load flight plan from that sp is simbri from game would be loading it in from flight simulator itself but let's do it from sim brief and there it goes so what's it doing does it do this in the airplane it's sort of listening no i don't know what this is this is all right okay fair enough there's uh surface activates the bottom right activates yeah it's not working should that work oh there we go there we go the light here didn't come on but like so it did work when i pressed it anyway even though the light didn't come on so yeah the green light should have been there and normally you get it says are you sure you want to do that and you press execute okay it does it cool uh so yeah if you press next page uh on that legion oh yeah sorry i was i was i forgot you were here i was just going to start doing things left so there we go here we have everything again so if i press activate but if i try this green execute here yeah it seems to work oh that one works yeah okay uh so the next i mean you conflict with the root but the next thing is really depart arrive uh so i don't do perfect i'll do the parts arrive live yeah okay you can work through where are we going is there a way to see that on the screen at this point can i is there a plan plan yeah if you plan then and zoom out a little bit on the range and it will sort of show you where zoom out zoom out can you sort of drag and scroll around the screen or anything like that yeah they're normally the bottom one if you press um what would you want to press left on the nd uh up a little bit yeah that left there yeah yeah so the wheel pin you get um step and a few of the bits and bobs okay right and cursor and things like that okay worry about that anyway there we go he's going by bembo um i think we'll use this so i think it's gonna be a seafood departure so let me no don't do that erase oh it's bad because i killed another screen and it's um it always just just does something seaford uh well which one would it be should try the one x-ray i really don't know if these are legitimate 787 departures it's probably yeah again yeah i think nine times out of ten on my channel i end up using a prop departure or something a lot um right so do i need to do anything now so actually uh so yeah yeah you can put a rival in but there's there's a bit of a thing from boeing to say don't do that because it upsets the uh go around performance i think so normally do the arrival really all the way oh interesting okay okay change this thing today yeah and that worked so seafood bamboo great so that was our departure arrival so we've done the departure so that's all good where would you go from there uh normally press prog and then just double check the distance prague okay navrat down the bottom left um [Music] yeah uh make sure this again yeah it has something auto tuned in there it auto changes where along but uh yeah the airbus is the same but in flight simulator it never shows up so it should just tune into via wires it does it itself yeah exactly great and then from there if you go back to init ref it should lead you back to where you want to be yeah so the 73 does so i'm assuming that's just this mod so automatically it would just go back to uh yeah perfectly what you wanted so uh perfect a few minutes to fill in there so that they've got cruise out of things already actually normally do a cost index cruise out uh step size if you wanted to change that and then reserves what step size uh so you have our ko uh it defaults to rk actually uh but you can change uh if that's so for cruise climb so you can have one thousand two thousand feet so okay uh initially with your weight when you take off it would say go to three eight zero and then as you burn off fuel you'll climb up to four hundred or right four one four three so that you change the step so we'll leave that as rvsm because it's insane um reserves i assume it's just the number we want to have as our whatever you want so our reserves today are also 3.6 and our final reserves 2.1 so that's going to be 5.7 yeah you thought i was going to ask you there didn't you panicked 5.7 kilograms i mean yeah right i think again yeah that should say thousands right yeah exactly okay good there we go again so again i think in the real aircraft that leads you through to the take-off bit so you press 3-9-0 i'm going to change that okay okay try to slim yep and then take off there we go anything i need to do here uh you'll come back a bit okay take off uh so this is where you normally do your own performance um yeah so normally do a runs the performance of the weather and things like that and it would from the efb you could send it across well seeing as gatwick 26 left is oh you can send it across from that screen on the left kennedy yeah if you run your performance with the environmental so then send it across to the cdu it's good isn't it right okay so we can't do that today so 265 is a massive runway um what flat that five would work there five yeah you know five five uh and then try some v1 numbers type in 80 that can talk yeah you just click on it and it does it yeah that's so flights and ranges are often like this because it's no one has their own performance calculators at home right so for us to take off one do we need to do anything to that yeah again that all comes across from the fb okay so that and that's um a d rate of some sort yeah oh double d rate that's right okay so we're not gonna worry about that because we haven't got that running so let's finish these speeds there you go 127 42 53 sound reasonable good gross weight 170 tons what's the sort of a typical long-haul gross weight i know yeah i mean there's that fire going obviously um 200 220 something like that wow that's what blows my mind it's it's not the um size of the you know this is a it is bigger obviously than the 321 but it's the weights you know 321 goes up to sort of 90 tons so it's like it's well over double the weight yeah but it's not twice as long it's just quite funny all right cool um take up two six left anything else to do here no again you might have an intersection or something if you've chosen that oh i think that's the next page on the page uh there's various wind elements you could change but it looks like it's just worked out for a dry runway calm wind yeah so yes calm wind is working and then uh acceleration height you could change if you wanted to the 1500 is good andrew is good okay great stuff yeah that's right yeah so it's trustworthy so it takes you through to trust them again so yeah you could change so there it's got 10 d rate uh 23 degrees which i guess is the outside isn't it so you could pick a rate so yeah so it's got um there's double d rate so it's got to 1 tier 2 which is 10 and 20 d rates on the left oh i see here yeah okay we also have a temperature so on the top left where it says select temperature you could put 30 or so right now it's it's if i took off now it's going to use a 10 d rate automatically instead of max yeah and if i do that it's going to use together that's together yeah and then you could have t02 and it it goes to climb faster just pulls that down to where there it is yeah yes you could change that if you wanted to so we did 10 and then you said 30 degrees 530 does it just have to be higher than this number or the limits on it like the airbus goes from sort of like it's in the 40s up to um 69 degrees usually uh okay yeah yeah it's quite a complicated system because it does it's double d rate and it's very it basically uses every meter of runway possible to just scrape over the fence yeah you see this is terrifying but the theory is is that the engines i mean sometimes take off with 50 of available first wow it just gets over the edge but the idea is that it looks after the engine so well that it's actually good for them it's better to do it that way all the time than in here still has the performance left over anyway doesn't it yeah so 30 and tier one and climb once reasonable great so climb climb one and climb two these are different times definitely work on this but you try climb two yeah yeah so so now you're gonna take off a to1 yeah and then your climate is of somewhere like gap because there's no terrain around you could uh acceleration attitudes you'd go back to climb two thrusts and then you would save the engines even more so you have quite a gentle climb oh let's do that then let's do the full yeah 787 experience lazy experience where it barely moves great and it says fmc right completely it's good so from there you can go to the icast page and just look up a bit as you see on the right there it's got dtos uh yeah so there you see you've got dto and 30. so that's what we've got that's right then from there you can go up to the uh mcdu so the yeah the overhead panel so you put oh yes you put in your v2 speed right okay so what about the second phase of v2 was 153. yes you put 153 in there ah that's boring okay i'm on scrolling is a nightmare in this simulator at the moment because my mouse come on you can do it let's click it click through no camera it thinks it's helping by jumping okay so 152 153 it's not even right 53. enough press there on that v nav that's in uh well we're heading uh okay something like two six right let's just line up with that pink line so you still have to update the heading bug do you in this airplane yeah she's still here person when you're landing see that's that that's amazing because even the a300 at a heading plug you don't have a heading bug in the airbus unless you're actually flying in heading mode but the um the a300 you could just press it and it would recenter didn't even have that in this in the 787 everything else for you yeah okay um so that's where you're so then yeah you stop how to change your change as well yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah stuff actually that means that you'd have fbs in the window the s in the window sorry uh yes uh yes yeah you could have flight path angle otherwise oh yeah you've gone to uh so we knocked the autofocus out and then off hello the cat's joining us everyone knows that okay so right yeah making a mess of this all just back on yeah but i don't want the auto photos come on now as well let me give that button a push no the yeah the one below it it's like similar that's my fault for pressing the wrong things i think he's just going to keep doing that now we'll ignore that um vs that's just what you want to then yeah whether that's attitude would be right so um 4 000 is our stop attitude on that departure okay and i can actually show my viewers that's there it is so that's what we're going to fly that's the seafood one x-ray yes it says night time only so if everybody could please pretend it's dark outside when we do this and we're going to take off and go down to seafood okay so normally just to sweep things up you'd request the winds at this point uh in here and yeah so again you go down there to fmc com yeah there's uh did you do a wind request just descent full cost yeah nothing else none of the buttons need to be working yeah so yeah normally have wins that would come at this point okay uh which kind of gets you ready to go great so we've done our perf so what page would we set up on here now what would you do so one would normally have legs out legs okay and the other one would have yeah that take off ref page ah this other one doesn't work okay okay so does that come down at this point yes you bring that down at some point get in the way there we go we have our heads out um four thousand feet together and they've been ever armed that that all looks pretty right to you does it yeah that's what they're like nab display down here not just the campers that's quite cool i didn't know that very good right so we'll get a briefing and then do some checklists shortly after briefing and that'll be all electronic checklists yeah again i don't know so that wasn't working sir okay um let's see if i can find a checklist and then get the engine started