i bought a CUSTOMER RETURNS PALLET and this is what happened.. | clickfortaz

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ah it's cracked this is why you shouldn't give me money it passes all the tests my neighbors are definitely gonna hate me i don't think this one is smashed yeah that doesn't sound good hello i am wearing my what a bargain hoodie because i'm hoping to channel some good bargain energy today all will make sense my friends when i explain well do i even understand the concept myself debatable today we are going to explore the world of return palettes so what is a return palette basically x catalog returned goods that are sold at a liquidation marketplace for a fraction of the price and at first i was like why would anyone want returned goods because they were clearly returned for a reason right they're probably not working so why would anyone buy something that's broken but it turns out the reasons for retaining a product can be so vague and varied it's insane they could be faulty the wrong color box damaged and unwanted gift not as described by the catalogue parts missing or returned for the simple reason they have a guarantee and the customer has changed their mind so basically the vibe again is people can return goods for the wildest reasons when i hear the word return i think faulty and broken which potentially can be but there's also a chance that it might not sometimes that chance is higher than you think so the ones i really wanted to try were the amazon returns sadly they don't do that in the uk or at least i couldn't find it right now but then i came across this video and they used this website called mart hill so i checked it out and i decided okay you know what i'm gonna get a pilot from here i'm gonna take the risk let's just go for it so i went on mart hill dot co dot uk and that's a liquidation warehouse and they do a bunch of return palettes and they have different categories for it now since i recently moved in i thought the best category for me was household and as you can see it's very empty right now so you know it now seems like as good of time as any but what i noticed with this website was they gave you a list of the products you can expect and the prices everything is sold at 15 usually these boxes are valued as around like a thousand to two thousand pounds worth of goods that are sold at 15 so these boxes range from like 200 to 300 pounds at least the ones that i saw i chose one which was like 264 pounds but it was valued as 1 700. if this goes well i could have possibly saved a lot of money and again that excites me there's various reasons for why people will get this i suppose if you've just moved into new flight and you need a lot of furniture that could be one reason what some people do is they'll buy these return pallets and then they'll sell them because if they like good quality products you can sell them for like a better price and then you made profit from it so it's a business for a lot of people too they make it very clear on the website that these products haven't been tested or checked so you really don't know what you're getting it could be completely fine or it could be completely broken and that's a risk you have to be willing to take gonna think positively we're gonna manifest and i'm gonna manifest good positive bargain vibes it's just gonna be great i'm way too excited i need to lower my expectations down right now so let's wait for the box to arrive and then we'll find out if it was a good deal or not the palette arrived and i quickly realized what i had done all the boxes were marked as broken and damaged my flat had turned into a dumpsite oh have you ever had those moments of instant regret not working at all no power i don't know what i've done i don't know what i've done this is why you shouldn't give me money you know they say uh like wendy and adam you get access to adult money this is why i shouldn't have access to adult money because when i do i buy dumb stuff like this you can zoom out now like this oh why i have a perfectly nice new flat i could have filled with perfectly nice things this might work i regret this you know what it's not fine i really wanted this jeez it's like a big ear bed but it says it has a punk chop i bet you that mirror smashed i bet you any many is that smashed what do you say broken damage like me never thought i'd be able to relate to a mirror stage two is gonna be uh testing if things work and if they don't i have to somehow salvage it all brb i'm gonna go cry hello hello welcome to my junkyard yes i have given myself 24 hours to process the decision that i have made and it's time to go through the junk all right we've got a lot to get through let's do this okay so the first thing i picked up is i don't even know what this is ill i don't want to be touching that i don't even know what this is i don't even want to know what it is you know what this one is going to go in the dump pile moving on they have kindly provided me with a list of all the items gets distracted in freezer clothing rail ew why is it wet where's the thing that ah no oh you know what i think this might work emphasis on pink i think it works oh how does it stay up i just have to put these poles oh this is the wrong way around i don't know okay i have managed to build the clothing rail and like honestly it's fine we have ourselves a curling rail people i would say that's a success yeah that doesn't sound good this is a candle lid and then this my friends is the candle holder but you know what actually i think we can salvage this because i've seen this thing on tiktok where it's a japanese thing where they put like they glue things back together with like gold glue and it ends up making it look really artistic um so maybe this can be an item that i can try that on and just like turn it into something cool i think i'm missing a little bit here but if i just go over all of this in like gold glue it could potentially be salvageable and turn into like a nice piece of art well i'm going to keep this because the candle is brand new and i can kind of wick around this it's a mirror ah it's cracked okay oh it's a nice mirror though but it is cracked so as you can see there's a huge crack here another mirror okay and we have ourselves another crack mirror i mean i'm definitely getting so much bad luck for this i feel like this whole video is bad luck i have no idea what this is supposed to be [Music] okay this is going in the dump pile because i don't know what it is today is your day is it is it though now i just feel like they're mocking me i'm guessing you hang it on the wall but like what do you put on here i don't know if i want to be reminded of this day but i'll keep it i mean i know it means well but considering the context of this video it just