We went Dumpster Diving and got a Giant Box Full of Treasures!

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so i asked steve why are you why do you park so far away he likes to have an escape plan in case somebody pulls up you like look at how much roof there is if somebody pull he always has in his mind escaping like if a weirdo comes up or whatever we can escape oh there's some stuff anyway so that's i get maybe the military in him or something i don't know he's just a weirdo little this has initials on it these are kind of cool these are that's a nice suitcase we gotta look for hidden stuff what if there's like look at this i'm gonna put these in that other trash oh yeah gross this is neat this is the kind of suitcase you hide your valuables behind the lining it doesn't look like this has that kind though i'm looking for valuables hidden honey like hundreds of dollar bills back here yeah little roached out no it's not bad and it's got some initials on it they have a table out of that that's pretty cool nice hard little oh there's two of them maybe or maybe that's a train case you know people make tables out of these yeah let's see what this one's oh about another big one i think wow this one's loaded treasures okay i'm gonna have to hop up and grab troy could get it better from this side yeah wow real big one you're opening it upside down i know but it didn't feel like anything was in it once i what's that there's something in it all right push my belly stinky pig [Music] will the other suitcase fit in this one were they matching yeah they kind of match no it won't fit oh i was just gonna conserve but look this is like a bakelite handle right here this is old it's old yeah really old this one's got a leather handle look this one has abs on it lms abs abs well a b is the last name or the s is the last thing i'll take this bag it's just a lid maybe we'll find whatever it goes to but that's a good back just throw stuff in it's just two little glass things it's a nice lid i'll hold on to it we might find the rest look at the shape this is a good one it's a flower pot oh they're both flowers that's like giant beakers yeah this sounds like it has toys in it i think there's a baby crib in here i think it's filled with vape with toys just a donate bag oh loaded with toys all right let's look at all these that's gonna be something too did you do that one first oh my goodness is this dvd it's lord of the rings this one's kind of wet that i just pulled out this is probably expensive i think it's lord of the rings dvds and stuff okay let's look at those let's see those you want to start with this one yeah wow i touched this bag over here i'll do it since okay this time because i already did look at these wow two towers oh it's pretty are they in there i just want to make sure i mean i'm sure they're in there oh nice they're all in there cool the platinum series well that's awesome i'm glad glad this didn't go to that landfill so we've got fellowship of the ring these are really nice return of the king that's a nice little set here and then you've got oh these are games huh no oh blue ray blu-ray nice oh it's trekkies and lord of the rings ray along came polly got a little comedy in there these are nice boom signs i don't think we've even seen them at all we didn't have a dvd player anymore yeah everything you can stream it no they're awesome dvds these are nice we should check with the kids and make sure the kids don't want them and then we'll donate them okay let's check out these toys i know this is neat it's an mp3 player power this is what it is i think making all the music it's a little boom box for kids oh and a little oh we might have to hold on to this and have the kids play with that yeah compartment they're gonna like that yeah we'll set this one aside this is fun it's the bop it game right is this bop it some version of it maybe or is it just to play yeah we cut this box from over there at joann's we saw that there was some stuff in here steve ran over there and grabbed it okay this is the doll that's making all the noise right here it's a for real there's no off button okay cool just probably oh i think it's like a boppit yeah look at this it's a drone thing like a little one maybe like remember when the cousins had those little tiny ones yeah let's see if we can find the remote to it little plushies more plushy everybody's got these in their house when they got kids oh big plushie oh she's got something in her back so she plays music or does something minnie mouse yeah there's something in her back squish her heart she does something somehow but maybe her batteries are dead somebody'll figure that out yep somebody knows whoa oh cute little leggings one of the uh cinderella type things or something rapunzel maybe or i don't know actually which one it is disney ones there you go cute basket oh look at that thing oh this one's working i'll turn it off because otherwise it's gonna make noise hungry hungry hippos fun [Music] these are good they didn't touch the edge of the wall get your clothes on there's always a naked barbie at least she's got thicker legs you know she's a more normal barbie size like me pardon me man yes can i help you could you get some clothes on uh did you lose these clothes a baby under the sea this is the abc bank bathtub whoa i don't know what this is what is that maybe it's wings that go on some top doll christmas time cute another naked barbie for you or whatever she is they gave her underwear but why didn't they give her a top somebody tried to give her a top she was dancing it up at the club lost her top oh this is good to hold up thanks this i don't know what it is but that's um cat boy it's um gecko it's gekko's car all three can ride now yep you're right we'll keep that one for us because radian yeah where'd that um there was oh these dvds we're to check these we'll keep these aside because we're going to check with the kids yeah but they might like these i don't know if jay watches that stuff or whatever easily accessible oh this isn't groot what does that go to it's a science justice lake is this a voice changer i don't know but look what i got this is the science thing see it yeah science honey oil and water don't mix okay he's still playing with it it's funny okay what's this little guy from all kinds of accessories vampire teeth let's throw the