okay so i reckon we're nearly ready to go um steve thinks so as well so let's run our prior to starting checklist um so we've obviously called our traffic controller we've got our clearance and we need to put in our squawk i suppose so i'll go to transponder yeah and then yeah you type it in that's it didn't like that one why is that was it where did you press on the top left there two five let's just make one up it's not taking it any reason is that what you normally do you just type it in and then press it you press the top left that wasn't there yeah yeah yeah nice yeah we don't like that strange okay um all right then we were at the transponder would be set um and we would put this to transponder or out uh yeah you would just transport yeah yeah yeah uh you got the pumps at the top so they'd go to water at this point if your product pumps uh the hydride pumps yeah all four want to be in auto at this point so as it is now it's fine uh and then the fuel pumps uh so you do the wing pumps and then at this point you check the icasts to see uh if you need to turn the center pumps on or not but you're saying that's not working so i noticed by turning on those pumps these press lights on the center tanks went out which is quite is that right yeah so again yeah that would be you down here and then you do a recall again which isn't working uh you turn the transponder on and set the trim so turn the transponder and set the trim so in you look at the icasts uh is it no it hasn't got it there yeah yeah so that's what it is at the moment normally to have something in magenta telling you what you want oh really yeah it was so you just said you know get a 4.5 did you did you move until you got that i wonder if i go to take off i just say yes yeah being there i wonder maybe if i try heavy payloads does any of this look useful no uh 19. because that's somebody correspond to what you oh i shouldn't press that i think i think it just reloaded to where we were i'm hoping same way 169 tons okay well we won't worry too much about that then but so normally the airplane does tell you your trim which is that's pretty good isn't it it's got a yeah on it it's got a nose wheel uh sensor so if the trim is wrong all right i'll tell you if it's if it's misloaded or anything wow clever stuff all right then so that's just about in the green it won't funny enough it won't let me go any further on the trim there um yeah so i think it doesn't actually line up sometimes it's a bit odd the the graphic is this one of the strange things in some of the graphic and the 8.5 there and the magenta what it's demanding don't actually line up as much as you'd like them to oh it's a bit odd but is 8.5 a reasonable number uh i think so yeah it looks off central anyway yeah hopefully near the green so it all right okay good so um it's got a beacon on i noticed it's gone quiet the fans have turned off uh is that would anything have done that no nothing would have done that i don't think no because it shouldn't have been it's changed um okay all right then let us see so my checklist says beacon lights on we've done that breaks off push back cool yeah and then we're gonna have the ap generator on anti-ice on well we don't need that brakes verify on where on engine start i don't know the checklist i've got it doesn't seem to tell us a whole lot so let's um let's get pushed back and then so i'm gonna connect the tug which hopefully will appear outside there it goes doors are all closed um not put the nose available over here and then go out and ride so this is good i can do that is the beacon on i can't see it flashing no doesn't look like it is it better to be bright as a model normally the lights are pretty where is the beacon oh it's this is this is this this is this is this is this is this is this is this is this is this is this is this is this is this this is this is this is this this is this is this this is this is this this is this one is yeah it's just about just about going good good good um oh you can also have a nice uh you like this that's fine nice winky there you go all the passengers sitting there excited to go on holiday holiday yeah okay so i'm gonna go to the cockpit then and there we go so they're connected any message on the flight deck when they're connected does it show up anywhere uh yeah so again on where the icast would be above the down you get you can get those who are steering locked out so they have a pin they put in goods and they can call your all right so i'm gonna release the park brake assuming they've called me uh which i have to do my controls there we go uh and we're gonna go backwards which is like so where we go on holiday would you start engines during the pushback any reason not to you can do yes um it's a temperature limit uh if it's cold then you can't stop them both at the same time okay uh but as long as it's not five degrees i think the numbers uh which obviously it's not today so yeah you can start both at the same time use that both while pushing back at the same time yeah at the same time it's not too cold and the tug driver is happy and the tiger is happy that's amazing yeah right well i'm gonna see if i can get this nose to go the right way no i knew that happened another way please there we go jump into our wing view lucky lucky passengers [Music] so we're going to start both engines then let's let's take advantage of the uh of the fact that we're in such a an impressive machine how did the engine start are they started with apu bleed air or they started no it's not it's an electronic drive again yeah there's nothing to do with there at all amazing uh you're hearing the aircraft the the air cools down and you don't you know get as much flow because of the um drive on the apu but you know it's electrifying started that's not a bad pushback is it that could have gone worse right so i'm going to set the parking brake now i'm going to say goodbye to the tug and in the front of there so we think the conditions are good for two engine starts so i want to do that yeah there we go uh so it's not too hot you know it's 40 degrees for pb we're in the window anyway 24 degrees okay good so there's there are limits um but it's all good for us today generally is so yeah you'd go up to the over panel there yep and both of those can get start just put both the start up here yeah just click both to start start start then down to the fuel cut-off yeah both of those to run straight away no not waiting for anything yeah oh my goodness then you don't have to watch it if it doesn't like it you get a bleep blue bleep engine auto start but otherwise just watching its thing it just does its stuff look at that when it's happy it'll stay running and then the start switches will click back to normal amazing there they go so the airbus the airbus is very good fedex as well it it does start itself but we do have to pace you know it's it can occasionally fail to start but it is fully monitored but you can't certainly can't do two at once there's no way up they go so that's that is convenient isn't it yes save some time i think trustee was reliable yeah how long does the start take for two engines is it slower to do two or is it um the same no i think it's pretty much the same actually yes because there's no air issues so um it's just electronics amazing so around this point it would say running but i think that might be on the screen with it yeah above each engine you have a little green message thing running and then if you look up the overhead panel let's see if they've clicked back to normal they say no yes i have yeah so it's all done so it's started but the message doesn't come up that probably that takes the record for easiest engine start especially that you know i really didn't realize you could just put those to run as soon as you started the engine because yeah in all those boeings you wait for that n2 or whatever things yeah very good all right then so looking up towards the electrical panel yep you check those uh generator lights off the ones that are orange which they are yeah and they turn the apu off uh okay off yeah that's it just cool itself down uh you turn the engine anti-ice on at this point if you were taxiing in snow or anything so you would not leave it you would turn it on yeah because it doesn't work on the ground if you need it icing conditions yeah so yeah on the ground with snow and visible moisture below 10 degrees exactly the same yeah standard airline uh icing conditions then okay great uh that's the flaps yep selected flaps at this point after five um let me see oh it's too bright that looks like five to me look on your class it'll tell you what's going to there it is five and it's green when it likes it it should be the number should go green should it yeah that gentle thing should go green so you've got what you uh then you just press the engine button there next to the icast just to tidy things up a bit um so there's a little eng again i don't know if that'll work where's that so uh the top screen there you've got the icast switch edge bottom left of that engine yeah no push no it's should tidy up that screen and then a recall would just get rid of all this just get rid of the um everything below uh oil pressure there temperature and everything there we go there you go when i've got it on this side it seems to work and you check the recall at this point pretty cool there we go okay uh and then once the crown guys are walking away where you've uh test your controls possibly do that while taxiing in a boeing okay where am i looking for my brother pedals i get really uh so there's a lot of pedals yeah so they'd if you look at the tiller flights and but that button in the middle yeah that disconnects it from the nose wheel okay so you can do a butter check here yeah um which means you can move the pedals for left and forward without wobbling those wheels around that's exactly like the airbus then yeah um where am i looking though how do i know that i'm moving normally just move them around and again if it doesn't like it it'll tell you you're joking there's no yeah it'll tell you if it doesn't like it that's a problem isn't that amazing i had no idea oh i'm gonna i'm gonna do the passion review for that there we go look at that great all right then so yeah we shouldn't have done that we should do this properly if i've got you here i'll ignore you all right so you just we just run the flight controls and uh yeah that's it and then you do a before taxi checklist at this point they all seem fine rudder's fine and then we'll do it before taxi checklist well i highly doubt my checklist is gonna be any better this um after start ap ap gen off taxi clearance we need to get flaps set for take-off trim tabs set for take-off flight directors are on nav source naval fms it says um is that a thing or a uh again yeah it's it's the fms rto we've got taxi lights on taxi brakes flight controls okay so um let's pretend we got taxi clearance so where am i going to there's a taxi light and then yeah turn off lights a good night time when you're going around yeah like i said you've got to overshoot corners and things quite a lot so it does light up either side of the nose basically yeah we used to turn off the bus all the time as well yes it's quite handy because then the taxi light's always pointing straight ahead isn't it it's not attached to the nose wheel like on some airplanes yeah sure yeah um your landing lights can stay off ready to go then do you think yeah then okay so uh we're just gonna taxi so i'm gonna release the parking brake there it goes would it move under its own power uh an eight if it's light might do but generally needs a little push so it's not moving so that's yeah there it goes can you hear the engines from the flight deck sporting up and down or is it purely you can yes no you can't hear them but yeah the screen is generally easiest way how good this hud is yeah and the aircraft has acceleration displays and things like that and it