sounds like a slap in the face okay now this looks promising it's photo frames but in the coolest like ah it's a 3d well all frames are 3d because we're in real life so it's basically just this piece came out on the back here but like that's fine you still you can't really tell i don't know everything else is fine this would look really good on the bookshelf okay let's see what it looks like on the bookshelf i like it's interesting it's something different i like it okay now that i'm sifting through things it's looking a bit more promising this is a clock which looks perfectly fine but i think the batteries i'm gonna try and put a battery in it but i have a feeling it doesn't work i have found the batteries i mean i know it's not gonna work but here's like i'm gonna try and use all my manifesting energy okay managed to get the battery in ah it is working i don't know if it's just in my head but is that is that handle not moving oh it's working okay so this thing works oh it does work oh great it says not [Music] i can't read that can someone try and tell me what this says because i can't understand i thought it said not working but it works i can hear it okay so this thing works i have a clock and it's actually not a bad clock that's quite nice we shall stick this on the bookshelf so this is one of the things that made me want to get the return box it's the digital picture frame okay well at least it's not smashed on the screen the bar is so low let's plug it in so turn on oh okay it turns on okay so i need to put a usb in on sd card i mean i do have an sd card but it's the one for my camera and i feel like that's just not gonna work on this like it's gonna be too big i don't have the appropriate sd card or something for it yeah there's no image because it's all video files but if it does have images on it then uh go back to the menu i mean it works i shall put this on the bookshelf where i put everything at this point oh i actually don't think there's anything wrong with these okay you know what maybe i got it wrong so far most of stuff is like good stuff got myself four brand new storage boxes and i shall put these on the bookshelf i mean i am starting to run out of space on my bookshelf but that is the perfect size that fits perfectly they have given me a lot of lamp shades i don't like lampshades so i'm not going to keep any of this stuff i have no idea what this is and where it's from so this is also going to the dump i forgot where my keep pile is that's my keypad a plant pot an orange plant pot that sounds up my street okay so here's half of my plant pot and here's the other half and together you make a beautiful symmetry no you don't this again could potentially be another art project for me also because it's not shined into so many parts if i just show the one half of it you can't even tell it's cracked so if i put this on my bookshelf i will have no room left on this bookshelf um like this no one's gonna be able to tell these haven't even been used very handy do need stuff like this so sick so it says it's marked and that's why they exchanged it but as you can see i don't really see any marks on them like they seem perfectly fine i honestly can't see anything wrong with this can you see how it's like okay let's not make a wist house okay so can you see how it's split here but i'm just gonna get some super glue and stick that together it's such a minor easy fix i like no one's gonna see that all right let's see if it fits in my bathroom if it does then that's perfect it does fit perfectly in like this little gap here that actually fits in perfectly got a bin which says rusting on it but i don't need a bin so i'm gonna put this in the bin another mirror it might not be smashed dinner oh i don't think this one is smashed okay [Music] let's not get too excited oh it's a good mirror oh ah okay okay we don't have a smashed mirror maybe my luck is changing again i don't need a mirror but i'm just happy that it's not smashed so this part here is cracked but like i don't know i can just like glue it together or something but for the most part this mirror is completely fine we've been through two mirrors which were like completely smashed and the third one came through okay we are making progress this video has taken so many turns i'm so confused and um but happy some more storage boxes these aren't broken unless i can't see it i don't understand how they're broken i love how this says received in broken yeah this one's just too broken it's not even worth trying to fix uh so i'm going to give up on this one this is an airtight food storage container i shall add this to my container collection next thing i want to test are these bins one of them is like okay one of them has been absolutely annihilated and like it looks like a car crash so we won't be touching this one but luckily i have this one and i don't know what's wrong with it but we shall find out it's a 70 liter recycling sensor bin but the sensor doesn't work oh it's just a regular bin it doesn't really do the whole so i'm guessing you're supposed to touch it there and then it like goes up but there's like two sections to it and then there's a bottom part there um all right well it's not sensible okay so i thought that the sensor was broken but turns out i just needed to put batteries in oh my god i got a sense of it oh it does work so i thought that this was broken because it said on the default sticker that the sensor's broken but i just put batteries in here and it works so turns out it was a battery that's so good i've got like four of them surely one of them must be fine hey this one okay we got one more legs oh wow oh my god this is actually really cool this is really i don't know where i'm gonna put this this is too fancy for my place oh wow this is so cool this is not what i was expecting when they said a tea light holder whoa this is really cool okay i'm really happy with this i love this okay i'm really happy when it said tea light holder i was not expecting something like this this is actually really cool i can just glue these on because they've come off but i can just like super glue them on that's like minor there's nothing broken with this but this is like really cool decor would go really nice on my bookshelf hi my room still looks like a dump love that for me i'm basically testing all the electrical goods so long story short i'm going to test them and see if they work and then i'm just going to go around giving people radiators apparently anyone need a radiator because i got a dozen i've got so many of these oh there's actually no reason i don't know if this is a good sign or bad sign but there's literally nothing written as the fault so that could potentially mean that there's nothing wrong with it okay so it works because it's turning