teeth back in there because that's that's mouth kid puts it in his mouth not good [Music] hot wheel okay lego type giant lego this is part of a puzzle yeah i think these are all okay to throw out okay cool and we never found the remote to this but we might so we'll leave it out it could be in this kids chicken soup for the kid's soul actually in what books books we'll put in this because they're so heavy we'll put books in that because that bag is easy to to do like candles are easy okay catherine plush protect it create your own name plate yeah this one this might still be sealed down there okay or something on it so this is nice traditional five minute tails that's great nursery tails oh that's awesome we might keep this one you need this little basket i don't but somebody can have it it's definitely not um don't it's a donatable oh your baby can read wow that's good yeah we'll check that for the kids too to see what are you putting over on this side that stuff i want to check with the kids or they're going in that bag cause it's heavy dance your a off oh my gosh envelopes nice i don't okay so i'm sticking all this in this bag yeah oh spider little thing is that spiderman's oh it's halloween a little basket huh yeah like um put candy in it oh look these little wings that's pretty here what's that a hat a halo two of them halo oh that's a little costume a pretty one [Music] walkie-talkies yup do we have two walkie-talkies i don't know what that is new moon oh cool put that in katie's box in that bag that's katie's paw oh she's fifty shades of gray katie's it's when i say katie by the way katie is my friend that's the teacher but she also has a little reading lending library that is adults anybody can anything can go in there so this is some some baby look at the face yeah nice eyes baby kind of scary this makes a cannon to a bottle top those look okay there's a couple of them in there what's this core curriculum this is a wheel introductory craft skills that's cool i might read through this can i learn some stuff yeah i think i can learn some stuff i might dig through that another wheel cool america freedom to something gone baby gone put that in that oh we could put it in here i guess i set the ones over there for them flirty girl fitness look honey we got two oh they're different yep look at that yeah i'm gonna scan that right now with my phone but it's in the car flirty girl fitness mermaid for real thing oh yeah she doesn't have a remote control and she's got there we'll cover it back up there you go lady here's another costume butterfly or something well i gotta tell you we need some punch oh boy he got a new hand three-handed i'll be a little bracelet yeah i have a little bracelet oh a little snow white banana peel that's disgusting miscellaneous miscellaneous toys here okay a little dolly whoa look at that wow that is elaborate man yeah hmm okay i think this is all good to toss they got a crib and oh what's this i think i've got a bunch of audio or video or something what is this oh dominoes i love dominoes domino duck dynasty puzzle is it sealed there's another duck dynasty fun we'll put those in there i think those are from dollar store i saw those there before oh these are the science guys you know the guys yeah yep myth busters fun is it a game look at this game simpsons trivia game awesome but this wasn't cheap this is launching one rocket oh look at this espn 21st century trivia this does not need to be in the trash some toy in theirs something's talking oh it's the walkie-talkie oh somebody's trying to kill you yep what's this cover your tracks fit the pieces hide the trail what's that this might be fun i'm gonna hold that and we'll look at it it's mexican bingo it says oh little pieces are falling out whoopsie we'll have to push them back in there like this what's this playing cards and poker chips awesome this is such a great pile of stuff checkers okay let's get these little pieces in okay that i wanted to look at it i'm wondering if it's a scavenger hunt or something and that might be fun with the kids i just wanted to see what it was find the pieces it's just thinking what do we do with that you put these things in there and give you clues look cover your tracks think fun [Music] fit the pieces huh so it's a puzzle that you don't know put together and then you have to oh and then there's little pieces that interesting okay we'll donate that somebody will enjoy that two more of those little mexican coins okay what else is in here that was fun that might be the end this one because i got the ones for the kids okay no those are oh yeah okay this it's too wet i'm not touching that it's just too too wet that orange thing just keeps the wood down there and right now we only have one donation place that will actually take kids stuff the other ones aren't taking them at all so and some of them haven't aren't even open oops what's this is it trash or is it stuff all the way out oh stuff okay polo the emperor of games neat put that in katie's little book what's this oh look at that look honey it's a cd rider that's cool that means it copies it yeah ooh this is an oldie some of these old electronics people are still this game or this book name that's an old book whoa whoa devil's dice do they just make it look old see if there's a um a date look at the edges i know are they just trying to make it look cold it's kind of scary it is 1896 and 1897. we gotta check that out okay i'm gonna we're gonna hold on to this devil's dice is there anything written in the back or anything it's an old book it is old wow it's a novel i think these edges are so old neat okay we're gonna check that out but it's kind of scary to me oh is this another old one swordplay who doesn't like swordplay that's another old one i think arthur of the ace of blades these might be collectors they could be all right 1926. whoa okay neat help me open all right what's this oh this is what that lid went to i think it's nice maybe here's some christmasy things i'll grab the lid if that's what it went to but what's this [Music] what's that book another one oh look is that the author maybe or whoever got it for him first edition 1928. what is it though mirror of dreams again pat okay cool look at these three because you never know it could be a collectible book let me see if that lid fits on this that is cool if you guys know