shows you if you're going faster or slower so you can tell if you're slowing down as you go around the corner and things like that oh clever yeah no no no we're not getting none of those things i think we've had it's just a pfd sort of put into green lines i just have a ground speed on it so um differential thrust or anything like that or not no no no not really take it slow um seven seven to nine knots and like that around the corner is good okay so below ten definitely below ten then like 10 certainly for a corner here yeah straight line speed what would you normally get up to no more than 15 really really yeah uh school aircraft long too fast yeah we drive around at 30 knots no problem yeah then we have to get stuck behind something like this so um there we go so if you i had to sort of go past that corner a bit i actually yeah it's really 10 which is the longest version yeah so the idea is to keep the main gear between the line yeah okay i mean looking at an in a 10 you want the line certainly for 90 degree turn you want the yellow line towards the back end of that side window before you start turning really okay a little bit a little bit early there an eight would be the certainly the forward third of the window uh nine somewhere in the middle goodness me you've got all your little tricks yeah right but yes quite a long way to the back of the main wheels so yeah it's because you're quite aware of what's sticking to the grass so driving it along in a straight line um is any trick to lining up that center line for the nose in real life just sit on it just put yourself on it yeah uh without working this or not so in the airbus you run that line between the screens but it looks like yeah yeah the screens are too big okay um i think the wipers actually work but uh anything else we might do while taxiing um no you just check your performance figures uh maybe turn the weather radar on at this point if you want to however do that uh so you can see uh on the top you've got weather traffic and terrain yeah see if you press uh weather it'll put them on both screens uh-huh uh and then if you press train it does train on both then you know running into the grass you can press terrain and then go on the menu on the nd and then select weather on that one and you can have weather on terrain on separate screens i see there you guys see goodness me still can't get that video to work no um shame because it's good the vst yeah maybe it's maybe it's coming oh yeah that's a flight sim thing but don't worry i have a lot of practice of uh driving around in flight simulator looking down like this trying to taxi we've done it a lot in the channel okay uh let's turn the tcas on at this point probably we'll taxi out somewhere yeah let's go down all right yeah okay so pretty pretty calm taxing you know for a longer airplane there's not a lot to do yeah a bit of a sweep upper than uh before takeoff checklist at some point so my before takeoff checklist says take your clearance taxi lights off landing lights on strobes on transponder tra and that's it um what would you expect to do yeah that would be more like it's a lot of it's validating everything you've already done so you've already done all the performance so it's making sure that that's still applicable um that the weights and everything um let's see let's see let's see so we've got um uh runway turn off the lights and tax lights do you turn those off or can we leave those on and just turn on the landing lights as well when you're lining up yeah i think it's again it's not it's not too prescribed no boeing sense you can turn on whatever light you like obviously landing when you're on the runway but yeah yeah that's that's what i assumed that you just have to make sure those lights are on as long as those ones are on you can leave it to maybe turn the texture light off and either one will turn off lights on but that runway doesn't slip so long now like this there's an airplane this big with a full d rate yeah so maybe we'll go full length shall we we'll just get this extra 200 meters if that's gonna make a difference right so here we are at the holding point and we are uh pretty much ready to go so we're gonna line up and take off so what do we do now steve uh yes again no it's not a lot too actually uh it may press cab and chime um oh yeah up doesn't work no and then some lights let's get those landing lights on um okay it's clear on the approach there's no traffic out there i think there's we might have to race the sim wings 320 over there but uh aside from that we're going to head over to the runway and we're going to hope our performance worked because we did it full before the rate but we're pretty light for 787 so you'd hope so um good anything else that you can think of no not at this point nice just line yourself up in the right place and oh it's been a long time since i've been on holiday in a 787. i'm very jealous of the uh whoever this passenger is sitting here okay what i might do because it's time to check your 90 degree light enough oh yeah yeah that means record okay so uh we're going to get this you said to the back of the window towards the back and then sir there yeah and i'm going to rev those engines come on airplane you need some sort of speed going into the turn yeah [Laughter] don't be too impressed oh but look at that you were absolutely right it took all that we're only sliding yeah you have to go quite let's get quite deep into it yeah that was further than i thought i've i've i thought that was just a hopeless case look at that unbelievable okay so we're ready to go i think yeah so you just turn the engines up a little bit just check the spooling up at the same rate can we do a takeoff from rolling or do we have to stop no you can do okay okay yeah um what do we support the engines up to uh about 22 per are you on m1 there yeah yeah yeah underneath there that's it that's not worked why doesn't that work there we go oh yeah success orders rust is in right uh forward pressure on the yoke a little bit a little bit to start with yep uh look at the hud do you want to keep um the point is all lined up effectively okay things but let's complicate it yeah i'm not looking at anything on the head i can tell you that now uh yoke to neutral i'm guessing yeah about this yeah oh we're not moving very fast are we you shouting you at some point it did say it yeah yeah rotate the other ones it won't say rotate when you go let's do it then uh and then you might get a line on the hud no you won't so 10 degrees ishmaeli is that it 10 degrees some sort of guidance but you don't so yeah maybe just down to the pfd to follow that oh they've gone to idle that's that can't be good either wake up put the nose down dual engine failure work in progress positive climb i suppose gear up yeah um just about positive climb there you go they've come back to life a little bit it's uh 1500 feet we said our acceleration so it'll start commanding speed increases so you see we've got v2 set at the moment yeah it seems sort of jumps to whatever speed i was at yes it jumps for speed it likes okay and then when you get 1500 feet each yeah yes it's driven forwards uh and then in normal times like this say as that speed goes past uh five is that there's a five yeah yeah so once it goes past that accelerating go to flap one that one and the same when you go past one top up that's just like the airbus then so you're selecting the next stage above yeah yeah you go there get that nose up now four thousand feet we're gonna reach pretty quickly would you change the mode or something at this point uh no i'll be candid yeah it's been out could keep climbing let's put it in the autopilot it's a vs autopilot something yeah just click that there we go yep what's up see ap oh a thousand to go at four thousand minutes so it's gonna catch that quickly so the gear is up the flaps are up if you uh if you did an engine uh anti-icing on take off yeah because of icing conditions you get water at this point already in autism it's fine great up and down it goes there's a level off so we're in speed and i've enough path all seem reasonable so in a second look at that whizzing by so that range is obviously a bit bit uh zoomed in there we go around the turn we go right so now we are going to climb up to let's pretend traffic control have cleared us up to our cruise so i'm going to put in 39 any problems what sort of initial cruise level i imagine if you're heavier you couldn't get no but if you're like yeah you probably could actually yeah really looking around that yeah generally if you'd like if you're just like you go straight up pretty much to 43 is the ceiling there 43 gives me okay so how would i go there what do i press now uh so 39 then give the altitude button a push how should you button the push uh so the airway dialed it yeah give that push see what happens there it goes oh yes yes uh it's not wide over for some reason yeah i put my throttles at home to fall just in case it drops out and does that trick again um so i didn't know that i didn't know you could push that in that's very easy to get that push yes if you give that push it follows the path basically just puts it back into the nav yeah so you see the speed window closed there which is the way of saying that there's no is in there yeah if you give that by a push you can select a speed as well so it doesn't certainly kind of cost index speed otherwise and how do i get get it back to managed if i had to press that no so you push it yeah you push the button again it will close it yeah there we go and it's going to do 250 presumably until we get through 10 000 feet uh yeah you can have a look you go down to the um cdu yeah uh because of enough enough uh levels and things like that you can work with clients here uh progress page isn't sending me much either so the optimum levels would be in the v now you have phoenix cruz tells you most of what you want to know in the flight video cruisers left to act obviously all of those yeah right right when with the wins and things like that it works out yeah which level's best to be at the time nice excellent okay so we're on bnav my heading bug's pointing behind me so i've got to sit here for 12 hours something heading back centering the heading bag you is that really what you have to do which is great fun when you're flying over the arctic and it's changing every 30 seconds yeah yeah because the magnetic would be swapping around look i'm going to change in a second let's just do you ever do this do you ever just put it to the next one there just set it to the next leg okay there we go right i'm going to zoom out that range there's ten thousand feet it's accelerating to 310 as we thought uh lights off i guess yeah she likes here uh passenger sides to auto properly do any of these lights stick out into the airflow oh no sorry it doesn't actually matter no okay yeah the logo would go off at that point as well it's not automatic yeah sit there and amuse yourself wondering whether the other other aircraft have been in the air with you for 12 hours or uh looking at your logo and off we go can you see the wings from the flight deck no not without if you really stretch your mic no i think even there's a push yeah yeah that's funny uh that's that's true on all of the seven eight is it i think so yeah yeah yeah it's so far back the wing tip isn't it yeah and the windows yeah it's just so swept everything else yeah crank quite fast fun it is an incredible sweep isn't it really really that wink it goes so far back look at that water don't need to go to the caribbean stay in south uk right um good so we would obviously do a checklist of some variety yes uh still stand it's still q a well done yeah so would it remind us uh well when you go through transition altitude actually uh so the real opening would this one hasn't bothered yeah so press standards very good three nine zero's there um next is gonna turn yeah all looking good water break automatically went