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hey everyone we've got 45 mystery boxes it's pallet day so excited I like when boxes don't have any indication what they are versus you know the ones that have the name of it on there yeah so then it's not like you're cheating and looking to see what it is we really don't know what's in these so let's find out together whoo mine has a couple things in there oh there's four things in this box mine's got it what it's in an envelope Wow oh these are customer returns by the way so they could be anything - four little boxes like this in their envelope but Christmas I can't wait to see you always want to see this money I don't know if it is but it might be does that oh what's it called rags you get it's just a microfiber cloth I thought it was the other one that I can't think oh this is the green gobbler green gobbler Wow for the green gobbler and here's that I ever heard of this know there's like cleaner in there Apple melon scent finally power meets green Wow okay not familiar with it somebody sent it back without using it apparently yeah oh this is not what I was expecting at all it's glasses and they look brand-new they're in different little well prescription are they they're lady's glasses any predicative meow this is Carol Baskins glasses right here they got some leopard in this Missy okay these are actually really nice Wow this is a snakeskin print look they match really nice Wow so this is not customer returns well our experience with these is people buy real thank you and these are nice these are 3.0 is this number it's in the corner of the lens oh you got three different animal pattern there are three I know sighs here and you how many boxes um oh wait is there fourth one oh no this goes to this one and there's four boxes of these so we have 12 I'm getting envelopes this is so weird that big box oh it really did I really did think this was look when I got a glimpse up I got a thing with money money what the heck what are those I really did my heart jump scanner guard dollar is this your purse or your money yes and it's like an RFID blocker this is smart RFID blocking cell phone card holder oh cool hold those for me okay another cuz it already is fitting in your wallet several of these and several of the car things a little envelopes this must've been a Christmas present yeah more money that was a trip I literally my heart started fluttering because I thought there was you know all of a sudden you see it like this yeah imagine you just open it up and you can't take lamps you're like huh my box has two brand-new germ guardian brand-new this is great okay so it plugs into your wall and it's an odor reducer a UVC power and it kills mold that's a UV air sanitizer and it plugs into your wall that's for pet owners and just germs like this is great for us right now germs and bacteria so it's got a UV light that kills it that's awesome Wow the Bulls made in Germany by llola no I don't know what a wearable is oh wow I actually said Wow out of it Wow I don't know what I'm looking at here oh they have perforated are they weird little paper towels I've never heard of it is this my conic one of those s seen on TV and it rubs things out it says there is a little label on this it says that wobbles 30-count roll washable and we paper towels above why do you need 30 then you should only need one rinse ring reuse smart mine has a label on it it has shark ion on it so it might be actually what's in there and vacuum No maybe a battery for one whew so this lithium ion battery goes to I'm guessing it's a handheld we sold better a shark vacuum that what might fit this before so April many placements it looks brand new also so I grabbed this one because I saw another another allowable and we're gonna we're gonna experiment with this okay this is fun this is like not it's just exciting because a lot of these boxes look like it could be the same size but you know that's not what's in them it's different like this in this box has these little loose things in there it's always fun opening up boxes yep and we don't even when you see the the label it's fun but when you don't know what's in there there's something even more fun well this is a three pack of these little light things that plug them you use those yes I can you put them in a closet that doesn't have a light in there you can see so nobody steal the stickers off to read portable LED lights with a dimmer switch I like them and LEDs okay these are just cream colors six of them so we got three white and three cream these are brand new they opened up mine alright and it feels like I've got toothpaste in here that's what it feels like oh oh it's sunscreen bust and bug repellent it's a SPF whatever sunscreen and bug repellent 33 there's just two of them I think they're both gonna be the same they're saying yep yeah oh you get two and one SPF 30 this is it final one this has had like it's just different stuff I'll show this since it's already this is one it actually looks like dog food I don't know it but this one's not in a box this is the real customer return I thought it was dog food this is Toby I'm sure I'm sure that dog's name is Toby Carroll burger shop means dog Toby you have to put it together it's about 20 feet tall this is a Grayson I wasn't notice really great that was a I would consider that use but they didn't use it my box has a dude thing in it a bunch of look at these loop rope oh really cool these are Luke broke their tie downs and look it's like a tie down for in the back your traffic oh wow this picture shows it going from the headrest to the hand rest to hand rest inside a vehicle and they got all their fishing poles secure fast and easy you got five packs of these oh we're keeping some of these for garage daddle want some oh yeah these are useful infinitely adjustable never tangles multifunctional includes two loop clips these are awesome more loopholes oh good okay so I got it you guys already seen them but I get three more packs it looks like that plugs into a car right yeah but too wet you have a couple boxes