on it's a very whoa that is hot okay it's like pretty instant oh wow okay it works oh i mean again it works perfectly fine next on the list is this heated blanket it's all plugged in i'm assuming these are the different temperatures oh and we're in business i don't know if it works or if i'm just like like i so desperately want it to work so i'm like imagining heat like a genu can't tell if it's actually heated or if i'm imagining it like bro this ain't heating anyone up is it it is it is working oh okay it does work i mean it took a while to get here but oh it does work okay i can feel the heat now for a minute i thought i was going a bit crazy but turns out it's not in my head no it is getting warm it is okay i can definitively say right now um it is getting warm i mean it takes a long while to get there if you need to be heated up for a while wouldn't recommend it but it is working i mean i should probably not put this on me i don't know where it's been um but it works this one looks brand new update it heats up oh okay it's getting real hot up in here on the tag it says doesn't heat and like it definitely does because i can feel it so i don't understand what that's about i think they might have just said it doesn't heat up i don't think they actually test it [Music] i've never had one of these inflatable beds where it's like you power it it's always just been like with a foot pump so if this wicks this could be a basic and then you just go like this i think it works so i've decided the test for this thing is if i can stand and walk on it and let's see oh it's fine dude this thing is fine i don't hear anything so i'm assuming there's no holes because i can't hear any air coming out a lot of these items work i think when the pallet first arrived there was so many faulty stickers on it that said broken that i thought everything would be broken and i kind of panicked and thought about the worst but now that i'm testing them out like this is a perfectly great inflatable bed there's no holes in it so that's great and it's like it works but this is weird i mean i don't know what's going on here but what's that about the final inflatable bed this is the one that i think i saw and i was like oh this was i think this is the most expensive item in on the list um so i really want this thing to work because then i can get my money's work but the fault sticker says puncture on it but now i have so but i have this theory right because technically if you bring this back to the store they're not really gonna test out in the store they're not gonna put out a whole double bed thing to see if there's a puncture right sometimes they might just take your word for it because a lot of these items were marked as broken but then once i've tested them out they were fine they worked fine i mean there's a few things that are kind of a problem i don't know i just have a theory like how would they know if there's a puncture i mean they then probably use a puncture but i'm trying to like hope for the best here but i already have two inflatable beds so even if this one doesn't work i still have two inflatable beds i feel like i made somewhat of my money back so it hasn't been a complete scab there is literally no room for this in this room okay i can definitely tell the difference between a bit this one feels so nice this one is really nice like i couldn't sleep very comfortably on this thing i feel like this is better than my bed i can't see any holes and i can't hear anything like i can't hear air coming out and like you know it passes all the tests my neighbors are definitely gonna hate me it definitely passes a test in terms of like it's up it's inflated i don't hear anything i don't see any holes i think it's gonna be fine but it did say puncture on the tag so i think for this one i'm gonna leave it overnight and then see what it looks like in the morning it is currently eight in the morning i just woke up can you tell and i slept in the living room last night i actually slept on this bad boy because i wanted to test it out it didn't deflate or anything so i think they just said that i don't think there's actually anything wrong with it it's a very comfortable bed i just bagged myself a really good inflatable bed i'm using this as a makeshift like sofa situation right now ow it doesn't deflate and got to sleep great 10 out of 10 review i reckon i got my monies with so this is all the broken items that went to the dump and this is all the items i kept i did a price check on all the items to see how much everything originally cost and how much money i saved and i was shocked the total width of all the items was 929 pounds and 95 pence i think the most important lesson from this video is don't judge a product by its fault sticker just because it says it's broken doesn't mean that it is i think the best things i got were the inflatable beds i got three and i gave one away to someone else who can use it too i managed to store them hopefully when there's a time that i can have people over i'm gonna have like a cool bed situation for them so that's pretty sick i never thought i would like a bin so much i'm like obsessed with my new sense of in i think it's really cool the beds were like hundreds of pounds and the bin is like 110 pounds so those items alone like cover the cost for like the whole palette i don't even think i need to go deco shopping anymore because like i got a bunch of cool stuff and they're all like brand new pretty much and like in great condition i really think i lucked out i thought when the palette first arrived i thought the whisk i was so sure that everything was just gonna be broken and smashed i almost wanted to cut the filming there then and be like okay this is a fail but um this just proves that you really need to just like test things out because just because it says it has a puncture on the box doesn't mean it does you know you could find some really good gems i definitely made my money back so we love that i definitely got good quality products for a fraction of the price so you know we love a bargain and i would say it was a success it's been a really interesting emotional experience i feel like i've gone through so many ups and downs but the most important thing is is that i'm happy at the end so that has been me testing out a returns palette i hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching i love your lots please know they matter and i shall see you guys next time thanks for watching bye
Channel: ClickForTaz
Views: 1,390,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: budget, cheap, return, returns, amazon, customer, shopping, online, shop, buy, bought, discount, challenge, vlog, uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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