off is that correct yeah it goes to often when the weight on wheels recognizes you in the air good enough so we actually do that gear do we need to turn the kit off no good no so the doors and the gear doors open automatically as well once you get airborne and waiting wheels so the uh autofigures are off and then the gear doors start opening you're joking before you even touch the gear yeah really so that when you so that they've done half their job by the time you go to up so when we took off then and that we that the gear was late for us really wasn't it yes the doors have been opened uh but it's shut if you've not done anything after 30 seconds they close again right yeah because there's extra drag isn't there from those gear doors when they're open so it's funny that they uh yeah so it just kind of knows that 99 cases you're going to put the gear up straight away anyway how interesting very good it's full of little features i'll have to see in the replay if that worked and i i i i'm going to test that out now see if it does i want to see if it does it very good i mean this is uh i'm pretty impressed what do you think of this this mod so far it's pretty good actually yeah you know i said that seven years got so many little uh nuances and tidbits and i'd say if we switch his senses so yeah so you've done well electronic checklist so that's what's missing that would be a great feature we'd like to see yeah and that senses so does that do you have to go through each line in the checklist yourself or do you no so for the after takeoff checklist for example you'd have things like landing gear flaps and some sort of q h or standard set yeah it would recognize you've doubled three of those so just say after taking off check this completely oh just say that and you wouldn't know it says yes you don't anything it's green yeah so it clicks through it on its own and you don't have to uh recognize when they're done very good yeah very good and um uh so those switches are all every switch is monitored basically pretty much yeah yeah every certainly and within sort of emergency situations and things if uh if it says wait two minutes it's got its own clock and things so the airbus the airbus does a little bit of that it can the ecam can do it has a memo not not a checklist so it has checklists for emergencies it will guide you through what to do just using the screens but it does have um sort of a memo just for takeoff and landing that's all it's got though um so you just check that's green but we still have to do a checklist so do you have a paper checklist like we do or do you know i mean there's a backup there's a yeah there's a qh that's barefoot you know emergency situation it's got a paper checklist in it but you never use it it's all electronic really that's fantastic yeah very good um right things to do now then so we're assuming our checklist is all good uh especially a lot of it now is um contingencies you're planning your weights and things like that and seeing where what's around you if you're going over the atlantic you'd get clearance and things like that for the crossings all right yeah we're going this way yes it's contingencies looking at europe and continue to climb look at your next step of climb then i suppose you're you're slightly limited in which airports you can go to being as yeah especially if you take off quite heavy you know you can take off at 240 tons yeah but you can only land at 180 190 tons wow and so you've got to burn 50 tons of fuel so it could be hours and hours yeah before you can actually land at max landing weight that's interesting yeah it's a big that's a big difference isn't it so a lot of it is contingency planning and working out you know where can i go if i really needed to how much fuel you'd have to go over things can you land above max landing weight in an absolute emergency is it allowed yeah the general thinking is if you can take off from the one where you can land back on that same runway right right okay um but yeah you have to be quite a situation for you to want to do it really yeah you you ideally you'd get out over there yeah you'd dump that fuel if you needed to exactly right what's there let's take a look at the window nice right so we're now in the cruise 39 000 feet heading south to ibiza and steve is going to show us how we can go direct um and we'll sort of try and try and get to as fast as we can for our lucky passengers so there's our route so what should i do yeah so the um the most obvious normal way of doing it is to go through your legs page uh but making the point you want to go to um let me clear out and uh so let's say we want to go to van ads yeah so sort of standard but anything when you click on that yeah vanad and then bring it to the top of the page up there and then execute would you check it out which button do you normally use this one or this one does it matter no you can't do either the quickest thing is to press the hold button but hold on there you go there it goes so that would normally wipe out all the points in the middle and go direct to where you're going uh but you can do a beam points i think i've displayed too much junk on the screen let's get rid of some of the uh other points and things yeah and then zoom in there it is yeah so vanda is next point in front of us let's have airport traffic um still can't get vsd not sure what i'm doing wrong with that there we go so great so what would be another way so you can do um so try another one you do uh one further down and then see if you can get a beam so maybe your next page next page grab a point down there somewhere oh oh oh let me move the camera um uh yes that would be the next one anyway like balance something like that okay oh what am i doing okay uh balance yeah and then to the top so uh yeah and i say normally you can get a beam points if you wanted to you get some options on the slide yeah um be able to leave the other points back in there still right you can't do that uh you can also uh bring the cursor up to the screen uh see once you're doing this you go up to the nd on the left there with the cursor how would you do that just drag it off the top no so you have to use the below the cursor control there you see your efb left right lower left but yes this is an option yeah what does this cursor control do uh so that if is that going to work that clicks through the point that you're yeah that's not working either that clicks through the points that you're using at the moment with the waypoints you can use that cursor control so you haven't got to use the touchpad at all so if i highlighted balance with the cursor like that and i left my cursor there i could then just spin this style around that and it would scroll through the next one right so it can be a quick way of doing it and then the middle buttons the same sort of thing as pressing the side buttons on the cursor control right so these little side buttons uh that's how you click the checklist and things like that but you could do that with this little button up here all right okay again that's another way of doing it yeah so if you could move that uh controller up to the nd yeah you'd be able to pick uh waypoints that are on there so you could click on the waypoint you wanted to go to or you could select a random point in space if you wanted to hold or never get about some weather it's good for that so if you've got the weather one you see you see some weather ahead of you you negotiate with their traffic you know 50 mile window out to your left wow so never get around it and you can you can click your way around the weather you don't like very clever design your own move yeah that's brilliant yeah very good unfortunately today not even a crowd okay severe kill okay look at that unbelievable oh there's some little wisps over there ruining their day great okay so um let's put a direct to further along the route and let's talk about the arrival okay so we are back now we are getting near to our top of the center it's coming up um we're just north of barcelona fairly shortly heading down in towards ibiza and we are going to be taking through by steve on how we're going to set up the arrival um i might do a direct barcelona just to stop this airplane this is just because of the way i've moved the airplane here so we'll do another direct which we've already seen plunk that in there execute and there you go el nev okay so what we're going to do then is set up for the arrival and look at what sort of things we do in the descent so over to you steve what should i do now it's a good starting point uh in the cdu depart alive you can't arrive arrival arrival yep so all so far so boeing and uh yep so normally you'd have i don't know the easiest thing to do is pick the approach first uh then in the real aircraft i should filter out some of the stars i don't know if they'll do that on this oh it did i think it did yeah again i will go by quarter three victor today yep that's what i'm expecting actually if you're gonna do that as well so the transitions let me have a look um this is a thing would it not would you ever have to fill in the transitions yourself or do you normally leave it automatic uh yeah you can do certain depends where you're going the transition it's even if you're not planning on doing it it tides up the route and works out the v nav a bit more for you so it's good to have sometimes over here well let me show the viewers so for the viewers watching at home this is what we're going to do quarter three victor we're going to come from quarter down and over here and now i'm going to put in a transition of dev because the dem f point is where i want to fly from if i put in the iba transition it will take me through the overhead and fly for procedural ios i'm guessing is that right steve would you expect that yeah i think that sounds like yeah that's the procedure you're doing the airbus is the same the real aircraft it always chooses the right one automatically you rarely have to change it but in simulators it never does maybe it's just a database thing right so we'll put dem in and then just for viewers at home there's the rs chart so we go demo up and down otherwise if i put in the iba it will try and fly this whole arc and all of that good so so yeah demos if we're going to do that then here we go and then uh hit execute see it's funny it doesn't light up there but it does here it's probably a bug so there we go now if i go to the legs the recorder it should go quarter and then i be h10 if we look at the chart oh yeah so that is so and then if you just click that and bring it up to the discontinuity there we go execute done so recorder um ib810 um let me bring up the charts again actually and then we're going to go from ibh10 to um and then oppam to darts yeah it's all there all that's good and we saw earlier oh there's dev and then there's a gap because from dev we want to go to tivon oh yeah that's correct isn't it so we'll do the same again yes that's something click it bring it up oh no we're done all right in and execute so and now if i go to plan your plan you can click step through it sometimes you can do that there it is that's all that's good i guess on cdu uh it's where the vsd comes into its own it shows you what it's planning to do in the descent uh but on the legs page there you see on the left it's got the waypoints uh on the right it has the speeds and um altitudes planning yeah uh i think if you have previous pages these are restrictions and then on the right it should show what it's going to do is that yeah so if your previous pages were i think it should um in the real aircraft if it's if you've got big lettering that's a hard restriction that's going to try and meet so that's all of those are right um but it has smaller writing for what is planning basically so so that border point um would actually be something like one of three zero or something like that because that's where it's planned to be in the descent that'd be