in there true tech oh just a little micro USB I don't know why but it's a USB tech it'll plug two here and two here so maybe that's two front and back seat car charge stations great idea great really good idea I was in the same box yeah this one has work those will come in handy cool front and back seat chargers and they're brand new yes awesome this is for smart pass amplified HDTV antenna perfect for indoor and RV use Oh it'll go 65 miles nice for a broadcast station featuring exclusive technology from the antenna manufacturer aunt Anna Wow okay so a big box with just two little boxes in it you keep getting multiple boxes inside the box you've got some bags I kinda wanna get this is another shark battery and that's what's gonna be in there oh yeah okay well so this one had two shark batteries in them you got any boxes inside boxes oh wow this is actually pretty cool it is a snap basket caddy snap up XXL tote and hamper Wow he will collapse it but it's got a like a joint on the sides a hamper for dirty clothes yeah or you could do it for anything like it oh yeah look how small this thing is right now and then it gets to that big that's great cuz I'd like to go on grocery shopping that's taking like if you live in an apartment you take your laundry and all your stuff to the laundromat that will come in handy somebody you open that one that's standing up there it's a vacuum oh it's steaming go it's a burn I thought was a vacuum that's why I thought those were the batteries that you have oh that's great Steven though me either but oh it looks brand new to the attachments are all in the bag still it's got a nylon brush angle nozzle grout brush Draper tools steamer jet squeegee attachment dharman attachment microfiber cloth measuring cup and carpet guy cool that's got a lot of accessories some of the smaller boxes are considerably heavier than the big boxes Oh is right what is it spotlight HD diamond ultra bright natural daylight LED makeup mirror oh it's brand new to brand new with your magnification we're here like a serious velcro on this USB charger this is absolutely I mean it smells new smells brand never be wild lit up you guys don't know that but that's lit up there we go that is so nice that is so you can totally put your steps in here comes a little mirror just don't in the church oh it's magnetic kind of like magic this sticks here wherever you want it cuz it's magnetic that is smart that's perfect and it came with this you could stick all country here this is magnetic - yeah you're on a mirror it's ingenious wow this is an awesome device it feels like a kid quality this is a good ok whoa more I think these are glasses a bunch more glasses yeah lots of glasses so a red black and white Wow Wow so this ain't no joke these are nice so 3 6 9 12 15 18 buncha more set the glass bunch of boxes in there 18 says people always need that stuff finally I get finally I get some boxes in a box did you get that I got more wobbles in here four more boxes around I like the Lobos so within a box I got two boxes Oh what is this carbon monoxide alarm those are not cheap usually this is if it's in every box they're all the same then we got six carbon monoxide great detectors that's awesome okay aqua pause I've seen these before I'm like a dog cleaning miss thing that it's got the hose in it and you can either do it in the shower which is awesome or this how I used to do Gerry's this is great this would have been great it would have gotten deeper in his fur ball it's two alkyl paws for sure yeah here's one that blues that somebody return is they use one so now we can see what looks like hoes this that goes on your hand oh so you snap this on and then you can then you walk now I'm getting into the boxes within boxes yeah if they're all the same these are Vizio focus mini temperature barometer it's a mini thermometer yeah it's for adults - I mean anything's gonna work but so this one's new that's great this big one doesn't feel like there's much in here feels loose oh yeah there's not much that's a little overkill on the box okay this is another dog item verbalist to brush the dog right yeah no that looks weird yes there's three these it's weird how they box it up so same thing and this one has been open is it possible that that's one also yeah so we got a bunch of cat dog brushes yeah mysterious white box oh another carbon monoxide and see what this one is yeah it says it on there so we've got four more carbon monoxide detectors and this has a box in a box and it's just another fur bolused I feel like that they have a lovely box that sent around they just threw stuff in looking this way here's this big box that was in here Oh - gross cheers first kiss mine's gonna crush yeah what is that super-magnetic drying time dang cool two of them and we've got four grandkids at two homes they're gonna have fun with these it's got a magnetic stylus easy to erase beads never fall out let's do it that's pretty cool it's sealed but we're given a brand new Yap the beads never fall out oh yeah oh oh I'd like these things when you make like designs like that that is me that is really cool we'll do a demonstration it is on the other channel and the kids are gonna see it and go I want one oh they're getting on that's really that's really cool I knew I'd advise you to close your eyes so bad oh hold on I got one I got two boxes two boxes in here they're cool go ahead and open your eyes there you go whoa is later automatic cat toy yeah we are in ID they're vicious instincts of a cat this height is their vicious instincts and that way if you go to pet them they've been in training with this and they're faster than they normally are Oh excited okay you know how I've been wanting a cat and the time is coming multiple dragonflies to chase so I'm keeping this I've got the cat boxes still set up ready oh boy keep them one of these for what for our cat when we get one that's such a great cat toy I think these are more batteries more sharp batteries are they yep two more batteries awesome okay seen these before yes she remembers what it is oh no this isn't what