SHE DIED ON THE COUCH | Abandoned Retro Time Capsule

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time is a hell of a thing it doesn't really favor anyone and just simply moves forward with or without us all things have a beginning and an ending but time simply just is there was a single mother who raised a family of three children inside this home her father built this place for her so she can raise her children after her husband tragically died in a car accident she was so devastated from losing the love of her life she never remarried making a promise to herself they'd meet again one day in heaven and for nearly 50 years she kept that promise often speaking of him and holding out for the day they'd be together again over the years her children grew up and started families of their own eventually all moving away but she always felt her destiny was in her home the place most familiar the place her father made just for her as time went on old age took its inevitable course her health gradually declined until one day just after her 90th birthday she laid down in her living room to take an afternoon nap and died peacefully in her sleep it had been a week since anyone had heard from her so her daughter drove to check on her finding her mother dead on the couch sadly her body had begun to decompose as you can imagine the horrific discovery of her mother was something she could have never prepared for and after the funeral the family simply locked the doors of the house and never returned everything was left inside i suspect that it was just all too painful to go back and so like the woman who lived here this home once full of love and life is now breaking down submitting to the cruel forward nature of time so let's explore this place and witness the story this home still has to tell us [Music] all right so here we are we have arrived [Music] we're gonna make it a quick hop and escape into this place man look at this car [Music] still here [Music] this looks amazing look at all this weather and like the moss growing on it something hasn't been moved in years [Music] all right here we go [Music] [Laughter] [Music] already this place looks amazing well first things first empty fridge that's good there's so much stuff still left behind [Music] some women's clothing an old organ and i love this style tv so it's a zenith i think that's how you pronounce this brand look at this old sewing machine [Music] you can tell this thing's been used so much i feel like someone's heart and soul was put into this thing this is incredible [Music] well there's an old letter the letter is dated august 4th 1987. [Music] i imagine it's probably a letter has something to do with uh maybe a sewing job all these supplies old buttons all still in here this is absolutely incredible an old newspaper article i don't know what the date on this is [Music] june 18th 1982 still old supplies man this is incredible [Music] [Music] wonder what this is this is laxative sometimes you just need a little help this is an incredible place guys i'm pretty blown away at all the things that are still left behind i feel like i just stepped back in time to like 1930. oh my god [Music] wow there's so much still here this place is fully loaded look at this look at these old photos who are these people [Music] man i could spend all day just going through all these drawers and all these old books and letters and photos and look at these old glasses an old toy an adventure book about the wild west checkbook just still sitting on the table dated for february 18th 1981 man the clothes still hanging up on the back of the door [Music] i love just this this scene right here [Music] there's a cat just chilling out on the front porch he looks pretty friendly oh no probably not that cat's pretty suspicious of me look at this china cabinet a bit of china still left these are really cool looking cups wow look at this look at all these old shoes still left behind oh my god my drawers stuck definitely women's clothing there's some old pillowcases someone's belt a little jewelry box it's an old like black suede purse so this is definitely the dining room there's just so much left behind it's really cool looking artwork the bathroom back here is collapsing in on itself man i just like keep getting hit with like these small whiffs of like smells of soap and perfume in this place it's like even though she's been dead for this long i still like am getting a brief sense of what this house used to smell like look at this a bird's nest inside here oh look at this it's an old cap looks like something an old woman would wear to a funeral [Music] oh my god wow look at this guys oh my god time really does feel frozen here when the old woman laid down her weary body in this room over 30 years ago she did so with the belief she'd see her love her in the afterlife meanwhile her home has been a well-kept secret the locals have kept a close eye on this place much like watching her home while she's away on her honeymoon much like protecting a grave from being robbed [Music] it's just a complete time capsule in this room oh this is the couch that she died on look at this there's still blood stains i'm absolutely blown away that it's just still here i can only imagine how difficult it is for the family to come and get any of the things in this house because you know they walk into this room and they have to see this you know blood stains on the couch it's no wonder all this stuff is just left behind there's so many bibles in this place lots of hymnals [Music] i wonder if they would sing old church hymns back in the day play the piano here a lot of the keys are broken on it [Music] such a beautiful instrument i love this old artwork [Music] so many dressers so much furniture in this place oh lots of old bugs very old fonts so here's the front door and there's a porch swing out there so much clothes still left this is all of her old clothes i wonder if this is our bedroom look at all these old antiques in this rocking chair this right here was flowers that were used for her funeral these are funeral decorations i imagine this was probably her bedroom let's see check it out here's more funeral decorations it's a really neat old dresser some more clothes look at all this i love this architecture in this house [Music] i love the wallpaper in it here a really cool texture to it as well it's kind of rough almost like sandpaper fine grit sandpaper well let's see what's upstairs shall we i need to be extremely careful up here that because of the risk of falling through the floors oh my god this house is absolutely amazing check this out hunter's horn imagine this is the horn and this is the book that goes with it i feel like there was definitely kids that lived here at one point maybe her grandchildren or maybe her children that grew up so this is the back door looking out the balcony of this house that overlooks the road of course it's all collapsed in but but it was amazing to sit out there in the summertime out on a rocking chair with a book a cup of coffee oh wow [Music] so this floor is definitely starting to cave in so i'm gonna walk extremely slow and carefully i wonder why all these old antiques are all just still left behind like this look at this dresser [Music] i love the color like the almost like a sunburn [Music] and it matches the bed same same color i love this bed look at this how it just kind of wraps around you and i've never seen a bed like that there's so much stuff still left behind [Music] then there's a baby crib over here [Music] oh wow look at this old dresser [Music] look at the paint all cracking on it oh my god this is one of the best time capsules i have ever seen this old fan this is incredible guys again just so much clothing all just left behind look at this old spring bed and this thin mattress [Music] i'm so blown away by this place [Music] i wonder who these people wearing these photos [Music] so it looks like we've pretty much covered this entire house and i want to thank you guys for coming along with me on this expiration of this amazing absolute time capsule with a pretty um sad but bittersweet story you know it seems like she lived a pretty good life and had a family who loved her very much at any rate if you guys enjoyed this video like subscribe let me know what you thought of it in the comments below and until next time stay off the beaten path
Channel: Jeremy Xplores
Views: 462,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urban exploration, urbex, decay, photography, abandoned building, abandoned house, abandoned church, abandoned car, abandoned school, abandoned prison, abandoned insane asylum, abandoned factory, abandoned bridge, abandoned photography, travel, abandoned places, abandoned mansion, documentary, video tour, time capsule, abandoned treasure, abandoned treasures
Id: hmXjBbkgFtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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