really good right hand side yeah so if anyone's watching at home it's possible that i haven't set this up properly um when i set up this this mod because it's it's possible that it'd be possible to do this um so i can only apologize if that is the case i don't know what that is i won't press anything in there um yeah okay fine um so that would be all in the next page so the right hand side should show us where it thinks we'll be yeah that's right yeah so the corner point that wouldn't really be you would be at 390 there but no yeah so it would work out where it thinks it'll be at that point so there it goes move the top of the cent back so it does have a top of the center okay it does something you have in it it's just not displaying it it's just not showing it uh yeah the vsd is good because it shows you what you're going to do at what points you and this vsd i'll tell you that's the best thing ever um there your data shows us those restrictions yeah okay okay great um uh against speed it will it's kind of it does its own thing with vnf yeah um so it will slow itself down oh sorry so so i've been talking nonsense then so this is showing us the right hand side should be the speed it's trying to fly handshakes of speed it should have it's got it's showing you all the hard restrictions there uh but it should also be showing you in small writing what it would be on the left of the slash it would show you better yeah planned altitudes and left the slashes plan altitudes and on the right is planned speeds right the a in their restrictions that's three thousand above seven thousand below so we'll show you a whole long line of text like that yeah to show you the restriction on what it thinks okay i'm with you now right and then on the right it'll show you the speeds unless there's a hard restriction yeah yeah but yeah anyway uh descent page again would have yes so this one sorry for the viewers i've gone so that was our legs page we're looking for restrictions and i've gone to v nav and then next page to descent and this yeah and again that would be to send speeds and things like that okay um descent now what's that going to do uh that will just get it going if you had something set if so if air trucks would descend when ready whatever else you put something into the mcp window and then you press send now and execute it would start off down that path okay it's all forces so if you if air traffic said to someone ready to whatever it would be right thousand feet then and you just put that in the window it did nothing at all it would descend when it wants to on its own path right uh but you could either press to send that or push that altitude button and again it's all on the climb out um and force it down to force it down it'll go down at enough speed okay because bearings are strange aren't they when i put a lower flight level in it's going to if i if i put a lower flight level in here and we fly through that top of the center it will just start down won't it start down towards it yeah yeah then the airbus it won't you still have to force it you have to tell it i definitely want to go now um but yeah if you went past that point without having anything in the window it would it would hold you at that level obviously as long as i haven't changed it yeah but if i have changed it so yeah you're going to be never to fair enough fair enough i suppose why not okay so that is i think yeah within the constraints of that tdu there's probably as much you can do really if you uh said it so we've done departure any performance or anything like that we need to put in yeah so you do you work out some performance you press in at ref yeah that's what that does approach there we go so yeah normally it ref takes you to where it thinks you want to be so that would take you to the approach as uh you'd work out performance on the efb uh but generally flap 25 break three is a good start isn't it going to work on a 2800 meter runway uh how heavy are we 160. yeah [Applause] 25 is the standard sort of landing flap is it that's a good starting point yeah flap 30. there's not a lot in it in real life you um get five knots slower between the two okay fair enough yes it's more of a low approach speed rather than actual stopping distance okay and flaps twenty reason for that no that's only not normals okay nice yes any engine failures and things like that so either 25 or 30 and then you have to click it and then to flap speed and then you should see on the pfd that should present no it doesn't but yeah that ships have yeah the 73 does that doesn't it yeah shut it down exactly uh take place three or whatever it might be we'll do it with my little switch you can have two or four four yeah right okay so we have a four good um we put in the 25 147 okay yeah uh that's about it you set a minimum uh a nav radio what if i wanted to put a vor so like that there's the beef has a vor so can i tune that yeah just type in type in either the um type in the identify the code as well if you want yeah did that work on this but rba no you just you just plunk that in there would you yeah type end and if there's uh there's multiple ones uh options well we'll see what happens as we get closer um let's see if that works okay so yeah and we could tune the ndv's if we wanted put in the course everyone said great great yes uh that is one thing actually yeah 10 hasn't got uh ndv's on it so this is slightly different in that sense oh does it not the the spacing them out yeah they're not uh so on the top just slightly top and left and where you are you set the barrow minima or the radio minima up here yep so you see that it's on radio you can switch that over to barrow so on my chart we are going to go from um barrow the barrier is what you normally use radio for low bids is that yeah uh barrow yeah yeah exactly yeah barrow for catwoman yeah yeah airbus is the same um all right so barrow and then what character would be are we so i'm looking at the minimum here on the chart i've got ios cat c and cat d so airbus being a cat c yes it's happy is it i do yeah i wonder why because those approach uh i suppose those approach speeds are it's pretty high isn't it 140 plus because the 380 isn't it not even a cat d because if it's just low approach speeds like highs right okay actually yeah maybe right i think there's i think there's some um there's some strange strange strange airplanes fitting into different categories that you can get 321s certified up to such a high landing weight that they'll be cat d because of their ridiculous approach speeds but um anyway there we go so cat d 270 it is um that's what we're taking from there so that's in great um good so we've got minima quite a bit of performance got the arrival and the flight plan all checked yep uh so you would check which i think you check a recall but that's not going to work here if they approach speeds you'd um push set your back set your q and h you could do that so yeah if you guys stand and said vf yeah you could set that up just press it or just twist it no so if you twist it yeah no sure yeah so that would sit underneath the standard in white and when you get it with your clips now you press standards and then it flips over yeah very nice okay that's about it great all right then so um well let's jump forward to the top of the scene right so we've got a little bit of time for our topper descent it's showing up here is there a way to see the top of the center distance come in yeah the v nav uh descent page should show up in actually there would show up yeah e d apps there i see okay so it's not like it's timer distance yep we can see it it's coming so um let's briefly talk about some of these systems pages then so if i press systems up here i get them on my mfd so steve what am i looking at here uh yeah top there you've got hydraulic quantities and pressures okay and again that when you do your initial setup on the ground again you're checking those on amber yeah it's a little yes or no really that's right it's funny that airbus is 3000 psi most are so that's that's a high question system isn't it yeah okay uh as the apu which you can start in flight there's no limit to it or anything for altitudes section yeah if you want to start that now you could just start out would unless you have a technical problem yeah uh you have to check it once in a while for etops certification just what are you checking just check that it turns on at 43 000 feet or something oh really so if you're flying anytop's flight is that yeah yeah every time no it's just a sort of once a month or so right okay just make sure it does work okay yeah good okay so that's apu so what is oxygen's um that's for crew then or is that passengers yes that's crew just crew oxygen the flight deck there two thousand not much not much and then four crew members so is that two thousand for everybody yeah total yeah okay uh liquid cooling what's that yeah that's for the so it's a very electric airplane seven eight yeah so uh yeah it cools down the electric systems the large motor power distribution um which can overheat and if that doesn't cool the electrics down then you can end up in all sorts of problems um okay to see it's starting to keep an eye on but it'll tell you if there's a problem if it's a problem standard it'll tell you pretty quickly if the electrics aren't cooling down this is just sort of random information they could yeah i suppose yeah pretty much status messages uh sort of things that aren't worthy enough to go on the icasts okay but things that need to be looked at before the next flight right people do look at the status message flight but you don't actually need to no oh i see so this is just in the background things that aren't deemed interesting enough to tell you about in the flight yeah like high cast messages but just things that the main students might want to know about excellent right okay yeah airbus as a status page as well but um it's it's valid in flight but it has a little section for after the flight as well so that's kind of like yeah i think it might hide it as well actually i don't think you can see it i think it just gets rid of it anyway okay great because if you put it there you know pilots are going to go and check it yeah you don't need to i bet yeah everyone's going to yeah it will great okay so next is elec so yeah there's uh prime wind uh demand pumps you see there and then if you look up in the overhead panel yeah uh there's a couple of uh extra pumps for backups and things like that so so primary engine pumps yeah so there's primary engines that are on all the time but then um there's a center ones um but i think only one of those ones at a time so the auto it has its own logic depending on which ones it wants to use right and the electric left by those of auto and off and on as well what are the demand pumps they just engage if there's low pressure today yeah if they need anything for yeah for things like uh higher pressure required so if we look down here we've got the engine pumps running um you've got three hydraulic systems which that's right actually they're showing so you can see so although c1 and c2 are both in auto only one of them is on yeah yeah it decides looks like there's days days of the week or something it decides yeah that's nice of them to model it i'm impressed i'm really impressed with this mods um you've got to remember that the default 787 that comes with microsoft flexibility is almost unpliable sometimes it wouldn't even turn on so it's uh they've done amazing work to get to this point just check out top of the sense come in not too far away uh good okay so yeah so we have those um and uh it even tells you where they where they feed tells you what they're doing yeah so if you lose certain systems then you you know what you're gonna lose luckily flight control i see on all of them yeah it covers a whole lot that's very good it's funny that your the center system seems to do landing gear no steering flaps um yeah it does