I thought I don't know what I thought it was the I thought it was a windshield guard for the winter Wow that just hope Wow you know what like even like just you go to the grocery store with that you'll be leaving like this you'll be leaving like it's insulated though this is perfect for going to Costco and I can actually carry it in and out of the house with this and it doesn't take up much room it's funny that in there for you sure this is a grand it's cute I love it that's girly this is a really cute pattern wow I thought something was crawling on my neck and it was this off of there this box here looks very similar to that that box yeah it's another one but it's not the same size not different color it doesn't feel as heavy you think it's the same I like the purple better you do yeah but I love this pattern is so cute well there's two massive totes they're awesome deliver clever mate made whoever made so it's like a rubbery the box oh there's more than one anything whoa-ohh-ohh smart look at that guy's and in one box it shows a lid in the picture right it's part of this yep I think the bottom might have the lid yeah I think so does it feels like it but yeah right here that's genius look it just sits in there it's got little track that it guy lies into that is not clever crate this thing collapses down that's a genius look there's a twofer box and we have two boxes of them I love these those might have a home here these are really cool shrink that goes on the bottom boom takes up this much room versus a massive totes like you've been doing it for years oh these are you ever thought against did a great job saying we grabbed this there's smaller boxes and get the big ones last okay might be the same we'll find out Mike I think you're gonna be the same so wait cut open this because I think open your hand okay this might be what I thought the totes we're gonna be oh here we go oh yeah in the car door put that on the windshield for frost so these go on your windshield that's awesome so they click on your door so you can get them in there and they're easy to live it in the car this doesn't take up much room for your trunk that's really just smart I love it again another light box whoo more of these flammables more wobbles so that's the paper tonight we've got three boxes of those so we got a lot of washable paper towels we don't need paper towels for a long time don't have a defray of a high return rate I imagine oh that's cool great for home and travel no spill that's good the sippy pup that so doesn't slash yeah dries or when they're drinking it doesn't just go everywhere this is actually it's kind of it's got a nice weight to it so apparently it won't slide over a place that still like if you're in your RV home and travel have you in your RV you can leave water in it splash all over the floor your doctor drink anything might have an envelope in it that's ridiculous huge this is weird I don't know why there's so many bosses like that okay reveal there's one or you can come on that's a waste of material Wow they might use boxes like that to help with the validator it makes sense to waste it's a tremendous but all those vowels in that one box like look at this box are these little magnetic things again here what is that anybody you know what that sound is there's several levels that sounds familiar oh yeah oh nice so we got one two three four more of these fine great for traveling 26 lettering 26 design cards slim lightweight design great grandkids are gonna love these yep these are both light boxes so there's probably like a piece of paper in there they had to do this just for paletine right yeah it's very crazy okay this has a bunch of little boxes are they just glass oh maybe let's find out I bet you're right looks like those glasses boxes oh three with glasses leopard prints color they have the different prints just like I'm the other ones we have got we have got a bunch of prescription glasses and my box had one of these in theirs so these are all reading glasses brand new yeah brand new reading glasses with fancy cases and three that I have mine's was three to a box yeah these are three there's like three toolbox okay that's a lot of reading glasses does it feel the same no heavier just different like it can't feel lighter right no it's heavy right guess oh oh this is gonna be interesting in each of these there's what is that a case a glass case that is a lot oh okay not a glass case they're on the go this has some one looks like it might have been used some kind of I don't know that's gonna figure this out that's a but look it it's like this does the same thing a lint remover but with a few gets a pill pill remover okay this has Gleaner on the grow go and it's they're brand new in their box okay this shirt is chilly so it's taking it off is that oh like for my my favorite pants yeah it works really good if one of these that's for sure it doesn't open up that's just a that's weird it does open up Oh to clean it it opens up and has a bunch of different accessories it opens but it's got different heads on it so different heads that go here there's like a weird sandpaper feeling one two sandpapers and this weird I don't know these are really seen yes I like them yeah to to a box so there's five boxes that's ten here we've got fifteen sixteen twenty six of these cleaners those are great everything we open our excellent swap meet or flea market selling items they're not gonna take up as much room as it looked like in the palette cuz we can consolidate this is gonna consolidate down really saw almost everything look new I love it this is a great palette really great can't wait for the next one there's more coming there's more coming so thanks for watching and stay tuned for the next palette unboxing enjoy your life where you like
Channel: undefined
Views: 335,449
Rating: 4.860714 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Unboxing videos, unboxing, mystery box, liquidation, customer returns
Id: D0h9P3bjCcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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