about those books let us know there's stuff i'm setting aside for okay this lid looks like the right era doesn't it hope for that thing okay is this a hot plate i don't know this i think might be the lid for it let's see here's what it is electric corn popper oh then that's definitely not that's weird it fits i know where's the corn it just pops the corn and then this thing shoots off that's why you have little this looks like kind of a modern back to this but this looks old but that backing it's weird weird that it fits it but we could donate it somebody can figure out what to do with it okay let's see oh here's another bag running out of room in there [Music] oh two more bags maybe okay [Music] as you pull it up i'll try to grab it it's okay i'll try to grab it quickly what if it's filled with like books wait get in there farther get in there farther and then twist it okay oops okay no don't dig don't dig another hole because got it got it okay two another this one's gotta be what that is okay this is all books right here stuff books i think aren't even old though here i don't know but those other ones are i'm not a big fan of that devil one though hey we're going to look superstitious but yeah okay so these are more modern books all these looks can be done these are all great ones for katie's um thing this might be her age if her kids i don't know storybook collection we'll see if it's great for katie some of these might be good for grandkids too from lava to life oh like an educational grandfather's dream joy delivered well being heaven is for real uh that's just to advertise i thought that was that that's scary see what it says binocular yeah it's a bunny funny dracula look at you look at his teeth i know girl wash your face girl wash your face say hello to ciao ola oh about different ways to say hello okay these are all gonna go to katie's thing let's see what this box is oh it's a dusty box oh we'll put this in katie's thing anyway because bob's gonna love that a game boy bob is kind of katie's katie's husband and he is i wonder if this came from gamestop kind of a nerdy gamer he likes gamer and stuff no we gotta remember to put this aside cause she's gonna love that oh this is all for bob what is cool is this a actual memory card or something maybe these came from a troll oh it's a pin it's a controller that's in it a controller enamel pin okay this looks like kind of like does um like that loot box or whatever the loot crate thing what is that cigar what is the parkers are pins right oh pretty that's a nice pen oh that's an old-fashioned ink well you know what we need to give that to katie maybe because she has been doing um he has an error calligraphy right now is that a calligraphy pen yes seriously it looks like a calligraphy pen where you dip it in the thing or maybe you put ink in there and then you can calligraphy with it what if that's real gold it could be we better check it before oh it might be we'll check it out wow wonderful i didn't know she was doing calligraphy i just saw it on her facebook calligraphy made in france parker this is probably a nice pen like maybe it was made in france yeah well you'll get the french the french don't mess around okay this is more of that nintendo stuff okay so there's a bunch of nintendo this could i don't think his gamestop is in here an old cisco is that another walkie-talkie no i think it's a really old phone what's this hello oh some readers cool regulars we find a lot of readers we do and you know what you guys i think i'm starting to need them here's a watch like what eyes are changing i don't think i'm at three though you're not even at three no so this is uh these are nice that we'll donate these this is actually working it's just a ring oh yeah plastic watch there's another little nintendo this went with this stuff for sure power cord do you need this type yeah always well that fit that's a lightning for sure we'll keep that what's this and it what number three okay so those are getting donated chinese made in china that's pretty pretty what if there's something in there i gotta unwrap it crane it's got a crane it's hand decorated in gold so it does have gold you want to keep this i don't i don't really you want to put like your trinkets in it i don't really need it but it is pretty it is i'm going to put that saran wrap back on that's really pretty that's gold oh another crane inside that's really pretty it is pretty so it's a crane what does it say it does say in gold it does hand decorated in gold all right and it says taka takashi made in japan san francisco made in japan nice nice okay i'm gonna wrap this back up guys we don't want it to break so all this will be you're gonna give some of this to katie oh yeah this is going to bob for sure bob look at this even has a coin bob's going to love that yeah he's a i'm not saying he's a nerd what is this he's just a game guy he's coasters oh he's going to go oh he's going to love that that's going to be pretty he works for nintendo stuff in his bag who does he work for sony he works for sony but it's he has something to do with their games and stuff he's going to love this like uh he's a i don't know he's changed the positions changed a few times and he's your i.t guy he used to test the games and make sure they were working for people online cool okay okay and we're keeping this and i'm gonna get this checked out i might keep it by myself we can google that look it up it's an iron man we don't need this i don't really wear a watch but i like this one with a timer on it yeah that's not what to like okay such a cool we gotta check this pin okay we're gonna check this pin i should look this up too we'll check the pin check this what is that it's a tens unit amanda needs one was it amazing amanda amanda wanted one yeah i think it was amanda wanted one okay cool it's sealed honey so we're going to give that to amanda tim's unit got this we're going to check the crazy books it's going to katie for sure i'm kind of worried about those books to be honest with you all right all right so we got to get this box into the back of the car okay cool this is fun you got to drive the camera yeah and we got these books okay on to the next
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 303,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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