the bulk of it but then there's two it's got your c1 and c2 pumps there's a lot of redundancy within that system as well we'll feed that as well exactly yeah very good cool um fuel page yeah again not a lot to look at if you want to press the balance i don't know if that would work but they're balanced anyway but that would give you a nice little picture when they're balancing i don't know right there yeah it gives you a little picture of us but that could sort that out the sensor tank's empty so that he would be feeling there if we need it and those pumps we would turn on if there was fuel in there normally the big event of a flight is turning the center pumps off by halfway through it exciting stuff let's turn that balance off um and then we've got the minimum fuel temperature and fuel temperature so that'll presumably show you what they reached in flight yeah they'll show you what's uh yeah what the fuel is at the moment hopefully flying over russia and things like that you can set a minimum fuel temperature so you get alerted oh you so you set that it's not showing you the lowest it reached you exactly how would you do that you click on it uh yeah within the fmc and the initial setup page right right clover stuff sadly fuel champions are not working it seems this model at the moment um good i think that's it i don't know if that works again if you look in the overhead panel yeah uh there's flight deck so the flight deck has a zone system so the air is not recirculated at all in the flight deck oh yeah come straight in oh really uh yeah so it's all fresh air and you can individually adjust the temperature there and then cabin has a master uh that'll adjust the master throughout the whole cabin but then individual settings on individual parts of the cabin can set their own temperatures as well that would be done by the camera crew yeah for the pages in the cabinet you set a master master temperature then they can fiddle slightly up and down that's right yeah cabin occupants there we want it that controls the humidity okay um so it alters the amount of humidity in the aircraft depending upon the number of cabin occupants wow if you've got a full aircraft it'll decide that the cabin needs to be less humid yeah because there's enough people in it already and so that's something you set before takeoff in the cabin wow yeah amazing amazing that's that's a great feature isn't it i mean the air quality in the 787 is one of those highlights massive difference yeah all right i think we missed the top of the center there which is the classic so we'll stop them about those systems for now we'll pick another day to do those uh so start of the scent what do i do uh so put out shooting the window to start with so let's go down oh my mouse still upsetting me let's start off with 30 000 feet because we're late so we're just like is it gone so normally we're going to feed that out if we missed the top descent but it's not did you give that button a push so it should have just started down you reckon uh it would have gone leveling if you have out when we missed it so let's say this now if you give it push you'll go to enough speed hopefully that speed there it goes and it'll go to idle eventually would it tell you idle up here or yeah so that speed should be going to thrust ref all right start with and then it will come back to idle if it wants to dive see that green mark green art coming in that's where you're going to level off yes there you go oh yeah very good yeah so we're going down now and the next way point oh wait wait we've gone way past the next point adx so we can get that to 5000 feet so let's put that in but this is good you can show us what you sort of think the beauty of this vsd that i've mentioned once or twice big fan of it yes that would show you at the moment where you are in relation to your path vertically and where you are your extra strengths constraints on things like that okay well i can tell you we're probably about ten thousand feet above all of them so um let us let me think uh so uh yeah how can i see so what i would normally do in the airbus now is i would look at my distance to the runway luckily we're going to beam the airfield and back around so 121 miles from 35 000 feet do you just use three degrees so time drives you by three and it's a slippery aircraft so really four times is normally closer really how interesting it's worth basically works but you've got a yeah the speed bricks well used the airbus is three you do three times your altitude and then add sort of ten to slow down and then if there's any tailwind you add to that but in this that you say four times plus anything or just four times no i mean four times the conservative threes is it easy maths but summary yeah okay so can i see my track mile so that's to the runway 117 miles so we're high to the runway just about aren't we we need 90 we need about 105 miles so uh sorry no we need four times that oh my goodness i i i've never done times four two times three and ahead of it you better do it quite slow anyway we're only 0.76 not too fast what's the normal sort of descent speed uh eight four eight four going into 280 or something wow oh it's going to 280 that's interesting so you descend a lot faster at first but then you you come back to yeah i mean you can convert 300 310 something like that but yeah it gets a bit because even we can descend we descend it we can descend it sort of seven eight but then if we're feeling sporty we'll go from seven eight to like 3 30. yeah it gets a bit thirsty if you start doing that right okay um let's set that q and h then so hopefully if i just press b i remind me to set i need to press b again later on just to it's just flight simulator because uh yeah that will just do it for us um so we're diving down now we're high so uh can i see the track miles that's what i was going to ask you how do i see that uh yeah progress progress so it's leveled off for some reason speed if you get the button to push it's going to speed path give that a position it should keep it going down uh yeah why did it level off there uh i don't know that's probably a flight citizen actually okay because i don't think we had thirty thousand in adx or anything did we say yeah no no i don't think so yeah well it was the first out shoot i set in the window when i first yeah ah so this this number here 105. this is trackmaster that's trackmaster right not the director the runway okay the progress page in the airbus just gives you the direct to the runway sc uh but we would use a fixed page to do that would be or something to do certainly to get direct distance yeah that would be fixed um good so that shows me leveling off at five thousand feet before we even get to the airfield so actually it's fine that seems fine so is this realistic this rate of descent for this speed or is this a bit uh i think so yeah that seems pretty close it's just it can descend pretty fast if you wanted to but we're not using speed brakes or anything so that feels no it goes quite fast ready to send to me yeah i mean it'll just send that about it's more getting to slow down rather than go down will go down pretty quickly but it's how you lose that 300 knots yeah okay so this is my next question then we've got this i mean i haven't looked at this at all as you've seen would would you when you're setting like a new ousting in the window where are you looking do you look down here or are you looking on the hud uh early descent look you're kind of sitting looking at the pfd and the because you're looking at the pfd and the nd and the little bigger picture really yeah they're your favorite yeah so it gives you then when you're closer in certainly that pile of flying is going to sit closer into the huds um so the hud's left out he looked through that pretty much the whole time yeah the whole flight yeah you just leave it there you don't look at it after takeoff you just go to look in here the whole crew actually it's quite specifically set up for your seat position okay with your seats back or everywhere once you're flying into your sleeping position yeah exactly when your shoulder heat is going yeah you can't see through the heart anyway you can't see so when you you've got to be sat quite upright quite close to it to see through it okay okay so what yeah certainly in the later stages of the descent when you're you know you've got to sing closer into the rest of it then yeah that's uh that's when you'd use it more i see okay let's get uh let's get a bit of a wing view for our lucky passengers for that approach okay okay so yeah fine we'll uh well i'll continue to ignore the heartbeat so um good so that shows us five thousand feet beam the airport pretty much what happens i press center oh okay yeah um and there's a runway so we'll be we'll be actually we'll be low according to this if we level up yeah no problems okay um what else would we need to do so if we were high but a speed break just like normally yeah so again if you're if you're just sending a v nav in the real aircraft you go down to vienna then it would meet the path and they would put some thrust on and you'd follow that v-neck path all the way down right okay so does it normally do idle descents or thrust on the sense uh it depends where you are so when you're above when we miss top of the center and descend fast it's descending down to a point so it doesn't idle descent to meet that path that is determined right uh but that path is worked out as based on various speed and altitude constraints on the way down so if there were no constraints would it target an idle percent i assume yeah sure okay but otherwise it would just fly the profile yeah so yeah quite so really you would have probably would have met the path by now and um put some fossil fuel in there yeah it's curious isn't it it obviously has a path because it's gone to be enough speed and you know it's got the it had that little top of the scent marker but it's not actually showing up i think the heavy division if you go to legs is it trying to get us to somewhere out of the pool no it's just not bugs yeah just above yeah so this a means it's it's going to be four yeah yeah exactly and then there would be a b for below i'm guessing yes i think it was a big one yeah so there it's going thousand but all seven thousand below three thousand above yeah so it's getting you in that window between three and seven ib nine one three if i look at my chart ib913 says three thousand and six five actually so yeah roughly right um and 210 not speed limit so there should be a speed limit there as well which should be a slash 210 yeah yeah okay okay kids well there's the islands so we're going to cruise in over and around and back in and there's the runway uh well the airport's just there i don't know if you have a phone so i'd be there not to think i have no you might do this year it's uh yeah yeah the way things are going to go strange airplanes flying around uh lights i'm guessing ten thousand feet like normal yeah exactly um good so we've done our auto brake nothing to do with the gear the gear won't suddenly lower the doors or something when it thinks we're just getting it or something and we've we've done nothing much like this earlier we've done nothing to the overhead panel i'll turn the logo lights on i suppose um without icing conditions without fuel we just don't don't have to fiddle with it there yeah there's nothing to do yeah even you see the icing is in auto so don't look at that awesome i will take that yeah very straightforward so i think i mean let's face it you you as well as me would be pretty upset if we expected to fly this whole arrival yeah so yourself for a shortcut uh i think we'll set up for a shortcut so um i think if we go osnook is at 3000 feet and it's about 11 miles out so i think if we let's go ib 9-1-1 to oznik so i'll go legs i'll take around all the way around yeah so i need to go to next page oznik and then bring it up to the point below you want to keep the previous page i've said i'll be nine one one and nine leading sir yes yes there it is that's what it looks like yeah and so that's great is it the blue light like that that's exactly what that's so that's that's what you want that's what you're asking to do yeah and that was a double check and yeah the reason i'm so impressed is because the lateral navigation in flights major is it's been a bit of an issue for a lot of aeroplanes so that's quite impressive that it's it's it's proving to be quite robust i'm quite impressed with it we've done a lot of fiddling and sort of zooming into one boiler on it one gotcha with the v-nav slot itself down below your flap speed oh why has it done that it does yes it does in the real aircraft as well so you open this hinge window because it basically thinks you're going to keep an eye on it and stick the flaps out at a point so that's a good point to do this enables and then wind up to your up speed yeah so it's a bit of a gotcha actually that it'll descend and slow you down to a speed that's below you down i see ah very good yeah at some point yeah so at some point in the descent you want to uh you know open that speed window open uh generally v-net's only used for the first half of the descent anyway because it's a bit temperamental and it's not very flexible really how interesting we'll use managed it's called manage descent but we use it the whole way down no problem yeah they'll go to a flight level change or vs or something like that flight level change would just be a thrust idle well yes it does yeah it's on the 73 it does this the odd law for whack doesn't it was in the seven eight it tries to get you to your altitude in two minutes uh and if you can't do that then it will do idle i see so if you're only gradual if you're near or within two if you're only going 1 000 one or two thousand feet then it will if it's got 2000 feet to go to a thousand feet a minute descent how interesting yeah that is yeah well that's a lot better isn't it because losing flight level change later on in the 73 or seven five and you just end up charging up and down yeah um and if you have no goods so you'd you'd be on flight level change or vertical speed by this point yeah yeah flight level changes point than vs a little bit well okay let's do that so we're doing two if you're not slightly change it's got idle thrust which is great so that's doing as we expected now i'm not entirely convinced yeah it it kept saying you know oh you'll be 5000 a beam it's not managing it because i mean i'm 11 000 feet here and i can see the airport there so i i know i'm not going to lose 6000 feet in the next 10 miles so that i think this banana is a little bit off-kilter with the speed as well i think so yeah so let's go to progress progress so distance go 38 miles and we need 40 miles according to your mats yeah i mean at this point 250 knots now i think yeah 30 miles now we're back at 250 knots and they keep in there you think the profiles are right from here yeah when would you start putting flap out just when you need to i suppose yeah yeah more or less whenever you're looking to slow down you probably want to be uh working backwards you want to be about 180 knots from 10 miles okay so a little bit slower maybe eight miles uh you could get away with with a bit of speed break yeah probably 210 220g on that bass turn it's exactly the same it's funny isn't it exactly the same as a 320 and a 7 3 and a 7 5 and a 7 for the same airplanes all right so there's 250 knots go through ten thousand feet i'll put some lights on see about signs we've left on so our unlucky passengers just spent 14 hours or 18 hours or whatever sat there any of these lights come on now or just the landing lights uh there's strobes beyond obviously weren't they but yeah you could land the turn off lights on if you wanted to okay i like the little standby canvas there in green it's never looked at never looked at no no but in the airbus it's um hidden away it's sort of behind that panel and you have to pull it out it's so it's it's it's like they don't even want you to think about it okay so the rls is starting to show up on my pfd oh my heart sorry and my pft which is good yeah i know just probably identified as one isn't it yeah ibi where is that written oh up there there you go yeah so it's done the identity four years and the deal yeah uh yeah if you just go down about this point you slow down yeah so you went back to the up bug right up flat limiting speeds are they obvious or written anywhere yeah they're written uh to the left there below the bottom left of the pst so the airbus puts it on the pfd it will show you a little amber eyebrows yeah i generally as long as you're at the bug speed before you put the next one out so you do flap one now and then go to wind back to that one so let's go flat one then shall we uh would you recommend that now yeah yeah so first flaps one they're traveling and there's the red bar and then i'll wind it back again wind it back to the uh flat one speed could i already so that's what you normally do you'd wind it to the next speed then put the flap out and then slow down again that's sort of the protein yeah so yes you never go below never wind it below the bug speed for the flap you've got right okay okay so you can't so that's that's your middle so you could fly so traffic said flight to 20 knots you could eat to have flap 1 and 220 knots but you can't you can't get any slower than that speed but your general rule is to um so they said they weren't 200 knots we'd have to go down to five you have to go that's five yeah interesting okay okay uh but yeah good way to do it is just fly the bug yeah and what if i press this in what happened because you're not in vnav now uh it won't work it won't work so we can we can just go to manage speed at this point and it will just go it will automatically go to each of these bugs effectively okay you put the next stage of flap out and it just targets the next bug it's it's quite clever all right so should we go any slower or two this is probably fine for this corner yeah let's turn the corner yeah well luckily it's beautiful weather here as well i noticed there's a bit of a oh it's gone to a crosswind now there was a bit of a tail end and that was scent which didn't help but that v-never was nonsense because we finally reached five thousand feet i can hear it leveling off um on this leg let me just check well we want to go down to three which is the platform so i'm just gonna put three in the window is there a way to select hundreds of feet yes it's in uh the increments there yeah uh it's just a thousand you can go to auto is there clever again i can't believe this stuff works really impressed this is great right so next is oznik um conditions to go from here 21 miles we're at 5000 feet so that's absolutely fine i won't cut it in any tighter just because i want to see it fly this turn there it goes so it is descending in flight level change but it's got power on so that's doing what you said then so he's doing the two minute descent probably just doing a gradual descent um because it's going from five to three yeah about a thousand feet a minute isn't it i am blown away by how much i didn't know i thought this you know i could just ask you a couple of limitations or something but there's so many things about this airplane that i had no clue about and it's doing it and this is great so yeah yeah ancient minute that would be what i'd choose to do in the air that's probably about now i might actually speed up a bit more yeah so if we did uh vertical speed now yeah i could just put 500 feet in the window and what'd you do yeah probably slap it more slowly yeah so so yeah do next few next stage flat first oh sorry yeah so i should have gone to that five or then flat five then i then put the five bug and then five bucket and then it presents the next one here oh i see so it won't show us the next green bag until you get that one yeah okay so uh 10 has got your loads of choice for flaps yeah there are too many 16 17 17 and 18 i mean honestly yeah i mean you don't get a lot of you generally go 10 and then maybe 15 but probably straight to 20. 25. so from here i'd go to 10 and then 10 20. that's 20. and then 25 for landing right okay yes right so it's much more for performance it gives you extra options right performance from takeoff really i see i see so uh i'm the rs now yeah i'm locked at this point just lock yeah just lock at this point where's that there you can do it you could do it both yeah approach yeah and then that arms glass surface so we've got lock and then glide such arms but not capturing there it is that capture yeah go around altitude do i put that in now yeah i know yeah uh 3 000 feet for this one i believe which is already in that's always nice so we're a bit faster then 200 knots at 10 miles we're sort of on the upper edge yeah it's going to slow down a bit more so should we so i need to select that ten tens next probably no i don't do 180 about 10 189 you get 180 out of that you're just about no probably not just above the bug stage is it that fast see again the airbus we can go below these we can go right down to basically vls which is not you don't get that on the boeings it doesn't it's uh yes that's generally just generally don't go yeah well yeah general customer practices don't go below that bug so let's go i don't know what flap has set there uh yeah probably 15 yeah 15. we got flat 15 now i hear the engine's sporting up a little bit yeah so you're at 180 ish so i just didn't say miles yeah about white recorder okay um there's a radio attempt today time to slow down probably yeah that there's gear gear flap 20. so you just do gear from oh yeah so don't slow down so that's 20. yeah and gear as well at this point gear down down it goes then you have flat 20 you're on the speed brake now as well so i have to arm it okay yes hello so that would be the 20 yeah because we've got flat 20 out and then i'll go to that 25. five and then you get a be a view levels plus probably five knots well that looks very slow that'd be ref now i'm not entirely convinced yeah that sounds quite slow it should be 140 1.7 plus five yeah some people like it so that sounds well we want sixty tons yeah one about one forty seven sounds about right do you think one forty seven okay yeah yeah on the other one forty two plus five that would be right because we've got the 25 plus five yeah it feels right it should be yeah okay and that's about what's that that pitch is a one year degree is that normal yeah let's go away yeah the hud's it's normally a three degree line on there as well which is good okay it lines up yeah so yeah if i look at that that glidestop to me looks i don't know what i'm looking at here yeah i think that hud's not quite as it would be like that looks like we're hard yeah and it's funny because without that that looks great to me yeah i bring that down oh it looks like we're high we're off to the side i don't know what's going on yeah we've got a harder brightness above you you cannot turn that down on this but yeah it's generally turned it down so you're almost looking through it i do really right you just have it as a bit of guidance in between it probably only cost about a million pounds each but everyone just write this down so we think we're good we've got the gear down we've got the flats we've got the arms we've got the auto brakes we're stable yeah does that sound right that's a plan right talk me through a landing what do i need to do what's the tricks about 30 feet we hit 30 quick pause and then a check 30 feet interesting i thought it would be higher being a heavier yeah about 30 30 feet pause than your flare big ground effect from those efficient wings i suppose yeah they all did fast take care of everything else though would you also close the thrusters for us yeah it should go twiddle really okay and you want body idle reverse at some point as well the auto brakes it's a breaking um distance calculation rather than level of actual braking so no matter how much reverse you put on it'll just do less braking so there's the other part out uh it's all manual trim and so on from here is it uh yeah in the sense of the seven eights manual trimmers right okay yeah yeah that's probably a whole other video yeah a lot of 200 feet that's not good let's lower those again all right a little bit reverse there's touchdown a bit late there there's a reverse so yeah i don't think the auto thrust doesn't work quite as uh oh wow well there's a stopping distance yeah it's brake four's pretty good that was yeah that's intense isn't it uh okay we'll release that with manual brakes okay yeah i'm not sure what happened with the the auto thrust there but uh it should have just idled um but for whatever reason yeah so uh great and that's it so 30 feet pause flare it should idle the thrust touchdown and reverse i mean that's it it's just easy every other airplane excellent 200 100 10. thirty twenty right so here we are that vacating point we talked about taxiing earlier so taking it nice and slow and getting it behind these windows before we turn anything we do as part of the rollouts uh no so the ultimate came out so it's generally don't do anything until you're off the runway yeah it's blessing idle reverse packed away but when do you bring the if you're using max reverse when would you bring that to uh so get a reverse title at 60 knots yeah it's good point to turn uh yeah with a cycle at 60 knots and then um forward idle when you're attacking speed so reverse i was 64 okay so it's yeah very close to the airbus cool so we are attacking speed so i've gone to forward obviously and now i'm revving up the engines trying to get around the turn the speed brakes are disarmed by themselves it seems uh yeah they normally stay yeah they normally stay up and then you just uh once you're clearly stolen it should be like that i'm not i'm confident they they deployed i don't know if i got that set up right for the army um but they should have done anyway because the lever looks like it's very much in the not interested position um good okay so let's get ourselves off the runway where's the terminal just up there i suppose it takes a while to get that tail off the uh off the runway yes it's clear it's hard to turn on the ground isn't it because now if i keep the speed up i feel like i'm going to go off the edge i have to yeah i'll say about seven knots that's what the hub's good for the um it shows you a deceleration of things right yeah we're only two knots so that's just too slow yeah yeah actually we're having those engines to get around this turn come on airplane you can do it and i say even doing that was slightly early probably yeah that the main wheels are off to the off the left yes it's further than you think actually it really is isn't it yeah i know concord they sat over the grass because the wheel was so far behind them right so what now uh so if you're in icing conditions again you turn your engine back on look at this point but we're not is that because it only works in auto in flight yeah it does work on the ground and also exactly i see it uh obviously you don't need that either uh lights out at this point turn your landing runs on your boobs off of things these days the taxi back can come on i suppose yeah turn the weather radars off are they not off automatically with weight on wheels no so you give weather button a push there yeah that's off now uh they also break to off and then it flaps up flat then transponder back to tcas or to uh i like this i like that they left it as a rotary dial like every other transponder instead of having it hidden away in this menu i think that's right just yeah just an easy dial to have to click through three different screens can we get rid of the hud yet we have to leave that out yeah you can get rid of that when you're texting initially is that what you normally do even with so you're not too worried about generally yes accelerator thing yeah i just it's good to help you with the turning but yeah you don't need it do you ever hit your head on it not really nice yeah it has a um mechanism in it so if you do a rejected takeoff or something yeah if you stop quickly it'll it'll move itself forwards out of the way yeah bang your head on it really amazing what a complicated thing to add to an airplane i've done that way too early i don't want to look yeah i went straight back into an airbus almost dragging those wheels through the grass not quite though not quite right start the apu at this point closer it takes a couple of minutes normally starts and that just toggles back to on does it or would it stain start yeah it starts just a um it's like a second there then it'll talk back to one i'm having trouble with this because what happens is if i push my pedals all the way left you see that slowly moving there if i go all the way left too quickly it actually reverses and goes to sort of a neutral position and there's a car obviously intrusion i can follow me so if you any sign up here when it's online or you just no i said getting down to the i can't have apu running yeah but you could look on that status page again okay systems stat although it just gives us loads of numbers it doesn't particularly say yeah i mean one when it gets 100 rpms 100 so that's that would be yeah that would be when it says apu running normally right let's yeah let's just oh let's go take a jet bridge i think next to the manta 320 excellent so flaps are up yeah any limitations on flaps with temperatures or anything like that i just take bring him up at the third strike no this thing's with ice and snow under the things but yeah generally that's the same then i think we take this one here and this is where your passengers here are just sitting there with their drinks and their little holders what's in this trolley uh where's that in the middle of the seats yeah no it's a bit of storage there's uh yeah made those lockers and things like that okay nothing exciting there's a table in there you've got a table still you know if unless it's a table sitting right in front of you it's just not the same so we'll just go further somewhere here and then turn about there that's it because turning understand is obviously the the one to get yeah that's the one definitely requires lining up properly always a 90 degree turn so turn off those taxi lights yeah they'd like to go yet so doors at some point come on you can do it oh no it's still that far enough i can't believe it look at that yes it's much better than you think it's incredible there you go nailed it and that'll do there i think set that part break now what uh so you want five minute cooldown on the engine which is probably had by now five minutes from just in flight is that even without reverse landing from idle reverse okay yeah uh then you check you got the apu running at this point you just fuel cut off just just shut down it's shut down i don't need to engage the ap generator anything because they're already on there it's on if user you've got ground power there as well if you want to but yeah that's it off [Music] i don't know what that's telling us we'll continue with this thank you right okay so the engine's shutting down uh stopped the overhead panel yep uh you turn off the hydraulic pumps uh which i'm working together sadly no i do fuel pumps can i go off do the passenger signs off uh where were they where were they they had fallen left a bit go off beacon go off and then you'd go up and turn the flooded door power off at that point uh brexit my work then that's it go back down and turn the flight directors off that horrible switch can't believe they've used that and everything else and then transponded standby and that's us here we are parked up a successful flight in the dreamliner finally then if the passengers were to be allowed off the airplane um let me see if i can get that jet bridge attached and we'll open up some of the doors just waiting for my thing to connect so we would be shutting down soon so um there we go so bringing the jet way over open up the door open the cargo door there we go a bit early door door first might want to wait until the damage is done um there it comes and i suppose we got a warning our first warning of the day if i press recall no it doesn't work on our door page they're open look at that it works um yeah so how do you mean the doors that's a little a oh yeah um so time to shut down then once the passengers roll off so what do we do next uh should we go up to the irs's turn those off all right yeah and then the battery can go off you probably take the uh external power as well at this point yeah so the apu is off uh so you press those on and then oh no it turned off the ap generator by doing that yeah so again that you do apu off now is that right so you turn on that it would turn it off the ap gen yeah would it uh yeah it is yeah or would it just light up as often no yeah the switch would work no no i was gonna say because otherwise that means that now the generator's off and i think actually it prioritizes the epu now i think about it yeah yeah i'm not sure that is quite correct well that's half run ground power yep that's the battery can go off yeah emergency lights can go off oh the top there above the window here but if that'll work no no the pack said go off on the other side uh i thought they didn't work either there they are oh yeah uh i think that is it so then to completely kill it we would just completely give it a hit go crank that's it a few off that's it we've made it and it's shut down well thank you very much steve for taking the time to come and uh show us all that fantastic inside knowledge into the 787 it's um yeah it's far more far more advanced i knew it was an advanced airplane but it's more advanced than i pictured it would be especially with the way it looks after you you think it was designed for short haul with the amount of things it does for you the fact that you have 12 hours to do it exactly it's well put together it's uh yeah it's there to help people fly i think it's yeah very intuitive yeah you can tell it's it's it's yeah absolutely lovely well um i'll say then uh thank you very much steve for taking the time to come along and share that excellent knowledge i'm sure the viewers will really really appreciate it and thank you for having uh such patience with the uh the simulator and me and uh guiding us through it because that's a lot of stuff i didn't know there and loads of great little bits of information so yeah that's absolutely brilliant so thank you for taking the time that's all good if the viewers would like we'll see if there's any big questions or burning questions that come out of it and maybe we can get together again and uh get some more videos done sort out some of the more those systems pages we didn't get around to or some other other little guides maybe non-precision approaches things like that so if anyone would like to see that do please subscribe to the channel and uh like the video if you'd like to see more and there'll be plenty of live streams coming soon plenty more videos so we'll see you again soon do keep safe and well thank you for watching bye
Channel: 320 Sim Pilot
Views: 186,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real airbus pilot, real pilot tutorial, microsoft flight simulator 2020, MSFS2020, MFS2020, A320 NEO tutorial, airbus tutorial, microsoft flight simulator tutorial, real pilot msfs2020, zibo a320, a320nx project, a320 mods, msfs2020 mods, flybywire v0.5, flybywire 0.5, heavy division 787, heavy division mod, real boeing pilot, real 787 pilot, 787 tutorial, boeing 787 guide, real pilot 787 tutorial, heavy division tutorial, full flight 787 tutorial
Id: xg853BCWFiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 22sec (8842 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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